S S slacker2114 Sep 22, 2010 Oh, and in the event that neither team goes to the playoffs, we'll go by record.
S S slacker2114 Sep 22, 2010 Deal. You'll look good in my Lambert jersey. Or maybe even my 6 Super Bowls jersey. 😀
S S slacker2114 Sep 22, 2010 $100 isn't a friendly bet, that's a hustle...lol I meant, what is the bet gonna be?
Snail Shell Sep 19, 2010 Bad news for your boy Sonnen... http://www.mmamania.com/2010/9/19/1697443/sonnen-test-postive-for-peds
Bad news for your boy Sonnen... http://www.mmamania.com/2010/9/19/1697443/sonnen-test-postive-for-peds
M M Miss Serendipity Sep 15, 2010 K Back to finish my sentence.. Awesome! you're awesome. that is all! 😀
S S Sweed Sep 14, 2010 Pleeease, can you free me in Deadly's tickle thread? After all, it's HER thread, not mine 😉 xD
S S slacker2114 Aug 30, 2010 Same here. But priorities are a bitch, ya know? Stacy and I could definitely have used the long weekend. But no worries...we'll be in Ohio in November at least.
Same here. But priorities are a bitch, ya know? Stacy and I could definitely have used the long weekend. But no worries...we'll be in Ohio in November at least.
V V venray Aug 23, 2010 I know bro...Mom is back in the hospital fro treatment so I will have to be here for her and to take care of the boy...
I know bro...Mom is back in the hospital fro treatment so I will have to be here for her and to take care of the boy...