People just keep sneaking up on me, though! They always come up from behind and I hear a "...Morgan?" I'm gonna have to get a less recognizable look, or at least be more presentable when I step out -- a weeks worth of stubble rendered me more yeti than usual... Nice meetin' the ankle-biter, too. 🙂 She seems a funny tyke.
Loved the movie, but my dad kills me -- he said, "I think that last scene with the butterfly was the best of all." "Why?" sez I. "You could really feel the 3-D!" he says!
...he's got this thing where his 3-D vision goes in and out... Apparently, it was "off" for the bulk of the movie and just kicked in toward the end. >sigh< But yeah -- 'twas good having the characters thrown into a coherent plot w/three act structure, awesome visuals, too. Didn't even recognize Crispin Glover as "Stayne".