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The Perfect Monster: FREE FULL NOVEL (!!NEW!! *M/F* Intense Very Adult Content)


Sep 18, 2002
*ROBACE-RADIO FANS* I would just like to thank Robace again on behalf of all the golden feather award nominees for the special show that he devoted to the contest. As announced on that broadcast for this particular story I will be doing a one of a kind COMMENT CONTEST! The person who posts the best comment will get a free requested story of at least 25 pages. I know that offers for story requests often go unanswered so I thought I would do my part to give back a little.

And I would also like to thank the incomparable Nicole Skye. Without her help inspiration and guidance none of this would really be possible. I have never met anyone as generous, kind, selfless, and caring as she has been to me in all the days of my life.

This is a direct continuation from the first chapter of my sordid little tale. To those of you just joining us, this is a story about transformation. It is an opportunity to sit one on one having a direct conversation with EVIL. Imagine being able to have a face to face with someone telling you step by step their journey to ticklish depravity. I hope that this interesting dialogue helps people discover as much about themselves as I have about my own little demons. Thank you to everyone that takes the time to read this rather long installment. This is much less what this was meant to be, and much more what it just became. This is a full length tickling novel and I believe the first of its kind in this venue. I hope that I do not disappoint. To all of my old friends I hope that you find this work as fulfilling as my last, to all my new travelers in invite you on a journey into the anatomy of sheer madness. And I would like to cordially invite you ALL to my DYSFUNCTION:

The Perfect Monster Part II

Written By: JJ82284​

Hey Mark,

I haven’t seen you in a while. Wow. We never used to go more than a few days without hanging out. Let alone a few months… How are things? And I don’t mean about business either. That’s all you seem to write about these days. We all know about your new found heights on the ladder of success. Lol. Well… kinda know.

I’m so used to listening for hours while you talk my ear off going on and on about work and how well your company is doing. I used to be the first one to know about anything… Now I have to read about it in the paper like everyone else… I guess I am just not used to hearing about you second hand yet. It feels distant...

Don’t get me wrong. I mean… I am glad that you’re business is growing. I just… I just miss hearing you ramble on and on about trucking contracts and supply routes and Schedules and manifests... etc. For some reason the business section just doesn’t have that, “Hey Claire guess what happened today,” that I am so used to when I get home. LOL.

How are things with YOU Mark? You write so infrequently. We never seem to really talk anymore. It’s been five months since we did anything together. I’m worried about you. I promised your mother that I was going to take care of you and you know that I never break a promise. I thought we swore that we would never grow apart right? We said we would always make TIME for one another, no matter what came up in our lives didn’t we? Now you with all that you have going on and me bringing someone new into my life… Huuuuuuuuuh… Oh well. I guess sometimes the stars do change huh? Even the ones you don’t want to…

I really want to see more of you Mark. I miss you. You are my friend, Mark. I don’t ever want THAT to change. Tell your Father that I said “Hello.” Please, call me when you get this.


Of all the things that I had to do, to become what I was always meant to be, this was the hardest. In order to do anything great in this world you have to make hard choices. Sometimes you have to do things that make you feel a pain more intense than anything that you could have ever imagined in order to experience life’s most rapturous forms of pleasure.

Five months was a long time, but it had to be done. I just got the point where I couldn’t take anymore of the way things were. I couldn’t live another second without being honest with myself. Most people never have the courage to make the really tough decisions. Choosing between the path that leads to the things they really want, and the path of least resistance. In this part of our little tale I finally work up the courage to take the road less traveled that leads away from the little princess of my adolescent daydreams.

It’s definitely not an easy thing to stay away from someone you love. Your heart aches. You would give anything in the world just to hear them laugh again, just to listen to them talk on and on for hours letting their voice linger in the air for all eternity, just to see them smile at you one more time and let their joy become the source of your own. It’s a hard thing telling yourself over and over that it’s best for the both of you that you aren’t around each other that much right now… Trust me; it takes a long time to convince yourself.

I think that the dreams are the worst. No matter how much you throw yourself into your work, lock the door, space out in front of the T.V. or run errands to pass the time, there’s nothing in the world that can stop the person you’re in love with from dancing through your nighttimes reminding you of joys past. The subconscious is a funny thing. It’s an amazing contrast when your most blissful nocturnal innovations become your worst nightmares. Just imagine the insufferable heartbreak of waking up in the middle of the night horrified that the blissful picnic with that special someone in your mind was just another vivid concoction of your R.E.M. cycle.

Most people give up, most people crack, most people settle for the familiar rut that they have been stuck in for longer than they can remember because the pain of change is just too great. NOT ME… NOT ANYMORE. No matter how much it hurt, I was going to take what I deserved. No matter how long it took, I was going to show the world the wondrous monstrosities that this “MASTER” brought bubbling to the surface. I was going to become Perfect… no matter what the cost.

A great man once said, “A man’s greatest hour, his moment of greatest accomplishment is when he lays exhausted, having spent everything, on the battlefield: Victorious. I believe that. But remember, he never said there wouldn’t be scars. Trust me there are. From what I have learned, the scares of a knife are much different than the scars of the heart. But somehow, despite all the hurt, all the pain, and the horrible silence from my deepest love, I found the strength to “Carry On.”

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“Listen, I understand that you have been doing business with them for a long time, Phil. I know exactly how you feel. That’s the same way that I have felt about some of my suppliers in the past. But I found out that all the god feelings in the world weren’t going to change the fact that they were constantly late with the parts that I ordered. At some point you have to make a decision between the people that you feel good about and the people who can make fulfill their end of a business deal.”

“I guess I can see what you mean, Mark. But I still….”

“Listen, right now your entire product line is running behind 2 weeks because your transporter can’t figure out how to keep his trucks running on time. In this economy do you think that you can afford those delays? How long do you think it’ll be before the retailers start looking around for someone else who can get product on their shelves when they order it? Look Phil, I’m not asking you to make a choice here. I’m just trying to help you see that you really don’t have a choice. I can get your entire line caught up in two weeks and I can guarantee delivery of any purchase in the tri-state area within 72 hours. Phil, just think about how many more break pads you are going to be able to sell when you can drop my companies name in response to our mounting dependability concerns....”


“Mark… I think you’re right. YES… you’ve earned my business. I have given Harbor Transport far too much of MY MONEY to be left in the lurch like this. You’ve got yourself another regional customer. When can we get started?”

“Trust me, Phil, You made the right decision. I am going to get you in contact with Jim Thornton. He’s my head of New Customers and Scheduling. Just call Marcy; she’ll connect you with him. I’ll e-mail you a copy of the contract this evening when I get home for you to review. We can sit down and go over it in the morning at Ina’s to review it, then you can come back to my office for the signing. Does that work for you?”

“It most certainly does. Mark I have to tell you… thank you for your persistence. I think that you can tell that I am a little sentimental in my old age. I know that I should have done this the first time that we talked, but I would have never gone through with it if you didn’t follow up. Thanks for never giving up on me.”

“That’s no problem Phil. It’s what I’m here for. I really look forward to doing business with you, Phil… I’ll talk with you in the morning.”

Mark confidently closed his cell phone as that familiar smile of satisfaction began to creep across his face. VICTORY. It felt so sweet. Mark never knew how fulfilling it would be to help someone say yes.

Since he first went to work for his father in his late teens, he had always been in the administrative (early on clerical) part of the business. He was always managing and coordinating and filling out endless stacks of paperwork. It was his job, he never disliked it. He felt very fortunate to be in a position to inherent such a corporation some day. He dare not curse his birthright. Still, he had never thought the wonders that would lay in new client Acquisition.

With every day that passes his fathers stamp on their generational company became more and more just a name. It was the way of things in the Saddler family. Ever since his grandfather in the depression with his father, the son would take out the fathers trash and perform whatever menial tasks his father could think of until he was deemed worthy to handle real responsibility. Then slowly over time they were assimilated into every aspect of the companies function so that one day they could facilitate an endless series of fishing trips and tee times for their old man. Now it was Mark’s turn to allow his father his well deserved rest from corporate life and put his own blossoming career into full swing.

A few months before, when his father first brought him to this last hurdle in his business expertise, Mark did not know how he would take to the Sales end of the family enterprise. Whenever you ask someone to take part in your service there is no guarantee that they are going to say yes. Every offer is another tiny risk that you have to keep taking over and over again if you want to be successful. As it turns out, Mark was hooked.

Mark began to love the chase. He loved doing research on all his prospective clients. He loved the hours and hours that he spent quietly with himself thinking about the things that would be most important to them and why they should use his transportation services. He loved the strategy, he loved the posturing, but more than anything he became ADDICTED to that one three letter word that now became the center of his Universe: “Yes!”

Just that subtle symbol of approval validated all of the work that he put in, all the books that he read on people skills, all the handshakes, all the smiles, all the long conversations to gain favor with secretaries, his entire existence. The greatest benefit however was finally finding that NICHE (That task that really completed him as a person.)

For the first time in his life Mark had actually exceeded his father’s grand expectations. The most surprising thing is that it didn’t require him to change who he was this time. He just became more and more the person he had always been. It felt so natural; it felt like what he was born to do. In just a few months he had increased their volume by more than 12% and they were on pace to break their previous high for receipts in a fiscal year.

What do you do for a living? Do you love it… or is it just something to pay the bills? Does your profession STRETCH YOU? If it doesn’t, then if you ever get the chance-find one that does… Take it from me. It will be the best decision hat you will ever make in your life.

You see, just like the muscles in your arms and legs, parts of your personality have to be used to be useful. Sometimes something as simple as a change in someone’s career can be the last piece to the puzzle to unlocking their real persona. New goals, new objectives, new challenges, new obstacles to overcome, all of these can blend together to really work and stretch parts of you that have been dormant for your entire life. Once you realize what’s been hiding inside of you for so long, you’d be AMAZED at what you are capable of…

Remember, most people spend their whole lives doing things that are “comfortable.” That’s why most people never do anything Great!

Mark was ecstatic. The thrill of bringing in another big account was only one part of this special day. He still couldn’t believe who he had shared breakfast with this morning. In the course of his new endeavors courting key decision makers Mark had transformed the vast majority of his meals during the day into yet another prime slot for business appointments. Mark was very focused on compressing time frames for his business growth, but this morning’s trip to Ann Sather’s was very different. It’s not every day that you get to reconnect with someone special from your past that you began to assume was lost forever. Mark could barely believe the feeling of just sitting down to have a meal with this person after all this time. There was so much that he had wanted to say, but remarkably for the first few minutes he found himself speechless. These last five months have been really tough on Mark. One day to let these new joys overwhelm him seemed more than fair.

In fact Mark’s day had moved along so nicely that he decided to take the rest of the evening off. He had been working well into the wee hours of the morning doing market research to prepare for meetings with key business prospects. Mark knew that after all the long hours, follow up calls, and sales presentations that a night off wasn’t too much of a self reward. Most people wouldn’t consider leaving at 4:30 all that special, but these days it was a sharp contrast to the numerous midnight sessions that Mark has grown accustom to.

Mark felt a little awkward walking down his sidewalk on the way home. He wasn’t used to taking this stroll while the sun was still shinning. Even though there was still a part of him that felt a little out of place away from the office, Mark allowed himself to slide deeper and deeper into the glorious feeling of a well deserved rest from battle. With every small victory and every new client won Mark could feel his confidence growing inside of him like a small child. As this infant grew within his subconscious, Mark could feel himself subtly altering the way that he perceived even the tiniest detail of reality as he grew into the Man that he was to become.

Now the Carmel colored coffee that Mark drank in the morning was more than just a sweet chaser to his eggs and bacon: it was now the fiery liquid energy that would fuel his burning desire to achieve his goals one more day. The alarm going off to rouse him from his sleep was no longer the unwelcome disturbance of blissful slumber: it is now the bell signaling the beginning of another exciting round in his bout with destiny. Risks were no longer a source of fear or trepidation: they were recurring opportunities for new success and new adventures.

Just extending his hand to open the door to his apartment building he couldn’t help but admire the gold cuff links in his stiffly starched shirt. Just seeing the sunlight gently illuminate and reflect off of the shiny gold material made Mark feel like a confident savvy businessman ready for any challenge that came before him. The feeling of his crisply starched Maroon shirt and his flowing pressed khaki pants made him feel focused, and set on the tasks in front of him. Hearing the clack of his leather shoes as he climbed the flight of stairs leading to his floor reminded him of all the steps he was taking to the new goals that had set for himself and his Family’s heritage.

Like most young men his age, Mark was coming into his age of invincibility. Closing a deal in under an hour or leaping small buildings in a single bound Mark felt that he do anything right now. As he walked down his hallways, he even allowed his mind to wander to the diesel repair chain that he was secretly courting for acquisition. He knew that his father would be floored should he be the first in his bloodline to diversify the family enterprise, but all that could wait until tomorrow. Right now he just wanted to take a few hours to himself reading the latest Dark Hunter novel while eating the Chinese spare ribs that had been dancing in the back of his mind since he hung up his cell phone. Vampires, Greek Mythology, and shrimp fried rice would be a welcome respite from the hustle and bustle of burgers sandwiched between board meetings.

Now, in the midst of all that has transpired, the hardest part of Mark’s day has nothing to do with sales call, strategy sessions, or dealing with upset customers. Even the most intimidating corporate meeting is nothing compared to the trauma of having to walk past Her door every day on his way home.

It had gotten easier since Mark first decided it best they take a break from their tenured companionship, but not much. It just felt wrong walking past her day after day. In a way it felt like he was abandoning her, but he knew that right now he wasn’t ready to really be there the way she needed with all that was going on in her life. In addition to “HIM” She was enjoying many successes of her own. The top securities producer in the State of Illinois probably found a way to keep herself busy while Mark collected his thoughts over the past few months, (and that’s what Mark was really afraid of.) Still, Mark knew that when the Time was right, they would start talking regularly again. He just knew that time was a long way off.

Even when we are at rest, the Earth is always spinning, but we do not feel it move…

Opening the door to his foyer, Mark was greeted with the memory of a sweet familiar fragrance that felt like it was really wafting through his nostrils. Just reading the numbers on her apartment door played terrible tricks on his subconscious. Even superman has his kryptonite, and she is his. He tried to block her out of his mind as he walked into the kitchen, but for some reason the memory of her beautiful scent lingered much longer than usual today. He opened the refrigerator to retrieve a glass of water and started the unending quest of remembering where he had last placed his book… Whenever his thoughts wandered back to her reading usually brought his mind back to reality. Although, reading her detailed E-mails of her new found companion had been the source of more than a little turmoil.

Sipping his water slowly and searching through drawers furiously Mark couldn’t seem to find his new novel anywhere. Usually he left it in the drawer right next to the fridge making it easy to find (to avoid frenzied searches just like the one consuming him at present), but it was not uncommon for it to be misplaced. He opened drawers, looked on top of cabinets, he even thought to look in the freezer just to be sure (hey, it wouldn’t be the first time: reading while you are exhausted makes you do funny things), but he still couldn’t find it.

To make things worse, that remnant of her sweet perfume was still providing a rather insistent distraction. As he hastily rummaged through the rest of the countertops in his kitchen looking for his evening entertainment he could swear that he ever heard her muffled giggles at his plight. For some reason, she always found it very amusing to see Mark frustrated.

Mark thought for a moment that he might finally be loosing it until at last he found it… No wait that’s last year’s installment. No book, no clues, and his subconscious mind still focused on the object of his failed affections. Calling Mark’s current situation irritating would be a colossal understatement. Just as he was beginning to become really irritated at himself for his absentmindedness…

“Looking for This?” Mark froze… It couldn’t be. He turned slowly to his living area and there sitting legs crossed was the lovely girl next door thumbing through the first few pages of his book. “You know Mark… You really shouldn’t leave your door open!”

Claire stood still giggling lightly from watching Mark’s bout with futility. As she strode around the couch swaying back and forth to meet him, Mark’s entire world seemed to stop. She was absolutely radiant. Mark had seen her in dreams many nights past and she had never been this angelic. Her hair seemed to be just a little bit longer. Her face had a shine that was overwhelmingly familiar, with a hint of new life that drew Mark into the deepest recesses of her endearing dimples. She wore a tight fitting black dress that hugged every gentle curve that had haunted Mark’s tortured mind all these month’s past. Mark could hear the gentle clacking of her heels against the tile floor as she stepped into the kitchen. The hem of her dress hit wonderfully in the middle of her thigh, exposing enough of her toned silky legs to capture any man’s attention. Her toned legs flexed with every step in her scintillating shoes that helped accentuate all of her dearest assets. The shinny black leather contrasting against her beautiful olive skin was a perfect compliment to the intoxicating dress that she was wearing.

Mark could hardly tear his eyes away from her bare neckline and the thin black straps that only served to accentuate her slender shoulders, delicate arms, flowing neck, and always lure him back to her smile, that smile, the smile that took away any hope of reason. Her full crimson lips perfectly matched the crimson fingernails that held his book in her soft hands as she stood in front of him. Just standing there, admiring the beautiful dream standing so confidently in front of him, Mark was utterly speechless.

“Oh I’m sorry ‘Mr. Saddler’… I thought you were your son! Would you tell him that I stopped by? Hehehehe!” Claire could not help but poke a little fun at her dear friend for his new choice of ensemble. She had never seen him wear a tie before. She took the fluent golden silk in her right hand in curious admiration. As much as Mark fought against becoming his father, here he was dressed in the best traditions of the Saddler line. “I’m just teasing, Mark. Really, this looks good on you. I always knew it would. I bet it sure feels different than jeans and t-shirts huh?”

Mark’s entire concept of time froze in a second. He knew that he had to respond but he couldn’t. Claire’s smile was bad enough, but her beautiful hazel eyes looked right through him. He feared that she would see all the horrid things that had been racing through his mind these past few months and he couldn’t have that. Just seeing her brought all the memories, all the thoughts, all the dreams, all the bedtime fantasies, all the heart ache, all the pain, all the things that he tried so hard to hide and bury since reading that fires torrid e-mail crashing into the front of his mind. He feared that his secret sorrow would contaminate those calm hazel pools that met him with such an inviting gaze.

This wasn’t Claire’s fault. It was his fault. She was a growing woman. He just didn’t grow fast enough. He had come to accept that, well he was trying to accept it. All the same it wouldn’t be right to burden her with all that he had been feeling of late. In that moment, Mark built a fortress around all the twisted self loathing and plaguing dreadful emotions that have been boiling deep inside of him in this torturous time without her. He surrounded himself with the memories of all the little victories that he had won, trying to protect his lost princess from the raging terror that was devouring his now darkened heart. He met her smile with his own forced grin as his greatest act of courage for her.

In a way, was the moment that he always feared… He had never in his life been able to stay upset with Claire, but far too often he was consumed with contempt and disappointment for the man looking back at him in life’s mirror.

You know, it’s not as easy as everyone thinks be heroic. That’s because bravery is so misunderstood. Most people think hat bravery is just something that some people have that makes them immune to fear. That couldn’t be any further from the truth.

You see EVERYONE’S afraid really, even me. This was by far the scariest experience that I have ever had in my life. Just imagine, a lifetime of being with the person you love all hinging on the next set of fleeting moments.

Bravery is about making a Choice. It’s about choosing what you want at that moment frozen in time over caving in to your fears. After years of making the wrong choice, I finally decided that I was long overdue for a change…

“Yes it does…” Mark was still very unnerved as Claire lazily caressed his tie with her slender fingers. He could feel every thunderous beat of his roaring heart as the vision before him launched an all out sensory assault on the wall of good memories that Mark had erected around his broken heart. “You don’t look too bad yourself, Claire. That dress is really Stunning…”

“Awwwwwwwwwwwwww Thank you Mark, You are so sweet.” Nothing could have prepared Mark for Claire’s tight embrace. It had been so long since he had seen her or heard her voice. The feeling of her arms wrapped tightly around him and her warm slender body so close to his strong form was too much to bear. Still, not wanting the inebriating scene to end, Mark could not help but return Claire’s inviting hug as he held her tightly against him. He could feel Claire’s chest rise and fall in time with his as they both let out a sigh of relief from the tension of their torturous distance. “I missed you Mark. I missed you so much. I’m so glad to see you.” Even with her head resting pleasantly against his shoulders, Mark could vividly imagine Claire’s glowing expression as she expressed her joy at the end of their time apart.

For a second, just put yourself in my position. Try to imagine what it was like standing there, holding the most important person in your life in your arms. Being able to hold over a decade of your life spent pinning, wishing, hoping, LOVING in the tangible form of the person who makes your heart stop. The fear of loosing them is so real. It just makes you want to hold onto them and never let go; so that you don’t have to face the unknown forever that is just moments away.

It’s so hard not to give in. Give in to all the aching feelings that have been smoldering deep inside of you for so long. You know the time isn’t right. You know that you have to be strong. You feel your dam about to break but you have to fight. You know that you have to fight it with everything that you are. The fear is there, it’s always there. At some point you have to make up your mind to just… just keep fighting ANYWAY.

“I missed you too Claire, I missed you too.” Mark tried with all his might to gather his thoughts but it was impossible. This one perfect moment in the turbulent ocean of the last few months was far too much to take. Just feeling Claire’s heartbeat so close to his brought the undying love that he had tried so hard to bury roaring back to the surface. The once subtle distraction of her sweet perfume was now wonderfully overwhelming all his senses as his body failed miserably attempting to adjust to her ominous presence.

“So… how are things?” As much as it pained him, Mark had to break the embrace that lasted all those eternal seconds. He feared he could not endure being so close to her right now. The bricks to his imaginary barrier around his aching heart were already beginning to melt in the gentle wake of Claire’s simple elegance. He gently turned walking into the living room leaving her to follow behind him after placing his book back in the drawer where she always found it. Mark tried his best to just keep his eyes trained on the window overlooking the busy city street. He tried counting the thousands of cars as they whizzed quickly by his portal to the world. He had to do something to distract him from the alluring creature that so wonderfully destroyed his solitude, if only for a moment. Right now in his whirlwind of emotions, the painful stare of those beautiful hazel eyes might have be the end of him…

“Things are fine…. Work is crazy. I have so many new accounts opening; it’s hard to find time to keep track of it all. Everyone is lining up to pat me on the back and it feels kind of funny. I mean I am the same person… I have just been so motivated lately. It’s weird. It’s like I found something, but I didn’t know that it was lost. It’s all sort of confusing but in a good way. I hope that makes sense. But I think that I should be the one asking you how things are Mark. You have just been so distant lately…” Claire had very sincere concerns about Mark’s well being. She had never seen him like this. He was usually so full of life, so eager to share all that was happening on his side of the world, but all of that had changed as of late.

“Fine… I think that we both know I am in no position to complain. When people are kind enough to light the way for you, it would be kind of irresponsible not to carry the torch right? It gets a little hectic from time to time, but I think I can handle it. I know that you of all people understand that, Claire.” Mark heard Claire sit on the sofa directly facing him. As he stood there, staring intently out of the window he could feel her gaze burning a hole through the back of his crisp shirt. “And by the way, to what do I owe the wonderful surprise of you dropping by so unexpectedly?” Her unannounced visit was making Mark more anxious than he could ever remember, but a part of him hoped with all that he was that she would never leave...

“I stopped by because I wanted to see my best friend Mark, I’m worried about you. You don’t return my phone calls, you barely respond to my e-mails. I thought that you just wanted some space with all the new things going on. I know that we are both dealing with a lot on our plate right now, and we might not be able to spend every minute together so I didn’t want to push you. But then your Father called, telling me that you haven’t talked to him in over a month either. He asked me if you were okay and honestly I didn’t know what to tell him. I knocked on the door, it was open, and so I just came in and waited. I hope you don’t mind… I just care about you, that’s all.” Even facing away from her, Mark could hear the look of loving care and concern dripping on Claire’s sweet voice. No matter what, he feared that his fortress was doomed to melt in the presence of her natural radiance.

“Hmm. My Father, what’s he got to worry about? He has the majority share of the fastest growing transportation firm in the state of Illinois. This is going to be the best year in our company’s history. Our positive publicity for expansion is completely re-branding our company. He can’t pick up a newspaper without being reminded how well we are performing. What’s he so concerned about?” That hit a nerve for Mark. The last thing that he needed to be reminded of at the moment was his father’s fervent claim of his perpetual inadequacy.

“Mark, he’s your Father. He values your relationship a lot more than some bottom line. You hardly talked to him as it is and now four weeks of nothing. How would you feel if your son was going off and leaving you behind? I know that things were tough between the two of you when you were growing up. I remember all too well what you went through. But I know that he values you a lot more than your stock valuation.” Claire was reminded of all the days she spent in Mark’s room all those summers ago listening to the horrors of his internship in his father’s office. Perfection is a lot to ask from a 16 year old, but that didn’t stop Don Sanders from demanding it to the tiniest degree from his eldest son. She remembered how much of a daunting toll that it took on Mark to go through life without the comfort of his Father’s approval, but she knew that their recent loss of communication had nothing to do with the past.

“Really…. I wish someone would have told him that when I was a kid. I think that it would have been really pertinent information to the guy who treated his eldest son like an underperforming mutual fund. I’m not going to be like that. Not to my son. I just…” Somewhere in the recesses of Mark’s mind, a subtle truth came blaring to the surface. “You know it’s funny; I’ve spent my entire life promising myself that I would never become my father. Now the only thing I can think about is becoming better than he was. Not different, just better. I walk in… now I sit in his chair. Now all of a sudden I’m ‘Mr. Saddler.’ HAHA… I remember in high school to my friends that used to be a punch line. Now I think I’m finally growing into it. It feels funny… but you get used to it. I guess I just don’t feel like being reminded how long it took me to get here. Ha…”

“Mark, you work hard, you give everything that you have every day. That’s all that anyone will ever be able to ask of you. Then, now, your best is always enough. Just listening to him I can tell that he gets that. He loves you, he may not always know the best way to show it, but he does. Besides, without you he wouldn’t be able to go fly fishing nearly as much now would he?” Claire was greeted with a slight giggle from her beleaguered best friend to slightly ease the tension she could still feel in the cool air. She did not have many addictions, but cheering Mark up was one of them. No matter what he was going through, she would always be there for him. “And speaking of… what are you doing home so early. I was hoping that you would come in at a decent hour, but I was thinking more around sevenish. I was just starting a good book HEHEHE!”

“Ha… now that’s funny. I had a good day today. I closed another account. You can tell Dad that the next time he calls if you like. Hehe. With everything that was going on, I just thought I needed a little bit of a break. I just wanted to get away for a little while, you know clear my head. I even went to go see my Mother today…” As Mark expected, this set off the familiar clacking of Claire’s high heels as she rose to stride towards him. Claire takes her relationship with mark’s mother VERY seriously.

“Come on Mark… You have never gone to see her without me before. We promised remember?” Claire was shocked that Mark withdrew his left hand when she reached for it. It was almost as though he was startled. He folded his arms across his chest and she could tell that he was becoming uneasy. She gently placed her soft hands on his broad shoulders and gently rubbed from his deltoid to the crest of his elbow and back again, slowly and continuously. “What’s happening with you lately… That’s not like you.”

“Yes we did…” Mark could see the flashes behind his eyes of the hospital lobby when they made that promise. He hugged Claire so tightly as the solemn news sank in that the very cradle of his life would no longer be with him. Mark remembered that she stroked his arms just like this too sooth him in that his greatest hour of need. She promised that whenever he needed her, or whenever he needed to spend time wit his mother after she was laid to rest, that she would be there by his side holding his hand.

“But… I just had to tell her… She would have wanted to know right away. I had breakfast with James this morning. He is in the city. Remarkably, his Art is really taking off Claire. He just wanted to see me, see Dad. It was amazing. I had almost given up hope. I had so many questions. He was gone so long.

I know now why he left now, Claire. He had to. When he ran away he was so little. I never thought that I would see him again. I never thought that he would make it on his own. But he is so strong now, Claire. He isn’t mad. He just finally thought it was time. He knew that our Father would have just tried to squash his ambitions… I was just so glad to see him. He is going to stay for a while, so we can catch up. I know that Mom would have wanted to see him, but he wasn’t ready. Even still, I just had to tell her. I can’t believe that My Father decided to get into a fight with him just outside my mother’s dying bed…

I remember right before she died she wanted so desperately to see him. She made me promise to tell him if I ever saw him again how much she loved him. It was so hard on her not being able to say goodbye… I left her a pair of roses. I’m sure she got the message. After that I got off the phone with Phil and I knew that I couldn’t waste the rest of my day in an office somewhere.”

“Oh My God, Mark. I am so happy for you…” Claire once again wrapped her arms around Mark holding him there resting her head on his shoulder. She knew how long he had waited to see his brother again. Through all these years he talked about it as though tit was a dream, and now here it was a startling reality. “I know how much you wanted this. I know how long you have been waiting. I know how much this means to you. I just wish that I was there with you.”

Mark couldn’t help himself. He just closed his eyes allowed himself to drift in Claire’s arms. He let the feelings that he had for her wash freely over his body as hers and his were so close together, maybe for this one last time. He heard such empathy in her sweet voice. She was always there when he needed her. Ever since he had known her, she had given of herself so selflessly. Even as it pained every part of his being, he knew that now it was time to return the favor.

He finally took the courage to turn and face her. Her gleaming eyes were like green gem stones glimmering in the light of the sunshine from behind him. He allowed himself to swim in those hazel pools one last time before kissing her lightly on the forehead. He extended his right hand to lightly caress her supple left cheek and he was met with an even bigger smile adorning her angelic face.

“Claire, you have done so much for me my entire life. I don’t think that I can ever repay you for all the times that you have been there for me. I’ll never forget that. You’ve made me so strong, Claire. Now I think that I am strong enough that I don’t have to always burden you with my problems.”

Mark could see it in Claire’s eyes. Even though his intent was nobility, he could see a quiet sadness creeping across Claire’s face. It was like the turning of a page in the book in their lives that she might want to continue reading. Mark just caressed her cheek gently trying to wipe away any hint of disappointment from her still beaming smile.

“You were never a burden Mark, but I understand… Sometimes you just have to do things on your own. I can respect that. Just know that I will always be here… if you need me.” Claire stepped away. Mark could tell that this was a lot for her. She had been his sounding board for so long; knowing that so much was going on in his life without her must have been hard for her to take. Mark could never stand the idea of Claire’s sadness. That was something that even in his loving grief he would not allow. Seeing her turn and walk back towards her matching black purse that was still lying next to her reading spot on the sofa Mark extended her the ultimate olive branch….

“So how is it moving along with that new guy you are always talking about? The one who refuses to use his real name. HAHA. It’s been a while since you sent me an E-mail about him. I got like a dozen and then nothing the last couple of weeks. Did anything happen?” Mark braced himself as best he could. Just feeling Claire so close to him had completely destroyed any barriers he might have imagined around the most vulnerable parts of his psyche. He was completely unprotected for what was to come, but even the worst news would be better than seeing his beautiful princess upset about their changing friendship.

Claire just stood dumbstruck for a few seconds. The last thing that she expected was for Mark to bring “HIM” up... Still, she could not help but stifle a giggle as the glorious thoughts of her evil “Master” filled her mind if only for a moment.

“Wow… I didn’t expect you to ask. Yes… Something did happen, or well is happening. We haven’t been able to talk as much lately. He has been working a lot later and such. He was freeing up time.” Claire stood there talking with Mark, but a part of her mind began to slowly drift somewhere else at the very thought of that special someone.

“Time for what?” Now Mark was genuinely curious. In all of their communications, he had never really learned what this man did for a living or that much background in general. Even though he might despise him, the aching curiosity to learn the identity of is enigmatic adversary was becoming yet another quiet obsession.

“He’s making time for us to meet. He is coming to Chicago. We are going to actually have a chance to meet each other. It’s actually kind of exciting. I never thought that it would get past a casual IM and now her I am about to actually look him in the eye. It’s like a dream…” After all this time, Claire was finally going to experience all the wonderful debaucheries that she had finally admitted to herself that she craved to no end. All this time of waiting, teasing, seduction… It was all about to come to a glorious climax and she was truly giddy with horrid anticipation.

Mark knew that this was inevitable. He just hoped against hope that he was wrong. Inside of his strong chest his heart quietly shed a tear. He knew that his puppy love with the girl next door was truly coming to a close.

“Wow… I can’t believe this is actually going to happen. When are you two planning on meeting?” As much as it hurt, he had to be strong for Claire. She had been so strong for him through all these years, she deserved it.

“He will be here later on tonight when his flight gets in. Actually I am really glad that you came home early today. I really wanted to see you before I met up with him. I would have probably had to leave at some point if you were pulling an all-nighter. We have been friends for so long Mark… I knew that this wasn’t something that you just put in a note or a card. Especially with all the things we have going on. Even though I have this really great thing coming into my life I still want that to be a life that includes you. I just wanted to be able to stand here and tell you that.” Claire stood with her eyes visibly searching for the reassuring gaze of her dependable companion that he would always be there even as their lives changed.

Now it all made sense to Mark. The perfume… the alluring dress… HIS SHOES. They were all for “Him!” She was dressed for her first real life rendezvous with the man of Mark’s nightmares and she stopped in to see him before her romantic evening. The pit stop for everyone else on the road to their greatest daydreams, that was Mark’s life in a nutshell. A part of him regrettably accepted it. The sadness that he felt, knowing that in only a few hours his greatest love would be blissfully wrapped in the arms of another was far worse than anything that could be derived from an E-Mail. Hearing the words straight from Claire’s crimson lips was like the final nail in the coffin that began construction with her first torrid letter. He couldn’t help but laugh quietly to himself in dejection as his greatest fears were confirmed. Now… It all made sense.

“That’s great Claire. I know how strongly you feel about him. I hope that you two have a great time tonight . Please… don’t let me hold you up. I wouldn’t want you to be late to the airport because of me. Have fun… I am happy for you.” Mark wore a smile, as he turned again to face the window, to mask the eruption of sorrow deep within his soul. Claire had done too much for him to spoil her happiness now. In time he would get over this, he would find someone to fill the void left behind by his beautiful best friend. He just needed time alone so that his other dear friend could take away the stinging pain of this one tragic moment…

“NO YOU’RE NOT!” Such force, such conviction, such honesty; Mark wasn’t prepared for that. He thought surely that he would be allowed to go quietly into the abyss of his own self loathing. He never expected Claire to call him on his little white lie, no matter how obvious. He could hear the incessant clacking of those seductive leather heels as she walked towards him. He could even hear sternness in the length and intensity of her gate as she strode across the room to stand behind him.

“Mark… I know you. I have known you more than half your life. Don’t lie to me. We have had our ups and downs before, yeh, everyone does, but you never LIED. I know that were close, closer than a lot of Friends are. I know that it has been hard for you to accept that I am seeing someone. That’s understandable. But why would you lie about it Mark?” Mark could feel her gaze even through his back. He could not help but close his eyes and wallow in all that was left for him, the truth.

“If I had told you not to go… would you have stayed?” For the first time Mark could sense Claire look away from him and down at the ground to collect her thoughts. It was such a simple question, simple to the point of absurdity, and far more honest a response than he had wanted to give.

“….. no…” Claire could not help but feel the gravity of Mark’s retort. She had never been in the places that he had. She had never had to exist when hope seemed like a light at the end of a barren tunnel. For the first time she truly realized how difficult it was for Mark to say goodbye to the woman he loved as she went off to meet another man. It must have been terrible for him.

“That’s why. It’s simple business Claire. Why expend resources when you know that an enterprise will fail?” There was a certain chill to Mark’s response. It was hard enough for him to form words at the moment. His ability to comfort was running a distant second on his priority list.

“Our friendship is not an invoice Mark. We’re friends. No matter what, we tell each other the truth so that we can deal with it…. together. Friends are honest with each other aren’t they?” Mark could tell that Claire was sincere. She truly cared about their continued friendship above all else. After all this time… he owed her the truth. No matter how hard a confession, he owed her the truth. He turned slowly looking into her eyes as they searched for her childhood friend. He placed his left hand on the right nape of her neck caressing gently as he told her the truth… finally.

“Claire, honestly… maybe I don’t want us to be friends anymore…” Mark didn’t know where that came from, but he knew it was true. It was an end to a chapter in his life that had brought him more joy than he could imagine, but he knew that this was what he really wanted… in a way. Mark’s heart was completely melted with the water that began to form in the corner of Claire’s eyes. She feared that it would come to this. She didn’t want to believe it, but she had felt it all these months. Feeling her hand on his cheek one last time was like the last sweet drop of wine at the bottom of the bottle. He knew how much he would miss the warm caress of her soft smooth palm.

“*SNIFFLE* Then I guess I really have lost you… *SNIFFLE* I just hope *SNIFFLE* that one day… you I can find you again… I never thought this would happen, but I suppose we all loose things we care about in life. *SNIFFLE* It’s just hard when it’s something you care about so much *SNIFFLE*” Taking her hand from Mark’s cheek to the back of his neck, Claire reached out and allowed her crimson lips to anoint Mark’s cheek with a lasting kiss: the last gentle affection, of their once enduring friendship. “I am going to miss you so Much Mark… Please, tell your brother I said hello. *SNIFFLE* Goodbye Mark Saddler. Just remember, I’ll always be next door. Haha *SNIFFLE*”

In life, sometimes in order to open a new door you have to close another. Everyone wants the adventure of new experiences, but very few have the courage to close the book on past restraints.

Just the feel of Claire’s sweet gentle lips burned Mark’s skin as though her lipstick were lined with acid. The finality of her blissful kiss was too much to bear. As Claire walked to the sofa to retrieve her black purse, Mark’s body began to physically manifest the terrible conflict raging inside of him. His skin became flush, his stomach began to church, all of his muscles started to ache. His entire body was being torn apart at the thought of Claire walking out that door.

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It was the truth? Wasn’t it? Was it the whole truth? He could still feel the imprint of her sweet lips as he watched her sway back and forth down the foyer. What was wrong? He had said it. What was wrong? The pain, the pressure, the moment. It was all too much. It was too much for Mark to control. He had to let it out. It would destroy him if he didn’t get it out right now.

“WAIT…” Claire froze, stunned in the middle of the foyer. She paused at Mark’s cry from across the apartment and heard his slow steps towards her. “Honesty…. you said you want honesty right, Claire?”

“Yesssssssssssss…” Claire was still very overcome with the emotion of the last sixty seconds. She couldn’t think clearly. She knew that there was a man in the room with her who meant more to her than the world, but she knew that there was someone else out there waiting to fill a certain part of her that she never thought possible. Her mind was ablaze with torturous conflict over those two truths yet she found herself hovering in Mark’s words hoping somehow for resolution.

“Honestly… I don’t want you to go. I don’t want you to go Claire. I don’t know if you’ll listen… I don’t know if it will change anything, but it’s the truth. You said you want the truth right Claire?” Finally, Mark wasn’t holding back. He couldn’t hold back. This was his last chance. In this moment, he knew full well that he was fresh out of time.

“Yesssssssss….” Claire could feel Mark standing behind her now. In her high leather shoes he did not tower over her, but his confident presence was beginning to cast a very big shadow that slowly began to consume her.

“And you know what else, Claire. I don’t want to be your friend. I never have. Ever since the first time I saw you, ever since the first time I looked into your eyes, those beautiful eyes… ever since I saw that… *SNIFFLE* smile… I’ve been hoping… against hope that one day-one day Claire we would be more than friends. Not just friends, pretending that they are dating. We’ve tried that. I have always wanted to be that person that makes you happy, that person that you turn to when you are sad, the person who you can’t stand to be without, the person that takes your breath away. I have always wanted to be that person for you Claire. Because you have ALWAYS been that person for ME… did you know that… did you know that sweetheart?” A lifetime of hiding, not wanting to risk the truth, yet it flowed off of his lips now like living water with the only hope of resurrecting his tragic romance.

“*SNIFFLE*… yesssssssssss” Claire could feel herself being lost in Mark’s confession. He had never shared this with her. She knew… in a way she always knew. But he had never said it. Not out loud. Never like this. Feeling him gently kiss the top of her head through her long flowing hair was too much. This couldn’t be happening. Not this way. “Mark… huhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Mark…” For a moment, the warmth growing in her body as Mark’s strong hands caressed her bare arms was too soothing a bath to withdraw from. “Mark I have to… I have to go….” But she had to.

Claire pried herself from Mark’s grasp and extended her hand to the door knob. This was too much, too soon. It was something out of a dream, but not quite the way it was supposed to happen. She had to go. She had to meet him. She had to meet “HIM.” The curiosity that she had to be in his dominant arms was far too great to ignore. As she felt her fingertips make contact with the door knob she also felt Mark’s strong hands grab her by the waist picking her up easily.

Claire was a tall girl, she was not normally easy to manhandle. On this occasion however, with little effort she found herself pinned against the wall of Marks’ foyer with his massive frame ensuring that for the time being she was going NOWHERE. She looked through her teary eyes to find any hint of sorrow or remorse was gone from his eyes. It was like he was possessed. No fear, no weakness, just determination. He wanted something and he was not going to go without his greatest prize.

“Now now Claire… We said that we are being honest with each other didn’t we?” Mark for the first time was letting it all out. He was finally sharing with her the way that she made him feel inside. He was finally acting it out.

“Yessssssssssssssss Ohhhhhhhhh huh huh!” Claire could not believe the sensation of Mark pinning her arms above her head increasing her helplessness beneath him. Her breath was caught in the back of her throat; she had never seen him like this. He was so calm… he was so collected, but she could see a roaring fury in his eyes.

“I want you to look me in the eye Claire. I want you to tell me, that you don’t feel the same way about me. If you can do that then I will let you go. All you have to do is tell me that right now what you really want is to walk out that door and I won’t stop you…” It was his last grasping effort at the woman he loved and Mark could only peer into Claire’s tearing hazel orbs and hope that his last final plea fell on welcoming ears.

“……….. Mark… Please…..!”

“All you have to do is tell me Claire… You can tell me can’t you Claire?” Claire’s mouth could say anything she wanted, her eyes couldn’t lie… not to Mark. He could see her conflict; he could see that somewhere, deep down inside, there was a part of her who never wanted to be away from him ever again. It was buried beneath a lifetime of repression and the curiosity of this new Man that intrigued her so. At that moment Mark promised himself that God as his witness he would bring Claire’s deep seeded affection for him SCREAMING to the surface.

“I… I… HAHAHAHAAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAA MARK!!!” Before Claire could speak, and without needing to consciously think Mark buried his wiggling fingers in Claire’s now violently writhing hips. He could see by her freshly contorting smile and her surprised squealing laughter that the insidious tickling sensations that she was so fond of were playing their cruel game with her now reeling nervous system.

“Come on Claire… You’re not being HOOONEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSST!” Mark felt strange warmth burning on his skin. He had never experienced anything like it before. Here he was with the girl of his dreams screaming and writhing helplessly in his arms and he received his first tingling surge of Power.

“Mark!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAA STOP STOP HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA OH GOD THAT TICKLES AHAHAHAHAAHAHA STOP STOP HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAH OH DEAD GOD STOP AHAHAHAHAAHAHHAAHAAHAH!!” Claire fought with all that she had against the horrible tickling sensations now invading her midsection. She pushed with all of her might against Mark’s strong chest as he continued to press her elevated against the wall of the foyer. She flexed and kicked her legs as much as his imposing form would allow, but to no avail. She slithered like an electrified snake back and forth at maddening pace trying desperately to slither away from the utter torment of Marks’ skilled fingers but all of her attempts at escape were futile.

It’s like I said, there is not really a lot of skill involved in being depraved. It’s just part of who you are. It’s showing someone how to experience their own degenerate excitement playing your twisted little games that is tricky.

One of the hardest parts is that first moment when you look in their tormented eyes and you can see the tell tale signs that there is a certain part of them that would love nothing more than to willing slip into your twisted world of utter deviance. You have to marshal your own blossoming enthusiasm to remember that they still require a little pointed encouragement.

“No Claire… I am not going to stop. Do you hear me? I am not going to stop Claire. And I think that we both know that right now you aren’t going ANYWHERE!” For the first time in a long time, Mark was allowing himself to experience joy… real joy.

“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA OH GOD AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA MARK MARK MARK AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH!” Claire fought harder than Mark could have ever imagined but he was game. This was a moment that he had dreamed about since the time that he was a child and there was no way that he was going to let his sweet innocent little Claire slip through his fingers. Not again… NOT TODAY.

“YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS CLAIRE… YES. And no matter what you may think… there isn’t much that he can do to stop me either. HAHAHA. But don’t worry… I thought you LIKE TO BE TICKLED! HAHAHA!” Mark thought back to all those nights that he spent staring blankly at his computer screen horrified at each of Claire’s whispered confessions. He had tried to protect her from this, but there was no hiding anymore. A part of him wanted this, he wanted her to pay, and he wanted her to feel what he felt: the helplessness, the fear, the anguish, the torment. He didn’t want to hurt her, he loves Claire. He just wanted to make her feel.

I could travel to all the ends of the earth, I could see the seven wonders of the world, I could gain riches, I could ascend to a position of great importance, but I don’t think I will ever know an experience as sweet as FORCING the person you love to experience truly torturous bliss.

“NO NO NO NO OH NOT THAT AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH AHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAAHAHAHAAHAHA JESUS NOT THAT AHAHAHAHA!” Claire could not help but throw her head back screaming at the top of her lungs as Mark’s right hand skittered lightly massaging her left ribcage. She jerked violently to her right trying futilely to avoid his digging digits but only to find an eager hand invading her smooth bare hollows forcing her into an even more ticklish predicament. No matter how hard she pushed, no matter how hard she kicked, and no matter how furiously she squirmed there was nothing that she could do to avoid Mark’s merciless ticklish torment.

“OH NO…” Mark paused his torturous onslaught and slammed both of his palms violently against both sides of Claire’s head. He was rewarded with the first of many tiny shivers of slight fear from the object of his affection. That only served to bring an even more sinister grin to his beaming face as he still held her tightly in mid air with his sheer body weight as their pelvises were locked. “Well I have about a dozen letters from you stating otherwise…” Mark couldn’t control the blazing liquid coursing through his veins. It caused a slight quiver in his voice as the sheer excitement of the moment started to physically manifest itself in more ways than one. “I could gladly read them to you. Would you like me to refresh your memory Claire?”

Claire could not help but stare into Mark’s raging eyes for a few seconds speechless. It was almost as though she had never met this man before. There was always a quiet modesty and reservation that she associated with he dear friend. As she looked deeply into the crystal balls before her she could not see a hint of reservation, only pure aggression harnessed for precision not pity. A part of her was terrified at his sudden transformation but a part of her was intrigued beyond reason with the new creature standing before her holding her hostage to her deepest desires.

“…no… you don’t have tHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAAHHAAHAHAHAHA!” The shock as all of Marks wicked fingernails ascended into her unprotected naked hollows obliterated any of Claire’s attempts at articulation. Thus began the vicious cycle of clenching her arms down to her side tightly trying with all her might to block out the dreadful sensations, but only succeeding in trapping Mark’s wriggling fingers right against her intimate vulnerability.

“Then I guess that it’s not really up to you then… Is it Claire?” With every passing second Mark could see it in Claire’s anguished expression that she was getting was starting her journey to that sweet place of helplessness that she fantasized about so much. He hoped for her sake that it was as blissful as she had imagined because the fire burning within him ensured that he would drag her there kicking and screaming along the way. Mark leaned in pressing his lips against Claire’s ear as the ticklish madness originating in her tortured under arms began to take hold of her. “But don’t worry Claire… You know that I am not a big fan of written presentations. You know that I prefer a much more personal TOUCH!”

Claire was amazed… the transition from being pressed against the wall and now pinned tightly against the floor happened so fast that her head was still swimming. Her entire life she had prided herself on her physical stature and being utterly manhandled in such a way made her more than a little light headed. She always knew that Mark was strong, but she had never before been treated to such a personal demonstration.

Claire was greeted with another small break from Mark’s devilish tickles as well as the intense feeling of having her small wrists pinned tightly above her head cupped in Mark’s strong hands. Claire could not help but stare and let Mark’s unfamiliar peccant expressions sink deep into her conscious mind. She could tell from his heavy breathing and his slight tremble of sheer excitement that his long surprised reprobate desires were lurking beneath the surface. Between her sporadic thrashings against Mark’s tight grasp Claire found that the only thing that she would have to fight more than the malignant tickle torture was the villainous smile of corrupt approval lurking deep in the recesses of her subconscious.

“I’m sure that a successful young saleswoman like yourself can understand…” Mark truly began to relish the conflict burning in Claire’s eyes. There was anger at her current predicament, fear of Mark’s new intimidating presence, anxiety over being kept from the man that she had been fantasizing about for so long, and an immodest craving for whatever sick plans that Mark was capable of devoid of his trite inhibitions. He wanted to amplify her tormented despair with as much conflicting data for her to process as possible to further her psychological distress. Mark could no longer hide the ghastly jubilance of his sweet little Claire his special brand of discomfort.

In order to truly help someone break through, you have to be prepared to help them along in their little duel with duality. It’s a big step for a person to realize that they need a certain level of malevolence to experience rapture. You have to be willing to help them along in the journey…

“Mark… pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase stop… stop just stop… ohhhhhhhhh Mark, stop that huh huuuh mmmm stop please just stop.” Mark’s tormenting fingertips were bad enough. They alone had brought all of her delicate impressionable nerve endings roaring to new life. Claire was in no position to deal with Mark’s warm wet lips lightly caressing her hot bare skin with gentle teasing kisses along her smooth neck and shoulders. She wanted it to stop, she needed it to stop, but she couldn’t bear for it to end.

“Come on Claire… *kisss* *kiss* you’re not telling me the TRUTH! *kiss*” Mark had dreamed about touching Claire’s beautiful bare skin for so long. Not just brushing against it, not the uncoordinated fumbling in the backs of cars that doomed their previous attempts at romance, truly touching. Not holding anything back. Letting everything that he felt, the sorrow, the pain of her absence, the joy of her presence, the anger at the thought of another, his desire to be her true ONE, and his never ending love affair with her all manifest themselves in his gentle worship of her-all of her.

For the first time mark allowed his eyes to truly feast on the beautiful buffet before him. He didn’t feel the need to look away, he didn’t hide his desires, and he just let his eyes fully consume the beauty that has fueled his fantasies. As his lips anointed her slight neck with wet passionate pecks of her slight neck, he gazed upon the true radiance of her now helpless form. Seeing her arms pressed tightly over her head, her eyes screwed tightly shut, her mind wracked with the terrible pleasure that he was forcing her to endure, seeing her beautiful long hair slightly disheveled as a portrait of her finally being taken out of her comfort zone, in that moment Claire was more beautiful than he had ever seen her before. He let his lips do as hands do touching her glowing olive skin with the rainbow of his raked emotions as they melted into the purest form of sheer passion.

“Mark… huuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Mark please… you don’t… you don’t know… please…” Mark took both of Claire’s slim wrists in his left hand as he allowed his right palm and fingertips lightly cascade down Claire’s left side. This gentle caress was met with an involuntary arch of her back to meet his teasing hand. He rubbed lightly from the side of her amble breasts through the fluent material of her dress down to the side of her full hips teasing the tops of her thigh and the corner of her pelvis while she was trapped helplessly beneath him. Mark wanted to make it as hard as possible to deny the desperate conflict raging deep within her as his unique brand of pleasure began to take over her physical reactions. “Mark please plese… just top… I have to go… please… please just stop.”

“Hmphmmm…” Mark found Claire’s floating pleas as she was lost in her new little world more amusing than anything. She was never the type to go down without a fight and in a way he had to admire her for that. Besides, it would be farm more interesting fighting through her ferocious resistance to have his final prize. “You know Claire… I really don’t appreciate being lied to…” Mark could see a new level of distress as his knowing hand began to lightly press and squeeze the base of Claire’s left full breast and the violent jolts of pleasure produced little squeals and moans of blissful approval to Mark’s delicate fondles. “We’ve had our ups and downs before… but you never LIED!” Mark punctuated his pitiless taunt with an insistent squeezing of Claire’s breast and despite herself she bit her bottom lip in painful anticipation. “You know… I really think that we are going to have to WORK ON THAT!”

“Huh? Wait wait wHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHHHAHAHAHHAHAHIT HHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAH NO NO NO AHAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAHAH!” Mark truly fell in love with Claire’s maniacal cackling. Just hearing her violent screaming at the top of her lungs brought a glimmer of light to his darkened heart. He loved seeing her lost in the abyss of ticklish anguish.

The hyper-sensitive muscles right below her bosom proved to be yet another step in her ticklish undoing. Mark held her arms tightly over her head as tightly as he could. He couldn’t have her disturbing his fun. He jut let two or three of his fingertips massage, poke and prod the packed muscles over her rib cage and poke in between rubbing sensitive skin against perceptive bone to cause the electric tickly sensations to drive his h beauty closer and closer to helpless hilarity. It was a little difficult to remain trained on his pianist’s precision with Claire’s violent heaving up and down and her turbulent thrashing from side to side, but SOMEHOW Mark found a way to manage.

Mark could see that anywhere on Claire’s ribcage was deathly ticklish. Her desperate futile straining to free her arms and the way she wildly threw her head from side to side in ticklish abandon were a dead give away. Just seeing her hair long black hair flailing from side to side and her seductive mouth wide open filled with helpless laughter began to slowly wash away Mark’s turmoil that had been building since the first torrid letter, but that was still a LONG way off.

Mark could feel himself reveling in Claire’s helpless plight more and more as she fought so valiantly against the dreadful sensations that he was so heartlessly forcing on her slender midsection. He could feel his face becoming something quite new to him. Lying there, straddling his life’s great joy, Mark’s body rejoiced at every hopeless undulation underneath him. The way his eyes remained focused so intently watching Claire’s every expression of tortured emotion while he drove her deeper and deeper into the throws of insufferable torment was almost disturbing. He could feel his menacing grin grow bigger and bigger at her every loud desperate peal of agonized hilarity. He could feel himself being taken over with the feral indulgence of his ruthless desires and it was something he could neither explain nor resist…

You know, it’s an interesting sensation the first time that you push someone to ‘MADNESS!’ You can feel them fighting it… you can feel them TRYING TO RESIST… But no matter how much they try to fight you that sensation… the feeling of them slipping so slowly away from their ‘SANITY’ makes you feel so POWERFUL for throwing them so heartlessly over the edge.

“You See Claire… This is what happens to LIARS… *WHISPER-THEY GET PUNISHED…-WHISPER*” Mark allowed his fingernails to lightly scrape against the top of Claire’s svelte tummy through the tight silky material of her seductive dress. Marked loved the feeling of Claire’s toned ab muscles tightening in fervent protest to the unbearable whispery tickles being visited upon them. His new found assault also had the ancillary benefit of new found shrieking giggles and even more desperate arching and slithering trying desperately to evade his menacing fingers. “Now… ARE YOU GOING TO LIE TO ME AGAIN YOUNG LADY hahaha!” Mark was drunk even at the first taste of his new found power.

“Hehehehehehheheheheheheheheehheehheehehehe PROBABLY heheheheheh AHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA!” Claire couldn’t resist. Mark’s arrogant taunting was just too much for her to take. She might have to suffer her ticklish fate, but having to hear about it was far too much to ask. As such, her witty retort was met now with both of Mark’s enraged hands violently tormenting her poor quivering ribcage.

“Really… REALLY? Are you sure about that Claire? Are you sure? REALLY…ARE YOU SURE?” Mark couldn’t believe what he was feeling. Claire’s teasing playback was only adding to both his ecstasy and sense of evil. He could still since the deep conflict between her between what she thought she wanted and what he knew she needed, but this was the first real sign of progress. His hands took on lives of themselves as the mercilessly electrified Claire’s helpless ribs.

“YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS HAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHHA STOP STOP AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA YEP I’m SURE HAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!” Claire couldn’t believe that she was egging him on. In all of her wildest daydreams about merciless tickle torment she could have never imagined that it would be this intense. The feelings were truly wretched. Her body could neither take them nor live without them. As much as she tried to fight it, there was something inside of her that was waking up much to her inevitable demise.

It’s not easy to take the person you love to that SPECIAL place. There are a lot of bumps on the road. It’s hard for them to deal with. They are going to have to step outside of everything that they knew to experience what only you can give them. You have to be there, with them, guiding them along the way. DRAGGING THEM IF NECESSARY HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH!

“Okay… Just remember ‘You asked for it’ Claire!” Mark’s hands darted back and forth across Claire’s tortured upper body. He would not allow her the least bit of comfort. He maliciously massaged her delicate soft sides forcing her to explode in ticklish despair. He snuck his hands teasingly into her exposed hollows when she would lift her arms futilely trying to fight him away from her. He violently skittered his teasing fingernails in capricious patterns all over her trembling tummy while she screeched turbulently in ticklish abandon. In addition to the endless thrashing and mindless giggling Mark also received a sick thrill from the feeling of Claire’s strong arms pushing as hard as she could violently trying to grab his arms, and pointlessly trying to bat away his demon possessed hands in her desperate attempts to gain the least bit of rest from his unending tickle torture.

“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH OH I’LL REMEMBER HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHA EHEHEHEHEEHEEHHEEHEHE OHHHHHHH NOT THERE NOT THERE HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA!” Claire’s insistent defiance was born of a new found anger. She hated being helpless to Mark. She hated not being able to free herself. She fought with renewed strength to thrust him from atop her. She dug her heeled feet into the tile violently pressing with all her might to get out, to free herself, to get away from this insidious torment that she was being forced to endure. She grabbed marks arms and pulled violently trying to get them as far away from her sensitive ticklish flesh as possible. Claire had always been strong… there is no way that she will be dominated without a struggle.

It’s funny, but sitting here typing this, the thing that fascinates me the most is the struggling, oh dear God the struggling…

The things that you want and the things that you need… for some, reconciling those two really can be a struggle!

“Awwwwwwwwwwwww, What’s the matter? Are the ticklish little tomboy little ribbies sensitive?” Mark couldn’t resist. For some reason he loved the feeling of Claire’s fingernails digging into his arms through the starched fabric of his shirt. He loved feeling her fight against him in earnest. He wanted her. He wanted all of her. He wanted everything, even her anger.

“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH SHUT MARK AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA DON’T SAY THAT AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!” Claire knew that Mark was fully aware what that word meant to her. He was doing this on purpose… of course he was. There was nothing that she could do, but she could not allow such an insult.

“Say what? What don’t you want me to say? Oh… you mean that thing they used to call you in school. That name that you hate so much. Is that what you don’t want me to say?” Mark’s slick little grin took on an even more sinister twinge. Teasing was one thing, but this was just cruel. This one terminology had been the Bane of Cl;aire’s very existence and he knew it.

“HAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHA DON’T YOU DARE MARK… HAHAHAHAHAHAH DON’T YOU FUCKING DARE AHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAH!” So much feeling, so much intensity, so much passion. Mark’s love was only deepened watching his delicate beauty reduced to a swearing mess screaming at the top of her lungs in delicious defiance to his verbal assault and ticklish onslaught.

“Don’t I dare what, Claire?” Mark paused his merciless tickling just for a second. He desperately wanted to invite Claire’s response. He let her catch her breath for a few quick moments still beset by the remnants of his persistent torment. Finally able to open her eyes, Claire wiped the involuntary tears from the corners of her eyes and starred at Mark with laser focus. There was so much going on in her beleaguered mind. Confusion, anger, hatred, intense fear, and a mounting fury at Mark’s latest direction of verbal taunts.

“Huuuuuuu Huuuuuuu Huuuuuuuu I SAID… don’t call me that. Huuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuuYou know that I hate it when people call me that Mark! Huuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Don’t you say it Mark. Don’t you FUCKING SAY IT!” Mark found the sternness in Claire’s response strangely alluring. It was an interesting contrast to the trembles of fear that he could see in her wavering pupils.

“Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Claire doesn’t like to be called a TOMBOY… that’s so CUTE!” Mark’s hands shot in time to Claire’s defenseless hollows causing her to once again scrunch into a defenseless ball trapping his skittering fingernails in the deepest hollows of her hyper ticklish underarms. Her entire torso became rigid with ticklish distress as his fingers tormented her supplementing his merciless taunting. “Now the question is… What is our ticklish little TOMBOY going to do to keep her evil tickler quiet? What can she do to stop me from saying TOMBOY TOMBOY TOMBOY!”

“SHUT UP HAAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAAA SHUT UP MARK AHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAH SHUT THE HELL UP HAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAAHA!” No way of escape, her delicate skin being tormented by the man she trusted more than anyone else on the planet, her psyche being pushed past the point of reason having to endure her most hated criticism while being physically tortured beyond reason. It was too much. Claire felt more helpless at this very moment than she ever had in her life…

“Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I wonder… This may be one situation where laughing at the problem isn’t going to make it go away Claire HAHAHA. I mean I am not going to stop you, I just wonder how effective a strategy that is HEHE.” Mark was possessed. He loved watching Claire suffer. He wanted to make this as hard on her as possible. After thousands and thousands of words about “him” a few hours of payback wasn’t outside the realm of fairness in Mark’s wicked mind.

“STOP SAYING THAT AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAAHAHAH STOP RIGHT NOW STOP HAHAAHAHAAHAHAHAAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA!” This was insane. Claire was a grown woman. Yet, here she was pinned to the floor of Mark’s foyer with the cold tile pressing into the bare skin of her back and neck writhing maniacally under Mark’s cruel tickling. Even worse she was forced to endure his infuriating taunts… it was too much. Claire couldn’t stand another second.

“Come on Claire… what are you going to do about it? What are you….


The tickling stopped. Claire couldn’t believe it. It was like her right hand had smacked Mark across the Cheek without her approval. It wasn’t her fault. It was just so maddening. She had to let it out. She didn’t mean to… DID SHE?


Mark just sat there. His head was still turned across his right shoulder as his cheek let the full weight of Claire’s palm print sink in and be registered in Mark’s mind. He said nothing. He just listened for Claire’s breathing. He felt her chest rise faster and faster. It excited him. He could feel her palms trembling slightly against his arms. It excited him.

Claire watched intently. She could barely believe what just happened, let alone speculate the consequences. She just lay there, pinned under her tormentor, waiting wondering. Mark loosened his tie. He never turned his head back. That worried Claire. What was going through his mind? Was he mad? He had to know that she didn’t mean it… well, that she didn’t REALLY mean it. His head still turned Mark pulled his tie from around his neck and unbuttoned the top of his shirt. The thing that bothered Claire was Mark’s breathing. It never changed. It was still slightly elevated, but deep, calm, collected. Was he angry… she couldn’t tell.

“Mark… I… AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH huuuuuuu huuuuuuuu huuuuuuuu” Before she could say another word Mark pounced. He pinned both of her hands tightly above her head once again startling Claire beyond belief. This time, he stretched her wrists as far as they would reach with his strong hands and brought his face right in front of hers. What Claire saw caused her heart to brim over with sheer unadulterated terror. She had never seen this smile before. It was purely demonic. Mark grinned ear to ear like a predator admiring his helpless prey. Claire could see him almost giggling in lustful anticipation of all the terrible things that he had in store for her. She had never seen Mark like this before. She was frightened, she was nervous, she was anxious, she was…

Claire was frozen. She couldn’t think. Why did she do that? How did this happen? Was this Mark? Her head was filled with burning questions and her eyes were filled with the images of the demon that she had summoned somewhere in her suggestive letters about the man that formed her fantasies. A part of her was aghast at the way “HE” would react at the news of the evening’s events, but all that she could focus on was the beast hovering greedily over her savoring the meal to come.

Unable to stand the sight of Mark’s feasting eyes and vicious grin Claire closed her eyes and tried desperately to turn her head away from him. She wished and hoped that if she tried hard enough that she could transport herself to just a few minutes before and walk out the door to safety. That’s what she wanted. However, Mark’s sweet lips returning to her burning left cheek brought it crashing home that it wasn’t what she needed.

Claire could feel Mark’s passionate kissing and nibbling of her left ear. It was wretched. It was wonderful. It was confusing. It was fulfilling. His warm breath tickled and teased her ears causing her to swoon gently despite herself. What was he doing to her?

“Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm That’s my girl… That’s my tough girl Claire… MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!” Mark was beside himself. In all of his wildest fantasies, he could never have imagined that finally taking his prize would be this exhilarating. He loved the way Claire fought him. He loved watching her unbridled passion as he conquered her. He loved knowing that no matter what she did or how hard she tried that he could take her… take her where she always needed to be.

“Oh Goddddddddddddddd huhhhhhhh huhhhhhhhhhhh!” The conflict was so much for Claire. First Mark used the incessant tickling, then the passionate soothing kisses. First he issues cruel taunts and then such sweet terms of endearment. She hated Mark right now. She hated him for doing this to her. She hated him for making her feel so helpless. She hated him for making her feel so beautiful. She hated him for making her need his approval. She hated him for the torturous tickles. She hated him for making her entire body tingle in dreadful need for him. She hated him for the subtle stirring between her writhing bare thighs. She hated him…. Didn’t she?

“But I do think that we are going to have to work on this anger control issue of yours Claire. We can’t have you using your hands like that. If you can’t exercise better judgment, then I am just going to have to ENSURE that it doesn’t happen again.” Claire knew exactly what Mark was thinking. Her eyes flew open in disbelief and found his menacing smirk glowing with evil intention to meet her aghast stare and desperate sigh. Before the shock of Mark’s declaration wore off, Mark violently rolled Claire over onto her svelte stomach pressing himself deliciously against her firm buns as she lay there defenseless to stop him with her arms still tightly in his grasp. “I am going to tie you up Claire. I am going to tie you up nice and tight. I am going to tie you up since you can’t seem to keep your hands to yourself.” Mark punctuated his devilish promise by forcing both of Claire’s arms tightly behind her back and holding her wrists against the small of her back. Claire was helpless, her situation was only getting worse, but she wouldn’t give in.

“No Mark… Don’t…. I’m warning you. Let ME go. Let me go right now Mark!” Clare honestly thought that if she said it long enough she might believe it. She knew that he was doing this on purpose. She knew that he kept saying it over and over just so it would sink in. She hated that she ever told him what those three words did to her. It made it even worse that no matter how angry it made her, she couldn’t fight the way that her body carnally responded to the idea of its impending restraint. Feeling Mark’s cheek pressed against hers only added to her discomfort. Claire couldn’t stand being this close to Mark right now.

“Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Still defiant I see. EXQUISITE. Don’t worry Sweetheart… I know how to fix that. I am going to take that defiance away from you Claire… Slowly. Don’t give in too quickly though. I wouldn’t want you to spoil all the fun. HAHAHA!” Mark didn’t hide his growing excitement as he allowed himself to rub suggestively against Claire’s firm behind. He loved the subtle affirmation of the war still raging inside of her as she let out a frustrated whimper at being unable to avoid his lewd caress, yet her smooth full buns rose to meet the firmness growing between Mark’s legs.

“Hmphhhhhhh Well I am glad to see that at least SOMEBODY is enjoying this…” The first gentle kiss of Mark’s golden tie around her trapped wrists sent Claire into a frenzy. This couldn’t happen. Not now. Not like this. She couldn’t be restrained. She couldn’t be tied up. Not by Mark. That would be too much. She started kicking her legs wildly behind her. She tried with all that she was to reach back with her shiny high heels and kick Mark off of her but it was to no avail. All that she succeeded in doing was lightly massaging the devious creature atop of her as her buns flexed with the wild flailing of her toned legs. She had to let it out. She had to do something with the frustration of being trapped. She had to do something with the whirlwind of emotions that was trapped inside of her right now.

I am beginning to think that control is over rated. I have spent far too much time trying to control things in my life. I can now say without a doubt that there is a certain special part of me that doesn’t really feel alive unless I have all my illusions of control taken away from me…

I mean, I’ve even told you before about my curiosity with bondage, but I think that now it’s developing into an obsession I never really understood before. There is just something about the idea of being completely helpless… that enthralls me to no end.

As curious as I have been for however long, I have never had anyone TIE ME UP BEFORE

Just thinking about… hands freely roaming over my agonizingly ticklish body tormenting me more and more with every unbearable second forces me to imagine just how wildly I will be pulling against my tight satin bondage as futile as it may be. I can’t wait to just let out life’s entire frustration thrashing with all my might to escape a sweet torture that I secretly never want to end.

You see… our deepest fantasies, (no matter how detailed, how intense, or how wonderful they may seem in the safe confines of our own mind), are like sweet looking cakes sitting on the table of time. Until you’ve tasted them, How much do you really know?

“Oh come on Claire. I know that you can fight harder than that. I almost have your wrists tied together. I know you can do a lot better than this. What’s the point in being a ticklish little tomboy if you’re so weak to stop me? HAHAHA!” Mark made sure to wrap the golden silk around Claire’s gyrating wrists in several tight loops as he taunted and teased her about her growing helplessness. Fanning the raging flames burning in her subconscious was far too delicious an experience to be dismissed quickly. Her honest struggles beneath him futilely trying to free herself from his strong grasp began to serve as reassurance that no matter what she did or how hard she tried that there was nothing Claire could do to stop herself from becoming his bound ticklish little morsel… (at least for tonight anyway.)

“You’re going to pay for this Mark… I swear to God you are going to FUCKING pay for this… huuuuuuuuuh huuuuuuuuuh…” Mark made sure to make the tying of the knot as dramatic as possible. Claire could feel her growing anger start to take possession of her entire being. Her entire body began to glow with her mounting fury and Mark’s intrusion. She kicked, she writhed, she slithered against her bondage and the demon straddling her backside just letting the anger vent through her violent contortions. It wasn’t even that much about freeing herself anymore. It was about expressing the sheer frustration of battling the subconscious stirrings of having her wrists bound that caused her breath to become so desperately labored… As Mark lowered his face to hers having finished securing her supple limbs tightly behind her, she refused to even acknowledge his presence starring straight ahead to the living room in front of her.

“What was that Claire? I didn’t hear you…” Claire hated that Mark’s left hand caressing through her long mane felt so soothing. He hated the warmth of his breath. She hated the lure of his menacing whisper. She hated feeling his massive body weight pressing her lightly erect nipples into the cold tile through her thin silk dress and lace undergarments. She especially hated the way that he was so casually taunting her with that air of masculine arrogance the she absolutely disdained. “You were saying something while I was TYING YOUR HANDS TOGETHER… You have to forgive me… I was more than a little distracted with making you helpless and all HAHA!” Mark received another cold chill of absolute power as Claire recoiled fiercely from his hand lightly caressing her cheek. “What were you saying now, Dear?”

“Hmphh…. I SAIIIIIIDDDDDDDDD… that you are going to FUCKING pay for THIEHEHAEHAHEHAEHAHEAHHAHEAEHAHEHAHEHEAHAHEHEAAH BASTARD HAHAHAHAHAAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Mark just couldn’t resist. There was a certain innocence about her when she was being to purposefully defiant. Feeling her honest thrashing, hearing her deep feminine laughter and sweet squealing giggles, hearing her cursing and fighting and scratching with all that she had let Mark taste a part of her glorious vitality that was on such open display….

“What’s that Claire… I still can’t hear you. You didn’t get it out. What was that?” Mark could barely contain his excitement. Every light touch of his menacing fingertips caused Claire to jerk, tense, and recoil in delicious ticklish agony. With her hands tied he was free to tease and titillate his blushing beauty at his leisure and he was sure to take full advantage.

“AHAHAHHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAAH YOU’LL PAY AHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA I SWEAR HAHAAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAA I SWEAR I SWEAR AHAHAHAHAHAHA STOP STOP STOP HAAHAHAHAHAHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Claire began to curse her making for giving her ribs that would be this devastated by an evil caress. The incessant poking, the malicious massage, the squeezing, the spidering; they all combined for an electric sensory overload that was more intense than anything she could ever imagine. And if possible, with her hands tied securely behind her back Claire felt as though she was even more ticklish in her despair.

The feeling of her deltoids straining with the intensity of the tie and Mark’s weight firmly pressed on top of her was a constant reminder that no matter how much she wanted to she could do nothing right now to stop the pitiless digits from digging deeper and deeper into her yielding sensitive flesh and increasing her torment at a whim.

“We are really going to have to work on your annunciation Claire…” Mark paused his latest assault just to add insult to very real tortured injury. He once again lowered his face to caress right next to Claire’s right cheek so that every word could pour directly into her sensitive eardrums. He loved the feeling of her labored breathing trying desperately to suck and much cool air into her straining ribs as possible to put out the desperate fire that he was causing deep inside of her. “Now let’s start off something simple…” Mark let the palms of his hands lightly caress up and down Claire’s sides from her hips to just below her ample peaks as a friendly reminder that another violent trip for her back to mindless mirth was literally at Mark’s fingertips… “Say this. ‘Hello, My name is Claire…’ Do you think you can manage that?”

“Oh dear Lord, Mark. YESSSSSSSS I can say it. Oh My God. ‘Hello, My name is go screEHHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEEHEHEHE’HEHEHEHEHEHEHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAH AHAHAHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Claire couldn’t resist. She is a fighter. This was a challenge. Claire wasn’t going to loose, especially not to Mark. She would fight until she had nothing left before she gave in to the mindless whims of this thing sitting on top of her.

“Nope nope. I see that we still have some work to do!” Mark could not believe the sheer excitement of feeling his naughty neighbor writhing so madly under his strong grasp. He could feel every fiber of muscle in her toned body straining desperately against his unending tickle torture. “Let’s try it from the hips Claire… Come on. Breathe in and say it from your hips, Claire. Maybe this will help! Now what were you trying to say?”

Mark alternated from lightly skittering his fingernails on the outside of Claire’s pelvic bones at the side of her hips to teasing and massaging her pocket points with deathly accuracy. He never allowed her a second of anticipation under his capricious onslaught. He made sure at every turn that poor ticklish Claire had no way of knowing what kind of ghastly sensation would be visited upon her sensitive nerved next, and as such the received every ruthless ticklish trespass as though it was the very first time.

“AHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAAHAAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAAAHAHAAAHAHHAHAHAHA HAAHAHAHAA YOU’RE GONNA AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH GET IT HAHAAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAH!” So many nights daring to dream what Claire’s bound helpless hysterical form would look like and Mark could never have imagined the sheer radiance of her ticklish agony. His ticklish little tough girl was going to pay. She was going to pay dearly. She was going to experience as much torture on this one night as Mark’s tortured heart had felt since the first casual mention of ‘HIM.’ With the lust of Claire’s earnest suffering clouding his mind, Mark could not contemplate what the new day would bring, but he was certain that right now at this moment Claire would be his no matter what it took.

