mandahhh Mar 12, 2013 Hey! Life's alright. I'm still job hunting, which is so annoying! I need a job already haha. Also, I have a cold that needs to go away! How are you?
Hey! Life's alright. I'm still job hunting, which is so annoying! I need a job already haha. Also, I have a cold that needs to go away! How are you?
Miss Sassy1 Oct 21, 2012 Bahahaha, hello. :stickout Not sure how long I'll be on. Dad's got us running around doing shit, haha xD but hi 🙂
Bahahaha, hello. :stickout Not sure how long I'll be on. Dad's got us running around doing shit, haha xD but hi 🙂
Miss Sassy1 Oct 15, 2012 Can you please get back on ym? I didn't want you to leave and I promise not to lose my temper with you again, just please get back on, please?
Can you please get back on ym? I didn't want you to leave and I promise not to lose my temper with you again, just please get back on, please?
Miss Sassy1 Oct 11, 2012 *hugs* I knows. I get notifications when threads I've subscribed to are updated. *goes to read*