merely want to sell a few old videos...
I'm not really gung-ho about re-selling videos. Look, you order a video off the internet. You watch it. It's sucks. Or, it's good, but you get bored with it after a while. You go out and buy another one that you think you'll like. It's okay, or it's great, whatever.
After a while, a few years sometimes, you find you have a lot of videos. You haven't watched some in months or years. You're like, "Man, I got too many of these, I wasted a lot of money. Oh well, I'll just sell the ones I don't want anymore on Ebay, and let someone else enjoy them." They're not brand new, never been played, because they've been watched a few times. The cardboard might be slightly messed up. You obviously will have to sell them for cheaper than you purchased them. You realize you will have a loss, sometimes of a lot of money. You may buy it for $40.00, and only sell it for $15.00.
But then you find out you CAN'T sell it al all. Of course you'd be pissed off.
That's why many are slightly pissed. No, it's not the end of the world, but it's a loss of money. I just want to sell a few old videos. That's all.
That's not all, of course. I DID list a video twice. If you don't sell it the first time, if no one wants to buy it, which happens a lot, you have to list it again. I list ten videos, I will only sell three. I have to re-list the other seven, again. Then only two sell. Then I have to re-list five, again. .50 cents every time. I am currently selling soem videos I have listed a few times. OR, and this happened twice, I listed a video. It sold. I was charged .50 cents, AND the percentage of the sale, a few dollars. The other guy, the buyer, doesn't claim his video. So I STILL have the video, but I lost two or three dollars because Ebay thinks the sale went through. That gets aggravating after a while.
I realize people sell copies of tapes, and I have spoken out about before. I realize these are small companies, and every sale lost to piracy means you guys are that much closer to having no sales at all and shutting down. Or, losing money and having cheaper production values. I'm also against people who post saying they will share passwords to sites, for the same reason. I believe in capitalism, and FAIR capitalism more importantly. Selling copied tapes effects the market and customers adversley, causing prices to go up, (which they have) quality to go down because of lack of funds for new video projects, and inevitably causing companies to shut down because they have no revenue coming in. All of this hurts everyone, especially us.
And, copied tapes are a scam to the buyer, because with analog VHS technology, a copy loses a lot of quality. It's grainy, the sound isn't as good, and it basically sucks. I hold quality high up on the scale of what to buy, and I despise paying a lot of money for poor quality. Everytime you play a copied tape, you lose even more quality, and eventually you end up with a grainy, staticy tape. That sucks.
I have never bought a copied tape, and certainly never will, because it wouldn't be worth the dollar spent on the raw tape.
BUT, I don't know where this '95% of the people are pirates' comes from. If it's based on the fact that people merely re-list videos that weren't sold, I can see where the confusion would be. I will say, RealTickling and Paradise Vision usually sell pretty fast. Someone shouldn't hvae a hard time selling one of their tapes, and shouldn't have to list it ten times. Way back when, when we could sell them, I sold the one or two I had with the first listing on Ebay. Now, FM Concepts, well, some sell quickly, but I have a few here that I have listed three or four times. That speaks to the fact that yes, RealTickling does make good stuff. I have written good reviews of their tapes, and told them how they could increase their advertising by aiming for the egroups, so no, I'm not some mean guy here, I just want fairness and am stating an annoyance.
This is what I perceived the whole situation to be, and I could be wrong. They were losing business. (I had heard complaints when people brought up trading videos, and it suprised me someone would care if their videos were traded.) Then I thought, maybe they're getting desperate, and think that if people trade their videos, and everyone single person who wants one doesn't buy it new from them, they will lose money. The I offered a few tips about advertising on the egroups, and such, so their sales could go up they'd get out of their financial 'hole' they were in. They're probably not in one, but it seemed that way, why then would they be concerend if people were trading videos? Then they stopped ebay from listing them, and then I thought, 'Okay, this is ridiculous. If they're running low on sales, or going out of business, this isn't going to help.' If they will adopt the Gestapo style tactics to hold sales steady, I don't want to buy videos from them.
Now I realize I may have been wrong, (I guess...?) it wasn't lack of business, they were just concerned with piracy, which is an obvious problem. But that seems like punishing the legitimate people for the bad ones mis-deeds. Like, some idiot kid makes an ass of himself on the swing set and hurts himself or someone else, and after that no one can go play on the swing set anymore. Why should everyone else suffer because of what the evil people do? (Boy, that question could start a few threads..)
Look, if you guys make a video with panyhose again, (the nude colored, sheer toe are the best, of course 😎) I'd be hard pressed NOT to buy it. If you incorporated a simple plot like the early tapes had ("Nurse Gione Bad, Student's Body) I'de be even more hard pressed not to purchase one. What ever happened to that tickle movie idea? Why doesn't one of the companies try it, they've got all those stories in the story section....Kittletown, the movie, maybe..?
-The interrogation, maybe?
-Evil, silly tickling Genie, maybe?
-Spy tickling, maybe?
-Eyes wide shut, the tickling version, maybe?
-"Hold that Lion," with females all being tickled instead of the three stooges?
-on that note, "Space Ship Sappy," and "Self Made Maids" also featuring girls?
-A girl who's LOOKING for a could do a whole series on that one...
Basically, I think you could increase sales with more videos and better video ideas, not cracking down on us, the customers for the mis-deeds of the few party poopers.