The hardest part of doing anything great is convincing yourself that it can be done. Most people spend their entire lives telling themselves why they will never be able to achieve there own dreams. It’s kind of hard to achieve anything when you are your own worst enemy. No matter what you do, if you don’t believe something is possible then there will always be this little voice in the back of your mind sabotaging even your best attempts at real happiness. The good news is that the same is true in reverse. Once you allow yourself to believe that you can reach your mountain top, then there is nothing that can stop you from reaching that seemingly insurmountable peak no matter how hard or treacherous the climb…

“Now… Why don’t we try this again?” Mark once again gave his teasing hands and his blushing beauty a rest and enjoyed Claire’s elevated breathing as evidence of his growing power over her. “Now…” Once again to further Claire’s plight, Mark allowed his full warm moist lips to gently tease the curve of her ear as he whispered his pitiless taunts so sweetly. “What were you saying earlier, Claire…”

“Huhhhhhhh Huuuuh I said that you’re going to FUCKING pay for this Mark…. *Ummmm*” Mark violently flipped Claire over on the cold tile of the foyer once again pinning her tightly beneath him. The skin of her bare back and her supple bound arms kissed the icy flooring to match the ice water now flowing through her veins. She looked up at Mark starring down at her with a smile… that smile. That evil sadistic smile. She swore she couldn’t stand another second of his hungered gaze. “When I get out of this you are going to be sorry Mark… Very SORRY!” Claire’s mind was fading slowly away to the background and her unbridled emotions were slowly taking control of all her physical actions. She lunged wildly at Mark letting her anger, frustration, and hatred of her bondage be known with every tumultuous grunt and gritting of her teeth.

“No now Claire….” Straddling Claire lewdly and peering directly into her fuming soul Mark used the palms of his strong hands to make light soothing trails from the base of her quivering tummy to the base of her full breasts. “Let’s not go around making idle threats.” Mark firmly squeezed and massaged both of Claire’s large sensitive peaks tweaking and probing at his whim. He fondled her helpless mounds unapologetically staring her directly in the eyes the entire time. Claire only became further enraged in sensual confusion with Mark’s lascivious massage. She leaned back and closed her eyes as tightly as possible imagining that she was somewhere far away from Mark’s ever so skilled teasing fingertips. “Let’s remember…” Claire couldn’t help but emit a slight murmur of approval while her body involuntarily shuddered having both of her stiffening nipples lightly caressed to punctuate Mark’s cruel taunts. “You are a little TIED UP at the moment HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!”

Claire snapped back from the dizzy reality of having her now very sensitized nubbins teased and caressed by Mark’s adept digits at the cruel reminder of her helpless predicament. She slithered from side to side trying desperately to remove her intimate mounds from Mark’s sinister reach. She thrashed harder and harder in any attempt to break his delicious contact with her delicate skin. Frustrated at every turn, pinned beneath them there was nothing that poor Claire could do to avoid Mark’s pointed malicious attention.

Mark couldn’t understand why this excited him so much. Here he was, shamefully straddling the bound woman that he loved more than life itself, but the one thing that preoccupied his mind at this glorious moment was watching her struggle, frustrating her, and making her SUFFER. He wanted this to be bad for Claire. He rejoiced with her every desperate angry outburst or violent passionate lunge expressing her agonized frustration. He wanted this to be something that she would never forget. He would make sure that no matter what from this day on whenever her head lay motionless against her pillow in the midst of her midnight slumbers that this day, this glorious day, would haunt her sweetest nightmares for all time. He didn’t want to hurt her. He couldn’t. He loves her. He just wants to maker her feel; feel all the wretched hatred, frustration, despair, and helplessness that she had so unwittingly inflicted upon him with her vivid images of the enigmatic figure that shaped her depraved little fantasies.

Claire finally tired of her slithering and just lay back against the icy cold tile. She looked up at him. She looked up at this man that she had never met before in the form of a familiar friend just moments passed. He wouldn’t win. He couldn’t win. She would never surrender. There was nothing that she could do to stop her body from reacting. That was beyond her control. He would take her laughter. He would take her screaming. He would take her desperate squirming against his ruthless menacing tickles. Her eyes fumed with renewed disdain for him at the horrid realization that he might even be able to take her arousal. But he could not have her pleasure. No matter how he caressed, no matter how he massaged, no matter how many of her fantasies he forced her to endure he couldn’t have it. That would be her last stand. That would be her testimony to life. The only thing that she could control right now was the gateway to her ecstasy. That was still something that on some level she had to willingly give. Claire promised herself in this solemn moment of greatest despair staring at the physical manifestation of her life’s greatest nightmare that no matter how bad it was, no matter how good it may feel that she would not surrender. She could not give Mark that sweet victory.

“NNnnnnnnnnnnnnn… Oh God… I hate you right now Mark… I swear to god I FUCKING hate you!” Even though Claire’s mind and strong were ready for the terrible challenge ahead, her poor beleaguered eyes had felt far too much. The corner of her eyes began to tear not out of sadness, but just leaking the concentrated hateful emotions building behind her hazel eyes. Mark was surprised hat his own dreadfully callous response. As Claire’s anger began to manifest itself, with those three words she set his free. He began replaying her every teasing word in every lascivious letter in peccant detail watching his greatest love melting slowly in the wake of his growing dominance.

“Awwwwwwwwwwwww, Thank you sweetie!” Mark began lightly kissing and caressing Claire’s trapped cheek and the silky skin of her bare neck and she kicked and screamed with renewed vigor in defiant protest. “You promissssssssssssssssse?”

“I HATE YOU… I FUCKING HATE YOU…. *SNIFFLE* I SWEAR TO GOD MARK I FUCKING HATE YOU RIGHT NOW… *SNIFFLE*” Claire couldn’t stand letting this fiend see her emotions. She hates weakness. Claire was aghast that she was so powerless to stop the gentle kiss of Mark’s sweet lips or the light teasing nibbles of his evil teeth from playing such havoc with her impressionable nerve endings. Feeling Mark’s honest loving affection through the prism of her forced imprisonment did absolutely nothing to resolve the mounting war between her swirling mind, hate filled heart, and slowly warming bare thighs.

“Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh… It’s okay Sweetheart.” Mark leaned in closely whispering softly into Claire’s trapped ear while he lightly stroked her flowing mane comforting the growing tension threatening to cast her tattered mind past the brink of sanity. “After reading all those long detailed searing letters about “HIM”, there’s a part of me that really FUCKING hates you too Claire. It makes me feel sooooooooooooooooooooo much better to now know that the feeling is mutual. Don’t worry though Claire. I have an idea how we are going to work through this… together. Thank you so much for finally being so Honest Claire. But I do think that we are going to have to do someeeeeeeeeeeething about that swearing of yours though. I think that I might have to take a little time to teach my sweet little girl to be more ladylike!”

“No no… Don’t mark donAAAAAAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA DON’T TICKLE ME HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA NO NO NO HEEHEHEHEHEHEEHEHEHEEHEHEHEEHEHEHEHEHEEHHEEHEHEHEH!” Claire plunged back into the deep abyss of forced hilarity with the sinister decent of Mark’s deviant hands onto her dreadfully sensitive ribcage. Mark ruthlessly tickled her at will just to add emphasis to all of his horrible promises of Claire’s merciless torment that was to come. Claire felt herself straining desperately with every violent twitch of ticklish agony desperately trying to free herself from the smooth silk bindings that held her fast. Her eyes screwed tight and laughter roaring from the back of her throat she barely had time to let the full weight of Mark’s sadistic intentions sink in. Right now the only things that existed as her ribs were so expertly titillated were herself, Mark, his demonic tickling, and the bonds that held her so tight from stopping it.

Claire could hear the loud clacking of her high heels crashing into the floor as she flailed kicking desperately trying to gain any leverage she could to pry the evil creature away from her sensitive torso but at every turn she was met only with frustration. She was even powerless to stop her beautiful black hair from matting to her face in the combination of her fresh beads of tortured perspiration and her long flowing main flailing wildly as she threw her head from side to side trying in vain to deal with the electric shocks of ticklish torment violently cascading through her midsection. All the while the only thing that tortured the depths of Claire’s soul more than the dreadful pointed stimulation was the continual insidious cackles of her lost friend fully enjoying her helpless plight.

“Still giving orders I see!” Mark slowed his touch to another roaming caress as his hands moved freely over Claire’s midsection and heaving full chest. “Pinned down… Bound… no hope in sight…. But still giving orders…” Mark wiped the strands of hair away from Claire’s still glowing angelic face and could not hide his smile at the familiarly radiant form lurking beneath. She was disheveled, tired, angry, frustrated, confused, but still RAVISHING. Claire was breathing heavily but there was a look of quiet determination in her eyes. Mark found it strangely alluring. To control someone who was so vibrant… so alive… so strong. It would be his greatest victory, a welcome reversal to the past months continually living in his life’s greatest failure. He bent in and anointed Claire’s forehead with a single burning kiss for all the dreadful jubilance that he had in store for his life’s great love. He had waited so long, and his time had finally come. “That’s what is going to make this so fun Claire… Promise me that you won’t change okay?” Mark stood over his blushing beauty almost triumphant as he surveyed her squirming bound form. “I think that we are going to have to go some place a little more comfortable for your proper instruction. Now come along like good girl…”

Claire could not escape her own silence. There was a large part of her that was still in shock over the days most recent events. Feeling herself freed from the confines of Mark’s demanding body weight she tried as best she could to wriggle and turn somehow to free herself from her silk bindings. The revelation that her predicament was only going to intensify was all the motivation that Claire needed for her most earnest attempts at escape.

Mark lowered his hands slowly to collect his prize that he had won with his first real act of courage in the face of his life’s great agony. He knew that she would resist, but he wanted this to last. It’s not every day that you get to rewrite the course of a lifetime. Mark wanted to make sure that he savored every last minute.

“Mark… Please no. Just let me go please. Please please Ahhhhhh Oh God no no no please AHHHHHHH no stop that please please AHHHHHHHHH Mark I’m serious just stop, Please?” Mark darted his hands down at Claire as though he was about to pounce just to recoil and watch the fear both grip and fade away from her beautiful face. Just his first time out and he was already keenly aware of the true power of psychological torment. He was as sadistic teasing her psyche as he was at her supple nerve ending, much to Claire’s true horror. Mark allowed his silence to drift through the tension filled air adding to the building anticipation that threatened to drive Claire insane. “Please Mark… I promise that if you let me go I won’t be AHHHHHHHH MAD AHHHHHHHHH shit… you’re scaring me MAAHHHHHHHH” Claire squirmed as much as possible retreating from Mark’s ominous hands. She couldn’t bear another second of the unending torturous titillation or fathom the idea of being carried off to her bound ticklish demise. Even though hope was bleak, Claire could not imagine going down without a fight.

“Come on now Claire… *LUNGE* Play nice *LUNGE* HAHA… remember… It’s just a little TICKLING!!!” Mark finally bent his knees snaring his writhing beauty in his strong arms as she struggled mightily in delicious defiance. “Ok… Maybe there might be more than just a little HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!” Mark slung Claire over his broad right shoulder lifting himself fully to his feet carrying the manifestation of his life’s greatest daydreams in his arms at last… after all this time. Mark felt his head resting gently against Claire’s warm flexing hip as she kicked aimlessly. He could see her long beautiful bare legs violently fighting the air that they were suspended in. he could see her beautiful feet still cloaked in the black shinny leather of her sexy shoes. He could feel her full breasts resting on his back. Best of all he could feel her every violent strain for a freedom that would never come…. Not tonight. The golden silk of his necktie fit so perfectly contrasting the tanned skin of Claire’s bound wrists, her long sharp maroon fingernails, and the deep black oasis of her flowing silky dress as she squirmed so helplessly in his grasp.

“Mark… Put me down please, you can’t do this. Please Mark put me down… Just put me the hell down…” Claire honest pleas for release were like music to Mark’s ears. All those helpless nights sitting in front of his computer powerless to change the piercing words of Claire’s tormenting correspondence would be visited on this evening of atonement as Claire lay bound before him helpless to change the sinister ministrations that Mark had in store for her sweet supple body that has haunted his tortured mind for so long.

“Don’t worry Claire, I am going to put you down, I am going to put you down. Just not here. Trust me. I truly believe that you will find my bed much more comfortable. Don’t bother thanking me… I know how appreciative of my consideration that you are. The only payment that I need is that beautiful beaming SMILE of yours.” Mark used two fingers of his left hand to gently probe and massage the hollow just above Claire’s hipbone as he held the backs of her naked thighs firmly with his right arm. There was no hope that his blushing beauty could escape the ticklish torment as he held her so tightly, and he counted on her not being able to withhold the delicious wriggling that Mark began to crave so dearly. As he started off towards his bedroom he wanted to feel as much of Claire’s violent thrashing in his arms as possible as he was serenaded with the forced hysterical mirth of her sincere ticklish suffering. Carrying his bound helpless giggling writhing long lost love across the living room was the lap of great victory that had eluded Mark for so long. He only paused his evil tickling to finally turn the knob to his long desired night of omnipotence over the woman that he loved so much.

Can you imagine what that was like for me? Being so close to the person I love. All the deviant depraved desires that I have had for so long just minutes away from ultimate fulfillment. My heart was beating so loud in my chest. My mind was spinning. After all those long frustrating nights I was dizzy with ardent arousal. Everything that I have wanted for all those years since we first met finally within my grasp. After waiting patiently for so long I was just moments away from finally showing someone my inner demon for the first time. You can’t imagine the anticipation, the passion or the undeniable intoxicating moment of taking that special someone kicking and screaming to that special place that you just knew they were dying to go. It is a feeling so intense that you will surely never forget it. This one glorious moment of unlocking the horrible monster lurking inside my darkened heart will be burned into the forefront of my devious mind until the day I Die…

For Mark, just a single touch of Claire’s glorious legs was like tasting a tiny piece of the heavens. The intense feeling of her toned trapped hamstrings straining so deliciously against the cruel caress of her impressionable hip bone was more than he could have imagined. Feeling Claire’s every desperate gyration in response to even his light teasing tickles was a wonderful foreshadowing of her maniacal thrashing to come once she took her rightful place helplessly bound to Mark’s large massive bed.

Just swinging open the door to his ominous bedchamber, Mark could not help but admire the venue of Claire’s inevitable ticklish destruction. The large four poster bed in the center of the large space gave Mark’s bedroom a wonderfully regal quality in general. In this context, however, the configuration of the room’s dominant furnishing added a sinister quality normally reserved for the medieval dungeons from a time long since past.

The dark cherry oak scattered about the room made it appear as a conquered forest walking through the massive doorframe. The imposing four posts were flanked on either side by matching nightstands with dark wood accents. Mark stood just to the left of his massive dresser topped with a large mirror as he took his first steps into the site of his destiny that had eluded him for so long. After closing the door on his beleaguered past Mark savored every step over the beige carpet with his bound beauty still struggling against his incessant teasing tickles squirming over his shoulder. As impolitely as possible, Mark deposited Claire atop his dark golden comforter and onto his large king size bed.

Claire tried desperately to catch her breath. The deep forced laughter from Mark’s merciless teasing was having a dreadful affect on her straining lungs. She wasn’t given much of a chance to recuperate as she was quickly followed onto the soft mattress by her mad tormentor. Before Claire could even muster the strength to shriek out in protest, Mark flipped her onto her stomach stretching her bound form out across the massive bedding. She could feel the weight shift with Mark’s every move atop the mattress and she was painfully aware that he was heading towards her lightly straining ankles.

Claire felt Mark’s knees trap her helpless shoed feet between his legs. Claire tried with all her might to pull her trapped leather encased soles from the demon kneeling behind her on the bed but she was regrettably held fast. With her bare legs stretched so delicately with her ankles now trapped, Claire became painfully aware how naked her warm soft skin was in the wake of Mark’s evil intentions. The first kiss of his nimble fingertips to her bare trembling calves had a terribly duplicitous effect. On the one hand, the fear of the inevitable impending tickles was far too much to contemplate, but the soothing feel of Mark’s languid caress on her toned flinching bare claves sent intolerable trickles of pleasure shooting up the backs of her legs crashing into the stirring top of her silky thighs.

“See Claire… This is much nicer. I am so glad that I got rid of my old bed. It was just too… vanilla. I thought that this would give the room a much more… classical feeling. Believe it or not Claire, I actually picked it very much with you in mind. HAHAHA.” Mark could tell that his devious taunts were landing perfectly placed between Claire’s burning ears. He could see the subtle tremors of fear with his every menacing word and the sick rush of power was intoxicating. He let his curious hands wander freely over the silky backs of Claire’s trapped quivering legs lightly massaging and caressing his bound beauty. He could tell that she was fighting her obvious enjoyment with all that she was and that’s exactly what he wanted. Recounting all the years of pent up frustration Mark knew that his greatest target for revenge was that rogue part of Claire’s psyche that always fought against her affections for him. He wanted to make sure that part of Claire’s persona was on full display so that he could thoroughly enjoy the slow trek to its utter destruction for his sadistic pleasure. “I would have never thought that I would actually have you, laying her, tied up nice and tight, stretched out on my large bed to play with, but a boy can dream can’t he? HAHAHA Now tell me Sweetheart… Isn’t this more comfortable than the icy floor of the foyer?”

Claire sat in the wake of Mark’s ominous silence waiting for an answer to his very loaded question. Part of her mind was terrified beyond all reason and the massive conflict between her resistance and growing subtle approval of her hopeless predicament made the idea of forming words seemingly insurmountable. After a few passing moments, the weight of the thunderous silence became too much.

“…no…” Claire could not bring herself to admit that the presumed location of even more insidious torment was comfortable in the least of degree.

“Oh you know you’re right Claire. There is something missing!” With that, Mark began insistently spidering all ten of his evil fingertips up and down Claire’s smooth bare legs causing her to writhe in protest and squeal in girlish laughter in response to the ticklish intrusion. “Is this better Claire?” Mark concentrated all of his menacing digits scraping and probing the hollows under Claire’s violently shaking knees which proved to be a hot bed of lively nerves. “I honestly don’t know how I could have forgotten HAHAHA!”

“Hehehehehehehehehehehehe stop Mark stop heheheheheheeheheheh that tickles hahahhahhahahhahahhah it tickles it tickles it tickles hahahahahahahahahahah stop stop stop hahahahhahhhahahahhah not the knees not the knees hahahahahahhahahahahahaha!” The light precise caress of her trembling legs was a horrible whisper of electric sensations that was somewhat more subtle than the deep torment of her poor torso but in a way the light touch was even more maddening. With every passing second Claire developed an even greater hatred of each of Mark’s icy cruel fingers.

“Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, It’s supposed to tickle Claire. That’s why it’s called Tickling silly. I don’t know if now is the right time for jokes sweetheart!” Mark was a man possessed. He wanted to relish the sheer abject torture of each and every fiber of muscle that made up the object of his life’s greatest affection.

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I’M NOT JOKING HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA IT TICKLES IT TICKLES HAHAHAHAHAHHHAHAAHAHAHAHHAAHA OH GOD NO!” In sharp contrast to the light teasing caress of her bare skin, now Mark was viciously massaging the slender tendons on either side of her sensitive knees with his clawed fingers. The sensation made both of her entire legs burn with ticklish despair. She violently jerked from the top of the bed contorting in every direction that she could imagine in a futile effort to escape Mark’s quick hands, but no matter how much she gyrated they never left their defenseless targets.

“Really… How bad does it tickle Claire? Does it tickle REALLY BAD CLAIRE?” Mark wanted it… he wanted it all. He wanted to hear her say it.

“YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA IT TICKLES SO FUCKING BAD MARK HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH PLEASE STOP HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH JUST UNTIE ME… PLEASE HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH PLEASE MARK JUST NTIE ME AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHA PLEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASE!!!” Claire had no idea that her knees could even be tickled in such a manner let alone how torturous it would be. The only thing that she could think about at that current moment was the end to the murderous mistreatment of her trembling bare knees.

“Is that what you really want Claire? You want me to Untie you?” Mark resumed the light teasing stroking of Claire’s twitching bare legs to keep her off balance.

“YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS heheheheheeheheeheheh. Yes just untie, please Mark. Hehehhheehheheeheh please please untie me!!” Claire could finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. Maybe she could reason with him after all.

“Are you SURE? I want to make sure that we are very CLEAR about this!” Mark took up a sporadic mix of light teasing caresses and then more sinister massage of horribly ticklish tendons. He relished Claire’s helplessly panicked reactions at each ruthless punctuation.

“Yes Mark YEAHAHAHAAH hehehehehe yes please eheheheehhhhe please untiHAHAHAHAAHAHHAAHHAAHAHA OH GOD HAHAHAHAHAHAHA hehehee please untie Me heheheheehehehehehe HAHAAHHAAHHAHHAHAHA Oh God not the knees!” No matter how hard Claire tried, she could never predict the horrid sensation to come. The soothing light titillation mixed with the unbearable deep tickles on the backs of her knees was absolutely dreadful. This had to stop. This had to end. Mark had to untie her.

“I don’t KNOW… I mean, you don’t sound very CONVINCING CLAIRE. HAHA. I want to know how much you REALLY want me to untie these CUTE little WRISTS OF YOURS!” Mark Lunged forward lying atop his viciously bucking beauty once again with her firm thighs and ample bottom held fast between his own strong legs. Mark’s dove all ten of his violently wriggling and probing fingers into Claire’s exposed sensitive ribcage. Claire could not help but explode in violent bouts hysterical screaming laughter further straining her lightly burning lungs. Mark wanted to hear her scream for release. He wanted to hear her in utter ticklish abandon at the hands of his cruel torturous ministrations. He wanted to hear the sweet desperation dripping in her panicked shrieks for mercy sprinkled between her sweet maniacal cackles brought on by his devilish fingers.

“HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAHA OH MARK HAAHAHAAHAHHAHAHA PLEASE!!!” Claire knew what Mark wanted. He wanted to hear her beg. He wanted verbal validation of his power over her. She wanted to fight it, but it seemed like a small price to pay for this tormenting madness to end while her horribly stressed sanity was still in tact. “HAHAHAHAHAHAH PLEASE MARK PLEASE HAHAAHAHAHAHAAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA PLEASE JUST UNTIE ME AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAA PLEASE IT TICKLES SO BAD AHAHAHAHAHHHAHAHHAHAHAA OH MY GOD IT TICKLES AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH IT FUCKING TICKLES HAAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA STOP STOP PLEASE STOP HAHAHHAHAHAHA PLEASE NO MORE HAHAHAHAHAHHHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHA PLEASE JUST UNTIE ME PLEASE PLEASE HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH PLEASE PLEASE PLEAAAAAAAAAAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHSE huuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuu ohhhhhhhhhh huuuuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuu!” The cool air rushing back into Claire’s thirsting lungs was almost too pleasurable as she was finally allowed to catch her breath. Maybe that was enough. Maybe he was finally starting to listen to her. She had already been through so much. Maybe this was enough.

Claire could feel Mark’s hands lightly rubbing her shoulders. They were strained from her unending struggle against the strict silk that rendered her hands useless bound behind her back. As much as she hated to admit it, the gentle massage was terribly soothing. She could feel Mark’s gently push his face past her wild hair that was now wonderfully splayed all over the top of her gorgeous back from tossing her head from side to side in helpless tormented abandon. The gentle caress of his sweet lips burned against her bare warm skin. The horrid sensations of the unending tickles was bad enough but the continual contrast to his loving affection only caused Claire’s body to involuntarily seek out even more delicious titillating data to somehow resolve the conflicting signals between her bare thighs and in the tips of her firm breasts. Claire’s greatest struggle now was against allowing even a single proverbial toe to slip into the warm bath of sensual pleasure that she could feel Mark drawing with his guided hands and persistent lips. As she closed her eyes and sank her lightly glowing face into the mattress as if to hide from the gravity of her current predicament for the first time Claire allowed herself a brief fleeting image of what it might be like to loose.

“Claire…” Mark once again brought his face right next to hers. “Do you really want me to untie you?” Mark couldn’t help but gently kiss Claire’s sweet cheeks as he peppered her with teasing questions. He had wanted so badly in the terrible months past to have her there, right there as his canvas for his life’s great affection. He couldn’t help himself.

“Yes Mark… Please. Please untie me. I promise that I will forget about this whole thing, just please, untie my hands.” Claire could barely look at Mark. She was still lost in her growing confusion. This was not the reserved boy who never fit in that she had known for so long. This was someone else, but yet still so familiar. She couldn’t fully reconcile what was happening at that very moment and she could not take his pointed gaze in her uncertainty.

“Okay Claire… I will untie you okay. But you have to do something for me first okay…” Mark made every attempt to let his passionate kisses and gentle caress lead his captured beauty to the decision that he was aching for her to make.

“… what do you want from me Mark…. I just want you to untie me… what do you want me to do?” This wasn’t about resignation, this was about getting out. Within reason, some false promise or trivial task would be a small price to pay to ensure that her hyper-ticklish ribs were no where near this maniac’s icy fingers.

“I want you to thank me, Sweetie. I want you to thank me for granting you mercy!” Mark’s words were like icicles in the back of Claire’s mind. THANK HIM? After her forced imprisonment and mindless tickle torture how in the world could she THANK HIM for the freedom that was rightfully hers?

Claire tried as best she could to bury her face completely in the comforter atop the soft mattress unable to face the stark reality that right now this was her only option. The remnants of Mark’s last stinging attack still tormented her quivering ribs; any attempt to move her arms forced her to strain against her silk bondage. Moving her body in the slightest reminded her that she was helplessly trapped under Mark’s imposing form. She knew that she was in no place to bargain, no place to demand, and certainly no place to refuse.

Mark loved watching Claire’s mind tear in two pieces over his diabolical proposal. A shred of freedom for a shred of her intolerable pride-fair trade! Every whimper, every moan of malcontent, every gyration as she prepared for this dreadful concession only drove Mark to even greater heights of lustful intoxication from his first real drink from the fountain of unmitigated dominance.

“Of course… If you don’t WANT my mercy Claire I am sure that I can find something to keep us both entertained while your hands are tied so tightly behind your back… Don’t you?” Claire could feel Mark’s hands shifting from her aching shoulders and flowing mane back to their poised positions on either side of her bound form preparing for the next attack. She couldn’t let that happen…

“Noooo, I mean, yes. Yes I want you to have mercy on me Mark…” Claire couldn’t believe the words that were coming out of her mouth. This wasn’t how it was supposed to happen. Not like this. Not now. Not here. Starring blankly into the lightly tear stained mattress she couldn’t believe that it had come to this, but she also knew that another second of the insidious torment was far too much for her to bear.

“Claire… look at me… LOOK AT ME WHEN I TALK TO YOU YOUNG LADY! I want you to SAY IT… SAY IT, or I will leave you here tied up until I feel like letting you out…” Mark couldn’t control himself. This knew rush of exhilaration from dominating his dearest love was an entity all unto itself. It was like a separate being growing inside of him, feeding off of poor Claire’s every startled reaction. Her deep sighs of panic only added to his ever increasing frenzy at her predicament

Claire’s entire body was riddled with icy chills at the sheer sternness in Mark’s voice. He had never talked to her like this before. She had never seen this part of him. So confident, so demanding, so insistent, so… She was frozen as more waves of confused fear and trepidation began to tremor from the very tips of her slender toes wrapped in their leather casing to the very tips of her long flowing hair. Her breathing became more and more erratic with Mark’s every domineering word and the prospect of this one act of submission was a terrible weight on poor Claire’s conscience. The more that the sinister evening progressed, the more she was reminded of the long whispered confessions that she wrote to Mark so carelessly….

Why does he have to be stern? He knows that I love that. He already has me. Why does he need to have all of me?

It’s easy to imagine or even know deep down that someone will enjoy the sick little games that you have in store for them. It always makes the fantasies of their corrupt indulgence all the more intense when you have that inkling that somewhere deep down they will inevitably get off on even the darkest parts of you.

But there is nothing that prepares you for that first moment when you can feel them being sucked into the delicate web that you have sewn for them. You can feel their body going through shock after shock receiving little jolts of sinful pleasure from debaucheries they never imagined. You can hear their breathing become so labored from the sheer sweltering excitement of the blossoming moment. You can feel their entire being fighting desperately to exist in the controlled chaos of their first brush with unbridled lusts that they have been trying to hide for so long. Just seeing those hidden desires bubbling to the surface against that persons very will makes your veins pulse with a corrupt empowerment that is far too sweet to ignore. It makes you feel alive, maybe even for the very first time.

Claire finally turned to look at the immodest sadistic beast that held her captive. Finally seeing her take her eyes away from the mattress and address his gleaming evil face, Mark presented his cheek right in front of Claire’s pouting lips (the same cheek that she had burned with her searing lipstick just moments before.)

“I want a proper thank you young lady…” Mark could not hide the indulgent smile from creeping across his face. This was a moment beyond all comprehension. Finally having Claire bound and at his sinister mercy truly brought out the very worst in him.

He couldn’t be serious. This is the only thought cascading through Claire’s mind. Mark wanted her to kiss his cheek, ratifying her acceptance of his intrusion. This was like something from a nightmare. This was a fairy tale gone horribly wrong. She was just moments away from going to meet the man that she had dreamed about for so long and yet the road past this one turn became very unclear. How could she? COULD SHE? Did she even have a choice? Claire swallowed hard. She swallowed a piece of her pride to trickle down her now raspy throat in addition to her saliva. It was a small price to pay to move past this moment in time. The only thing that comforted her was the promise that in just a few hours she would be able to finally rest in her “Master’s” strong arms. She reached out with her sweet lips (leaving part of her throbbing heart behind) to purchase her respite from Mark’s ever growing cruelty.

“…*kiss* thank you… thank you for taking mercy on me Mark. Thank you for untying me.” Claire swore that Mark’s skin felt colder than the glistening tile that had been pressed so firmly against her bare back in the foyer. In all their years of friendship she had never felt this distant from him. She could barely contemplate returning to that form of companionship now. After this… everything would change. Everything had changed. After stepping so unexpectedly into the recesses of Claire’s forbidden fantasies any prospect of their continued friendship was lost forever.

“Awwwwwwwwwwwwww, You’re welcome Claire. I just want to make you happy. You know that I just want to make you happy right?” Mark lightly patted Claire’s flowing hair and rubbed the palm of his hand across the bare expanse of her shoulders and the base of her neck soothing the horrendous tension that the last half hour had weighed on the innocent girl from next door. He could feel her releasing some of the emotional pressure that had undoubtedly been building to critical mass deep inside of her with gasping sighs and gentle whimpers of relief.

“Huuuuuu uuu Huuuuuuuuuu yes Mark… Yes. I know.” Claire couldn’t bear to open her eyes right now. She was just doing this to get out. She had to get out. She would do whatever it took for this horrible moment to end. A few patronizing lies was nothing compared to her freedom.

She felt Mark slide to the side of her on the bed. She felt her entire body stretch in approval as she was released from his massive body weight. She could stretch her legs, roll her shoulders, or slither her torso unabated and it felt wonderful in contrast to her previous confinement. Claire just allowed her body to regain it’s range of motion bringing her ankles to the her firm buns bending and stretching her legs as she felt Mark’s hands once again take hold of her wrists. She turned her head away from her captor and allowed the cool whispers of air to take away any worry as her moment of freedom was at hand. Feeling the first knot untied brought a subtle moan of pleasure past Claire’s lips. She dare not say anything. She would hate to anger him into another delirious frenzy of pitiless tickles. Claire didn’t think that she could handle that. She just let the cool air cascade across her warm skin as the tight silk was finally removed from her slender wrists.

Feeling her binds finally gone, Claire brought her arms circling around and stretching them in front of her. Her sweet tender deltoid muscles reveled in their first real movement since she had been bound and the subtle pleasure of her rhythmic stressing was terrifically calming. After so many long torturous minutes of forced exertion Claire felt more than a little winded. Even in the wake of her freedom, the comfort of the massive bed gave her pause to lie for a minute catching her breath. She tucked her hands under her head still turned away from her tormentor.

Each second that passed felt like a restful eternity, almost too restful. Claire’s eyes popped open with the horrid realization that she was drifting off in contentment with every stroke of Mark’s gentle hands through her long dark locks and caress of her bare back. She emitted a tiny gasp of shock that she had allowed her defenses to lapse even for a second allowing that fiend even a second to slip in. She could sense that Mark felt her crash back to reality as he rolled from her side to sit on the bed on the opposite side of her.

Claire pushed herself slowly off of the Mattress, slowly regaining her familiarity with moving over her own accord. She pried herself to a sitting position facing the massive window staring off into the twilight of the falling sun as manifestation of the end of her life’s great joy, her friendship with Mark. As hard as she had tried to fight it since she was just a little girl, the look in Mark’s eyes when she first surprised him in the living room told her that their friendship battered by Claire’s new revelations and the distance of the passing months would not survive this very nightfall. Claire knew what had to be done. The past few minutes had been confirmation enough.

No one ever said that perfection was going to be easy. Believe me, it’s a tough road. No matter how far you get, or how close you think you are there always seems to be another obstacle to climb. You see, the path to real Perfection is full of crossroads, and wrong turns, and roadblocks that you just have to plow through to get to what you REALLY want. It may look bleak at times… It might even look impossible. But the real heroes do it anyway!

There was a long moment of silence. Both of them let what had just happened sink in. Mark had quietly dreamed for so long of Claire’s shrieking giggles filling his heart to the brim with unending joy. Even just a taste of her sweet sorrow would be worth an eternity of torment. Claire could not believe that Mark had forced her to endure a fantasy that she barely even said out loud. It was so private, so intimate; it made her feel so vulnerable. She felt slightly uneasy just being in the same room with him.

Claire felt Mark slide off of the bed and walk to the massive dresser against the bedroom wall-next to the massive doorframe that was only seconds away. She could sense him standing in front of the mirror, just staring. She knew that in the wake of all that had happened that this had to be a very intense experience for him. She almost felt sorry for all that he must be feeling… almost. But that would in no way subside her fuming anger that he had taken advantage of her in such a way. She never thought that Mark could be so bold, so heartless, so evil, so menacing, so careless, or so domineering. Claire looked over her shoulder allowing her rage to once again percolate in her hazel pools. She couldn’t believe that he made her kiss his cheek in approval. She couldn’t believe that she made her THANK him for such a personal violation.

Claire’s mounting fury was her driving force to composure. It was the best emotion right now to quiet her bout with the other gentle burnings that were beginning to consume parts of her body. Using both of her soft hands, she gently tamed all of her long black hair away from her face and took in a few steadying breaths before allowing her scintillating heels to adorn the carpet bedroom floor for the first time. Her legs actually had a faint soreness from her ticklish ordeal. It would be an interesting reminder of the afternoon ordeal. She glided lightly towards him. Even with her freedom finally in her hand she had to face him, she owed herself that. She could see that tightly wrapped around his right hand was Mark’s own souvenir of that special afternoon in the form of the tie that she had so impolitely ruined with her earnest struggles for release. She saw look up from the top of the dresser in the mirror at her as she stood sternly with her arms crossed.

“Mark… I can’t believe that you did that to me. I… You never… I never… How could….” Claire couldn’t find words to express the swirling emotions flaming behind her hazel eyes fueled by the growing rage over Mark’s new found audacity. “Don’t just stand there Mark. After that… after what you just did to me… you have to say SOMETHING…” More than anything Claire wanted answers. With every menacing caress she honestly thought that she deserved some.

“I don’t know what you are talking about Claire…” Claire was puzzled. Mark seemed possessed by an eerie calm that was altogether alien to her. How could he play coy at a time like this?

“Mark Eddie Sadler You know EXACTLY what I am talking about. How could you do something like that to me and then stand here and play DUMB?” Mark’s quizzical responses only served to enrage Claire further. Now was not the time for games.

“No Claire, I don’t I honestly don’t. What are you talking about? What’s this THING that I did to you?” Strangely, Mark stood tool, unbuttoned his sleeves, rolled them to his elbows, and unbuttoned the top two clasps of his heavily starched shirt making sure that not a single fiber was out of place. Claire could not make heads or tails of Mark’s behavior, but the cloud of sinister calm permeating around his very being began to feel more than a little disturbing. Claire felt a very real chill crawling up her spine as she watched Mark neatly fold his tattered tie and place it delicately in the drawer as if a prize fro a mythical battle. What was happening to him?

“DID TO ME? You pinned me to the ground, tied my hands behind my back, dragged me into your bedroom… Don’t tell me that you forgot what just happened all of two minutes ago Mark!” Claire’s hands pressed against her hips she demanded as best she could that Mark give an account for his absolutely fiendish actions.

“You forgot about the tickling Claire… How could you forget the best part? I tickled you didn’t I. I tickled you quite a lot as a matter of fact Claire. Don’t you remember?” Now Claire’s confusion was raging jut as much as her building anger. Was this some kind of sick game?

“Oh so now you remember… LOOK AT ME WHEN I TALK TO YOU MARK!” Claire couldn’t believe herself. She was yelling, yelling at the top of her lungs. She was always so reserved, so introverted, so controlled! What had those few moments of helplessness done to her psyche?

Mark turning to look at her with a mocking smile and his hands placed firmly in the pockets of his dress pants did nothing to quiet her rage or resolve her confusion. She hated the way he looked at her. It was as though there was nothing wrong. How could he be so calm…

“I’m Looking Claire… My god… you are so beautiful right now. Hehe I have seen you so many times before, but you look so beautiful right now…. Right this second. Hehe.” Mark had never felt this confident before in his life. At this moment he could do no wrong. He even saw a falter in Claire’s enraged expression at his pointed compliments. At this moment the entire universe and all that transpired in it happened under his express permission. Right now he was…

Claire could not believe his expression. He took this so casually. Was he not aware of what had just happened? Claire stepped right into the heart of the beast. She looked him right in the eye. She refused to wilt under the pressure of Mark’s growing iniquity. If nothing else, after all that had happened between them, she deserved an explanation. With the added height of her sexy stilettos Claire’s eyes were right in front of his and she would not back down an inch… would she?

“So what do you have to say for yourself, Mark? What do you have to say for what you just put me through, HUH? What do you have to say for what you just DID to me?” As intense as Claire’s expression became Mark’s entire body seemed to relax. It was like every word that she uttered had been preplanned in his mind. Who was he?

“Doing…” That was the only response that he offered. Certainly he couldn’t think that some cryptic one liner would absolve the events of moments past.

“This is not time for JOKES Mark. I’m serious. This isn’t some fucking joke this time. What made you do that? HUH? ” Claire’s frustration began to boil over. She could feel her own slim hands grasping her hips tightly as the pressure from the mounting unresolved tension became too much. Claire stared deeply into mark’s deep eyes and the only thing that she could find was calculating contempt.

“DOING…” Claire could see by his expression that he honestly thought that this one word had meaning. Claire had seen enough she just threw her hands up at her side in resignation.

“Whatever Mark. You do something like that to someone that you have been friends with for more than half you life and you can’t even give me a FUCKING answer. I’m tired of your Games Mark. I hope you have a nice night. I’m Leaving…” Even as she expressed her obvious concern Claire was startled that Mark’s expression never changed. She couldn’t believe it. At least in the midst of their little frolic she thought that he was finally being honest about the way that he felt. Maybe that was just an illusion? She just shook her head and stepped deliberately to the door…She was met sternly as Mark’s strong left hand reached out grabbing Claire’s right arm throwing her back in front of him.

“Get your Fucking hand off of me.” Claire’s anger reached all time highs as she was denied exit from the ticklish hell of Mark’s bedroom. She stumbled slightly in her high heels recoiling from his violent thrust. Claire just stared up at him in disbelief. He had never acted this way before.

“No… You’re not leaving. The reason that I didn’t answer you is because of bad word choice. Come on Claire. Now we’re both sales people, remember. What is that you always used to tell me? ‘We are the architects of words.’ You’re absolutely right. I just can’t sit here and let you use the wrong descriptor can I? *Whisper-That’s not what Friends do Claire-Whisper* HAHA…” Claire could not believe what she was hearing. He was laughing at her. He was teasing her about some obscure mistake in grammar and laughing away such a monumental transgression. Was this Mark? “You kept confusing me with words like DID and DO… For instance, you asked me about why I Did that to you. What you should have asked is ‘Why am I Doing this to you?’ See the difference?” Claire’s heart sank… he couldn’t mean... could he? “You asked me so nicely to untie you Claire. I just had to oblige. And then you kissed me… you kissed me so sweetly. I am a very merciful person Claire. I’m sure that you will find that out in great detail in Time… I just had to give you a nice long break before the real fun began…”

“…break…” Claire was terrified beyond all reason. All the hope and joy of her freedom began to slowly drain away at the revelation that Mark had more in store for her sensitive form.

“Yes Claire. A BREAK. I said that I would untie you and I did. I’m a man of my word. But you didn’t actually think I was going to let you GO did you Claire… awwwwww… That’s so cute!” That smile… that damned smile. Mark’s face began to contort into the same sinister portrait just after Claire struck him in the entrance way. Claire could feel every blood vessel in her entire body beset by her quickening pulse and the nervous feeling as drums of adrenaline were poured into her bloodstream. Mark’s third hand reached out grasping her entire body in the icy fingers of shear dread and her entire bode began to tremble in his wake. The ability to speak had gone from her. All that she could do was look at Mark in sheer amazement. Is this what he had become? Was he now just a…

“Do you even REALIZE how much fun this is for me Claire? Do you have any idea how sinful it was to feel you body, your perfect body, writhing against me in desperation. Your voice is so beautiful Claire. Do you know what it was like to dream on the melody of your girlish giggles and deep throaty laughter?” With every menacing question, Mark took another step towards his all but conquered prize. With his every ominous advance Claire’s body trembled just a little bit more at the prospect of further insidious torment. For some sick reason, she couldn’t tear herself away from Mark’s possessed eyes. There was so much fire, so much life, so much determination, so much confidence, so much dominance…. SHE HATED IT… but she couldn’t bear to look away. She raised her arms at her side in the classic defensive poster almost unconsciously, but she knew that it would do her no good.

“And the screaming… Oh My god Claire the Screaming!” Mark just closed his eyes still walking towards his backpedaling beauty relishing the searing memory of Claire’s beautiful hysterical screams in the midst of her ticklish agony. The shrill sound of panic, despair, and helplessness brought a tender grin to Mark’s demonic face just imagining the course after the delicious appetizer. “Did you really think that after tasting that… tasting you-that I would let someone else have all the fun? Come on Claire. You know me better than that don’t you, sweetheart. All these years… waiting, hoping, watching… patiently Claire. You think that I would let someone else take the wage for all the affection and encouragement that I have given to you so freely? To what do I owe your low opinion of me Claire? All those nights, thinking, dreaming, fantasizing about the glorious day that I could hear my cute little CONTROL FREAK SCREAMING BEGGING PLEADING FOR MY MERCY? Did you think I was just going to throw that all out the window for “Him”?

Before Claire knew it, she had retreated all the way to the foot of Mark’s imposing bed. She braced herself against the bed frame still unable to either speak or break her entranced gaze with the beast standing before her. She had never known Mark to be a person of great envy, but she feared that in his current state his jealous rage would truly devour her, all of her, to never return.

“It’s not over Claire. It hasn’t even begun. I am going to torture you Claire. I am going to torture you for hours. I am going to torture you until I finally tire of your desperate please for mercy, and your loud hysterical shrieking laughter. And if today is any indication, that is going to take a LONG… LONG… TIME CLAIRE. You’re little letters… this is what they did. I guess I was always like this. I just never knew it till now. I actually want to thank you Claire. I couldn’t imagine going back to the way it was. But don’t worry Claire. They were just the beginning. I am going to make you pay… just like I PAYED for each one. And then I am going to take my time… and SHOW YOU each and every twisted little idea that they inspired in this wicked little mind of mine Claire. So congratulations Claire… you’ve made yourself a Monster… I am going to make sure that you FULLY enjoy all the benefits… HAHAHA”

Claire could not believe her eyes. Mark had become the manifestation of her most horrible nightmares. His words hit home like ice, his stare was terrifying, his sinister laugh was haunting, and his nimble limbs were dreadfully intimidating. Mark looked on as his always blushing beauty trembled deliciously before him.

The most gratifying thing in the world is to finally see what your evil does to someone. It’s one thing to plot, and plan and try your best to craft this cascading series of reactions that you want to see in someone. But when you finally see it! When you finally see the fear, the anger, the hatred, the trepidation, the confusion, and the battle with their own desires while their body SHAKES with desperate excitement they can’t ignore… It makes you feel so… PROUD.

Claire was still frozen as Mark’s devious threats still lingered in the air. How could he do this to her? She tried again and again to open her mouth, to say something, but her eyes locked with Mark’s piercing gaze prevented any audible response. The shock of Mark’s transformation was more than anything that she could imagine…

“Awwwwwwwwwww… Come now Claire. At least you could do me the COURTESY of running… HAHAHA!” Mark playfully darted his hands in Claire’s direction just to see her jump in her heightened state of anxiety…. The sudden burst of fear brought Claire’s beautiful feet thankfully back to planet earth.

“You’re Carzy…” Claire shifted slightly to her right on the bed railing in a subtle attempt to gain leverage on the doorway… At this Mark just took one step directly back. It’s like he knew exactly what she was thinking.

“No Claire… I’m not Crazy, I’m not. I’m just finally man enough to know that I’m not crazy for wanting to all these wonderful things to you. After a little time I’m sure that you’ll agree. It your naughty little e-mail were any indication anyway… HAHHA!” That was it… that was the last straw. She could be overpowered, she could be taunted, she could even be tortured, but there was no way that Claire was going to stand for being laughed at.

Claire sprinted as much as was humanly possible in her seductive heels towards the door. She lunged as hard as she could towards the door hoping against hope that she would reach the handle. As expected however, the only thing that she succeeded in reaching was Mark’s strong left arm.

“Come on Claire. You know that I’m not that easy…. I thought you played basketball? I thought they teach you how to drive? Come on Claire… show me what you got… hehehe!” Mark was lost in the world of his own lust. He had waited his entire life to be here, right here in this moment with the woman that he loved more than anything in the world. She had never looked more beautiful than she did right now. The reason for this new found radiance was the change in Mark’s keen perception. Now, he could no longer see the shy young girl who was not ready to experience her femininity with him. The only thing that he could see through his monstrous eyes was the strong, confident, sexy woman that wanted nothing more than to be trapped in his bedchamber all the days of her life. This was not a figment of his imagination. It was the real infant reality growing inside of Claire’s subconscious. As she regrouped from her last unfamiliar bout with defeat and prepared to mount her next charge Mark’s heart skipped a beat… The child was growing. All that he had to do was help it to the surface.

“Haha… That’s two years all STATE if you haven’t forgotten…!” Claire could do this. She might not be able to resist Mark’s strength, but she was at least going to touch that door knob. At least that one single victory would give her some sense of control in a world that at the moment seemed to be spinning out of her reach.

Claire darted far to the left and then back to the right hoping that Mark would lunge at her first move. The only difference between this attempt and the last was which of Mark’s strong arms she landed in. This time he wrapped his arm around her pinning her arms to her full chest. He couldn’t help but enjoy her earnest struggles against his chest while she strained desperately for freedom. So close, he was once again anointed with the fresh smell of her perfume and the gentle touch of her warm body through the delicious silky material writhing against him.

“And in Case you’ve forgotten, I’m not some 5’4” guard in a dress trying to get extra credit for gym class. Maybe you need a little reminder!” Mark brought his left hand to a crashing smack on Claire’s fetching behind playfully spanking her to fan the flames of her rage. He loved the feeling of her angry thrashing massaging his body with her soft gentle form.

“Oh… you piece of shittttttttttttt *huh* Fuck… *huh* I swear to god if you smack my ass one more time Mark *ahhh*” Claire could not stand the humiliation. To be held so tightly and spanked on her firm buns was so embarrassing for a grown woman of her stature. Who did Mark think he was?

“Well Claire… if you didn’t take such *FOUL* tone with me… then maybe this wouldn’t be *NECESSARY*! Hmmmmmm!” Mark couldn’t help but relish the firm contours of Claire’s desperately twitching derriere. He could have kept this up for hours, but he had much more PRESSING plans in mind (right now anyway!)

“You *huh* mphhhhhhhhhhhhhh *humm*” Claire bit her bottom lip in frustration. She was again at a disadvantage. She had no choice but to play his sick little game until she could plan her next move.

“Ah Ah… What was that?” Mark raised his hand playfully so that Claire could sense the impending swat. He didn’t want that cute little mind of hers wandering too far from the idea that he was the one in control here.

“Nothiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing!” Claire’s answer was dripping with mockery and sass. This brought a corrupt deviant smile to Mark’s lips and a gentle stirring to his racing heart. She had such spirit, such fight, such determination. Her full submission would be his greatest victory. He would savor every moment of her sensual journey.

“Good… now go again. But please, try and put forth some effort this time. I take a lack of enthusiasm as an insult…” Mark released her pushing her slightly back to the foot of the bed and taking his position between her and the gateway to her freedom. “I didn’t realize that you had gotten so slow since you stopped playing organized ball. Really this isn’t fair…” Claire hates arrogance…

“Mark… I think we both know now that even though I grew up with four brothers, I don’t have much problem hitting a girl!” Claire waited patiently for her opening.

“Mmmmmmm, still feisty I see HAHA…. Don’t loose that okay, no matter how bad it gets. That’s my favorite part HAHAHA!” Mark couldn’t help but chuckle at Claire’s illogical defiance.

“Oh I WONNNNNNNN’T” Claire lunged once again aiming straight for Mark’s right shoulder. When he reached out with his right arm to grab her she spun to her right desperately reaching for the knob to the door. The world slowed. She knew that real escape was just a fantasy, but she hoped against hope that she could at least have the small satisfaction of reaching past Mark’s grasp if only for a second. She felt her body weight role off of his left side before he could grab her. When she regained her footing she could see the gleam of the brass handle with tightening tunnel vision. It was so close. She reached out as far as she could with her right arm. She was just inches away…

Claire felt Mark’s strong hands wrap around her full hips. Before she could even think about taking her prize in her hand, she felt herself being forcefully taken from the ground by her mid section. Before Claire could analyze what had happened, she felt herself being slammed hard into the door to Mark’s bedroom while he pressed his pelvis right against hers. She felt his knowing hands roaming freely from her backside down the exposed parts of her thigh to the backs of her now bending knees pulling her toned legs to either side of him. She could feel her full chest pressed against his and her nipples deliciously rubbing against the crisp material of his starched shirt. The feeling of his sweet lips again savagely attacking her poor defenseless bare neck was almost intoxicating.

“Ohhhhhh My God… huuuuuuuuu huuuuuuu!” Instead of her first real victory, this was another one of Claire’s subtle defeats. The war for her freedom had long since been conceded. The only battle that still held out even a slither of hope was her fervent self promise to deny Mark her willing indulgence. In the wake of Mark’s new animalistic masculinity that battle became harder and harder for Claire to wage.

No matter how much she tried to fight it, everything that was feminine inside of her came roaring to life softening her entire form to the beast that so strictly held her captive. Claire could only close her eyes and bite her lip trying desperately to fight her inherent desire to be ravaged, conquered, and even dominated. In addition to Mark’s brute strength, supple lips, knowing hands, and intimidating presence, Claire found herself also conflicted over her own lewd subconscious imagery of the one place on all of the earth that she secretly wanted Mark to deposit all of his pent up aggression. With every second that passed, Claire’s body began to betray her. The true fighter that she is she only doubled and redoubled her own conscious efforts to slip into the garden of pleasure that was being so forcefully prepared for her. She couldn’t give in. Not like this.

“Oh come on Claire… You’re not even trying… I know that you REALLY don’t want to go anywhere, but you could at least make it fun.” Mark used his teeth to lightly nibble and caress the nape of Claire’s neck causing her to wince as the sharp jolts of pleasure continued to take hold of her tattered form. Her breathing was already labored and Mark’s loving attention was doing nothing to steady it.

“Damn Heels… Ohhhhhhh uhhhhhhhh!” With her every gasp or moan of approval Claire could feel Mark’s intensity creep up a notch spurred on by her fervent reactions. As good as his hands felt caressing her bare legs, and as wonderful the sensation of his passionate kisses against her neck and shoulders she hated giving Mark the satisfaction of her unbridled reactions. They were hers. They were hers alone. Claire bit down on her lip in earnest. She promised herself that she would emit as little sound as possible. If she had to go through the utter frustration of such an unwelcome ordeal then she would certainly do nothing to aid her captor in his depraved satisfaction.

“Tisk Tisk Claire… Excuses excuses… HAHA. But don’t worry, Sweetheart. In just a few brief moments, you won’t have to worry about walking in those sexy little heels of yours the rest of the day!” Mark couldn’t contain his excitement at the very mention of Claire’s intoxicating heels, her sexy toes, soft heels, and perfect feet. He knew all too well that above all else, this was her greatest weakness and most intense source of erotic fear. Having her legs and ankles tightly bound for his cruel exploitation of her bound wriggling bare soles was the subject of many a late nigh fantasy. The prospect of final fulfillment gave the wonderfully cool air a sweet aroma to augment the pungent scent of Claire’s alluring perfume…

“Hmphhh You promise?” Claire still couldn’t bear to open her eyes, but she was rediscovering her sense of sarcastic humor.

“Oh of Course Claire… I promise!” Mark dug both of his hands into Claire’s exposed underarms causing her to cringe wonderfully into a defensive ball. Mark loved feeling her so close to him. He could see the olive skin of her face contort wonderfully with every jolt of ticklish despair and admire the stark contrast of the dress material to her tanned shoulders as his hands were trapped beneath them. There was just one thing missing.

“MHPMHPMHPHMHPMHHPMHPHMHMHPMHPMPM” Very low muffled ramblings were all that Mark could muster from his blushing beauty. He could see her gleam of forced ticklish mirth adorning her perfect lips, but he could not find the wonderful soundtrack of her hysterical girlish laughter.

Mark turned his attention to her sensitive sides, rubbing gently up and down first, then massaging, then skittering his fingertips up and down each side in rapid succession. This caused Claire to slither like a snake in his strong embrace and arch her back pressing her pelvis even more into Mark’s growing midsection. Mark could tell that the sensations were almost unbearable for her, but he was still denied his prize.

He tried her hips… no avail. He squeezed, pinched, massaged, and stroked. He manipulated each hollow, clawed at their sides, teasingly stroked the crease of her strong legs as they were spread around him. He could see her smile. He could see her squirm. But he could not HEAR her ardent disgust of the horrid sensations. Mark paused for a moment to collect his thoughts. What was happening? Whatever it was it spurred Claire to open her eyes looking directly into Mark’s starring pools.

“Huhhhhhh huhhhhhhhhhh huhhhhhhh LOOKING FOR SOMETHING?” Claire was ecstatic. She couldn’t believe that she had held on. Mark’s sinister touch tickled like mad but she knew that she had to hold on. She didn’t know how long it would last: maybe a few minutes, maybe a few moments, or maybe even a few seconds. But right now, this moment, she was the tough strong woman that she always knew she was.

“So…. You’re still trying to play the little tough girl I see?” Claire’s every attempt at controlling a situation that was long since lost only made Mark’s heart ache more to finally have her as his prized possession. Claire’s every teasing word only served to feed the insidious beast growing deep inside Mark’s loins and inspire him to new heights of depravity.

“Mmmmmmm Always. That’s what I am. I’m the BITCH who isn’t going to let you have her laughter anymore.” Claire did not break eye contact with Mark for one second. She wanted to show him that her words could be just as icy as his. She had to prove that one point, if nothing else.

“Uhhh huuu, so you aren’t going to LET ME have your laughter anymore…HUH?” Mark’s hands both strayed cupping Claire’s firm buns and she could not help but gasp in approval. The way that Mark was continually distracting her was terribly unfair.

“Nope… not one bit. I’m not going to let you have it Mark… not one shred… not one peel!” Claire loved being in control. The feeling of regaining it inch by inch emboldened her at every step of the way… “It’s a shame though. I know that ‘HE’ would just take it. But I guess you’re not him huh?” Unfortunately in this world, Sometimes boldness comes with a steep price.

“Really… well we are just going to have to work on that then aren’t we? HAHAHA!” Mark was absolutely un-phased by Claire’s unconscionable insult. How could she mention “HIS’ name? Show could she say that in front of Mark. How could she say that now of all times? In a way it was cruel, but more than anything it was suicidal.

Claire let out another squeal of desperate surprised as Mark reached under her firm behind with his left arm and snared her reeling torso with is right plucking her from the bedroom door, carrying her for a few brief steps and slamming her face down on the bed for good measure. Her legs dangled off the edge and Mark pressed himself firmly against her bending her over nicely. With every passing second of being so casually manhandled, the blood in Claire’s firm body was being reallocated from her head to other places gently stirring to arousal.

Mark pinned Claire’s hands over her head yet again with his left arm and rested all of his body weight on Claire’s trembling form. She still couldn’t believe that she had said it, let alone contemplate the repercussions of her actions. She buried her ace in the comforter once again only to be further pestered by Mark’s incessant kissing. Why would he not allow her to hate him in peace? Didn’t she deserve at least that?

Claire despised the feeling of Mark’s firm hardness pressed so lewdly into her lightly tensing buns. She was utterly disgusted with herself for so shamefully rubbing her full bottom against it as much as she could swaying her midsection back and forth to further invite Mark’s transgression. Mark’s actions were bad enough, but having to fight her own body’s natural carnal reactions was dreadfully taxing.

Claire felt a single bare fingertip pressed delicately onto her right elbow and dragged lightly in a straight line back and forth against her tricep… Was he?

“Well Claire. I guess this means that I am going to have to spend some time re-learning how to coax out that beautiful laughter of yours then Huh? HAHAHA” Claire could not help but wonder what her big mouth had gotten herself into this time. “I wouldn’t want to miss anything… so I promise that I will take it really SLOW okay… HAHAHA”
Chapter III

“Ohhhhhh shit…” Claire could not believe what was happening. She felt just a second fingertip joining Mark’s already lightly teasing digit. The sensation didn’t tickle, but it was Mark’s intentions that frightened her. He was teasing her. He was going to build her to the point of insanity and then throw her casually over the cliff. He was using her own fighting spirit against her. He had taken Claire’s sick little game and turned it on its head. At every turn, Claire’s attempts to control the situation only furthered her helplessness. Feeling Mark’s elevated breathing at her every tremble as the fingers moved lower and lower towards her bare hollow she became fully aware of all the dreadful ticklish horrors that lie in store for her just moments away.

“What’s wrong Claire… That doesn’t tickle does it?” Mark cruelly traced his two delicate fingertips at a whispery pace down the sensitive skin of Claire’s triceps only to skitter away back the her twitching elbow right before the devastating journey into her hyper-sensitive hollow…

“Huuuu Huuuu Ahhhh … no…. no It does’t tickle… It doesn’t Ahhhhhh huhh huhhh” Claire gritted her teeth, sighed, gasped, and did whatever it took to keep up her façade. She wasn’t going to laugh. She couldn’t laugh. Claire was being stripped of everything. Every layer of covering that hid her deepest desires and most intense forms of sensual indulgence was being taken from her by force. She had to hold on… She had to keep at least part of who she was. She had to keep at least part of who she used to be.

Claire had never been disrobed in the presence of a boy before, the concept of being emotionally bared to the one Man that she had cared about so much for so long terrified Claire to her very Core. What if he didn’t like what he saw? What if he rejected her? What if he found her too perverse? No matter how much she grew to trust Mark, no matter how much time they spent together, and no matter how strong her feelings for him became she could never cross the expansive breech of her own sensual insecurity.

Even though there was a raging part of Claire that craved to have this wonderful secret brought kicking and screaming to the surface the fear of the unknown was far too intense. No matter how delightful his touch or how tender his touch Claire’s conscious mind could not allow the risk of granting him her greatest pleasure. She could never allow that to happen, not then, not now, and especially not like this. She had to keep control. Having those layers of protection that she had spent a lifetime building stripped away with his every gentle caress and each eternal kiss was unbearable. Claire’s body trembled in paralyzing dread as much as repressed carnal lust. Claire’s insatiable anger was a manifestation of the mounting struggle deep inside of her. She wasn’t just fighting Mark; she was fighting to keep that special part of herself hidden.

Right now Claire hated Mark for making her feel this way, making her feel this much. She hated being so helpless to stop her terrible secrets from being stolen from her. She hated losing the control over her femininity that she had spent her entire lifetime building. Most of all she hated herself for each of the detailed e-mails that she had sent the person that she trusted so much with even a glimpse of who Claire really was when the rest of the world wasn’t looking. No matter what happened, she would not give in, she couldn’t give in. She might loose parts of herself that she would never be able to hide again, but she wouldn’t give him her pleasure. Most of all, she would never LET HIM get even the least bit of gratification from this devious intrusion.

“Oh so THIS Doesn’t tickle? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm?” Mark darted his two fluttering fingers in Claire’s bare under arm just long enough to make her squirm and jerk in ticklish discomfort. “Now Now Claire. Didn’t your mother ever tell you that Lying wasn’t ladyyyyyyyylike? We can’t have our little ‘princess’ acting so foully now can we?” Mark was becoming more and more comfortable with his sinister whisper. Feeling Claire tremble beneath him in ticklish anguish and anxious discomfort made him feel more powerful with every passing second. The contrast of her ardent protest and her unconscious suggestive writhing into him was utterly exquisite. To further Claire’s hopelessness, with his every intonation he punctuated his emphasis with another wild flutter in her terribly ticklish hollows.

“NO NO ohhhhhhh AHHHHHH huuuuuuu huuuuuuu It doesn’t tickle… It doesn’t tickle AHHHHHH AHHHHHHH huuuuu huuuuu It doesn’t tickle AHHHHHHHH!” Claire could easily handle the light teasing strokes of her bare arms, but the incessant dancing in her exposed armpit almost broke her. Claire came to the painful realization that Mark was teasing her just enough to bring her right to the brink of collapse and then reeling her back with even more delicate teasing and the horrible mistreatment of his sweet lips.

“Oh well that’s very good to know Claire. Then I am sure that this won’t bother you in the least then sweetheart!” Mark’s hand strayed unexpectedly and firmly massaged the front right corner of Claire’s writhing pelvic bone forcing her tone buns to slide against him with even greater urgency. After only a few casual palpitations of his deadly fingers he used his warm palm to lightly caress Claire’s warm soft right flank from her delicate hips to cupping her full sensitive breasts causing her to moan lightly against her will and through firmly gritted teeth.

“AHHHHHH huuuuu huuuuu Ohhhhhhhhhhh mmm mmm” With every touch of her yielding bosom the fog around her tattered mind became thicker and thicker. She could not deny that her entire body tingled with horrid approval at Mark’s teasing massage. She secretly bit her lip in utter disappointment when his hand returned its calculating trek back down her straining sides to find even more locations to tease and torment.

“What’s wrong Claire?” Mark loved watching the anguish of forced ecstasy play its fiendish little game with Claire’s dissolving sanity. He wanted to do everything in his power to help. “This doesn’t bother you does it? Not when I do this or touch you here or here or what about… here? Come on Claire… you can tell me anything! REMEMBERRRRRRRR?” Mark’s tentacles still traced teasingly along Claire’s lightly dancing side. But now, much to Claire’s demise, his hand squeezed and probed her delicate muscles and skin causing her to jump and jerk away from him. He could feel the wonderful giggles bubbling deep inside of her but he didn’t want to burst her dam just yet. He wanted to enjoy this. He wanted her to understand the consequences for challenging him.

“Hmphhh AHHHHHH Nope… It doesn’t BOTHER AHHHH ME… not one bit AHHHHHH UHUH AHHHHHHHH AHHHHHH!” With Mark’s every teasing word, Claire became more and more defiant. This was hers. She couldn’t stand how much pleasure he was taking in tormenting her…

“It’s okay to like it Claire…” Mark continued his sensual petting as he nibbled gently on Claire’s burning right ear. He could feel her entire body tense at just those two words…

“Uhhhhhhhhhhhh huuuuuuuuu I don’t… huuuuuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuu!” Claire had experienced nightmares of this very moment her entire life. How could she have let him find this? How could she have exposed herself like this?

For me, this was a very key moment. You can see them… enjoying themselves. You can feel their body trembling in excitement. They are so close to that special place that you know they are just itching to go, but there is still a certain part of them that is holding back. They are just inches away but you know they still need just a little bit more encouragement before they descend into utter depravity. The fun part… is making it LAST HAHAHA

“You don’t what Claire?” Mark’s right hand took up residence with an even more insistent rubbing and fondling of Claire’s supple breasts and straining ribcage. He wanted to make denying her obvious enjoyment as hard as possible to match her protruding nipples that he could feel through the thin material of her tight seductive dress.

“Ohhhhhhh God… MMMMMMMMMM I don’t like it Mark… I don’t like ithuuuuuu!” Claire held her head down in shame. She knew it was a lie, a bad lie at that. Her rugged breathing was testimony to her body’s true reaction but she still had to remain strong.

“Ohhhh well… Maybe you’ll like this instead? Hmmmmmmmmmm” Mark used his index finger lightly to spontaneously dart into the hollows of Claire’s defenseless ribs. Her involuntary squeals of ticklish torment and her violent earnest jerks away from his ever present fiendish finger brought an even more corrupt smile to Mark’s already beaming face.

“EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE huhhhhh huhhhh No no… I don’t like that huhhhhhh stop stop stop STOPPPPPPPPPPP ohhhhhhh ohhhhhh no Mark noHOOHHOH huhhhhh EEEEEEEEEEEEE” Each ticklish poke to Claire’s hyper-sensitive ribs was like an electric shock of overwhelming pleasure. She closed her eyes as tight as she could and balled her soft hands into tight little fists trying desperately to deal with the horrid sensations and keep the few sheaths of composure that had been left her… “EEEEEEEEE huuuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuu OHHHHHHHHH OHHHHHHH hhhhhh AHHHHHHH AHHHHHHH EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Huuuh Huhhhh ohhhhhhhhh Man that…”

“TICKLES?” Mark could see Claire starting to break… it was a sight more beautiful than he could have ever imagined.

“SHUT UP haha Ohhh SHIT…” Claire was caught completely off guard…. Why did he always have to finish her sentences?

“What was that?” Mark knew that he had her where he wanted her… He just wanted to make sure that Claire knew as well.

“Nothing…” Claire buried her head back into the mattress. She prayed that if she stayed quiet long enough that somehow Mark would magically go away. Her prayers went regrettably unanswered…

“Really? It sounded like a giggle to me?” Claire’s mounting tension was too much to resists. Mark lightly nibbled the base of her neck forcing her back to arch in approval. He wanted her to experience every shred of emotional torture that he had been forced to endure for far too long.

“… no… it wasn’t…” Claire couldn’t believe that one little word could have torn down the house of cards that she had built with her own two hands.

“Oh that’s good… seeing as you aren’t going to let me make you laugh anymore right?” Mark took Claire’s turgid nipple between his two fingers for the first time…

“HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHH” Claire’s entire body trembled. For a few passing moments nothing existed in the entire world except Mark’s lips and teeth destroying the nerve endings at the base of her neck and his fingers lightly tweaking and massaging her stiff pulsing nubbin. The feeling was so seductive. Every part of her wanted nothing more than to just let each cool wave of scintillating pleasure consume her into the abyss of unbearable ecstasy, but she couldn’t. She had to stay in control.

As much as I loved her, as many years as I had known her, as much as I loved her, my sweet little princess was still holding onto her last shred of power. That last flicker of her hope was the last wall keeping me from my greatest ecstasy. At long last, the time had come for it to be ripped from her desperately clawing fingers so that my hour of iniquitous indulgence would finally be at hand.

“Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh FUCK FUCK huuuuuuuuuuuuu…..” Claire couldn’t resist the wonderful sensations that she was being forced to endure. They were so sweet, so engulfing… She tumbled down the long road to normalcy as once again right on the edge of her destruction Mark’s skilled hands shifted again to lightly caressing her svelte stomach. “Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm” Despite her best efforts Claire couldn’t deny the fact that she missed Mark’s coercive ministrations.

The constant teasing only served to bring her every nerve to new life with Mark’s every light caress. Just the feel of his hands gently massaging her trembling stomach was electric. Claire’s entire body tingled. Then she heard it… she heard Mark’s breathing. She heard his breath tremble with mounting lust. He was enjoying this. He was getting off on this. It wasn’t enough that she was stripped down to nothing, it wasn’t enough that she was so embarrassed, she had to listen to his fervent enjoyment of her agonizing destruction. As her entire form was gripped with the anxiety of revealing her greatest weakness, Mark was being carried to his deepest rapture listening to her suffer. Not if she could help it! “Hmphm… That’s right Mark… I know that’s what you want… I’m not going to let you have it… do you hear me Mark? I’m not going to let you FUCKING make me LAHAHAAHAHAHAH!” Claire couldn’t contain herself once Marks evil fingers finally plunged whole heartedly into her quivering sensitive ribs as they yielded dreadfully in the wake of his malicious onslaught.

“What’s that Claire? I couldn’t hear you… you’re screaming too loud…” Mark reveled in the unmitigated glory of Claire’s tortured reactions. He could feel every peal of desperate hilarity reverberating through her wonderfully toned body. He could feel her every muscle contort in anguished despair. Claire’s furious gyrations suggestively rubbed her suggestive form against her loving tormentor only spurring him to new sadistic heights. Mark release Claire’s slim wrists only to incorporate his left hand into Claire’s ticklish plight. She hopelessly twisted from side to side trying to avoid the menacing tickles but she could find no respite from Mark’s skillful attention. The more helpless Claire became in his arms, the more lustful excitement coursed through his veins. Feeling his bucking beauty writhing so wonderfully against him singing the anthem of her sensual suffering was the fine wine that had been missing from the entrée’ of Mark’s life since the first time he saw her. Just a taste of her most intimate insanity made the once simple thirst and insatiable desire that he knew he would never be able to fully quench, much to Claire’s despair.

“AHAAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAHA STOP STOP STOP AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAH NO NO HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA SHIT AHAHAHHAHAAHHAHAAHAHH!” Claire could feel with tragic perception that Mark’s merciless tickling was only becoming more and more honed with time. With each second that passed his teasing fingers seemed to find even more hotbeds of hyper-sensitive nerves scattered around her heaving helpless torso. She could feel his heart beating rapidly thundering in his chest while she was trapped beneath him. With every pulse of his now raging manhood the ruthless torment would gently trickle up in pace and pressure. At this rate Claire was uncertain if she would be able to survive the full weight of Mark’s lustful frenzy if this was only the beginning.

“ Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm It sounds like you’re laughing Claire. I thought you weren’t going to laugh for me anymore Claire. You know it’s not nice to FIB young lady. HAHAHA….. Why are you screaming Claire? AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW, What’s wrong Claire… That doesn’t TICKLE[/B} Does it? Does it tickle Claire? Does it tickle tickle tickle?” Claire’s endless physical anguish was only part of what he wanted… needed her to feel. Mark wanted every icy word to hit home between her lovely ears and beyond her beautiful eyes. Mark was going to reach into the deepest recesses of Claire’s tattering mind and force her to endure the same emotional torture that she put him through so pitilessly with her every lascivious word. Mark was going to psychologically rack his blushing beauty until there was nothing left but the beautiful submissiveness that he knew was lurking inside of her hardened shell. Mark relished the idea of tearing that façade down with every torturous tickle as he savored every precious moment of this truly rapturous time…

“AHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAAAHAAHA BASTARD AHHAHHAHHAHHAHHAHAHHHHAAHAHAHAH YOU KNOW IT FUCKING TICKLES AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAHHAHAAHAHAA!” Claire fought, scratched and clawed with all the life in her to free herself from the ruthless mistreatment of her ribcage. Fingers danced in hollows, skin was rubbed against bone, knuckles cruelly massaged up and down. No sensation was left unvisited on her tortured form. She couldn’t stop the tickles but she couldn’t back down. She couldn’t show weakness. Since she was born she’s been forced to show her male siblings that she wasn’t just some push over. She was tough then, she could be tough now. She might not prevail, but she was certainly going to go down swinging.

“Now Now Claire. I think that we are BOTH very well aware of who my father is young lady. I can understand in your position if you want to call me names… that’s to be expected. But I really think that BASTARD was a reach…” Mark was becoming addicted to the fight, the playback, the mental duel, the banter, it was so intoxicating. Even at their closest moments, Claire was always so guarded, so reserved, so controlled. Seeing her so unbridled, so passionate, so free only caused the intense love that Mark had always felt for her to bathe his entire body in a euphoric lustful fog with her every honest response. In some sick way, Mark actively tried to enrage her further. There was just something so sexy about seeing her anger mixed with her undeniable sensuality. The mix was far too much to resist. He loved feeling her struggle against him, he loved feeling her arms violently flailing batting at his unstoppable hands. Mark even relished the feeling of her sharp nails digging into his arms passionately trying desperately to gain the least bit of relief. He also loved the feeling of being able to push past all of her most desperate attempts to keep him at bay: He loved being able to force pleasure on her no matter how much she tried. He loved being able to control every wonderful part of her as he had wanted to for so long…. After all this time…

“AHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAH NO AHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAH I THINK BASTARD FITS JUST FINE AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHAH!” Claire’s battle became more and more difficult as the delicious strain in her flailing legs began to register at the top of her thighs. Be it trying desperately to push against the floor in her high arching heels or kicking maniacally to let out all of the horrid disgust from Mark’s cruel tickling, Claire’s lower body was starting to buzz with a new liquid sensation that she had never really experienced before. Even in her state of abject defiance, she couldn’t hide the smile within her forced grimace that these sensations brought creeping across her lips.

“Fine… Have it your way….” Mark’s right hand darted to Claire’s exposed right underarm and her body contorted as best it could to alleviate the sensation. When her left side protruded from under his massive form Mark again spidered and massaged Claire’s exposed hipbone and pelvic points. “Is this being enough of a bastard for you?” She scrunched up like a spring and slithered from side to side in his merciless grasp clasping both of her arms to her sides desperately trying to deal with the horrid tickly feelings. Mark’s only regret in the world was that he couldn’t look Claire directly in the eye to see her scrunched nose and forced smile, but he knew that time would come shortly.

