Sorry Tickles but I only have my four best friends on my MySpace page. These are the people I tell it all to. I have known all of them for more than 20+ years. So I guess we'll just have to keep chatting thru here or on Yahoo.
hello thank you for the message
and for complimenting my photo 🙂
i shall put some more up soon
i have accepted your friend request also
best wishes
Well just let me know when your on again and I set you up as my contact on MySpace. And if your very very lucky maybe I'll let you see those pictures of my feet when I get them taken after the pedi and decorating.
Actually, I can add you as a 'contact' instead of a 'friend' on MySpace and IM with you that way. I just need to know when you are going to be on so I can add you as a contact. Or if you see me (Italiana Boo) on I can tell you how to do it that way.
Yes I know how to IM but it will not show you on when I am logged on unless you are a friend already then I can IM you. I IM friends all the time in there but its because they are friends and I see them on line.
By the way Thank you for noticing my Name on the Contact Info. I took that off of there. I don't mind people knowing my first name but they sure didn't need the whole thing. Just what I need Identity Theft. Thanks! 🙂