K K KrazieDog Dec 23, 2008 Happy Holidays Mel. I hope you have a great time this week if you are hanging out with your family during school break. Be safe sweetie. 🙂
Happy Holidays Mel. I hope you have a great time this week if you are hanging out with your family during school break. Be safe sweetie. 🙂
B B badreligion Dec 22, 2008 oh well if i have time after ill stop and pick up my contacts if not ill get em later or tomorrow . So what time do you work
oh well if i have time after ill stop and pick up my contacts if not ill get em later or tomorrow . So what time do you work
B B badreligion Dec 22, 2008 oh no nothing at all , i gotta wear em when i workout tho which kinda bugs me
B B badreligion Dec 22, 2008 sounds fun i gotta go shopping and if i got time pick up my contacts . i gotta wear my glasses today which sucks
sounds fun i gotta go shopping and if i got time pick up my contacts . i gotta wear my glasses today which sucks
B B badreligion Dec 22, 2008 fun i just ate . what are you gonna have ? I had grits and eggwhites lol
M M Marquis De Sade Dec 18, 2008 CONGRATUL...oh wow. Yeah, I like your layout too. Umm...oh yeah. ATIONS!!! On graduating. 😀
B B badreligion Dec 17, 2008 You Rock you knew everything about me that i posted in my members profile 🙂 i is loved
S S sasaxrah Dec 16, 2008 Hooray, congratulations! You're done this semester or in the spring? I'm good. I taught my kids about jazz today, and it was awesome.
Hooray, congratulations! You're done this semester or in the spring? I'm good. I taught my kids about jazz today, and it was awesome.