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH EHEHEHEHEHEEH AHAHAHAHAAHAHAAHA NO AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAH NO NO NO NOT THAT HAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHHAAHAHAH OH GOD NO AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!” The merciless torture of her murderously ticklish ribs was bad enough but the alternating sensations proved to be a different challenge all together. She never had any idea where the next horrible assault would land and all of her nerves tingled in horrified anticipation of the anguish to come.

“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO… hmmmmmmmmmmm Well I guess that means that I will have to be even more devious then huh? HAHAHAHAHAHH!” Mark could have never imagined that this could be this fun. It was an almost indescribable bliss to use Claire’s every hysterical plea against her in some twisted way. Mark had never imagined that the decent into the underworld of sadistic evil would be this rewarding. He used his left hand to reach down to Claire’s trembling left thigh, squeezing, massaging, and probing adeptly. The nerves and muscle fibers being forcibly bundled and kneaded reacted in sheer terror. Claire’s leg started to kick wildly beneath him and Mark bore the rewards of her now violently thrashing behind writhing against his very stiff manhood.

“YES YES HAAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHH SHIT SHIT… STOP MARK AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH STOP STOP STOP PLEaSE HahaaaHAHAhHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!” Claire didn’t know if Mark knew what he was doing, but her libido most certainly did. Her legs had a sensitivity all there own, especially the bare skin of her exposed thighs. The feeling of the insidious tickles registered not only in her tortured mind but thundered into her pulsing nipples and rapidly stiffening nubbin. Claire had never had her silky thighs teased in such a manner and she couldn’t allow Mark to discover the devastating effect that his titillation was having on her. Claire pushed with all her might to gain even an inch of free space on the mattress so that she could do something anything to just make it stop

“Ohhhhhhh I think someone’s thighs are ticklish. Does it tickle when I rub your thighs Claire? Are they sensitive when I do THIS?” Mark found Claire’s sensitive left knee cap and the knew sensation helped her find a new untapped strength…

“OHHHHHHHHHH GODDDDDDDDDDDDDD AHHHHHHHHH AHHAHAH!” Claire’s reaction was more of a scream than laugh at the new sinister stimulation. Without a conscious thought she forced Mark and herself off the mattress with her straining arms. She used all the force that she could muster with her free leg to spin quickly onto her back. She wasn’t quite sure if this was beneficial… but it was a start.

“Mmmmmmmmmm, that must have really gotten to you huh?” Mark stalked Claire like prey. He looked directly at her beautifully flustered cheeks. He could see that her face was flushed red with all of her desperate exertion. He could see the light sheen of perspiration making her angelic face glow in the subtle light of the ominous room. Most of all he could see the fear. He could see his cute little control freak finally being forced to just let go. “Don’t worry Claire… I won’t forget about THAT little spot. It will be much worse the next time… I promise!” Mark just let his evil gleam register in the back of Claire’s hazel eyes and his strong hands make their mark once again lightly kissing her trembling torso en route to her full firm tingling breasts. He could see the anguish in her eyes representing her growing inner conflict. Claire was being deliciously forced to make the terrible choice between persisting in the fight for her comforting pride or allow herself to finally indulge in the sweet seductive caress of Mark’s pointed touch. Fortunately for Mark, he had finally found the strength to force Claire into merging the two divergent states of being into a single exhilarating mix…

“Huuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhh Huuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh… You’re crazy….” Mark still straddled Claire as she was bent backwards over his massive bed. Claire’s hands were free but right now she couldn’t bring herself to even make an attempt to stop the wonderful attention being paid to her quivering form. Her back naturally arched she could feel with some certainty that Mark was still very excited from all of their horseplay. Much to her surprise, she could feel a slight sheen of dew beginning to form between her own ever warming thighs. Claire felt a delicate twinge of carnal immodesty with the presence of her stubborn arousal. She promised herself that she would never forgive Mark for exposing her so forcefully…

“Yesssss I am Claire… I have been crazy about you for quite some time now…” Mark could see Claire’s eyes close as those words hit home. He could see the part of Claire that he always knew was underneath the surface starting to assert itself in her distressed subconscious…

Claire couldn’t believe what was happening to her. Mark had said it before when they had tried dating… but never like that. It was never that bold. It was never that romantic. It was never so confident. It was never so… dominant With her eyes closed tightly shut and her body trembling desperately, Claire just tried her best to keep breathing… a task which was made so much harder with her undeniable approval of Mark’s bold affections. The tight thin material of her suggestive dress did nothing to dull the searing trails of irresistible pleasure left behind by Mark’s lightly teasing fingertips.

“Oohhhhhhhhhhh mmmmmmmmmm Mark stop… please stop…. Please…” Claire didn’t know how much more of the madness that her poor diminishing resistance could take. With ever suggestive caress of her undulating form and every massage of her fervently yearning breasts she could not help but give over tiny pieces of herself to the demonic teasing creature holding her hostage to her own suppressed fantasies.

“Ohhhhh trust me Claire… I’ve tried stopping. Dear god I tried. Every message, every paragraph… every sentence every letter… I tried stopping…” Mark could see the anguish intensifying across Claire’s angelic face and he loved it. He wanted her to feel every shred of torment that she had imparted on him with her own ardent articulation. He used his skilled hands to shamefully massage the churning delta of Claire’s wildly squirming pelvis. Mark could hear Claire violently gasping in the chilled night air at his gentle touch over her flimsy dress and lace undergarments. The sinful caress was maddening. She had never felt anything like it. Claire’s hands were the only pair that had ever teased this delicate patch of skin. Marks gentle hands rubbed the Lace delicately into Claire’s horribly bare skin trapped inside her moistening panties. Claire began to seriously regret keeping that part of her body continually devoid of even the tiniest hair. “But no matter how much I tried, no matter how much it hurt, no matter how much angry I was, no matter how much I hated him, no matter how much I started to hate YOU I couldn’t stop caring about you Claire… I couldn’t stop needing you.”

“OHHHH GOD……..” Claire felt an intense erotic jolt of insatiable pleasure as mark gently wiggled his fingertips on the creases of her thighs and pelvis…. She clawed and grabbed the comforter between her tightly balled fists as the smoldering between her legs threatened to consume her entire being.

“I didn’t think I would be able to take it. I thought that somehow… the pain would kill me Claire. You shouldn’t have to keep waking up with a heart made of glass, just waiting to break at the next sight of the woman you love. BUT I SURVIVED!” Mark knew what this was doing to her. Mark could see that she couldn’t take this. Mark could see the pleasure pulsing desperately as her nipples strained turbulently against the tight material holding them captive. He could see that Claire was fighting as hard as she could against the dark pleasure that he was forcing on her…. The more she suffered, the more powerful he became.

“Mark…. OHHHHHHHHHHH huuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuu HAAAAAAHAAAA please please stop stAAAAAAAAAHAHHAHAHA oh shitttttttttttt haaaaaaa haaaaaaaa!” Claire’s mouth was wide open in disbelief. With every tweak at the tops of her writhing thighs she could see flashes of white light between her dark eye lids and every muscle in her toned body swooned in concert to the cruel conductor taunting her so….

“Oh no Claire. You’re not getting off that easy. I went through a hell, that you can’t even imagine just for this moment. But don’t worry though….” Mark finally snaked his sinister hands inside the hem of Claire’s teasing dress to finally make contact with the bare legs that have danced through his dearest fantasies for far too long…

“No nononnononononononono please no nononononononnonon” Claire pushed weakly against Mark’s strong arms trying futilely to encourage them away from her most sensitive nerve endings. Claire could feel the slightest movement by the tiniest speck of Mark’s fingertips against the tops of her hyper impressionable thighs. She could not believe the way her legs strained to spread against the tight grasp of Mark’s strong knees horribly inviting further seductive transgression…

“I will try my best to paint you a picture… HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAH!” Mark used both of his thumbs and forefingers to maddeningly pinch along the bare creases of Claire’s now violently kicking legs right against the line of her dampened panties. Her legs were trapped helplessly between Mark’s strong legs, and Mark relished the way that Claire’s legs and pelvic muscles strained violently against his merciless fingers and her strong legs kicked in earnest against him affirming his dominance over his captive beauty.

“Ohhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahah mmmm AAHAHAHAHAHA mmmmmmmmmmm huuuuuuuu OHHHH MY GOD huuuuu huuuuu mmmmmm MAMAHAOAHAOAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAah STOP STOP STOP HAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAAHHAHAHHA” Claire pounded her fists desperately into Mark’s flexed biceps but to no avail. She kicked as hard as she could to alleviate even the tiniest bit of the horrid tickling from her tormented midsection, but to no avail. This was a sensation that she had truly never conceived. It wretchedly tickled… but the flexing and straining of her legs and the sporadic accidental touch of Mark’s gentle fingertips against the outline of her glistening lips forced shards of intense pleasure cascading from the tips of Claire’s leather incased toes to fluttering against the back of her throat. The laughing, the moaning, the gasping, the straining, the caressing, and the maddening tickles: Claire could feel herself slipping…

“Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, Does that bother you? HAHAHHA I guess your thighs are really ticklish huh Claire? Well… among other things apparently. Just imagine how bad it’s going to tickle when I have those pretty little legs of yours tied nice tight really far apart Claire… Do you think will make you feel vulnerable? HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA” Mark could feel himself being lost in his demonic laughter and he hoped in earnest that he would never be found. He had imagined for so long what the wonderful symphony of Claire’s ardent distress would sound like when it finally caressed the gentle curves of his sadistic ears and he could have never conjured such a sweet composition even in his most depraved contemplations.

“HHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OHHHHH OHHHHHHHH MMMMMMMMM MARK PLEASE HAHAHAHAHAHA YOU CAN’T HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA MMMMMMMMMM HUUUUUUU” Claire’s back was painfully arched and her slender body was slithering like a snake being viciously charmed. Mark’s hands were entrancing her inescapably in the demonic curse of his sensual sadism. His demonic laughter and cruel icy taunts only added to the searing erotic fog that had engulfed Claire’s corrupt subconscious.

“OH YES I CAN YOUNG LADY… and there’s nothing that you can do to stop Me Claire. Do you hear me? I am going to tie, tease, and tickle you until you forget all about ‘HIM!’” Every time that Claire bit her bottom lip in frustration. Every time that he could see her stiff nipples pulse through her lace bra and thin dress. Every time that he felt her strong legs and yearning pelvis rise to meet his cruel fingertips he could see that despite Claire’s desperate protests the wonderful part of her that was his and his alone was violently clawing to the surface.

When you finally conquer your fear, when you finally stop protecting the person you love from that evil dark sinister side of yourself it is a real joy to finally watch their lustful indulgence in their blossoming depravity. Their every trembling breath, every lustful gyration, every rapturous quiver just feeds the growing Monster inside of you. You can feel your skin warm, you blood boil, and the fire in your raging eyes building to such a fever pitch, you know that it can consume both of you in magical orgasmic rhapsody…

“MARK HAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHA OHHHHHHHHH OHHHHHHHHHH YOU HAVE TO STOP HHAHAHAHAHA MMMMMMMMMMM RIGHT NOW MARK PLEASE HAHAHAHHAAHAH MMMMMMMMMMMMMM!” Claire could now sense every fiber of the lace garment enclosing her sweet moist essence as it rubbed lewdly against her in her physical desperation. As every second passed and her sensitivity only increased what was once protection became a willing accomplice in her sensual destruction. The feeling of her glistening lips rubbing against her delicate panties and the cruel mistreatment of Mark’s dexterous fingers were stoking the flames of a fire that Claire could not put out.

“Ohhhhhhhhhh come on Claire… who are you kidding?” Mark used the index finger of his right hand to draw a single question mark against the outline of Claire’s smoldering womanhood through her damp lace encasing…. “You know you like… HAHAHHA” Mark watched in glee as every muscle in Claire’s body stiffened at his single touch at the very core of her being. Watching her back arch so painfully and hearing her ragged breath and tattered earthy moans started a long journey away from the pain of the last few months and into a new chapter in their shared love story.

“huuuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuu fuck you…….. huuuuuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuu!” Claire was so ashamed of herself. How could she so willingly enjoy her torment? How could she indulge in the violent ranting of her evil neighbor? How could she share her most carnal pleasure under such coercion? What was happening to her?

“What was that Claire? I’m sorry I couldn’t hear you. You were breathing too hard. HAHA!” Mark lightly traced a sinister circle around Claire’s warm lips beginning and ending on the covered hood of her precious nubbin. “What were you trying to say? HAHAHAHAA”

“HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA… MMMMMMMMMMMMMM HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH GOD ….. HUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!” Even though Claire’s eyes were screwed tightly shut, they were filled with the piercing white light of the intense pleasure between her legs. Even her toes tingled gently locked inside of her heels as her body softened to her loving tormentor. She felt so vulnerable… so weak… so helpless… so Feminine. With every fiber of her being that still belonged to her she couldn’t FUCKING stand it! “I said FUCK YOU MARK ARGGGGGGGGGGGHH I SAID FUCK YOU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!” Feeling the single tears on her flush cheeks, Claire forced her eyes open to confront the source of the demonic laughter now haunting her newest fantasies. With the intensity of the new slickness between her thighs and the gentle fluttering in the base of her tummy she pounded her fists desperately into Mark’s chiseled chest turbulently wrinkling the once pressed material. She didn’t know why anymore… she didn’t know how… but she had to keep fighting. She couldn’t give this to Mark. She cared about him too much. If he had this one last part of her… then she would have nothing left of her own.

“Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww is that it… I thought you were a tough girl Claire. You can hit harder than that. I thought that you were at least going to make this fun…” Mark could see the raging fury in Claire’s fiery hazel eyes and it was intoxicating. All of Mark’s love flooded every corner of his being seeing her finally strong enough to share her most unbridled reactions with him. He felt obligated to respond in like kind with as much encouragement as possible….

“FUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN you call this FUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!” Without thinking Claire’s right palm once again tried its best to find Mark’s right cheek but it landed squarely back on the comforter slammed down by Mark’s strong left arm.

“No… I call this foreplay! I think that the real FUN is going to start a few moments after you’re all tied down and I take off those cumbersome shoes of yours, Claire HAHAHAHAHAH!” Mark could see that Claire would not go down without a fight. He was going to have to drag her kicking and screaming to that true place of ecstasy that she had kept secret from him for so long and truth be told he wouldn’t have it any other way… He playfully toyed with Claire’s free arm watching every twinge of frustrating register on her beautiful grimaced face much to his depraved satisfaction…

“You think this if funny… you think this is FUCKING funny?” Claire hated the feeling of Mark’s hardness pressed so firmly against her pelvis while she writhed helplessly beneath him. She hated the way that his demonic laughter made her feel comforted. She hated the way that his icy taunts made her feel close to him. She despised the way that every brick of the invisible wall around her essence was being torn down against her will. She truly hated the tiny part of her so gleefully rejoicing in her ever increasing defeat…

“Maybe….. But we know that you do!” Mark shot his free right hand to the unprotected ribs of Clair’s left side with wonderful result.

“HAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAHAHAAH NO I DON’T KNOW I DON’T HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA” Claire was bucking like a madwoman. She couldn’t stand being forced to laugh on command like some ticklish little puppet. As much as she tried to quiet the dancing imp deep in her belly the tidal wave of liquid laughter came raging through her open throat.

Mark loved feeling Claire thrash underneath him. The strength and fervor that she clung to so dearly was not the source of his greatest amusement. Every muscle fiber in her entire being belonged to him and right now, this moment there was nothing in the world that could persuade him to let it go.

“Well you certainly have a funny way of showing it… HAHAHAHA MMMMMMMM” Mark’s fingers danced freely on Claire’s heaving ribcage with devilish precision. He tweaked and prodded every hyper-sensitive hollow making her squirm violently form side to side throwing her head back in ticklish abandon.

“HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH HAHAHAAHHAHAHA STOP HAHAHAHAAH STOP STOP” Claire couldn’t believe the new intensity of the dreadful tickles. The teasing of her delicate garden had increased her perception ten fold, much to her horrified delight. Each tickle felt like there were ten separate hands tormenting her yearning flesh. This had to stop… It could not go on like this. She would not be able to survive. As much as she could she looked Mark right in the eyes while he tortured her helpless torso. She didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of her looking away. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHSTOPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!” When banging her fists failed, Claire’s last ditch effort was to dig her nails as hard as she could into Mark’s right forearm clenching desperately to make the depraved tickling end….

“MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!” Much to Claire’s horror, Mark just closed his eyes in euphoria feeling her sharp nails against his skin. “HARDER!!! Come on Claire… HARDER!!!”

“HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OH MY GOD HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH!” For the first time Claire was beset with real fear. Not of revealing a part of herself, but true terror about the true depths of evil that lie in store for her at Mark’s new sinister hand’s. Without even thinking she obeyed… she thought she did it out of anger, but in reality it was her first of many acts of compliance. She dug her fingernails in firmly only stopping short of breaking the skin. Claire could not believe the intense waves of pleasure that her sharp nails caused to flow through Mark’s trembling body while he tortured her so madly.

“Mmmmmmmmmmmm, That’s my girl…” Without warning, Mark pinned Claire’s left hand over her head along with her right amidst a renewed flurry of struggles. He rubbed Claire’s nose with hers just to see her face contort in delicious anger one more time. “It’s nice to see that my ticklish little kitten has claws… haha!”

“Huuuuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuuuuuu!” Claire had no words. All that she could do was try desperately to reclaim her straining breath in the wake of the dragon that strode atop her. She looked Mark right in his eyes searching for any familiar sign of the man that she had known so well.

“I REALLY… REALLY like that… MMMMMMMMMMM!” Somehow, in this twisted wonderland that Claire was trapped in even the pain that she caused Mark excited him. How did she get here? “It’s a shame that I am going to have to tie them down so you won’t be able to use them… HAHAHA! Maybe we can explore that later after I finish teaching my sweet little girl some manners… HAHAHAHA!” Mark knew that this would set Claire into a tizzy. A lifetime of wonder and now all of her deepest triggers were lying at his fingertips…

“I’LL SHOW YOU MANNERS!” Claire lunged, she kicked, she writhed, she strained with both of her arms against Mark’s strong embrace, but he held her fast. “YOU’RE NOT GOING TO TIE ME UP MARK…. YOU’RE NOT GOING TO TIE ME UP… LET ME GO… LET ME GO RIGHT NOW….!”

“It’s going to be so wonderful Claire… You have NO IDEA what I have in store for you…” Mark paid Claire’s ranting absolutely no attention. Right now it didn’t matter. This was his time with his blushing beauty. He couldn’t allow her pride to ruin it after all this time could he? “I can’t wait to see your tan wrists and ankles contrasting against the tight black leather Claire… It’s going to be so beautiful…!”

“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NOOOOOOOOOOOO MARK NO NOT THAT YOU CAN’T PLEASE MARK NO… LET ME GO PLEASE MARK JUST LET ME GO!” Claire’s eyes never left his but there was an eerie layer of glass over Mark’s deep beaming pools. She could see that her desperate pleas were being heard, but they did not register as he just continued his cruel recitation….

“Your skin is so beautiful Claire… and so SENSITIVE. I mean, I always knew you were ticklish but this is just amazing.” No matter what she said, or how loud she shrieked, Mark was completely unmoved by her desperation. “Just picture it Claire. Your hands and legs bound so tight, my hands dancing unimpeded over every ticklish nerve ending. You won’t be able to stop me at all Claire, you won’t be able to get away from the tickling-no matter how hard you try!”

“PLEASE MARK NO… NO I’M TOO TICKLISH PLEASE DON’T TIE ME UP DON’T TIE ME UP MARK PLEASE I CAN’T TAKE THAT… PLEASE MARK!” Claire felt her spine being consumed by icy chills of terror as her pleas went no only unanswered, but seemingly unnoticed. Mark’s piercing eyes offered no acknowledgement of her mounting distress.

“And then I am going to take off your shoes Claire. I KNOW how ticklish your feet are. I think that I could just spend HOURS teasing, tickling and TORTURING those pretty little feet of yours Claire. I hope that your toes are just as ticklish as they are in my dreams!” Mark did not waver. He wanted it to sink in. He wanted Claire to feel just like he felt. He wanted her to feel helpless to stop his every cruel word about a reality that she would be forced to endure. He wanted his cold stare to be just as unforgiving as the inanimate screen that had been the source of his greatest sorrow under the callous influence of his dearest love.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” Claire curled her slender toes inside their delicate leather casing. She could not bear to have them touched while she was unable to stop it, let alone tickled. Her bone chilling scream lingered in the air for what seemed like an eternity but it did nothing to purchase her reprieve from the intolerable sentence that she had so innocently earned herself through her whispered confessions.

“Awwwwwwwwwwwwww, What’s wrong Claire?” Mark leaned in to whisper evilly in Claire’s gentle ear while she tried with all her might to thrash her head from side to side and not bear the weight of his demonic promises. He could feel the muscles in her forearms tense under his strong grasp as her fist balled into tight meaty balls dealing with the dreadful feeling of inescapable helplessness and vulnerability that his loving embrace provided her. “I thought that you liked the idea of having those pretty little feet MERCILESSLY tickled. We can’t have Claire’s naughty little fantasies go unfulfilled can we? Now what kind of friend would I be if I let that happen Claire? HAHAHA!”

“SHUT UP… JUST SHUT UP MARK!” Mark could see that she was finally getting the picture. There was nothing that she could control right now, even his sinister commentary was beyond her reach… She had to endure his every cold word just as he had endured hers.

“OHHHH NO CLAIRE! I think that you deserve to hear every detail of how ruthlessly I am going to tickle your cute little toes… You were so generous with me, I think that I have to return the favor! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH”

“NONONONONONONONONNONONONONONO” Claire swore that the laughing was the worst. Mark’s possessed cackle made the fear blossom deep within her heaving chest to levels that she could never have imagined. She was utterly ashamed that the dew forming upon her delicate womanhood responded in like kind. Claire kicked, screamed, thrashed, begged and threw her head from side to side, anything to relieve the horrid tension of the violently building anticipation.

“Just think about what my fingers are going to fee like teasing those cute little arches of yours Claire. I bet their ticklish aren’t they… HAHAHA! Well I know that we are going to have a chance to find out aren’t we. And the screaming… of the screaming… I can only imagine the workout those lungs of yours are going to have to endure when all ten of my sinister fingers are dancing and skittering on those pink ticklish soles of yours Claire… HAHAHA!” Mark’s lustful intoxication doubled and redoubled with each of Claire’s desperate helpless screams as he scrolled down the warrant for her ticklish destruction.

“OHHHHHHHHHHHH GOD NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MARK NOOOOOOOO NOT THAT OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SHIT SHIT PLEASE LET ME GO JUST LET ME GO MARK, PLEASE DON’T TICKLE MY FEET OF GOD NOT THAT!” Claire’s mind was in shambles, she couldn’t believe what she was hearing or how helpless she was to stop Mark’s ardent articulation.

“Oh but I Am going to tickle them Claire… I am going to tease them stroke them caress them and torture them until you’re mine… all mine Claire!” Mark relished Claire’s every anguished reaction to his cruel menacing. He loved chasing and kissing Claire’s gentle neck just to enrage her further as he whispered so coldly to her in the hour of her greatest distress. He loved the feeling of her head tossing back and forth against him fruitlessly trying to avoid his next tormenting word. He loved the feel of her body yielding to him despite her fervent protests. And he was becoming hopelessly addicted to the mad writhing beneath him and her violent struggles against his strong grip. “But don’t worry Claire. You’re feet will get a little rest. After all, I have to be thorough don’t we? We can’t forget about those hyper-sensitive knees of yours can we? Or what about your sides Claire? They’re ticklish too aren’t they? Can you feel my hands massaging those sensitive hips of yours Claire?” Mark was gleefully rewarded with a new sprinkle of desperate cries with every mention of a new ticklish destination for his dexterous fingertips. “I can’t wait to feel all of my fingers sliding in those smooth hollows of yours Claire. I love the feeling of your tendons and muscles tensing and flexing helplessly in ticklish abandon. Since you were kind enough to let me know that your stiff little nipples are ticklish then I will be sure not to let them go unattended. That just wouldn’t be polite now would it? And your thighs Claire… Oh My God Claire… I know how much you like that. I promise I won’t forget to tickle your thighs… *WHISPER I wonder how much more ticklish those sensitive creases and that churning pelvis of yours will be once I take off those damp little panties Claire WHISPER*”

“DON’T YOU DARE MARK… DON’T YOU FUCKING DARE!” Mark truly relished feeling Claire’s anger well up in her as her body was being so completely seduced into his control. Her conscious will had blocked her desires for him for so long that he truly relished being able to meet them head on. They would be destroyed along with any semblance of her sanity once his cruel torture had ceased…

“I know that you can’t say it… I know that you can’t say how much you want that Claire. I know that you are too emberassed. I know that you can’t admit how much you want me to tease and tickle those slick lips of yours… I know that you can’t bear to whisper how much its going to tickle when I trace my long… stiff… feather over that pulsing little Clit of yours… Do you think that your clit is ticklish Claire? GOD I HOPE SO… HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHH!” Mark could hear the first of what would be many moans sneaking in between Claire’s violent cries for mercy. That sweet little girl searching for her lost love was bubbling to the surface and he would do all that he could to help her no matter how much she SCREAMED. “I bet that it will be so sensitive Claire… Just imagine your legs tied so far apart and having your most delicate folds of skin teased cruelly with an evil feather. Is it going to tickle? Are you going to be able to take it. Are you going to scream for me Claire? Are you going to FUCKING SCREAM?” Mark loved the feeling of Claire shaking in earnest fear over his blossoming sadism. “You know that’s what I want Claire. I want to watch you suffer. I want watch you fucking suffer just like I had to suffer reading about you and “HIM’. But don’t worry sweetie. When I get through tickle torturing you while you are all TIED up you won’t ever think about “him” again.” Mark could see that Claire was content just to scream while she faced directly away from her. He couldn’t blame her. Had he been in her position he didn’t think that he would be able to look at him either. “How bad do you think that it will be Claire? Do you think that it will be bad? Do you think that it will be really bad Claire? Do you think that you are going to be able to take it? Do you think that it will be torture? Do you thin it will be torture Claire? Come on Claire… you can tell me… HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH!” Claire’s response truly shocked Mark. He was not prepared for this…


Mark just sat stunned as all of Claire’s struggles ceased and her body settled as she stared so intently away from him… He could feel her breath steadying and her pulse calming. Why was she so quiet? Then he heard it…


Mark’s heart completely melted with a single sincere whimper of sadness from his deepest love. This was not a tear of frustration, anguish, or from the mounting tension. He could tell that this was a familiar tone of Claire’s honest sadness. He couldn’t for the life of him understand what could possibly have upset her… He shifted looking directly at her flushed cheek, her turned head, and the streaming tears as her sobs flowed freely. Mark had rarely seen Claire cry. She was a tough girl. She was generally comforting him, very rarely the other way around. Then he saw it…

Claire’s eyes were fixed the twelve long scars from his therapeutic incisions in the wake of her whispered revelations. He could see the aching pain in the backs of her hazel eyes. He could tell that right now, at this moment was the first time that Claire truly understood how much pain she had put him through and the lengths that he had to go just to survive at the very idea that she would not be his.

It can sometimes be a very sobering thing to see how the decisions that we make for ourselves affect those who we love. Sometimes we make little deals with ourselves that the only people we are really hurting are ourselves, but when talking about someone you truly care about that is rarely the case.

Mark could hear Claire’s heart breaking inside of her heaving chest. His entire body trembled as she anointed his long scars with the warm skin of her right cheek, comforting him as always. Seeing her close her eyes and offer such a blissful covering to his enduring pain in the midst of her greatest agony made his heart throb with an even deeper affection for his greatest love.

Mark didn’t really remember how it happened, (he thought that he was holding her wrists as tight as he could), but the feel of Claire’s delicate left hand against his cheek brought a tear to the corner of his fiery eyes as well. She was so loving, so caring. She would never deliberately hurt him. Mark closed his eyes as Claire’s warm palm and fingernails caressing his scalp through his flowing locks began the slow process of washing away all the pain that he had felt since her first distressing correspondence. The feeling of Claire’s lips against his scared wrists made Mark’s entire body tremble in unbelievable approval. In that glorious instance with her lips pressed against his beleaguered skin Mark felt a tiny respite from the hellacious torment of Claire’s absence.

Mark finally opened his eyes, lost in his beauties gentle caress, to find it. That smile, Claire’s smile. Through her watery eyes, with one hand still pinned under the wake of his injured wrist, still pinned to the bed Claire gave Mark the gift of a peace that he had not known for so long. No words need be said in the wake of the moment. He knew that she cared about him. He knew that she didn’t mean for “that” to happen. He knew that the thought of his physical pain was alien to her. He knew that she would do anything to make the hurt go away… but he also knew that there was only one way for that to happen… He reached out his right hand taking Claire’s neck and cheek against his strong palm thanking his dearest love for her enduring kindness in the wake of even his greatest depravity.

“Mark…. I…. I… I’m so sorry…” Mark could see Claire straining for the words. On some level she was still fighting it… but he now knew that the three words that were the key to his earthly salvation were tittering right on the edge of Claire’s skilled tongue. Mark smiled in return of Claire’s always comforting beam and brought his lips close to hers… he knew that all she needed was the slightest encouragement to let the truth of her affections flow freely from her warming heart.

“MMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm” Mark just allowed himself to exist for a fleeting moment with their hands entwined in one another’s hair, their eyes crossed in a loving gaze, and their bodies closer than they ever had been before. “NO YOU’RE NOT!” Before Claire could register the shock of Mark’s announcement he quickly tossed her back onto her stomach beneath him. This time, he pinned both of her flimsy arms down at her side and trapped between his strong thighs rendering her completely helpless to stop his menacing free hands from wandering Mark could see Claire’s entire body tensed rigid as a board as the utter horror of her impending doom took hold of her slender form. Mark once again leaned right against her tear stained right cheek placing his face as close to hers as possible so that he could feel everything that he felt with his every cruel word. To accentuate her hopelessness, Mark used his left hand to lightly trace a single fingertip in a viciously repeating singular circle right at the base of Claire’s neck making her twitch madly in protest muffling giggles through her once again gritted teeth… “But you will be… HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAH”

You know, you can really tell who your “friends” are when you are at your worst. Everyone wants to hang around when things are going peachy, your inviting them over for cook outs, your career is going well, and you are in one of your “be nice to everybody moods.” It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to get close to a person like that. But when you are at your worst. When you finally start taking off that mask that you use to protect all the “normal” people and show the ruthlessness that lurks underneath… that’s when you find out who’s really your “friend.” That’s when you find someone who really cares about you. When you find someone who can still trudge on, giving you what they know you need even while they are trapped in your tangled little sadistic web…. Well then you’ve found something more valuable than anything printed on some stupid piece of paper or cotton…

Claire could tell that Mark was approaching a feverish climax to his envious rage and her response was as predictable as it was intense. Amidst Mark’s demonic laughter, irresistible aggression, merciless teasing and ruthless tickling the intense fear and anxiety of the situation was thoroughly eroticized in her subconscious. This new carnal exhilaration manifest itself in long cleansing breaths in depraved relief that finally she would be able to experience the horrible dreams that she had been hiding for so long. Claire’s conscious mind was still determined to resist the forced pleasure of her ticklish torment until her dying breath. No matter how sweet the prospect became with each second that passed, she would never give that part of herself away. Claire’s body was racked with the raging confusion derived from her forced endurance of her darkest fantasies. As she lay trapped under the beast of her subconscious’ creation, there was only one thought that Claire was sure of in this dark hour: she would be “haunted” by the intense words of her detailed confession all of her days on Earth.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/1c-DDrVQnA0&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/1c-DDrVQnA0&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

“Mark… Please MPHMHPMHPMH!” Claire’s fleeting plea was caught in the palm of Marks strong left hand as he covered her sweet lips firmly….

“Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh shhhhhhhhhhhh shhhhhhhhhhhh You don’t have to ask me anymore Claire… I heard you, I finally heard you. You won’t have to ask me ever again. I am going to give you what you want Claire, what we have both wanted… no matter how much you Scream HAHAHAAHHAHAAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAH!” Mark could feel the ice coursing through his veins as the time of his sadistic reign was finally at hand…

“MHPMHPHMHPMHPMHPMHMPHMHMPHMPHMHPMHMP!” Claire’ writhed and thrashed screaming into Mark’s warm hand clasped tightly around her straining mouth but the only sound she could produced were muffled squeaks and yelps. Claire could feel the desire between Mark’s legs pulsing with her every violent twitch and she knew that her fervent resistance only excited the torturous demon to new heights, but she also knew that right now she really didn’t have a choice. The idea of surrender was too terrible to contemplate.

“And you won’t even be able to kick, or thrash, or pull, or run, or push me away, or grab my hands, or jerk away from me Claire. Because those cute little wrists and those sexxxxy little ankles are going to be Tied Up nice and tight. Both of my hands will be free to see just how ticklish my cute little tough girl REALLY IS… HAHAHHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH!” Mark never knew that Claire’s unmitigated sensual panic would be so wonderfully arousing… The corrupt perception that his depraved mind now took of all reality was a welcome contrast to the utter hopelessness of the vacuum in time without his deepest love. He wanted to make sure that she understood just how much he felt at the idea of loosing her and insure that she would never even think about leaving him alone again…

Claire’s body trembled in the insatiable fear of the moment, but she utterly couldn’t believe how much she loved the thought of those two words… “TIED UP!”

I mean, I’ve even told you before about my curiosity with bondage, but I think that now it’s developing into an obsession that I never really understood before.

“MPHPMPHHMHHPHHPHMHPHMHPMHPMPMHPMHP!” Claire could feel the chill air of Mark’s bedroom lewdly bathing every square inch of her exposed flesh as her hot skin reached even greater heights of vulnerable perception. Claire was utterly aghast that despite her mounting distress and best conscious efforts her thirsting aroused body was preparing itself to gleefully receive nurture and affirm every drop of Mark’s torturous affections. The idea of their inevitability only added to the quiet fire stirring between her slick bare thighs…

There is just something about the idea of being completely helpless… that enthralls me to no end.

“But first things first, I wouldn’t want Anything getting in the way of all the leveling things that I have in store for you now would *ZIPPPPPPPP* I Claire?” Mark slowly used his left hand to guide down the zipper at the back of Claire’s deliciously form fitting dress. He let the sound of the decent swim through the night air landing right in the forefront of Claire’s tortured mind.

“Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!” Claire’s eyes sealed tightly shut in anticipation of what was to come. Her barriers of emotional protection being so violently stripped away, but apparently that’s not enough to quench Mark’s growing sadistic hunger… He had to have her physical defenses completely reduced as well. Claire’s body froze at the horrid prospect of being disrobed and Claire could only breathe into Mark’s icy hands in desperate hopelessness. His hand came to rest at the small of her back having freshly exposed her tingling spine to his sinister caress. The first gentle kiss of his fingertips along the very center of her bare back was like five prodigal sons returning to a home they had never seen before. Claire emitted a deep sigh of horrified relief as Mark lazily trailed his fingertips teasingly from the exposed small of her back to delicately play with the back latch of her lace undergarment… She hoped and prayed that he would at least give her that sheath of dignity while he laid siege to her deepest desires against her tattered will.

“Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I have waited so long for this Claire. To have you here, right here just like this. I think we should make ourselves a little more comfortable how about you?” Mark grabbed Claire just under her ribcage and forcefully plucked her legs from the ground throwing her turbulently to the head of the bed…

Claire could feel that she was once again able to move, but strangely she didn’t feel “free.” In the first seconds after her head landed firmly against the pillow she realized that she had unfortunately accepted her trapped fate at the hand’s of her lost friend. Still dazed from the shock of being man handled so easily, she tried as best she could to at least rise to her knees and regain her balance but Mark would have none of that at the moment…

“HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA STOP STOP AAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH!” Claire was in no state to deal with the maddening tickles at the tops of her hamstrings, the feeling of Mark’s hands clawing and squeezing just under the hem of her dress was absolutely unbearable. She slammed her fists into the mattress in desperate protest as the horrid electric shocks of ticklish agony took control of her slithering body once again.

Claire was horrified at the dualistic sensation of Mark’s strong hands massaging the bare skin of her sensitive bottom not covered by her thin laced panties. The sensation of the torturous tickles was crashing into both her frontal lobe and the ripening peach hiding beneath the frills of her undergarment. She tried with all of her might kicking her legs as hard as she could, but all too soon they found themselves locked in the confines of Mark’s firm thighs as he straddled his now bucking beauty once again.

Claire was somewhat thankful when the vile titillation of her exposed derriere came to an end, but the cruel mistreatment of her bucking hips and quivering sides was absolutely no consolation. Claire squirmed back and forth in Mark’s strong hands as the merciless ticklish onslaught only increased in pace with every passing second and any fantasy of her escape was washed away in the wails of her insatiable hysterical laughter.

Claire pushed violently against the mattress with all of her might fighting desperately to at least gain some leverage for another futile attempt at escape but inevitable frustration brought her crashing back down to the pillow with the invasion of her ticklish ribcage. The violent jolts of intense pleasurable agony forced roar after roar of shrieking possessed cackles while she fought to bring her arms to her side scrunching her entire body into a tight defensive ball. Claire could not manage words to fight against the seas of flowing laughter dominating her raspy throat. Of all the day’s cruel attentions, this latest attack was by far the most intense.

Claire was dreadfully distracted by her ever increasing torment and that delayed her from discovering the origins of this new intensity. As Mark’s right hand slithered to her bare underarm and his left continued to play havoc with her yielding side, Claire realized that the sharp shocks of ticklish agony were being imparted on her bare skin underneath the dress that had protected her. She was being tickle stripped for Mark’s sick amusement and the feeling of the night air swooshing against her freshly exposed skin in the wake of Mark’s ticklish destruction made her ever increasing plight worse and worse with each passing second.

AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH HAAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA HAHAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!” Claire could feel her once form fitting dress bunched around her quivering shoulders and both of Mark’s evil hands concentrating a singular attack on her horridly nude ribcage. She could feel every ridge of Mark’s skillful fingertips tracing probing and caressing every hyper-ticklish square inch while she cried out in ticklish abandon. Right now there were no words from him, any laughter, and just icy calculating torment forcing her to writhe her bare legs between his giving him chill after chill of drunken pleasure.

After a few torturous minutes, Claire’s arms began to tire after all of her intense ticklish struggles. Mark darted both of his hands from her bare shoulders past her yielding fingertips carrying her seductive ensemble as a captured prize for his dominance. The frilly black lace in contrast to Claire’s wonderfully olive bare skin was a lovely portrait of sheer perfection. Mark placed Claire’s dress on the nightstand to his right before pinning her defeated arms above her head. Mark let his eyes devour every square inch of his helpless blushing beauty while she lay there breathing deeply trapped in the abyss of Mark’s depravity. Mark loved the desperate sighs and gasps as Claire tried desperately to catch her breath and he relished in the certainty that she had not even begun to taste the sheer horrors that await her at the hands of his sadistic mind. He pressed his lips to her straining shoulders making her recoil in discomfort to his affections… He loved making her hate what she wanted so much. He brought his cheek close to hers just to listen closely savoring every aspect of her sweet tormenting helplessness that he had finally been strong enough to create for her.

“See how comfy that is, Claire? I think that’s much better… Don’t you?” Mark still nibbled and kissed Claire’s trembling earlobe to make her conflict over his every teasing word more and more prevalent.

“Hehehe…” Claire couldn’t help but giggle to herself. Why did he have to be cute… why now… of all times?

Claire’s focus was redoubled when Mark turned her sternly onto her back. Instinctively he buried her face in her right bicep and screwed her eyes tightly shut. She couldn’t look at him right now… She couldn’t bear the shame of her nudity to the man that she cared about so much.

Mark still held her wrists crossed high above her head stretching her tightly. He knew that she was no longer fighting him…. She was fighting her deepest carnal desires from bubbling to the surface and having to deal with the reality of their indulgence. Mark smiled confidently promising himself that he would secure her sound defeat in the wake of her victorious orgasmic rhapsody the likes of which her darkest nightmares could never encapsulate. Taking Claire by the hand from the reservation of her youth to the indulgence of Mark’s mature affections would be a journey that neither would forget along a path that defied all reason…

“Awwwwwwwwwwwww, What’s wrong Claire? Are you afraid to look at me… Is my ticklish little tough girl scared…?”

Some people need a comforting pat on the back to reach their true potential. Others need subtle jabs to titillate their ego into full bloom facilitating their grand ascension. It takes a rather keen mind to discern which is which…

“huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh… I… I…” Claire promised herself some day, some how Mark would pay for putting her through this. He knew how hard this was for her:

Doesn’t he know how hard that is for me? Doesn’t he know how much I struggle with showing my body to anyone else? Doesn’t he know that it is a torture in itself to have to bear myself to him so immodestly? (Of course he does).

“HAHA… Tell me Claire… How did my ticklish little kitten let a Cat get her tongue? HAHA!” Mark clamped his right hand down firmly locking Claire’s wrists leaving his left free to tease the delicate patches of skin so freshly and forcefully exposed.

He completely ignores my slow nervy stammers at his request. I am sure that he can hear my anxiety… In a way I almost want to thank him for that subtle persistence.

“Hrrmrmrmrmmrmrmrrmrmrmrmrm…” Slowly but surely, Claire’s anger and hatred toward Mark’s irresistible arrogance began to outweigh her natural modesty… “… i’m not scared…” Claire still couldn’t tear her face away from the comfort of her inner arm, but she was at least making progress…

“What’s that Claire, I can’t hear you? HAHA!” Mark let his left index finger lightly tease Claire’s bare neck line dipping sporadically into the tender skin of her ample cleavage… He had waited so long for just a touch of Claire’s firm breasts and even the teasing caress was well worth a thousand lifetimes.

“Huuuuuuuuuuuuu Ohhhhhhhh God… HUUUUUUUUUU Shit… Mark….” Every touch of his fingers between her yearning breasts forced Claire’s back to arch painfully approving his gentle ministrations in ardent defiance of her conscious will. Every precious stone in Claire’s cherished foundation of complete control that Mark stole from her with his skilled hands stirred Claire’s intense rage and unconscious affections masterfully….

“What’s that Claire I can’t hear you?” Mark’s smile grew wider and wider as Claire’s hopelessness became more and more apparent. He wanted her to be as uncomfortable as humanly possible while he ripped her darkest desires from her distressed conscious mind.

“I’m not scared… Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm” The path from the base of her breasts was an absolutely sinful journey for Claire’s tingling nerves lead by Mark’s cruel fingers. Her entire body undulated in desperate approval of his loving touch.

“I CAN’T HEAR YOU CLAIRE!” Mark watched in gazing awe as Claire bit her bottom lip despite herself in glorious indulgence of the first menacing caress of her trapped panty line. The skin of her lower stomach trembled under Mark’s adept teasing fingers and he could see Claire thoroughly enjoying her loosing battle.

“MMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMM MMMMMMM!” Claire’s gentle forming of dew was turning into a gentle ecstatic stream between her now desperately writhing thighs with every deft caress of her naked form. Claire could feel part of herself screaming to just give in but Claire wasn’t done quite yet. “I SAID I’M NOT FUCKING SCARED MARK!!! HUH HUH!” Without any conscious thought Claire’s head sprang lunging at her loving tormentor with her hazel eyes wide open gleaming with the rage of her growing seduction.

Claire was truly surprised at the vision before her. His hand still playing cruel titillating games with her churning midsection Claire’s violent eyes were met with Mark’s enraptured gaze. She had expected to see them feasting in lust over her bare form and olive skin, but they had been as always trained exactly on hers waiting for her stare of beautiful defiance. Claire could see Mark’s perception of her exposed beauty gleaming in the deep pools of his piercing eyes, but she could also see that his laser sharp focus was trained deep inside of her mind and not just on her warm slithering body.

You know how uncomfortable I am with showing parts of my body, but after the initial shock of the command I don’t feel that with him.

“No you’re not…HeHe” Mark took Claire’s hazel eyes while she was frozen in the wake of his loving gaze. He could see the tension of her exposure beginning to fade as he lowered his lips to her trembling forehead anointing her with a gentle kiss in affirmation of her insatiable beauty. He could feel her anxiety over he glorious femininity washing away with each passing second…

I can feel myself standing there, so scantily clad and so much of my warm skin bared to him. It makes me feel so vulnerable. I can feel the cool night air of the mystical room kissing so gently against my sensitive olive skin as he looks at me with those piercing eyes. His gaze is almost more than I can take, but I can’t stand to look away. With my mounting anxiety over the pile of clothes he so neatly folds into a drawer of the bondage bench, the light goose bumps adorning my now tingling skin, and the hypnotic affect of his powerful stare I can feel myself drifting off deeper and deeper into his domineering presence. Remarkably, I always seem to find a warm quiet peace. It almost feels like a second home.

“But give me a little TIME Sweetheart…. I promise I won’t disappoint… Hmphh…” Mark could see Claire’s eyes grow wide with anticipation at his latest menacing threat. He promised himself that he would take all of Claire: her pain, her suffering, her deepest pleasures, and most of all her delicious FEAR.

“Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuu” Claire could only look on in awe, held hostage to Mark’s piercing eyes, as he reached out with his hand opening the drawer in the night stand next to Claire’s right shoulder.

“As you can see… I was expecting you, hehe” Mark casually plucked the four leather cuffs from his special drawer that housed the manifestations of so many late night fantasies of revenge and placed them atop the nightstand in Claire’s plain view. He wanted as many constant reminders of her helplessness as possible.

“Haha hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh” Claire’s nervous giggle was the only thing close to a verbal response that she could manage. Seeing the black cuffs sitting so innocently just inches away from her made her feel dreadfully uncomfortable. She watched in unbridled horror as each of the four strands of rope were placed right next to the leather bindings. Claire’s heart skipped a beat at the sight of the black sleeping mask that he would undoubtedly use to cover her eyes and deprive her even of her precious sight.

And when I told you that, I was just thinking about a necktie to the head board, but now. Oh My God… Rope, cuffs, blindfolds… making me so defenseless has an eerily romantic quality to me… I must be going out of my mind!

Mark could not help but admire how utterly stunning Claire was right now, at this very moment. Claire only broke her stare at her sadistic companion to gleefully admire and respectfully dread the intimidating implements of bondage that had been so casually presented to her. She reminded him of a small girl walking into her favorite amusement park for the very first time trembling at her father’s side approaching the very roller coaster that gave genesis to her desire for him to create this trip for her. He could see her heart racing deep inside her chest and her wonderfully stiff nipples pulsing as the images of her impending ticklish destruction were undoubtedly crashing through her beleaguered mind. He used his hand to gently trace his fingers through her jet black locks comforting her in her growing anxiety. After all their many years interacting from afar, he knew in that moment that he would never leave her alone ever again…

When I imagine turning to look at him I cannot help but tremble. I can feel myself… there, so scantily clad and so much of my warm skin bared to him. It makes me feel so vulnerable. I can feel the cool night air of the mystical room kissing so gently against my sensitive olive skin as he looks at me with those piercing eyes. His gaze is almost more than I can take, but I can’t stand to look away. With my mounting anxiety… the light goose bumps adorning my now tingling skin, and the hypnotic affect of his powerful stare I can feel myself drifting off deeper and deeper into his domineering presence. Remarkably, I always seem to find a warm quiet peace. It almost feels like a second home.

Claire, if only for a second, was lost in the feeling of Mark’s loving attention. Something about this felt so right. To be with him, right now, right here, finally, after all this time… Maybe she could love him. Maybe this was enough. Maybe the way he was right now was what she really wanted. Maybe she didn’t really care about “him” or ever finally meeting. Maybe it was okay for her to finally give in to this thing that had been building since she was a small girl… She knew that it wasn’t true, she knew that it couldn’t happen, but it was a pleasant thought-even if it was only a dream.

“Now…. Are you going to sit till and let me place these on you without any trouble young lady?” Claire’s loving trance was broken with Mark’s stern voice and the feeling of his warm cheek pressed against hers… She turned to face the demon holding her captive and feel the wake of his menacing stare. “*WHISPER or are you going to make this FUN WHISPER*” Mark added the gentle massage of Claire’s right breasts through it’s smooth lace cage to coax his desired response…

I mean. I have NEVER met anyone who makes me feel the way that he does. I mean with most guys I feel so awkward and out of place. I usually feel more like one of the guys than the girl guys take home with them. I’ve felt that way for so long, but something about him just makes things feel so different. Just something about the tone of his voice and the way that he speaks awakens feelings deep inside of me that I really never knew were there… It’s so strange.

“Hmphhh! Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm” In all of there years of friendship, Claire never thought that Mark would be this much of an artist painting her every possible reaction within the demonic context of his sheer unmitigated dominance, (she had only quietly hoped against hope). His wonderfully sinister words and his absolutely sinful massage of her tingling firm breast only left her with one option… “I don’t respond well to ulti-MATUMS!” Claire lunged violently at Mark held fast by her trapped wrists and his massive body weight. She could feel every fiber of his smooth fluid pants and heavily starched shirt as she began her final flurry of violent thrashing and desperate kicking for an unattainable release.

“Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm You read my mind Claire. I’m so glad we agree!” Mark wouldn’t have it any other way. He wanted to feel his blushing beauty screaming and thrashing against him one last time before that burden was born unto the strict bondage soon to be encasing her supple limbs.

Mark seized Claire’s right wrist with his left hand dragging it her side. He inched up straddling high on her waist trapping her flailing arm underneath his strong leg as he firmly squeezed her midsection between his strong thighs. He stretched her left wrist to the corner bedpost holding it there as she pulled, jerked, squirmed, writhed, gyrated, and struggled with all her might reveling in her futility. Mark pressed all of his body weight across her upper body tapping her delicately much to her protest and he let the gentle waves of pleasure from her fervent resistance play havoc with the firmness between his legs serenaded by Claire’s violent screaming that made him feel so warm inside.

“MNMNMNMNMMMMNMNN NO NO MMMMMMMMMM NNNNNNNN!” Claire’s resistance was a flurry of furious earthy grunts echoing her enduring struggle against Mark’s massive form and the repressed fantasies of forced imprisonment. Claire realized that there was no real hope of escape, but it just didn’t seem right not to fight with all she had.

Mark just looked down gleefully relishing every flicker of emotion that he forced from his truest love as he prepared her much deserved wage for awakening the beast within his subconscious with her ardent articulations. Mark took the first lightly padded wrist cuff in his hand from the dresser. He savored Claire’s panicked expression as he casually wheeled it between his menacing fingers. Just to make her cringe in affirmation of her growing helplessness, Mark traced the edge of the leather restraint down the length of Claire’s twitching nose only to irritate and enrage her even further.

“Mmmmmmmmmmmm It doesn’t look as though you are going anywhere as it is Claire. Just imagine how helpless you are going to be when I slip these cuffs on… HAHAHA!” Mark loves Claire’s undying spirit. Trapped, helpless, without any real option she was still giving him what he knew he needed.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Whatever… Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I swear to God you are going to pay for this Mark!” Claire hated the feel of the leather teasing her face and cheeks. This was just adding insult to injury and Mark knew it. What happened to the sweet innocent boy that she had grown up with?

“Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh I know Claire. One of my favorite ties ruined… And I know that I am probably going to have to go get my ears checked after I get through making my ticklish little tough girl scream at the top of her lungs in hysterical laughter. Tickle torture is a tough Job, but someone has to do it HAHAAAHHAHAHA!” Mark thumbed the loose buckle from the strap and brought the black leather to Claire’s twisting supple wrist.

“No…. NOT THIS… NOT NOW…. PLEASE MARK!” The feel of the warm padded leather warmly engulfing her flailing limb was too much for Claire to take. She had endured little fantasies of moments just like this for as long as she could remember, but the reality of her impending helplessness weighed heavily on her tortured mind.

“Oh come on Claire… you’re a tough girl. I know you can take it. HAHAHA!” Mark cinched the buckle tightly around Claire’s trapped wrist admiring the contrast of the dark material to her light tanned skin and letting the wonderfully suggestive image cascade through his corrupt subconscious. Just the thought of Claire being helpless to his growing sadistic whims put all the turmoil of the last few months to quiet rest in anticipation of his hour of vindication.

“SHUT UP… Oh God…. Oh God…!” Claire was slipping further and further into a deeper reality than just being trapped under Mark’s firm grasp. The feeling of every molecule of leather now beginning to hold her hostage in place of Mark’s strong hands made Claire painfully aware of how much a part of her needed this as her nipples pulsed and her panties became more and more moistened by her tormented enjoyment with every peal of Mark’s sadistic laughter. No matter how good it felt, how many perverse thrills trickled down her spine, and no matter how much her body begged her to, she would never consciously indulge in those forbidden desires. That was the last bastion of Mark’s satisfaction that she had any control over and she couldn’t stand the thought of loosing that

“Still barking orders I see…” Mark reached over plucking the first length of satin rope and began gently twisting it around the bedpost nearest Claire’s trapped limb. “As much as I have imagined this very moment Claire, you make it so much more than I ever dreamed…” Mark secured the rope around the poster of his massive bed and looped the free end of the strict rope through the ring of Claire’s leather binding… “However can I REPAY[/U] you?” Mark punctuated his rhetoric with the final cinching of the tight knot securing Claire’s cuff to the bedpost with an unyielding strand of satin rope.

Claire felt the range of motion for her delicate wrist constrict violently with the last knot rendering her limb helpless. She looked deep into Mark’s eyes truly amazed that there was no trace of pity or relent. The only thing that stared back into her deep hazel pools was an icy calculating evil that thrilled her to no end. Claire could feel herself lost in the battle between furious struggles and ice cold tremors of sheer dread.

“Mark… I… I….” Claire knew that she needed to say something, but she had no idea what. It didn’t seem right not to say something in the wake of her demise but with the sunset looming on the horizon she was at a loss for words.

“Shhhhhhhhh shhhhhhhhhhhh… I told you Claire. I know what you want. Don’t worry. I know that you can’t say it yet. Don’t worry. I am going to change that for you Dear. You don’t have to ask me…” Mark’s left hand rubbed gently along the back of Claire’s neck soothing the mounting tension coursing through her. He could see her close her eyes rubbing her cheek against his warm palm finding some perverse sense of safety in his comforting words. “Now… I just want to make sure that this is tight enough. Try and move your arm Claire! HAHAHHA” Mark gently traced a single fingertip along the front tendon of Claire’s desperately twitching left hollow ensuring that she had the proper motivation

“Heheheeheheheheeheheeeheheheheeheheh FUCK hehehehehehehehe I can’t move my hand heheheheheehehehehehehheheheheheheheheheh!” Claire tugged vigorously against the new leather bindings adorning her slim wrists and for the first time felt the unforgiving grasp of the leather holding her fast to receive more of her precious torment. This was just a single finger yet knowing she was unable to stop the maddening circles being traced on her naked underarm made the tickling even more dreadful.

“Well that’s why they call it BONDAGE Claire! Haha. And I think that’s jussssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssst right! Hehe… MMMMMMMMMM!” Mark closed his eyes and let wave after wave of euphoric bliss engulf his pulsing body as he once again relished Claire’s violent clawing this time into his strong calf as he pressed her right arm to his side between his legs. He teased her underarm with a second finger just to inspire even more pressure with her sharp claws and more violent struggles for escape. He wanted to let every second of Claire’s well deserved suffering sink in replacing the horrid memories of his own.

“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH YOU’RE REALLY SICK HAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAH YOU KNOW THAT HAHAAHAHHAHAHA!” Claire was truly amazed that even the intense pain that she caused him only added to Mark’s fervent enjoyment of her plight. This had been her fantasy for so long. Who was he to take that from her?

“You’re right Claire… I am sick!” Mark hated that the intense clawing of his strong legs had to end, but he had other plans for Claire’s right arm at the moment. He moved his left leg grabbing her other wrists pinning it above her head close to the far bedpost. “But your panicked screams and hysterical laughter make me feel so much better…” Mark starred directly at Claire’s disgusted face as he let the very tip of his tongue trace the outline of her lace bra on the exposed skin of her firm right breast… “Aren’t you glad that you get to help me get SOOOOOOOOOOO MUCCCCCCCCCCCH Better Claire HAHAHA!” Mark relished Claire’s defiance. Her fervent resistance of his attentions made her every pleasurable tremor feel like even more of a sensual reward.

“MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM no no no no no please stop that Mark… just stop… please…. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM” Claire couldn’t decide who’s behavior was more atrocious: Mark’s tongue or her churning hips. In either case, they were both driving her to absolute insanity in spite of he conscious will.

“Oh if you insist Claire… MMMMMMMMM!” The eternal gentlemen, Mark honored Claire’s request. He skillfully shifted his mouths attention to gently nibbling and suckling the inner cleft of Claire’s left breast making sure that his grazing teeth would not be forgotten.

“Mark… Mark… Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Oh My god… Mark… MMMMMMMMMMM!” The warm tingly sensations of sheer pleasure completely took over Claire’s body as Mark’s insidious suckling began to overwhelm her. She didn’t even feel the second cuff being slipped and fastened onto her last free wrist as Mark grinned in deleterious satisfaction. “Mark… Ohhhhh please… ohhhhhhh SHIT…. Huh huh huh SHIT… don’t do that…” Claire felt as though her entire body imploded when Mark lightly dragged the base of his chin across her stiff lace covered peak.

“What… you mean this?” Mark brushed his bottom lip over the pulsing nubbin watching Claire arch herself painfully into him as the chaotic sensations began to destroy her perceptive nervous system. “Why… I thought that you would like that?” Mark tied the rope around the far headboard quickly while Claire was still lost in the erotic fog of the new found sensations.

“No no no no… not like that…. It’s…” Claire’s eyes flung wide open at the feeling of the rope being slid through the new cuff adorning her right limb. How did that happen so quickly? “It’s…. I can’t… It’s…”

“TOO MUCH HAHAHAHAHA!” Mark used both of his free hands to lightly flutter two delicate fingertips over both of Claire’s violently pulsing peaks through the flimsy protection of her thin lace brazier.

“MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM HEHEHE YES YES YES HAHAHAHAHA MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!” Claire had never imagined that this dualistic form of tickling could be so lewdly suggestive. Her entire torso was alive with the violent jolts of intense pleasure with each drum of Mark’s skilled fingers against her throbbing peaks.

“Don’t worry Claire… I am going to save that for later… Much LATER. And when I finally do give these cute little girls all the attention that they need, I am certainly not going to let a piece of lace take my glory… HAHA…” Mark casually rubbed away all of the wonderfully malignant tingles from Claire’s torso and he could feel her breathing slow close to normal. He could see that the cute little girl who loved him so much was standing on the precipice of their final union, but that she wasn’t his quite yet. “Can you move your arms now Claire?” Mark lightly fluttered his fingertips along Claire’s exposed heaving ribcage for the final inspection of her wrist bindings.

“HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAHAH OH GOD AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAH SHIT SHIT IT TICKLES HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHHAHAAH OH GOD IT TICKLES HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA huuuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuu!” The feeling of the ropes pulling back against her desperate struggles was a lot different that Claire had imagined. Even with the gentle padding on the inside of the cuffs there was a certain coldness and strain that met her every attempt at movement. The burn of her muscles trying desperately to gain freedom form the ticklish torment was more intense than she could have ever dreamed. Her base carnal thrill from her forced helplessness was also beyond any realistic expectation.

“Well I think that’s a successful test. HAHHAHA! We wouldn’t want to tire you out before all the fun starts. I can see that those cute little arms of yours won’t be going anywhere until I say so…!” Mark loved the look of lustful rage mounting in Claire’s glowing hazel eyes. He could tell that she couldn’t stand her current predicament and that she only wanted it to get worse, much worse. She couldn’t say it, but he knew.

I just want him to make it worse. I have given up all hope for any form of mercy. I don’t even think I really wanted any to begin with. I just want to be left coldly in my bondage struggling for dear life while he torturously ravages the most intimate parts of me.

Claire felt herself at a loss for words once again… There was nothing that could express what she was feeling right now. For so long she had been fascinated by helplessness and here she was with real cuffs holding her captive to the demonic tormentor lurking above her. It was one thing to have naughty little fantasies in the safety of her bedroom, but the additional thrill of really being bridled came with a real fearful sense of vulnerability that was truly alien to her until now. The mixture of fear and eroticism only made the tingling of her ripening clit all the more intense.

Just thinking about both of his hands freely roaming over my agonizingly ticklish body tormenting me more and more with every unbearable second forces me to imagine just how wildly I will be pulling against my tight bondage as futile as it may be…

Ever since he led me to his special construct, a certain level of sensual fear and apprehension has always been a constant. Strangely the fist kiss of the satin tightly binding my slim wrists forces me to emit a sigh not of trepidation, but of corrupt amatory relief. I am not hiding anymore. I can’t hide anymore. In a way, I am at home (finally.)

“You know what comes next… don’t you Claire? HEHE!” Even before Claire’s lurid revelations, this was something that Mark had fantasized about since the first time that he saw those cute cherry tipped toes all those years before.

“Oh God Mark… Not that. Anything but that. Please. You have me okay… you have me. I can’t stop you. You know that. Just not that, please dear god not that.” Claire couldn’t stand being made to beg in such a fashion, but this was far too important. Having her arms so tightly bound unable to defend her torso was bad enough, but he couldn’t possibly be serious about that.

“Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, But honey, I know special this part is for you.... REMEMBER? HAHAHA” Mark began methodically shifting to the foot of the bed. He was in no rush. He knew that he had all the time in the world with his blushing best friend trapped helplessly before him. He wanted his every movement toward Claire’s sexy squirming heels to register another notch in her growing psychological distress…

“Oh God… PLEASE MARK… PLEASE NO… PLEASE…!” Claire knew that her pleas would go on deaf ears and truly she wasn’t surprised. She began to regret ever hitting the send button with so many details that could tragically be used against her. As Mark finally reached his cruel destination at the foot of the bed, cuffs and rope in hand, the next few moments played out as though they were taken straight from those torrid pages…:

The next part is my favorite, and he knows it. I can feel him gently take hold of my ankles guiding my sultry writhing feet into place. I can imagine the light drumming of his nimble fingertips on the wooden soles of my seductive high heels just to remind me of all the things he has in store for the helpless soles trapped inside.

I dare not say a word. I fear that my tingling nerve endings will not be able to endure the penalty for another transgression, no matter how subtle. To make my challenge even worse he never forgets to verbally remind me just how much trouble my poor defenseless little feet are in…

“You don’t think that your cute little feet are going to be ticklish for me today do you Claire? It’s not going to bother you when I take off these seductive little heels is it? HAHAHAHAHAHHHAHAAHAHHAHA!”

I can feel myself lightly gyrating my ankles testing the confines that now hold me captive.

I receive an exquisite jolt of pleasure reminding myself that finally, after all this time, I am trapped to the desires that I have had so long. I point my toes in my shiny pair of heels just to invite his avid imagination to run wild with dreadful ideas.

There is something about having the most vulnerable part of you forcibly restrained specifically to be tormented in the worst way that you can imagine.

You know, in all the time that you know a person, you sometimes get the hint that they might have certain INTERESTS: depraved little fantasies that would be so much FUN if they would only share them with you. You can tell that they have to be wonderfully debauched for them to be kept such a SECRET. It’s a blessing beyond all measure when you finally, one day, see a ray of light as to what all that pent up fuss is about. It’s a miracle beyond all existence when those devious little desires actually line up with the naughty little thoughts that you have been having about that special someone.

Even still, there’s tiny bit of fear that you have about sharing your weird little world with someone else. It still feels so immodest, so wrong, so perverse, so exciting. After all the waiting, after all the failed attempts to protect them from the monster that you reall are, it’s a marvelous feeling when you finally have them before you completely helpless to keep from indulging in their own desires by finally making them an inescapable victim to yours. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Was this really happening, was it a dream, could all the waiting finally be over? These were very important questions for each of our star crossed lovers as the final knots of Claire’s inaugural imprisonment were tied so tightly by her loving tormentor. For Claire the full gravity of the continuum that she was so literally trapped in brought her crashing back to reality with the first gentle kiss of Mark’s skilled fingertips on her delicate shins and subtly writhing calves. Even the slightest movement of her bound legs brought intense reminders of her helplessness every time the stern leather held her trapped ankles fast in their devilish grip.

“I bought these for you Claire… just for you. I had to. I spent all those nights, reading and rereading your deepest desires. It hurt so much knowing that they were for someone else… I had to do something… I had to make them mine-if only in my head. I had to make them mine.” Mark could see the guilt of his torment washing over Claire like a sobering icy bath. He could feel her entire body trembling terribly as he stroked and caressed her as he had always longed to. “I would go, buying this or that. A strand of rope here, a set of ankle cuffs there… I just had to pretend… pretend that I was “him”. That I was the one who could give you so much pleasure…”

“Mark… I’m…. I… I…” Claire was searching for the words she knew were there, but they just didn’t seem right, not yet. Even in the midst of her most glorious nightmare, even the hint of Mark’s suffering was more than she could bear…

“Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh It’s okay Claire…” Mark placed a single finger over Claire’s trembling lips as the swirling monsoon of emotions ripping through her fragile heart looked as though it was becoming too much. “It’s okay really… Even reading all your letters, hating myself for letting you meet someone else, dreaming of this very moment… I could have never imagined that having you here with me, right now, would be this Beautiful…” Mark sealed his sinful pact with a gentle kiss to her forehead…

Just as her kiss had scared Mark in the living room earlier, Claire’s mind burned with this single act of kindness when in truth she felt she deserved none. Claire was beset with flashing images of Mark’s left wrist and all of the truly agonizing pain that she had never meant to cause. A part of her felt almost as though she deserved the unthinkable torment that lay just moments ahead. Beautiful: that word. Claire crumbled in the wake of that one word. Just hearing Mark utter it with his warm breath caressing her trembling olive skin made her feel more gloriously feminine and wonderfully desired than she ever had in her entire existence. He always knew how to make her feel beautiful, even when she didn’t feel that way about herself. And it was never just about the way she looked, he was always talking about her. It took her a long time to really understand that, but right now his most sincere affections were on full display. Claire folded in the weight of his adoring gaze… She didn’t feel as though she deserved to feel special right now…

“Don’t worry, sweetheart. I am not mad at you. That which does not kill you makes you stronger remember? You always told me that. I didn’t believe you when Mom died, but you helped me through. I had lost all hope these past few months but just seeing that beautiful smile one more time, hearing that beautiful laugh, just another single touch of your hand… It made me strong again Claire. Just like you always have… You made me Strong Claire… strong enough that I don’t have to pretend anymore… hmhmhmhmh!” Mark slow sinister seductive laughter began Claire’s slow undeniable decent into the bottomless pit of helpless fervent indulgence no matter how much she thought it would destroy her…

“Mark… I can’t…” Claire had imagined scenarios just like this since their first playful pokes in a swimming pool ages ago, but the full brunt of being forcibly thrown into her own suppressed fantasy was too much…

“Yes you can Claire… I will help you, just like you helped me. I know that it’s hard, but don’t worry. You don’t have to watch…” Mark slowly took the dark sleeping mask from the top of the nightstand and slipped it lovingly over Claire’s watery eyes…

To make things worse, he sweetly whispers as he gently slips the blindfold over my wandering eyes. Just… the word blindfold is so chilling. I can only imagine how his stripping away my ability to see will bring all my eager nerve endings screaming to new life. I can’t help it. My sense of touch will naturally hunger to compensate for my now absent sense of sight...

“Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh huuuuuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!” Claire was beyond words. The first kiss of the blindfold taking away her precious vision brought all of her tingling nerves crashing to a new level of awareness. Claire could feel every tiny molecule of skin perceive the outside world in the highest detail. The gentle goose bumps of horrified anticipation began to speckle themselves across her growing nakedness spurred on by the cool night air caressing her skin. Claire found an eerie calm in her inescapable bindings, one that she had only ever contemplated in her dizziest daydreams…

…there in my growing nakedness feeling so much of my skin so horridly unprotected I feel wonderfully vulnerable, increasingly helpless, and immodestly exposed. Being there for him, all for him stirs yearning excitement deep within me that I can barely describe... I don’t feel out of place. I don’t feel ashamed. I just feel myself swaying gently back and forth eyes shut so tight waiting patiently for whatever he might have in store for me.

I can feel every stitch of lace in the suggestive undergarments that still adorn my undulating body, and the way that they rub against the most sensitive parts of me that he always saves for last. I can feel the tight warm leather caressing the sides of my lightly writhing feet and my toes curling delicately in the toe of my pointed heels. Even though my remaining apparel is my last shred of protection, with every second that passes it begins to feel more and more confining.

“There… now isn’t that better Claire?” Mark gently kissed and nibbled along Claire’s sensitive chin while she wandered aimlessly behind her blindfold…

“Yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss huuuuuuuuuuuuuu!” Claire’s fight to hold on to the last parts of herself took a decided turn for the worse as her conscious mind began to be over run with the razor sharp jolts of pleasure storming her cerebrum from every nerve that Mark cruelly teased.

“I have wanted you to be here for so long Claire… I have wanted to taste you… Just like this sweetie…” Mark’s lips tongue and delicate teeth were making quick work of his ticklish little tough girl as she found herself swimming deeper and deeper into his domineering presence. “I have wanted to please you so much Claire, really please you. I am going to give you everything Claire… I only want to have your pleasure…”

This was the story of Claire’s friendship with her torturous next door neighbor: the only thing that he ever wanted in return for his eternal companionship was the one thing that she was completely unable to give

“But for right now… to start our journey together the right way, I would be content with a single taste of your sweet lips Claire…” Mark could see Claire’s heart disintegrating inside of her heaving chest.

Claire had wanted nothing more than that for so long. Not just a peck between friends, not just a peck between friends pretending not to be. A kiss, a real kiss. Their first and possibly her last-first kiss… Claire felt Mark’s warm breath against her lips and his own inching closer and closer to their final destination. It was okay wasn’t it? She could give in couldn’t she? Just a little bit… Didn’t she deserve it? Hadn’t she waited, hid for long enough? Claire delicately opened her thirsting mouth to finally close the distance between her and the man she…

“MPPHHPMHPMHPMPMHPMHPHMHPHHPMPMPMHPMHPMHPMHPMHPM!” Claire was aghast to feel the rubber ball being forced past her lips and teeth in her moment of greatest vulnerability. How could she have let her guard down? How could she have trusted him? Claire thrashed and struggled with renewed vigor against her tight stringent bondage screaming with all the life that she had into the imposing ball gag being buckled behind her thrashing head.

“There…” Mark bent down and playfully kissed the top of Claire’s upper lip… “Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, your lips do taste VERY SWEET Claire… HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Mark had been cultivating his darkness for quite some time now, but in this instance he even managed to impress himself.

“MPMHPMHPMHHHPMPHPMPMHPMHPMHPMHPMHPMPMPMPMPMPMH!” Claire lunged fought and pulled with all of her might but it was all for not. Her tight leather bindings allowed nothing more than the slightest wiggling and the only thing that she truly accomplished was wasting precious energy and making her beleaguered muscles strain for not questing for lost freedom.

“Awwwwwwwwwww, I’m sorry Claire. I don’t speak gag… HAHHA. That being said, I would save your breath if I were you. TRUST ME, you are going to need it. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.” At that moment, seeing Claire at her weakest, completely vulnerable to his most wicked desires the twelve scars on Mark’s left wrist began to burn as though they were freshly made. He couldn’t see his long lost best friend anymore. He could just see the physical manifestation of the pain that he had felt because of his dearest love. He would never hurt Claire (that was unthinkable.) That’s not what he wanted. He just wanted her to feel. He just wanted her to understand how he felt about her.

“Now… If you will excuse me. Reading all those naughty little letters of yours inspired my own rather ‘creative’ side shall we say. I bought a few more ‘provocative’ things just in the off chance that you would stop by… HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHHAAH. I wouldn’t want to disappoint my ticklish little muse now would I?” Mark brought his menacing fingertips lightly trailing over Claire’s trapped tummy making her squirm for the first time fully bound to his massive bed. Her muffles squeals and giggles were true music to his possessed ears.

“I’m sorry that I have to leave you alone at a time like this, but I promise it will only take a second I swear…. HAHA… I trust that you won’t be going anywhere huh Claire? HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA” Mark reached into the drawer of the far night stand withdrawing a single long stiff feather… “But I would hate for you to forget about me, Claire. Here’s a little something for you to remember me by…” Mark slid the quill end of the feather into the band of Claire’s intoxicating lace undergarments allowing the menacing tendrils to press directly against the trembling skin of her svelte tummy and the torturous end of the quill to delicately trace along the top of her undulating thigh with her every involuntary movement.

“Mpmphmhpmhpmhphmhpmhpmhpmhpmhpmhpmhhpmhphhpmpmpmphm!” Claire tried as best she could to express her subtle discomfort, but her irritated squeals proved no match for the deep red rubber ball shoved between her teeth. Mark gave Claire’s ribs a gentle goosing before stepping off of the bed to retrieve their “toys!” He could see Claire lunge at him murmuring something into her gag. He was sure that it had something to do with how much she hated him right now and how evil he was for putting her through this. The only down side to the crimson ball gag restricting her speech was that he couldn’t hear her seductive insults and endearing threats while she was so tightly bound, but Mark was sure that he would find SOME way to manage….

For people like me… romance is just another form of hunting prey. You spend so much time… watching, waiting, anticipating, moving, reacting, countering… all with the belief that one day-you will finally have the person that you love more than anything helplessly trapped to your deepest carnal desires.

Then… there comes this magical moment. You actually get to see all those wonderful ours of diabolical daydreams finally materializing right before your sadistic eyes. You get to hear every breath, feel every tremble as your prey lies helpless to stop your insidious indulgence. And no matter how much they fought it or how much they try and deny it you can feel their lustful exuberance bubbling over from your cruel ministrations despite even their loudest verbal protest. Your only hope in the entire world at that glorious moment is that you can do just this one thing right so that you can finally reach the summit of your merciless desires…

Mark accentuated his every step towards the door and closed it loudly behind him. He knew that deprived of her sense of sight, Claire would be horribly perceptive to every malignant sound that wafted through the night air. He wanted his every action to cause his deepest love as much inhuman psychological torment as possible. He wanted her to understand exactly what it was like for him to be powerless in the face of your greatest torment while forced to observe second hand.

