That is awesome Ticklehound :) It is Sooo hard to find a person you feel is the love of your life AND such being paired with her accepting you and all of your "interests" awesome blessing indeed :)
Hi Nedstacey2... I am so very sorry for the loss of your wife. A loss of such magnitude as the love of your life can and does leave a gaping hole in our hearts,our very being, and every aspect of our lives. While I have suffered loss, I cannot begin to know what it must be like watching the...
Interesting thread...My favorite thing to do with them is watch them/share them when I am in a relationship. It can be so much fun to use them as a foundation to elaborate upon and use in our own way that is personal to us...and during these times I prefer M/F or M/F/F and always "replace" the...
Ditto. I like to think of the multitude of scenarios I have indulged in as "favorites" not "best"...I tend to perseverate (Is that a word?) lol...on a particular theme of tickle fantasies for a period of time and then switch to another...I call it fiending but it is pretty much as TYP states...
I agree with the general consensus of....not a wise thing to try if you ever want to see the girl again, unless as CassandraMarie points out, you know her well and have a laugh about it. Additionally, I also agree that the other person probably would see it as a joke and laugh it off. That as...
Thank you JamMan43, for starting a thread discussing the topic of depression and the potential for it to lead to suicidal thoughts, and even completed suicide, when left untreated. I agree that in the wake of Robin Williams death I too have been more mindful of this disease and having a strong...
Stunned and deeply saddened on many's tragic when anyone feels such despair that suicide seems to be the only solution...(many of us have been there and some of us visit that place a little too often) but Robin Williams was just one of those people that touches people so profoundly...