goddess_nemesis Apr 20, 2010 Okie dokie. I dunno if I'll still be on then, but if I'm not, have a good night.
H H Helena Apr 17, 2010 I hope you are more comfortable tomorrow. Hilarious thoughts in Rob's answer thread. 😀
H H Helena Apr 17, 2010 Hoping you feel better. Here are some pretty colored flowers for you, my good friend.
goddess_nemesis Apr 12, 2010 I'm good. Tired but good. I think I'll be hitting the hay in a little bit.
goddess_nemesis Apr 11, 2010 Time out is sitting on a chair facing the corner of a room. At least that's what I've always thought a time out to be. 😛
Time out is sitting on a chair facing the corner of a room. At least that's what I've always thought a time out to be. 😛
goddess_nemesis Apr 11, 2010 Lol. Zod asked how things were in Canada Jr. Then I slapfighted with him. Then he acted all innocent so I say he's not innocent. Then he goes "Kurch, Nemmy says I ain't innocent" which I countered with "Kurch, Zod called Minnesota Canada Jr." We iz bickering like children.
Lol. Zod asked how things were in Canada Jr. Then I slapfighted with him. Then he acted all innocent so I say he's not innocent. Then he goes "Kurch, Nemmy says I ain't innocent" which I countered with "Kurch, Zod called Minnesota Canada Jr." We iz bickering like children.
goddess_nemesis Apr 11, 2010 Don't be sorry, kurch! Me and Zod are just teasing each other, being silly.
goddess_nemesis Apr 10, 2010 <marquee behavior=alternate direction=left> </marquee> <marquee behavior=alternate direction=right> </marquee> <marquee behavior=alternate direction=left> </marquee> <marquee behavior=alternate direction=right> </marquee> <marquee behavior=alternate direction=left> </marquee>
<marquee behavior=alternate direction=left> </marquee> <marquee behavior=alternate direction=right> </marquee> <marquee behavior=alternate direction=left> </marquee> <marquee behavior=alternate direction=right> </marquee> <marquee behavior=alternate direction=left> </marquee>
H H Helena Apr 9, 2010 I was watching animal planet "I shouldn't be alive" and fell asleep on my couch! Damn. I missed it. I hope there will be another night!
I was watching animal planet "I shouldn't be alive" and fell asleep on my couch! Damn. I missed it. I hope there will be another night!