Mark relished Claire’s muffled squeals of frustrated anguish as he sternly shut the door behind him. Leaving his bound beauty secured in his evil bedchamber, Mark set about his business. He had thought it so silly before, but now it proved to be very providential. Since he began reading Claire’s ominous series of letters, there was another bad habit that he had developed. While adorning his wrist with the scars that now manifest his mounting erotic rage, Mark found a new form of release that allowed him, if even for a moment, to feel as though HE was the one that was in control…

Whenever Mark would read or re-read any of the menacing correspondence he felt a stinging hole right at the center of his heart. The kiss of the knife only dulled the pain for a while. He still needed something tangible to fill the void. To provide the substance of his enduring delusion, Mark would go from shop to shop searching for some small piece of a reality were he… was “HE!” It had started with the padded leather cuffs that now held his blushing beauty so tightly captive. Later… he extended himself to the unforgiving strands of rope tied to the posts of his ominous bed. Then, one day he found an interesting collection of very long, very stiff feathers that he imagined would stroke, tease, titillate, and torment Claire’s violently trembling skin at his leisure.

Those items were easy… In their obviousness, they soon lost their effectiveness. Mark needed more. As his torment grew in depth and depravity, so too his fictitious renditions of revenge. Utterly destroying each one of Claire’s unique ticklish nerve endings became his quiet obsession. Fantasizing about her violent tortured screams was the only thing that drowned out “HIS” sadistic laughter from having stolen the woman that Mark loved so much. The level of detail that he gave to these calculations startled even him along the way. As he stepped lightly into the kitchen and towards his secret cupboard he thanked all that there was for his dark journey remembering the miles of trapped tan skin in just the next room that he would finally be able to experiment on.

His black leather duffle bag had been just for show. The idea of just storming into her bedroom and imposing his torturous affections was both horridly exciting and, at least as he thought then, woefully impractical… But, it did server the purpose of rendering his plans serious enough to remove his conscious mind from the pain of Claire’s absence. He opened the cabinet under the sink, finding it neatly tucked behind the bleach where he always left it. Something this important could never be left to chance…

He bent down to his knees retrieving his devious collection of devices. Mark walked gingerly over to his favorite chair setting his precious contents upon his desktop next to his monitor. He thought it only right that the sight of his greatest defeats would be the breading ground of his greatest victory. Mark savored every load roar as he slowly pulled back the zipper of his lost destiny. Even though these items were central to his enduring patchwork sanity, some of them he hadn’t even been opened. Mark had just needed to know that he could do something… if he wanted to. That he was at least taking some kind of steps. He never truly believed that this day would come… he just hopelessly hoped somehow…

Mark opened his desk drawer once again to retrieve his trusted old friend. He didn’t think that there was any reason for him to be selfish in this glorious hour of redemption. He had comforted him for so long… he thought it only fitting that he should share in the fun. Mark opened the black case lightly plucking his artists knife from its neat place within. He removed the cap slowly letting Claire’s muffled shrieks of protest fill his darkening mind with the glory of the moment to come.

Mark set the small plastic encased toothbrushes on the desk and began gently tracing the outline with his dear friend. Of all the Christmases past, this was the most exhilarating group of presents that he had ever received. Newly freed, Mark set the menacing black toothbrushes back inside of the duffle bag and moved to their electronic counterparts. Mark had suffered more than a decade of Claire’s toes dizzying his daydreams. The thought of the whirling brushes playing havoc at the base of her violently writhing cherry tips gave him a warm comforting feeling of much deserved payback. Mark sliced open the case to the four double A batteries that would help power Claire’s ticklish demise. Having prepared each of them, Mark flipped the evil switches to make sure that each of the terrible machines would be up to the task. He imagined each gyrating bristle teasing and torturing Claire’s trapped feet while she thrashed in ticklish defiance only to be held tight by her strict leather bindings. He let one swirling brush creep across the twelve scars that she had left him for just a glimpse of how utterly horrible the dreadful sensations would be…. Thoroughly satisfied that they were in good order… Mark turned them off loading them for the task at hand.

Mark could only imagine what the guys at the office might think if they ever found out that he, of all people, owned a makeup kit. The only thing more shocking would be the revelation of what it was for. Mark discarded the case and the mirror for the small thick fluffy brush that would make such quick friends with Claire’s trapped hollows. The dense construct of whispery strands would have an absolutely deft touch in her bound recesses. Mark knew that the tens of thousands of little touches would Make Claire scream at the top of her lungs while the white hot jolts of ticklish agony racked her heaving torso. Just thinking about that depraved image made Mark shiver in corrupt delight.

The cardboard wrapping of his new artist’s brushes seemed so innocent. Who would ever think that implements used to create so much beauty would serve the ghastly purpose of painting such gloriously wretched sensations all over Claire’s dreadfully bound form. The gentle texture of the brush would make their murderously calculated caress absolutely maddening to Mark’s damsel in great distress. He could see her tiny hips squirming now as he painted her delicious pelvis with the signature of his misguide affections-much to her ticklish despair.

Whenever Claire wore a shirt that accentuated her midsection she always had Mark’s full attention. Claire’s athletic form and trim firm tummy made even the slightest vision of her cute little belly button a small vision from the heavens. Mark opened the plastic container of Q-tips with the small knife, inspecting each white fluffy tip of cotton. He hoped that the ragged swabs would make this vision a true ticklish nightmare for the woman that he loved so much. He imagined what the turbulent squeals for mercy would sound like each time he dipped a torturous tip into the delicious pool of her deep twitching navel…

Mark had spent the majority of his adult life dreaming of Claire’s trapped helpless feet. He knew that he would need that extra SOMETHING just to get to all those, HARD TO REACH places… Mark pawed the electronic flosser between his pulsing fingers. He could feel her delicious toes scrunching violently in a vein attempt to remove the sharp ticklish sensation from between her dancing digits as he mercilessly tortured every millimeter of her delicately sensitive feet. He could only imagine the horrid thrashing as his devilish device invaded her writhing arches or traced her sexy soles. She would pay… she would pay dearly for every pair of open toed shoes that she had ever worn, teasing him so ruthlessly.

The finishing touch for his insidious tickle kit was the ever popular feather duster. This was the one item that he had always had lying around the house and his greatest proof that maybe, just maybe, this was his destiny…. Each long flowing languid tendril of the menacing implement would bring unspeakable ticklish horror to the quivering flesh of Claire’s horridly exposed bare stomach, the silky taught skin of her thighs, and play murderous games with the delicate skin beneath Claire’s damp panties…

Tucking all of his items neatly in his duffle bag, Mark’s mobile tickling kit was nearly complete. There were a few “special” items that he kept with him always in the dresser drawers on either side of his imposing bondage friendly bed. These items would prove to be the most torturous to his bound ticklish beauty and always gave him the greatest sense of comfort when he imagined wielding them sadistically causing Claire’s terrified screams…

Mark made one quick trip to the refrigerator before taking the final steps to his greatest fantasy. He grabbed a few bottles of water and a few special treats for his voluptuous victim. He knew that he was going to be putting her through a LOT. He would not have the glory of her utter demise spoiled by either of their exhaustion.

Mark took three deep breaths before turning the knob of the door to his dungeon. He tried his best to calm himself for the breathtaking sight of his tightly bound damsel in distress. Mark was excited beyond all measure to finally have Claire all to himself, but he knew that right now, at this moment that he had to stay focused. There would be plenty of time for lustful indulgence, but breaking his blushing beauty would require at least some cold calculation. He wanted to insure that he was equal to the task….

Despite his best efforts, Mark’s heart sank into his chest at the first sight of his bridled angel. It was as though he had never seen her perfect olive skin or her heavenly form a day in his life as his entire body pulsed with renewed raging desire. Each step was met with a new fervent admiration for the wonderful contrast of the black leather bindings, shiny high heels and the dark lace undergarments that wrapped Mark’s most precious gifts. He could see her reacting to every sound as though it was all in existence. Watching her blankly searching the room in wonder behind her blinding sleeping mask made Mark feel a corrupt sense of power. He could still hear the music of her muffled grunts of disapproval. For some reason, the idea that Claire would fight him tooth and nail to her enraptured ecstasy only made the prospect of forcing her most carnal indulgence all the more appealing in Mark’s malevolent mind.

Mark relished every devilish step towards Claire tied so tightly to the four posts of his bed. He could see that she was still testing the confines of her bondage in sporadic attempts at freedom. Mark could see the muscles in her arms and legs gently straining with her every rebellious movement and delighted each time that she was held fast.

Mark stood right next to her on the right side of the bed. He dropped the bag to the ground with a loud thud just to make Claire’s head turn violently in dreaded anticipation. Mark wanted to make Claire’s head swim in as many different directions as possible stripped of her precious sight. Mark opened and closed drawers in rapid fire succession just to let Claire’s mind flow deeper and deeper into the wilderness of the unknown. As he saw even more beads of fear creep into her bound expression, he could feel and even more malignant smile creeping across his face.

Just as her squirms of emotional discomfort reached a fevered pitch, Mark decided to up the stakes a little. He loudly unzipped the duffle bag letting Claire know that there was something tangible that he was now manipulating. He could see her body freeze in anticipation. He could not utter a sound. He dare not disturb the delicious tension that he was building in the back of her tortured mind. Mark began deliberately emptying the contents of his bag onto the top of the nightstand. He made sure that each devilish implement that was placed down, registered evilly in Claire’s hyper-perceptive ear drums.

Mark watched Claire’s fear take an even tighter grip on her throbbing heart with each insidious implement that he deposited next to her trapped head. He could see her grabbing her binds in earnest trying to relieve the stress of the horrid anticipation. Each thud was like a pin prick to her resistance and her entire body shuddered in kind.

Claire was beside herself. She could not believe that she had allowed herself to be taken into such a predicament. She could not believe that she was bound tightly to the bed of the man that she had cared about so much. She could not believe that she had been so coldly stripped of her clothing, leaving her exposed and bare to Mark’s sadistic desires. She could not believe that just moments away she would be forced to endure unending mindless tickle torture at the hands of a man possessed with jealous rage. And she was utterly aghast at the prospect of her own impending doom made her so dizzy with corrupt arousal. As her conscious mind approached the breaking point, so too did her ripening stiff nubbin and the twin pulsing nipples rubbing deliciously against their lace confines with her every subtle gyration.

Mark left a few select items in the bag. He knew that they would be best served at the foot of the bed. He walked sternly to the bottom bed post casually depositing the precious “toys” just within his reach when the time finally came. Mark stood there for a moment, watching Claire’s every straining movement. Since he had known Claire, the most attractive thing about her was her undying spirit. It was never more on display than right now, this second. He looked at her with soft hateful eyes. He recounted every wretched word that she had forced him to read about how he wasn’t god enough. He savored every mention of “him” and the cloud of inadequacy that he had been covered in since the first mention of this-MASTER… Her intentions didn’t matter… The only thing that would make the pain go away forever was to make her feel… make her feel just like he felt so helpless to stop reading page after page of her whispered confessions. He let the tension of her unthinkable transgressions build in his throbbing being, but he could not help but recognize it… that spirit.

Mark could see that Claire was confused, he could see that she was afraid, he could see that she was trying with all her might to fight the mounting arousal that her imprisonment was causing, but he could also see that wonderful look of defiance behind that dark blindfold and crimson gag. She was tough, she was his ticklish little tough girl. It was finally time to turn her into the weak, terrified, screaming, helpless little girl that he knew she always needed to be…

Cuffs locked securely… rope tied off nice and tight…. Blindfold in place, gag shoved tightly between clasping teeth… menacing toys of unspeakable torment just inches away… MMMMMMMMMMMMMM! It was finally time. It was finally my time. It was finally time for this MONSTER that I became to come out and PLAY… HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA

Mark stood confidently at the bottom of the bed… His entire body was shaking with an excitement more intense that he could have ever imagined, but he could handle it. He could finally handle it. He knew, at this moment, there was nothing in the world that could stop him from being who he truly was. He just admired the beautiful mountain that he had to climb. He reached out with his nimble hands and lightly caressed the twitching ankles of his bound beauty.

“MWPMWPWMWPMWWPWMWPMWPMWWPMWPWMWPMWPMW!” Claire’s anxiety was only amplified at the first cruel touch of the menacing sound that had entered the room only moments ago. She could feel each of Mark’s fingertips as though they were a thousand. The gentle kiss of his fingertips against her ankles and shins was a delicious invasion that she knew she had to resist. It was so horribly soothing and dreadfully endearing. She felt so alone right now. His every comforting caress was a stolen intimacy that she could have no part of…

“Ohhhhh come on now Claire… I have MUCH worse things than that in store for you my dear. If you can’ t stand that then you are really in trouble… HAHA” Mark just spent a few moments caressing Claire’s bound legs. He had spent so long about caressing the silky skin of her toned thighs. Mark closed his eyes and let every crawl or tremble of her delicate skin and strain of her trapped muscles accentuate the wonderful pleasure of just being able to touch his portrait of perfection.

Mark traced his fingertips back and forth from Claire’s trapped writhing ankles to the middle of her straining quadriceps savoring every inch of her perfect skin. He could feel her central conflict playing out in the very fibers of her muscles. He could feel that her body was fighting against his very touch and that the presence of his knowing hands was being attacked like a virus. At the same time, the ticklish little girl inviting his attentions was giving over more and more of herself with every teasing caress. Mark wanted to give his devilish advocate all the leverage she needed over her defiant counterpart…

“Do you think it was very nice of you Claire?” Mark now mounted the bed kneeling in plain view of Claire’s shamefully spread legs. He finally allowed his hands to push to her heaving pelvis plucking the gentle reminder in his right hand. “I mean… you went into so much detail…” Mark took each of Claire’s violently trembling mounds between his squeezing hands and listened in glee to her desperate sighs of pleasure….

“Hmmmmmmmmmmm Hmmmmmmmmmm MPMPMFPMFFPMFPMFPMFPMF!” Claire couldn’t take having her breasts fondled in such a position. Her helplessness to push Mark away made his gentle massage all the more alluring. Her poor left peak had the misfortune of being tormented by the stiff tendrils held in Mark’s cold fingers. The feeling of the lace pressing into her tingling hot skin was far too much to ignore. Claire’s hips once again took on a life of their own in the midst of Mark’s cruel seduction.

“You have no idea what it was like to have to read those… over… and over… and over Claire. It was rather naughty of you to flaunt your sick little romance like that… Don’t you think? We know what happens to naughty girls… now don’t we Claire? HAHAHAHAHAHAH” Mark just let his cruel words sink in as his hands sunk deeper and deeper into the soft yielding mounds trapped beneath their lace confines.

“MHMWPWMWPMWHPMWHWPMWPMWPWMHWPMWPHMWPMWPM!” Claire knew what was coming… She just wished that she could stop it somehow…

“THEY GET PUNISHED…. Don’t they Claire?” Mark adored every drop of sincere undeniable anguish that his torturous words inflicted on his blushing beauty.

“MWPWMWPWPWMWPWMWPMWPWMWPMWWPMWPMWM!” Claire threw her head from side to side and pulled violently against her bonds at the very mention of that word. She hated that word. How could he say that? Why here? Why now. Claire most certainly didn’t want to be punished… Who was “HE” to punish her? Unfortunately for Claire, her mounting carnal arousal reminded her that what she wanted and what she needed were not always the same thing.

I need to be pushed, I need to be challenged, I need to be tormented, I need to be punished! Just for having these disturbed little thoughts I feel the undeniable need to be taught a lesson. It’s a vicious cycle that keeps me inescapably trapped in the maze of my own twisted mind and with every warm tingle in my ear from his vicious teasing I am convinced that this is exactly the way I want it. What’s the point in knowing what is about to happen if it spoils all the fun?

“I’m going to punish you Claire… I am going to punish you for all the horrible things you made me feel. I am going to make you sorry that you ever even thought about a world without me, and forced me to contemplate a world without you…” Mark leaned forward taking Claire’s squirming head into his left hand and brought his soft lips to Claire’s flushed cheek as she recoiled against his gentle kiss. “Did you really think that I would give you up Claire? Did you really think that I would let ‘HIM’ have all the fun? Couldn’t you see how much I need you… how much I care about you… how beautiful you are to me… Couldn’t you see that…?”

“MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!” Even behind her strict blindfold, Claire had to close her eyes in self loathing. Mark’s soothing words struck cold as steel. How could she have hurt him? Even though she never meant for him to experience the true pain that he caused him, how could she not be more careful with the man of her lifetime?

“But don’t worry sweetheart… I will do my best to make that VERY clear now… HAHAHA!” Mark casually dragged the very tip of the feather from the very base of her left under arm to the top of her left breast. He forced trembling itchy sensations to beset her torso rewarded with a chorus of fervent squirms. “I don’t know what will happen when all of this is over… That’s far too much to conceive. The one thing I do know for sure is…” Mark finally dipped the stiff tip of the feather into the recess of Claire’s smooth bare hollow inspiring a flurry of muffled giggles and gentle earnest thrashes. “that ‘HE’ can’t save you now… HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAH!”

“MWPMWPWMWPWMWPMWPWMPWMWPWMWPMWPWM!” Claire could feel the sharp stiff tip of the feather dancing lightly on her violently twitching hollow as Mark wielded his cruel feather. The intensity of the sensation defied even her belief. Not being able to alleviate the sensation in the least of degree forced her entire body’s captured attention. The delicate flicking back and forth across the tight strings of her straining arm tendons was enough to drive her quite mad. At that very moment the full weight of her bound predicament began to thunder in her thrashing eardrums…

“That doesn’t bother you… Does it Claire? I mean it’s only just a feather…” Mark traced gently along the exposed bare skin of Claire’s stretched triceps and cruelly circled her elbow with the stiff menacing tendrils. He could see her entire body still rigid in anticipation of the next merciless tickle with his sadistic feathery tool… “Just imagine what the rest of my toys are going to do to you if you can’t take this… HEHEHHEHEH!” Mark flicked the sharp tip back into Claire’s squirming armpit much to her squealing dismay….

“MWEMEWEWMWWEMEWWWEEEEWMWEWMWWWHW!” Claire’s gagged squealing giggles were like music to his ears. Right now he wanted everything, everything that she had hidden from him for so long. Mark wanted every last drop of her essence that she was so free to share with “HIM” and would have left none for the man who had been by her side since either of them could remember.

“Does it feel better here Claire? What about here… or here… or over here…. Gosh, your just ticklish everywhere under these strong arms huh? HEHEH!” Mark took deft aim at each and every square inch of Claire’s delicately rippling nerve endings. Each new hotbed of sensitivity gave him another intense sadistic thrill of unbridled power and control.

I swear, sometimes I think those sick little questions are an even more effective weapon than those malicious little fingers of his.

Mark wanted to play his ticklish little kitten as the solo instrument in his hysterical orchestra. Just to tease her… just to make it all even worse he took subtle little breaks teasing and stroking the bare skin of Claire’s out stretched arms to watch the fear of the next ticklish plunge consume her angelic face and feel the defiant anger boiling deep inside of her. In the midst of her fervent resistance making her laugh squeal and smile like the helpless little girl she was always meant to be made Mark truly feel like the man that he never dreamed he could become…

“OMNONOMNOONMNONMNOMNOMNOMONMNNMNOMN!”Claire’s mind was an utter wreck. Dealing with the cruel beleaguering tickles was hard enough, Mark’s pitiless taunts were maddening, but her growing arousal was completely unacceptable. The parts of her that both hated and craved this kind of sadistic mistreatment only served to make the feeling of sheer helplessness more intense and her journey to jubilant bliss all the more inevitable. With the tight rubber ball filling her stretched mouth she was deprived of even the slightest verbal protest. At that moment Claire felt more alone than she had at any time in her life despite the vile sadistic creature that was closer to her than anyone before him…

“Sssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” Mark paused his menacing torment to once again stroke Claire’s fluid locks with his left hand as she filed her lungs with the cool crisp night air in deep cleansing breaths... “It’s okay Claire… It’s okay…. Shhhhhhhh just calm down….” Mark kissed her delicately on the forehead once again feeling her entire body shiver in hateful approval. “I guess the feather really bothers you… huh? I knew your underarms were ticklish… but I can see that it’s worse when you’re all TIED UP huh?” The feathers and tools would be perfect for tickling Claire’s bare flesh, but Mark was mastering the verbal torment between Claire’s delicious ears. He could see that those words alone threw her deeper and deeper into the abyss of utter despair… “Do you want me to stop Claire… Do you want me to stop teasing your ticklish under arm with my naughty little feather? Hmmmm?” Mark could not resist adorning Claire’s tan collarbone with the imprint of his soft moist lips. He could feel her body rise to meet his subtle kisses as his thoughtful reprieve lingered in the night air…

“Huuuuuuuuuuuuuu Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!” Claire could only lay in her bondage and breathe. How could she answer him? How could she give in? How could she resist?

“All you have to do is say yes… If that’s what you want then I will stop Claire. I will do that for you…” Mark could hear the light moans forming behind Claire’s tight gag as his lips cast their wicked spell on the warm tingling skin of Claire’s bare chest. He wandered to the top of her ample cleavage darting his tongue and teeth from the side of breast to breast forcing her body to arch into him while her mind tried desperately to get away…

“Mhphmphhpmhpmhh Hmhmmmhmhmmhmh!” Claire shook her head up and down signaling that had indeed had enough of the light scratching in her defenseless hollows.

“Now are you sure…” Mark gave one last teasing pass with the long stiff feather just to ensure that Claire was making an informed decision…

“MHPMHPMHPPHMHPMHPHPM HMHMHMHHMMHMHHMHM!” Claire violently shook her head in desperate approval hoping against hope that her pleas would be headed…

“Okay Claire… See…” Mark once again inserted the quill end of the feather into the band of her damp panties atop her left undulating hip… He could see the waves of relief wash over her entire scintillating form with the knowledge that he had placed won his wicked implement… “There… now that’s better isn’t it?”

“Mmmpmpmpmmppm Hmhhmmmhmhmhhm MAMAMAMHMAMAHMAMAPAPMHPHPAMHMPHMPHMHHPAPMHHPMH!” Claire was utterly horrified feeling Mark straddle her trapped waist and all ten of his wiggling fingers ruthlessly invade the bare helpless hollows that had just been given a fictitious reprieve… “HAAHAHHMAHMAHMAHAAHMAMAHMAHMMAMA!” Claire’s screaming laughter became more and more clear behind her tight restrictive gag as the intensity and pitch of her hysterical squeals and shrieks grew with every merciless ticklish stroke of Mark’s nimble fingertips…

“You know… I think you’re right Claire… This is MUCH BETTER than the feathers isn’t it HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!” Mark let his own body fill with sadistic guffaws watching his bound beauty suffering helplessly as he forced wave after hysterical wave of forced mirth onto her trapped radiant form.

“NOMNOMNONONNNOMNNOOOMNOMNONMONOOMNOM!” Claire shrieked violently with all the breath in her tingling lungs as she tossed her head back and forth in horrid disagreement with Mark’s pitiless proclamation. Claire had never felt a tickle LIKE THIS. Since she was pinned to the wall in the foyer, she had been contending with Mark’s incessant tickles. THIS was a completely different sensation all together… The feeling of his nimble fingers skittering capriciously over every millimeter of her exposed hollows was like an intolerable liquid fire being poured over her smooth supple olive skin through the funnels of Mark’s fingertips. The more intense the sensation the more intense her violent thrashes against her tight stringent bondage, but that served only as sweet exercise in inescapable futility. Every twitch and every jerk against the tight ropes and secure leather cuffs only proved to intensify the delicious burning in Claire’s straining muscles as they yearned desperately for freedom…

“It hurts… DOESN’T IT CLAIRE…” Mark leaned his demented face against her thrashing cheek holding her cute tanned ears hostage to his cruel teasing… “To see hope off in the horizon and then have it stripped away from you when you are just inches away. To realize that the thing that you thought would save you was really the source of your greatest despair…” Mark dug his fingers just a few inches deeper into the writhing recesses under Claire’s trapped arms just to make sure that she got the point!

“MPMHPPMHPMHPHPMHPMHPPMPMPMPMPMHPMPMPMHPMHPPM!” For Claire, feeling Mark’s hot breath signifying his mounting rage crashing into her waiting ear was almost as bad as the merciless torment of her bare hollows…

I swear to you… his teasing is the worst. The thought of the unstoppable tickling is bad enough, but the pitiless taunting just pushes it so far over the edge. I find myself lost between gasping for the cool air to penetrate deep into my waiting lungs, trying to stifle the giggles produced by the real tingling under my tightly closed arms at the thought of his cruel caress, and unable to control the earthy moans that his peccant desires have become so adept at creating deep within me.

“Like getting an e-mail from the friend that you have been in love with since you were a little boy only to realize that she is just going on and on about another Man… Whispering secrets second hand that she already shared with someone else… Can you feel the betrayal Claire? Can you feel the hatred…? Can you feel the PAIN CLAIRE?” Mark had tried to protect Claire from this for so long… he had given up all hope… he knew it would come to this… Why did she have to come over today?

AHAHAHAAAAMHMAHAMHAMAMHMAMHMAAMAHMAMAHMAM!” Claire’s entire body arched skyward at the first sadistic Caress of her bare ribcage. Even though Mark’s fingers were only probing the indentations of her heaving torso, Claire felt the electric tickly sensations consumer her very heart sending sympathetic tremors to every nerve ending in her violently writhing body. Her head wandered in the darkness of her tight blindfold as her reality was only made up of the despicable sensations besetting her ticklish torso and the menacing taunts of the friend she lost so long ago…

You just don’t understand Mark. My ribs are insanely ticklish. It makes me nervous just thinking about someone massaging my supple skin against the firm bone and sending me kicking and screaming into the deep abyss of ticklish agony.

“Come on Claire… I know it tickles. Scream for me… I want to hear you scream for me Claire…” Mark’s fingers just plunged deeper and deeper into Claire’s desperately twitching ribs. There was nothing that could stop him. Her entire body was pulled so tight in her strict bindings that his fingers had devilish access to every inch of exposed flesh.

Mark’s eyes feasted on every drop of delicious perspiration that he forced on the brow of his ticklish beauty. He loved the feeling of her body writhing as much as it could bucking wildly against him to gain any chance of escape. Claire’s musical shrieks for mercy into her tight ball gag were becoming the great addiction of Mark’s life. And the panic, oh dear god the panic. Mark could see his cute little control freak so happy, so free, so terrified being unable to control the violent sensations torturing her tender form or even be able to see the next ticklish attack from its origin. She was finally letting go… She was finally letting him in… just a little. Mark knew that now he could just force himself the rest of the way….

“MHPMHPHHPHPHMHPHMHPPHPHMPHPPHM PMHPMHPMHPHMPHPHPMH!” Claire screamed at the top of her lungs. She had to. She knew that it would fall on deaf ears, but she had to do something, anything to relieve the horrid tension that was building inside of her amidst her inescapable torment. She had been stripped of everything else… that was the one of the only thing she had left to control. All that she could do was lie writhing in her tight bondage hoping against hope that she could survive Mark’s jealous rage… She could only scream at the top of her lungs in reckless hysterical abandon and cling tightly to her conscious indulgence, the only thing that she had left to give… the one thing that the Monster couldn’t take.

“What about your sides… Are your sides ticklish Claire. Does it bother you when I squeeze them: like so?” Mark maliciously massaged the flanks of Claire’s writhing torso as she slithered so mightily in the confines of the leather cuffs. Her body stretched so taught Mark could feel every strand of fiber tighten contract and rapidly expand in furious patterns responding horridly to his cruel teasing. Mark could feel Claire’s warm undulating form literally melting under his expert touch. Mark had loved Claire more than he loved himself for so long… He had longed for moments like this his entire lifetime. He could barely believe that now in this glorious instance that HE was the only one controlling the unspeakable chaos consuming Claire’s nervous system… Claire’s every scream of ticklish anguish or contortion of extreme discomfort was another subtle gesture of subconscious approval of how wonderfully wicked his skills had become…

“MOMNNNNNONONONONOONMOMNOMONMONOMNOONMN!” Claire’s entire body was being engulfed by the feathery fire of Mark’s incessant tickling. Even the burn in her muscles from her violent attempts at freedom began to take on an all too familiar tingle… Claire didn’t think that she could stand another second. It felt as though her very skin was trying to turn inside out to do something, anything, to stop the mindless sadistic torture that she was hopelessly lost in. Then… without warning it stopped… “HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHH HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH” Claire thirsted desperately for the cool night air to quench the gentle fire stirring at the base of her straining lungs. Each deep breath brought a river of new life to her tingling cells, and feeling of relief from her unbearable torment was more than she could describe…

“I think that SOMEONE… Is just a bit TICKLISH! Aren’t they Claire? HAHAHA!” Mark used his soft sweet lips to gently follow the trail of his evil fingertips almost taking each horrible tickle away with his soothing kiss.

“MMMMHMHMHHHMMHMHHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHHMHMHM!” Claire’s moan was only half in complaint and most of that was directed inward. Minutes after her last bout of excruciating anguish her body only hungered more ardently for Mark’s carnal affections. How could she derive so much pleasure from the gentle attentions of the madman holding her captive? Was this wrong? Was she Crazy? Her mind screamed for release from her bonds, but her strained lips and undulating form only moaned and arched in lewd encouragement of Mark’s sweet lips. Having to deal with the intensity of her forced erotic seduction in contrast to the sheer terror of the merciless tickles became a new form of torture in and of itself… How could he do this to her?

“Your skin is so soft Claire… *KISS* And so smooth… *KISS* You are beautiful… *KISS* Do you know that Claire? *KISS* Do you know how beautiful you are? *KISS* Do you know how crazy you drive me every time that I see you? *KISS* Do you know how long I have wanted to touch you? *KISS* Really touch you… *KISS*” Mark’s easing lips made their way to the very undersides of Claire’s lace covered breasts… He casually brushed his lips back and forth at the very top of her ribcages teasing the sensitive skin to no end. He could feel Claire’s body pressing into him inviting his transgression just a bit higher, but he knew that the proper time was just on the horizon…

“MHHHMHMMMHMHMHHMHMHMHMMHMHMHMHMHMHMMHMH!” Claire’s quivering whimper of disappointment was not over her imprisonment or the prospect of more cruel tickles. Claire’s breath trembled horribly as her now desperately pulsing mounds were bypassed for the nape of her neck and her flushed red cheeks. The kisses were horribly endearing and she felt utterly ashamed that right now her mind was filled with the lewd image of her stiff nipples being devoured by her loving tormentor. How could she let this happen? The only thing harder to resist than the sinful touch of Mark’s lips was the prurient desire created by his loving words… He was so genuine, so attentive; it was though his lips worshiped her skin and her being at the same time. She felt as though she were a queen… (Even though she was trapped at the hands of the evil knight.)

“Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, take your time. Catch your breath Claire. Breathe for me sweetheart… Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” Mark petted Claire’s long mane lightly and ran his other strong palm lovingly along the length of Claire’s right side feeling her entire body yielding deliciously to his comforting touch…

“Mhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh MMMMMMMMMMM hhhhhhhhhmmmmm!” Claire could feel herself being flooded with intense emotion. For the first time since she had been pinned to the bed by the raging beast Claire didn’t feel alone. Hearing Mark’s warm voice, feeling him so close to her… really close, it felt like he was right there with her, helping her through this, as he always had. How could she have been so blind before?

“That wasn’t so bad now… was it Claire?” Claire couldn’t believe the urge she had to shake her head in agreement. What was happening to her? Was he casting some sort of spell on her? Just the loving tone of his voice allowed her to drift off deeper and deeper into this strange creature that bewitched her so. She felt a strange twinge of safety with his every new caress… “I didn’t want to start you off too fast sweetheart… We still have such a long way to go Claire! HeHeHe!”

“AAAAAAAAAHAHMHMHMHMHMHM AHHHHHHHHHHMHMHMHMHMHM!” Claire balled her fists into tight balls around the ropes that bound her tightly and pulled with all her might thrusting the crown of her skull at the sinister demon chuckling jut inches from her. Even the few moments of respite that she received were all part of his sick little plan… It seemed as though there was nothing left in any of the four corners of the earth that could save her from her ticklish fate. She writhed, screamed, thrashed, lunged, and struggled as much as her tight bonds would allow. She did any and all that she could to let this twisted incarnation of her most delicious nightmares now how much she hated him down to her very core…

You know it’s funny… After killing Frankenstein’s wife, the creation led his father on a dangerous trek through the icy mountaintops. Immortal in his own right, nothing could destroy him. He needed no food, no sustenance so it was an easy journey for him.

His father, in a murderous rage was a different story. He was beset by the same hungers and thirsts that any mortal man would be, and the trail was inordinately difficult for him to follow and survive…

Do you know what his son did? He left little bits of food and shelter behind along the way so that his father could make the journey… Do you know why? Sometimes… when your victory is all but certain you want nothing more than to enjoy every second of your victims suffering as penance for their every transgression… every act of betrayal. Sometimes, this desire is so great that you would sacrifice a killing stroke or your short term fulfillment for even one more moment of their raging anguish… That’s why I kept giving my poor little prey all the food necessary to survive my twisted little game… Sick I know… but sick is what I am… HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA

“And we have sooooooooooooo many little toys to play with Sweetie… I bout them just for you Claire… Just for you.” Mark could see the anguish and rage boiling furiously in every cell of Claire’s writhing body. Her every passionate grunt of protest only made the warm stiffening between his strong thighs pulse with ardent appreciation of the sheer torment of his greatest love.

“AHHHHHHHHHMMMMMMMMHMHMH AHHHHHHHHHHHMMAMAMAM!” Claire tried as hard as she could to spit out the large rubber ball that robbed her of her speech, but the tight leather strap around her twisting head proved to be up for the challenge. Of all the things she hated most Claire couldn’t stand the inability to express her intense furious rage in response to Mark’s cruel ministrations… She had to tell him. She had to let him know what this was doing to her… She had to let him know that she would never[/I] forget this…

“Awwwwwwwwwwww, I’m glad to see that you are as excited as I am Claire… HAHAHA! I know that this first one will really get your attention…” mark opened the drawer to the near dresser slowly… He wanted to make sure that Claire heard every creek of her impending ticklish doom…. “REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAADDDDDDDDDY?”

“NOOOMOMOMMMMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOM!” Claire tried as she might to shout her raging protest past her stringent gag but to no avail. Why did he have to be this way? Why did he have to be so ruthless? Why did his chilling words have to be so callous? Didn’t he know the horrible fires that he was stirring deep within her?

He says the most damning things with an eerie type of calm that always seems to tragically draw me in.

Claire’s eyes wandered hopelessly behind her dark sleeping mask. Her imagination played wicked games with her reeling mind racking her with thousands of images of different devices that Mark could have chosen for her torment. The endless possibilities of her impending plight made the horrible anticipation even more wretched. Claire’s skin was already speckled with tingling goose bumps, and now the ice cold sweat or erotic discomfort began to consume her being with every subtle sound of Mark’s weight shifting above her. She had no way to prepare herself. Even more than her miles of naked skin she was exposed, horribly exposed to whatever sick innovations Mark had in store for the most vulnerable parts of her body heart and psyche…

MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMM!” The first touch of the wonderfully fluid silk to Claire’s thirsting hot skin was yet another dreadful shock to her beleaguered nervous system. It felt so seductive, so luxurious, and so smooth. The tingly caress of the flowing silk guided by Mark’s adept fingertips was a laser sharp form of pleasure the likes of which Claire had never contemplated. The suggestive caress made her every nerve ending tingle even as he just traced it lightly across her undulating collarbone… Claire could feel Mark’s strong hands lightly rubbing and massaging her supple form forcibly stripping away any tension and most of her resistance built up by his insatiable cruelty…

“This is yours Claire… This is all yours… This is my life’s greatest joy. Pleasing you Claire. Just let the feeling take you… I promise I won’t stop too soon okay…” Mark sealed his fervent promise with a gentle kiss to her frontal lobe. He had been waiting all of his life to cast his romantic spell on the elusive girl next door and he was determined to get it right. When he finished on this glorious night there would be no part of his loving lady that he had left untouched… or unconquered.

“MMMMMMMMMMMMMM HMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!” Claire couldn’t stop herself from nodding her head up and down in lewd approval of Mark’s lascivious pact. It was as if she was floating off in yet another one of her dream worlds. There was nothing in the world that could take her from the iniquitous enjoyment of Mark’s loving touch at this very moment. She had seen this moment in her dreams her entire life, she had just never realized it before…

Feeling his hands traveling freely caressing every inch of my warm bare skin begins to make me dizzy with salacious arousal. I can feel the moistening of my pretty lace panties becoming more and more desperate with every masterful pass of his gentle fingertips.

Claire’s battle for her own sanity was being lost slowly in the lustful fog of Mark’s irresistible affections. The touch of the silk material being guided between her full breasts wafting gently over her yielding flesh was far too much to ignore. The only question that Claire had at that very moment was: “Why in all of god’s creation did I feel the need to lock my sweet ripening peaks in their delicate prison of lace?” Claire wanted nothing more at that very moment than for her pulsing stiff nipples to be bared to his teasing touch for just one delicious jolt of carnal pleasure… In a way Claire was thankful for the rubber ball wedged tightly between her teeth. It was the only thing stopping her from begging audibly for her breasts to be thoroughly corrupted. Even though her mind was being taken from her so skillfully, she was not ready for that defeat just yet.

Claire’s tummy trembled terribly as Mark cruelly dragged the flowing strands of crimson silk so delicately across Claire’s olive skin. Her breath caught horribly in the back of her throat as her midsection began to collapse on itself. Her tummy was so sensitive that even through the glorious material Mark’s nimble fingertips still created dreadfully electric tickles, but right now that only amplified the horrid intensity of Mark’s guided coercion… The sweet texture of the silky fabric was only bested by Mark’s warm breath ringing warmly in Claire’s ear as he drank in her first carnal indulgence of the night…

“Mmmmmmmmmm You’re skin is so soft Claire… I hope you don’t find the silk to be too rough?”

“Hmmmm Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!” Why was he so cute… Why did he have to be that way now?

The feeling of Mark’s skilled hands descending to her full hips and thighs was absolutely overwhelming. Claire could do nothing to stop her hips from writhing lewdly into Marks firm grasp aided by his probing fingers. Claire’s entire body was drenched with the wonderful chill of the night air in contrast to her growing warmth. Even through the lace of her slim undergarment Claire could feel the cool breath of the room bringing her ripening garden of ecstasy to even greater thirsting attention. Claire could not believe how deliciously moist her blossoming essence had become from the simple caress of the fluent material across her squirming form but the shameful feeling of her dizzying arousal was far too pleasant to combat…

With the caress of each toned thigh, Claire realized that what she thought had been one languid piece of silk was actually a pair pressed tightly together. Now each of Mark’s hands took possession of a straining thigh massaging and caressing through his silk gloves sending Claire further and further on the path to enraptured glee… Claire squealed in desperate approval as her inner thighs were evilly teased and stimulated leaving a part of her begging for more and yet another shocked and appalled at her mounting weakness in the face of Mark’s attentions…

Claire’s shins and claves wilted under the sinful massage and Claire’s breath stopped in her chest at the realization of the time at hand… “IS IT NOW….” That was the only question that Claire could contemplate as her slim ankles were rubbed above and below by the wonderful material accentuating Mark’s loving hands…

“You kept these from me for so long Claire…” Mark gently caressed the top of Claire’s desperately arching feet with either of his strong hands while they writhed trapped in the leather confines of her steamy high heels. “They are so beautiful… but you kept them from me…” Up and down… back and forth. Claire churned her ankles churning her soles in her sexy shoes still holding all of her warm breath in anticipation… IS IT NOW kept playing in her racked mind. “You teased me with them… but you kept them from me… You always wore things to get my attention[.B] but you always kept them from me…” Mark caressed the leather casing of his glorious prizes with both of his strong hands letting his mounting malignancy linger in the night air as Claire’s mind began to stir… “Now after all this time, why do I get the feeling that you were doing that on purpose?”

“HEHEMMEMHEHHEHEHHEMMMMMMEMHMHMEHMHPHMEPMHPMH!” Claire’s muffled giggles couldn’t be suppressed as she felt Mark’s nimble fingertips causing ticklish havoc on her bare ankles… this time not hindered by the glorious silk fabric that had brought her so much joy. Her skin had been taken to a new plain of hungered perception that was beyond her wildest daydream. Ten fingers might as well have been ten million with the sheer barrage of appalling sensations crashing through Claire’s squirming form at that very moment.

“I think that you have a LOT to answer for young lady…. I think that we might be here for a WHILE HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHA!” Mark delicately spidered his menacing fingers tickling back and forth from the tops of Claire’s trapped ankles to the middle of her straining thighs in either direction. He let the light teasing tickles remind her that there was no escaping even the tiniest part of his sadistic malice while she was so tightly tied. It was amazing how quickly earthy moans of pleasure could turn to desperate squealing giggles…

“HEHHEHEMPEMHHEHPMEHPMHEPMEPPMEEPMEPMEPHMEPHMEPM!” All of Claire’s tight toned leg muscles expanded and contracted in ticklish response to the light drumming of Mark’s insidious digits back and forth across her taught skin. Her inner thighs were by far too sensitive to receive such mistreatment but there was little she could do to see justice at the moment. The most egregious part of having her bare legs lightly tickled in such a manner was the gloriously impure tingling right at the back of her pulsing clit mimicking every deft touch of her trembling flesh…

“And I told you that I wouldn’t forget Claire… HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHHA!” Mark used both thumbs and forefingers to dig gently into the slight crease between her churning legs and her writhing pelvis…

“AHAHHAHAMAMAMAHMHMAMHMAMHMAAMAMAMHAHMHHA!” Mark could hear her aroused panicked screams of hysterical laughter behind her tight ball gag and he utterly couldn’t get enough. The spectacle of Claire’s erotic suffering was so much more intense than he could ever have imagined. With every drop of her anguish the raging beast inside of him grew a little more bold in the pursuit of her delicious despair. The vicious cycle of his loving cruelty would prove to be the ultimate test for his beautiful damsel in distress.

“This is what happens to naughty little girls who wear sexy little shoes for attention Claire…” Mark only intensified the pace of his searing massage driving Claire mad with ecstatic horror. The intense piercing tickles Made her thrash wildly in her bonds for escape, but the intense reverberations against her moist clit forced her hips once again to churn with renewed despair seeking as much wonderful pressure against her delicious nubbin as possible.
Chapter IV

Mark could see everything. He could see how each torturous stroke terrified his beautiful slave girl beyond all comprehension. He took special not to every drop of ardent dew adorning Claire’s moistening panties. He could see that no matter how much she protested fought or thrashed that Claire’s body was receiving exactly the kind of deleterious devotion that it so desperately craved. Mark let the first wafting scents of Claire’s musky arousal take root in his flaring nostrils while his world began to gently spin in disbelief.

As much as Mark adored forcing his way into that special place that Claire had kept so secret from him, he wanted more…. He needed more. He needed to take her completely. Mark’s heart began to thunder in his chest knowing that soon, very soon he would hear the loud orgasmic cries that had haunted his dreams for so long. His ultimate act of omnipotence over his blushing beauty would be ripping away the last fig leaf to the rapturous glee that she so richly deserved… His eyes trained on her ripening womanhood and her desperately pulsing nipples Mark’s own arousal began to take hold making every fiber in his being shake in lurid anticipation…

Mark had waited his entire life to unlock Claire’s fervent arousal. He wanted nothing more than to pile the timbers of her blazing excitement higher and higher as she moaned in intense pleasure. He took his dangerous game of merciless teasing to the next level of Claire’s distress…

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAHMHMAHMAMMHMAAM!” Claire’s bone chilling cry could be heard even through the tight restriction tied around her jaw. Mark’s fingers sent violent electric pulses of impure joy coursing through her entire form with every delicate stroke over her lace covered pelvis. Stretched out so tight, Claire’s entire body strained as much as possible arching upward in lewd invitation of her utter destruction. Claire’s moist lips were quickly becoming soaked with their lace confines with Mark’s every new invasion. She wanted his evil hands as far away from her as possible, but she desperately needed for them to tease just a little bit lower…

A very wise man once said: “Be careful what you [U[wish[/U] for…

“Gosh Claire…. You’re just ticklish everywhere aren’t you?” Mark loved the feeling of Claire’s full hips grinding passionately against his teasing hands. He purposely drew his teasing fingers back with her every turbulent pelvic thrust just to insure that the delicious pressure of his gentle drumming was never quite right for Claire to fully enjoy. That would come much later… At the moment, Mark had much more sinister intentions. “But you CAN’T be ticklish HERE can you?” Mark traced a single finger over Claire’s lace covered clit and her entire body shuddered violently in response….

“MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!” Claire’s entire body froze. She had never felt anything like that before. The fever pitch of her mounting torment created a burning desire that defied all human understanding… The intense flash of white light behind her bound eyes illuminated all the glorious possibilities of her submission….

“You didn’t answer my question Claire…” Mark again lightly stroked right down the center of Claire’s sheathed mound casing another desperately aroused convulsion… “Does it tickle?” Mark fluttered all five fingers from his probing right hand over Claire’s glistening lips through her flimsy lace panties. He could feel every drop of her intense excitement lightly grease his fingers and for the first time in far too long he was utterly pleased with himself… Claire’s shrieking protests of her growing helplessness were a wonderful consolation… As he continued the light feathering of his nimble digits over her moist essence Mark could hear her girlish squealing giggles mixing with womanly moans of pleasure signifying the delicious conflict that he so expertly tried to create. “Or does it just FEEL too good Claire?” Mark firmly pressed two evil fingertips together stroking the crease of Claire’s damp opening through her lace panties. Claire could feel the material only accentuate the glorious sensation of having her hyper sensitive folds of skin fondled in such a lewd manner…

“NNNNNNNNMNNNNMNHHMHNMNNMNMNHNHHM!” Claire shook her head violently back and forth in terrified disbelief of the stunning reality before her. The feeling of Mark’s pointed seduction was an impure delight that Claire didn’t think she could resist even though she knew she had to. Even in the face of intense pleasure, she couldn’t show weakness. Not to him. Not now… He couldn’t have it, not here, not like this. She shook her head no hoping against hope that her bodies frenzied indulgence would somehow follow suit… Alas, she knew that her conscious protest would fall on more than one set of def ears…

“Awwwwwwwwww…. I know you’re lying Claire. It’s either one or the other. If it weren’t then you wouldn’t be Squirming so much now would you?” Mark once again fluttered his five fingertips over Claire’s pulsing nubbin sending her into insane fits of violent thrashing and desperate moaning as the suggestive tickles ran their course… “You know what we do with liars… Don’t you Claire?”

“EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHEHEEEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEH!” The dramatic contrast between the teasing of her swooning essence and the fluttering strokes of the whispery feather duster across her trembling tummy were like a brilliant summers day crashing into the darkest of winter nights. Claire was ripped from her fantastic dream world and brought screaming into the reality of her ticklish torment with every loving stroke of the evil implement across her midsection. How could he be this heartless? How could he be this cruel? Was this the man she knew? Was he even there anymore?

“All you had to do was tell the truth young lady… Oh well. I guess that I will just have to find another way to entertain myself for the next few hours… HAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAHAHHAHAAHHAHAHAHAH” Mark was delirious with raging power. He controlled everything in the universe at that very moment. The object of his lifelong obsession was under his malicious control and there was not a thing in this world that could save her. Mark controlled her external sensations and her internal emotions at just the flick of his sinister wrists.

Mark dusted lightly over her delicate cleavage amidst another fiery burst of squealing giggles. He could see every cell of Claire’s skin not protected by the seductive black lace of her under garment quaking in the wake of the wretched feathers of his devious duster. Mark watched in awe as Claire wrapped her crimson tipped fingers tightly around the ropes that held her tight and pulled with all the strength that he had left her. He loved her fight. He loved her spirit. He loved her resistance. The wonderful image of finally breaking her filled the back of his mind as the glorious portrait of her delicious panicked suffering took permanent residence in his darkening conscious mind.

Mark once again straddled his dearest love as he passed the delicate feathers back and forth across Claire’s horridly aching nipples. He could see her entire body coil and explode in ticklish delight with his every intruding caress through the thin lace fabric that held them captive. He knew that a part of her wished for a cashmere sweater to hide her intimate peaks and another desired more than anything that even her thin undergarment didn’t hinder his attention. He took great joy in the ecstatic look upon Claire’s angelic face that the sacrifice of her conscious indulgence was right beneath her beautiful surface. Mark gently massaged Claire’s right hip with his left hand as the gentle gray feathers played devilish games with Claire’s murderously ticklish neck. He wanted to feel her bucking furiously into him in wild ticklish abandon while he casually dragged the innumerous quills across every square inch of her exposed skin.

“Now…. Does THIS tickle Claire? Come on now… The truth will set you FREE…!” Mark never tired of Claire’s pained reactions to his utterly heartless taunts…

“MMPPHMPHMPHMHMPHPMHPMPMHPMHMPHPMPMHPMHPMHPM!” Mark couldn’t make out what Claire was shouting at him through her violent hysterical cackles, but he was sure that it wasn’t suitable for polite company. Even though there was no hard evidence, he decided that she needed to be punished even further all the same…

“Still playing the tough girl I see… Hmph…” Claire took a deep breath as the horrible feather duster finally stopped its treacherous trek across her heaving torso… “Fine!” Claire felt an icy chill tingling up her spine at the demanding tone in her tormentors voice… “Let’s see how long you can play tough!!!”

AHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHAHHAAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHHAHHHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAAHHHAAHAHAAHHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Mark leaned in torturously stroking and probing Claire’s horribly exposed ribs and she exploded in renewed cackling laughter… Mark forced every drop of air from Claire’s burning lungs as his hands mercilessly tortured every square inch of Claire’s violently twitching ribcage. Claire balled her hands into tight fists digging her fingernails into her palms to giver herself some contrast to the dreadful ticklish electric jolts absolutely destroying every shred of her being at Mark’s every cruel touch. This tickling was heartless, pitiless, constant, and horribly persuasive. Claire buried her head into her right bicep praying and hoping that there would be a small part of her left when Mark had finally finished destroying her…

“OH COME ON CLAIRE. I KNOW THIS DOESN’T TICKLE… YOU’RE A TOUGH GIRL REMEMBER. COME ON TOUGH GIRL. STOP LAUGHING. STOP FUCKING LAUGHING. STOP LAUGHING RIGHT NOW OR I SWEAR TO GOD YOU WILL BE SORRY!” Mark had never felt this way before. His voice was cold even to the pit of his very lungs. His entire body pulsed with every cruel articulation. Claire’s fearful expression only fueled his ardent arousal. Her violent screams of utter ticklish agony soothed away all the pain of the past five months that had ripped his heart out so many times… He loved her. He knew he loved her. But she had to suffer… she had to suffer for him. She had to suffer like he suffered… What was he becoming? What had he become? Could he go back? DID HE WANT TO? His mind was filled with questions, but his blackened heart knew the iniquitous answer….

Why does he have to be stern? He knows that I love that. He already has me. Why does he need to have all of me? His greed for my suffering is the foundation for our aberrant affections.

AHAHAHAHAAAHAHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHAAHAHAAHHAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHHAHAHA!” Claire’s mind wilted in the wake of Mark’s mindless threat. The heartless tickling of her hyper-sensitized ribs was driving her utterly insane. There was no way in this world or the next that Claire could quiet the joyful imp dancing furiously deep in her heaving belly and Mark knew it… He FUCKING knew it. It was all part of his sick little game just to make her feel helpless. Why did he have to do this? Why did she have to love it so much? Why did she have to loose her senses at a time when she needed them so much?

I can’t hold back anymore. It just gets to me when he takes that away from me: that stupid tough girl title. I would trade all my stature, strength, power, and athleticism for just one day of being his helpless little girl… With every elevated pulse of my throbbing heart that special little rose bud grows bigger and bigger along with the shamelessly indulgent smile smeared across face.

“OH COME ON! IS THAT ALL YOU CAN TAKE CLAIRE? ARE YOU GOING TO GIVE UP THAT EASY? HERE… MAYBE THIS WILL HELP! EHHEHEHEEHHE!” Mark’s sinister giggles filled Claire’s flailing ears as his menacing fingertips found their merry way back to the delicious tendons on the backs of her turbulently thrashing bare knees…

“OOOOOOOOOOOOOOMHOMHOMHMOHOMHOMHOMAAAMAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Mark’s repugnant massage sent sharp stinging tickles trickling back and forth Claire’s strong toned legs as she pulled and struggled mightily against her tight stringent bondage. Despite her best efforts, Mark’s straining bridles were haltering her perfectly for his sickening affections. Every muscle in her body revolted against the violent intrusion but she was utterly helpless to stop the systematic destruction of her poor nerve endings. Even through the horrible physical torment that she was forced to bear, the strange sense of safety and calm in Mark’s cold blooded taunts was something Claire had only imagined in her worst nightmares…

Mark felt thoroughly and utterly debauched feasting so indulgently on his blushing beauties ardent suffering. Her every desperate outcry behind the tight rubber and leather constricting her speech just made his prurient self indulgence of her ticklish plight all the more enticing. Right now he wanted no needed her to suffer for him just to make the horrible pain of her betrayal go away (even if only for a moment.) He could see the panic in her hazel eyes even behind the dark blindfold as every violent shriek gleefully affirmed that this furious tickling truly was TORTURE…

And I know this sounds wrong, but I really want it to tickle A LOT. It really excites me to fantasize about having my boundaries pushed. I want to see how TOUGH I really am. I want it to almost be torture. “Torture,” that’s another word that is beginning to take on a wonderfully erotic dual meaning. I want a constant reminder that I am not even in control of my own body…

Mark could see Claire’s entire body flushing from the inordinate strain of her enslavement. He rejoiced in every futile jerk of her supple limbs against his tight unforgiving ropes and cuffs. He wanted her to feel the helplessness that she had forced him to endure time and time again. The horrid fog of insatiability started to settle over Mark’s perverting mind. No matter how much she screamed, how loud she cried out in ticklish agony, or how much she physically recoiled from his sadistic torment Mark found himself hungering and thirsting for more of his bound beauties most intimate reactions for fear that he may never have the chance to see them again…

“I guess you’re not so tough after all… Huh Claire? Hehe…” Mark finally brought his round of ticklish onslaught to a pause as Claire’s resistance began to fade in her tight bondage. She still had such a long way to go. He didn’t want to tire her out just yet. He was just saving her final breaking for just the right climax in their glorious evening together… after all this time.

“MPMHPMHPMPHMHPHPHMHPMHPMHPMHPMHPMPMHPMHPMH!” Even before questing for more renewing breath, Claire thought it extremely pertinent to make another futile attempt to convey to Mark how much of a Bastard he was right now… Alas, she was once again frustrated by failure…

“Who would have ever thought it would be this easy…” Mark lightly stroked and caressed Claire’s silky thighs spidering his malicious fingers back and forth jus t to make his pretty little pet squirm in glorious discomfort… “To make big strong tough Claire squeal and giggle like a weak ticklish little girl… HeHeHe…!” Mark could see the dual effect of his cruel caress plastered across Claire’s contorting indulgent face and in the light earthy moans sprinkled between her squeaking giggles…

“HEEEHHMEMMEHEMHMEHMHMHEMEHHEMEHMEHMEHHMEMEEMH!” It was bad enough to have the most sensitive parts of her body wracked with ticklish glee, but having to endure the alluring assault on her most intimate patches of skin was a punishment worse than death for the woman who never wanted to loose control. Her body was exhausted from the fiery intense battle with her tight stringent bindings and the subtle quakes of arousal from Mark’s impure teasing was a horribly welcome respite as her hips once again found new life.

“Uhhhhhh Ohhhhh, I think that Someone likes the light little tickles… Doesn’t she Claire? Hahaha… Do you like having my nimble little fingertips skittering up and down these soft silky thighs Claire? These are such pretty black panties sweetheart… Let me make sure that there are no tears in the creases… Don’t worry. I promise to be very thorough!” Mark lightly traced the tips of his two index fingers on either crease of Claire’s trembling legs right against the hem of her moist undergarments and in frightening proximity to her yearning sweet lips…

“Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!” Claire took in a deep sharp breath of agonizing pleasure as the electric erotic tickles crashed into the back of her lightly pulsing clit and made her stiff nipples pulse in lewd approval. Claire could feel her body becoming Mark’s sinister accomplice in the battle for her conscious jubilance and she feared that with the slow sensual stroking of her perversely perceptive legs that she would not be strong enough to resist the terrible tandem.

My entire body begins to shiver… his fairy tale trek up and down my smooth yearning legs. I can feel the greasy warmth beginning to stir gently in the base of my tummy as the burning little tingles pound harder and harder into the little rose bud that he always brings roaring to new life.[/QUOTE]

It takes a lot of time and even more patience to learn to really cause someone pain. I mean real pain. The kind that will make them wish to the heavens that they had never been born. I’m talking about pain so searing and so intense that your poor helpless victim would promise their unborn for just a second of rest from the inhuman mistreatment. That takes skill….

The only thing more elusive than showing someone the true depths of degenerate suffering is taking them to the impassioned heights of rhapsodic bliss. It may takes skill to cause pain, but it takes understanding to shape mold and form true pleasure…

Now… when you learn to combine the two! He... hehe…heheheheheheheh

“Oh yes… I do think that the light whispers across this beautiful olive skin probably feel all kinds of wonderful… Don’t they sweetie?” Mark skittered his dancing digits right up the center of Claire’s undulating flat stomach over the exposed firm skin of her ample aching peaks. Watching Claire bite down lightly on her delicious crimson ball gag trying to stifle the erotic giggles of her persistent enjoyment was yet another vitalizing sign that soon his ticklish little tough-girl would be his and his zlone…

“Uhhhhhhhhh HEHEHEMMMMMMMMMMMMMM HUUUUUUU HUUUUUUU!” Claire’s fight was no longer with the deliciously destructive sensations besetting her poor agitated nervous system. Now, her fight was against every subconscious urge to nod in bold agreement with her loving tormentor. How could she deny the light titillating tingles crashing across her squirming bare form as every cell of her physical being cried out with a thousand voices for her horrid plight to intensify…

“Well I guess that these are all the answer I need. Huhhhhh” Mark lightly tweaked both of Claire’s stiff pulsing nipples, making her entire body shudder in the wake of the carnal caress, just to remind her that he was fully aware of her little secret even if she wasn’t ready to admit it. “What my cute little Claire wants… My cute little Claire gets…” The first feeling of the long stiff plume pitilessly attacking the underside of her left mountainous peak was a distressing affirmation that all of Mark’s subtle pleasures were just bait for the horrors to come… “You see how nice am Sweetie? HEHEHE”

“OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHH HEEHEEEHEEHEHEEMMMEHEMMHMEM!” The new touch of the long stiff plume was dreadfully confusing to our helpless heroine. With her arms and legs tight so tightly to the four corners of her deteriorating existence her skin was horribly taught across her bare form. There was nothing she could do to relieve one inch of the horrid itching caused by the feral feather… But the touch was so light and so delicate across her blazing animated skin that it only intensified the horrible yearning between her ever moistening thighs…

“Mmmmmmmmmmm I’m so glad to see that you approve Claire…” Mark gently traced the very tip of his callous crest down Claire’s violently trembling left side watching in awe as all of her tight cords coiled into tight balls as the watery tickles drifted deeper and deeper into her reeling mind. “And sense I am in such a generous mood! HEHEHE!”

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHMPMHPMHHPMMMMMMMMMM HEHEHEEHEHEMEMEMEMEMEMEEMEMEMEMEMMMME MMMMMMMMM!” The shock of the second injurious implement teasing and stroking the outline of her left shoulder was enough to force a gentle cry from his scintillating captive as the two light teasing whispers had their way with her desperately quaking form…

The new stiff plumes tormenting his precious captive looked as golden as this wonderful unexpected moment in time that Mark had been granted to make his case for Claire’s elusive heart… Their compliment to Claire’s trembling olive skin was an artistic portrait of perfection as mark ensured the two would be thoroughly acquainted. Mark was content to trace callously capricious patterns awakening every bed of fresh nerves that his twin tickling tyrants could uncover.

Mark gently sawed back and forth at the very base of Claire’s neckline. Try as she might to scrunch her beautiful neck down to trap the teasing feathers, they always proved a millimeter out of reach for her svelte chin as they played mindless games of teasing torment with her wonderfully exposed collarbones.

Mark lightly skittered virulent little circles in either direction of her sensitive hollows in a dreadful game of ticklish anticipation. He watched Claire’s erotic rhapsody turn to searing terror as he traced ever so lightly the tightly stretched tendons of her trapped underarms. With her slim wrists hopelessly tied so high above her head, every ticklish chord was stretched and tuned for Mark’s orchestra of ticklish onslaught. Mark relished the psychological torment that he could inflict on his greatest love with every malicious dip of the prurient plumes into the recesses of her sensitized hollows just as a reminder that right now, at this moment, her entire world belonged to him. He never dwelled more than a few seconds… the time of her more arduous torment would come again soon enough, but right now Mark wanted Claire finding her own gratification more unbearable than his teasing tickles…

“Do you think that your long fluid legs would like some attention Claire…?” Mark felt his eye brow take a sinister arch as the sickness veiled in his menacing questions began to make his heart ache in fiendish glee…

“MPMHPHMHMPHPMHPPMHPMPMPPHPPMHPMHPMHPMHPHMHPMH!” Claire was having a hard enough time as it is resisting the sweet intoxicating kiss of Mark’s dueling crests as they made their way across her taught skin. The thought of her bare legs being so wonderfully tormented with the horribly suggestive tickles was just too much right now… She honestly didn’t know if she could survive it, the way she was anyway….

“Oh come on Claire! There just feathers Come on, just admit it. I know that you want me to… don’t you? Just a little?” Mark reached behind to lightly start tracing the insidious implements up and down Claire’s beautiful bare legs starting lightly above her trapped ankles. His eyes never left her reeling form behind her tight blindfold. He wanted to watch every conflicting emotion play out in lurid detail across her angelic face as a testament to the utter hell that he was putting her through. In some deep dark growing lobe of his blackening heart seeing her endure, at his cold-blooded hands, just a taste of what she had forced him to endure made his love for her grow with every peal of her squealing laughter…

“OOOOOHHHHHHHHHHOHOHOMMMMMMMMMHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE!” The light goading scratches of the stiff plumes along the warm bare skin caused her legs to sinuate in protest and approval of mark’s ministrations. The tickly touch was absolutely unbearable but for some reason Claire couldn’t bare for them to end. Receiving her pleasure in such a tormenting form seemed right to her in so many ways… The inescapable maze of her own carnal lusts was not the only thing confusing Claire in the midst of her bridled predicament. Her swirling emotions were an unacceptable betrayal to the plan she had consciously outlaid for her fervent resistance. No matter how evil he became, how unbearable the sensations, or how intolerable the callous taunting

Claire’s feelings began to take on a very receptive tone to Mark’s ardent affections. For some reason it made her feel so… “special!” After all that he must have gone through, all the pain that she must have caused manifest in the twelve long stripes adorning his left wrist he was still there. After all the distance between them, most of which she had personally constructed out of fear, he was still there. As hard as it must have been for him in the midst of his own emotional turmoil he was still right where she had always needed him to be. He was still giving her the enthused kind of attention that only her “Mark…” was capable of. And now he was selflessly taking the time to give her the thing that she truly…

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO she didn’t want this. She didn’t need this. Every time that the glorious feathers made sinister contact with her trembling bare thighs she screamed this desperately to herself. She hoped and prayed that if she said it enough that somehow, magically, it might become true…

“You know that I’m not going to stop right Claire?” Mark knew without being told that for Claire, her greatest bliss was synonymous with her greatest helplessness. While his skilled hands wielded their cruel titillating plumes he let his icy words take his sweetest love deeper into the never ending forest of his blossoming dominance.

As it is I can barely stop giggling and I don’t think that I even want to stop moaning. There is just something about the helplessness. It’s like a warm tangible blanket of pure joy that He wraps me up in. Hearing his building peccant desire dripping from his paralyzing voice only assures me that he fully intends to push me as far into the warm bath of vulnerability as my delicate senses will go… and hopefully just a tad bit further

“MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMHEHEHEHEHEHEEHNONONOMMMMMMMM!” Mark’s pitiless berating was endearing enough. The new gentle circles he traced with the very tips of the two dueling feathers at the very tops of her ticklish knees only made her sensual seduction all the more inevitable… “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!” Claire could not believe the fiery sensation of the sharp quills tracing boldly down the centers of her wildly straining thighs. Every fiber in both of her racked muscles flexed and recoiled violently under the onslaught of her taught bare skin but her legs were held fast subjugated by the tight leather cuffs adorning her supple limbs…

“What’s the Matter Claire… does that TICKLE?” Claire could not see behind the dark sleeping mask, but she could feel the glowing sadistic smile on Mark’s sweet lips through the warm wafting breath of his sinister teasing. For some reason beyond contemplation she wanted nothing more at that vey moment than to see that carnal beam in his eyes feasting on her growing torment…

“HHHAAMAHMAMHMAHMHMAHAMHMAMHMAMMAMAMMAH!” The blazing ticklish circles being traced so slowly across her horribly perceptive skin were echoed tragically right at the back of her sweltering little clit. The new found heights of arousal terrified Claire of the long arduous screaming fall back down the mountain should she choose to take it. As the conflict of growing impassion and torment reached a fever pitch Claire could not tear away from the desire to watch Mark marvel in his diabolical ministrations… She wanted to see his merciless expression as he delighted in her every muffled plea for gentle mercy as he only intensified her torturous plight. She wanted to see how sickly he indulged in her most sincere suffering… She kept telling herself that it didn’t excite her, but even she knew otherwise…

Claire’s bloodcurdling scream as the dreadfully sharp quills found their way to the sides of her dampening panties was passionate music to Mark’s corrupt ears. She pulled so tightly against all of her bonds. She thrashed so violently to remove her pelvis from the light teasing touch of his merciless feathers. He could hear her hysterical peals of tormented laughter pouring behind the tightly fastened damn between her crimson lips. That did nothing to quiet the wonderful spectacle of each newly formed drop of erotic dew as the torrid sensations took hold of Claire’s ripening innocence. Every shrieking cackle was met with a fleshly grunt as Claire’s midsection became the mindless play thing of her deviant conductor…

Even in the midst of her growing despair, Claire became more and more aware of mark’s growing calm. His breathing was still shallow with his growing fervency for her sweet suffering, but she could feel him sinking deeper and deeper into his sinister calculations. She could feel him settling in with his demonic giggles quieting to a whisper consumed by his barbarous business calculating her prurient ticklish demise to the very last inch of her sanity. For some reason, this kind of heartless libidinous attention from her friend long since past seemed so… Romantic. Claire could feel a tiny part of herself fighting terribly to keep her twitching pelvis still to make Mark’s hideous task just a little easier for his devious devices…

“Now now Claire, we can’t let these velvety legs of yours have all the fun now… Can we? Mmmmmmmmmmmmm!” The exposed sides of Claire’s caged breasts proved to be wonderfully receptive to the feathery tips of Mark’s pernicious plumes. Mark watched attentively as the two stiff teasing tips make his helpless little girl gasp and giggle desperately as she wandered alone in utter darkness behind her tight blindfold. He could see that the suffering of intense physical torture was being replaced by the delicious anguish of mounting erotic anxiety. He knew that his victory was still on the horizon, but he loved the carnal knowledge that Claire was thoroughly enjoying “HIS” sick little game despite her minds conscious protest.

“OHHHHHHHHHHMMHMMHMHMHMMSHIMMMMMSHIMMMMMMM!” Claire’s entire chest started to tingle with the subtle intrusion of Mark’s gentle feathers. The light sawing of her tender exposed flesh was so immodestly jubilant that it was impossible to ignore. Eyes screwed shut, fist closed tight, her toes tightly curled in the leather confines of her seductive shoes and nibbling at her bottom lip Claire tried everything within her stripped power to deal with the rapture of Mark’s mounting cruelty and once again as affirmed in her hopelessness. Claire could feel her entire body aching and begging for more of Mark’s intoxicating iniquity but she couldn’t bring herself to say hit…

“I think that somebody really likes my feathers… Do you like my feathers Claire?” Mark just smiled in exultant glee as he could see the cracks beginning to form in Claire’s great façade.

It’s never enough for him to see my obvious physical reactions or listen intently to my unstoppable flow of giggles. He always wants me to admit how much his cruel ministrations are literally destroying me as I hang there helplessly in my bondage.

“MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!” Mark dipped the teasing quills just inside the center clasp of Claire’s flowing lace undergarment just to drive his point home. They both knew the answer, but that really wasn’t the question. The real point of his query was to challenge his blushing beauty to be honest… after all this time. Tragically, Claire’s time had not come. She fought against every tremor of fervent delight holding her head perfectly still as Mark cruelly teased her full breasts much to her bodies great delight…’

“Come on now Claire… Do you like them?” Mark gave her one last chance. He lightly traced the stiff edge of his feathers across the ridges of Claire’s encased pulsing nubbins. Her back painfully arched in shameful approval of his tantalizing touch, but alas his blushing beauty was not ready to fully indulge in all that he had to offer and her beautiful face remained still…

“Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh…” Mark let out a long sigh of subtle disappointment. He had such high hopes. He knew the time would come, but sometimes even the tormentor can become anxious. He wanted so desperately to hear Claire cry out in orgiastic glee after all these years of waiting but he knew that her time would come… “Oh well… I guess a guy can take the hint. Let’s see if you like these better instead?”

“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHMAMMAAMHMAAMAHMAAMHMAHM!” Claire’s flat stomach once again burst with flowing giggles as each bristle of the teasing paintbrushes danced lightly around her pouting navel. It was a much more intrusive persistent tickle than the light whispers of the feather tips, but cascading along her helpless taught skin the affect between her toned flexing thighs was dreadfully similar.

“Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm I think that we might be close…” Mark gently circled back and forth across the dreadfully sensitive skin of Claire’s bare heaving stomach. He could feel every peal of her ticklish laughter as her bouncing belly pushed gently against the beastly brushes teasing her so. Listening to her giggle like the innocent little girl that he knew she had always been gave an extra twinge of passion to his ultimate acts of corruption. To see her sweet angelic face yielding to his menacing demonic strokes was a picture of profligate perfection.

“HEHHEHEEMEMMEMMEMEMEEEMEMEMEMEEEMEMEEEMEEEMME!” Claire felt almost as though she was singing her defiant giggles into the tight leather wedged between her teeth. The light texture of the small brushes and the slow rhythm of the treacherous trek across her undulating midsection gave the incessant tickles an incredibly sweet accent. With every eternal second that passed, Claire could feel herself being slowly Tickled into an erotic frenzy that was becoming harder and harder for her to resist…

“Little Claire’s tummy is SOOOOOO ticklish isn’t it… Look Claire, I am going to paint you a picture…” Mark gently fluttered the teasing brushes in capricious patterns all across Claire’s tight svelte stomach. He could feel her entire body ripple with wave after wave of renewed raucous laughter and her dimples beginning to grow despite her objections… “Come on now hold still… I want it to be perfect…

“HHMHMEMEHEMEMEHEHMEHMEMEHEMEMEHMEMEMEEHMEMEHEM!” Somewhere buried inside her desperate peals of forced mirth was Claire’s real sweet innocent giggles at Mark’s gentle musings. Why did he have to do that? Why did he have to be so cute? Why now?

“Yehhh, over here we have some trees… over here we have some benches… Really, don’t squirm too much, I don’t draw dogs well as it is. I would hate to have to start over…” Mark could see Claire’s defenses beginning to crumble in the wake of his jubilant taunts. He could see the part of her that so desperately wanted to come out and play his sweet little games with fervent enthusiasm was beginning to make headway with his cute little control freak. “And right here… we have a set of foot stocks!” Mark let his evil leer creep up the side of his teasing lips letting his sinister promise sink in to Claire’s warming subconscious… “and right here we have some pretty flowers… Aren’t they pretty Claire?”

“HAHAHAHAAMAHAHAMAMHMAMHMAMHAMHAMMAMHAM!!!” Claire knew full well that they were just mindless scribbles of the insidious implements to intensify her sweet ticklish suffering, but somewhere deep down she admired him for trying.

“And here is the sun Claire… And here is the moon… And right here is the sign that says Tickle ME” Mark dropped both of his teasing brushes and gently goosed either of Claire’s sides with his strong hands causing her to melt into a ticklish ball between his strong fingers. Feeling her muscles become so rigid in protest to the violent searing tickles brought new rays of black sunshine to his sadistic heart…

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH AHAHAAMAMAMAMAMAMAA!” Claire screamed desperately through her gag with renewed vigor as mark’s sneaky hands raised havoc with her beleaguered torso… She could feel him lean into her placing his face right below her chin wanting to drink in every ounce of her surprised ticklish glee…

“Soooooooooooooooooo Can you read the sign Claire? Did I paint it clear enough?” Mark saw something so wonderful that his heart skipped a beat. Layered inside of her forced beam of ticklish abandon he could see Claire’s sweet soothing gleam of innocent pressed on her sweet lips wrapped tightly around their rubber halter…

“MMMMMMMMMMHMHMHM HMMMMMMMMMMHMHMHMHMHM!” Claire shook her head up and down violently in affirmation that mark’s cruel tickles were received in good order. She told herself that the question was innocent enough to merit a response… The idea of lapsing more and more into his new consuming presence was just too much for her to handle right now so that story would have to do until morning.

“Good…” Mark thought that Claire deserved a tiny reward for her latest act of subconscious submission and he let her catch her breath. He rested his palms on her full hips lightly caressing up and down. His chin still tucked lightly on her heaving collarbone mark watched in ecstasy as Claire’s lovely smile persisted past the point of his sinister encouragement. “There is just one thing though… I forgot to dot the I, in tickle… you’ll forgive me won’t you? I’ll take your silent as a yes… HAHAHA! But don’t worry Claire. It can be FIXED

Claire just breathed deeply behind her blindfold in wondrous anticipation of what Mark meant… She was sure that this meant the return of the blustering brushes, but for some reason she thought that Mark had something SPECIFIC in mind…

“OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHMHMHHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHM!” Claire’s suspicions were rudely verified at the first trace of the cottony tip at the very rim of her putting navel….

“I had to use a special tool to get the ‘paint’ into such a tight area. See how committed I am Claire? HAHAHAHA… But really honey, try and sit still for this part. I would hate to get “paint” all over the rest of you just to try and fill in the ‘I’!” Mark could see Claire’s stomach tense and her entire body freeze at his horrid proclamation.

“NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!” Claire struggled as much as she could to remain as still as possible as the whispery Q-tip began its trek to the center of her delicate dreadfully bare bellybutton. As always, Mark was not going to make this easy on her. He started tracing lazy circles right at the outer rim of Claire’s delicate navel and only moved closer to the ultimate destination one inch at a time. Claire was doing this out of self interest, wasn’t she? She couldn’t have dreaded q-tips coursing over her entire body right? She had to play along just to prevent this sick freak from torturing her further didn’t she? Was giving in to his sick game to save herself really giving in to him…

“There you go sweetheart… Just like that. Hold it right there…!” Mark could see Claire drifting slowly into the trap that he had so skillfully set for her. Every conscious act of submission only brought her closer to him… closer home. “You know I was thinking blue, but know I really think that orange would look nice!”

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” Claire was finally making some kind of progress… the last thing that she needed right now was an excuse for this creature to start all over again…

“Don’t worry though. Since I already started I will just add some yellow!” Mark skillfully applied the second tormenting tip in a complimentary circle to its counterpart. Together, they weaved their way to the epicenter of Claire’s sweet ticklish suffering much to her despair.

“MHPPHMMPHPPAAPAHAAAPAMAPAMAPAMAPMAMPHPAMHMPHHPH!” Claire’s muffled pleas of frustration and torment overwhelmed the tight rubber halter robbing her of fluent speech. This was unfair. It was so FUCKING UNFAIR. Here she was, tied tightly to the bed of a fiend she once knew. Her skin was bared against her will. She was blindfolded, gagged, and forced to endure hours of merciless tickle torture. Even worse, she was being forced to sit still making the task of her torment even easier for her diabolical tickle demon. Now, with her sensitive navel the next course on the menu of destruction one Q-tip wasn’t enough, there had to be one for each sadistic hand being used to reenact her worst nightmares… How did Claire let herself get into this? How did she let this all happen? Why was mark being so ruthless? And why did it make her heart go aflutter?

The one thing that comforted Claire in the midst of her plight was the glorious opportunity presented to her. She could win. Against all odds, against all reason, she could do it. She could keep her tummy still despite the beasts cruel tickling. She could prove that she was still in control of her toned form. She could prick this demonic being right at the center of his demonic heart with her unwavering resolve… She could do it… She could win. Claire tensed every muscle in her flat stomach; she gritted her teeth into the firm rubber ball forced between them. She even dug her own nails lightly into her palms to give a subtle contrast to the irresistible tickles on her bare stomach. She had been held captive to the mindless imp dancing in her burning lungs span from Mark’s cruel tickling since she was newly bound…. But not right now. Not this moment. Right nothing could force her to move from this one spot. If she could do this one thing right, maybe it would all be wroth it…

“Ohhhhhhhhh you’re good Claire… just a few hundred more strokes to go HAHAHA!” Mark loved the look of sweet defiance as his most cherished love dug in for the next round of his teasing onslaught. He had to admit that Claire certainly knew how to make things interesting….

It’s amazing the level of anxiety that he can throw me into with something as simple as a whisper…

“OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOH!” Claire’s hands flailed wildly at Mark’s savage promise. Hundreds… Claire didn’t know if she could take it, but she was sure that she had to. Every fiber of her being wanted desperately to break rank thrashing wildly in any attempt to stop the delicious itching at her midsection, but Claire was determined to marshal her senses, just this one time, in triumph…

It seemed like hours passed with each slow turn of the evil Q-tips around the circumference of Claire’s delicious recess. Mark made sure that not a spot was missed on either side of her quivering navel as he circled around and around as her body trembled in exhilarated tension. She was trying so hard. She was giving of herself so much. She was suffering terribly for him… all for him. FINALLY. He could see her stifling giggles in the back of her throat and holding her muscles as tight as could be making any movement near impossible. He slowly turned closer and closer to his final destination…

“ALMOST… GOT IT!!!” Mark sunk the two tiny churning cotton swabs right at the center of naked Navel amidst horrified screams of ticklish anguish.

“AHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!” Claire screamed at the top of her lungs in the wake of Mark’s iniquitous intrusion. The blazing ticklish sensation at the very center of her bare body was intensely focused, but it spilled horribly onto the rest of her anguished nerve endings. It was as though one single atom of her entire being had reached crucial mass and her entire heaving form was forced to bear the burden. The sensation was made much worse by her conscious efforts to keep her flat stomach still in triumph over her scorned lover, but she knew that he had to endure this if only for her own peace of mind… Could she do it? Could she hold on… It seemed like far too much to ask as the cotton swabs twirled so heartlessly at the very center of her polite being. The hot white light of ticklish suffering blazed at the backs of her tightly shut eyes and the visions of defeat filled her conscious mind, but then…


“HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH!” There was not enough air in all the world to take away all the horrid tension from that ticklish ordeal but Claire’s thirsting lungs set out to make sure with every deep heaving breath of fervent relief. SHE DID IT. SHE HELD ON. SHE WON! Claire could feel a trembling tear of joy trickling down her cheek like the jewel of her greatest victory. She had survived. If even for a moment in time, she had kept control…

“Ohhhhhhhhhhhh my gosh Claire… You were wonderful!” The ticklish onslaught of the dreadful cotton swabs was one thing to try and block out, but for some reason even the most inconsequential praise from her loving captor was impossible to ignore. The feel of his warm lips tasting her bare smooth neck was not even worth discussion. Claire melted in an emotional heap of mounting cathartic relief as the first waves of real praise and compliment proved to be more than she could handle… “You did so well Claire…
You tried SOOOOOOOO Hard for me…”

*WAIT*!!! FOR HIM... Claire didn’t do this for “HIM”… did she? She was just trying to protect her nerve endings from further mistreatment… (wasn’t she?” Did he honestly think that she was trying to prove something to “HIM”? Did he honestly think that she was playing along with his debased little game for “HIM”? Was he really under the impression that she would walk through hell just for his approval… Was he crazy? (Or was she?)

All the same, Claire relaxed slightly in her tight bindings. Despite whatever “HE” might think and no matter how positively sinful his sweet lips feel worshiping her hot bare skin… nothing could change what just happened. SHE WON. And there was nothing that could change that.

You see, people like me always have these sick little games that we love to play. It’s part of what makes us… who we are. The really sad part is that most of us go through life thinking that we’re freaks for having such DEPRAVED little fantasies and we never take the time to share... HAHAHAHAHAHA I remember when I used to be like that… I was more afraid of revealing who I truly am than living a life of utter BOREDOM! But after a while… I just couldn’t stomach the thought of another second living the pathetic life that everyone else had “planned” for me. What’s the point of surviving if you’re never really alive…

The funny part is that I finally realized how easy it is to get the ones we love to play along. Weaving the web is just as fun as finally devouring the fly… Usually, people will follow along behind the shadow of their own ego right into the center of whatever wicked little game that you have planned out for them… All you have to do is make them think THEY’RE WINNING… HAHAHAHAHAHAHHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA

“Really Claire… I am proud of you!” Mark just gently adorned Claire’s trembling flesh with enduring seals of approval stamped with every contour of his sweet brushing lips.

“NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!” Claire cringed violently behind her dark sleeping mask. “Proud?” Claire despised Mark for insinuating that he was in any position to be proud of her. But, she was utterly disgusted with herself for wanting so desperately to here him say it again. How could she get off on the approval of the madman holding her hostage? How could that make her feel so sexy… so needed… so wanted…? Who was “HE” to offer her validation? And why did it mean so much?

“I have one last thing that I want to paint for you Claire… I know that it will really peak your interest! Hehe. But first… I want to give you reward for assisting me with my ‘painting’ hehe.” Mark rose on the bed bringing his warm soothing breath right to Claire’s waiting ear to fill her in on all the intimate details of her special reward…

“Mmmmmmmmpmpmpmpmpmpmmpmpmpmpmpmpmmpmpm!” Claire was very disconcerted by her fervent curiosity as to what this little reward might be. She couldn’t explain it, but the idea of being in Mark’s good graces had a delicious sinister appeal to her at the moment…

“You got a pedicure today… Didn’t you Claire?”


Claire absolutely froze. Every fiber of her being was rigid in sheer unmitigated dread at the very mention of her single greatest weakness. Could this unthinkable nightmare get any worse? Her feeling of helplessness multiplied ten fold at the horrid realization that even the victories that she thought she could win she was only being drawn deeper and deeper into the insidious maze of the deviant creature holding her captive. Even her successes were just preplanned parts of Mark’s sick games…

“You wanted everything to be perfect… I know. You wanted everything to be perfect for ‘HIM’! But he couldn’t protect you… could he Claire. He couldn’t keep you safe from the thing that you made me. Could he Claire.” Mark could see that Claire’s mind was captivated by the idea of his endless merciless foot tickling. He knew that right now it would break her. He knew that with every chilling bead of icy sweat drenching her supple form in the physical manifestation of her growing dread was forming the river of her inevitable surrender. He just wanted to make sure that her conscious mind was as bare as possible for his sinister little innovation. “He couldn’t stop me from taking you… Tying you up here, all alone. No one around to hear your seductive screams but the demented captor who created them. Does it bother you Claire… to know that there was nothing in the world that could have saved you from this… this moment. If it was today or six months from now to know that I would have you here… just like this and that there wasn’t a FUCKING thing that he could have done to save you?”

It’s amazing the level of anxiety that he can throw me into with something as simple as a whisper…He says the most damning things with an eerie type of calm that always seems to tragically draw me in. He knows just how to drive me to that special place where I am fully in the arms of his cruel brand of mercy.

Claire unease grew with every passing second as his warm breath crashed home deep within her melting psyche. He has always been so reserved, so reluctant, even when they had tried seeing each other outside their normal plutonic channel. This new confident DOMINANT air of inevitability was something so bitter sweet that it threatened to change the person that she was for all time. She could feel herself wafting in the darkness of her blindfold bathed in the unending fear of the unknown but grasping desperately for his guiding hand. The sheath of denial to her inner submissive was being torn from top to bottom with his every menacing word, but to her credit-the sweet little princess was not going down easily…

“But since you did so well. I am going to do something very special for you Claire. Something I should have done a long long time ago… I am going to take ‘HIS’ pedicure… And I am going to make it MINE. SLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWLY HAHAHAHHA!” Mark could never have conceived that he would find insanity this comforting. Leaving behind all rational thought for the pure indulgence of his most base desires felt so natural, it felt so warm, it felt so right. What does sanity really mean anyway? Whoever came up with that term must have never felt anything like this…

“Uhhhhhhhhhmmpmphmhpmhpmhh mphmhphmpmpmhpmhphphmphmhphmphmpm!” Claire was still beset with the mirthful ringing of Mark’s demented laughter as she felt him slide back to the ground and march so proudly to the foot of the bed. Claire could not help but pull against the tight cuffs holding her slender ankles so sternly. She knew it was useless. She knew that she was trapped. She had no more illusions of appealing to the shell of the man that she had known for so long. With his every damning step towards her bound helpless soles, Claire’s trepidation over the impending inhuman torment of her trapped feet began to fill her mind with utterly torturous flashes of light. Claire churned her ankles in sensual discomfort as she could feel her tormentor’s gaze from the foot of the bed starring at his captured prey.

The light whispery tickles on my quivering ankles are just a cruel appetizer and I know it. He just wants to watch my calves strain in hopeless futility as my legs lightly jerk against the… tight leather cuffs that hold me fast to receive my much deserved punishment. The burning sensation in my calves and thighs from the useless straining against my strict bondage slams home in the urgent smoldering between my now desperately quaking legs.

As horrible as the malicious teasing of her bare legs was, Claire was utterly terrified when it came crashing to an end. She couldn’t keep her poor ankles still as she felt the first caress of his fingers on the shiny leather that she knew he was so fond of… She curled her toes as tightly as she could in their warm leather prison hoping against hope that she could keep them from being freed.

“You know it’s funny Claire. You had to know that this was about to happen. You have been dreaming about it all day. That’s why you picked out these shoes… These beautiful, seductive, sexy heels that you know drive us Crazy. But I bet you never thought in a million years that I would be the one to slip them off for you… Did you Claire? HAHAHAHA” Years of anxiety, 12 nights of excruciating pain, twelve strokes of ardent self loathing, five months of unthinkable hell, ONE MOMENT OF REDEMPTION… Mark let everything that he had ever felt about his one true love bubble to the surface so that he could fully take part in this cleansing communion… Every stroke of her flesh and sip of her mounting erotic fear would wash away all the noise clattering in his twisted mind leaving his pure affection for the object of his life’s great obsession.

“MPMPMPMPMPMMHPMHPMPHMHPMHPMPHMHPMHHPM!” On some level, Claire could accept what was about to happen. As unthinkable as the prospect was, right now it was far beyond her control. The thing that plagued her the most at her moment of greatest despair was the eerie smell of candle light from that special place in the back of her mind. As much as she hated to admit it, even to herself, this was a gloriously horrid reenactment of that deviant little daydream that she couldn’t believe she had shared…

There is no more denying it. The sad truth is that he was right. I had been dreaming about the mindless ordeal to come the entire day. Ever since I put on that special pair of patent leather heels, that he told me he is so fond of. All day long I couldn’t pry my mind away from the idea of having them slowly taken off to give my delicate feet the villainous attention that they so richly deserve.

He knows that I can’t answer. It’s always an intense experience when he… bares… my sensitive feet… he will draw it out as much as possible: letting his nails lightly scratch at the leather of my tight high heels just to remind me that my last bit of protection is about to be taken from me. Taken… I like that word.

I can feel myself hold my breath as his hand takes a firm grip of my right heel. I can feel the first light tug of my warm shoe as I am powerless to stop him. I can feel the first rush of cool air cascade over my warm sole in stark contrast to its previous confines. The shock of the conflicting sensations brings a subtle jolt to my system as more and more of my flexing sole is bared to the world for all to see. I can feel my toes begin to flex freely as my shoe is lightly plucked from my lightly writhing digits. I can also imagine him taking a prurient delight in gliding the rim of m freshly removed shoe along the wrinkly defenseless sole. I take a long hard sigh as the jolt of ticklish electricity crashes through all the nerves in the back of my legs. I am brought back to reality by the loud clacking of my freshly removed shoe as he so casually allows it to fall to the ground like the very pit of my trembling stomach.

The removal of my second shoe doesn’t have nearly the romance of the first. Just in the interest of ever growing contrast I can feel it ripped violently from my writhing sole just to give me a wonderful dose of even more erotic fear to make my senses dreadfully peaked for the insidious torment to come.

The horrible images of my deathly sensitive feet being pitilessly tormented soaring through my mind do nothing to quiet the fires beginning to rage deep within my sweltering loins.

“Have I ever told you how beautiful your feet are Claire? Have I ever told you how much I have wanted touch them… caress them… TICKLE THEM?” Mark was content to just let his warm palms gently caress the top of Claire’s lightly squirming bare feet. He just rubbed delicately up and down in almost rhythmic massage letting Claire’s vivid imagination run wild with the endless possibilities…

I can feel his hands resting there but at an insidious pause. I can’t take the anticipation. My head sways back and forth behind the blindfold and I can hear him breathing so heavily... I try my best to gain any kind of inference as to where the next ticklish attack will land but all my efforts quickly prove futile.

The waiting was the worst… Claire could feel every nerve ending on her soft delicate foot bottoms burning with horrid anticipation. Claire had spent countless nights fantasizing about having her feet tightly bound and mercilessly tickled by her “MASTER” but the comfort of his distance always kept a certain element of safety and control no matter how intense her imaginary torment became. That was not the case with her weakest point bared to her scorned lover. Claire felt safe… that was beyond question. But she felt safe because of Mark, not from him. The mixture of warming comfort and sheer vulnerability was both completely intoxicating and utterly vexing to our helpless heroine, but of one thing she could be very certain: she had absolutely no control. The new wave of emotions mixed with her arduous battle with her growing ardent arousal set her nervous system ablaze hungering for even the slightest titillation. Claire always knew that having her feet ruthlessly tickled under any circumstance would be catastrophic, but right now she was sure that it would be the very end of her. And then… IT BEGAN…

“OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHMPMHPMHPHM!” Claire was caught completely off guard by the passionate kiss of Mark’s sweet lips at the very center of her flailing left sole. The feeling was electric. The bottoms of her slender feet were of a different perception than the rest of her soft bare skin and the wrinkly foot bottoms processed the transgression of his alluring lips with a wonderfully impure accent. She could feel every wrinkle of his teasing mouth and every molecule of his warm breath cascading over her pulsing clit as she gritted her teeth around her tight rubber halter in growing lustful abandon. As Claire began to loose herself in mark’s erotic wilderness, one thought crystallized in her debauched mind: this certainly was a ‘reward!’

“You have no idea how long I have wanted to do this Claire. Just remember, this is what you get for all those flip flops, high heels, and peep toe pumps that you always wear around me! HAHAHA!” Mark hungrily kissed and lapped the ball of Claire’s right foot as it trembled delicately in his hands. He could tell that she had never felt the gentle touch of delicate lips on her soft wrinkly soles. He cherished taking her by the hand down this new road of carnal pleasure that she had never experienced before.

“Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhuuhuhuh Ahhhhhh huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!” If this was the penance for her choice of footwear then Claire was corruptly contemplating another trip to the shoe store for even more seductive appeal to beleaguer her torturous best friend. In all her years sporting her bare wiggling toes as a badge of honor and symbol of her beauty, Claire was always secretly trying to get herself into ticklish situations. The idea of having her delicate feet receive this brand of loving attention had never occurred to her, but right now with Mark’s soft lips and dreadfully rough tongue lapping away at the wonderfully adept soft skin she had a VERY open mind to new ideas. Claire could fight the other sensations that had always been a suppressed part of her dearest nightmares, but this was so deliciously unexpected that she couldn’t help but indulge… just a little. How much could it really hurt? At least that’s what she told herself.

The feeling of Mark’s tongue racing over her bare quivering sole was deviantly duplicitous. In a way it did tickle, sweetly, seductively, but it also left a blueprint for the menacing tingles to follow as her stiff rose bud danced between her warm thighs with his every lapping caress. Every kiss of his soft sweet lips brought her aching nipples to even greater attention trapped in their lace prison. As she swayed back and forth trapped in her bondage she could feel the ridges of her stiff peaks rubbing lewdly against the material that help them captive and relished every cool shiver of fiery pleasure that stormed through her wavering form making her shudder in delicious approval. She shamelessly rocked back and forth trying to cause as much lecherous friction as possible. Claire pulled tightly against the tight leather cuffs that bound her slip wrists wrapping her slender fingers around the stern ropes and tugging mightily. She knew that she couldn’t escape and that is what made it so delicious. She wanted as much affirmation of her helplessness to make her erotic suffering as intense as possible and her poor aching womanhood drenched with her roaring arousal.

“This is what happens when you please me Claire.” Mark held Claire’s wiggling crimson tipped toes back to lightly dart his tongue onto the sensitive pads beneath… “You will pay for every inch of pleasure you cause me with a foot of your own… HAHAHA!”

“HAHAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHA AHHHHHHAHUUUUUUUUUHUU!” Rewards masquerading as sensual punishment for good behavior… Who was this? Was it a dream? Claire had at least been under the illusion that this was HER fantasy that he was acting out… With these glorious innovations it was quite certain that he wasn’t just taking over her world, he was luring her into his

The feeling of Mark’s tongue teasing her twitching toes was absolutely sinful. It tickled, dear God it tickled, but she thought she would absolutely die if it ever ended. She could feel every dimple in his probing tongue right between her churning legs. Claire was absolutely shameless as the wonderful sensations cascaded through her gyrating form with wave after wave of carnal pleasure. She always knew that her feet were sensitive, but she had no idea that it could be used against her in such an immodest way.

Claire’s world began to spin as she felt her left big toe being gently devoured into Mark’s probing mouth. The feel of his wet lips engulfing her wiggling toe was like a warm bath in the sea of sheer ecstasy. It was so strange. Having such devoted attention being paid to even the soles of her feet made Claire truly feel as though she were a goddess… even if at the moment she was bridled in the underworld at the hands of a merciless demon. The first gentle intrusion of Mark’s sharp teeth brought a subtle reminder of her torturous reality…

“EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHEEHEHEEEEEAMMMMMMPPMPMPMPMMPPMPM!” It was a violent jolt of ticklish electricity that took her entire bare form to task, but it was wholly unique from the rest of Mark’s cruel attentions. This torturous jolt shot right up the backs of her legs and shocked her sweltering loins to greater heights of dreadful perception. It made her entire body pulse in time with every delicate pulse of her ever stiffening clit as it began to peak out from its natural sheath to take in its own rapturous bliss as every strand of lace lightly grazed against it from Claire’s lewd churning.

“You see Claire… I can be kind.” Mark knew that right now he held Claire’s entire world between his strong hands and he promised that he would never let go. Too many nights had been spent planning this glorious day in the fog of utter hopelessness to let this one heavenly gift go to waste…

“UMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!” Claire let out a desperate earthy grunt to signify just how kind Mark was for his first gentle sucking of her writhing bare toe… Her entire body began to cave in from the delicious pressure of his sinister vacuum. Claire squealed in horrified delight as Mark made his way to each individual splaying digit taking it delicately into his mouth to feel the wrath of his wet lips, rough tongue and sharp teeth. She could feel the layers of her resistance flowing through the tips of her toes as they were nuzzled and suckled into submission…

“And don’t worry Claire… I will get to your other foot soon enough…” Mark reached over and with the index finger of his left hand he traced delicately from the heel to her flailing toes of Claire’s right foot as she squealed musically into her tight gag…

“AHHAHHHHMHPMHHPMHPMPHMHPMHPMPHMPMHPMHPMHPHHMP!” Claire’s giggles and moans wove together almost poetically as a symbol of the delicious compound of anguished delight that she relished in so terribly at the moment. The light teasing tickles of her bare squirming sole were both tormenting and irresistible. The delicate itching was terrible to endure but the feeling of enduring torment was violently arousing. Mixed with the glorious stimulation of her delicate toes and wonderful sole from Mark’s oral attention Claire’s ecstatic inebriation was almost complete. Then, without warning, Mark brought his teasing finger to Claire’s left sole taking the proof of her Ticklish cocktail to a completely different level.

Feeling both sensations in such proximity pushed Claire closer and closer to the edge of ecstatic indulgence that Mark knew she was aching to fall over. Claire’s greatest fear as the violent fall manifest its infant form in a light tingle at the base of her tummy was that when she tumbled off the cliff would anyone be there to catch her? She had never allowed herself to experience that kind of weakness and need, but right now the prospect was far too great to ignore.

“MHMPMAHAAHAHMPHPPMPMHMAPHMAPHMAPMAHPAMAPHMHHAH!” The delicate slithering of Mark’s sensuous slippery tongue between Claire’s helpless bare toes actually made her squirm and squeak in heavenly ticklish discomfort. The feeling of pure erotic torment made her stiff dripping clit pulse with zealous approval… It tickled terribly as her wiggling digits were worshiped in such a lewd manner as the laser focused beams of searing pleasure spurred on by Mark’s teasing tongue and sweet lips completely overwhelmed the supple nerve endings under their obscene onslaught.

“Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I think that she likes her reward… Hehehhehe!” Mark looked on in sinister indulgence feasting on Claire’s look of rapturous anguish fighting against the urge to nod her head in desperate affirmation of her mounting enthusiasm… “But don’t go behaving yourself TOO much Claire… I wouldn’t want you to spoil the fun… HAHAHAHAHAHHA!”

“AHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOHHHOHOHOHOHHOMMPMPMPMP!” Mark just traced long torturous lines up and down Claire’s soft left sole. Claire’s mind was dreadfully conflicted over the gloriously distressing sensations at every pass of Mark’s loving tongue. She involuntarily scrunched her toes wrinkling her soft wrinkly feet to fight the dreadful tickles, but she splayed her toes and flexed her pretty foot inviting Mark’s further intrusion. The conflict within herself aiding the savage beast for her own degenerate indulgence was so depraved that Claire could not help but be excited by her sensual abandon… Somehow, she felt the creeping sensation of a freedom that she had only imagined starting to settle in over the parts of her that she had kept most secret…

“Mmmmmmmmmmmm, your pretty little foot is absolutely delicious Claire. I am sure that your quivering right sole is just as tasty!” Mark shifted his pointed oral attentions to the flexing ped just to his left. His first gentle kiss landed perfectly on Claire’s bare straining arch and he watched in gleeful zeal as Claire’s toned legs began to tremble and quake in the wake of his carnal mistreatment. “I am so sorry that I neglected them so long in my selfishness. I promise that it will never happen again. I will make sure that they receive all the delicate attention they deserve…”

“UHHHHHHHHHHHH HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU MPMPMPMPMPMPMPMM!” Trapped behind the stringent confines of her rubber thrall, Claire could not verbally express her mounting apprehension over Mark’s daring declaration. Was he planning on making this a habit? More to the point, would she really mind? Claire had never allowed anyone this deeply into her fantasies before, let alone allowed them to create new ones for her. Could she keep her tormented sanity with a next door neighbor with such wicked designs? Could she ever truly breathe again without it? Claire could feel her breathing becoming more and more ragged with each torturous second that passed and Mark’s agonizingly luscious lips were robbing her of any concentration…

“EHEHEHEHEHEHEHEMPMPMPMPM!” Claire shrieked desperately into her tight ball gag as Mark held her ticklish toes back tightly with his left hand and carelessly nibbled the length of her taught sole from her pink heels to the base of her hyper sensitive crimson tips. The electric pulses of ticklish agony besieged her bare legs causing her to thrash violently against the tight leather cuffs holding her slim ankles hopelessly in place. But something about the warm moist feeling of his sugary lips sinfully escorting his malicious teeth through the length of her fluent foot bottoms brought her every nervous perception slamming into her torrid throbbing nubbin caged so beautifully in its lace confines.

Claire could feel every thread of the crisp cool comforter caressing her bare skin with every gentle writhe atop Mark’s domineering bed. In her altering state of consciousness it felt as though every touch of her hot nude skin was another gentle push to the brink of sheer ecstasy. Her horridly erotic perception was destroying any hope that she had of resisting the demonic form so lovingly demolishing her poor bare feet.

Mark ran his tongue quickly darting at the bases of her outstretched toes and brought the devilish fingertips of his right hand to tease Claire’s quaking arch as her delicious digits were teased and tormented to no end. The fiery tickles and the feel of Mark’s hot wet tongue still proved to be deathly intoxicating forcing Claire to sinuate violently in blissful ticklish abandon.

Kneeling there so enthralled by his captured queen Mark spared himself nothing as he feasted on Claire’s growing jubilant discomfort. The night air was filled with the sweet smell of Claire’s fervent arousal as he could see her delicate lace panties were now soaked as yet another testament to his growing corrupt power. In all of his years of yearning hoping and waiting Mark could never have imagined the sinful taste of Claire’s warm soft quivering bare feet.

Mark loved the sensation that he was giving his blushing beauty more pleasure than she could possibly handle. It was exciting to mix the degenerate pleasure of his oral attention with his ever so light tickly touch keeping his precious love caught in the vicious maze of agony and ecstasy that threatened to drive her absolutely insane with erotic indulgence. Mark could feel himself being lost in the dark cloud of Carnal dominance relishing in his omnipotence to torture his dearest love with her debauched arousal.

Mark plunged each of Claire’s wiggling toes hungrily with his warm moist lips savoring their every wiggle in ticklish protest as his rough teasing tongue and sharp torturous teeth had their way with them. He stroked caressed and massaged every inch of her bare slithering ped with his two free hands bringing the object of his greatest affections crashing home closing in on the elusive ecstasy the he knew was building deep inside of her. He gave himself over to his fervent passion for his deepest love letting his lips and tongue run wildly kissing and suckling Claire’s delicate digits as she cooed desperately in self loathing approval…

“AWWAMPMMPMPMMPHMHPMHPMPMHPMHPMHPMPHMHPM!” Claire’s moan was of both intense relief and horrified disappointment as Mark’s oral attentions finally came to a tragic end. She could feel the sweet chill of her freshly moistened soles being caressed by the crisp night air and each delicate tingle up her slithering spine only served to make the erotic hue of the magical evening more pronounced. Claire could not help but give in to the loving massage of both her bare feet as Mark guided her gently from the ecstatic Cloud that his gentle tenderness had created…

I have to be honest with you… That just made me so proud of myself. I mean, this is just further affirmation. You can get someone to march through hell dancing to your depraved little tune if you make the reward sweet enough. When the pleasure that you have to offer someone is just outside the realm of what they can offer themselves, then they will gladly subject themselves to whatever sick sadistic torments that you have in store for them, no matter how arduous… It’s just like drawing flies to honey… Only this fly trap is a long way from Venus… HAHAHAAHAH

“Hmphm… I think that’s enough fun for now sweetheart. We have to save some for tomorrow don’t we? HAHAHAHA?” Mark couldn’t help but give each of Claire’s wriggling bare soles a quick sinister tickle as he rose to his feet once again…

“HAHAHAHHAHAMAHPMAPHMHPMHPMHPMHPHMHHPMHMHPM!” Without the distraction of Mark’s gentle kisses Claire was reminded of how deathly ticklish her naked soles are. Just the light fluttering of Mark’s wicked fingers across her soft wrinkles sent her into a furious convulsion held tight by Mark’s strict bondage. As wonderful as it was to feel them so tenderly cared for, the image of their ticklish destruction began to creep back into Claire’s wayward mind…

Claire could not believe the arrogant tone that Mark was taking with her. Less than a year ago, in their last romantic failing, she had to repeatedly instruct him NOT to ask permission before holding her hand. Now, less than a full calendar later he was speaking as though now the contents of her teasing leather shoes belonged to him and him alone. What changed? Where did this mysterious bravado come from? Why did it excite her so much? One thing was definitely for certain: after having her warm bare soles taken in such passionate tenderness the fresh pedicure making her feet absolutely perfect for this magical evening was now most certainly “HIS!”

“Besides… *KISSS* I still have to finish *KISS* my painting… This is really *KISS* the best part Claire… *KISS KISS* and it is all for you Claire *KISS* just for you…” Mark could feel Claire’s skin flutter in shocking appetence as his suggestive lips now made their way up the length of her writhing bare legs…

“MPMPMPMHPMHPMHPMHPMHPHMPHMHMHPMPMPMHPMHPMHPM!” Claire was dreadfully unsure how much of this cruel affection that she would be able to take before her body fully betrayed her erupting in enraptured glee. Even behind her sleeping mask her eyes were screwed tightly shut and she bit sternly into the leather wedged between her teeth to deal with the fiery carnal delight caused by every brush of Mark’s teasing lips against the dancing bare skin of her warm toned legs… Even though the afflicted surface area was only a few inches long, with each tender kiss of her calves and shins she felt as though her entire body was under erotic siege…

“What’s wrong Claire… Don’t you like it when I do this: *KISS KISS* HAHAHAHAH” Mark’s first oral breach onto Claire’s quaking right thigh brought forth even more delicious sighs of precious conflict as Mark’s guided teasing was bringing her face to face with the deviant desires that she had tried to keep from him for so long. He wanted her to suffer ever step towards her true nature that she had forced him to bear with her every written confession…

“HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH HUUUUUUUUUUH!” Claire knew that her answer was painfully obvious. All that Mark had to do was look at her stiff pulsing nipples of take in the delicious scent wafting through the night air signifying her growing arousal, but that wasn’t enough. She knew it wasn’t enough. She also knew that it would never be enough. He wanted her to admit it. He always wanted her to admit it.

Strangely this brings such a corrupt little grin to my immodest lips. He always knows exactly what I want. He is such a conscienceless tease. I swear I never tire of his deviant bedeviling. I swear that wicked demonic laugh is going to be the end of me.

“Awwwwwwwww, you seem confused again Claire. Oh well… Maybe you will like it better if I do THIS!”

“AHAHAHHHHHHHHHHHHHAHAHAHHAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAHAH!” Even in the midst of Mark’s incessant torturous rib-tickling, Claire couldn’t remember if she had ever screamed this hard in her short lifetime. His murderous lips were enough, the should have been FUCKING enough. Feeling his sharp teeth lightly grazing along her trapped sensitive taught inner thighs was an undeniable torture spawned from the purest form of sheer unbridled passion. The nibbling… oh dear God the nibbling… Mark skittered his sharp wicked teeth up the length of Claire’s right thigh letting the feverish sensations slam painfully into Claire’s desperately twitching pussy as she struggled with all her might for even an inch of freedom from the depraved stimulation…

“Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh… I can see that you like this much better… Don’t worry. What my Claire wants, my Claire gets. I’m such a nice guy aren’t I? HAHAHAHHA!” mark was absolutely dizzy with corrupt arousal as her teased and tortured his blushing beauty forcing scream after blood curdling scream from deep within her sweltering loins pouring forth from her tingling throat for his own sadistic delight… The scent of Claire’s repressed love for his unbridled cruelty roared in his flaring nostrils as he methodically tortured every tightly stretched chord of Claire’s straining inner thighs no matter how much she shrieked in horrified ticklish discomfort. Right now he just wanted to be serenaded by her sweet suffering.

Honestly, is there any better feeling in the world than having the person that you love more than life itself bound to your carnal desires, helpless to stop you from overwhelming them with their own torturous pleasure?

“NOOMOMOOHONOMNOMONMNOMONMNOMNOMNO!” Claire could not help but scream her violent dissent into her tight rubber bridle robbing her of her precious voice as Mark tortured every fiber of her being with the cruel mistreatment of her bare thighs. The tickling was absolutely unbearable with the sharp points of his teasing teach playing havoc with her bare skin. But the sheer intensity of the horrific torment had a greatly undesired side effect. The proximity to her ripe essence was forcing wave after wave of carnal pleasure to crash over Claire’s entire body as her entire body pulsed with every thunderous beat of her hopeless heart. She feared that if he kept this up much longer she would… NO… she couldn’t think like that. She was still alive. She was still here. She could still FIGHT IT… COULDN’T SHE?

Mark’s growing sadistic indulgence never overwhelmed his concentration. He could hear Claire’s ragged earthy moans and turbulent carnal grunts mixed with her high pitched shrieking laughter as he played havoc with the most sensitive part of her bare legs. He knew what this was doing to her. He knew what she was feeling. As any devoted lover would he took every step necessary to make her erotic suffering wore… and worse…. And worse… you get the idea…

Mark brought his wicked teeth right to the crease of Claire’s left thigh and the hem of her soaked lace panties. He let every warm breath of his depraved sadistic laughter gently caress the pouting sweet lips locked within the moist cage of Claire’s seductive undergarments. Mark relished Claire’s every rapturous shudder as he licked nibbled and caressed the sensitive hot skin where Claire’s toned bare leg met the foundation of her sweet essence. He listened to her scream. He felt her thrash. He listened to her moan in reckless carnal abandon. He listened to her laugh hysterically in torturously forced mirth. He let every subtle emotion from her tormenting plight sink deep within him landing at the very tip of his pulsing manhood aching from the delicious feedback of his bound beauty…

“FMPMPMUPMPMCMPMPKMPMAPMPAMAPMAAPMAPMAPMPMPM!!!” Claire could feel the greasy feeling in the pit of her stomach starting to spill downward onto the sweet delta just inches from Mark’s face. Every warm caress of his evil breath was pushing her closer and closer to the sweet cliff that had terrified her for so long. His lips violated every bastion of her innocence, but she wanted it. His teeth were abject torture… but she needed it. Her muscles burned wonderfully as she pulled with all her might against her bondage protesting his cruel advances, but the echo laying siege to her tattered consciousness was actually thankful that she was helpless… helpless to stop what she knew she truly desired. Claire could feel her luscious toned form beginning to side with the sadistic monster nuzzling at the edge of her pelvis and with every torturous kiss she was running out of reasons to prevent it…

“HAHAHA… I think that you like this a little too much!” Mark finally brought the inhuman torment of Claire’s midsection to a close with the torturous squeezing of her stretched quadriceps muscles causing her to burst forth in pure ticklish abandon….

“HAHAHAHAHAHAAMPMHPMHPHMHPHMHPM!” Claire was relieved that this latest round of cruelty had come to an end, but truth be told she missed the blazing agony of Mark’s cruel lips already…. What was happening to her? Had she not been gagged she feared that she would have actually begged him to continue… Claire had never been more ashamed of herself until now, but she could not escape the thought of that record being tragically broken at any moment….

“There will be plenty of time for that later sweetheart… I PROMISE HAHAHAHA!” Mark could see the dimples forming on Claire’s sweetly flushed cheeks as she fought back a deviant grin of lustful anticipation clinging desperately to her last shred of nobility…. “But first… since you were so helpful dotting the ‘I’ hehe I am going finish the best part of my little portrait sweetheart.” Mark took the light whispery paintbrush lying beside Claire’s trapped form back between his menacing fingers and lightly traced it along the base of her toned stomach letting her rock back and forth in her bonds as the feathery teasing crashed home… “READDDDDDDDDDDY?”

“NOMHOMOHMHOMOIHHOHOMHOMOMHOMHOMOHMHOHOMHOMHO!” Claire knew it was useless, but she felt as though she had to make some form of protest. Just lying there didn’t seem right. She despised the way that he just sang his merciless taunts to her. She could hear his absolutely demonic look of sadistic glee in the melody of his madness. Why did he have to be this way? When did he turn into such a creature? Why did she love it so much? Why did she hunger with all her being to be subjected to it to no end? Claire had fought longer than any human being should be required and she could no longer deny the fact that being Mark’s ticklish canvas for his perverse portrait had an unmistakable appeal as she lay there trapped to his deviant devices…

“Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww, It looks like I ran out of space…. Hmmmmm.” Mark lightly traced the dancing fingertips of his light hand over Claire’s lower tummy as he felt her tremble in his wake… “I guess that I’m just going to have to make some… HeHe!” Mark gently thumbed and pulled back the tight band of Claire’s black lace panties. He poised the delicate brush for his sinful attack but he wanted the dreaded anticipation to build just a bit longer…

“NNOOMONMNOMNOONMNOMONMNOMNOMNOMONMNMOM!” Claire’s poor lungs emptied themselves with her shrieking ardent protests… She couldn’t take that and he knew it, the bastard KNEW IT. The sudden tidal wave of fresh cool air delicately kissing her bare dripping mound sent her entire body into delicate little tremors of fervent excitement over her sheer helplessness. Feeling herself so horribly exposed made her even more conscious that no matter how much she pulled with her strong legs or churned her sexy ankles that there was no hope of closing her lewdly spread legs. Her most intimate folds of skin were trapped to the depravity of her loving tormentor and much to her horror Claire would never want it any other way again…

“You know Claire… The best thing about painting water is the waves!” Mark traced the first capricious line across the bare delta of Claire’s undulating pelvis. The fact that she maintained that special part of her being devoid of any trace of hair only made the titillating touch of the wicked paintbrush all the more thrilling as Claire’s lewd hips took on a lustful life of their own under Mark’s deft touch… “Uhhh Huhh… Hehe! I can see that you like it when I paint waves TOO… Don’t you Claire?” Mark ever so slowly dipped the thousands of soft teasing strands into Claire’s damp panties tracing inarticulate patters designed to drive her absolutely mad with libidinous desire. “And don’t worry Claire… I don’t expect you to sit still for this! HAHAHA”

“AHHHAHMHMPMHPMHPMHPHMAPHMAHMAHPMAAPHMAPHMAHPHAM!” Even in her own mind, Claire had been pushed far past the capacity for words. The only thing left at the gentle kiss of Mark’s devilish paintbrush was her incomprehensible musings into her tight rubber deterrent.

Mark watched in awe as Claire wrapped her slim crimson tipped fingers around the tight ropes holding her captive symbolic of her desperate fight to hold on to her futile resistance of his sensual seduction. He could hear her muffled flowing giggles but they were being wonderfully overpowered by her fleshly moans of mounting ecstasy. He held the gateway to her gentle oasis back as far as possible giving him full access to any part of her that he wished to torment. He made his trek from the top of the bands gentle imprint on her warm bare skin down to her steaming essence as slow as humanly possible as he ‘painted’ every inch of her yearning form with delicate waves of sheer jubilance.

Claire was lost in her own little world of terrified erotic anguish. The feeling of the soft strands teasing and stimulating her most treasured patches of flesh tickled horridly forcing wave after wave of delicious giggles streaming past her tight rubber gag and forcing her entire body into involuntary ticklish gyrations. At the same time, their were wretchedly nectarous searing tingles being left in the wake of the malignant tool as it passed so carelessly back and forth across her hot skin. The bubbling caldron of sensual gratification smoldering deep within Claire’s blossoming loins was being violently stirred with every teasing stroke of Mark’s evil brush and Claire was absolutely powerless to stop it… Right now the only thing that existed in her infinite perception was the sensation of the horrid seductive tickles, the violent tingly desire that Mark was forcing her to endure and the Demonic teasing giggles of her loving captor that strangely comforted Claire in her decent into blissful agony…

The best part about sharing your utter darkness with others is watching the Impure butterfly emerge from the cocoon of sheer debauchery that you created for them spreading their wings beautifully soaring to new heights of sinful indulgence in the demented pleasures you have taught them to enjoy… It is a vision so whole and fulfilling that even if for a moment a heart as dark as mine can sing in glorious reverence.

“Well… I think that I have the river penciled in nicely Claire… Don’t you?” Mark looked down at Claire with a sinister grin letting the brush hover over he burning flesh letting her hope with all that she was the insane torment had come to an end… “Ohhh, but we can’t forget about the little streams now can we?”

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAMMPMAPAAPMAPAMAPM!” Claire could not contain her violent grunts with the new vertical assault of the teasing strands right next to her quivering moist lips. The touch was so whispery, so light, so beleaguering, so inviting, so endearing, so torturous, so… seductive. With every thundering stroke right next to her sweltering loins with the pestering light tickles Claire became absolutely dizzy with salacious abandon. She no longer had to consciously fight her feminine giggles for they too had been washed away in the mighty river of her carnal desirous moans of fleshly gratification…

“Almost… Done!” Mark evilly snuck the bedeviling brush to the fluttering bare skin in the crease of Claire soaked lace panties forcing every strand of toned muscle to tighten violently in a desperate futile attempt to stop the dreadful invasion of the alluring attacks… Every light caress along the edge of her writhing pelvis brought a fresh scream of agonized horror a turbulent jerk against her tight stringent bondage and another shinning ray of dark light to Mark’s sadistic heart…

“Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Huuuuuuuuuu AHAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” Claire tried as she might to shovel as much cool air into her burning lungs… Each new sensual encroachment of her greatest treasure sent her tragically tumbling down the cliff of utter hysteria… Mark’s evil implement only kept contact with her torrid bare skin for a few seconds at a time, but each subtle pass felt like a hellacious eternity. She didn’t know how much more of this she could take. Didn’t now how much more indirect titillation her steaming clit could take before it took the matter of her orgiastic enthrallment into its own self indulgent hands.

“Well… I think that I have painted more than enough water for my cute little picture… Don’t YOU Claire?” Mark lightly traced the outline of Claire’s delicate womanhood making sure to never actually touch her pouting lips… He just wanted to make sure that he had her FULL attention…

“MMPMPMPMHPHPHMHPMPMPHMHPMHHMPHMHHPMHPMHPHMHPM!” Claire fiercely shook her head up and down in desperate agreement… finally at long last the horrible torment of her delicate rose garden had come to an end… She screamed as loud as she could trying to form words of YES OH GOD YES behind her strict rubber helot but it proved in vein. She didn’t care… as long as that evil brush was no where near her delicate folds of moist skin what could possibly go wrong with the world…

“Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm *Kiss*” Mark bent down planting a single gentle kiss at the top of Claire’s tingling pelvis before returning the band of her soaked undergarment to the base of her bare tummy. He could tell that his menacing lips had landed right on the fertile soil of her unguarded heart… “I am so Glad that we agree sweetheart…”

“Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!” Claire could only sigh in wonder as she felt Mark push himself once again off the bed. Was that it? No witty retort? No sick little twist… just silence and withdrawal? She couldn’t possibly be disappointed… could she?

Claire felt Mark begin collecting the devious feathers and brushes that he had used to torment her so. There was one more gentle kiss of the fluent silk across her bare midsection but that was it. Nothing. He was so quiet… so calm. Devoid of Mark’s cruel taunts Claire’s mind began to race with endless questions…Didn’t he realize what he was doing to her? Didn’t he realize that he had left her burning in fervent desire? Isn’t this what she wanted… to be left alone? Was he going to let her go? Did she want him too…? Claire wasn’t sure what she wanted at that eternal moment in time but one thing was certain, something had definitely ‘happened’ since she first set foot in his apartment hoping to find her lost friend… What exactly had happened was still a matter of great debate and strangely she thirsted for Mark’s input no matter how sadistic it might be… She… No… she could never admit that.

Claire listened intently as Mark made his way to the near night stand rummaging through his demonic drawer. Was he just putting away his toys or was he preparing for another sensual assault. Right now Claire honestly couldn’t discern which option sounded more appealing. She felt a part of her heart sink as she felt every stern step mark took away from the bed stomping off somewhere… but she couldn’t tell. Now of all times her tight sleeping mask was horribly restrictive. She wanted so desperately to see what he was up to but was left to the mercy of her vivid imagination…

You see, a persons Mind is like a maze… even to them, (as a matter of fact, especially to them.) The key to trapping them in your sadistic web is to force them to discover the hidden treasure lurking behind their own swimming eyes. Now this process can be rather… demanding ad sometimes what some might call extreme measures might be necessary but believe me. It’s all worth it in the end… no matter how terrifying the road is for them… HAHAAHAHAHA

“Now…” Mark could see that Claire was both exhilarated and horrified to once again be the focus of his attentions. He could feel every beat of her roaring heart thump harder and harder in her heaving chest as every sadistic step towards he bound form rang ominously in her bound eardrums… “I have my pretty little canvas all stretched out… I have a freshly painted river with all the little streams drifting off in infinite directions… there is just one thing left…”

“Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!” Claire was dreadfully confused… She had heard him put all the paint brushes back into the nightstand. Was he just going to retrieve them for more teasing tickles? Somehow the domineering tone in his voice hinted at something much more sinister…

“Now, I am going to have to build a cliff for all that precious water to fall into…”


AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MPMPMPMPMPMPMPMPMPMPMPMPMPMPMPMPMPMPMPMPMPM!!” This wasn’t just erotic fear. Claire had no idea what that horrible whirling sound was. The only thing that she knew was that she was currently held hostage to a man possessed with jealous rage. With her first caress of Mark’s scarred left wrist she knew that his blind rage could drive him to do anything… Claire could feel every icy bead of sweat adorning her bare quivering form as the sea of demonic terror engulfed her trapping what little breath she had from her mindless screams…

“Shhh shhh shhhhh shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Claire…” Mark sat beside Claire’s outstretched left side as she lay there helpless on the bed and lightly petted her flowing black mane as she recoiled wonderfully from even the slightest hint of his terrifying presence… “Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Don’t worry Claire… This is going to be FAR WORSE than you could ever have imagined… HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!”

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” Claire knew that no amount of screaming in the world could alleviate the horrible tension besetting her bare thrashing form but she swore by god that she would try. She shrieked and cried at the top of her lungs muffled by her tight rubber gag but no matter how horrid the impending torture she had to let him now how horrible it was to be so powerless… so helpless. At that moment her worst fears had been realized. The innocent loving young man that she had known for so long was gone. He had been replaced by this cruel sadistic iteration born of her own indiscretion and the reality was for more than she could bear.

“Ohhhhh come on… You can yell much louder than that Claire… You’re not even trying. Do you realize how much torture this is going to be? Do you realize what this is going to do to you? You know that you are never going to be the same right? It’s going to be so bad Claire… And it’s for you all for you… My personal thank you card for everything you shared with him that should have been mine. Every time that you shared with him instead of me. I am going to make you suffer for it Claire. Just like I had to suffer. And no matter how much you FUCKING SCREAM or how much you FUCKING THRASH I am just going to make it worse and worse… And I want you to understand something very clearly Claire. This will NOT Tickle… not one bit…!” Mark relished the sheer unmitigated dread caused by his beleaguering promises….

“NONONOMOMOONMOMPMPMPMPMPMPMNONONONPMPMPMPMPM!” What did he mean by that? The tickling was horrifying, but at least it was a bitter sweet torment appealing to her secret sensuality. Was he going to hurt her? Could she even blame him? Claire’s eyes may have been covered but she could see every drip of ruby liquid flowing from Mark’s veins as he made each of the dozen lines adorning his left wrist. Claire had done it. It was too much to share… It was too much for him to take. but she didn’t mean it… She never meant for that to happen. She would never hurt him.. not intentionally anyway. At that moment with whatever sadistic electric device of unending painful torment between his icy fingers Claire could not help but feel that this was all her fault. Even still, did she really deserve to be subject to real “TORTURE!” for her innocent mistake? No matter what the answer, she couldn’t quiet the violent blood curdling shrieks from filling the night air with audible proof of her insatiable dread… “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM HUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUU PPMPMHPMHPHMHPMHPHMHPMH FUMHPMCK MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!”

The first touch of the furiously vibrating rounded head to her lace covered womanhood was world shattering. Claire had only ever used her delicate bare fingertips to tease and stimulate her gentle rose garden… This feeling was so much more electric. It was so chaotic. It was taking every fiber of her being by ruthless force and there was no part of her left to stop it. Her stiff pulsing clit may still be covered by her moist undergarment, but her tattered heart was absolutely naked for the first glorious caress disarmed by Mark’s horrifying taunts…

I have finally been pushed past the point of being able to respond. All that I can do is moan deeply… affirming his omnipotence as it washes over my entire body from the tips of my tingling toes to the very tips of my flowing main. It feels so good just to be lost in the little world that he has created for me Mark. No one has ever taken the time to strip me down and make me this emotionally bare before.

“This is what you do to me Claire… This is how you make me feel… This is how you have always made me feel. I am so sorry I could never express it before. But I promise… That’s over now. I hope that one day you can forgive me… I fear I may never forgive myself.” The burning kiss to her frontal lobe was the final nail in Claire’s erotic coffin…

“UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MPMPMPMPMPMPMPM OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” Tenderness? How can he transform so easily from the virulent monster storming the gates of her palace to the gentle paladin guiding his queen through the gentle forest to their shared kingdom. Was such a thing even possible? Was she dreaming? Was he real… was she?

Lubricated by the delicate dew drops of her eternal arousal the strong turbulent vibrations rubbed the delicate fibers of teasing lace against her throbbing clit without even the slightest hint of mercy. Claire was reduced to a lewdly grunting mess as the insatiable burning pleasure grew wilder and wilder with every teasing pass of the vibe. Mark rubbed the torturous device up and down the length of her sensual lips never letting it rest in one place too long. This was both terribly gratifying and wonderfully frustrating as the pressure of her tight thighs, scrunching pelvis, greasy tummy, and straining bare buns was beginning to approach carnal critical mass…

“You have never been more beautiful than you are right now sweetheart… I have waited my entire life to see you this free. I am so proud to finally be able to take you there.” Mark kneeled beside the bed lightly kissing Claire’s flushed left cheek as she wallowed in the warmth of erotic indulgence that Mark had prepared for her. It felt so wonderful… It was so exciting, so fulfilling. Even better than the glorious mistreatment of her steaming ripe clit at the hands of the malignant massager was feeling her deviant abductor so close to her, with their faces so lovingly intertwined as they always should have been. Claire could not help but nuzzle her own flushed cheek against Mark’s and relish in the comfort of his sadistic guidance…

At moments like this, it is an honor and a privilege to be so close to your dearest love guiding them by the hand to the glorious rhapsody that you have so desperately wanted to give them for so long. All the games, all the torment, all the pain that you have endured to transform yourself into the sadistic creature that holds their depraved attentions is all made whole when the distance between two people is obliterated by their shared affections…

“OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH GDDDMDPDMDPDMDPMDPDMDPMDPMDDPMDPMDDPD HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!” Claire’s entire body felt as though it was on fire. The blood raced like hot lava through her throbbing veins and her entire body tensed with indulgent joy as the horrible feelings of rapturous delight began to seal her in the delicate envelope of her life’s greatest desires. With every passing touch of her gentle center she could feel little parts of herself being given slowly over to the man behind the curtain so delicately playing with every string of her tortured psyche…

“Does this please you Claire… I have waited my whole life to please you. That is all that I have ever wanted. I was too afraid to admit it before… but I know that now. My life’s great joy is to give you pleasure Claire… no matter how twisted the form it may take to fill your peccant desires, I will always give you pleasure Claire.” Mark felt every knot of pent up tension leave his pulsing form as he expressed his undying love for the woman of his dreams… now in her moment of radiant glory…

“YPMPMPMPMPM EPMPMPMSPMSSSSSPMSPMSPMPMPMPMPMPMPM!” Claire nodded… she had to be honest. This was pleasing. It was almost too pleasing. All her years of strength… all her years of independence crumbled right before her eyes and strangely her entire form began to applaud in glorious approval. Her all-consuming addiction to the illusion of control had been her own secret friend granting her relief secret from her long lost companion and for the first time in her life the prospect of her divorce from this false sense of comfort didn’t seem as ominous. Somehow, just somehow, in the dangerous web of his blossoming dominance Mark had created a new level of safety and affirmation that Claire had never before experienced… She could do it… She could survive if?

“No matter what happens or how intense things become Claire… I am here. I will always be here. Do you hear me? Do you hear me Claire? I am here. I am right here. I am not going anywhere.” Mark gently nuzzled against Claire’s flushed cheek as all the muscles in her straining neck protruded as the intense erotic tension consumed her entire form.

“YESPMSPMSPMSPSMSPSMPSMSPMSPSMSPMSPSMSPMSPSMSPM!” Claire nodded slowly as the waves of erotic pleasure crashed over her entire being bringing her closer and closer to the point of greatest helplessness that she knew was just beyond the horizon. Feeling the back clasp of her lace bra being undone by Mark’s free hand snaking under her bare back did nothing to quiet the mounting thunderstorm of blissful indulgence only a few moments away for Mark’s innocent love.

“I am right here with you Claire. I will always be with you Claire. It’s OKAY!” Mark could feel Claire’s entire body shiver in delicious approval as he removed her lace brazier exposing her firm ample tanned breasts and the turgid nipples throbbing at the first gentle seductive caress of the cool night air. He took Claire’s left nipple between his warm wet lips lightly flossing her stiff nubbin between his sharp teeth and he could feel her entire torso arch painfully into him as she took in a sharp sigh of carnal pleasure at his erotic transgression…

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HUUUUUUUU HUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!” The teasing of her bare nipples was too much. She could not stand another second. It felt so warm, it looked so inviting. Claire could feel the very tip of her toe gently touching the hot bath of erotic indulgence that she had never shared with anyone before. It would be so soothing, it would be so gratifying, it would be so deliciously naughty… How could she resist anymore? How could she keep fighting what she knew she wanted… How could she keep fighting was she knew she…

“Is it time Claire… Are you ready for me? Are you ready to let for me? I’m right here Claire. I am right here with you. Are you ready to finally let me please you Claire? Really please you?” Mark had never been this open and sincere in his life. This is the one thing that had eluded him since he was yet a boy. This was the object of his life’s obsession for as long as he could remember. The keys to Claire’s erotic vault would be his most prized possession if only she would offer them to him…

“HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!” Regrettably for Claire, Mark resumed his oral attentions to her bare stiff left nipple suckling and nibbling her into fervent submission. Her clit was absolutely screaming for release. Her entire body was beset with delicious tension that threatened to tear her entire form to pieces with her mounting immodest desires. Finally, after long last Claire had found her home lost in the sea of Mar’s dominance. She had never known that it could be this sweet, this fulfilling, this intoxicating. She had waited her entire life to find someone strong enough to utterly break her and as the head of the sinister vibrator focused its menacing caress right over her lace covered rose bud Claire finally gave in to all the wonderful pleasure that Mark had so selflessly given her despite all the pain that she had caused them…

I think that this is my opening. I think that the explosion that I have needed for so long is right around the corner. I think that somewhere in the back of my mind not to get so comfortable, but the prospect of erupting so turbulently for him was too much to resist…

One last time she nodded in glorious affirmation that at last, at long last she was finally ready to allow her life’s great love to please her as no man ever had… “YESMSPMSPSPSMSPMPMPSMSSPMS YEMSPMSSPMSPMS YEMSPSMSPSMSPMSSPMSPMPSMPSMSPMSPMSSPMPMSPSMSPSMSPMS!”


“HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHA!” Mark’s demonic cackles of drunken victory filled the night air much to Claire’s wondrous surprise. “HAHAHA… Claire. Did you Honestly think that I was going to let you off that easy… After all the things you made me read? Come on now... you’re a smart girl. You didn’t ACTUALLY think that I was just going to let you come now did you? I told you… I was going to make you suffer… just like I had to suffer, was I lying? HAHAHAHAHHAHHAAHHAHAHAHHHAHAHAHHAH!”

“MPMHPHMHPMPHMHPMPHMHPPHMHPMHPMHPMHPMPHMPM!” Claire hissed and cursed behind her tight ball gag in utter disbelief of Mark’s betrayal. She violently jerked and lunged at him as much as her tight bonds would allow… She couldn’t believe that he would take her trust… the trust that it was so hard for her to give and use it against her. She was aghast that he would build up that much pleasure bringing her to the brink of such glorious fulfillment only to watch her tumble down the cliff side in such terrible frustration. She couldn’t believe that he would make her hate herself just for one shred of pleasure from her insidious torment and leave her with nothing. As she felt Mark climbing onto the bed to straddle her ample thighs once again she couldn’t believe that he would put her through something like that seeing the intense feelings taking her over with his every endearing word… Then, feeling the pressure of his enduring stare, Claire came to a horrible realization. Of all the things she could say about Mark, she could not say he was a liar. Right now, she knew that this was a small glimpse but as much as he could humanly offer of what the last five months had been like for her tortured love in the wake of her menacing revelations. She also realized that wonderfully, tragically-just as he had proclaimed-she would never be the same.

“I’ll take your silence as a no… HAHAHA!” Mark looked down at his bound love glancing at his scarred wrist and all the pain that she had caused him. In a way though, finally having the keys to her ultimate ecstasy would prove to have been WELL worth the journey. Just seeing his blushing beauty bared before him… just for him would certainly be worth two lifetimes of suffering and certainly reading a few letters. She still needed to be taught a lesson. She still needed to be punished, but in a way through her surrender she had found the path to Mark’s forgiveness…

“Hhehe Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!” Claire couldn’t help but smile at his teasing remarks. Why did he have to be so cute? Why now? Now, there was no fighting it. In that single moment of weakness she had given herself over to the cruel hands of her captor… There was no where on the face of the entire earth that she would rather be than right there trapped in the warm blanket of his loving sadism. Claire lewdly arched her back smiling behind her dark blindfold and tight rubber gag presenting her pert bare breasts, aching stiff nipples and the rest of her beautiful bare form glistening in the dew of her erotic exertion to the one man who had always held her imagination hostage more than any other. Right now, at this moment, she was “HIS” and in some sick way her heart sang deep within her heaving chest that she was finally there with him… finally home. There was only one thing left to do finally signaling her ultimate submission to whatever cruel whims that her wonderful Mark might have in store for her… “Mmmmmmm Hmph… hehe!”

Mark’s heart skipped a beat. She was so cute. There she was, lying there bound so tightly to his headboard. All of her bravado stripped leaving the helpless little girl that he always knew was laying beneath the surface and he finally feasted on her honest bare dimples. Through all of his rage anger and hatred that’s truly all he ever wanted to see, her active indulgence in his sick little games… To be the one who gives her pleasure… In a way just that would have been enough, but the flirtatious scrunching of her nose and blatantly giggling at him inviting his sensual reprimand stole his heat as his undying love for his naughty little neighbor consumed every fiber of his wicked being and the sadistic gleam in his eye redoubled at the prospect of thoroughly torturing his corrupt little playmate for the first time…

In this world or any other there is nothing in all of creation that is as fulfilling as being with that special someone when they first fully embrace their depravity. When there are no more games. No more wondering. No more waiting. You are just free to tease and torment them to your sick hearts content while they are utterly helpless under the intoxicating spell of your dominant seduction.

“Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Still a little catty I see… I wonder if we can do anything about that… HAHAHAHA!” Straddled atop his now violently bucking beauty Mark let his sharp fingernails absolutely ravage the hyper-ticklish bare skin of Claire’s dreadfully exposed hollows… Her desperate guffaws of tortured abandon were a pure music caressing his inner darkness. She was so happy… so unashamed… so free!

“HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAAMHPAHHAPAPMHPAMHPAMPMAHPM!” In her heightened state of fervent arousal every electric touch of her bound undulating form took on yet another level of cruel searing perception. The feeling of Mark’s sharp fingernails dancing so unimpeded in the deep recesses of Claire’s underarms forcing her skin to crawl in terrified ticklish abandon brought Claire deeper and deeper into her raging helplessness. For the first time in her life, Claire just gave herself wholly over to the sensations. She didn’t deprive herself of the glorious truth that right now thanks to her tight bridling and Mark’s devious fingertips she had been deliciously stripped of any form of control…

I mean my body just reacts. I can’t tell it how to react. I can’t hold in the laughter. I can’t do anything but laugh, and be silly, and be happy-really happy. There is nothing to worry about, no one to follow up with, no sales forms to check, there is nothing in the world at that long series of explosive moments except for me, the unbearable tingly sensations and the wicked person Tickling me. Even at the thought of being so helplessly bound to endure it, it is the purest form of freedom that I can possibly imagine.

She let the delirious screaming giggles pour freely from her heaving form just to feed the savage beast torturing her so heartlessly. The tight stern bondage became such a comfort… Every violent struggle no matter how furious or severe only served as a reminder that there was nothing in this world or the next that could save her from the delicious ticklish fate that she had wanted for so long…

Just thinking about both of his hands freely roaming over my agonizingly ticklish body tormenting me more and more with every unbearable second forces me to imagine just how wildly I will be pulling against my tight bondage as futile as it may be.

“Still catty and still oh so TICKLISHHHHHHHHHHH, that’s my FAVORITE combination… HAHHA!” Mark just watched in feverish glee as his long lost love pulled and thrashed so violently in her bonds with a gloriously indulgent grin plastered across her angelic face. He could tell that the more torturous the insidious tickles became the greater the masochistic thrill for his ticklish little kitten. Who was he to deny his greatest love her greatest desire? “Sooo… Are you going to sasssss me anymore young lady?”

“YEHPHHPPSSSHPMSHPMHPMSPPSPHMPMHPHPMPHMHPMPHM!” Claire’s flirtatious invitation for her own further torment was another gentle release of all the tension that had built in her vacuum without her gentle paladin. It had been so plaguing to live right next to the man of her demented dreams and not speak with him for what seemed like and eternity. It felt so wonderful just to set herself free in the wake of his merciless tickles and allow the tight strict ropes absorb the horrid feelings of loneliness that had beset her in Mark’s absence.

I can’t wait to just let out life’s entire frustration thrashing with all my might to escape a sweet torture that I secretly never want to end. The feeling of being so helpless to stop him from doing whatever he wants to me. Not being able to push him away because he gets too close. Letting him get to me no matter how tough I think I am, just having to sit there and endure all the sadistic pleasures that he has in store for me no matter how much I can’t stand it.

“Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh really…. Well… We’ll just have to see about that!” Feeling Claire’s helpless rib cage convulse so violently under the merciless onslaught of his tormenting fingertips was all the encouragement that Mark needed to tease and tickle his bound beauty. All the same, her enticing mocks were a welcome supplement bringing a feverish burst of lustful determination to his ticklish attacks. Mark loved watching Claire’s full firm breasts freed from their lace cage dancing along with his nimble fingers as she swayed so furiously in her tight bondage trying as she might to evade the torturous tickles…

“AHAHHAAHHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHHHAHAHHAAHAH!” Mark was absolutely ruthless, and his ticklish little kitten would have it no other way. She had fantasized about this moment for as long as she could possibly remember and the reality of her merciless torment was even more exciting than she could have imagined. Each furious tingle visited on her dreadfully sensitive ribs only made the aching fire raging deep within her tortured loins spill further and further onto her writhing pelvis consuming her entire body with need. With her hands tight so tightly above her head, Claire was painfully aware that the only person who could grant the orgiastic release that she so desperately craved was the sadistic monster atop her full hips relishing in her frustrated delight. She was helpless with absolutely no control left over her slender form, not even the ability to grant her own fervent indulgence. As long as she had fought this simple truth right now she knew that she needs Mark to bring her naughty little fantasy to an earth shattering climax. Finally shedding her tough girl façade letting her twisted lover penetrate deep within her deviant heart made Claire feel strangely secure and comforted bound before him. She was screaming her lungs out in reckless ticklish abandon without a shred of influence over what would happen to her in the next few moments… but she was not alone…

“Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm… That’s my girl…. Hehe!” Mark lightly stroked his fingertips teasingly along Claire’s bare flanks as he once again brought his sweet brushing lips to the nape of her soft warm neck bringing forth gentle coos of debauched pleasure.

“MPMPMPMOOOO MMMMMMMMM HUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUU!” Claire found the sugary touch of Mark’s teasing lips absolutely wonderful turning her head allowing his erotic breach of her warm bare skin. She gently arched herself into him as he kissed her so passionately. She could feel the cool fabric of Mark’s stiff shirt rubbing deliciously against her naked form teasing her bare breasts and suggestively caressing her bare pulsing nipples making her shiver in carnal delight. Her body lightly trembled under the light whispery tickles of his menacing fingertips, but deep within her horridly soaked panties Claire only received the teasing touch as yet another source of deviant pleasure…

“I wonder… *KISS* if playing with those cute little FEET *KISS* of yours… can quiet that cute little *KISS* defiance *KISS* of yours… HAHAHAH *KISS*!” Mark gazed as Claire was lost in blissful terror behind her dark blindfold… He could see the immodest smile creeping across her crimson lips as the impending doom of her trapped bare feet crashed into her swimming frontal lobe.

“Heehhehe MMHPMHPHMH HMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!” Claire just shivered teasingly in her bondage laying down a very inviting challenge to her enraged captor. Much to her surprise, even though she had fully given in to Mark’s attentions, the erotic fear of her impending torment had not gone away. In fact, the dark cloud of horrid anxiety descending upon her bound naked form was far thicker than any that she had ever consumed her… She was both eagerly anticipating the horrible mistreatment of her bound ticklish bare soles and trembling gently terrified of the electric tingles that would soon RAVAGE her every bound nerve ending…

“They’re not... *KISS* TICKLISH… Are they Claire?” Mark could feel Claire’s entire body swooning beneath him with every gentle step towards her ticklish demise…

“UhmHPHHhhpHPMHHPMH UmPMupmupmupmu!” Claire playfully shook her head back and forth teasing her demented captor as wonderfully as she could in her bound condition. Her breathing was desperately ragged as Mark’s sweet lips and the sheer eroticism of her helplessness created a wonderful desperate strain on her burning lungs as her salacious arousal began to take full control of her slender body….

“Are you suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure?” Mark gently took Claire’s right nipple between his wet lips sucking lightly as he nibbled teasingly against the stiff ridges of her turgid peak…

“UMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM HUUUUUUUUU MHPMPMPM HMHMPMHPMPMMPM!” Claire’s sharp intake of cool breath as she sighed in furious glee filled her quaking form with new life as she tugged ever so gently against her tight bonds dealing with the laser sharp beam of corrupt pleasure being visited on her pulsing bare breast… She nodded in fervent mockery of the demonic creature holding her hostage…

I knew full that there would be repercussions, but I did it anyway. What does that say about me Mark?

“I hope you’re not LYYYYYYYIIIIIING!” Mark’s voice sang with the eternal joy of his full beating heart. A lifetime of fantasies trapped inside of his ominous bedchamber helpless to stop his torturous indulgence… who in all the world could rob him of this joy?

“Hhehehehehehheheeheeeheh Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm *Scrunch*!” Claire’s every flirtatious gesture only spurred Mark to new heights of sensual dementia. She was such a tease. She was such a Fucking tease. But right now at long last she was his cute little tease and she would have to endure every sadistic fantasy that her bold bedeviling had created deep within his reprobate mind.

Mark rolled to the side of his tragic love reaching down for the bag of delicious goodies that he had been preparing for this moment since before this whirlwind ordeal ever began… There were a few select items from his bedroom collection that he knew would add lots of VALUE to his stern conversation with Claire’s bound writhing soles and he tucked them neatly away in his evil bag accordingly.

Mark rose kneeling between Claire’s bare legs and allowed her to suffer sweetly in silence letting her own wicked imagination lay the foundations of his next ticklish assault. He could see every crisp molecule of the cold forbidding air playing havoc with the perspiring skin of his beautiful captive making her nipples pulse with even greater electricity. He could see her begin to stir as the anticipation began to play dreadfully on her wandering mind robbed of sight or speech. He smiled deviantly to himself registering Claire’s every act of helplessness as affirmation that she was finally his…

Mark slowly began his slide to the foot of the bed Claire’s distressed psyche bear the full brunt of even the slightest shift of his weight atop the mattress. He could see the ardent fear racing through each of her aroused veins with every inch he came closer to the bound prizes that she had always made sure to keep on display for him all these years… Laying their outstretched for his sinister enjoyment Mark could not help but reminisce in Claire’s greatest whispered confession… the one that facilitated his ‘turning’ into the Monster he was always supposed to be…

Now Mark, I have never told anyone this so you have to promise to keep this between us. The last thing that I want is for this to get around… but there is this thing about me. It’s something that I have kept secret for a really long time, even from you and it’s really embarrassing. I guess that’s par for the course these days for our conversations huh. Please don’t judge me. Ok, here goes…

Mark, I like to be Tickled… really Tickled… I know that you have given me the occasional poke here. It’s always fun when you “get me” while we are horsing around sometimes, but there is… there is just this whole other aspect that has always fascinated me. I have always thought about being tickled to the point that I am going crazy out of my mind, kicking, screaming, even begging for it to stop but there’s nothing I can do about it. I know it sounds sick, Mark. It took me a while to come to grips with it myself, but it’s the truth. I LIKE TO BE TICKLED… A lot.

Sometimes… most delicious part of Debauchery happens when you honestly know the naughty little secret of someone’s truly villainous desires is to just give it to them… After all the teasing after all the preparing… after the table is set just letting them feed their own gluttonous carnality while you sit back basking in the glow of your omnipotence over their deepest pleasures… Now THAT’S power! HAHAHA!!! [

Sliding back onto the foot of the bed standing menacingly at the foot of the bed Mark once again brought his warm bare palms to the soft supple tops of Claire’ s lightly squirming bare feet admiring the dark cheery tips of her twitching little toes. The light pinkish soles crinkling with her every gyration set his mind ablaze with fantasies of their furious wiggling in response to their murderous tickle torture just moments away…

“So let me get this straight… You’re telling Meeeeeeee that these pretty little feet of yours aren’t ticklish…!” Mark firmly massaged both of his thumbs across Claire’s soft bare soles rubbing just hard enough for the soothing pleasure of his caress to be pure and without torment….

“Heheheheheheheheheheheeheh Mmmmmm hmmmmmm Hhehehehheeheheh!” Claire couldn’t stop herself from giggling behind her tight rubber bridle. She felt as though she were an innocent little high school girl skipping third period hoping desperately for a very long trip to the principle’s office…

“Really… Not one BITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT huh?” Mark loved the way that Claire’s delicate bare left sole recoiled so desperately at the first light touch of the long stiff feather teasing along its sleek nerve endings…

“EEEEEKEKEKEKEKEKEKEEMEMEMEMEEPMEPEMEPMEPEEM!” Claire could only squeak gently behind her rubber gag with each torturous stroke of the feral feather along the bare expanse of her hyper-sensitive soles… Dear God her feet were ticklish. Claire was convinced that her raging arousal was playing havoc on her entire beleaguered nervous system and that her poor helpless naked foot bottoms would be much worse for the wear as a result… However, somehow that didn’t really bother her all that much… HAHAHA.

“What’s wrong Claire? You don’t sound that sure anymore?” Mark was absolutely ruthless as he applied his cruel crest liberally across Claire’s twitching sole amidst her cute girlish giggles and wildly flailing toes… “Here… Let me help you. We wouldn’t want you to make an uninformed decision now would we young lady?” Mark used his left hand to pull all five of Claire’s wiggling digits back holding her sole perfectly taught for the very tip of the long stiff plume to carelessly trace devilish patters all over her outstretch sole while every muscle in her toned legs strained furiously only to be held by her tight bondage. Seeing the wicked contractions of her trapped muscles made Mark’s aching manhood pulse in time with her every fervent struggle…

“AHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAMMHPHMPMHPMPHMAPMHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAAHHAAHAAHAHAAA!” Claire had never had her feet so thoroughly tickled while her toes had been held back so tightly. Mark’s few occasional passes against her bare toes (that were a horrible bedeviling to her TRUE desires I might add) could never have prepared her for the inescapable torment of having her bare soles forcibly stretched having to endure such a light whispery tickle right in the middle of her trembling bare foot. Claire wrenched her teary eyes shut trying as best she could to deal with the tickly invasion but the gentle persistence of the demonic tool was far too much to block out… The gentle sawing of her horribly exposed naked arch forced endless screams for mercy crashing into the tight crimson ball wedged sternly between her pearly white teeth.

“I think that someone’s a fibber Claire… You know what happens to FIBBERS!!” Mark callously spread Claire’s two biggest toes violently stroking his gentle plume along the bare supple skin trapped between her normally twitching digits….

HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAMHMAHMAHPMPPMAHPMAHPHMHPMHPMHPMAHPMHPAMAHPMAPMPAHMHPMAMHPMAHPMAPMPAMHHPMAHPAMHPMAPMHPMHPMMAHPHAPMHPMHPMAPMMPHMPAHPMAPH!” Claire’s cheeks began to lightly ache as her forced beam of torturous mirth began to take hold of every tensing muscle in her angelic face while she thrashed will all o her fading might with merciless saying between her deftly ticklish bare toes.

You don’t understand Mark. I can barely touch myself there. I have to be careful painting my toes. Having them helplessly tied and mercilessly tormented with stiff feathers would just kill me, Mark. You can’t possibly imagine… But yet, he taps into this unexplainable craving I guess that I have always had to undergo that abject torture for much longer than any human being can stand. I must be going out of my mind.

