hahaha! You're too sweet dude! Considering you hold a monopoly on all things sexy; theres no doubt that I inevitably snatched it from you're room accidently! Forgive my stealth... I ASSURE YOU I DO NOT PLAY A ROGUE! Only in NWN 😀
you tell her if she had quit distracting with all the mountains and the hills of the valleys crap...I could have had better luck following the GPS..... 😛
Jay! OMG what can I say. You are totally the sweetest person ever. Thank you so much for your wonderful graduation wishes! I can't believe how much time has flown since I was complaining about the Praxis and getting into student teaching. Seriously it's so cliche but don't ever change Jay! You are awesome just the way you are! 🙂
I honestly didn't get to many pictures from Nest. And no I didn't get to your pm with the pictures. Whne I have a free moment I will send what I have to you but can I see what you took? Please?