Awww.. I miss you guys! .. Alot. I don't know if i'll get to talk to you before Christmas, but I REALLY hope you and your wife have an AMAZING Christmas!!
Haha! That about sums it all up doesn't it? 😀 Well, I finally got my butt out to the mall, so I got most of it done... not all, but most 😀 This is progress... normally I'm WAY more last minute than this, lol. Enjoy your day, will talk soon!
No worries man! I've had a nagging headache the last while, so not sure drinking is the answer.... then again, maybe it is! j/k I think it's a busy time for a lot of folks, we'll get it in another time 😀
Sounds like a plan for sure! 😀 I'll see what I can do... Skype is probably best. Working on Deadly to d/l it, I think she will. Carso will be in for sure 😀
I know, I heard about that! ... It was nuts yesterday, and today isn't supposed to be any better... I was hoping to christmas shopping today, i'm going stir crazy being in the house!