“They get punished Claire… They get severely PUNISHED!!” Mark could see the pained look on Claire’s agonized face. He could see her body fighting against the atrocious tingly sensations he forced on the bottom of her bare foot. He could hear her loud furious screams of ticklish abandon, but he could also see the inviting look of conscious indulgence plastered across her face signaling that indeed the innocent little girl who had always fantasized about being his ticklish little captive had finally broken through her candy coated exterior…

As if torturing my writhing ticklish feet wasn’t enough, he never lets me get away without teasing and taunting my perversely receptive mind.

“HAAAAHAMHMAMHPMHPMPAMAPAPHMPHMAMH FMPCK YUUUMMMPAMAPMAPMAPAMAPMAPMAAAAHAHHAHAHAAHAH!” Claire could not believe how much she absolutely adored Mark’s callous threats. Every time he uttered the word PUNISHED it sent delicious carnal thrills from her ardently sweltering loins trickling along her spine besetting every part of her bound bare form. As loud as she screamed as raucous as her hysterical giggles of ticklish agony became Claire could still here Mark breathing. She could hear his deep masculine breath tremble quake and stutter in his lewd arousal with her every anguished outcry under his cruel torment. More than any other sensation that he could offer, Claire cherished his more than anything. For reasons that she may never fully understand… even greater than her own carnal indulgence the feeling of pleasing “HIM” made her feel truly beautiful… She had to repay him for his glorious seal of approval with the delicious defiance that she knew he craved to no end…

“Claire… Such LANGUAGE!!!” Mark quickly flipped the sinful crest around using the sharp tickly quill to trace devilish patters on the base of Claire’s taught sole while she screamed musically into the crisp night air making Mark furious with peccant desire as she crumbled in his torturous hands… “I can see that we really have to teach you a lesson young lady!!! HAHAAHHAHAHHHAHAHAHHHAHAHA!”

“AHAHAAAHMHPHPAMHPAHPMHAHPAMHPMAPAMPMAPMHPMAAPMHPMAHMAHPMAHPMHPMHAPMHPMAHPMAHPMAHPMAPHPAMHPMAH!” Each torturous line down the expanse of her most sensitive taught bare skin was a prick right at Claire’s tattering heart and a loving caress to the delicate moist folds of skin at her very center. Mark’s demented sadistic laughter was all the comfort that Claire needed to drift off floating beautifully in the subspace of his unmitigated depravity. Every violent tug at her strict bindings only affirmed his power over her and filled her with even more fleshly desire…

“Well I think that we can agree that this cute little foot is TICKLISH Claire… What about the other one?” Mark continued the light Scraping of Claire’s trapped writhing bare foot relishing in her every agonized thresh against her stringent yoking.

“NNONONONMNNPNNAHAAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHNONOMOAMOAMPAMAPMAPMAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHH!” Claire thought the violent tingles endured by her taught left sole would be enough for her first foray into merciless tickle torture but thankfully her loving tormentor had other plans…

Without further warning Mark shifted his attentions to Claire’s right slithering bare foot pulling her toes back but letting the quill rest, Claire’s breath replenish, and the horrid anticipation rack her delicious bare form with carnal stress and fervent arousal.

“Yessssss yesssss yesssssssss Calire. HAHAHHAHA… Now, where do you think I should start… You’re arch… Right between these twitching little toes… Right at your pink little heels… What about the balls of your Feet Sweetheart…?” Mark’s inner cruelty bubbled closer and closer to the surface with every passing second as he tormented his sybaritic captive.

“MMNNnmnnmnmmnmnmnnMNMNMNMnMmmmmmmNMnmnmnmNmnnmN!” Mark cold tell that she was trying to say something but somehow (HeHe) he just couldn’t understand her. He could see her head shaking furiously back and forth but he was definitely not paying that ANY attention…

“Can’t make up your mind I see… Don’t worry. Let’s just start all at once….!” Mark brought the teasing tip of the feather lightly tracing along Claire’s bare arch causing her ticklish bare foot to recoil in his icy fingers making his sadistic grin just a bit wider… “But that’s shouldn’t bother you. This one’s not ticklish REMEMBER!!! Claire wasn’t prepared for the fresh application of the torturous quill along the base of her twitching bare toes. Mark felt her strong cherry tips staining mightily against the virulent burning sensation of the sharp quill teasing her horridly exposed flesh. Mark felt more and more feverish watching every tiny muscle fiber suffering so wretchedly in the wake of his ruthless tickling articulated by the hysterical shrieks of hilarious abandon emitting from the sweet longs of his precious ticklish kitten.

“AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHHAHAHAAHHAHHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAAMAMHPHMAPHPAPPHMAPMHPMAHPMHPMPMHAHAHMAPMHPHMPHMPAMPAPHPMPAHMHPMAHPM!!!” There was nothing for our helpless heroine to do trapped behind her dark sleeping mask and bridled by the tight rubber pushed between her delicate pearls. There was nothing in her world of perception beside the horrible blazing itches of the torturous sharp tip and the Demented indulgence of her new naughty neighbor feasting on her growing ecstatic agony. Claire could feel her delicate lace panties lewdly soaked with the honey filled dew drops of her sheer excitement under the torturous care of her deepest love.

“Well Sweetie, I am afraid that this one is ticklish too. That means that you are really in for it young lady…” Mark alternated from the stern merciless tickles of the sharp quill to the light tingly whispers of the light feather tip as he masterfully wielded his plume to Claire’s mounting anguish. He wanted every new ticklish sensation to slam home at the tops of her bound thighs forcing wave after wave of carnal indulgence to pave the way for the crashing orgasm that he knew would obliterate the innocent little girl that he had known for so long leaving his freshly conquered Queen as his eternally enthusiastic playmate.

HAAAHAAHAHAAAMHPAMPAHPAHPAMHPMAPHAPMHPMAPHAPMHPMAHPMAPHAPHPAMHPMAPHPAHPHPAMHPMAPHMAPMHPAMHPMAPMHPMAHPMAPMHPMAPHPAMHPAMHPAMPAPHMPAMPAHAPMHPAMHPMHAPMHAPAPAMHPMAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHMAHPMAPMHAPMAPHMHPMAH!!!” Mark’s new found mutability was a torturous burden to her already labored nervous system. She could never adjust to any single form of agonizing caress as her excruciatingly ticklish bare sole was treated to a tantalizing array of terrifying sensations.

And strangely, Claire couldn’t help but thrill an electric jolt of sinful excitement every time that Mark referred to her that way… “YOUNG LADY!” As if seeing her desperately erect nipples, dreadfully soaked panties, and hearing her lusty grunts of erotic fervor weren’t enough he still felt the need to incorporate that sugary sternness that he knew she craved insatiably. Making Claire his personal bound ticklish little toy wasn’t enough for her loving sadist. He had to take every opportunity to give their deviant rendezvous every overtone of the strict headmaster teaching his bad little pupil a rather thorough lesson for all the naughty little love notes that she had written him. The best thing resonating in Claire’s resonate mind was that if the torturous tickles and the merciless taunts kept up their current pace of bringing her stiff moist pulsing clit roaring to new life she was absolutely certain that she would NEVER learn a THING!

He can be so intimidating sometimes… I can’t get enough of it.

“Awwwwwwwwwww, You poor thing. Does it tickle Claire? Does it bother you to have your taught little soles stroked and teased with my LONG STIFF Feather… What about the sharp pointy quill. I bet that is soooooooooo irritating.. Isn’t it Claire? And you’re all tied up, and you can’t get away… CAN YOU? This is what happens to naughty little fibber Claire!” Mark absolutely adored watching his sweetheart holding onto her sanity for dear laugh sinking into the deep ocean of helpless laughter while every muscle in her body shouted its brutal protest to Mark’s sinister baneful ministrations…

“MmmmmmmmmHAAMAMAHPAMHPAHMPHMPHMMMMMMMAPMAPAPMAPHAPMHPAMHMAHAMHPMAHPMAPHMAHPMHAPMAPHAPHHPMA!” Claire was sure that if Mark said the word naughty in that deep seductive voice just a few more times that her sweltering loins would take on a mind of their own as she absolutely reveled in the erotic Cloud of Mark’s delicious debauchery. Claire’s tried with all her might to scrunch her toes wrinkling her sole and at least offering some resistance to the merciless tickles but much to her tragic delight Mark’s menacing fingers proved to be much stronger than her violently straining bare toes…

“You know that I Can tickle you just about anywhere right now.. Don’t you Claire?” Mark lightly dragged the stiff edge of his merciless feather across the very tips of Claire’s bridled toes as his strong hands held them tragically captive amidst her impassioned screams.

HAHAPHMPAMPHAPMHAHAHAHAHPMAHPAMHAHPMAHPMAHPAMHPAMHPAMHPPHMAPMHPMAHPMAPMPAMPAMAPMPMAPMAPAPHMA!” Claire had never realized what it would be like to have the very tips of her murderously ticklish bare toes so pitilessly stimulated but Mark’s demented crest was giving her a crash course in her bound aroused sensitivity. Strangely, the new found connection between her steaming loins and supple bare feet betrayed her yet again. The very tip of her clit began to itch with mounting impure desire with every single touch to her quivering cherry tipped toes. She could feel her pelvis beginning to tighten in preparation for something… what exactly she had no idea. Mark’s cruel teasing about his free reign over her bound ticklish form did absolutely nothing to clarify the question…

“There… I think that we have established that both of these cute little feet of yours are ticklish! Haven’t we sweetheart…?” Mark rested the feather gently between both of Claire’s bound feet as he let his blushing beauty catch her breath yet again….

“Hehehehehheeeeheeheheh!” Claire’s giggles quieted but they never subdued. Her inebriated silliness permeated freely as she allowed Mark closer and closer to the love for him that she had guarded so tightly since the first time she lost herself in his adoring gaze. Claire took in long deep breaths replenishing the precious supply of air that she was being so persistently robbed of. In a way she was glad that the merciless teasing of her sensitive toes had come to a pause for fear of the dreadful pressure building in her smoldering lace covered mound, but she was also beset with irritating curiosity at what actually lay beyond the bunds of her ticklish tolerance that built so mightily between her warm thighs. “Hehheehehheehehehehehehehehehheh Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm Hmph *SCRUNCH*” Claire knew that scrunching her nose in defiance made Mark enraged with torturous lust… that’s just what she immodestly wanted. Could you blame her? HAHAHAHHAHAA

“Oh REALLY… Well if you need to be reminded!!!” Mark used five wiggling fingers on each violently squirming bare foot letting his wicked fingertips follow the bound wrinkled flesh as Claire exploded in ticklish abandon…

“AHAHAAMHAHMPAHAMMMAHPAMHPMAHMPAMHPMAPHAPMHPAMHPMAPPMAPPAPHPAMHPMAHPMMHPAMHPAPMHPAMPMPMAPMHPAMHMP!” Claire had expected a rigorous reintroduction to Mark’s evil feather, but instead she was greeted with the first agonizing union of Mark’s nimble fingertips and her trapped bare soles. Claire pulled violently against the tight leather holding her ankles captive fruitlessly straining for freedom only to be confronted with the object of so many bedtime fantasies past…

Feeling his hands traveling freely caressing every inch of my warm bare skin begins to make me dizzy with salacious arousal. I can feel the moistening of my pretty lace panties becoming more and more desperate with every masterful pass of his gentle fingertips. The horrible images of my deathly sensitive feet being pitilessly tormented soaring through my mind do nothing to quiet the fires beginning to rage deep within my sweltering loins.

“Soooooooo Claire… ARE YOUR FEET TICKLISH!” Mark just pitilessly raked Claire’s helpless soles until he thought that she had gotten the picture…

Claire fought as hard as hard as she could to shake her head back and forth mockingly in the midst of her ticklish destruction. The feeling of her persistent defiance in the face of sheer helplessness was so sweet. She just couldn’t help herself… this was far too much fun!

“My we are the STUBBORN one aren’t we? I like that… I really LIKE that… The question is… Do YOU?” Mark concentrated his attentions to each of Claire’s desperately wriggling bare arches now scraping with his devious fingernails sending sharp chills of utter ticklish agony cascading through his bucking beauty as she buried her anguished face in her left bicep screaming her delirious giggles into her bound flesh trying futilely to compensate for Mark’s cruel mistreatment.

“HAHAHAAAAHPMAHPMAPPAMHPAMHPMAPHMAPMHPMAPMHPAMHPMAHPMAPHMAPPAMPHMAPHMAPMHPAMHPMAHPMAPPAMHPAMH!” Claire screamed at the top of her lungs as all the air in her slender form escaped her straining lips in the form of hysterical shrieking cackles that only quenched the sadistic thirst of the demonic creature holding her hostage. Despite the hellacious level of sheer terror that she was descending into, even before her tight leather shoes were removed she was well aware of the answer to Mark’s devious question….

I can imagine the scraping, oh dear God the scraping. My arches are so sensitive, Mark. A tiny piece of sand left in my shoe from the beach can make me giddy. The pumice stone becomes its own unique form of torment when the nice little oriental lady tends to my sensitive soles. I honestly can’t understand this sick obsession with having those fingernails, his sharp fingernails raking my hyper-ticklish arches up and down endlessly...

As treacherous a pass as her ticklish torment was proving to be she could not deny the simple fact that this is what she wanted, what she needed from the man she loved so much. Even with every torturous pass of his merciless fingertips the feeling of her damp lace panties rubbing shamelessly against her hot dripping we mound assured her that the impending rapturous bliss would be well worth the journey.

“So… Are your pretty little feet ticklish now Claire?” Mark raked with unbridled fervor demanding the answer that he had known for so long….

“YEMPMHPMPEEAPMAPHMAPHAPAPHAPHMAPMAMAPAMPAMAPMAAM! Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Huuuuuuuuuuuu Huuuuuuuuuuuuuu!” Finally, after long last the merciless scraping of her helpless bare soles came to a gentle pause allowing Claire’s lungs to fill themselves once again… Even behind her tight crimson bridle Claire could feel the corrupt smile of shameful immodesty creeping across her angelic face in the wake of her fervent indulgence in her OWN merciless torture…

“Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww, I’m so glad to hear that Claire!” Claire could feel Mark climbing back onto the bed resting his sinful wet lips again on the bare expanse of her sensitive neck making her pulse in desirous abandon. “If they weren’t…” Mark lewdly took Claire’s left bare breast between his strong hands ruthlessly fondling and pinching the turgid sensitive peak forcing her into shudder after shudder of animalistic lust… “Then that would make all the sick little things that I have in store for them so boring…” Mark could feel Claire’s deep cleansing sigh of deviant pleasure at the thought of her pretty pink soles receiving yet more ruthless ticklish torment. “And I have to find a way to keep my pretty little girl entertained… Don’t I Claire? Hehehe!”

“Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuuuuuu!” Claire could only breathe deeply and try desperately to survive Mark’s erotic onslaught as she nodded her had excitedly in acceptance of his demonic pledge. She could feel his impassioned worship of her hot bare skin with his sweet piercing lips. She could feel his body tremble in sadistic thrall rubbing so gently against her naked form as she strained in her tight bondage. All the while images of her hyper-sensitive bare feet being heartlessly tickled beyond her mortal limits danced behind her dark blindfold enveloping her supple bare form in waves of orgiastic delight.

Now his decent from her yearning nape was even more terrifying than before. She knew that the time for teasing games had more than likely passed and that her helpless bare soles would have to endure the full brunt of the punishment she so richly DESERVES. Even before she could fully relinquish the steamy barbarous fantasies dancing in her corrupt mind the incessant touch of the carnal crests dancing along both of her writhing arches brought her lungs screaming to new life best by ticklish misery…

“HAAHAHPMAHPAPMHPAPMHPAMPMAPMPAHMHPAAPMPHAPMHPAMHPMAPMPAPHMAPMHPMAHMAPMHPMAPMPMAHPAHPHAPMPHAMHPM!” Despite her best efforts, there was nothing that Claire could do to dodge the feral feathers as they raked their merciless tendrils across every bare inch of her wildly flailing soles with pianist precision. Her lungs outpoured her violent ticklish protests while deep inside her dark mask she reveled in the glorious reality that dwarfed any previous contemplation in its raging familiarity…

Just the thought of the thousands of tendrils on the two evil feathers lightly teasing and stroking my bound quivering soles makes me almost incoherent. I can feel the dreadful itching on the bottoms of my feet, I can smell the burning candles, I can feel the cool air of the room ruthlessly caressing my turgid nipples bringing me closer and closer to the edge of ecstasy…

“You know what they say Claire… Two feathers are better than one… HAHHAHAH!” Mark once again marshaled his raging enthusiasm for Claire’s worsening plight keeping his laser focus on following every ticklish millimeter of Claire’s horridly squirming soles. Her helpless bare soles were putting up quite a fuss writhing so turbulently in the wake of his merciless teasing but there was no way that he was letting them escape the vile mistreatment that they had earned themselves with every teasing excursion in open toed shoes… Hehe!

“HAHAAHAAHAMHAPHMAHPMAPMHPAMHPMAPMHPMAHPMAPMHAPMHPAMHPAMHMAPHPAMHPMAPAMMHPAMHPMAHPMA!” What was he talking about…? Who says that…? NO ONE SAYS THAT. The absurdity of Mark’s teasing taunts only made them cuter in Claire’s deviant eyes and more endearing in her debauched heart. She couldn’t help but grin in romantic submission through the outward expression of her forced hilarity.

Claire Johnson
Tickled off Her FEET!

Lost in her desperate sea of giggles Claire found contentment in the knowledge that if she never took another breath on this planet that magically in this very moment with her deepest love that her glorious fantasized depravity had finally blossomed into fruition. Mark had always had her heart… but now he was learning to use it in both their causes. He was taking her over and over to that special place of being his helpless ticklish little girl that she knew only “HE” could take her to… As long as she might live from this sweet moment in time… she would never forgive or forget him for it…

Claire almost missed the violent itches that beset her ticklish foot bottoms when the diabolical plumes finally ceased their ticklish onslaught but she was more than certain that her cruel lover still had some rather intriguing plans up his starched sleeve.

“Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” Mark placed the two devious devices back into the sinister black bag before massaging away all the devious lingering tickles with his strong nimble fingertips. He could feel Claire relaxing gently at his soothing touch but he could also feel her anticipation of the next ticklish assail. She was learning… “Breathe for me sweetheart… Trust me, YOU ARE GOING TO NEED IT! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH”

“Hehehehehhehehe HUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU heheheheheheh!” Claire couldn’t believe what had come over her. Even without the aid of Mark’s merciless tickle torture she couldn’t keep herself from giggling like a school girl just being around him right now. It felt so whimsical, so silly, so light, so free. After years of trying to prove to people that she was a “Serious Business Woman” it was strangely comforting to just exist in her glorious femininity around someone she trusted so much…

Claire didn’t even fight the proclamation that her world was about to end at Mark’s tickling hands. She had spent far too long running from what she truly needed to throw away this once chance at rapturous bliss… She knew that her every soothing breath was only fuel for her next round of forced hilarity, but Mark was doing such a marvelous job of heartlessly torturing her in just the right way-she felt obligated to do her part to pitch in…

It can be so fulfilling just watching your sweet little pet playing in the garden of unmitigated helplessness that you have built for them so meticulously… It just provokes you to tease and taunt them even further as you help them reach their true center through your most sadistic ministrations…

Mark was content to watch Claire’s sweet bare chest rise and fall with the filling of her yearning lungs for the next round of their shared debaucheries… Mark slowly bent down taking the stern black toothbrush from the bag of ticklish horrors that he had prepared for his sweetest love. He knew that Claire’s guard would not fall completely, but he wanted to wait for the perfect moment for his next breach of her hyper-ticklish bare soles. He was content to feel the bristles gliding gently over his own scarred wrists imagining the sweet symphony of delirious giggles that would in only a few moments help sooth away all of the pain from the vacuum of her unbearable absence… He placed the insidious brush between Claire’s soft wrinkly bare soles as they were lovingly massaged letting her drift off as much as she dared to in the wake of his alluring comfort…

“Hehmmmmmm MMMMMmMM hehmmmmm HMMMMMMMMM!” Claire’s nervous giggles warred with the indulgent moans of Mark’s gentle touch kneading away the horribly tickles created by the demented crests that had laid siege to her utterly defenseless bare feet. She knew that their ordeal was far from over but the dreadful tension of horrifying anticipation kept her on the razor’s edge of sheer insanity as she walked the long lonely mile to her further erotic torment.

“Does that feel good sweetheart?” Mark let used both of his strong thumbs to apply just the right pressure to Claire’s perceptive naked arches causing a sharp sigh of pleasure as her back painfully arched…

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh MMMMMMMmmmmmm Mmmmmm Hmmmmm!” Claire could not believe the intense feeling of the firm pressing against her erogenous arches coursing through her lower body. She could feel every pound of pressure along every square inch of her throbbing clit and she feared that she might reach critical mass just from his firm pointed massage…. Claire knew full well that her ticklish demise was just around the bend but she had long since abandoned her fight against her own desires. She knew that energy would be of much greater use elsewhere

I can pretend all that I want… a certain part of me can’t wait to have his nimble fingers torturously roaming over my tightly bound soles. Just because it’s hard to say out loud doesn’t mean that it’s not there.

“Well… What about this?” Mark still held the tops of Claire’s long slender bare feet with his strong hands but now used his wicked thumbs to whisper the single fingernails up and down the length of Claire’s sensitive arch while she fought back the delicious giggle bubbling inside of her flat tummy…

“Hehehemmmmmmmmm MMMMM Haaaaa Haaaaa Mmmmmmmmmmmmm ummm ummmm!” Claire shook her head back and forth in a little white lie she feared would be the end of her. The truth was that in her desperately aroused state there was little that her demented lover could do to her bound bare form that wouldn’t drive her closer and closer to the high cliff’s edge that she could see just over the horizon. The light whispery tingles trickled up the insides of her toned bare legs teasingly invading her smoldering bare loins Making the ardent pressure building deep inside of them pulse with furious abandon…

“I see… Oh well… I understand Claire… What about this then sweetheart?” Mark reached down in one felt swoop taking the see through bristles of the black toothbrush to the taught bare arch of Claire’s violently jerking left foot as he held her toes back tightly with his left hand.

“AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAAHAHAAAAAMAMAPHMAPHMAPMHPAMHPMAPMHPMAPMHAPMHPAMHPMAPHAPMHPMAPHMPAMHPAMPHMAPMHPAMHPMAPMHPAMHPMAPMPAMPMAPMAHPMHPM!” Claire swore that she could count every devilish bristle of Mark’s sinister toothbrush as he whimsically dragged it across the expanse of her helpless bare sole despite her ardent protests. Claire’s entire left leg felt as though it was on fire with searing tingles of ticklish affliction as the base of her every nerve was mercilessly tormented with the mindless implement.

“Oh I can see that you really like this one Sweetheart… I think that we will stay with it for a while… HAHAHAHAH!” Mark was entranced with sadistic glee watching every tiny fiber of muscle strain and flex trying futilely to evade the torturous caress of his sharp firm bristles. Mark could feel Claire’s delicate anguished foot trembling horribly in his bare hand beset with all the horrible tickles and he relished his omnipotent power to cause his bound angel unending ticklish anguish.

“HAHAHPAMHPAMHPMAPHPAMHPMAHPAPMHAPAPMHPMAHAPHAPHPAMHPMAHPMAPHPAMHPMAHPMAPHPAMHPAMHPAPHPAMHPMAPMHPAMHPMAPHAPMHPAMHMPAMHPMAPHMAPPAPAMPPAPAM!!!!!!!!!” Claire’s muffled screams of forced hilarity could hardly due the wretched brushing of her toe pads any justice. As mark cruelly held her five cherry tipped toes back immobile to stop the torturous assault Mark casually brushed along the bottom of her twitching toes causing her entire body to twist back and forth held tightly by her strict bondage… The sensation was utterly unbearable but somehow in Claire’s warped mind that only made her erect nipples pulse with even greater indulgent abandon…

“What’s that Claire… were you trying to say something? I can’t hear you with the gag in your mouth and all your screaming sweetheart… You are really going to have to speak up! AHAHAHAAAAHAHAAHAAHAH!” Mark wanted to make sure Claire was as emotionally helpless as possible for the sick little games that he had in store for her helpless bare skin… he never passed up an opportunity for a gentle reminder of her ticklish plight….

Claire was beside herself in her violent threshing from the pestilent brushing of her taught bare soles… In mere seconds she was reduced to a giggling wreck of tortured arousal while she undulated in sinful gluttony of her mounting utter helplessness… The sharp tickly trails across her bare quivering soles and the gross mistreatment of her bound ticklish toes was racking her entire bridled form with wretched sensations as her back painfully arched with an overload of sensual anguish…

“We can’t let this foot go without a good cleaning can we Young Lady?” Mark darted his sadistic attentions to Claire’s helpless right foot this time option for long drawn vertical strokes to drive her mad with ticklish delight. Her strong bare sole flexed mightily against his stern icy fingers holding her twitching ticklish toes in place but much to Claire’s despair she was held fast in the strict embrace of Mark’s sadistic hands. There was nothing that she could do about the horrid sensations save gritting her teeth into her tight rubber bridle screaming with all her breath how disgusting the furious tingles were wit her hysterical shrieking giggles…

“Do you like my little toothbrush Claire? HAHAHAHAHAHAAH!” Mark knew that the tips of her bare toes were her ticklish undoing and just to make her plight as inhuman as humanly possible he brushed carelessly across her straining digits while they were held perfectly still in his vice like grip…

“NONOANONHONHOANHNAHOAHAHOAHNHOHAOHNOANHOAOHNAOHNOANHONAONHOANHOAMHOMHHAHMAHAHPMAPHMAPMAHPMAHMP!” Claire cried out in fervent disapproval as her head signed her unmitigated hatred for the delightful source of her gleeful destruction. She despised each tingly bristle of Mark’s sick little toothbrush with the intensity of a nuclear explosion and she prayed desperately that she would have to suffer it’s cruel caress until she was utterly destroyed beyond all reason… The delicious conflict played out in lurid detail between her smoldering thighs….

“Do you want me to stop…? Do you want me to stop Claire…? Do you want me to stop brushing your cute little soles Claire?” For some reason Claire’s rage became the object of Mark’s great obsession. Her torture wasn’t enough. He wanted her to hate him with all her heart while he dragged her kicking and screaming to the secluded destination of her greatest erotic bliss. He wanted her enduring love for her to be as turbulent as possible in her emotional nakedness while he feasted on her most intensely intimate emotions as his private portrait of her undying affection….

“YEEPEMEPMEPMMEPMEPSMSPMSPMSPMSPMSPMEPEMPEMPMSPMEPM!” How could he ask such a thing? That was like asking a hungry person if they would like some food or a thirsty person if they needed a glass of water. Of course she wanted the torturous tickles to come to an end, despite her growing need for them to continue. Claire lashed out in turbulent affirmation shaking her head wildly up and down…

“I can’t hear you Claire… What was that… Do you want me to stop?” Mark was going to make his sweet little girl beg… so help him god.

“YEEPEMEPMEPMEPMEEPMEPMSPMSPMSPMSPSSSSPMSSPMSPMSSPMSS!” Claire tried with all she could to shout out her anguished desire past the tight crimson ball wedged between her pearly white teeth but she was only met with her own muffled squeaks as the illusion of Mark’s mercy (if he had any) began to fade into the back of her beleaguered mind…

“I said I can’t hear you Claire. If you want me to stop you are going to have to scream for me. Do you hear me young lady? I said I want you to scream for me Claire… I want you to FUCKING SCREAM FOR ME!!!” Mark could barely believe his own behavior… It was like there was a deep dark part of him taking his ominous form on auto pilot. Despite his conscious confusion, his declaration was no less true. He wanted with all his being to see his poor ticklish little kitten screaming with all she was for a mercy that he hold menacingly in his icy fingers begging and pleading with her true love for what she earnestly desired…

YESSSSSSSSSSSSPMSPMSPMAPMPMAPMAPMAPMPAPMAAAMPMPMAHPMAPMAPMPMPAMHPAMHPMAPMHPAMHPMAPHMAPMHPAMHPMAP!” Claire was utterly shocked at how shamelessly her helpless lace covered mound dripped in carnal approval of Mark’s raging dominance. She opened her mouth as wide as humanly possible emitting a half audible cry between her desperate bouts with helpless laughter… The evil brushing of her taught bare sole continued for what felt like an eternity but was in all actuality just a few passing seconds for Mark to remind her who was ultimately in control….

“Well… that’s all you had to say Claire… Hehheehhheeheh!” Mark gently placed the black brush back into duffle bag from whence it came letting his bound beauty fill her lungs once again…

“Ha… mhhhhmmhmhmhmhmhmhmmhmhm huuuuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuu!” Claire could not help but giggle to herself reveling in Mark’s arrogant audacity. He was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sure of himself. Who did he think “HE” was? And more importantly… Why did his overly masculine bravado turn her on so much? Claire was painfully aware of her masochistic answer as she lay casually in her tight bindings reveling in the waked of Mark’s incessant brushing…

“Now what do I get for putting down my evil little brush and giving you a break Claire…?” Mark gently planted a kiss at the middle of Claire’s right sole wiping away some of the malignant tingles with his sweet wet lips….
Chapter V

“Heheheeheheheheheheeh!” Claire could honestly not believe that in the midst of her torturous abduction that she was actually going to (try to) say it… “THPMAPMPMMNK…


YHAHAHAHAHOAHAOOAOOHAHAHAOHOAOOOOAHAHAHAHAUHAHA!” Claire knew deep down that it was just one of his demented little traps, but Mark’s sick little games were far too immodestly fulfilling to not play along… The feeling of the electric toothbrush’s spinning bristles was nothing like the old fashioned model that had tortured her so. This was like a hundred little toothbrushes torturing a small patch of her soft wrinkly skin all at the same time while her Soles were held taught by Mark’s strong left hand reducing her to silent laughter almost instantaneously after she completed her tortured sign of gratitude….

“Aren’t you glad I stopped with the boring brush Claire? I think that this one is far more interesting!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Mark could Feel Claire’s roaring ticklish distress and that only made his aching stiff manhood pulse with fervent desire spurred on by her every pained shriek of helpless abandon…

“------------------------------------------ Huuuuuuuuuuu HAHAHAHPMAPAPMHPMAHPMAPMHPAMHPMAPHMAMHAM BAMPMPMPMPSPMPMTARPMPMMPDMDDDDDDPMMPMPMPMPM!” Claire vacuumed in every molecule of night air for her violent shrieking outcry of insatiable hilarity as she cursed violently behind her gag thrashing in earnest to alleviate the horrible tickles of the torturous whirling brush. How could be so callous? How could be so sadistic? How could he be so… romantic?

“You know Claire… You should really thank me. I think there might have been a little bit of dust in those sexy shoes you have been teasing me with all day. I am really doing you a favor by cleaning your ticklish little soles for you Sweetheart… The least you could do is show me a little gratitude for being so thoughtful!” Mark beamed as his depravity approached critical mass with Claire’s helpless quivering bare foot finally in his demented grasp to tease tickle and torment every trapped nerve ending with utter carelessness with each spinning bristle of his electric assailant.

“FUPPMHPMHPMPHMHPMPMCK MPMHPMPMHPMHPPM YPMPMPMOPMPMPMMPMPMPMMM FUPMPPMPMCK MPMPMPMPMPMPMPMPMPMPM YOU --------------------------- huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu AHHAHAHAHAAMAPHMAPHMAPMAMHAPMHPMA!” Claire’s mounting erotic rage was built to a feverish pitch at the insinuation that she should actually thank her torturous abductor for the privilege of suffering so terribly in the wake of his cruel tickles. As true as it might be as she couldn’t resist her growing amorous arousal… It still wasn’t a very nice thing for him to say… Hehe. Claire went through bouts of hysterical shrieking, fits of silent giggles when her lungs finally emptied, violent heaving breaths to refill her tortured lungs and then back to turbulent screams of growing ticklish discomfort. She was trapped in the vicious cycle as the vortex of the whirling brushes moved freely along her bound bare sole as she was utterly helpless to stop it…

“I think that I see a few specs of dust on the tips of your cute little Arch Claire… Do you want me to get it?” Mark darted the torturous brush away from Claire’s quivering naked foot bottom letting the dreadful anticipation of the next torturous pass fill her mind with images of her further ticklish destruction…

“NNONNPMNPMNMNMPOMONMNPMONPNMNOMOPNMNPMNPNM!” Claire desperately signaled her displeasure at the idea of her toes being subjected to the mindless whims of Mark’s electronic accomplice. The spinning bristles might not leave anything left of her staggering psyche and Claire was not sure she could survive the maniacal anguish of the whirling brushed on the hyper-sensitive bare skin of her twitching ticklish cherry toes.

“Awwwwwwwwwww… I can’t hear you Claire. Oh well… I know how you like to keep everything Clean so I can imagine what you would have wanted… AHAHAHAHA!” Mark had never imagined that ignoring Claire’s honest pleas or mercy could be this fulfilling but watching her heart drop into the pit of her flat stomach as the electric toothbrush descended to her lightly wiggling digits his heart sang out in time with Claire’s mindless screams as his love for his ticklish little toy raged through every fiber of his being. He loved seeing her so helpless to his cruel brand of pleasure in contrast to the unthinkable notes that she had forced him to read. Somehow, feeling so much power over his sweetest love made him forget about her innocent transgression, even if only for a moment.

“MAHPMAHPMAHAPHAPHPMAHPMAPHPAMPAMHPAMHMHPMAH!!!” Claire knew that around every bend her ticklish plight would only be made worse at her terrified expense but she couldn’t resist being drawn into Mark’s cute ticklish traps whole heartedly… There was something about his sinister cruelty that made her feel strangely wanted, needed, loved and safe… Not safe from her demonic lover, but safe because of him…

“Well this little piggy went to the carwash… This little piggy went to the whirlpool…” If at all possible Mark could feel his bound beauty freak out even more urgently with as he articulated his cruel iteration of such an innocent child’s play. “This little piggy got a wicked pedicure… This little piggy… brushed his teeth.. This little piggy… Damn… I am out of analogies… HAHAAHAHAHAAHH but somehow I think you get the picture… AHHAHAHHHAHAHAAHHAHAHHAHHAHAH!”

“HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHA I HAHAAAHAMHPAHPAMHPAMHPMAM FUAPMPMAPMCKMAMAPMAAING MAPMAAPMAPMAPA AHATTTMPAMAPMEMPMAPMAPM YOU!!!” Claire couldn’t believe the way that he just took even the very appearance of innocence while he so evilly tortured her bare trembling toes… As if driving her crazy with indulgent lust wasn’t enough, he had to drive her crazy with her eternal affections for his ever enduring charm as well… There was no amount of bristles in the world that could drive away her insatiable need just to be close him relishing even his slightest idiosyncrasies comprising the loving force that had comforted her for so long…

“I’m almost done Cleaning your toes Claire… Just HOLD STILL for a few seconds so that I can get the last few specs…!” Mark delighted in the even more ardent struggles of Claire’s trapped toes as the full weight of his impossible command crashed home…

“AAAHMHPAMHPAMHPMAPMHAPAPMPAHAMHPMAHPMAHPM!” Claire knew that it was impossible, and somehow that made Mark’s sinister taunt even more delicious. For some reason the more helpless she became the more she desired to be his and his alone…

“Come on now Claire… I would hate to have to start all over AGAIN!!!” After the hours of teasing her warm bare skin into fits of ticklish ecstasy Mark had fully ‘mastered’ the art of keeping Claire’s ATTENTION!

“NONONOONMONMNOMPAAAAAHAMHPAMHPAMHPAMHMAPHMAPMHPAMHPMAPP AMHPMAPHMAPPAMHPMAPHPMPMHAPHMAPMHPMAHPM!” Did he just say that? Did he just say start over again? Didn’t he know what that would do to her? Didn’t he realize the mortal fear that caused to grip her thundering heart stealing her breath from her heaving chest?

“Then hold your foot Still Claire!” Mark had never imagined himself being this callous to the woman of his many daydreams but somehow forcing her to do the unthinkable for his degenerate amusement felt so right with the gentle musing of her ardent screams…

Looking back on this single moment, it was such an unimaginable joy to force the person that I loved more than the earth itself to do what most could consider to be impossible…

“MPHAAPMPAMHPMAPPAMHPMAHPMAHPMAPMHPAMHPAMMPM!” Claire knew that it was utterly futile, but she refused to be beaten. With every last strand of conscious will that she still owned she marshaled her tormented muscle fibers to keep as rigid as possible in the face of Mark’s demonic whirling brush raking pitilessly across her bare trembling toes…

“Just like that Claire….” Mark could feel his naughty little slave girl playing along beautifully. Feeling her right there with him while he fulfilled his life long fantasy made the experience of her ardent despair so much more worth while… He had spent the last few months trying in futility to forget about her tormenting love and in that very moment he hoped against hope that from dist hay on they would always be together…

“HPHMAPPAMHPMAHPMAPMHPAMHPMAPHMPAmHPMPAMHMAPMHPMHPM!” Claire honestly didn’t know where she got her sudden burst of strength but she gritted her teeth sternly into her tight rubber bridle forcing her angelic face into a grimace of sheer determination as her tortured toes lay almost motionless between Mark’s icy fingers. With her toes so still and even her involuntary struggles quieted by her willful submission the white hot tickles roared from the tips of her quivering bare toes crashing furiously into her dripping wet clit as she wrenched her teary eyes shut with aroused inescapable anguish… Torturous pass of the peccant electric device felt like an eternity in hellacious bliss as Claire wandered hopelessly in the darkness of her tight blindfold hoping against hope to have a tiny shred of sanity left for the glorious wake of her ticklish ordeal…

“Done…!!!” Mark finally finished Cleaning each of Claire’s bound wiggling bare toes finally giving the torturous device a rest with the gentle flick of its switch. “Now… Was that so bad, Claire?”

“YEMPSMPSMSPMSPMSPMSPMSPMSPSMPSMSPMSMPSMSPMS! HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!” Claire sparred Mark nothing in her earnest expression of how utterly demented his incessant torments had become. He was so selflessly spoiling her with her deviant little pleasures, it was the least she could do to oblige him. Claire’s strained lungs worked against time and her continued ragged excitement trying desperately to fill her yearning lungs for the next assault…

“Well, at least you’re honest. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAH! But don’t worry Claire… Since you did such a good job holding your cute little toes still we are done with the Toothbrushes today…!” Mark gently ran his skillful left hand up the warm bare length of Claire’s toned right thigh as she sighed with licentious glee…

“MMMMMMMMMMMMMM HMHMHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!” Still reeling from the merciless tickles on the bottoms of her still twitching bare feet, Claire could not help but giggle even in the midst of Mark’s soothing massage of her sensitive bare legs… As Mark’s hand climbed higher and higher Claire finally allowed herself the gentle fantasy that finally after her hours of merciless torment that maybe, just maybe her pulsing ripe nubbin could be the next target of Mark’s cruel affections… “MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM HAAAA HAAAAAA MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM HUUUUUUUUU OHOH MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM” Claire’s entire world began to spin behind her forbidding blindfold as Marks nimble fingers began to recklessly flutter across her dripping lace covered essence causing wave after wave of carnal pleasure to ferment in every burning cell of her bound form. He had brought her so deliciously to the point of craving… needing his sinful caress upon her womanhood that her level of sensitivity had multiplied ten fold. Claire reluctantly let her mind dwell on the catastrophic implications of achieving raucous climax in such a state and she was wonderfully horrified at the thought…


Claire knew without even a word that her time had finally come. The wonderful sound of the devilish vibrator being turned back on finally gave her a short respite from the tension of her torturous predicament. In kind, her nipples pulsed in anticipation of her impending rapture. Her delicate rose bud fully protruded from is fleshly sheath relishing in the teasing caress of the soaking wet lace covering it from Mark’s devious gaze. Claire knew that the vibrations would absolutely demolish her moist stiff clit and she hoped against hope that her demented lover would be absolutely ruthless in his liberal application of his mechanical aid. No matter how much she bucked, no matter how much she writhed, no matter how much she screamed in lustful anguish Claire wanted Mark to force her endurance of every chaotic tidal wave of pleasure until she erupted in unbearable glee ratifying her complete submission to “HIM”… the man she loved.

“Besides… It’s not nearly as good for getting to those… hard to reach places!”

“HAMAHAHAHMAHPMAHPAPHMAPMHPAMHPMAPMHPAMHPMAPPAMHPAMHPMAP MHPAMPMAPHPAMHPMAHPMAMPAPMHPMAPHMAPMHPMAHPAPMHPAMHPMAPH PAMHPMAPHAPMHPMAHPMAPMHPAMHPMAPHAPMPAMHPAPAPMHPMAPHPAMHPM APMAPMHPMAPHPMAHPMAPMHPMAHM!!!!” Claire scrunched her helpless toes wildly as she felt the first treacherous kiss of the electric flosser against the base of her ticklish twitching toes. Claire’s mind filled with the recurring theme that Mark was utterly a sick sadistic bastard and god how she loved him for it. He stripped her down to nothing… just waiting so patiently and humbly for the release that she needed so much only to be betrayed for more insidious tickles… It was as though one of Claire’s late night fantasies had come to life taking possession of her handsome neighbor taking her home to her greatest since of erotic hopelessness…

“See Claire…!” As wonderful as Claire’s greasy essence felt between his menacing fingertips Mark knew that he needed his hand to secure her dancing digits for even more of his cruel mistreatment. Mark spread Claire’s big toe away from its long slender counterpart inserting the devious stem of the electric flosser into the sensitive foot flesh that so rarely felt cool air swooshing along it-let alone a merciless mechanical torture device! “I can get all the little specs of dust between your cute little toes. Aren’t you glad that I came prepared?”

“NONAMAPMHPAMHPAMHAPMHPMAHPMAPMHPMAMHPAMPHMAPMHPAMHPMA PMHPAMPMHPAMHPMAHPMAPHMPHAPMHAMHPM!” Claire furiously tossed her head from side to side as the devilish tickles coursed through her entire being with hopeless abandon. How could one man be so evil? How could one man be so seductive? How could one man be so Perfect? The vibrating stem between her bare quaking cherry tips was absolutely dreadful as Claire writhed back and forth in bound ticklish anguish. She could not believe that there was yet another level of hellacious ticklish despair along her tortured descent but in Mark’s loving hands she began to realize that almost anything was possible.

“Oh come on now Claire… I have been getting ready for this for so long…. The least you could do is show a little appreciation…” Mark lightly stroked the stiff vibrating tip up and down Claire’s taught sole just to feel her entire foot jerk and strain against the unexpected intrusion before moving to the next recess between her trapped bare toes…

“AHAHAHHAHAHMAHAPHAPHAHAPHPAMHPMAPHAPMHPAMHPAMHPAMHPAMHP MAMPAPMHMAPHPAMHPMAPMHPMAH!” The ticklish onslaught was so focused. It was as though he was picking out one single cell of her hyper-sensitive skin to absolutely obliterate with ticklish despair and all of its helpless counterparts on her bare squirming foot were sucked into the ticklish vortex with virulent efficiency.

The delicate webbing between her bare toes was absolutely the worst. This gentle patch of skin had to be less than an inch long but with the slim stiff vibrating tip of the feral flosser Mark could expertly tease tickle and torture every macro molecule of Claire’s warm bare skin as he held her flexing toes apart with his strong left hands despite Claire’s hilarious protests…

“You know Claire… This really isn’t my fault. If you hadn’t worn such dusty shoes then you really wouldn’t be in this PRE-DICAMENTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!” Mark just casually applied the torturous device between Claire’s violently straining toes until he felt that she had been completely saturated with ticklish agony… Then he would just lightly tease and stroke the full expanse of her quivering bare soles from the heel to arch and across the flexing base in terrifying round trips of forced screaming mirth for his bound ticklish beauty.

“HAHAHPMAHPMAPMHPAMHPMAPMHPAMPHMAPMHPMHPAMHPMAPAMHPAMHPA MHPMAPHAPMHPMAPHAMPHPAMHPMPHM!” Claire’s helpless rage reached new heights with Mark’s teasing persistence. What dust? There was no FUCKING dust. This was just his sick little excuse for torturing her poor defenseless quivering toes and Claire was utterly ashamed at how eager she was to play along… Claire’s ankles bore the imprint of the tight binding leather and she would forever hold the burning sensation as a badge of honor. Every muscle in her racked body roared in chaotic unity fighting desperately against her stringent haltering but was continually frustrated by the tightness of her unforgiving binds. Claire’s psychological suffering ratcheted up a notch as she felt the next set of her ticklish toes lewdly spread for Mark’s cruel mistreatment and the shameless smile of glorious anticipation creeping across her freshly debauched face with the news of her further ticklish demise.

“Come on now Claire… be a tough girl for me… Just a few more to go! I think. Gosh I hope I don’t LOOSE COUNT HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!” Mark dipped the torturous tip right at the center of Claire’s collection of twitching bare toes causing her to explode with eruption after eruption of helpless despair as the sensations of her bare toes being tickle tortured utterly became too much filling Mark with sadistic pride…

Claire once again descended into helpless silent laughter as the furious tickles became too great. Mark’s incessant taunts were absolutely no help in her inescapable plight either. She swore that if he kept up his seductive verbal assault that she might break free of her binds just to have his cruel warm breath trapped at the back of her demented throat sealing his menacing affections with the touch of her own sweet lips to his menacing pair… The more sinister his aggressions the more she desired to be lost in his strong arms until all the breath had left her being. What’s wrong with that?

“Awwwwwwwww, What’s wrong with my ticklish little kitten? Cat got your tongue?” Mark removed the teasing tip for a fleeting second just to refill the jug of his precious delirious laughter….

“Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu NOMPMPM!” Claire growled furiously behind her rubber ball gag feeling the last set of her ticklish toes being spread for Mark’s cruel ministrations and she confidently grunted her muffled defiance.

“Good… This way is SOO much more fun!!!” Mark finally allowed the stiff teasing vibrating tip of the electric flosser to trace peccant ticklish lines up and down Claire’s quivering pink baby toe forcing it to writhe furiously against the strong grasp of his icy fingertips. Claire’s maniacal screams of forced ticklish agony returned with great fervor much to his demented delight!

“AHAAHMAPHMAPHPAMHPMAPPAMHPMAPHAPMHPMAHPMAPMHPAMHPMAPMHP AMHPMAPHAHAHAHAHAPPAMHPMAPHPAMHPAMHPMAPHMPAMHPMAPMHPMAPP AMHPMAPHMAPMHPAMHPMAPMHPMAPMHPMAPHMAPMHMAHPMAPHPAMPHPA MHPAPMHPMAPHAPHPAMHPMAPMHPAMPHAMPAPMHPMAPHMAPMHPAMPAMHP MAPPAMHPMAPHMAPMHPAMHPMAAPMHPAMHPMAPHAPHAHAHAHAHAHAPAMH PMAPAMHPMAPMHPA!!!” Claire could tell that Mark was taking his sweet time removing the last few specs of dust from between her trembling bare toes and her personal hatred of her endearing abductor reached new heights of debauched infatuation. The bright white light of glorious freedom shinning so brightly around the next bend radiating behind he dark blindfold, but being so cruelly denied by Mark’s thoroughness making sure that her ticklish bare soles were in good order… Finally, after long last she could feel that Mark’s devious device had taken it’s fill of the tiny molecules speckling the naked recesses of her helpless toes and withdrew from her final helpless webbing. “AHAAHAPMHPAMHPMAPMPAMHPMAPHPAHPMAPHPAMHPMAPMHPAMHPMAP HPAMHPMAPMHPAMHPMAPHAPMHPMAHPPAMHPMAPHPAMPHMAPMHPMAHPMA PMHPMPAMHPAMHPMAPMHPAMHPMAPMHPMAPHMAPAPMHPMAHPMAPMHPAM MHPAMPHMAPMHPAMPHMAPHPAMHPMAPMAPHMAPMHPAMHPMAPAPMHPMAH PMAPPAMPAMHPAMPAMPAMPMAPHM!!!!!” That only made the sheer horror of having all five of her delicate toe bottoms teased and tickled in raking passes with the delicate quaking tip all the more shocking…

“Oh quit fussing… I just had to make sure that I got ALL of it Claire… HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAAHAH!”

If you’re lucky, there will come a time when you send your lover to a place of true dementia. Then, you will finally understand why god would want company!

“Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!” Claire just breathed deeply aided by the familiar delicate massage of Mark’s strong hands along her ticklish bare soles… That was… terrible! Part of her was sad that it ended… but she knew that even more glorious horrors no doubt loomed on the horizon. In a way, the certainty of her doom made these fleeting moments of such sincere tenderness all the more endearing. They were more beautiful because she was doomed… That’s something that she could have never understood outside the tight confines of Mark’s strict bondage… even in her dizziest daydreams.

Surprisingly, this gentle massage was a lot longer in duration than the precious bouts of psychological warfare. After a few steady minutes of having her sensitive feet lovingly attended to, Claire began to realize how utterly exhausted she was from her constant futile struggles against her inescapable teasing. Gloriously, Mark’s light kisses of the wiggling bare toes that he had so cruelly tormented just moments earlier more than made of for his ticklish transgressions helping her drift off into a dream world beset by the erotic fog of her enduring arousal. Claire’s entire body melted in the wake of her beautiful bare feet being kneaded, firmly rubbed, kissed and suckled into fervent submission as she cooed ever so gently in delicious approval.

“You were so brave for me Claire… You can take so much. You are truly wonderful… do you know that?” Mark lightly suckled the toes of Claire’s left foot causing it to lightly sinuate in its tight bondage. He could feel her delicate toes wiggling gently in his wet mouth relishing in the warm bath the he so eagerly gave them… “Does this feel better sweetie?”

“Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm MMMM HMMMM mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!” Claire’s sweet innocent smile of carnal indulgence smeared across her angelic face as she relished in every wave of sinful pleasure as her nipples pulsed in furious agreement with the fervent worship of her bound bare feet.

“Really… I thought that you kind a liked all that tickling!” Mark lightly and slowly danced the whispery fingertips of his sinister left hand languidly over the Quivering sole of Claire’s trapped foot causing her toes to dance wonderfully locked between his moist sweet lips.

“Heheheheehehehehehehheheheeh MMMMMM HMMMMMMMMM!” Claire couldn’t deny that the mixture of the two heavenly sensations was still utterly intoxicating. She could not believe how easily she was giving herself over to her sadistic love but the wonderful feeling of loving helplessness was well worth her conscious sacrifice.

“I thought so…” Mark reluctantly stood at the foot of the bed withdrawing his skilled mouth and teasing fingertips from Claire’s bound soles for the time being… “You are so beautiful Claire… I have dreamed of this moment more times that you could ever imagine. Now… I have something for you. And THIS… I know you will REALLY like!”

“Heheheheheheheheehe Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm!” He said she was beautiful… he really meant it. He said she was beautiful. As strange as it may sound, the same lips that had so cruelly beseeched her with verbal assaults moments earlier offered the only compliments that carried any way with her captured mind. “HE” said she was beautiful. If Mark said it then it had to be true. Claire couldn’t help but swoon as his ticklish bare prize presenting herself fully to her deepest love as a present for his piercing approval… The curiosity and anxiety of receiving a gift from him… of all people, was more than she could have EVER imagined…

Mark stood at the side of the bed cupping Claire’s long flowing mane with his right hand kneeling to kiss her sweet olive cheek adorned with the gentle flush of a young lady discovering her deepest sensual gratification. He could feel her entire body straining to meet his sugary lips as they planted seeds of flowing strength and self confidence deep in the fertile soil of Claire’s naked heart.


“AHHHHHHHHMHPMPMPMHPHMP!” Claire was startled. She had allowed herself to drift off in the wake of Mark’s gentle comforting once again and she was completely unaware that he was holding anything let alone another electronic implement of tickle torture!

“Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Honey…!” Mark just petted Claire’s long flowing hair with tender loving affection quieting her anxiety feasting on the way even his slightest command was received… “Trust me Claire… It’s NOT the flosser…Hhmhmhmhm!” Claire could sense that Mark’s gentle giggle was more seductive than sinister and once… just once took him at his word.

“Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh haaaaaa mmmmmmmmmmmmmm haaaaaaaaaaa!” Calire’s faith was gloriously rewarded as she felt the massive vibrating head of the powerful massager gently caress the top of her straining right thigh…

I have never been more grateful for anything in my entire life as I am to see the light at the end of the torturous journey my Master has so carefully lead me through.

Finally, at long last the time for her great release had come. Claire knew it was still possible for Mark to pitilessly frustrate her again after bringing her to the peak of fervent arousal just to see her crash back down her sensual mountain… But there was something in the tone of his voice. There was something about the way he breathed so shallowly… There was something about the warmth of his touch. There was something about the cleansing exhales as he emptied his chest warmly into her waiting ears. Claire knew that with her demented captor anything was possible, but maybe-just maybe… he wanted this more than she did?

“Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm You really like that… Don’t you Claire?” Mark whispered so gently into her tingling left ear as he gently stroked her long flowing black hair teasing and titillating her bare yearning leg with the large vibrating head…

“MMmmmmmmmmmmmmm aaaaaaaaaaaaaa MMMMMM HMMMMM mmmmmm!” Claire was pushed far past the point of being able to resist… She knew what Mark wanted and she was all to eager to satisfy his domineering quest for her furious approval.

It feels so good to finally give yourself to someone who takes your breath away Mark. I never thought that letting go this completely could ever feel this good.

Claire could feel her delicate pelvis staining with every last strand of burning muscle to force the teasing vibrator onto her smoldering mound for even just a taste of the delicious electric jolts of pleasure to completely envelope her poor defenseless Clit! Claire could feel Mark’s breathing ratchet up ever so slightly with her every lewd display of carnal abandon, but magically even in the midst of his teasing foreplay, Claire felt no shame bathed in the warm blank of his domineering command.

My life has been plagued with sensual awkwardness, but somehow being so helpless in front of him and being exposed and teased about my growing desire was a different kind of embarrassment that only added to the ferocious elation building between my violently trembling thighs. He loves knowing that I am so defenseless against the suggestive effect that he has on me,

“Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww… Does someone want me to touch her just a little higher? HAHHAAHHAHAAHAHAHAHAHHA” Mark gently darted the massive mechanism across the gentle expanse of Claire’s lace covered moist genitals feeling her shudder so delicately beneath him….

Strangely this brings such a corrupt little grin to my immodest lips. He always knows exactly what I want. He is such a conscienceless tease. I swear I never tire of his deviant bedeviling. I swear that wicked demonic laugh is going to be the end of me.

“HRMHRMHRMRHMRMHMRMHMHMHRM HUUUUUU HUUUUUU MMMMM HMMMMMMMMM!” Claire’s eyes filled with dreadfully radiant white light at the single touch of her thirsting womanhood. The feeling made every cell in her lewdly awakened form quiver helplessly screaming for more blissful torment… He held the keys to her entire existence between her cold fingers and he toyed with them like a child playing with his toy. There was nothing that she could do to grant the sweet release that she needed so much, and that only made the conspicuous truth of her earnest affections cascade through her mind against her conscious will. She needed him. Right now… forever more and since she was a small child she had and will always need him. As hard as it had been to admit to herself for all these years, five months away from him coupled with the peak of his torturous delights clarified her insatiable desire to be locked in the dungeon of his strong loving arms for all eternity.

“Really? Well, if you want something from me then you know what I want in return!” Mark said it so casually, he nibbled her earlobe so tenderly. He asked for her perpetual acts of submission as though it were a cup of sugar or the daily paper…

“HEHEHEEMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!” After years of trying to help Mark ‘express’ himself Claire found it quite ironic to be erotically caged by his persistent desirous dominance. He knew what he wanted, what he needed. He wanted to hear her whimper, hear her muffle begging trapped behind his tight leather bridle, he wanted to feel her screaming for the release that only he could grant her. He wanted a constant reminder that she was his personal erotic plaything to please or torment as he saw fit… It was even more interesting the ardent fervor lurking in her profligate mind to give her tortured love all the degenerate pleasure that he could ever imagine… “MMPMPM PLMPMPMEAAMPMPMSSSSPMPMPME!”

“Ohhhh Come on Claire… you can do better than that!” To keep up Claire’s tortured spirits Mark punctuated every sinister demand with a gentle preview of the subtle rapture that lay just past the threshold of his sadistic fulfillment…

“MMMMMMMM PLMPMMAPMPMAPAMMAMPAPMEAAAAPMAPMAPMSSSSSEPMPMPMMPMPMMPPMMM MAMPMPMMRPMRRRPMPMK PLEMAPMAPMAPMAPAMPSMSSMSPMSSSPMPMPMEP!” Claire tried with all her might to form even the slightest audible entreat past the tight crimson binding pushed so strictly between her teeth. She wanted it so badly. She could already feel the greasy rumblings at the base of her stomach needing only a tiny match to set off the chilling chain reaction of her carnal indulgence.

“I can’t hear you Claire!” Mark knew that this would be the end of her. He knew that after this eternal moment that she would never be able to hide from him again. He knew that his victory had been sealed with the first gentle erotic dew adorning Claire’s delicate lace panties. After five months of walking through emotional hot coals, you will have to forgive him for just a little gloating!!! HAHHAAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

“MPMAPMAMAPMAPMPMAPMAPMAAMPLLMPMMPMEAASSSSSSSSEMPMPAMAPM APAMPMAPMAPAAPMAMP!” Claire was beginning to fear that there was nothing in her power to sufficiently appease Mark’s raging desire… As welcome as his erotic previews were the delicate touch of the violently trembling head against her greasy moist lips was terribly distracting as her entire body convulsed in time with the large electric massager…

“*WHISPER-I want you to scream for me Claire… Do you hear me? If you want this then you are going to have to scream for me-WHISPER*” Mark just let his gentle voice waft into Claire’s trembling ear carrying the turbulent message of his peccant demand.

“MMPMPMPMPMMPMPHMHPMPHMPMPHMHPMMPMPMMPMMM PLEPMAPMPMPMPMPMASSSSSPSMSPMPMPMEPMEPMPM PPP MPMPMPMPMLMMPMEEPMPMAPMAAPMSPMSPMSPSSSSPMSPMSPMEMPEMEPM EPEMEPMEPEMPEMEPM PLEEPMPMPMPMAASASSSSEPMPMP!” Claire could barely survive the intensity of Mark’s whisper as the delicate vibe continued to reek utter havoc along her toned inner thighs horribly beleaguering the sopping wet mound just inches away from its cleansing caress. Trapped behind her dark blindfold and tight rubber gag Claire emptied her lungs with mounting intensity craving the sweet gentle mercy of Mark’s greatest transgression.

“*WHISPER-I said… that I want you to scream for me Claire. I want you to FUCKING scream for me… Do you hear that Claire? Do you hear me young lady? I want to hear you scream at the top of your FUCKING lungs if you even want to think about cumming… You better scream… you better FUCKING scream!-WHISPER*” Mark could feel Claire’s entire body shivering in erotic dread as her glorious bare nipples danced in fervent delight at his deviant pestering….

MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPM PMPMPMPMMPPMPMPMMPMPMPLEMPMPMPMAAAAPMPSMSSSSSSSSSSSPMP SMSPMSPMSPMEPMPMPMMPMMPMPMPMPMPMPMPMPMPMMPMPMPMPMPMP MPMPMMPMPMPMPMPMPMPMPMPMPMPMPM!” Mark’s pitiless curses affirming her helplessness were far too much to bear… Why did he have to be so stern? Didn’t he know what that did to her? Didn’t he know how much that excites her? Didn’t he know how much that turned her on? Didn’t he know that only made her want to lay their squealing in violent climax just to reward him for his cruelty?

WHAT WAS THAT... I STILL CAN’T HEAR YOU CLAIRE!” This time he held the torturous vibe against Claire’s dripping we pussy through his entire violent berating feeling her arch her back painfully in rapturous disapproval. Mark couldn’t believe that he could yell so menacingly as his bound beauty was so thoroughly teased beyond her sanity… Why did it excite him so to see her suffering redouble at every turn? Why did he need to see her in utter agony before granting her even the tiniest mercy? Why did she play along so well?

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAMHAHAHAMHPMAPHAPHAHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHMAHPMHPMAPHPMAHPMAPMAHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUU PLEEEEEEMMMPMPMPEEEEPMEPEMASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSEMEPMEPMEEPMPME EMEPME!” Claire could feel every vein in her body tighten with her blood curdling cry for release. The pressure between her smoldering legs was beyond all comprehension and she needed her demented love to take malevolent pity on her throbbing wet clit through the damp silk encasing that hid it from plain view.

Just maybe… This has been racing through my mind… but I dare not say it…


Just hearing those words sends my carnal frenzy screaming into overdrive as my sweet shameful release feels only inches away…

Mark shamelessly pressed the massive vibe right against Claire’s stiff laced covered clit sending her into wave after wave of erotic convulsions as the unbridled sensations ripped and ravaged every bare nerve of her bound form trapped so securely in her stringent bindings… Claire’s entire bound form became as rigid as a board completely engulfed in the mounting volcanic eruption in her sweltering loins…

“MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMOOOOOOMOMHOMHHHHHHHHHHUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUU MMMMMMMMMMMMM AHHHHHHHHHHH HAAAAAAAAAA HAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMM!” The sinful touch of the devious device was utterly chaotic scrambling every circuit board in Claire’s reeling mind. The feelings were like searing electric shocks of unbearable pleasure… It felt almost to intense to have her lace covered clit so lewdly stimulated after a long teasing of merciless sensual baiting had brought every square inch of the tight hub of nerves screaming into unconscionable hyper-sensitivity. Claire couldn’t be certain if there would be anything left of her after the demonic explosion bubbling in the bottom of her svelte tight stomach but she was absolutely sure that the insatiable curiosity for her delightful destruction completely overwhelmed any ideas of stopping….

“Ohhhh I’m sorry Claire… That’s not you naughty little clit is it sweetie?” Mark couldn’t help but marvel in Claire’s deviant perfection. For his entire adult life he has been vexed by Claire’s enigmatic infantile sensuality. He had tried so many times to get her to open up to him only to be frustrated by colossal failure. Now, watching in awe of his Life’s Great Love bucking her hips wildly seeking the carnal pleasure that only “HE” could create Mark reveled in the irony that his own villainy was the key to Claire’s secret desires… Mark stayed close to her as she treaded through the dark wilderness of her first shared passions never wanting her to feel him away from her side again…

“HAHAHAAHAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMM HMMMMMMMM HAHAHAHA MMMMMM!” He was a tease. He was such a fucking tease. That’s what she loved about him. That’s what she always hoped was lurking behind those piercing eyes. That’s what always haunted her sweetest nightmares. That’s what set this glorious moment as the summit of Claire’s most indulgent fantasies… That above all else is what she would never forget…

“Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww… I’m sorry… I can always stopif you want?” Mark let his devilish grin leak into Claire’s trembling ear on the piercing waves of his watery whispers while she inched closer and closer to her deepest rapture….

“UMMMMMMMMMMMM UUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUU UHHHH UHHHHHHHHH HEEHEHEHEEH MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!” Claire just shook her head from side to side as her back arched painfully into the chaotic vibrations allowing her sweet wet pussy to be destroyed in their torturous wake… Claire’s growing immodesty flirtatiously inviting Mark’s sheer depravity only added sinful spice to the growing cloud of erotic indulgence for both she and her star crossed lover. No matter how sick his gentle musings she just gave herself over to the dark hellish dreamland that he had spent so much time building for her…

“Wellllllll… if you insist!” Mark gently kissed his way to enveloping Claire’s pulsing left nipple between his sweet wet lips gently suckling and nibbling her precious peak as she squealed and sighed in horrified Glee. He knew that this was more than she could have ever imagined. She knew that this concentrated bliss was completely alien to her… he knew that she was reeling in erotic helplessness beneath his strong intimidating form and he loved being her gentle guide down her sweet road to perfection… He was so tender… so kind… so selfless. He could feel every violent tremor of excitement coursing through her outstretched veins and every subconscious tug against her tight bonds just drive herself deeper and deeper into the helplessness that she craved so much. He let his right hand freely roam caressing and stroking her left breast and torso just to remind her that right now he could have any and all of her at his sick whim. He knew that’s what she needed… who was he to refuse her?

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHMMMMMMMMMM HUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUU MPMPMPMPMPM HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM AHHH HUUUUUUU HUUUUUU HUUUUUUU!” Claire’s breathing was shallow, her dark sleeping mask stained gingerly with delicate tears as her swirling emotions leaked past her tightly closed eyes and onto the soft material… She bit down hard on her tight leather gag trying to keep hold to some last shred of reality as the blinding white light began to envelope her quaking bare form into the final stage of Mark’s deviant little dream world… She could feel herself teetering on the razors edge… She could feel herself being taken away by Mark’s sweet lips… She could feel the dreadful stimulation of the powerful vibrator pummeling her lace covered wet pussy at every turn… She could feel her twisted lover so close to her… where he always needed to be. She felt utterly defenseless. She felt completely out of control. She felt as though her body belonged to someone else… the way that she so desperately needed… She could feel herself right at the precipice of her elusive release but there was still something… something missing… She knew that in mere moments her drenched stiff clit would take matters into its own self indulgent hands… but there was still something not quite right… it wasn’t… perfect….

“EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAHAAHHHHHHHHHHHAH HAHAHAHHAHAAHAHHEEEEEEEEEEEEHAHHHAHHAHAHAHA!” Claire’s entire body was being turned inside out by the torrid villainous tingles stirring between her wildly straining bare legs… Her entire chest caved in yielding to Mark’s deviant suckling… And yet, the feeling of his nimble fingertips lightly dancing in the exposed recess of her left hollow causing her to squirm so playfully in response to the invading sweet tickles was the final piece to her erotic puzzle. With Mark’s arm reaching around her, she sweetly rested her gyrating cheek right against his strong bicep. She completely gave herself over to the teasing light tickles feeling her peccant smile of sinful indulgence creeping across her sensual grimace. In the midst of her glorious sexual awakening… she was still there… with “HIM!” As her clit was licentiously rubbed to violent critical mass Claire found gentle comfort knowing that even in her most lewd display of lustful abandon Mark would always be there to Catch her. As shameful as this erotic display should have been she was still his innocent ticklish little girl, and somehow… just somehow… that made everything would be Okay!

UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMHMMMMMMPMMMMMMMMMHPPPPPHMHPMHPMPHMPH MHPHMPHMHPMHPMHPMHPHHPMHPMHPM HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPMPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP UUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUU HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUU AAAAA AAAA AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” At that moment, watching his long lost love crashing home with such reckless abandon, Mark knew that a lifetime of frustrated desire was well worth even a glimpse of Claire’s intimate perfection… She was so beautiful. Watching her finally engulfed in her sensual freedom Made his heart ache with romantic desire to be close to her, closer than he had ever imagined… He rested his cheek against hers feeling her nuzzle herself against his strong arm as tightly as possible needing his protection from the wake of the monstrous explosion. Wave after wave of insatiable jubilance coursed through her bound form making every delicious nerve ending quiver in unending excitement as her hips lewdly churned against the firm vibrating head while he only pressed if more and more firmly onto her aching wet clit forcing eruption after eruption from her glutinous lace covered loins…

“I’m here Claire… I’m right here. I will always be right here… Let it out… let it all out Sweetheart… I’ve got your!” Mark just held her so tight as he allowed her every ounce of pleasure that she so desperately craved and so richly deserved. His life’s great mission of eternally fulfilling his most precious treasure took its first positive step to completion in a long time as e comforted her in the midst of her nuclear explosion…

HUMMMMMMMMMMMMMM HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HU---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- UMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!” Claire’s earthy moans, wild fleshly grunts, and her wonderfully immodest pelvic churning was the perfect portrait of Mark’s affirmed omnipotence as his blushing beauty rode out the last few tremors of her massive tidal wave… For Claire, even more than the horrible tickle torture, the sinful vibrations, the suckling of her bare breasts or the merciless teasing… Feeling “HIM” there… close to hear comforting her breathing so shallowly sharing in her carnal delights is what truly pushed her carnal rapture to such delirious heights…

For all the games that we play, for all the teasing that we subject them to, for all the merciless torment we put them through there is nothing more fulfilling than watching your dearest love finally let you into that special place of their deepest pleasure. When they trust you enough… with their honest conscious indulgence even in the wake of their inescapable helplessness… That… is what makes you…

Mark Could feel Claire’s gentle tremors beginning to subside as her violent eruption finally came to an end… He could feel her entire body lightly quaking in the delicious tremors of her fading rapture as the glutinous smile of deviant indulgence consumed the rubber halter wedged between her teeth. Seeing her like this, olive skin decorated with the tight black blindfold across her eyes and the deep crimson ball shoved tightly in her mouth with the black leather strap tied just underneath her flowing mane was a picture of sheer brilliance only surpassed by her radiant afterglow from her glorious rhapsody….


Mark was dreadfully confused… he could hear Claire’s furious watery giggles as though he was tickling her… but his right hand was still petting her long black hair… Was she just lost in delirium over the intense pleasure of her climax? Mark was truly puzzled as her entire body began writhing in utter ticklish abandon as though his fingers were dancing in her ribcage. He could even feel her tugging violently against her bonds as the strands of her biceps flexed against his strong shoulders. He could tell that she was trying to say something… but he couldn’t make out what…

“What’s wrong Claire? What’s the matter with you? Are you okay? What…” Mark surveyed Claire’s bound form and realized that he was still pressing the massager to Claire’s dripping wet mound making sure that every available tremor of desire was extracted from her stiff moist clit. Maybe with the force of her climax her delicate womanhood was more sensitive… he wasn’t anatomy major or anything but he at least thought that made sense…

“HEHEHEHEHEEHEHEHAHHEHAHEAHAHEHA huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuuuuuu!” Mark let the massive vibe hover just inches away from Claire’s helpless pussy and he could see her entire body relax as she inhaled deep cleansing breaths in blushing relief…

Always remember, in life: the more sadistic you are… the luckier that you will always be… HEEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEEHEH!!!!!

Then he saw it… Mark had never had much use for the massive vibe aside from detailed fantasies of this very moment. He had never really examined it all that closely. How complicated could it be. Interestingly enough, he found that could be a very exciting answer. He looked down at the power switch and found none. There was no simple ON/OFF Switch… there was off, and then ‘LOW’ which he had it set on now… the next option… was ‘MEDIUM!’ Mark thumbed the dangerous controls and looked down on Claire’s gleaming angelic form with a smile born from the very pit of erotic hell contemplating all the dreadful possibilities…

Claire was blindfolded… he knew that but he swore that with his menacing gaze he could feel her stirring in discomfort… He could see her entire body becoming uneasy in the torturous silence and her lips beginning to quiver around her tight bridle. She was scared… he knew that. He could also see the delicate smile of anticipation growing across her sweet lips knowing that something terrible was looming over the horizon…

“Was that good Claire…? Did you enjoy that?” Mark set the trap knowing that there was only one answer she could give…

“---------Ummmmmmm hmmmmmmm heheheheh!” Claire’s mounting anxiety manifest in the form of nervous giggles as the feeling of horrible vulnerability only multiplied in the wake of her tremendous orgasm…

“Since I am in such a GENEROUS



“Mood Claire… I can’t think of any reason why we should stop after just one…”

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHNNONONONONONOMPMHPMHPMMNPMNPNP!” Claire’s entire body recoiled at the insane idea. She was far too sensitive right now for continued stimulation. She could feel the waves of cool air like tiny hands on her nipples and every strand of lace like a thousand feathers teasing her still dripping warm mound. That would destroy her… wouldn’t it?

“After all, you were so selfless sharing your desires with me… how else could I repay you? HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAAAAAAAAA” Mark brought the virulent vibe back to Claire’s helplessly drenched mound watching her gentle pelvis betray her entire bound form grinding desperately for the intense pleasure no matter how tortuous it was on its fellow companions…

after climax… The initial vibrations had been horribly destructive being so far out of her control, but this was like having her stiff pulsing nubbin roasted alive with overwhelming fiery pleasure. Her hips only cared about building to the next volcanic eruption no matter if she survived the Journey. Claire screwed her eyes even more tightly shut as she screamed so desperately into her tight leather gag. She knew that’s what he wanted… She knew that’s exactly what he FUCKING wanted but she couldn’t stop her loud tortured outcries in the midst of her sensual obliteration…

“You know Claire… I especially like the parts about how safe ‘HE’ made you feel…” Mark knew that at this moment of sheer intensity the worst thing that he could do to his bound love was force her endure his calm detachment... “Is he keeping you safe now? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH!”

“AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAMMAHPMAHPMAPHMAPHPAM HPMAPMHPAMHPMAPPAMHPAMPHMAPHM!” Claire could barely believe her ears… It wasn’t enough for him to have her. It wasn’t enough for him to torture her…. No, he had to mock her, to destroy her to own her. Why did she have to wait sooooo long for this glorious day to come?

“Can ‘HE’ come take this vibe away from me…? Can he SAVE you Claire?” Mark was absolutely pitiless. He focused his mind on the torturous orgasms marked on his scarred left wrist still wanting Claire to experience a taste, just a taste of what he had endured. What he had endured for her. He took stock in the most arbitrary parts of Claire’s ardent suffering. Her reveled at each vein protruding from her straining neck. He relished the sight of her slim fingers tightly gripping the stern satin rope that held her in place trying desperately to hold on for dear life. He loved watching her sexy twitching toes scrunch into tight little balls as the fiery tingles of burning pleasure coursed through her bare legs as she pulled violently against her bondage. Feasting on her carnal anguish only enraged his inner beast further thirsting for her utter destruction… over and over and over again.

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHMPMAPMAPMAPMPAMAPMA PMAPMPMAPMMPAPMAPMAMAMPAMAPMPAMAPMAPMAMAPMAPMAPMAPAMP MAPMMAPMAPM!” Claire tossed her head turbulently from side to side both in defiance and agreement. She was fully convinced that the wonderful pit of sheer helplessness that she had so frequently visited in her daydreams was deliciously devoid of a bottom. No matter how much Mark taunted her, despite believing that her sanity would certainly fracture with his next agonizing word Claire realized that there would always be another level of impure hopelessness that Mark could take her to only increasing her lewd carnal fervor.

