Afternoon preferably. LOL I'm not a morning person. But the afternoon will still allow plenty of comic sorting time. I'll pm you my phone number and addy.
Super, I didn't want you to think I was blowing you off. I'm MAXIMUM excited for comic and movie day. Does pulled chicken in a sweet tomato sauce sound good? Cause that's what we're eatin!!
FAAAAVOR TO AAAASSSSSK! Can we switch to Sunday? If not that's cool, but something came up that I'd like to take care of if possible that I won't be able to on Sunday.
LOL You remember well, young grasshopper. Besides, there's only one way of getting some hot comic action, and that's coming here. They're all stacked against one wall now and I saved some empty boxes for ideal comic deposit.
The best foggy answer I can give now is "soon". My last day of work is tomorrow, but I'm visiting with my sister this weekend since she just came home from Indonesia this week. I can do weekdays now that I'll be out of work...buuuuuuuut not sure what your schedule is like. So...what's it like? LOL
Mayhap this weekend? On Friday I'm picking up 15 UPS boxes worth of comics from a friend who's giving them to me for free! Hours of sorting entertainment. 😀
See it with meeeeeeeeeeee!! I keep asking my sister to go see movies with me and she already has seen them all and completely forgets to ever ask me to go.