I want to read your freaking story, but I'm freaking confused. 😕 I follow link, but I don't know what the hell I'm doing so I clicked on the file you attached to the thread but that didn't work.
I saw the funniest pirate porno ever. It was like Pirates of the Carribean, and it had great production value and was worth it for the hilarious storyline alone. and I'm pretty sure it was a sequel too..
Hehe, I'm sorry for replying to this terribly late. XD I haven't checked in a while. But indeed, I am quite awesome for something I don't remember doing. 😀
Oh! Now I get what you're asking me. You're not asking *how* to block music widgets, you're asking what *might be* blocking music widgets! Dang, I'm dumb. 😀
Depends. Which forum are you trying to post it in? Some sections don't allow HTML, which such a widget would need.
No forum option. If you have a browser that lets you block flash by site (or has an extension that does this), you could do that. If there is a widget that is autoplaying, tell me where so I can kill it. We frown on that.
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