The feeling of her hyper-sensitized clit being so furiously over stimulated was the most bedeviling sensation that she had ever encountered. On the one hand, the sheer pleasure was more intense and irresistible than anything that she could ever have imagined. She was sure that she was wall on her way to yet another fall from Mark’s tall cliff of erotic abandon. At the same time it tickled, dear god it tickled. To make matters worse, with her damp lace panties still fixed over her fleshly nub Claire felt the vibrations raking each delicate strand of fiber across the bare tip of her pulsing clit making her entire body shiver in utterly horrified delight forcing scream after scream of reckless abandon from deep within her tortured throat. With the intense inescapable pleasure, and the furious carnal tickling came an insatiable burning for a release that was far beyond her grasp. For her first climax, Claire had endured a slow build up to the summit of her fervent arousal. Now, past that glorious point of release she was being forced to hang in the unbearable stratosphere of over stimulated torment while her dripping wet puss suffered in furious limbo. She felt herself trying with all her might to find the ground again reaching with her tightly clenched toes trying desperately to get the tickly burning to come down enough to allow the climax already roaring in the back of her tortured loins to scream forth in her renewed orgiastic glee…

“No Claire… no one can save you… no one can help you. You’re mine. You’re all mine… You’re pleasure is mine. Your suffering is definitely min. Your laughter is mine. You’re SCREAMING… is mine. I love it when you scream for me Claire… Just like that…. HAHAHAHAHHAHAAAAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH!” As Claire was absolutely aghast at the levels of Mark’s dementia she had to be honest: he could be so romantic when he tried! “Awwwwwwwwwww… Is Claire’s poor little Clit too sensitive for the vibrator? Here. This should help you take your MIND off of it!” Mark descended his sharp torturous teeth to Claire’s right helpless bare nipple enveloping it past his sweet lips and devouring it with his deviant nibbling. She could feel her entire torso straining violently from the torturous pleasure as his sharp teeth had their way gently biting and stroking Claire’s hyper-sensitive peak furthering her erotic torment… The feeling of Mark’s right hand skittering and digging along Claire’s right side completed her inescapable agony mixing her sounds of carnal fleshly anguish with yet more and more blood curdling shrieks of forced cackling mirth.

“HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUAUUAUAAAHAAPHMAPHMAMHAMPAMHPMAPHMAPHAPMH MAAPMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMAPAMHPAMHPAMHAHAHAHAMHAP PAMHPMAPMHPMAMPAMPHMAPMHMPAH UUUUUUUUUU UUHHHUHUUHUHUHHUHUHU MMMMMMMMPKMPMAPAMPAMPAMPAMAPMAPMAPMPMAPMAPMAPAMPAMAPMPMAPM APMAPMAPAMPMAMAPMPM!” Claire could feel the anger beginning to rage deep inside of her. She wouldn’t let him have her. She wouldn’t let him win. She wouldn’t let him FUCKING win… She could handle it. She could take it. As torturous as the intense burning tickles were besetting her vulnerable lace covered clit Claire just arched her back thrusting her hips shamelessly into the torturous device with furious abandon. She was going to take it from him. She was going to take the sweet toy of her suffering away from him. She let every terrible sensation course through her outstretched veins as she became incensed with erotic despise for his sick sinister arrogance. She internalized the nibbling and suckling of her bare nipple using it to her advantage. She felt the horrid torturous tickles invading her right side and even though she could not help but squirm away from Mark’s teasing hand she used the merciless torment to steady herself for her violent thrusts of sheer hatred… She fought, dear God she fought. No matter what happened from that moment on she would take it. She would win. Right now the only thing filling her mind were the pictures of her erotic revenge. She wanted Mark to feel what this was like. She wanted to see him recoil in reckless abandon as she took his throbbing manhood between her sweet lips sucking and stroking mercilessly with her tight innocent mouth milking stream after stream of his essence through the very tip of his being forcing “HIM” to cum “HIS” brains out as penance for his torturous affections… In the midst of her fleeting moment of fictional glory one sobering thought beset her conscious mind: What was she saying?

MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPMMPMPMPMMP MPMPPPPMPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPMPMpmPMPUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMAPMAAPMAPM APMAPMAPMAPMPMAPMAPMPMAPMPMAPAMAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAMPAM APMAPMAPMAPMAPMAPMPAMAPMAPMAPMPAMAPMAPMAPAMPMAPAMPMPAMAPM PMPAMPMPMAAPMAPAMPAMAPMAPMAPMAPMPAMAAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!” Claire second orgasm hit with all the force of a steaming locomotive… She felt her entire body arching off of the bed with every muscle in her body screaming for the slightest shred of mercy from the unbearable waves of carnal lust ravaging every fiber of her being… Claire’s slender buttocks remained elevated off of the cool crisp comforter for the duration of her sweet climax as her legs strained horribly shoving her hot dripping clit as hard as possible into the torturous vibrator for her ultimate torture. Claire’s body needed every intense drop of torturous delight that Mark’s devious device had to offer despite her ardent conscious protests… She could feel the tears streaming down her angelic face staining her dark sleeping mask as all of her beleaguering emotions poured from her releasing eyes. As horrible as her insidious torment was, Claire now had to live with the intimate knowledge that the greatest focus of her mounting hatred for her dearest love was to force him into his own orgiastic rapture in her anger… Even in her greatest disgust for him Claire only ever wanted to give him pleasure. What could she say…. She is a pleaser. It’s who she is.

“That’s it Claire… cum for me… You earned it sweetheart… Cum for me!” Mark’s gentle comfort destroyed whatever mounting rage, however selfless, that Claire had built for him. She needed him. She needed him right there by her side holding her hand as she finally took the dark ride of the sensual rollercoaster that had frightened her since she was a tiny girl.

“HAAAAHAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHAAAAAMPMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMHUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!” It was okay… It was all okay. Everything in the world could be set right if only her loving commander said so. In the wake of his gentle command she felt the compelling desire to obey… she gritted her teeth enduring the searing waves of pleasure torching through her very being at Mark’s sinister hands. She rode every agonizing wave of bliss bravely for him receiving her glorious torment as a most precious gift from the man she had always longed to be near… She gave her sweetest suffering to him as a personal token of her eternal gratitude for his gentle validations…. She wallowed in the sea of her own perfection ratified by Mark’s gentle loving presence.

“That’s it Claire… Breathe for me sweetheart… We are almost done…” Mark lightly petted Claire’s long mane bringing her gently back to the world of the living.

“MMMMMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmhmmmmmmmHMHMHMH Hhhhhhmhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!” Claire could still feel little flares of carnal delight pulsating through her exhausted loins but finally at long last her breathing began to subside and the urgency of the merciless vibrations began to subside as her body slowly began to adjust… She rested her tired head on her quivering right bicep as the aftershocks of her earth shattering eruption began to fade away into the night air… Just as Claire felt her ample bottom return to the bed from its painful arch she was plagued by a simple question… “ALMOST?”




Mark found the high setting to be quite amusing. He didn’t even bother to remove the vibe from Claire’s helpless lace covered clit. He just flipped the switch while she was recovering (silly girl) from her last bout with breathtaking exhilaration. This time however, the new setting didn’t provide teasing tickles or burning urgency. From what Mark could tell, the sensations proved to be quite torturous. Before, Claire’s body subconsciously rubbed her dripping wet pussy shamelessly against his heartless mechanism with reckless abandon feasting on the carnal pleasure above her conscious protests. Now, he relished her innocent futility trying as best she could to bury her cute little bottom into the mattress itself in a desperate attempt to escape the dreadful new vibrations as the absolutely destroyed her sensitive raw clit…

Mark just leaned over pressing his full body weight across her tight stomach holding her helpless womanhood captive to his budding deviance.

So this is what insanity feels like?”

That was the only real question in Mark’s mind. Right now the only thing he was aware of in the entire world was how much glorious fun he was having pressing the vibe as firmly as he could against Claire’s trembling womanhood through her soaked lace panties while he listened attentively to her screams. He watched in glorious approval as her bare legs exercised their own futile sedition from her inhuman torment with every muscle in her toned lower body flexing and straining against her tight binds desperately trying to close her lewdly spread legs removing the horrid torment of her exposed essence. Mark’s wicked gleam of sociopath indulgence beamed from ear to ear reveling in the knowledge that Claire’s excruciatingly tender genitals were now his personal playground for the very heights of his immodest iniquity.

He could feel Claire’s terror. He knew that she was suffering beyond all measure. He could see her crimson tipped toes twitching back and forth as the horrible burning tingles between her bare legs must be radiating even to the tips of her bare toes. Cruelly, Mark rocked the torturous vibe on its highest setting back and forth across her aching womanhood just to make her toes dance in new unpredictable patters. He felt so free. It was like he was a child again playing with his precious new toy.

Mark was aware of her muffled tortured screams on some level, but consciously they did not register. He didn’t fully understand it yet, but they were being more efficiently consumed by the raging beast behind his eyes. They fueled the sadistic trance that had captured all of his senses causing his utter disregard for his bound beauties very sanity.

Mark felt every muscle of Claire’s pelvis battling desperately against his oppressive body weight to gain even an inch of leverage to spare her tortured essence a mere second of his merciless torment. As Mark’s eyes feasted greedily on Claire’s in disguisable wretched affliction he was certain that she would find no quarter in the wake of his sheer unmitigated pestilence…

Mark casually starred down at the twelve scares about his left wrist… Usually they were soar; a constant testament to his painful affliction by his Rosaline. Now, with his gorgeous Juliet bound so tightly beneath him suffering for his greatest pleasure they coursed not with bitter pain, but roaring forth with the unending pleasure that he had always imagined this sweet stitch in time would hold for him. Each long narrow stripe of his tattered flesh glowed with the radiance of his captured love filling his body with the fervent desire that he had tried to hide in the many months away from her…

Looking over his shoulder to see the object of his affection cowering in the lonely darkness of her intense suffering, Mark’s eyes lightly began to tear at the very sight of her unimaginable bravery. No matter what he had to endure, no matter what life’s challenges may have been she was always there by his side. Even now, in the wake of his jealous agonizing rage she would gladly lay aside her own sanity to make him whole as she agonized so sweetly trapped in his tight bridles. He felt a tiny twinge of shame that he had not made his own tender confessions sooner, but thanked the heavens that even in his folly he had not lost her… not to “HIM!” Mark knew beyond any doubt that no man in all of creation could take her so deeply into the realm of her own zealous dreams and he once again took the reins of her guidance…

“You make me so happy Claire… You always have….”

“HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAMAPAMPMHPMAHPMAPMHPAMHPMAHMAPHPAMHPAMHMA PPAMHPMAPHPAMHPMAPHPMAAPMHPMAPHMPHMPAHPMAHPAMHPMAHPMAPM MAPMHPMAPMHPAMPPMMAPHMAHPPMA!” Claire’s mind had been shattered into a million pieces at the last flick of Mark’s wicked switch but hearing his sweet endearing voice brought her crashing back to their deviant bedchamber. Why did she feel this way? Why did that one word make her heart soar even in the midst of her greatest despair? Why had she always longed to make him ‘happy’? Why did she love him so much? Why did writhing so desperately in her mounting anguish feel so right if only it brought him the slightest hint of enjoyment? Was that her calling: to serve the demented Monster holding her captive? Could she ever accept that? Could she ever resist it?

“Just one… Just one more Sweetheart… I just want to hear one more and then we are done okay… I want to hear you so happy for me. Just one more time. Let me please you Claire. Just lay back and let me please you.” Before, it was the deliciously seductive tickles that had helped Claire find room enough to climax, now the sweet caress of his hand lovingly against her tear soaked cheek brought an even greater stage for her release…

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!” Claire let go. As painful as it was as torturous as if felt she let all the pressure on her delicate pelvis go allowing the sensations to fully engulf her once again. She knew that it was unthinkable, but she didn’t care. “HE ASKED HER TO!” How could she ever refuse? Claire let the warming caress of his hand pressed against her blushing cheek and the horrid reality of his unending desire to please “HER!” bring the sweet innocent smile of delightful indulgence creep across her grimaced face once again letting the tidal wave of hellacious euphoria rack her slender form once again…. “MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM HUUU----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu AHHHHHHMPMHPMPMHPMHPMPMHPMHPMHPMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HUUUUUMMMMMMMMMM HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMM HUUUUUU----------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------MMMMMNNMNMNMN MNMNMNMNMNMNMNMMNMNMMMNMNNMNMNMNMN UUUUUUUMMMMM UMMMMMMMMMM UMMMMMMMMMMMMM hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!”

Claire wrestled her last torturous climax into submission with every furious thrust of her hips into the fiery edge of the virulent vibrations. She fought it… She fought it for him. She made it as gloriously unbearable for herself as possible because she knew that’s what she wanted. If he could give her every ounce of pleasure from her dizziest daydreams how could she not reciprocate? She didn’t spare herself a single wave of carnal pleasure… She shamelessly ground her full hips pushing her soaking wet pussy into Mark’s diabolical device making herself suffer in erotic torture for as long as she possibly could until finally the last tidal wave of lewd delight fell to the wayside… She was exhausted… spent. She had exerted all that she had to give. The only thing more shattering than her three catastrophic earthquakes was the gentle kiss of approval to her frontal lobe from her loving tormentor. Even though the stream of tears become synonymous with her flowing streams of sweet essence in the middle of her last climax, the brush of Mark’s sweet lips across her forehead brought the reality of her cleansing sobs to her conscious mind. She wasn’t sad… she feared she might never be sad again. She was overcome with joy and emotional release. She was finally his… finally home…


Mark finally clicked off the efficient vibrator letting Claire here every symbol of her victory… He unplugged it from the side of the bed wrapping the chord tightly around its base. He loudly slid open the drawer and placed it firmly down inside making sure that Claire could hear the implement of her greatest destruction. He slammed the door shut letting Claire breathe a desperate sigh of relief that at the moment her insidious torment had come to a pause.

“Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu heheheheeh hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!” Claire’s deviant little giggle was the final seal of approval that Mark needed after forcing her to endure two very torturous orgasms in succession. He could see the delighted smile creeping across her face as she playfully squirmed in her bondage relishing in the glorious aftermath of her most tragic violation. Right now Claire’s mind was beset with the question that would plague her for a great many hours even after she was released… “Where can I get one of those?” In even more immodest contemplation she was almost settled that she should forgo personal ownership forcing her to always ask her helpful neighbor for his assistance! After all, that would be so much more fun!

“Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm…” Mark just petted Claire’s gentle cheek while she beamed at him so cutely… She was so sweet, so innocent. He knew that the only thing she cared about in the whole world was making sure he was happy… Mark reached down cupping her bare torso in his strong arms holding her tighter than he ever had before as a subtle diamond tear streamed down his left cheek trickling against her warm face…

Claire was astonished. He missed her… He was still right there in the room with her and he missed her. Just a second without being so close to her was hell for him. She was absolutely horrified at the months they had spent apart. With his every tender caress she understood more and more the dreadful place that he must have gone to mutilate himself as a form of release. Claire could feel his tight embrace. He held her as so snuggly that she feared she might be robbed of her breath. Feeling his emotions stirring so wildly within him, feeling her cheeks stained with a salty tear that wasn’t hears and feeling him grip her tighter than her leather bridles it all made sense to her. He really didn’t want her to go. All the cuffs, all the rope, all the dominance, all the rage, even his tight embrace-he just didn’t want her to go. He wanted her. He needed her. He needed her right there next to him. The leather around her wrists and ankles, the tight ropes that he fantasized about wrapping her entire body in, and his current bear like embrace were just his way of trying to keep his lost love there with him, right next to him, right where she belonged. Realizing the source of his now very cute sinister malice only made it even more endearing past the obvious salacious arousal that it caused deep inside of her.

Claire also came to the wonderful realizations that she craved being so helplessly locked in his gentle web of desire for her own kind of safety. She had spent her entire life building walls around her vulnerable heart trying to avoid emotional pain wherever possible. Growing up in a male dominated home she could never allow herself even the slightest sign of weakness if she wanted to be accepted. She adored the feeling of being bound, helpless to get away from her dearest love because her tight bindings protected her from her own subconscious defense mechanisms to push him away out of fear. Bound so tightly to his imposing bed she was finally free to be the sweet innocent little girl who was always afraid to tell her best friend about the really big crush that she had on him. Even his sinister little tickles just let her be as silly as she needed to be in the wake of his soothing presence. What had once just been a kindergarten infatuation with the boy next door became an ardent eternal need for closeness as she rested her head gently on Mark’s strong shoulder as he held her so tightly against his very heart…

The worst feeling in the world is loneliness… The cowards are the ones who hurt because of it. Those are the ones who never really get it. Those are the ones who are never really in control of who they are. Those are the ones who do real damage. To be Perfect… To be what we were always supposed to be… That’s using pain… fear… hatred… passion to make sure that you and your helpless little playmate are never alone again…

It’s a tough job: marshalling your rage, knowing how angry the thought of loosing them makes you but still having enough control to be calculating. But trust me, in moments like that. With every fiber of your being finally at piece with it’s counterpart in the person you love… You only remember the good stuff.

They just laid there for a few minutes, each one just relishing the opportunity to exist so close to the other. Claire drifted off into her own little dream world so close to physical exhaustion. Mark just drank in Claire’s intoxicating perfume mixed with the enduring scent of her musky lust that still filled the night air. He bit gently at the base of his bottom lip almost breaking the soft skin. He had to know this was real. Mark leaned back finally letting Claire’s delicate head fall back to the pillow as he gazed on in glorious inspiration… She was an angel. She was his angel. He had waited so long to say that… It felt good. He reached down gently petting her bare cheek and his heart skipped a beat as she undulated to meet his warm palm caressing his fingertips with her delicate warm skin.

“Mmmmmmmmmmmmm So do you hate me? Hehe?” Mark’s eyes were still a little watery just being around his deepest love… He didn’t care. He had hid his true affections for far too long.

“Hehehehehehehh mmmmmmmmmmm MMmmmmmmmm hmmmmmmmmm!” Claire playfully nodded in mocking agreement. She couldn’t help but giggle as he was still as cute as ever even in his triumph…

“Good… otherwise I wouldn’t be doing my JOB!” Mark lightly skittered the free fingers of his right hand up Claire’s right side flirtatiously inviting her further transgression.

“HEHHEEEHEHEEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEhhhhehehemmmmm HEHEmmm *Scrunch*” Claire couldn’t help but be catty. Did she really have a choice?

“Oh really? Still haven’t learned your lesson huh?” Mark gently trickled both of his free hands down Claire’s slithering torso lightly stroking with his sharp fingernails…

“HHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHAHAHHAAH MMMMMMM MMMM HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAH!” Claire playfully tossed her head from side to side mocking her loving tormentor at every turn. After all this time of hiding… she was finally free to indulge in her most repressed desire: MARK.

“Okay…” Mark dug his nails furiously into Claire’s waiting ribs feeling her explode again in glorious ticklish agony bucking wildly off of the bed in horrid post orgasmic perception.

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHPMAHPMAPPAMHPMAHPMAPHMAPHPAMHPMAHPMAPMH PAMPHMAPMPAMHPMAHMAHPPM!” Claire was astonished that her poor swollen genitals were not the only destination overly sensitized from her earth shattering ordeal…

“Are you sorry?” Mark drummed his fingertips madly between her pulsing hollows as she screamed out in ticklish torment… He could tell that her new level of perception would prove quite interesting for what he had in store for those trapped bares soles of hers…

“YESSPMSPSMPMSPMSPSMPSMSPMSPSMPSMSPMSPMPSMPSMSPmSPM!” Claire was in no condition for prolonged torment, she just had to scratch her defiant itch in the face of her teasing lover. She gave in quickly horrified at the heightened level of her ticklishness.

“Are you surrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre?” Mark sang his latest note of ticklish triumph as he could feel Claire violently recoiling in her tight stringent bonds… She was so sweet, she was so teasing. Her delirious giggles were as musical as ever even after her orgasmic plight.

YESMSPMSPSMSPMSPMSPMSMP YESSPMSPMSPSMSPMSMSPMSPMPS AHHHHHHHHHHHAMAMAPMAPMAPAMAPMAPMAPMAPMAPAM” Claire couldn’t help but squeal in sheer helpless as the wet tingly tickles consumed her bare torso under Mark’s horribly adept onslaught. Her bare nipples once again pulsed to attention at her latest bout with forced hilarity much to her surprise. She had barely recovered from the last decent into ecstasy but her indulgent naked form apparently had ideas of its OWN!”

“Mmmmmmmmmmmmm That’s what I thought young lady…” Mark mused in Mock sternness relishing Claire’s blushing girlish giggles. “Now… Would you like some water?” Mark knew that Claire would need her strength to survive the horrible obstacles she had no idea were lying in front of her… He thought the least he could do was offer her an olive branch!

“HEHeeheheehehehehehe mmmm MMMMMM HMMMM MMMMM HMMMMM!” Claire nodded eagerly… Her throat was dreadfully parched and her entire being pulsed with ardent radiance. The cool piercing water would do her a world of good speeding her return from the ticklish underworld to the land of the living.

“Now… When I take off your gag… Not a word young lady. Is that understood?” Mark teasingly pointed at his bound love fully portraying the displeased headmaster administering his own unique brand of discipline.

“Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Hmmmmmmmmmm!” Claire moaned her answer thrilled by Mark’s verbal aggression. What was happening to her? Was that all it took? A menacing tone and calling her young lady? Why on heavens didn’t he figure this out sooner? All the same, she slithered seductively undulating her form bare breasts for his visual gratification as she earnestly promised to behave herself…

“I mean it Claire… you know what happens if you disobey me? RIGHT!” Mark’s deathly fingers returned to Claire’s heaving torso forcing even more flowing giggles to stream past her straining lips…

“HHAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH YESMPPSMSPMSM YESSOMSSPMSPMSPM YESPMMPMPMPMPMMPM HAHAHAHAHA hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!” Claire could not believe how impure her senses had become. Just a few stern words and light teasing tickles was all that it took to feel those delicious little tingles pulsing at the back of her drenched greasy loins. And with Mark’s every wicked act she only pranced about in her bonds more seductively inviting his torrid depravity… How could she be so shameless?

“Okay… remember what I said…” Mark gave Claire’s left underarm a gentle goosing as he reached around her head to loosen her gag. She lifted her head inviting him to remove the tight rubber bridle. Claire didn’t dare make a sound… She might only have once chance to give her strained jaw a respite…

I dare not respond incorrectly again. He never misses an opportunity to worsen my plight. I know that I am in enough trouble as it is (even for me).

Mark watched lovingly as Claire relinquished the tight rubber ball that had been the outlet of so much of her anguish. He delighted in seeing her full crimson lips united once again after she flexed her jaw relieving the horrid tension. He set the moist gag atop the table and looked down at his blushing beauty as she was still held in darkness by her blindfold.

“Still thirsty sweetheart?” Mark gently caressed Claire’s long flowing black hair smiling delicately relishing every inch of her beautiful tanned face…

“Hehe… Mmmmm hmmmmm!” Freed from her tight halter, Claire still kept her pledge of silence…

“That’s my girl… If you keep this up I might not have to put it back in… okay?” Mark could see Claire’s glowing approval as her entire face lit up with sincere hope… Mark picked up a bottle of water that he had taken from the refrigerator and quickly unscrewed the cap. He placed a drinking straw down into the plastic container not wanting to spill any of the liquid on his blushing captive. “Now… This isn’t as cold as it was a few minutes ago… but I am sure that it will still cool you down!”

Mark was right. He pressed the straw gently to Claire’s sweet full lips and she sipped furiously taking in as much cool liquid as she could… Claire could feel every gentle trickle of water landing delicately in her svelte tummy after trickling past her warm throat. Her entire body was searing hot in the wake of her volcanic eruptions and even the slightly below room temperature liquid had a pleasant icy chill compared to her soaring temperature.

“Come on now Claire… You have to remember to breathe.” Mark playfully withdrew the straw from Claire’s sipping lips giving her a chance to catch her breath…

“Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuuuuuuu mmmmmmmmmmmm huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuuuuuu hehehehheh hmmmmmmmmmmmm!” Claire just lightly tossed her hair elevating her head behind her dark blindfold waiting patiently for her next quenching sip.

“Awwwwwwww, do you want some more Claire?” Mark knew full well what the answer was. He just wanted to test her. He unscrewed the cap to his own bottle taking all 20 ounces to the head.

“Mmmmmmm hmmmmmmmmm!” Claire just nodded. Mark was impressed. She didn’t even do it insistently. She was the model of continence. Unfortunately for her, he was not.

“Oh all right…” Mark playfully poked the straw at Claire’s sweet full crimson lips… only to withdraw it when she tried to drink. “What’s wrong Claire? Can’t you get the straw?”

“Hmph *LUNGE* heheheh *LUNGE*” Claire was horribly frustrated but tragically engaged. Why did she enjoy his twisted little games so much? “Hehehehe *LUNGE* Heheheheheh hmmmmmmm!” The kitten look, Claire knew he could never resist that.

“Ohhhhhhh okay… here you go…!” Mark gently reinserted the long drinking straw into Claire’s waiting mouth while she sipped gingerly letting her exhausted body replenish with every cool molecule of liquid that passed through her sweet lips.

Claire just lay there drinking… She sipped almost obediently under the guide of her loving captor. Strangely, this fit. She liked being cared for. Looked after. It made her feel, well, LOVED. She felt like royalty…. She felt like a queen, trapped in the dungeon of the evil king and all his naughty little debaucheries. Her entire life was about independence. But even something as simple as a drink of water was so much sweeter when it was given to her out of honest affection. Claire actually finished her first bottle of water and needed a little out of another. Abduction, ticklish torment, and orgasmic torture have the nasty side effect of making a girl thirsty after all…

“All done sweetheart?” Mark’s tone was so loving. How could she every survive it? how could she ever survive without it?

“Mmmmmm hmmmmmmm!” Claire had had her fill… She felt as though her old body beset with exhaustion had been replaced with a new form made from the sweet cool liquid that she had just consumed. She was careful not to drink too much. She knew full well that the tight leather bindings adorning her supple limbs were still firmly attached and that letting her guard down walked hand in hand with her doom.

“You put up quite a fight young lady… God you’re strong. I’m surprised that my cuffs could hold you!” Mark gently caressed her supple cheek as she blushed furiously at his declaration…

“Heheheheheheheheheheheheh hmmmmmmmmmmmmm!” There were no words only giggles… She liked knowing that Mark thought she was strong. It made her loving submission to him so much easier on her strained psyche.

“I can only imagine how bad it was Claire… And look what you did to your gag!” Mark picked up the rubber halter that had been wedged between Claire’s pearly white teeth in his left hand examining each furious indentation…. “I knew my little kitten had claws, but apparently she has teeth as well, huh Claire?”

“Hehehehehehheheheeheh hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm MMMMM HMMMM hheheheheheeheheheheheheheheheheh!” Claire felt so embarrassed. She remembered how much comfort it was for her to bite down as hard as she could to try and gain some release of all the horrible tension that he was building inside of her… It was the only thing she had in the world to deal with the furious tickles, the merciless teasing, or the other worldly stimulation of the cruel vibrator and the earth shattering orgasms that they caused… She had no idea that there would be physical evidence of her ardent struggles for her sanity…

“Now…” Mark bent over whispering directly into Claire’s tingling ear… “*WHISPER-What do you think happens to naughty little girls who leave teeth marks on their ball gag?-WHISPER*” Mark let his strong hands rest on either of Claire’s bound sides as she squirmed in horrid discomfort. He wanted to feel every shred of nervous energy that he created inside of her…

“Hheheheheheehehehehehehhehe mmmmmmmmmmmm ummmm ummmm hehehehhe!” Claire was a giggling wreck. What was it about him? What was it about his teasing that ensnared her so? How was she being so thoroughly seduced just by his words? How could she be so silly? Claire felt Mark’s strong ands stroking her bare side slowly and she had a horrifying idea what was next…

“Come on Claire… what happens to naughty little girls who mark their gags?” Mark let the touch of his hands fall to a whisper as Claire churned desperately in her bindings trying to avoid his teasing caress.

“Heheheheheheheheheheehehehe mmmmmmmm hehhahehehehehahehahehaheheheh mmmmmmm heheheheeheheehehhehehe!” Claire tried desperately to keep her lips pressed together but the devilish imp dancing in the base of her tummy had other ideas…

“Come on Claire… You can tell me!” Mark danced his fingers freely and lightly into Claire’s exposed hollows forcing her to squirm so deliciously in her tight stringent bondage giggling sweetly as her beautiful full smile consumed her beautiful glowing face.

“HAHAHAHAAHAHHAHAAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHHAHAHAHAHHAHAH HHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHAH!” Claire could feel herself melting under Mark’s tormenting tickles. It felt so wonderful just to be so helpless in his arms. She felt like his ticklish little schoolgirl free for him to tease to caress her at his leisure. That just felt so RIGHT.

“I’m not going to stop until you say it… What happens to naughty girls Claire? I know you know!” Mark skittered his sharp fingernails along the sides of Claire’s pert bare breasts feeling her twist from side to side as her soft bare skin rubbed deliciously against his warm palms. He loved feeling his bound beauty squirming against him in ticklish abandon as he knew she was always meant to…

“AHHAHAHAAAHAAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH!” Claire couldn’t believe her plight… She knew how much he wanted it. She knew what that would do for him. She could only imagine the raging between his bare thighs… She just wanted to tease him a second longer…

I swear he gets off the most when he can get me to say it…

“I’m gonna get your ribs again if you don’t say it Claire!” Mark delicately kneaded her bare sides threatening to truly go in for the kill.

“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAH THE GET PUNISHEDHAHAHHAHAAH!” Claire could feel Mark’s entire body tremble in sinful triumph as she sang out his victory in her angelic voice.

“What, Claire?” Mark brought his teasing hands to rest lightly stroking and caressing either of Claire’s bare breasts between his strong warm palms…

“Hehehehhehe Mmmmmmmmmmmmm they get punished….” Claire gently whispered amidst her tingling coos.

I honestly feel as though if I say it in a low enough whisper that it will somehow be less true.

Only minutes removed from her glorious rhapsody she could feel that she was already geared up for another trip to furious ecstasy… Marks firm hands gently re-awakened all of her carnal desires as the lightly teased her bare breasts…

“What was that Claire…” Mark firmly squeezed her ample peaks massaging vigorously building her closer and closer to another wave of feverishness…

“MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM They Get PUNISHED MMMMMMMMMMMMM!” Claire could feel herself revving into over drive yet again and affirming her own much deserved correction only made her immodest gears shift faster….

“I’m sorry Claire I can’t hear you!” Mark had dreamed of this for so long… he wasn’t going to let it go that easily.

“MMMMMMMMMMMMMM HUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUU THEY GET PUNISHED MARK…. THEY GET PUNISHED MMMMMMMMMMM!” Claire closed her eyes gently behind her tight blindfold as her hips again began to stir. Even with no external pressure the cool damp lace of he sleek panties rubbed deliciously against her hyper sensitized clit. She could feel light tremors of pleasure coursing through her veins and she was aghast at her furious indulgence in Mark’s villainy.



It feels so good to finally give yourself to someone who takes your breath away Mark. I never thought that letting go this completely could ever feel this good.

“Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!” Mark could take it no more. Claire’s utter shameless enthusiasm for his sick little game was making him absolutely dizzy. He climbed atop her on the mattress straddling her ample churning thighs leaning in closely kissing and nibbling the side of her neck right below his ear… Now he took each pulsing turgid nipple between his nimble fingers pinching and tweaking his bound sweetheart into a glorious frenzy… “What was that…”

“OOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHOHOHHOHOHOHHMMMMMMMMMMM HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU EWWWWWWWWW HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!” Claire arched her back painfully into her demented lover. She could feel the delicious pressure of his body weight just at the tip of her drenched thirsting clit when she lewdly thrust her hips firmly into his strong legs. She loved the feel of his crisp shirt rubbing electrically against her depraved bare skin registering every stitch between her sizzling bare legs carnally indulging in the crisp texture. Every pinch of her bare stiff nipples made her shudder in delicious arousal and Claire could already feel a fourth journey to paradise bubbling in the bottom of her quivering tummy. But this time, with no gag to bridle her sweet lips she was free to kiss and nibble her loving captor encouraging his every act of sheer unthinkable depravity. She tugged with her sharp teeth at the base of Mark’s earlobe feeling his entire body quiver in desperate approval. She became dreadfully conscious of his painful erection pressed into her undulating pelvis and she corruptly churned her hips stroking as much as her bonds would allow to make him pulse with insatiable desire for his own sweet release. She let her warm breath strike home right in his deviant eardrums as she casually reminded him of her proclamation… “Mmmmmm heheheh hmmmmmmm*WHISPER-I saaaaaaaaaaaaaid they get punished Mark! I said they get FUCKING punished-WHISPER*hmmmmmmmmmmm huuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm” Claire received her own powerful thrill feeling Mark’s entire body throb with delicious arousal as she whispered his own naughty little fantasies into his ear dripping with seductive intent. She even felt the tip of his intruding erection pulse under his fluid pants and she relished the wonderful effect that she had on him. It made her feel strong, it made her feel beautiful, it made her feel needed. She listened intently as his breathing became horridly ragged as she continued her furious nibbling of his ear lobe…

“Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuuuuuu!” Mark just took in deep cleansing breaths. In all of his late night fantasies he could never encapsulate the seductive innocence of his bound beauty. She was so giving, so genuine. In the midst of her greatest torment she gave of herself for his sick enjoyment. She was more than he ever imagined. She still had so much confidence, so much defiance, such sass… Mark knew that drinking slowly from her playful flirtatious well would be the ultimate communion for his blossoming carnal dominance. “That’s right Claire… They get punished…” Mark gently withdrew himself from Claire’s neck sitting up straddling her full waist staring down at her with a lovers gaze. He could see her licking her lips with desire. He could see her arching her back… slithering seductively presenting herself to him. He could see her beautiful dimples. He could see that beautiful smile that he craved so much… “You are absolutely right Claire... they get punished. And you said it so… ‘eloquently’!” Mark gently pressed his firm erection to the base of Claire’s trembling tummy just so she fully caught his drift….

“MMMMMMMMMMMMMHMHMMHMHMHMHM HMMMMMMMMMMMMMM HHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HMMMMMMMMMMMMM!” It felt so validating to know that she could arouse the gentle beast so. She had spent her whole life afraid that she could not hold Mark’s attention. She never felt pretty enough. She never felt as though she could compete with all the other girls pawing at him. Feeling him there completely enthralled by her every action washed the lifetime of sorrow slowly away… Claire couldn’t help but slam her full quivering bottom shamelessly into the mattress again and again as she rubbed herself suggestively against her loving captor inviting the ability to return the favor of delivering her rapturous bliss.

“Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut… I didn’t exactly give you permission to speak…” Mark drank in every inch of Claire’s horrified expression. “Now did I?”

“Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu OHHHH MPMAPMAPMPMAPMAMPAAPM!” Claire had not even felt him pick up the leather halter and she was horrified to feel it shoed back between her pearly teeth the first time that she opened her mouth in anguished disbelief. She could feel Mark’s demon possessed face just inches from hers, she knew that he wanted to watch every inch of her frustration in the front row… Try as she might, she couldn’t prevent him from buckling the tight strap around the back of her flailing head just a little tighter than last time for good measure. She could feel his heavy breathing against her warm skin and her furious rage began to build again deep inside of her.

“I told you what would happen if you spoke out of turn Claire!” Mark just dug all ten of his fingers mercilessly into Claire’s exposed ribcage feeling her sopping wet lace covered mound bouncing into the base of his thighs magically she bucked wildly consumed by the insidious tickles.

“AHAHHAHHAHAHAHHHAHAAHHAHAHAHHHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHHAHA HAHHAHAHHAHAAMHMAPMHPAMHPMAPPAMPHPAMHPMAPHPAMHPMAPHPAMHP MAPPAMHPAMHPMAPHPAMHPMAPMAHPMAPMHAPHMHPMHPMHPMPMHPMHPHMP HMHPMHPPPHMHPMHPMHPMPM!” Claire was still in shock as the furious tickling began. She couldn’t believe that the gag had been so sneakily reinserted (or that those pesky little teeth marks actually lined up quite efficiently. She could hardly believe she was once again thrashing in horrified ticklish abandon but that reality was much too hard to ignore. The fiery tickles were electric in her fervently aroused state and she knew she this was only the beginning. Somehow… that comforted her to no end. She would never again have to worry about going unsatisfied in her deviance…

“I don’t think I would have done that if I were you… HAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAHAH!” Claire had given him what he wanted… what he needed. And he only repaid her with callous unending torment. Mark tried to feel bad about that… but the furious raging excitement pulsing between his strong legs was not open to dissenting opinions at the moment.

“HAHAHAAMHPAMPAMHPMAPMHAPMPMPMAPMAPMHPMAPHPAMHPAMPHMAPMH PAMHPMAPMHPMPAMHPMAPHPMAPHMAPMHPMAPHAPMHPMAPAMHPMAPMHAP MHPMAPHPAMPPAMAPMHPMAPHAPMHPMA!” Claire was absolutely beside herself. She lunged and thrust herself at him with every ounce of strength she could muster. She detested the fact that her violent bucking and arching against the merciless tickles only served to rub her gleefully aroused clit against his strong legs pushing her closer and closer to ecstasy. The only thing in the world that she hated more than being forced to rapture in the midst of her sinful torment was the knowledge that unfortunately she could never spend every waking hour locked in this blissful hell trapped to Mark’s merciless fingers. “Huuuuuuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!” Claire finally felt the merciless tickling subside as she once again began her furious struggle to keep her lungs filled with precious air.

“First teeth marks, now naughty little lips. Tisk tisk tisk young lady. My my my, you do have a lot to answer for don’t you?” Mark leaned in again kissing Claire’s gentle neck rubbing her deliciously bare breasts lewdly tweaking her pink tips sporadically forcing her to coo horrified approval into his waiting ears as he lovingly nuzzled her nape…

“MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUHUUUU!!!” Claire was absolutely dizzy. First the forced abduction, then the tickle torture, the foot worship, the feathers, the teasing, the orgasms, now back to his cruel lips and teeth… all topped off by the glorious promise of more delicious discipline and his strong hands fondling her tingling bare breasts…. She could barely think as her earthy moans consumed her entire being. She couldn’t control her indulgent hips as they searched for as much pressure against her smoldering clit as humanly possible… Least he didn’t…

“I think that you are going to have to be thoroughly punished young lady!” Mark gently kissed and nibbled her tingling ear feeling her melt deeper and deeper into his dominance….

“OOHHHHHHHHHHHOOHMMMMMMMMMMMMMM HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMH HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!” Why did he have to say it? Why did he have to say it only once? His teasing fingers the gentle teasing kisses and the delicious promise that she was going to be punished like the naughty little girl he always turned her into was just too much. Claire thought that she might just loose it right there with him pressed on top of her…

“I am going to have to punish my naughty little girl until she learns to obey me… Aren’t I Claire?” Mark pinched and tweaked Claire’s peaks just enough to keep her on the razors edge of complete recklessness.

“MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM HUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUU MMMMMM HMMMMMMMM OOOHOHOHOHOH OHOHOHOH MMMMMMMMMMMMM HUUUUU HUUUUU!” Claire’s fervent nodding did nothing to quiet the raging fire between her sweltering thighs from the endearing care, the merciless teasing, the light feathery tickles, and Mark’s suggestive massage.

“Mmmmmmmmm That’s what I thought sweetheart. And you know…!” Mark reached over opening the drawer once again making sure that Claire knew her plight was about to get much… much worse. “I have just the thing to make sure I get your full attention…”



Mark gently stroked the delicate plastic brush through Claire’s long flowing hair. He could feel every nerve in her entire body freeze in abject mortal terror as the gooseflesh adorning her supple skin came screaming back to life. Feeling Claire’s human dread in the palm of his hands Mark returned to the icy calm that he knew scarred her so much.

“What’s wrong Claire? Don’t you like my hairbrush?” Mark just reached below the flowing strands of hair atop her left shoulder holding them in his left hand while he casually brushed with the devious tool in his right. He could see that she was petrified. She could barely breathe let alone respond. The fear must have been enormous but her silence just wouldn’t do… “ANSWER ME CLAIRE…. Don’t you like my hairbrush?” After his stern outburst, Mark returned to his icy stoicism….

“Huuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!” Claire was still too afraid to speak. The ramifications were too terrible to contemplate. She just lightly shook her head from side to side making sure not to seem too forward. She was answering not demanding, and she knew full well to remember that in the wake of the terrifying brush.

“Oh… well that’s all you had to say Claire…” Mark paused his brushing midstream. “You know that I just want to make you happy. If you don’t like that hairbrush then I will just put it down!” Mark placed the back of the brush right between Claire’s full breasts leaving it to remain as a roadmap of her alluring cleavage.

“PHHHHHHHHHHHEEEWWWWWWWWWMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!” Claire let out a deep sigh of relief. It was still there… She couldn’t deny that. She could feel the plastic against her warm bear skin. But it wasn’t in “HIS” hands. As long as those prickly bristles weren’t in “HIS” hands then she might be able to make it... “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!”


Claire stirred gently in her tight bondage to make sure that the plastic brush was still resting between her full breasts. She could feel the ridges of the handle and head rubbing against her bare skin and the sides of her ample peaks. It was still there… But if it was still there, then what was Mark using to stroke her silky mane?

“Oh what’s wrong sweetie? You don’t like this one either?” Claire was terrified to feel the round spherical tips coursing through her long dark locks. She was petrified as she felt the next plastic brush placed next to its brother between her tingling peaks.

“Huuuuuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!” This time there was no sigh of relief. There was only horrible anxiety. Claire couldn’t believe that despite her anxious dread her prurient aching clit was using this as an excuse to redouble her carnal urgency. Her worst nightmare manifesting itself on her supple flesh wasn’t enough for him. Apparently he had to double her greatest fear right in front of her eyes just for his own sick pleasure…


No… It couldn’t be. She had to be going crazy. There couldn’t be another one! Mark had to just be rubbing her long silky hair with his hand to tease her. He wasn’t that insane… was he?

“Ohhhh Come on Claire. I picked this one out just for you. The other ones have so few bristles. This one has millions of pointy stiff ones. I now that you are going to love it!” Mark could feel Claire’s entire body shifting lightly in dreadful discomfort… He wanted every syllable to convey the full weight of her worst ticklish nightmare that he was about to resurrect in furious abundance just for her horrified consumption.

“MMMMMMMMMMMMMM HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM HMMMMMMM!” As terrified as she was, the increasing danger of her bound bare soles only made her sweltering loins and erect bare nipples pulse with furious arousal awaiting her sanities end. Feeling the third brush placed right below the other two at the top of hr quivering tummy was the final seal of doom for her bound writhing soles. She cringed her twitching toes as the imaginary scraping tingles already began their assault on her quivering bare flesh and she had not even been touched yet. She could feel the horrible electric shocks of ticklishness creeping up the backs of her bare legs and the brushes were still lying harmlessly on her bare torso. How did she get herself into this? Through the course of this evenings torment Claire had come to believe that maybe it was a blessing in disguise that she met her “MASTER” and was forced to share her deepest feelings with the man she had always adored. But with the three diabolical tickle tools lined up across her bare form she couldn’t help but wonder if MAYBE she should have left this part out of her whispered confessions…

I don’t know why I confessed it. I even volunteered it.

She knew that the startling reality of her terrifying desires would be a horrible weapon against her in her inescapable vulnerability.

…I actually wanted to know what it would feel like….

I delicately bit my bottom lip in curious anticipation. I was so nervous that I knew I had to get this over with quickly, so I pressed both of my exposed feet together at the insteps so that I could feel the ominous brush slowly rake over both of my tender soles at the same time. I just placed the brush carefully at the base of both my heels. I just sat there gathering courage for a few fleeting seconds and started the trek of the horrible hairbrush up the lengths of my naked pink wrinkly soles. Just one pass forced me to jerk back my own feet and shriek in ticklish abandon.

I couldn’t believe how receptive the nerves on my delicate foot bottoms were to something that I did to myself, let alone how horribly it tickled. Just looking at the brush I gained such a reverence for the absolute terrors that it could visit upon me if it was ever in the wrong/right hands.

Even in the face of the shocking reality, for the next ten minutes I repeated the ritual of gaining courage to spontaneously torture myself with the dreadful sensations until I could finally take it no more. I had to sneak off into my bathroom to relieve all the decadent tension that my self inflicted agony had caused.

Since then the very sight of a hairbrush has become the symbol of my deepest erotic terror and he knows it.

All that I can do is writhe here between my sheets as he takes me home. I know that it will be terrible. I know that the atrocious fiery tickles on the bottoms of my feet will be too much for me to take. I know I will laugh. I know that I will scream, scream desperately for mercy. I know that it will be the worst kind of abject torture that I have ever had to endure… but I want more. I still want to hear more. His every heartless word of my impending ticklish doom takes me closer to that place of lustful rapture.

He is always right there before me driving me closer and closer to my virtual ticklish insanity with his every menacing word. He ever so softly whispers right into me forever besetting me with the bestial articulation of the ferociously quickening torturous tickles. He lets me know that even though he can sense that I am on the verge of my utter destruction that he will only rack my horrendously agonized senses even further as I come into the painful realization of the glorious pleasures behind the curtain of his all consuming malice.

“Which one do you think will tickle the most Claire?” Mark could see the shift in Claire’s demeanor. Behind the beaming glow of her earth shattering rhapsody he looked on feverishly as subtle trickles of genuine mortal dread afflicted even the tiniest patches of Claire’s beautiful bare nerves. Mark knew what had to be done. He was going to lead her slowly bound on the back of his wicked carriage through the treacherous forest of her most desirous carnal nightmares. She couldn’t be allowed to relax… even for a second. He waited his entire life for this opportunity. He dare not disappoint her. “Huh… Come on Claire…” Mark slowly resumed his place atop his lightly squirming captive as her musical coos of rising helplessness once again began to fill the night air….

“Mmmmmmmmmpmpmpmphmphmhpmhphhhhpmhhphmphmhpmhphmhpm!” Claire wrenched her hazel eyes tightly shut behind her tight blindfold as she cringed her angelic form in excited discomfort over her worsening plight. She twisted her head back and forth in painful disbelief that her most terrifying fantasy was about to come screaming into life born of the hyper-ticklish bare nerve endings adorning her bound soles….

“Do you think it will be the one with the long stiff plastic bristles Claire… I bet that is going to tickle soooooooooooooooooooooooooo bad! Just imagine Claire! I’m going to bend those cute little toes back stretching your helpless little sole out nice and tight. What do you think it is going to feel like when I slowly… torturously drag all of those sharp stiff points across the bottoms of those pretty little feet Claire? Is it going to tickle?” Mark arched his left eyebrow in mischievous delight accentuating his maddening inquiry with a gentle flutter of ten nimble fingertips across Claire’s trembling bare tummy sending delicious ticklish chills trickling across her bare torso producing the seductive slithers that Mark had dreamed of for so long….

“Hheheheehehemmmmmmmm Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu pmpmpmpehehheehehehehe!” Mark’s descriptions were absolutely dreadful… For Claire, that alone would be enough, but the sweet teasing tickles of her bare helpless tummy were just the icing on the erotic cake of helplessness being shamefully devoured by her gluttonous moist clit and pulsing stiff nipples. As sick as it was, as truly terrified her conscious mind had become with the immodest placement of the three impassioned incubi across her bare torso Claire could feel her horribly indulgent lace covered pussy becoming soaking wet with every gentle reminder of Mark’s true sadism.

“What about all those little round knobs Claire? What do you think it will feel like when they are all Massaging your taught bare soles in concert? Can you feel the tiny little balls rubbing mercilessly across every little wrinkle, every little crevice while I hold your pretty little feet still Claire? Does it tickle… Come on Claire, does it tickle? Hehehe!” Mark could feel himself drifting off into the wonderful sadistic trance that he had come to love so much. Claire’s fevered whimpers of fearful discomfort were almost lyrical as symphonic seals of approval for his blossoming preeminent depravity.

“Huuuuuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuuuuu heheehehhe mmmmmmmmmmm hehehehhemmmmmmmmmmmmm huuuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuuuu!” Claire was literally becoming lost in Mark’s ruthless taunts… The sugary flutters of his nimble fingertips over her helpless bare skin were absolutely intoxicating. Claire couldn’t hide horrified beam of fervent indulgence creeping across her turning lips as Mark’s strong hand’s played their own cruel song of seduction across her bare quivering tummy…

“And I don’t even know if you want to think about the naughty little bristles of the third. It’s almost like a scrub brush. I mean I can count the little tips of the other two, but that one must have MILLIONS CLAIRE… *KISS* millions… hehehmmmmm… *KISS*” Mark’s gentle whispers and the gentle kiss of his teasing lips against her bare cheek sent Claire into a writhing frenzy. He was so tender in his cruelty and so tormenting in his kindness. She hoped that the tight rubber bridle would help conceal the deviant grin of iniquitous delight consuming her blushing cheeks. Why was she behaving like this? Why did this feel soooooooooooooo Good? “Sooooooo… Which one do you think will tickle… the worst Claire?... *KISS*” Mark gently kneading Claire’s helpless bare sides as she wiggled helplessly in aroused ticklish abandon…

“Mmmmmmmmmm AHAHHAAHA Mmmmmmmmm Huuuuuuuuu huuuuuuu HAHAAHAHAAA Mmmmmmm mmmmmmm HAHAHAHAH aaaaaa hehe hmmmmmmmmm!” Mark’s teasing capricious tickles of her horribly exposed midsection were terribly inviting. Claire could feel her shallow breathing becoming even more ragged with each passing second. She was truly astonished that after the three peaks of her very existence that she was already standing ready at the door or rapturous bliss so soon. Mark’s imposing body weight pressing so lewdly against her trapped pelvis only gave her lewd hips more incentive to churn shamefully seeking his delicious pressure… The fear was there… it was roaring in the front of her mind with the intensity of a thousand tormenting orchestras, but somehow that only made the continued seduction of her naked form more intense!

“Come on now Claire… Don’t be SHY… I am going to find out in a couple of seconds ANYWAY! *KISS* Come on Claire… Which one? Which HAIRBUSH is going to make my ticklish little kitten MEOW the loudessssssssssst? Hmmmmmm?” Mark could feel Claire’s growing trepidation hopelessly intertwined with her raging arousal. He could feel her entire body trembling in terrible delight and her racked mind reeling in euphoric terror. In all these years of pinning for his dearest love he had never understood her desire for this unique dualism but now with his own peccant desires lewdly on display it was surprisingly becoming second nature…

“HAHAHAAHHAHHHHAHA huuuuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuu AHAHAAHHAHAH MMMMMMMMMMMMM mmmmmmmmmm HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH MPPMPMPM PMPMPMPMPMPMPMPMPHMHPMHPM HAHAHAHAHAHAH!” Mark’s impassioned kisses would send Claire’s coasting on a cloud of bliss to the highest peaks of heaven only to be torn down as his wicked fingers once again found their way to Claire’s helpless bare hollows. The electric sporadic scraping of his sharp fingernails in her helpless recesses sent spontaneous electric jolts of intense ticklish despair coursing through her entire bound form with her violently pulsing stiff nubbin serving as the main circuit breaker. She tried to tell him how sick he was for posing such a wicked question but not surprisingly her desperate verbal assails only amounted to raucous murmurs behind her tight crimson halter.

“Awwwwwww… So you’re not going to tell me?... *KISS*” Mark could feel Claire yielding to him once again with her warm bare cheek and sensitive flowing neck searching out the seductive worship of his delicious lips… He knew that it was terribly vexing for her to receive her greatest comfort from the author of her greatest torment. He wanted her decent into the vortex of erotic anguish to be fully complete and the transformation of his innocent little princess into his long awaited indulgent queen to be beyond any conceivable repair.

“Hehehehehehehheehee mmmmmmmmm HAAHAHAHAAHAA mmmmmmmm huuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuu HHAHAHAHAHA heheheheheheh HAHAHAHAHAH!” Even in the absence of Mark’s teasing fingers Claire couldn’t control the flow of girlish giggles marveling in the wake of Mark’s domineering presence. He was so wicked… he was so teasing… he was so merciless… he was so kind. She found a gentle peace in his overwhelming clutches and strangely, as her darkest hellacious fantasies lay on the horizon, she was being provocatively disarmed into the flirtatious little school girl that she had always tried to bubble up whenever she was around “HIM.”

“Suit yourself Claire… *KISS*” Mark took one last gentle taste of Claire’s warm bare skin before leaning back starring down at his beautiful best friend. “That’s quite all right… We have WAYS of making you talk…” Mark lightly traced his sharp teasing fingertips along Claire’s heaving ribcage letting his demonic intentions be known. He could see Claire fighting to hold back the glorious look of thirsting anticipation and horribly failing in that endeavor… He leaned in gently for one last whisper into her tingling ear before embarking on his naughty little interrogation. “Young Laddddddddy!”

(((((SHIT))))) Claire thought to herself hearing those musical syllables cascading through her reprobate mind. He knows… He knows. Another little secret of innocent little Claire’s sensual triggers fell into the column of her loving tormentor and she could not help but swoon in approval. Even though it was pointed and intentional just hearing that formal disciplinary address sent glorious chills of impending punishment and correction as Claire’s living breathing late night fantasy played on right in front of her eyes sinfully devoid of her comforting blanket of pleasure. She couldn’t see him behind her dark imposing night mask, but Claire searched for where Mark’s eyes might be. She wanted him to see every ounce of her alluring defiance in the wake of his sick little game. If he wanted to toy with her erotic needs as his own personal possession she wanted him to be fully aware that two can play that game…

I have a word for you…

Playback: The engaged flirtatious participation and feedback of your victim… *AHEM* playmate… I meant to say PLAYMATE HAHAHAHAHA

For me… It was always the playback that I dreamed of-the back and forth teasing and taunting driving you to even higher levels of sheer depravity. It makes you so feverish. You spend so much time coming up with these sick little plans to tease and torture the object of your greatest affections and now you get to watch in awe as they help you pen the next chapter of their helpless destruction through their own seductive pride… You can imagine what it will be like when you have that person powerless in the bonds of your lascivious spell but to actually see them struggling for sanity in the erotic fog that you have created for them having almost no control over their own actions is a vision the likes of which I can barely articulate.

“Tell Me Claire!” Mark let his devilish fingers find their way into every crevice of Claire’s helpless ribcage as she began her violent dance with forced mirthful anguish… He could see that she was trying desperately to remain as still as possible amidst his horrid tickles, but today would most certainly not be her day. “You better Tell me YOUNG LADDDDDDDDDY! You’re only making this harder on those helpless little soles of yours Claire. I guess that I will just have to spend a few hours finding out exactly which one tickles the worst since you won’t just TELL ME! HAHAHAAHAHAHAHHAAHAAHAHAH” Why is it that the things in life that are objectively fair and the things in life that are inordinately fun rarely coexist in the same instance?

“HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAH NNNNNNNNNN AHAHAHAAHAHAHAHPAMPHMAPMHAPMHMAPHAMHPAHAHAHAHAHAHAHMAPMP AMHPMAAMPHAHA NNNNNNNNNNN HUUUUUUU HUUUUUU HAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!” Claire gritted her teeth tightly into her gag trying to hold back every peal of girlish laughter still in her power. She clenched every muscle in her bound writhing ticklish ribcage as tightly as she could. She would marshal the insidious tickles as much as she humanly could. She had to. She knew that the attempt itself was futile but with her sick sadistic lover straddling atop her writhing pelvis every lewd churn of her own lively hips allowed her a gentle glimpse into the pulsing desire that her endless vain rebellion caused between his pulsing loans. She could sense his absolute adoration for conquering his bound beauty and she was going to make it as interesting for the two of them as her tattered psyche would allow…

“I guess it really doesn’t matter… I mean I am going to pitilessly rake all three of them up and down your ticklish squirming little soles until you are a writhing screaming Wreck Claire…. But it’s the PRINCIPLE OF THE THING!” Mark violently switched between Claire’s writhing ticklish ribs, her straining helpless hollows and kneading her twitching hips as they slammed shamelessly into his strong legs holding her in place so tightly.

ABAHAHBHAHHAHBHHABHHAHHBAHBHAHBHAHBHAHBHAHBHAHAHHBHAHBHAH BHAHBHAHBHAHBAHBHAHH AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHABAHBHAHBHABHAHBHAHBHAHBHBHAHHBABHBAHHAHBH HBHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHAHAHAHAHHHAHAAHHAHHAHAH AHAAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHA” Claire’s last stand was not a long one… Just as the first shreds of confidence began creeping back into her conscious mind, Mark proved once again that he and he alone decided when his bound ticklish beauty would loose control. Why did she like that so much? Claire tried to sit still. She tried to take it. She thought that at least if she didn’t consciously struggle that it would have been some form of victory, but the rainbow of different horrifying tingles was too much. She could feel Mark’s eight lighten on her trapped pelvis leaning forward in torturous zeal skittering his wiggling fingers along the expanse of her bare heaving torso. Claire could take no more. She twisted violently in her bonds trying hopelessly… desperately to alleviate the intoxicating tickles. She could feel her entire body pulsing in time with every new rush of blood between her sweltering thighs. Her entire lower body began to tingle with the irresistible fire of her steaming moist clit. Just the thought of being tickled this mercilessly always fueled Claire’s deepest carnal desires but this was different… She had never felt anything like this before. She could tell that after her introduction to ticklish raptures she was definitely through the looking glass. It felt as though her entire body was trying to turn inside out and her conscious mind was putting up very little protest. Claire felt the three deviant devices gentle slide from her undulating form and Mark’s deviant sadistic laughter filled the night air as the torturous tickles finally came to a pause.

“Shhhhhhhhhhh… Calm down sweetie. Hahaha. I was only teasing… *KISS*” Mark stroked Claire’s exposed bare flanks lovingly as he settled her to her back from her contorted position in her bonds. “Did you really think that I was going to torture you with a hairbrush… let alone three on our first night together? I know how bad that is Claire. Did you really think I would jump right in like that? Silly girl… Hhaha… *KISS*” Mark just giggled to himself at Claire’s playful gullibility. What did she think he was? A Monster?

“Hhehehehehe MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!” Claire sighed gently in relief. He was so kind… so merciful. He was becoming more and more her gentle guide down the road of her deepest fantasies. With every step that she was ready to take he would take her by the hand… like a true gentleman.

“At least I wasn’t going to… but then you dropped them so RUDELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLY AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Mark’s hands quickly returned to Claire’s undulating form with renewed malicious hunger for her utter ticklish agony. Right now Mark wanted screams. He wanted her to FUCKING scream… He wanted to hear her honest sheer terror as he embarked on her utter destruction. After years of pinning, he knew he had earned it!

“HAHAHHHHAHAHAHHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHHAHHAAHAHHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAH AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAAMAAPMHPAMHPMAPPAMHPMAPHPAMHP MAAPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMPMMAPAMPMPAMAMPAMAPMPAAP MA---------------------------------------------------- HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU AHAPMHPAMPMAPMHPAMPHAPMHPMAPHPAMHPMAPMHPMPHMAPMPAPMHPMA PHMPAMHPMAPHPAMPHMPAMHPMAPHKAPHPMAHPMAPHMAPM!” Claire was shocked in utter disbelief. To dangle a reprieve right in front of her so callously only to reveal another sick plot to torture her psyche. How could she think of him as a LOVING GUIDE? He was just some sadistic incubus feasting on her carnal fear and earthly indulgence fueling his own sinister desires for her perpetual ticklish agony. He was using the things that he knew to diabolically extrapolate his sick little plan to tie tease and tickle every millimeter of her bare form producing the furious cries for mercy that she knew he needed so much. He was heartlessly going to torture her with her own desires to his hearts content with little regard for her sanity or survival. And if Claire’s impure indulgent smile, aching stiff nipples and searing wet clit were any indication she wouldn’t have it Any Other WAY

“Now I think that we might just have to Accelerate… your ticklish awakening just a littttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttle bit Sweetheart. That’s what happens to naughty little girls who don’t hold on to the presents that they receive Claire! It’s just like you said. They get FUCKING punished…. AHHAHHAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAHAAHHAAHAH!” Mark’s growing flirtation with utter dementia began to startle even him and he could see that it was having a terrible effect on his bound beloved.

“HAHAHHAAHAHAHHHAAMMHPMHPMPMMPMMPHMHMHPHPHMH HAAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH MMMMMMMMM NNNNNNNNN MAMAAMAAMHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH NONONONONON AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA!” Mark’s skittering fingertips were a terrible burden for Claire’s terrified nervous system. The fiery teasing tickles themselves were horribly unbearable; coupled with the knowledge that her ticklish plight would redouble with the first torturous stroke of the hideous hairbrush only made the unthinkable torture all the more menacing… Why did he have to keep saying that word? Why did she tell him? Why hadn’t she gotten herself into this ticklish little predicament so much sooner?

“Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” Mark brought his torturous hands to rest right at Claire’s undulating hips calming her gently with the soothing sound of his disarming voice. “Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Sweetie… Save your strength… *KISS*” Mark bent down gently kissing and nibbling just below Claire’s ample left breast. The deep massaging strokes of his hands up and down her gyrating hips and lightly cupping her firm bottom brought her hedonistic glee to new heights…

“Mmmmmmmmmm hehehe Mmmmmmmmm huuuuuuuu huuuuuuu ahhhhhhhh MMMMMMMMMMMMM ahahahahahahahah mmmmmmmmm heehe!” Claire still could hardly believe that Mark would insinuate that his malevolent tickling was “HER” fault! As if he needed any encouragement. How did he do that so effortlessly? How could he resurrect her from the depths of screaming ticklish hell to the highest clouds of impending ecstasy? When did her painfully plutonic crush become her irresistible roller coaster of eroticism?

“Trust me…” Mark gathered the two plastic hairbrushes in his right hand. He snared the wooden handle tough bristle hairbrush with the icy fingers of his left. “You’re going to need it!” Mark gently stroked the wooden back of the insidious device along Claire’s trembling bare tummy as he began his slow decent to the foot of the bed and his blushing beauty’s ticklish demise.

“Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmha huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ahhhhhhhhhhh huh huh huh!” Mark could feel Mark’s icy gaze. He knew that every frigid bead of sweet, every panicked quiver, and every grimace of fearful trepidation only grew his thirsting hunger for her ticklish suffering. Somewhere in her dark libidinous subconscious that put her strangely at ease. As she felt the horrible trail of Mark’s nightmarish hair brush tracing ever so slowly past her writhing pelvis she let the glorious fear of the impending mindless torment consume her entire being. She hid nothing from him. He had been so kind. She felt a need to give him what she knew he wanted… what he needed.

Feeling Mark slide off of the mattress standing menacingly at the foot of the bed Claire could feel all of the gentle warm breath in her delicate form stolen in the wake of that treacherous moment. The feeling of the wooden edge teasing along the deadly trail from her trembling inner thigh to her straining calf made Claire bite down hard on her tight leather bridle trying to gain some subtle relief from the mountainous tension created by mark’s peccant pestering.

Mark remained silent drawing teasing circles just below Claire’s right bound inner ankle. He just let the light feathery touch of the wooden handle cause gloriously subtle itches forcing her beautiful bare foot to wriggle in horrified protest to the torturous tickles only inches away.

Feeling the terrible brush so close to her soft bare writhing sole replaced all the questions swirling around Claire’s helpless mind with a depraved certainty. It was no longer a question if this would destroy the last shreds of her sanity… it was just a matter of time! Claire gripped the tight satin ropes holding her supple wrists so tightly in place and wrapped in the warm blanket of terrifying anguish she thanked herself to now end that she could no longer hide from the one thing that she knew wanted…

I want it to be torture. I want to have to endure every malicious pass of the atrocious hairbrush as the feeling of inescapable terror devours me making my now aching clit pulse faster and faster thirsting desperately for release.

The anticipation was the worst. She never wanted to feel the horrid tingles along her violently squirming soles but she couldn’t wait for the insatiable torment to begin. The tension of the internal conflict was beginning to make Claire fidget wildly in mounting aroused discomfort as her lewd hips still played their own dangerous game seeking out any gentle stimulation against her tight moist nubbin. In her hyper sensitive state even the light wisps of the cool night air were a welcome caress to her searing womanhood. Mark continued the merciless twirling of the devilish wooden edge right next to Claire’s squirming bare foot insuring that she never got too comfortable. Mark kept of Claire’s silent reminder until her finally thought the time was right to break the growing trepidation with utterly violent authority…

“OOHHHHOHOHHOOOHOHHOOHHOHHHHH huhhhhhhhhhhhhh huuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhh MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM huh huh huh haha MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!” The first touch of the fluid silk to Claire’s tingling bare feet was absolutely destructive. It was so unexpected. She wasn’t even aware that Mark had taken it with him. It felt so glorious, so indulgent, so alluring, so intoxicating. Feeling the smooth soft strands seducing every bare inch of her perfect bare feet made every stitch of Claire’s soaking wet lace panties feel all the more confining. She cooed fervently into the cool night air past her tight rubber bridle as gentle flashes of white light began to stir behind her deviant eyes as the waves of teasing pleasure began to course torturously throughout her bound undulating form.

“Does that feel good Claire? Do you like my little scarf sweetheart?” Mark was absolutely venomous as he gleefully overwhelmed his helpless little slave girl with forms of pleasure that she could have never dreamed of.

“MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM mmmmmm hmmmmmm MMMMMMMMMMM HUUUUU HUUUUUUUU HUUUUUU!” Claire’s lungs were utterly strained to keep the slightest waft of warm air as her breathing became more and more labored from her mounting hedonistic excitement. She nodded signaling to her demented tormentor that she was thoroughly enjoying his sick little game… She could feel every strand of fluent silk caressing her bare arches, across the delicate warm topes of her feet, teasing the base of her sensitive toes and sensually stroking the expanse of both bare soles. Mark’s cruel teasing brought Claire’s back to an almost painful arch as her nipples began to ache terribly screaming for even the most deprave of hi attentions. Every luxurious stroke of the flowing silk along her bare writhing soles brought the delicate honey of her fervent excitement to a feverish boil deep within her sweltering loins as she relished the greasy flutters quaking at the base of her heaving tummy…. How could ANYTHING feel this good?

“If you like that… Then I am sure that you will absolutely LOVE this!” Mark delicately brought his soft sweet lips to the very center of Claire’s wrinkly left sole following closely behind the light whispery caress of the luxurious strands of smooth flowing silk. He could feel her entire body recoil powerfully at the new turbulent touch accentuated by giggly outcries of ardent arousal past her tight rubber gag.

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HA… HA… Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Huuuuu huuuuuuuuu OHhhhhhhhhhhh HAaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa HAHAHA MMMMMMMMM HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!” Claire’s over stimulated nerve endings were even more rigorously scrambled at the seductive touch of Mark’s wet sugary lips. She could feel each devious ripple of his teasing skin rubbing fervently against her hot bare writhing sole following in lock step with the teasing material of the long silk scarf. The two sensations combined to wrap Claire’ tightly in a cocoon of irresistible pleasure and her earthy moans of violent approval couldn’t be contained by the large rubber ball wedged between her pretty teeth.

“I’m gonn’a get your toes Claire… I’m gonn’a get your toes!” Mark playfully wrapped the long Scarf around and through the delicate twitching cherry tips of Claire’s straining left sole laying the tingly foundation for his warm suckling wet lips…

“NONONMMHNMNONMNOMNNMNOMNM MMMMMMMMMM HUUUUUUUU HUUUU AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HUH HUH HUH HUH MMMMMMMMMMMMM H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H!” The feeling of Mark’s lips tongue and wicked teeth carelessly stroking her helpless bare toes sent Claire’s entire bound form into delicate tremors of salacious abandon. It felt as though each indulgent lap of Mark’s rough moist tongue could be felt right at the back of her wildly thirsting stiff clit trapped behind the horribly confining damp lace panties. Mark firmly cupped both of Claire’s wiggling feet in his strong warm palms kneading and massaging every tense muscle through the teasing sheath of the long silk scarf so mercilessly pleasuring every square inch of Claire’s quivering bare skin…

Mark could see the long strands of muscle in Claire’s firm toned legs twitching capriciously as the erotic tingles of mounting pleasure trailed ferociously from the tips of her warm bare toes to the very top of her undulating thighs slamming into her searing womanhood. Mark could feel his bound beauty slipping deeper and deeper into the feverish spa of carnal indulgence and he wanted her to be right on the razors edge for his mindless tickle torture of her helpless bare feet.

He could feel every earthy grunt of Claire’s salacious arousal pounding at the very tip of the stiffness growing between his own legs. Feeling Claire’s beautiful twitching toes squirming pleasurably trapped in the intense spa of his corrupt warm mouth was an intoxicating reminder that right now he controlled the entire world of his life’s greatest love. He was the preeminent author of her most unimaginable torment and most gratifying pleasures. Seeing her back so painfully arched and her beautiful full hips straining desperately for even the slightest stimulation filled him with licentious pride as he toyed casually with the sensitive strings of his bound ticklish beauty.

Mark’s eyes never left Claire’s angelic face wandering in darkness behind her tight black sleeping mask decorated by the bright crimson of her tight restricting gag. He rubbed her warm bare feet very firmly through the luxurious silk that he had picked out just for her. He could feel every buttery soft patch of skin and every trembling muscle in her gentle pedds yielding with enthusiasm to his sinful touch and her entire body taking peaked comfort in his magnetic ministrations.

AHHHHHHHHHHHHH MMMMMMMM HUUUUUUUU HUUUUUU MMMMMMMMMMMMM AHHHHHHHHHH!” One finger… just one finger. That’s all it took to make her scream in utter ticklish anguish. Locked in the trap of her lustful indulgence Claire’s delicate nerve endings had been placed on red alert searching for every new sensation that her teasing captor saw fit to give. The feeling of just one fingertip breaching past the silk sheath of the long scar made her literally scream into her tight rubber gag with all the breath that she could muster.

“MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM SENSITIVE?” Mark’s look was absolutely demonic as he could see his delicate plan (spawn from many pained diabolical nights of vengeful fantasy) coming into sadistic fruition.

“HHAHAAHAHA AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HAHAHAHAH MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM AHHHHHHHHHHHH HAHAHAHAH!” Claire couldn’t help but laugh at the confirmation of her worst fears. She knew that it was all part of Mark’s sick ploy to make her torture even worse, but the feeling of the merciless foot worship was far too sinful to ignore. Still, she had to deal with the terrifying reality that at no point in her life could she remember her pretty warm feet ever being more sensitive than they were at that terrible moment in time…

Mark gently nuzzled and suckled Claire’s tender bare soles with his irresistible wet lips forcing Claire’s into shutter after delicious shutter of carnal indulgence. Mark speckled his loving attention with sporadic teasing tickles of Claire’s supple bare soles. He could feel her resistant slipping. He could feel every agitated nerve ending screaming out for further attention. He could see her beautiful legs flexing in glorious approval of the luxurious silk flowing on the soft bottoms of her ticklish toes. He could hear her melodic giggles darting between her ardent moans of mounting peccant desire. Just holding the terminal of her delicious nerve endings between his strong hands and within the grasp of his full lips Mark cruelly tamed his ticklish lioness as she roared forth with protesting profligacy…

“I am going to torture them Claire… You know that right. I am going to scrape *KISS* every inch *KISS* of these seductive wrinkly *KISS* bare soles with all three *KISS* three Claire *KISS* wicked Hairbrushes…! *KISS* I am going to make you scream for me Claire *KISS*! I really love listening to you scream for me *KISS*! Have I ever told you that? *KISS* Have I ever told you how hard it makes *KISS* me to watch you suffer Claire? *KISS-KISS* Knowing that it’s torture *KISS* knowing that I am driving you out of your mind *KISS* knowing that you can’t stand another tormenting tickle!” Mark fluttered both sets of his sharp fingernails along Claire’s horribly exposed bound foot bottoms watching her recoil in her tight bridles.

“AHHHHHHHHHHHH HUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUU MMMMMMMMMM HUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUU MMMMMMM OHHHOHOHOHOHOH HAHAHAA MMMMMM HAAAAAA MPMPM MMMMMMMMM HAAAAAAA HAAAAAA MMMMMMM!” Claire was absolutely delirious. Her head was becoming lighter with every passing second and every drip of blood being forced into her pulsing wet clit. She was so feverish, so lustful. Even in the wake of Mark’s sinister promises his newly emerging malice only made the tidal waves of helpless arousal storm the gates of Claire’s damaged psyche with even greater boldness. As Claire wrapped herself in the blanket of her greatest sensual fervor she was painfully aware that it was woven from the sheer unmitigated terror of her unending ticklish torture.

It was strange. It felt as though her entire body was pulsing as though there was no separation of her stiff lace covered nubbin and the thundering heart beating in her chest. As they became one Claire’s perception of all reality took on an even more earthy hue. Sadly, her gentle bout with cognoscente euphoria only made the delicate soles of her trapped feet burn with unquenchable thirst for further stimulation.

“Would you like to play a Game Claire?” Mark withdrew the teasing scarf (it had more than done it’s task). In it’s place he drew a single line down the center of Claire’s tensing right sole with the plastic handle of the knobby hairbrush.

“Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Huuuuuuuuuuuuuu Huuuuuuuuuuuu!” Claire knew that it would come. She knew that the glorious worship of her perfect bare feet would come to a raucous end giving way to her diabolical destruction. Even though Mark’s lips still feasted on the bound quivering bare flesh she knew that it was more for his selfish indulgence than her comfort at this point… Truth be told, Claire didn’t know if she could survive another one of Mark’s insidious games but somehow she had a sneaking suspicion that wouldn’t matter all that much to her loving captor…

“Well… seeing as you don’t have much choice in the matter I think I will just assume your full cooperation… HAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHA!” Mark still suckled menacingly at Claire’s wildly wiggling toes letting her every grunt of defiant rebellion leak through her cherry tips landing on the fertile soil of his thoroughly debauched black heart.

“MPMHPMPHMPHMHPMHPMPHMPMHPMPHMHPMHPMPMPMHPMHPM!” Claire knew that it was horribly unfair of him to give her so much pleasure in preparation for her unending torment. For some reason though at the moment as her lewd buns slammed into the crisp cool comforter over and over again, she didn’t feel the need to complain…

“This is called the Letter Game Claire? I am going to use the handle of the wicked little hairbrushes to draw letters on the bottoms of your pretty little feet Claire!” Mark lightly stroked the devious tip of the stern handle along the instep of Claire’s writhing left sole as her toes twitched deliciously between his teasing lips punished by the lapping of his rough tongue… “Then you guess which letter I drew on your silky little sole okay! If you get it right, you’re fine. But if you Don’t…” Mark flipped the brush around quickly raking the sole of Claire’s hyper-ticklish left sole with the round knobs of the teasing brush causing a mindless thrash against her tight bondage and a devious mile to Mark’s sinister lips.

“HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAH MMMMMMMMMMM HUUUUUU HUUUUUU MPMPMPMPMPMPMMPMPMPMMPM!” Claire was astonished at the truly atrocious sensation of her soles spontaneous violation by the stiff plastic bristles. Certainly, her ticklish nightmares had not done the torturous scrapping due justice.

“I think you get the picture Claire HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHH!” Mark let his teasing words and demonic mindless laughter sink right behind Claire’s tight sleeping Mask. He could see her entire body simmering in the hot water that he was heaping into her erotic spa. He loved knowing that he truly had his ticklish little princess all to himself: Mind, Body and Sole

“Hhaha hmph… Huuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuu hmmmmmmmmmm *SCRUNCH*” Claire’s teasing flirtatious defiance was what she had. At the moment of her greatest helplessness she could not help the gentle relief of seeking her natural comfort in vibrant defiance.

“Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Huuuuuuuuuuu Hehehe” Mark could barely believe his eyes. She was so special, so unique, so incorruptible, so teasing so inviting, so magnificent, so selfless, so… With no hope on the horizon she was still laying down playful challenges to spur him to new heights of sinful depravity. His own breathing became desperately shallow with yet another vision of the utter perfection that encapsulated the gentle creature that he had come to genuinely love so much. “So… Let’s begin shall We?”

“Hmmmmmmmmmm heheh!” Claire felt a strange air of confidence. She had no idea where it was coming from, but it was there none the less. There was an unexplainable sensation that all would be right with the world in just a few more moments. Se knew that it would probably tickle horribly but she should be able to make out the intelligible patterns traced on her own twitching bare feet. Claire just grinned teasingly to herself preparing to rise to Mark’s little challenge before being hopelessly bombarded with the obvious… Even if she got it right how could she communicate her triumph? “MPMPHAHAMPHMAHPMAPAPPAMHPMAPMHPAMHPMAPMHPAMHPM!”

Mark’s eyes shined wildly in the midst of Claire’s lewd display of erotic insurrection against her binds. She was incensed at the new levels of his diabolical plot. He could see her mouthing sinister curses of hatred behind her tight rubber gag and that made Mark feel alive. He knew that she wanted to tell him what a sick diabolical fiend that he was for stacking the deck so high against her and in his own malignant way the rays of sinful pride crept across his darkening form as he took full possession of his blushing beauty.

“MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMmmm well then… let’s begin shall we?” Mark reached out with his left hand snaring Claire’s helpless immobile right sole as she shouted outcries of his absolutely foul behavior along the night air behind her tight bridle… “Here comes the first letter Claire… Are you READY?” Mark gently began the slow track of the evil handle even before he had finished his question. What could he say? He was a dyed in the wool sadist. Why fight it?

“WHMPMPMPMPMYMYPMPMPMPMPMPMMPWPMPMPMPMHPMPMYYPMPMPMPMPMPMPMPMPMPM!” Claire could feel the two converging whispery lines at the top of her bare sole and the single teasing stem right down the center of her wildly straining bare foot. It tickled lightly sending delicious itches slamming into her trapped womanhood but it wasn’t nearly enough to truly break her concentration. She could feel the subtle Y being traced clearly and that was the problem. She could tell that he was going to make sure the letters were as big as humanly possible so that she could understand them. That’s the point. The worst thing that you can do to an inmate is to throw him the keys to his cell while he is cuffed to in the corner unable to use them… She screamed at the top of her lungs. She strained her tethered jaw as much as the tight rubber ball would allow trying desperately to form an audible word but was only met with terrified frustration… she had it, right at the tip of her tongue but miles away in the wake of her tight crimson halter…

“Come on Claire… time’s running out!” Mark just held the brush still at the base of the torturous ‘Y’ letting Claire simmer in the boiling waters of impending ticklish doom.

“YMYPMYPMPPMPMPMPYPYYYPYMPMMPMPMPYMYPMYPMYYPMPM!” Claire pulled furiously against the tight leather cuffs holding her supple twisting wrists. She could feel her entire body energized for the horrible battle ahead. Knowing was the worst. If it was some unintelligible scribble then her fate might have been bearable but this was like missing only one number in the lottery for her ticklish salvation… How could he do this to her? “YYYYMPPYMPYMYPMYP AHHHHHHHHHHHHH AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!”

“TOO LATE HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHH!” Mark was absolutely ruthless in his liberal application of the horrid knobby bristles. Mark could feel every muscle in Claire’s desperately flexing sole straining violently against her sinister ticklish punishment as his strong hand held her squirming bare foot still.

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA HAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHHAAHAHAHAHH! HUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUU MPMPMPMPMPM HUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!” Claire only had to endure the ferocious knobs for a few fleeting seconds but it felt like an utter eternity as her smooth buttery bare soles wilted in the wake of the reprobate hairbrush.

“Huuuuuuuuuu Huuuuuuuu Awwwwww too bad Claire. Huuuuuuuu HuuuuuDon’t worry. I only drew it once that time. From now on, I will just keep tracing the letter on the bottom of your twitching little foot until your time runs out… OKAY!” Mark lightly traced a bare wiggling finger up the length of Claire’s wiggling sole just to tease his screaming bound beauty as his fervent indulgence in her sweet helpless suffering forced wave after wave of crashing sadistic euphoria rippling through every strand of his being.

“Hhehehheheheh MPMPHMPHMHPMHHPMHPHMPHMH!” Claire felt the horrid tingles of Mark’s wicked little finger but that wasn’t what she was focused on… Through her own streaming giggles, her violent thrashes and the sheer terror of the demonic instruments just inches away from her bound bare soles Claire’s mind was filled with the gentle swoosh of Mark’s fevered breath. He was excited. He was REALLY excited. As demented as it was, she couldn’t help but smile at the fact her life long love was enjoying his deviant incarnation of her secret ticklish nightmares. Why did that make her so happy? Claire knew that with every passing second that Mark’s cold blooded calculation would only become more and more callous but somehow hearing his shallow breathing and quivering voice gave her ticklish suffering meaning…

“Awwwwww… you don’t have to thank me sweetheart. Remember, I am here to help… HAHAHAHAHA! Okay Claire. I really want you to try this time… HAHAHA!” Mark casually brought the cruel edge of the teasing handle back to the delicate warm skin of Claire’s bound bare foot met with all the desperate squirming that he had come to love so much.

“OOMOMMOPOMPOMPOMOPMOPMOPOMOPMOOOOOMPMPMPMPMPMPMPMPPMP MPMPMMPMPMMHPPHMHPPHMOOOOOOOPMPMPMPMPMPM!” Claire could feel the peccant circle continuing round and round from her heels to her arch to the base of her quivering sole to the outer edge of her slender foot and back to her heel again. Again, there was no question in Claire’s mind as to the symbol being pitilessly traced on her helpless bare foot… The only question dancing around in her tortured mind was whether or not the frustration of being trapped so cruelly behind the tight crimson gag wedged between her cringing teeth would truly drive her made before the hellacious brushes. Over and over Mark kept his sadistic promise of subtly reminding Claire of the task at hand…

“What’s that Claire? I can’t hear you… huuuuu huuuu It just sounds like you are mumbling HEHE… Just a little louder sweetie! Hehe huuuuu huuuuu!” Mark watched every ticklish twitch of Claire’s sensitive foot at the gentle touch of the innocent handle across Claire’s helpless naked skin with demonic glee. He loved having the object of his great obsession bound so tightly in his presence to tease tickle and torment every square inch of bared sensitive skin at his leisure.

OMOOOOMOMPMPMPMOPMOPPOMPOMOPMOPOMOPMOPMOPMOPMOMOPMO POMOPMOPMOPMOMPOPMO-HAHAHAHAHAAAHAHAHAHAH AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Claire screamed out the fruitless letter behind her stifling crimson gag with courageous fervor in the face of utter futility. She was once again confronted by the utter hopelessness of her impossible task as her hyper-ticklish bare sole was once again ravaged by the knobby bristles…

“I’m sorry Claire… You really are going to have to speak up. Huuuuu huuuu I just can’t hear you… HAHAHAHAHA!” Mark loved the way that Claire’s long seductive legs danced in furious anguish as the fiery fluttering tingles took possession of her bound sole. The seductive dance of insufferable torment carried his heart to heights of romantic bliss that he never knew could exist… “Now… This time I think that you should really remember that you are on the clock sweetheart… HAHA!”

MPHMHPMPMHHHPMHPHM!” Claire cursed furiously behind her tight rubber bridle. She was so infuriated just listening to his sickening indulgence. She was thoroughly displeased with her gluttonous steaming mound for encouraging him. “HEHEH UUUUUPMUPMPUMUPMPMPMUPMPMUPMPUMUPPUPMPPUPMPU MUPUMPUMUPMPUMPMPUMUPMUPMPMPUMUPMUUPUPUPM NO UPMUPMUPMUPMUPUMUPMPMUPMUMUUUUUPMUPMUPMUPMUPM!”

“Heheheheheeheehh huuuuuuuu huuuuuuu YOU BETERRRRR HURRRRRRRY!” Mark’s black heart sang out past his teasing lips. He carelessly traced the sadistic ‘U’ across the bare quivering sole of Claire’s hyper ticklish naked foot. He knew that his cruel menacing taunts, the light tickly itch of his deft touch, and the twisted rules of his sick little game would combine into the fine wine of utter helpless abandon for his trapped ticklish queen. Her every helpless whimper of dreadful anticipation was just another loving seal of approval for his reprobate behavior in his sadistic perception.

“UMPMPUMPMUPMPUMUPU UUUUU UUUPMUPPUMU UMPMPUMPMUPMU AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------HUUUUU HAHAHAHAH!” Claire was utterly horrified to have her futile helpless pleas interrupted by the surprising new sensation of the sharp stiff plastic bristles of the second brush scraping violently along her ticklish writhing bare foot as penance for another incomplete answer!

“I thought that I might give you a little VARIETY…” Mark pitilessly stroked the full expanse of Claire’s bound flexing foot delighting in her tortured screams of helpless ticklish distress. “… for extra MOTIVATION SWEETHEART HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA huuuuu huuuuu!” Mark continued his hellacious punishment of Claire’s left bound wriggling exposed foot making sure that his point was thoroughly driven home.

“HAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHHAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA AHAHAHAHHAAHAAHAHA HUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUU HUUUUU MMMMM HU HUU HUUUUU!” Claire could feel that each ticklish penalty session was getting progressively longer. The short teasing break to catch her straining breath did less and less to refill her burning lungs under Mark’s ticklish onslaught. Now, the psychological torture of her inescapable discipline was multiplied ten fold with the exact implement of correction becoming a devastating new variable.

“Now Claire. I have to warn you. This next one is a little.. tricky. You are REALLY going to have to pay attention okay? Hahahahahahaa!” Mark once again returned a stiff plastic handle to the heel of Claire’s withering sole amidst muffled giggles of furious protest…

“Hhhehehehehe MPMPMPMPMPM MMMMMM HEHEHEHEH!” Of Mark Claire could say many things at the moment, but the one thing that she could not call him was a ‘LIAR’ (at least not right now). This new symbol was much harder to make out than the previous three. As such Mark took his precious time slowly making every line and rounding arch of the pass-letter to Claire’s ticklish respite that they both knew would be impossible to articulate. Still, even in the midst of her undeniable futility Claire still burned with curious desire to know which letters were being drawn on her soft wrinkly foot bottoms… Somehow she thought to herself that if she knew that she got them all right it might allow her to save some shred of dignity in the face of her humiliating debauchery.

“Now I am going to let you take a little bit more time with this one Claire… I know that it is a little more difficult.” Mark retraced the devilish pattern besetting Claire’s helpless bound sole. Mark could tell that Claire’s toes were straining, but no longer for release. Claire was fighting with all that she could to keep her foot still for an accurate perception of the devilish pattern that he was tracing. Her unyielding spirit was absolutely intoxicating captured hopelessly in his strong grasp. Even when all was lost she would always give everything she had. How could Mark ever ask of anything more from her?

“Heheheheheheeheehhe MPMHPMHPMHPHMH RRRR RRRMPMRPRMRPMRRMPRPRMRPRMRPMRPMRRPRMRPMRRPMRPRMPRMRRRRRRRRRRRR RMRPMRPRMPRMRPRMPRMRPMRPMRPRMRPMRPRMPRRRRRRRRPRMPRMRPMRP MRPMRPMRRPMRPMRPMR!” Claire could feel the subtle rounded arches and long diagonal line of the teasing ‘R’ that Mark was continually tracing over her quivering naked sole. Maybe, just maybe. Maybe now that she had overcome this little challenge he would listen. Maybe he would finally respond to the mindless pleas from behind her tight rubber gag… Maybe he would grant her mercy as reward for her skillful perception.

“There… I think that is clear enough for you to make an educated guess sweetheart. This time I’ll give you let’s say… 30 seconds!” Claire knew that none of it was true, she just didn’t feel right not to have some hope (even if it was just make believe).
Chapter VI

RRRRMRMRPMRPRRPMRPMRPRMPMRRPMRRPMRPMRRRRMRPRMPRMRPRMPMRPRMRPR MRPMRPMRRMRPRMPMMPPMPMRPRMPRMRP!” Even though she knew it was utterly useless Claire shouted at the top of her lungs behind her tight ball gag. She had resigned her sensitive bound naked soles to paying the ticklish price for the bound inarticulate state that Mark himself had forced her to endure. But maybe she could scream just loud enough that she could form an audible response… She knew that he would probably ignore it just to give her excruciatingly ticklish bare skin even more sadistic punishment but as her mind began to tumble close to a dead lock on the evil bristles about to lay siege to her helpless nerve endings it wasn’t necessarily about proving anything to her loving captor. She just wanted a small piece of her tattered mind as it slipped away…

“I’m sorry Claire… I am going to HAVE to ask for your answer now… HAHAHAHHA!” Mark pulled back the sadistic handle letting Claire’s sole twist and flex in the warm confines of his wicked left hand awaiting the coherent reply that he knew would never come.

RRRRPRMRPMRPMRPMPRMPRMRPRMPMRPRMRRRRPRMRMPRRPMRRMPRMPMRP RMRPMRPRMPRMPMRRPMRRMPRPMAHHHHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! Huuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuuuu MMHPMPHMHPMH!” Claire knew that Mark couldn’t hear the evil names that she called him behind her tight rubber bridle. She just wanted him to be fully aware of the deep seeded erotic rage that he was creating within her tortured mind. She wanted him to know how much she absolutely hated him right now for taking so long to deliver the glorious discipline that she had craved so much… Claire was beginning to question if the battle for her waning sanity might have already been lost.

“Shhhhhhhhhh Shhhhhhhh… No apologies Claire. It just wouldn’t be right to punish you that much for missing that one. I know it was a little harder. See Claire… all those years talking about sportsmanship and fair play sorta rubbed off on me!” Claire could hear Mark’s sadistic smile of grotesque overconfidence through the sick twinge of his sinister voice. It made every strip of bare quivering skin crawl at the thought of yielding to his sick torturous ego… “And just out of FAIRNESS the next one will be much easier… HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAH!” Much to Claire’s sheer mental anguish Mark’s raging egotistical depravity was received in a much different fashion rushing into her pulsing stiff nipples and slamming home into her stiff moist lace covered clit. Why did he have to be so FUCKING cute when he was being naughty?

MPPMPHHPMHPMPHMHMP Heheheheheh MPPMTPMTPTTTTPMTPTMTPMTPTMPTMTPMTPTMTPMTPTMPMTTTTPMTPMTPT MTPMPTMMPMTTPMTTPTMTTTPMTPMTTTTTTPTTPMTPMTMP![/B]” Claire could feel the two subtle lines of the teasing ‘T’ with Mark’s first gentle strokes of her writhing bare sole. The back of her straining throat was the worse for ware under the strain of her prideful defiance but the idea of just giving in to Mark’s ticklish whims was utterly incomprehensible.

“Oh come on Claire you don’t need any time figure this one out what is it Claire?” Before this very hour Mark would never have described himself as a mean person, now it was his most cherished virtue.

You know… once you stop all the silly hiding from who you are… it’s really amazing what TIME can do for a person… HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA


“I am trying to be patient, Claire, but let’s be honest: you should have been able to get that one…” Mark relished Claire’s newly hysterical shrieks of ticklish anguish as he expanded his bound blushing beauties ticklish plight to both of her violently squirming bare soles with his two plastic instruments of her greatest demise. “Come on now Claire… You’re not even TRYING!!!”

Straining violently in her bondage the two devilish devices presented a new challenge for our helpless heroine. Mark’s ruthless tickles were bad enough, but the sharp stinging contrast of the sharp raking bristles and the round kneading knobs was causing another war between her tingling ears as the conflicting sensations almost reached the point of fracture. Claire could barely process each sinister ticklish transgression as the two feral brushes had their way with the wrinkly bare skin of her wildly churning bare soles.

HAHAHAHAMHMAPPAMHPMAPHPMAHPAPMPAMHPMAPHMAPMHPAMHPMAP HPAMHPMAPAMHPMPHAPMHPMAHAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAPHMAPMHPMAPMHPA MPPHPAMPHMPAMHAAAHAHHHHHHHHAHAMPHMAPMAHPMPAMHPAMHPMAPM PMAPMAPMPMA----------------------------------------- huuuuuuuu AMPAHMAPHPAMPHMAPMHPAMHPMAHPAPMHPAMHP!” Claire was beset my intermittent bouts of desperate silent laughter as both of her wriggling soles tried in vein to elude the devious bristled heads of Mark’s two tortuous hairbrushes. Mark’s last salacious slander struck a deep seeded chord in her wayward psyche. ‘Not even trying?’ She knew full well that he could see her violent strains. She knew that he was feasting on her desperate muffled squeals trying desperately to shout out the code letters of his sick little game. She knew that he was watching on in lustful awe of her utter ticklish despair. She knew that he could see her fighting with every fiber of her being against his merciless tickle torture… She knew that he just wanted more. Trapped within the golden cage of her own seductive pride Claire knew that despite her own self interest she couldn’t help but indulge him…

Claire’s toes flailed wildly and her soles squirmed as much as her tight bonds would allow but there was nothing within her power to alleviate the inhuman tingly jolts of ticklish despair from permeating the soft wrinkly bare skin of her hyper-sensitive bare sole coursing through every rigid vein of her straining nude legs slamming home at the tops of her undulating thighs resting at the back of her hot wet dripping pussy. Mark’s fervent gluttony for her utter ticklish distress only added to the corrupt impure arousal raging between her moist thighs. Of all her sessions of discipline this was definitely the most arduous. A single act of kindness followed by a deep seeded assault of sheer cruelty-was this the man that she had known so long?

“I can see that you aren’t very good at this game Claire huuuuu huuuuu!” Even in the midst of his own raging erotic blaze Mark returned to his most focused level of the eerie calm that he knew terrified her so much… He knew that his calculating demeanor coupled with the mindless patterns of the wicked brushes along the helpless bare soles of her wiggling pretty feet would be the last straw to her utter ticklish madness. “But it’s like you always said about basketball. All you need is a lot of practice and inspiration! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!” (And Claire had always thought he was just being helpful when he used to assist her with her jump shot!) “And if I have anything to say about it you will receiver lots of BOTH!”

AMHAAHAHAHAHPAMPAMPHPAMHPMPAHPMAPHAPMHPMAPMHAPMMH PMAPHPAMHPMAPMHPAMHMAPMHPAMHPAPHAPHPAMHPMAPMHPAMHMAPHAP MHPMAHAHAHAHAHMAHPPAMHPAMHMAPMAPM!” Claire was absolutely beside herself. How could he pretend that he was helping? Was he that sick and demented to think that this was doing her any form of good? Was she enough of a lustfully depraved masochist to agree with him? Only time will tell… “HUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUU MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MPMHPPHMPMHPHMHPMHPMHP!” Claire could tell that Mark was truly getting off on her earthy grunts of lustful rage but she didn’t care. He had to know. He had to know how his turbulent mistreatment of her trapped innocent nerved endings was making her feel. Her muffled declarations of his unmitigated evil coupled with the seductive portrait of her lewdly thrusting lace covered hips were all the illustration that her villainous abductor required to perceive the full effect of his sadistic ministrations.

“Huuuuuuu Huuuuuuuu…” Mark couldn’t resist feasting his dark hearted eyes over the lightly sheen nude skin of Claire’s bound bare form. He could see every muscle in her body contorted in delicious erotic anger over his cruel little contest. He could see the look of sheer fury plastered across her angelic face behind her dark blindfold and crimson rubber gag accentuating her beautiful angelic silhouette. He could see her beautiful chest heaving up and down with her every tormented breath putting her aching stiff nipples on full display as the cool wafts of delicious air kept her ample tingling peaks at full attention for Mark’s teasing fingers. His nostrils were gloriously filled with the light enticing scent of Claire’s growing arousal in the face oh his unadulterated malice and her enthusiastic playback was the perfect topping to the sweet desert of her utter ticklish destruction… “I mean I know you’re ticklish Claire, but I will have you know that I have excellent penmanship young lady… AHAHAAAHAH!”

“Hheheheheheheehheheh hmph…!” Claire tried as she could to stifle the delicious giggle in the back of her throat. She couldn’t laugh right now… she wanted to be mad. Mark couldn’t even allow her the peace of hating him without bringing her crashing back of her irresistible adoration for his enduring sense of humor. Who was this demonic creature that he wanted so much control over her as to take possession of even her most spiteful emotions?

“Okay Claire… Last one Sweetie.” Those words were a bitter sweet symphony to Claire’s burning ears. She was utterly elated that the sick mistreatment of her bound bare sole was drawing to a close but the thought of the impending mindless scribbling was far too much for her to bare… But at least then, she wouldn’t have to live knowing that she had the keys to her ticklish freedom locked behind her sweet lips with something as simple as a rubber ball and a leather strap. Her mind would be at ease even if it was a small boat on the fiery lake of ticklish agony. “Let’s finish with a bang… Okay Claire?”

“Hehehehheh!” How was he always able to do that? “HEHHEEHHEHHEHEMMMMM HEEHEHEHEHEH!” The first ticklish stroke of Claire’s bound left sole was indiscernible, but after the teasing caress from the center of her pink heel to the milk base of her quivering bare foot came the tell tale dot just beneath the tips of her wildly flexing bare toes… “IIIMIMIPIIMIPIPIMIPMIPIMIPMIIPMPMIPMIPIMIPIIIIIIIMPIM!”

“What Claire… Say that again. I think I heard you… What did you say?” Mark paused his gentle tracing to hear Claire’s furious retort one more time….

IIIIIIMIPMIPIMIPIPMIIPMIPMIPMPMPMPMMIPMIPMIMIPIMIPMIPMIPIMPIMPIMIP MIPMIPMIPMIPMIPMIIPMIPMIPIMPIMPIIPMIPMIIPIMIPPMIPIM!” Claire felt as though she was standing right below the basket wide open for a lay up. She screamed at the top of her burning lungs trying to alert her point guard that she had beaten the defense. Even behind her tight black sleeping mask she felt as though at the top of the key their eyes met. He had heard her… Claire balled her fists into tight balls pulling against her tight bonds with her bare arms. She strained her neck raising her head shortening the distance between her wailing pleas for respite and Mark’s sadistic ears. If only he would see her. If only he would grant her this one victory… this one reprieve. For the first time in a long time there was a slight glimmer of hope shinning in her hazel eyes as she wandered behind her tight blindfold immersed in helpless darkness.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhh… NOPE not a thing! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH huuuuu huuuuu!” Mark could feel himself becoming quite dizzy as more and more blood as quickly reallocated to other extremities with every beat of his raging heart…. Claire’s violent screams of helpless despair only made his pulse throb with even more malicious fervor.

NONOPNMPNMNPMPMNPMPPMMPMPHPMHPHMHPMPHMPHMPMPAMHMA HPAMHPMAPHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHMAHPAPMHPAMHPMAPHAMHPM APMHPMPAMHPMAMHPMPAMHPAMPAMPHPAMHPPAMPAMHPMAPHAPMPAHPMAPA PMAMPHAPMHPAMHPMAPHMAPMHPMAPHPAMHPAMPHMAMHMAPPAPAMPHMAPM HPPHMAPMAMHMPA!” ‘MILLIONS’… That was the one word pinging back and forth behind Claire’s tethered eyes. ‘MILLIONS’… That was the only way to describe the innumerable sharp bristles of Mark’s stiff gristle brush. It felt more like something designed for scrubbing floors than grooming hairs. It was almost as thought there was a unique torture for every unique skin cell adorning her ticklish writhing foot. Claire felt Mark tighten his grip at the top of her writhing bare foot holding her twitching toe back sternly with his thumb. The taught surface of her naked foot bottom offered no resistance to the demonic raking of the evil brush back up and down back and forth and any other capricious pattern that Mark saw fit to deliver. The only comfort in the world in the midst of her diabolical mistreatment was the gentle audible assail of Mark’s fervent arousal forcing Claire to endure every torturous second of her naughty little fantasies…

“I told you I would finish with a BANG HAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHA!” As strange as it was for Mark to admit, this moment-right now- almost made those long nights of unmitigated torment at his ominous computer screen worth it…

“HMAHAHAHPMAPHMPAMHPAMPHPAMHPMAPMHPMHPMAPMHPAMHPMPAMPHAPM HPMAPHPAMHPMAPPAMHAHAHAPHPAMHPMAPHMAPHMPAMPHMAPPAMHPMAPPA MHPMHPMAPMHPMPAMHPAMPM!” Claire could still here Mark’s demonic cackles over her own shrieking guffaws and it thrilled her to no end. Even as her jaw was contorted in another fit of ticklish anguish just hearing his sheer malignance brought the corrupt smile of carnal indulgence creeping between her bound grimaces of forced mirth. Claire could feel her sick profligate wet clit dragging her every buzzing nerve ending down the path to pulsing lustful rhapsody… Her entire body trembled with every stroke of the damp lace against the murderously sensitive tip of her aching nubbin trapped in its tight cage. Even though her mind was filled with the horrible ticklish jolts ascending her bare legs, the depraved thought of what Mark’s demented vibrator would feel like pressed tightly against her thirsting soaking pussy began to creep in slowly with every passing second.

“Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh Shhhhhhhhhhh… All done Claire… All done… *KISS*… Come back to me sweetheart… Come back to me… *KISS*!” Mark still held Claire’s sensitive foot at full attention with his strong hand. He bent down placing gentle soothing kisses with his sweet seductive lips along Claire’s still tingling bare sole. He felt his face melt deliciously into Claire’s buttery soft bare foot as her toes wiggled lightly against his teasing fingers…

“Huuuuuuuuuu HuuuuuuuuuuuMweheheeheheheheeheeheheh eeeeeeehehh MMMMMMMM Huuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuu MMMMMMMMMMMMM!” How could she respond like this? Seconds removed from the sinister mistreatment she was the sweet helpless giggly school girl cooing flirtatiously as she was skillfully seduced by her… The feeling of Mark’s lips lightly teasing the base of her blazing nerve endings was absolutely electric. It was as though the cables connecting her twitching bare foot and her smoldering womanhood had been reinforced with the delicious overload of ticklish euphoria cascading through her long alluring bare legs.

As if his teasing command had the gift of life trapped in each sinful syllable of his warm whispery breath Claire could feel herself obediently filling her lungs with precious cool air and her body with renewed strength to deliver the gloriously turbulent responses that she utterly despised gratifying him with. She could feel herself yielding with greater and greater enthusiasm into Mark’s evil arms and her eternal resentment for his sensual seduction raged behind her swimming eyes.

Sometimes, surrender can be so sweet. When someone gives you this much pleasure why fight it? There is no one to impress, no points to score, no ball to fight for. There is just what I desperately need and am finally strong enough to allow… thanks to him.

As Mark took her squirming cherry tips deeply into his waiting mouth once again Claire felt the pressure right at the back of her pulsing clit as her lewd churning became more desperate… She slammed her wiggling bottom into the cool crisp mattress over and over as her full ample hips shamelessly undulated into the cool night air trying to cool the insatiable fire between her bound bare legs…

“Yep Claire… We’re all done… With this foot!” Mark reached out teasingly with his left hand towards Claire’s right wiggling sole stroking teasingly down the center as she recoiled violently in her tight stringent bondage. He held the toes of her left squirming sole between his wet teasing lips allowing them a cordial reintroduction to his sharp torturous teeth aided by his strong right hand holding her gyrating foot firmly in place.

“HAAHAHOAHAHAPHMPAMHPMAPHPAMHPAMPHPAMHPAMHPMAPMHPAMHPMAPMHMAPMHAPHPMAPHMAPMHA MPMPMPMPMMHPMHPMPH AHAHAHAHPAMHPAMPAMPAMHPMAPMPAMPMAPM!” ‘THIS FOOT!’ Claire became painfully aware that the only part of her body to be more gloriously over stimulated than either her bound bare feet or the horribly frustrated folds of skin between her long bridled legs would be the few inches of matter right behind her hazel eyes. The psychological torment of a new furious torment behind each blind alley was more than Claire could have ever contemplated and far beyond her wildest dreams.

“We wouldn’t want this one having all the fun now would we Claire?” Mark brought the teasing fingers of his right hand around skittering lightly along Claire’s right bound sole bringing forth stream after stream of girlish ticklish giggles. He could never satiate his unimaginable thirst for Claire’s sweet endearing laughter. Every sweet peal of hilarity made his entire body feverish with lustful fervor…

“HAHAAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAMAMPMAPMHPMAHP MAPMHPAMHPMAPMPAMHPMAPHAPMHPMAPHAPHAPPAMHMAPHAAPHAMPAMP MAPMHPAM!” The teasing tickles in contrast to the mindless torture of the reprobate hairbrushes were having a dreadful affect on Claire’s straining nervous system. It tickled, dear god it tickled… but was that all it was doing. Claire’s body temperature was ratcheting up dangerously with every teasing stroke of Mark’s sinister hands and her pulse became furiously paced as her body began to throb in time with her fiery sweltering loins.

“No rest for the weary Claire, remember when you always used to say that after practice? HAHAH.” Mark too stringent hold of Claire’s squirming right sole pushing her toes back into their all too familiar position of utter helplessness making Claire’s soft wrinkly canvas as taught as possible for his diabolical mistreatment. “Now… I hope that you get this one right Claire. Otherwise it could be a VERY long night… Huuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuu!” Mark was now becoming painfully aware of every stitch of his own sinfully smooth undergarments as they rubbed gently across the hard tip of his pulsing erection sending delicious chills coursing through his rancorous form… He licked his lips hungrily as he deliciously caressed Claire’s bound helpless bare foot with the beleaguering handle of yet another revolting brush.

“Huuuuuuuuuuuu Huuuuuuuuuuuu Huuuuuuuuuu NOMPMNP NONPMNPMNPNPNPN HAHAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH Huuuuuuu Huuuuuuu NOMPNMNMNPNM NOMNPMNNPM HAHAHAHAHAHA AHHUUUUUU AHAHAHUUUUUUUUUUU!” Claire’s shallow breathing began to penetrate her furious giggles again and again as the teasing tickles of the wicked handle only fanned the glorious flames deep within her smoldering mound. It felt so… good. Claire had always relished the sensation of being tickled… that was nothing new. But the concentration of sheer sugary bliss tracing along with the turbulent tingles was both surprising and enthusiastically received. Claire had never imagined this level of perception and the wonderful side effects began to manifest themselves in very interesting ways… “CCCCMCPCMPCMCPMCPMCPMCPMCPMCP MCPAMCPMAPMCPAMCMAMCACCCCCPCMPCMCPCMCCCCCCPCMCPMCPMCPMCPMCPMCPMCPMCPCMCPMCCCCCCPMCPCMCPMCPMCPMC!” Claire felt the repetitive ticklish arc being traced on the delicate bottom of her aching bare foot signifying the latest piece of Mark’s demonic cipher…

“You’re really not all that good at this game are you Claire?” Mark savored every second of having his beautiful best friend trapped to whatever crude penance that she had so richly earned herself. He adored making her fully aware that right now she was “HIS” helpless ticklish possession to toy with as he wished.

“HAHAHAHAMHAHAAAHA HUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUU EHEHEHEHEHEHHEHE EWWWW EWWWW MMMMMMMM AHAHAAHAHHAA MAMAMMMMMPMHPMHM MMMMMMMMMM!” Claire knew that the hideous torment of the depraved bristles was only seconds away. Part of her was actually hoping that the insidious torment would come sooner. She needed something to snap her out of this feather cloud of bliss that she could feel herself slipping into. You know that the outlook is inordinately bleak when a nightmarish hell is your only hope for rescue…

“I’ll definitely have to remember that for next time…” Mark Carelessly scraped the knobby bristles of the plastic brush against the horribly sensitive nerve endings of Claire’s wildly flexing foot amidst her fervent screams of furious protest… Now, hours after his first teasing tickle in the foyer Claire’s hilarious outcries took on a wonderfully alluring accent in the midst of her sensual awakening.

AHAHAMHPAMPHMAMHPMAPHPAMPPMAMAPMPAM HUUUUUUUUUU MPMPMAPMPAMPMAMPAMPAMPM HHHHUUUUUUU MAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MAPMAPAGMPAMAHAHAHAHAHHAHMM MMMMMMMMMM!” Claire’s ragged lustful breathing was still taking great prominence even in the midst of her shrieking cries of anguish. The deftly erotic hue of Mark’s torturous tickles only grew in concentration with the coercive strokes of the ruthless round knobs across the outstretched length f her twitching bare foot.

‘Next Time!’ Outside the fiery trickles along Claire’s bare legs those two words were her entire existence. ‘NEXT TIME?’ He said them so casually. As if he was saying that he had a meeting later or that his father was coming to town. Was he planning on making this a habit? Would she have to earnestly fear ticklish abduction every time that she saw him, heard his voice, or even came near his door? Was he now to become the eternal symbol of her ticklish despair? Would she spend more nights trapped helplessly to whatever sadistic tickly innovations beset his sadistic mind? Was this real? Or was she still lying safely in her own bed still sheepishly dreaming of her idea demented captor? Could it be happening… finally after all this time?

And then it became painfully obvious… even amidst the dreadful raking of her helpless bare sole Claire finally pieced together the sick sadistic cipher of her inhuman abductor… Y-O-U_R_T-I-C… No amount of torture in the world could ever make her forget the long nights spent discovering the uniquely cruel depths of her woefully beloved “MASTER!” Now, Claire had to endure the horrible knowledge of her precise ticklish fate as the absurdly obvious state of her every sensitive nerve ending was spelled out in horrifying detail right at the base of her wiggling bare feet. All those nights spent in front of her own computer screen learning what true evil was under “HIS!” patient teasing instruction were filled with this simple raging truth to be painted mercilessly on the very sensitive foot bottoms that exemplified her greatest weakness more than any other patch of skin adorning her bare form.

Claire knew that Mark was fully aware she would never be able to utter those sinister words behind her ball gag. That wasn’t the point. He already had all the evidence he needed. He just wanted her to say it… to herself. A quiet confession to torture her deviant mind just as hers and twisted his… He wanted her to say ‘YOU R TICKLISH’ over and over again subconsciously and against her will using the same foolish pride that had kept them apart for so long to keep her engaged as long as possible. Even though it was the source of her greatest emotional despair Claire truly had to marvel at the sheer malignant brilliance of her long lost dear friend…

Mark could see that the terrible realization was beginning to sink in behind Claire’s beautiful hazel eyes. She had to know by now the wonderful symmetry of his horrible calculating devices. So many lonely nights only comforted by his terrifying envious rage had given him far too long to contemplate his sweet lustful revenge on the one woman who had long ago captured his romantic attentions and held the keys to his only true happiness within a single inviting turn of her sweet calming lips.

Claire screamed. That’s all she knew how to do in the wake of Mark’s raging malice. It’s all that she could do. She screamed out each subsequent letter with the furry of an approaching tornado. She knew that there would be no break… no mercy… no respite: just more callous taunts for her incomplete answers… But she had to shout… she had to let him know that she knew full well what he was doing. She wanted him to be fully aware that she resented every second of his demented little game. She needed him to know how aghast she was at every sweet sensual reward in the form of the merciless correction that she had desired since his first playful pokes at her side all those many years ago.

The final five letters were hellacious. Somehow, Claire knew that in the back of Mark’s dark mind he was increasing her merciless punishment to spite her revelation. She could hear the darkening of his sadistic heart in the lusty breaths of reckless abandon between torturous strokes of her helpless bare soles. He honestly thought that since she knew full well which letter would be cruelly traced on her hyper ticklish taught foot bottom that she should not only be able to call out the merciless code, but even do it before he began tracing.

The violent scrapping was mindless. Just to keep his promise and push her closer and closer to sanities edge Mark carelessly alternated between each of the sinister hairbrushes that he had at his utterly cruel disposal. He wanted to make sure that every strand of muscle and nerve fully remembered the sheer unmitigated wrath that he had visited upon them so that they would know that they were “HIS” forevermore…

Mark’s vision began to cloud. Claire’s pretty little feet were squirming so beautifully. He relished every subtle wiggle of her supple bare toes watching their perfect crimson tips swaying back and forth helplessly in the cool night air. She was Thrashing so violently. Every subtle clink of the rings holding her so captive was a gentle ping right to the center of his raging loins. Her pert full breasts were a vision rocking turbulently from side to side as her torso twisted violently from side to side stirring her ample bare peaks. Her nipples danced and fluttered with every sadistic stroke of her helpless bare soles, and she screamed. Oh dear god she screamed. Her helpless howls of forced mindless hilarity were his life’s greatest melody closing his eyes relishing every tormented note. Now, to augment the musky scent of her corrupt excitement and the insistent dew drops shinning through her dark lace panties, Mark drank in every earthy moan of depraved rapture signifying that Claire was completely lost in the impure eroticism of her continual ruthless tickle-torture. The hellacious torment of his life’s great love filled Mark’s sadistic mind with only one pertinent question: So this is what heaven would be like?

“Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Huuuuuuuuuuuuu Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Huuuuuuuuuuuuu Huuuuuuuuuuuuu…” Finally after what seemed like an eternity… it ended. Claire was gloriously relieved (wasn’t she?) as the final torturous correction for not correctly annunciating the letter ‘H’ came to a horrific close at the hands of the MILLIONS! She was absolutely breathless. Her entire body ached from the furious strain against her tight bonds. The lines had severely blurred between her ticklish lesson and her teasing tasks of discernment as the evil strokes across her taught bare soles completely robbed her of any concentration… Claire could feel her entire body roaring in kindling life tingling madly with every caress of the crisp night air against her hot seaming bare skin. It felt as though her entire body had become a natural extension of the pulsing stiff nubbin buried deep inside of her terribly restricting black panties.

“Hehehehehehehe huuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuu Well Claire, while I think you failed Miserably at perceiving my naughty little letters huuuuuuuu huuuuuuuu I think we both know that: YOU R TICKLISH… HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH Mmmmmmmmmmmmm!” Mark feasted on Claire’s desperately twitching bare toes as he firmly massaged her fiery bare soles washing away the poisonous ticklish remnants with his every firm caress…

“Huuuuuuuuu Huuuuuuuuu HAHAHAAHA Huuuuuuuuu Huuuuuuuu HAHAMMMMMMMMMMM HUUUUUU HUUUUUUU AH AH AHHHHH MMMMMMMMMMMMMM MPMPHPHPMPHMPMHMP HAAAA HAAaA MMMMMM HHEHHEHEHEHEHEEHHEH MMMMMMMMMMMM!” Claire could scarcely believe the totality of her decent into utter deviance. After being raked yet again over the hot coals of sheer ticklish misery just the gentle kiss of his lips was enough to send her running back to his warm seductive arms embracing every tender affection that he paid her bare twitching toes. With every new torment the sensation of his warm lips upon her naked toes sharpened like a knife slicing away each layer of protection separating Mark from yet another raucous explosion of Claire’s ecstatic Glee. As she was so skillfully disarmed of even the most passive attempts at resistance Claire could not help but swoon in her bondage guided by Mark’s cute teasing taunts and the promise of more devious cruelty to come.

“You have absolutely no idea how beautiful you are right now Claire…” (((((STOP… JUST STOP!))))) This was the anthem of Claire’s reluctant enchantment. Why did he have to keep saying these things? He had her right now… did he want her forever? Why did he have to be so… “I have dreamed of you my entire life Claire… I dreamed of you long before we ever met. I know that now. But even in my wildest fantasies, you have never been this beautiful…!”

“Ahhhhhhhhhhh MMMMMMMMMMMMM HUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!” Claire knew that Mark was just being honest, but she knew that even in this demented transformation he couldn’t know the full consuming effect his gentle words were having on her burning essence at that very moment. It was as though his loving tenderness reached out to take full possession of her yearning womanhood that wanted so desperately just to be loved and cared for in a way she never really admitted that she deserved. Being their with him in the midst of her life’s great summit hearing his honest words of seeming inevitable providence Claire could not help but see the mirror image of is perceived pre-destiny in the beaming ray of her own aching heart.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/uIIfO_efVc0&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/uIIfO_efVc0&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

You know, I think that we are all born with a feeling-a sense of purpose that gnaws at the back of our minds. We know that there is something… or someone out there to complete us in ways that we really can’t even understand. It’s like a structured chaos that keeps us moving and driving towards the one place of our truest existence. It never really makes sense until you’re there, wherever there is. The sad truth is that a lot of people never find this special joyful oasis. How are you going to be honest about your destiny if you are never honest about you… Be it the dark evil people of my Ilk or these buzzing little worker bees of the CIVILIZED world most people are far too afraid of their own shadow to ever find their soul mate. At that moment… at long last-holding hostage my dearest love I finally found my gentle oyster shell in life’s great ocean.

Claire felt Mark’s teasing fingers trickling along her bound bare legs blazing the path that he was to follow ascending the tall bed to take possession of her bound ticklish prize yet again. The first gentle kiss of his fluid smooth pants along her bound bare thighs brought her already churning hips to lewd attention. As he settled into the familiar position of straddling Claire’s helpless pelvis nuzzling his sweet lips at the nape of her silky neck Claire shamelessly greeted his throbbing erection pressed firmly into her tingling pelvis with the wild fleshly caress of her tingling hot mound through the damp silk of her black panties thrusting herself immodestly into her demented captor producing chill after chill along Mark’s tingling spine. Claire could hear his breathing elevate with every carnal gyration of her delta as she could feel the feverish hear of Mark’s pulsing skin against her gentle cheek.

“Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm you are a Naughty girl, aren’t you Claire?” His greatest acts of reprobate malice were met with the greatest display of Claire’s feverish indulgence. What on earth had he been afraid of all these years?

“Heheheheehhheehh Huuuuuuuuuuu Huuuuuuuu NNNNNNNNNNN!” Claire bit deliciously into her tight crimson halter as the vicious white lights illuminated her dark blindfold with her sinful stroke of her quivering twitching wet pussy along the teasing length of Mark’s pulsing erection. She made certain to dot his erotic eye suggestively grinding herself against his throbbing tip as she felt his raging manhood locked behind his silky pants. “Mmmmmmmm Hmmmmmmmmmm HEHEHEHE!” Even in the wake of her absolutely maddening ticklish torment the only form of revenge that Claire obsessed about was feeling Mark’s stern rod of dominance exploding furiously in her tight warm palms or between her wet teasing lips at the sinful mercy of her mercilessly teasing tongue. How could her fleeting innocence have been replaced with such utterly base desires just with a few strands of rope and a few brushes?

“OOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Huuuuuuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuu!” Mark could feel Claire’s tight rubber ball rubbing against his check in the place of her sweet affectionate lips. He could hear the seductive pride in his labored responses to her teasing suggestion. She knew what she was doing to him. She could feel her gyrate her pelvis pointedly stroking his pulsing erection bringing him to even greater heights of evil. With her hands bound, her full bare breasts exposed to the world, her helpless bare feet dangling at his mercy and her sopping womanhood his toy of leisure Claire was absolutely on her worst behavior and Mark was rushing gingerly to the final release that he had been denied all these long months in her torturous absence.

“Hhehehehheheeheh MMMMMMMMMMMM Huuuuuu Huuuuuu Mmmmmmmmmm Heheheheheehe MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!” Claire could feel the stiffness rubbing teasingly against her thirsting bare clit and every electric jolt of carnal delight slammed home deep inside her pulsing essence. She cooed gently, giggled lightly, and emitted deep earthy moans into Mark’s waiting ear as he gently suckled her smooth bare neck… Her nipples rubbed shamefully against his crisply starched cool shirt as he writhed gently into her indulging in the fleshly delights that she had in store for him…

“You know what happens now…. Huuuuuuu Huuuuuu Don’t you Claire?” Mark had dreamed of this very moment for so long. The gentle foreplay had been so intoxicating. Feeling her so close to him giving herself freely over was absolutely blissful, but he still hungered for her ardent suffering.

“Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm Hmmmmmmmmmmmm!” Claire just rubbed her cheek against his suggestively… She knew this would happen. The moment that her ankles were restrained she knew that her helpless bare soles would be devoured. Why did she have to wear “THOSE!” Her raging pulsing damp clit had the perfect answer.

“Mmmmmmmmmmmmm huuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuu so you know what happens to bad little girls who prance around in sexy heels then… Don’t you Claire?” Mark brought his hands lightly stroking Claire’s soft yielding torso as their two bodies melded into one compound writhing together in time sending each to unimaginable heights of ecstasy. In the vacuum of their time apart Mark had never allowed himself to imagine anything past Claire’s ticklish suffering so the feeling of her shameless affections was deliciously overwhelming as the erotic fog around her became as thick as the hot blood pulsing violently through his veins.

“MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM PMHPMPHMHPHMPMHPHM MMMMMM HMMMMMMMMMMMM HEHEHEHEHEHEHE *SCRUNCH*!” She knew that drove him crazy… but she did it anyway. She crinkled her nose against his straining cheek sending to an even deeper sadistic frenzy in the wake of her audacious flirtation.

“You are in Sooooooooooooooooooooooooo much trouble YONUG LADDDDDDDDDDDDDYY! Huuuuuuuuu huuuuuu…” Mark gently whispered into Claire’s ear as his lustful malice boiled deeply within his loins. Being there… being the one that was gloriously receiving her most amorous affections, Mark could not conceive of ANYONE on the planet that could disrupt his great joy. Who but him could possibly give his lost love this much pleasure?

“HHEHEEEHEHEHEHHEEHEHEHHE HMMMMMMMM HEHEEHEHEHEH!” Claire just giggled and moaned deeply. She knew that would just put him in a tizzy. More than any point in the night-even the sick little game of teasing letters-she wished desperately that her tight gag were removed only for a moment, just so she could utter the two sinful words screaming into the front of her mind as Mark once again descended to the foot of the bed… (((((YOU PROMISE?)))))

Mark was absolutely steaming with peccant tormenting desire. His eyes locked furiously on the two bound visions before him. The olive skin atop her squirming bare feet was absolutely flawless. The deep cherry red color of her twitching tips was absolutely seductive. Just the sight of her perfect pedicure sent him into a tickling frenzy. To make matters worse, he heard her teasing giggles. He saw her gripping her tight bonds flirtatiously… invitingly. He watched her curling and flexing her sexy naked toes giving him a wonderful visual display of his ticklish prize in all their glory. He had dreamed of tying teasing and tickling her murderously sensitive bare soles sine he first saw her girlish bare toes so long ago and on this night… finally they were “HIS” to toy with.

“HAAMAMHPHMAPHPMAPMHAHAHPAMHPMAPMHPAMHPMAPPAMHPPAHMAAMHMAPHMAPHMAMPHPM!” Mark wasted no time bringing his scribbling fingers back into play at the delicate wrinkly bottoms of Claire’s twitching bare feet. She knew that he was still a little angry. She knew that he was drunk with the lust for her ticklish anguish. She knew that is raging arousal only aided his sadistic urge to hear her scream out in helpless ticklish abandon. She was well aware that her every violent struggle only fed the torturous beast standing at the foot of the bed but she didn’t care. At the first touch of the sharp stiff plastic bristles and guided by the bright light of Mark’s ragged lustful breath Claire was finally able to admit that this was also what “SHE” so desperately wanted…

“You spent so much time WRITING about these Claire… I thought it only fitting that you get equal time in practice. After all, What are friends for?” Claire could hear it in his voice. A new sensual rage was forming in Mark’s sinister words. She could feel a sheer sensual hatred as the second plastic brush met her second writhing bare sole. She could tell that she was going to have to bear the full weight of every disgusting word that she had so carelessly subjected him to and for some reason that put her at ease. After all, she knew she deserved it!

HAHAHAMMAPHPAMHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAMAMHPMAHPMAPHPAMPHM APMHPMAPHPAMHPMAPMHPMAPMHPMAPMHPMAPHPAMHPMAPMHPAMHPMAPMPA MHPMAPMHPAMPHMAPMHPMAPMHPAMPHPAMHAHPAMHPMAPHMAPMHPMAPHMAP HMAPMAMAHPAMPAPM!” Claire’s feet writhed as madly as they could but there was no hope of evading Mark’s horribly skilled tools. No matter how much her toes flexed and curled no matter how much she writhed her bound ankles, no matter how much she twisted and wiggled her naked bare soles her helpless nerve endings were under a constant ticklish onslaught at the hands of Mark’s sinister brushes. She screamed at the top of her lungs in horrified hysterical abandon but she knew it wouldn’t do any good. It’s what he wanted… it’s what he has ALWAYS wanted.

“Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Mmmmmm Huuuuu!” Mark was drifting off into his own erotic trance with every peal of Claire’s shrieking tortured laughter. He couldn’t help but glance down occasionally to her tall black shoes that he had taken from her so forcefully. This was the same sexy apparel that had inspired so many late night fantasies of her beautiful feet’s callous mistreatment at the hands of his insidious ticklish devices. But this wasn’t a fairy tale. Now the beautiful queen truly was locked in his inescapable dungeon being thoroughly debauched at the very real tips of his merciless teasing brushes.

Mark was captivated. He saw it all. He watched her entire body go rigid, then twist, squirm, spasm and thrash violently against her tight bondage while she laughed and screamed at the top of straining lungs was driving him absolutely insane with insatiable lust. He had to have more. He had to tickle her bound writhing soles faster… and faster. She had to laugh for him. She had to thrash for him. She had to “SCREAM” for him!!!

HAPHAPHMAPPAMHPMAPHAPMHAHAHAHAMPHMPAMHPAMHPMAPHPAMHPMAPHPAMHPMAPHMAMHPMAMH HUUUUUUUU HUUUUUU AMHPAMHPMAPHAPMHPMAPHMAPMHPMAPMHPMAHPMAPHMPAHMPAMPHMPAMHPMAPHMPAMHPMAMA HUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUU HMAPHMPAMHPMHPMAPHPAMHPMAPMHPAMPHMAPHMH!” Claire’s erotic grunts of furious approval could not even be masked by the merciless tickling or Mark’s furious taunts. Now, with his erection pulsing so fervently between his legs Claire could sense an irresistibly warm callousness in his evil verbal assaults. He hated her. He hated her for what she wrote, He hated her for sharing with another man, He despised her for hiding her beautiful ticklish treasures for him for so long. She had always been the sole steward of Mark’s emotional despair, but never this. He always guarded the way that SHE made him feel. Now, spurred on by her blood curdling shrieks of inescapable ticklish anguish and staring in sociopathic glee as she struggled fruitlessly against her tight bondage he was finally “sharing” the way she made him feel unashamed of the consequences.

Claire knew that he was going to make her suffer. He was going to make her suffer every for every fucking second that she had made him suffer with her horrifying revelations of her tawdry love affair with the enigmatic “HIM!” Claire felt ashamed that she could never muster the courage to be this honest with Mark-looking him in the eye and boldly proclaiming her sick little deviations. In a way she envied his strength. In the wake of her most glaring weakness coupled with he utter ticklish destruction all her fictitious strength counted for nothing as she finally was granted the sweet mercy of Mark’s unmitigated feelings for her and his own reprobate desires. Through the twisted prism of the looking glass, Claire found this horrifying scene dreadfully romantic

Mark was so sick, so tender, so demented, so loving. He was going to force her deepest ticklish suffering with every pass of the depraved brushes along her ticklish bare soles and there was nothing that she could do to stop him. The horrible fiery tingles of the dreadfully ticklish brushes scrapping away at her trapped bare soles and the thick air of debauched seduction filling her nostrils every pass of the insidious tools brought Claire closer and closer to the ticklish dream world that at first her “MASTER” had skillfully built for her. He was going to make her suffer for him… only for him-as she had so desperately wanted to for so long.

I want to feel my leg muscles burning desperately trying fruitlessly to give me the slightest respite from the insane mistreatment that I have so shamefully earned myself. I want to know that no matter how hard I try, no matter how much I struggle, no matter how strong I think I am, or how tough I used to be that right now in this instance there is absolutely nothing that can stop him from giving me what I know I need more than anything even I can’t bear the very thought of it.

I want him to be here, right now. I want to feel the maddening brush torturing every nerve ending of my poor defenseless ticklish feet. I want them to be tied so tight. I want him to hold them even tighter. I want to suffer, oh god Mark I want to suffer. I want to suffer for him. As sick as that sounds I want to suffer for him.

I want it to be torture. I want to have to endure every malicious pass of the atrocious hairbrush as the feeling of inescapable terror devours me making my now aching clit pulse faster and faster thirsting desperately for release.

Claire’s deepest fantasies of bondage and sensory deprivation could not compare to the sheer radiance that Mark created behind her dark consuming blindfold. It was as though her consciousness was aloud to drift completely away leaving her sensitive exposed form to bear the full weight of every torturous sensation deprived of even the very illusion of control. She couldn’t see Mark’s hands wielding the sinister devices. She was just left with each merciless stroke of her murderously ticklish bare soles as the squirmed and wiggled in utter ticklish agony. Each sinister caress of the dueling bristles was greatly intensified by the inescapable surprise of each new transgression onto her warm soft skin.

The fiery tingles were amplified a thousand fold by the sheer immobility of her bound helpless naked feet. Her legs were stretched out as far as humanly possible (and just a little bit past for that delicious sense of strain that set her carnal fires greatly ablaze!) She was strong, she had always been strong. But there was nothing in the world that she could do to remove her slim writhing ankles from the tight padded leather cuffs that held her ticklish bare soles dangerously in place for Mark’s sick mistreatment.

The first of Claire’s experiments with her largest sensual phobia was bad enough. The horrid passes of the hair brush across her pink bare soles at her own hand had been absolutely dreadful. The intensity of even those light teasing strokes was enough to make her nipples ripe for attention and her moist sensitive clit drip with fervent excitement crying out desperately for her release.

Now, trapped so hopelessly in the ruthless clutches of the Dark Prince, Claire had to endure the two delicious ingredients that had always given her deviant little fantasies a wonderfully intense jolt of sheer unmitigated depravity. Much to her horrified delight the insane merciless torment while she was robbed of her sight and stripped of even the slightest movement was far more intense than she or her horridly over-sensitized stiff clit could ever have imagined.

“Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww… What’s the matter Claire? After all they were your idea after all. Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuu You look distressed? Maybe I’m not going fast enough? Ahhhh that must be it. huuuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuu Don’t worry sweetheart. I definitely won’t make that mistake again! HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Mark knelt down at eye level with Claire’s hopelessly bound wriggling bare feet. They struggled so fiercely. Their every violent contortion in response to his hideously hairbrushes made his tingling scrotum ache with furious desire. As her feet wiggled back and forth curling and flexing her twitching ticklish toes futilely battling the insidious tickles Mark was utterly intoxicated with every glimpse of the dark crimson nail polish that inspired so many lustful late night desires.

HAHAHAHAHAHAMPHMAPMHPAPPAMPHAPMHPMAHPMAH HUUUUUUU HUUUUUU AMHPAMPAMHPMAPHPAMH MMMMMM HAMPAMHPMAHPMPHPAMHA MMMMMMMMMMM AMPHMAPMHMPAHM HUUUUUUUUUUUU MAMAPMHAHMAPHAPPAMHAHAHAHAHPM!” Claire could feel the desperate pressure building between her bound bare thighs with every demon possessed tickly stroke of Mark’s reprobate brushes. Each sadistic caress was like a turbulent electric shock to her steaming loins and pulsing nipples. The horrible tickle torture was a bad enough strain on her troubled lungs but her deep lusty moans of earthly desire were robbing her of even more precious oxygen…

Claire could feel all the hot boiling blood in her bound naked form screaming desperately to be reassigned to her fervently swelling loins as they ached wonderfully trapped in their lace prison. Just one kiss, one stroke, one touch. Claire was proof positive that would be all she needed for yet another feverish trip to glorious rhapsody at the hands of her menacing lover. If she could she would beg. She had been stripped down that far. No amount of pride or shame in the world would be able to keep her apart from the glorious release that she could feel just at the tip of her fingers.

Claire tightly gripped the satin ropes holding her hands tightly in their rightful place high above her head unable to stop Mark’s sadistic breaches of her quivering nervous system. She tossed her head back and forth in furious ticklish abandon but she could still feel the wonderful flames of mounting erotic desire burning at the base of her warm neck besetting her flushing chest as her nipples strained violently for the slightest caress to her dreadfully turgid nipples.

“My my my… you ‘R’ VERY ticklish Claire… Mmmmmmmmm… huuuuu huuuuu huuuu… Do you have any idea what it does…” Mark paused Claire’s mindless torment and stood quickly rubbing his throbbing erection against Claire’s warm right bare sole illustrating the tingling effect that her screaming cries of mercy were having on his own swelling genitals. “… to me Claire? Huuuuu huuuuu MMMMMMMMMMM?”

“HUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUU Hhehheheheeheheh!” Claire was an utterly conscienceless tease. She felt Mark’s glorious erection inside the delicate prison of his smooth pants. The material was a wonderfully soothing cool contrast to the hot tortured skin of her still tingling bare foot. As much as her tight bonds would allow she gently rubbed her sole up and down the expanse of Mark’s furious excitement feeling him quiver in glorious tremors of ecstatic approval. “Hhehehehehehe MMMMMM MMMM HMMMMM Hheheheheheeheheheh!”

“MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM HUUUU HUUU HUUUUU MMMMMMMM!” Mark could not believe the sinful caress of Claire’s warm sole. He could feel every ticklish wrinkle massaging his rock hard staff straining against the tight leather cuff binding her ankle firmly in place. Mark swayed back and forth gently encouraging Claire’s gentle caress.

“HEheheehehhehehehehheh MMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMM!” Claire thoroughly enjoyed “HER” opportunity to lightly tease her torturous captor. His breathing… Oh dead god his breathing. Hearing the effect she was having on him, hearing his arousal, hearing his excitement. It was far too much to take. Claire’s own pulsing womanhood ached with feverish desire in the presence of Mark’s lewd display. She was developing an absolutely insatiable fixation with teasing and stroking Mark’s firmness well past the point of critical mass as a vengeful gratitude for all of his “services.”

“OHHHHHHHHHHH HAAAAA HAAAAAA MMMMMMM HAAAAA HAAAAA MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM OH MY GOD… HAAAAA HAAAAAAAA!” Marked rocked back just far enough for Claire to slither her olive nude foot between his waiting legs. He could feel her pointed toes teasing and flexing against his hidden sensitive balls. It felt so glorious, so tingly, so wonderful…. He had to have more!

“Hmmmmmmmmmm hehehe mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!” Claire was absolutely giddy feeling Mark sway back and forth against her warm bare foot lost in his own dark cloud of impure delight. It made her feel so needed… so wanted… so beautiful… so… Claire smiled earnestly drifting into her own world of sensual awakening realizing for the first time the full gravity of the pleasure that she could deliver her star crossed lover. To be able to give so much… making him ache in furious need made her feel horribly sexy as she continued her Russian roulette stroking gently along the base of Mark’s quivering balls. “Mmmmmmmm heheheheh AHHHHAAHAAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAHAAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHA!”

“MMMMMMMMMMMM JUST LIKE THAT… MMMMMM JUST LIKE THAT CLAIRE! TICKLE TICKLE HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAH TICKLE TICKLE CLAIRE HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHAHHAHAA!” Mark reached down between his rigid legs stroking the handle of the knobby brush across the wrinkly bare sole of Claire’s sensitive foot as it conducted its seductive business. The teasing light strokes were one thing but feeling all five of Claire’s wiggling ticklish toes straining in helpless abandon and her twitching bare sole all straining delicately against his trembling balls and pressing gently into the base of his full erection forced Mark into wave after wave of carnal pleasure as he gently rode Claire’s bound helpless bare foot…

“HHHAAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHHAHAAHAH HUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUU MAMAMMAAAMMAMMMMPMAPMAPMAPAMPAMPA AHAHAHAHMAHPAHMPHAMAPMHMAMMMMMMMMMMMM!” Even when Claire was in the midst of administering the most delicious form of pleasure Mark always found a way to remind her exactly who’s BOSS! Even in the presence of the teasing light tickles Claire was still very pleased with herself for sending her loving abductor on his wonderful path to sheer rapture. Feeling Mark’s raging stiffness only growing harder and harder everything that was feminine about our helpless heroine softened to receive the masculine onslaught from the man of her most erotic daydreams. For some reason beyond even her understanding she had the insatiable need to please him. He had to enjoy this as much as she did… otherwise it just wouldn’t be real.

“MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM HAAAA HAAAAA HAAAA… OKAY… I think that is More than enough for now… Hahah. Thank you young lady! That was… AMAZING!” Mark gingerly withdrew his now wildly tingling genitals from the reach of Claire’s wriggling foot precipitating what he knew were whimpers of corrupt disappointment from his enthusiastic captive.

“MMMMMMMMMM HMPH… HEHE HMMMMMMMMM HUUUUU HUUUUU!” ‘Thank you…’ He said thank you. He liked it. He sincerely liked it. Even more than the intense trips to the precipice of carnal indulgence Claire relished this sweet release above all else. After years of mortal dread that he would think her too immodest for her true carnal desires it was gloriously relieving to know that he would gladly have her as his naughty young lady!

“And such you did such a good job… I am going to give you a chance to shorten your ticklish little plight…” Mark just rubbed Claire’s delicious bare feet firmly resting the exhausted nerve endings watching her chest heave up and down rhythmically as she regained her sweet breath.

“MMMMMM HMMMMM HEHHHEEHEHEHEH MMMMMMMM HMMMM!” Claire was no fool. She knew that there had to be a catch. There was always a catch with him. She giggled fervently expecting her plight to only worsen around the next bend but teasingly mocked her serious look behind her dark blindfold and tight rubber bridle shoved between her teeth.

“I am going to tickle your feet…” Mark let his teasing fingernails skitter up the long expanses of Claire’s buttery bare feet just to make sure that she fully understood the rules… “If you… Can hold your feet still while I count off ten seconds… then we can move on to teasing.. well” Mark gently let his nimble fingers trickle up Claire’s bare straining hot legs. He could feel her firm toned thighs tighten ferociously as he lightly traced his devilish fingernails over the hyper sensitive skin. He could see her bite down tightly on her rubber ball gag wincing in sensual abandon as the light tease of her bare thighs tingled furiously so close to the steaming fire raging between her trapped bare legs. “OTHER areas… HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!” Mark lightly traced both creases of Claire’s warm writhing thighs and he could feel her entire body jump in her tight bridles as though she had just been electrocuted from the socket of sheer jubilance.

“AHHHHH HUUUUUUUUUUUUUU OOHOHOHOHOHOHHHOHMMMMMMM HUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUU!” Why did he have to pick there. She knew that it was some sick way to draw her in. She knew that there was no real hope. But why did he have to touch her legs? Couldn’t he see how desperately wet her throbbing pussy had become at his teasing hands? Couldn’t he see how desperately she arched herself to meet his teasing hands? Couldn’t he see how desperate she was becoming for release? If he was going to toy with her why on earth did he have to choose something that was so deftly important to her right now? God… why did she love that so much?

“Okay… HONEY?” Mark lightly massaged Claire’s aching bare thighs forcing moan after delicious moan from behind her tight rubber bridle and her back to arch painfully inviting even more suggestive stimulation.

“AHHHH HUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUU OOHOHOHOHOH!” She knew this was a trap. It had to be a trap. But his hands felt so good… She wanted it so bad… she needed it so bad. Her need for sexual gratification quickly overwhelmed the apprehension of reason. “MMMMMM HMMMMM HUUUUUU HUUUUUU OH OH HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!”

“Good… HAHAHHA!” Mark truly adored watching Claire’s pained expression as he lightly traced his fingertips across the top of her bound lace covered pelvis. He could feel her thrusting desperately to increase the delicious pressure but he held her at arms length never letting it feel just right. For some sick reason, her pure erotic frustration was the greatest fuel for his sadistic fervor. How could he do this to someone that he loved? “Now… hold your feet up with your toes pointed to the air….

“MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM HMPH…!” Claire pouted furiously behind her tight gag. This was nothing to toy with. Her raging arousal threatened to tear her entire being to shreds with insatiable desire if the erotic fire was not fully extinguished soon. And much to her despair, her absolutely intransigent womanhood only used her torturous frustration as an excuse to drip even more freely with the sweet honey of her deepest desire. Reluctantly, she did as she was told… obediently! That word kept creeping in the back of her mind making her feel horribly vulnerable volunteering conscious control of her actions. It was naturally so uncomfortable but the simple quiver in Mark’s voice at the sight of his bound beauty was enough to reassure her that walking lock step in his sadistic arms was not a sign of weakness.

“There you go sweetheart. Now… This is going to TICKLE. I know that. So if you move or wiggle your toes… then I am not going to hold that against you. Isn’t that nice of me Sweetheart?” Mark firmly rubbed each of Claire’s bare toes teasing her endlessly about the depths (or lack there of) of his mercy.

“HEHEHHEHEHEHEHEEHEHHEEH MMMMMMMMMM MMMMM HHMMMM HEHEHEEHHEHEHEHEH!” Claire was a giggling mess and the tickling hadn’t even started yet. Why was she having so much fun in the face of her inescapable helplessness?

“Now… all you have to do is keep your feet just like that and we can move higher on these beautiful long legs of yours… HAHAHA! READY?” Mark relished Claire’s grimace of sheer anguish having to give in to yet another one of his sinister contests. She had to know the truth… But he could tell from the deep sensual sent cascading through the night air that right now the prospect of sensual release was more important to his bound beauty than anything in this world…

MHPHMPHHHM hehehehe!” Claire shouted ‘NO’ behind her tight crimson bridle but ‘somehow’ Mark didn’t hear her. “HEEHHEHEHEEEHEHEHEEHHEH!” Claire could feel the two teasing handles lightly tracing from the base of her quivering heel to the base of her delicate toes. If he was going to give her the liberty then she would fully exploit it. Claire tried feverishly to dissipate all of the maddening tickles with the mad wiggling of her free bare toes as her sensitive soles were lightly teased with Mark’s wicked tools.

“That’s it Claire. Just like that. You are doing wonderful Claire… Just keep holding still…” Mark focused entirely on every sensitive patch of skin to be lightly traced by his wicked devices. He could sense Claire’s determination. She held every muscle of her bound bare soles absolutely rigid under the merciless onslaught of the light whispery tickles. She fought so hard for him. How could he have ever gone a day without seeing her desperate strain to meet his sadistic whims?

“HEHEHEHEHEHHEEHEHEHEHHEHEHE…” Claire’s forced ticklish laughter poured past her tight gag but that couldn’t conceal the fact that she was truly giddy. For some reason… Mark’s praise-real praise- was so delicious. Just hearing that she was doing a good job or that he was proud of her is what kept Claire’s tiny little world spinning lost in his strong arms. She fought as hard as she could to keep her soles rigid and the ticklish toes twitching all for his enjoyment… And then it hit her! “MMMAHPAMPAMH!

“Ohhhhhh I’m sorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry… does someone want me to start COUNTING? HAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH!” Mark’s cruel teasing tickles were enough… His demonic cackling and icy taunts were far too much for Claire in her furiously aroused condition.

“YYEEPMEPMEPMEPEMPMSSSPMSPSMEPMPEMEPMEPEMMEPEM! HAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHH!” Claire shook her head up and down with reckless abandon. He did that on purpose… and she knew it. She swore that just being confronted with his calculating sadism made her sensitive bare feet even more ticklish as she was forced to hold them still making his demented job just a little bit easier.

“Well all you had to do was ASK Claire… HAHAAHHAHAHAHAH!” Mark gave Claire’s hyper-ticklish soles one quick stroke with the teasing handles just to test her resolve. He was very impressed to see that she held fast. “Wow… You must REALLY want those thighs of yours to receive some more attention… I don’t want you running up my electric bill TOO MUCH young lady.” Claire’s shameful look of carnal indulgence was absolutely adorable in Mark’s sinister eyes. He could see that she was more than a little embarrassed at the teasing reference to Mark’s Magic Wand. He knew that behind her serious determination and the light fluttery tickles the images of her sensitive clit being utterly demolished were filling her reprobate mind much to his delight. “One… Two…. Three… Wow, I didn’t think you would make it this FAR Claire… Four… Five… Six… you really are a tough one aren’t you? HEHEHEHE!” Mark kept up the slow teasing tickles with quick fluttering strokes at his every punctuation. Surprisingly, Claire’s twitching toes were the only part of her bound helpless soles that moved an inch in the face of his merciless teasing. He knew that this tickled horribly. For her earnest effort he knew that Claire deserved more trips to ecstasy than she could ever possibly survive… (although one day… he might have to try!)

“HAHHAHAHAHAHAHHA MMMMMMMMM HUUUUUUUUU MMMMM HUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!” Claire had to concentrate. She knew that. She had tried to block out her shameless ardent arousal as much as she could but just thinking about the large vibrating head once again descending to her quivering womanhood was far too much to ignore.

The three previous catastrophes had taken hold of every spasming muscle in her bound form. The thought of another earth shattering eruption in the wake of her current sensitivity actually frightened her… just a little. She feared that there might not be anything left of her after the crashing tidal waves of irresistible pleasure… or if she would even want there to be. Despite her honest erotic fear, her insatiable curiosity for true sensory overload too control of her churning hips and fervent determination. She could do it. She knew she could do it. Just Four more seconds… just Four.

“MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM I know that you are going to scream so loud when I finally let you cum Claire. I think that I might need earplugs…” Mark knew that she was close. She deserved this so much. He just wanted her to understand that this was a gift… not an answer to any of her demands.

“HUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUU AHAHAHAHA UUUUHHHHHH MMMMMMM HUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUU!” Oh dear God. Why did he have to say these things? Claire was trying to focus on her bound bare soles and the thought of being allowed to cum drug her into a dream world that she wasn’t ready yet. She had business to attend to. And as seductive as his teasing taunts were she needed him to count!

“Okay Claire… Okay…. SEVEN… EIGHT” Now Mark flipped the brushes over exposing their furious plastic bristles. If Claire wanted release from her sensual turmoil she was going to have to earn it! He ever so slowly traced the wicked brushes down the length of her bare soles watching her entire body tremble in ticklish agony… It was such a sight to see.

“UUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUU HUUUUUUUU HUUUU ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!” The fiery slow scrapes could be felt right at the back of her bare clit. In the face of her deepest sensual need she was going to have to face her worst erotic fear head on. He was so sadistically kind. How could she ever properly thank him for subjecting her to such beautiful madness? But she could do it. She was strong. Just two more seconds… TWO MORE.

NINE… NINE AND A HALF… NINE AND THREE QUARTERS… HAHAHA!” Mark had her. She was right on the razors edge. She needed him. She fucking needed him. He had waited his entire life to shove this simple truth right in her face as testament to their eternal love.

“HUUUUUUU---------------------------------------------------------------------------!” Claire just blocked out all reality holding her breath tightly. She had made it this far. She knew that he would string this out. That’s why she was ready. But even he could not deny her resolve. Not for this. Just one more count… just one more.

NINE AND FIVE EIGHTS… TWO!” Mark was certain at one inalienable truth at that one moment… He would never tire of Claire’s protesting screams.

“AHHHHHHHHHHAHAHHAHAAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA NONONONOMPMPNPMONMNOMNPNPMNPNPNPNMNPMNPMNNNONMNOMONMNONONMONNOONMNPNMNMPNMNPMONMPNMONOO!” All the repressed tickles came screaming into Claire’s tortured mind. He was starting over… he was starting over. What had she ever done to deserve such cruelty? She began to panic. Her sweltering Clit began to plead with her furiously to do something… anything to regain the slim glimmer of hope that had caressed its delicate nerves so lovingly.

THREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!” Mark was utterly cruel. He viciously raked the plastic brushes frantically across Claire’s bound writhing soles forcing the mindless shrieks of ticklish abandon that he craved so wickedly. This was “HIS” game. He started it and only “HE” decided when it would fucking end.

HAHAAAHAHHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAMMAPHMAPPAMPHPAMPHMAPMAHPM PAMPHMAPPAMHPMAMHPMAPHPAMHPMAPMHPMAPHPAMHPMAPPAMPHPAMHPM APAPMHPMAHMPAMHPMAPHMAPMHPMAP!” Claire was lost deeper and deeper in the bottomless pit of despair. Sweet release was almost within her grasp for her only to be thrown coldly to the pit of ticklish anguish-Who was this man? Claire had trouble believing that anyone deserved to be mistreated in such rude fashion no matter how MUCH it turned them on.

“Uppppp… You’re feet moved Claire. I guess those naughty little thighs of yours are going to have to wait a bit longer. HAHAHAHHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH!” Mark watched in sadistic glee as Claire’s face contorted into the usual portrait of ticklish despair. But that wasn’t enough. He wanted the sensation of raging sensual frustration to consume every square inch of her bound helpless form. If she teased him so callously then it was only right that he return the favor.

“NONONOHNOHNOHNPNMNPNPNMOMAMAAAHAHAHAAHAHAPMHPAPHAMHPAHAPPAMHPMAPMHPAMPHMAPMAPAPMHPAMHPMAHPMAPM!” Claire felt Mark drop to his knees sinking his wet lips over the squirming bare toes of her flexing left foot as he callously raked it with his feral prickly brush. Her right sole was getting a similar scolding with the knobby balls of its deviant twin, but the incorporation of Mark’s rough tongue and sharp teeth made the electric overwhelming jolts of torturous pleasure absolutely dreadful as they shot up her straining bare legs while she strained so violently in her tight bondage.

Despite the terrifying new of their continued frustration, