1st Level Red Feather
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Yesterday, I spent a fun, albeit rainy day with my daughter at Splashdown beach. Even though the day was interrupted several times by thunder and Floridian-like tropical storm bursts, we stayed until they threw us out.
This was my last day with my daughter before she would go to NC for the remainder of summer to stay with my brother. This is also the first time she and I will be separated for any significant period of time and the first time I have been alone- alone in forever.
Standing there after they boarded the plane, pathetically waving and crying long after they were gone; my decade long wish of having just one day alone, suddenly lost its appeal. Not wanting to go home to an empty house I called a longtime friend I have not seen and barely spoken to over the past four years, to see if he wanted to hang out. He said no promises but he would try to stop over after work.
So I trudged home with mock-enthusiasm determined to embark on my self-proclaimed, self-absorbed, remainder-of-the-summer, “This-will-go- down- in- history as the most kick-ass game ever of Diablo 3 adventure.” Which in and of itself is such a joke because even though I am a longtime admirer of video games my level of expertise, if you will, is basically limited to that of avidly observing others game play as I annoyingly ask really stupid questions that either end with me getting tickled or begging for me to please leave, lol.
Anyway, VG novice that I am, I feigned zealousness and made myself believe that I had seen enough of diablo to know what I was doing. I was mostly anticipating losing my thoughts in the game so I wouldn’t have to think about missing my daughter. Anyway, I was in fact very nearly barefoot, which makes everything more enjoyable.
As a funny side note, approximately 90 minutes into my game, I noticed that one of my socks somehow ended up on my cats back as she lay comatose along the bottom of the refrigerator (I think I may have flung it there while being attacked by random monsters, lol.) The other sock still clung possessively around the middle area of my right foot, unintentionally keeping my toes warm while they inadvertently covered and warmed the toes on my left, so it was quite the nice arrangement, lol. The remaining sock threatened too however to get kicked off as my wizard –character Eve, continued traveling through the darkened woods, looking for more monsters and hoping I didn’t see any, lol.
Okay, digression complete. With that as backdrop, Jeremy arrived, we ate some bad food that he brought, talked and laughed for a while. Not believing I could be as inept at Diablo 3 as I claimed to be, he urged me to resume playing; generously offering his expertise to guide me, (though comically admonishing me for never having even opened the PC version of Diablo 2 battle chest that I have owned for so long that it has the original Diablo in it, lol.) Anyway, second digression complete, lol.
Game play ensued and much funny dialogue that cheered me up immensely. While there was much hilarity, for the sake of brevity, I will exclude it and skip ahead. This part is relevant however, so that I can get to the good stuff, lol.
“I killed the queen?!? I was genuinely shocked, lol.
Jeremy laughed, “How do you not know you killed the wretched queen? Don’t you know what you’re killing?”
“Not really, this game is scary as hell, monsters were snarling and ambushing me from everywhere so I just went crazy and shot things at them until they stopped” I laughed defensively. I noticed only then that he was sitting closer to me on the couch as we goofed around.
“You’re crazy, lol. He shyly squeezed my side, which caused me to screech and seemed to relax us both.
(Another quick side note: lesson to all of you guys who are unsure; please do go ahead and squeeze her, she probably, most definitely wants you to!)
After a few minutes more of game play…He is laughing at me, a lot, lol. ”Whoa…hold up there Gilligan, you passed the hidden cellar three times”
“Well, then maybe they shouldn’t HIDE it?” “Okay so whatever, here we are at the hidden cellar, now what?” “Oh look, let’s go over there.” I laughed, trying to divert his attention, lol.
“Go inside the cellar, crazy, lol.”
“No” I laughed.
He laughs so hard, “You have to go in.”
“No, it’s dark.”
“I know it’s dark,” he mocked me, just go in” He kind of pinched my left side while lightly digging his finger in and I twisted my body and almost squirmed off the couch, lol.
“Uh uh”
He laughed, “Go in or you can’t move forward.”
“Don’t ever tell me how to live my life, or play my game,” I was trying to not laugh and to appear to know what I was doing but he saw right through me, lol.
He laughed, “Margie, go into the cellar.”
“I don’t want to.”
Laughing more, he gave me a few firm pokes in my rib making me giggle and squirm, again.
“I know you don’t want to…but…Do it!” He laughed and squeezed both my sides again, deeper and longer this time.
Giggling harder now, trying to hold onto my controller, I held my left hand against his to protect my ribs while I antagonized him to tickle me more. (Hey, what can I say, that is what I do, lol)
“Look,” I said tenaciously, “I don’t do cellars, and no one is going to make me,” Meanwhile, my wizard was hilariously just running around like some crazy person, lol.
“Oh, I’ll make you.” He smiled…he was trying to move my free hand away from blocking his.
My eyes were fixated on the screen as I tried not to laugh. Pausing the game and setting my controller down I looked him square in the face, with brutal seriousness…“You… (poking him lightly) and all the wretched mothers; and the queen; AND those creepy things that slither towards me with their upper bodies, even after I destroy them, CANNOT make me go into that cellar”
He grabbed me so fast it actually scared me, LOL!! For once in my life my gasp wasn’t only from the tickle-squeeze, lol.
“What are you doing? I laughed, trying to protect myself.
“I’m tickling you until you go into the cellar” He was mock laughing and really tickling the hell out of me!!! We both fell to the floor and I am screaming with laughter; and he keeps saying very funny things and squeezing, grabbing, tickle-poking and openly tickling me everywhere. I’m thinking, this is freaking awesome…he doesn’t even realize we are having the best sex ever right now, lol.
After him telling me in very funny ways how he will break me and make me go into the cellar…he slowed down tickling me and things got weird, like that moment when there is a kiss…so not ready for anything like that I fought to regain composure from my post-tickle giggle-bursts and moved away from him, back to the couch where I had been playing from, leaving him sitting on the floor.
Still dealing with residual laughter, feeling increasingly brazen from the tickle attack, and wanting more, I broke the ice I created by creeping my toes across the floor, over to his hand and nudged it with my toes. Now up to this point he had been tickling me primarily on my sides and back. So what happened next truly did startle me in the best way!
Positioned at the perfect height on the floor, he grabbed my foot by wrapping his hand around my arch and dug his thumb into my sole making me scream very loudly. I was thankful we were alone in the house, lol.
He held my foot like that for several minutes and tickled the hell out of it with his other hand.
My controller and pillows ended up across the room as I twisted everywhere and kicked my foot loose (this is why I must be restrained, lol) all while trying adamantly to affirm that I will not do whatever…at this point I had forgotten, lol.
Now he started squeezing me behind my left knee which tickled like mad and he was just tickling and poking me everywhere… (This is where stocks come in handy, lol)
Anyway, more hilarious verbal exchanges, so I am screaming with laughter and he pulls me back to the floor when I stupidly dig my foot into the couch between the cushion and frame (which I did not notice until today that my ankle hurts like hell, lol.)
We wrestled for a bit and I actually heard myself saying “Okay, stop it! Stop it!!!” I never say that! I was laughing that hard!
“Are you okay?” He asked through residual laughter.
“I…am… awesome…” I managed to whisper, but we both laughed because I sounded like I was near death, lol.
I figured there was no holding back now, I boldly told him that while my foot was momentarily trapped under the couch cushion the threat of tickle torture on the bottom of my foot was “foreplay-awesome”, lol. I didn’t really expect him to do anything in response to that but he grabbed my ankles and pulled my feet into his lap, playing with me again.
“Arrrgh, we have ways of making you go into that cellar!”
“Why do you sound like a pirate?” Laughing so hard.
“Arrrgh, I don’t know!!” Both laughing.
He tickled both of my feet, tops and bottoms for several more amazing minutes! More hilarious verbal exchanges, a lot of laughing and I am thinking, a very good “Pirate” segue for me to introduce to him (next time) regarding my favorite fictional character, Captain Feather sword.
Now, I know that in comparison to the awesome tickling experiences in the world and definitely on this forum, this one is probably exciting on the lowest end of the tickling spectrum, lol…so I don’t know what it says about me or my life but this was by far one of the most fun nights I have had in …well, I don’t know in how long. It just felt share-worthy.

