I know of a place in Toronto that sells 4-foot body pillows with images of famous anime school girls, dressed in various outfits. They run about $70CDN
And poutine.. Well... I have no answer for that one. I don't even understand that one myself... HOWEVER, we DID bring to you epic awesomness known as HOCKEY!!
That was a great show tonight! Got to stay in more on fridays 😀 pls give a hug to Tracy for me! And I'll just keep on poking you, preferably during the days 😀
I just wanted to let you know, unforunately, I'm gunna have to miss your guy's show tonight. We just closed in on our house lastnight, and we are moving in 5 weeks!! ... So, that means we now have to get furniture and stuff for it! .. Have a great show, and i'll listen to it in the archives!
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