Go to radio forum and find any thread by Lee or Amanda. Click on the Forbidden Female ritual Button in the small box at bottom of post and the show should start automatically.
In NYC *hating* her because you couldn't get away from her. She was coming out of radios that weren't even turned on, and 5000000000 little girls were trying to look just like her. 5th grade girls dressed like '80's Madonna was just...no.
It's funny, all my life I've thought I wasn't a huge Madonna fan...but recently I realized I like most of her stuff and play plenty of it. Which makes one a fan 😀
Yes I did, thanks! I never really liked that song, it just doesn't do it for me, but it *was* racy as heck for the time. I prefer her Human Nature song and the video 🙂
MUCH better, thank you for asking. The doc checked me out yesterday and said it was indeed a normal reaction I just needed to rest even more; I took Ibuprofen PM last night and slept 12 hours but woke up feeling 95% fine 🙂
Um, thanks. Because every woman wants a man to list what she needs to reduce and tighten on her body
Feeling better, Aleve seems to have helped a lot; but I have part 2 of my full physical in about an hour and I'm going to have my doc check out my underarm while I'm there 🙂
Hey there! I have been doing pretty good. You know aside from crazy work hours and allergies attacking hahahaha! I am so looking forward to Bella's and seeing everyone. Nov can't come fast enough for me. I am going to be setting up hotle stuff this weekend. How have you been?
It's a natural reaction in my lymph nodes, it'll go back to normal soon. I just have to take it a little easy until then and take Ibuprofen (anti-inflammatory). I just wish it wasn't my left, they assumed I'm a righty so they jacked up the wrong side 😡