This was my last day with my daughter before she would go to NC for the remainder of summer to stay with my brother. This is also the first time she and I will be separated for any significant period of time and the first time I have been alone- alone in forever.
Standing there after they boarded the plane, pathetically waving and crying long after they were gone; my decade long wish of having just one day alone, suddenly lost its appeal. Not wanting to go home to an empty house I called a longtime friend I have not seen and barely spoken to over the past four years, to see if he wanted to hang out. He said no promises but he would try to stop over after work.
So I trudged home with mock-enthusiasm determined to embark on my self-proclaimed, self-absorbed, remainder-of-the-summer, “This-will-go- down- in- history as the most kick-ass game ever of Diablo 3 adventure.” Which in and of itself is such a joke because even though I am a longtime admirer of video games my level of expertise, if you will, is basically limited to that of avidly observing others game play as I annoyingly ask really stupid questions that either end with me getting tickled or begging for me to please leave, lol.
Anyway, VG novice that I am, I feigned zealousness and made myself believe that I had seen enough of diablo to know what I was doing. I was mostly anticipating losing my thoughts in the game so I wouldn’t have to think about missing my daughter. Anyway, I was in fact very nearly barefoot, which makes everything more enjoyable.
As a funny side note, approximately 90 minutes into my game, I noticed that one of my socks somehow ended up on my cats back as she lay comatose along the bottom of the refrigerator (I think I may have flung it there while being attacked by random monsters, lol.) The other sock still clung possessively around the middle area of my right foot, unintentionally keeping my toes warm while they inadvertently covered and warmed the toes on my left, so it was quite the nice arrangement, lol. The remaining sock threatened too however to get kicked off as my wizard –character Eve, continued traveling through the darkened woods, looking for more monsters and hoping I didn’t see any, lol.
Okay, digression complete. With that as backdrop, Jeremy arrived, we ate some bad food that he brought, talked and laughed for a while. Not believing I could be as inept at Diablo 3 as I claimed to be, he urged me to resume playing; generously offering his expertise to guide me, (though comically admonishing me for never having even opened the PC version of Diablo 2 battle chest that I have owned for so long that it has the original Diablo in it, lol.) Anyway, second digression complete, lol.
Game play ensued and much funny dialogue that cheered me up immensely. While there was much hilarity, for the sake of brevity, I will exclude it and skip ahead. This part is relevant however, so that I can get to the good stuff, lol.
“I killed the queen?!? I was genuinely shocked, lol.
Jeremy laughed, “How do you not know you killed the wretched queen? Don’t you know what you’re killing?”
“Not really, this game is scary as hell, monsters were snarling and ambushing me from everywhere so I just went crazy and shot things at them until they stopped” I laughed defensively. I noticed only then that he was sitting closer to me on the couch as we goofed around.
“You’re crazy, lol. He shyly squeezed my side, which caused me to screech and seemed to relax us both.
(Another quick side note: lesson to all of you guys who are unsure; please do go ahead and squeeze her, she probably, most definitely wants you to!)
After a few minutes more of game play…He is laughing at me, a lot, lol. ”Whoa…hold up there Gilligan, you passed the hidden cellar three times”
“Well, then maybe they shouldn’t HIDE it?” “Okay so whatever, here we are at the hidden cellar, now what?” “Oh look, let’s go over there.” I laughed, trying to divert his attention, lol.
“Go inside the cellar, crazy, lol.”
“No” I laughed.
He laughs so hard, “You have to go in.”
“No, it’s dark.”
“I know it’s dark,” he mocked me, just go in” He kind of pinched my left side while lightly digging his finger in and I twisted my body and almost squirmed off the couch, lol.
“Uh uh”
He laughed, “Go in or you can’t move forward.”
“Don’t ever tell me how to live my life, or play my game,” I was trying to not laugh and to appear to know what I was doing but he saw right through me, lol.
He laughed, “Margie, go into the cellar.”
“I don’t want to.”
Laughing more, he gave me a few firm pokes in my rib making me giggle and squirm, again.
“I know you don’t want to…but…Do it!” He laughed and squeezed both my sides again, deeper and longer this time.
Giggling harder now, trying to hold onto my controller, I held my left hand against his to protect my ribs while I antagonized him to tickle me more. (Hey, what can I say, that is what I do, lol)
“Look,” I said tenaciously, “I don’t do cellars, and no one is going to make me,” Meanwhile, my wizard was hilariously just running around like some crazy person, lol.
“Oh, I’ll make you.” He smiled…he was trying to move my free hand away from blocking his.
My eyes were fixated on the screen as I tried not to laugh. Pausing the game and setting my controller down I looked him square in the face, with brutal seriousness…“You… (poking him lightly) and all the wretched mothers; and the queen; AND those creepy things that slither towards me with their upper bodies, even after I destroy them, CANNOT make me go into that cellar”
He grabbed me so fast it actually scared me, LOL!! For once in my life my gasp wasn’t only from the tickle-squeeze, lol.
“What are you doing? I laughed, trying to protect myself.
“I’m tickling you until you go into the cellar” He was mock laughing and really tickling the hell out of me!!! We both fell to the floor and I am screaming with laughter; and he keeps saying very funny things and squeezing, grabbing, tickle-poking and openly tickling me everywhere. I’m thinking, this is freaking awesome…he doesn’t even realize we are having the best sex ever right now, lol.
After him telling me in very funny ways how he will break me and make me go into the cellar…he slowed down tickling me and things got weird, like that moment when there is a kiss…so not ready for anything like that I fought to regain composure from my post-tickle giggle-bursts and moved away from him, back to the couch where I had been playing from, leaving him sitting on the floor.
Still dealing with residual laughter, feeling increasingly brazen from the tickle attack, and wanting more, I broke the ice I created by creeping my toes across the floor, over to his hand and nudged it with my toes. Now up to this point he had been tickling me primarily on my sides and back. So what happened next truly did startle me in the best way!
Positioned at the perfect height on the floor, he grabbed my foot by wrapping his hand around my arch and dug his thumb into my sole making me scream very loudly. I was thankful we were alone in the house, lol.
He held my foot like that for several minutes and tickled the hell out of it with his other hand.
My controller and pillows ended up across the room as I twisted everywhere and kicked my foot loose (this is why I must be restrained, lol) all while trying adamantly to affirm that I will not do whatever…at this point I had forgotten, lol.
Now he started squeezing me behind my left knee which tickled like mad and he was just tickling and poking me everywhere… (This is where stocks come in handy, lol)
Anyway, more hilarious verbal exchanges, so I am screaming with laughter and he pulls me back to the floor when I stupidly dig my foot into the couch between the cushion and frame (which I did not notice until today that my ankle hurts like hell, lol.)
We wrestled for a bit and I actually heard myself saying “Okay, stop it! Stop it!!!” I never say that! I was laughing that hard!
“Are you okay?” He asked through residual laughter.
“I…am… awesome…” I managed to whisper, but we both laughed because I sounded like I was near death, lol.
I figured there was no holding back now, I boldly told him that while my foot was momentarily trapped under the couch cushion the threat of tickle torture on the bottom of my foot was “foreplay-awesome”, lol. I didn’t really expect him to do anything in response to that but he grabbed my ankles and pulled my feet into his lap, playing with me again.
“Arrrgh, we have ways of making you go into that cellar!”
“Why do you sound like a pirate?” Laughing so hard.
“Arrrgh, I don’t know!!” Both laughing.
He tickled both of my feet, tops and bottoms for several more amazing minutes! More hilarious verbal exchanges, a lot of laughing and I am thinking, a very good “Pirate” segue for me to introduce to him (next time) regarding my favorite fictional character, Captain Feather sword.
Now, I know that in comparison to the awesome tickling experiences in the world and definitely on this forum, this one is probably exciting on the lowest end of the tickling spectrum, lol…so I don’t know what it says about me or my life but this was by far one of the most fun nights I have had in …well, I don’t know in how long. It just felt share-worthy.

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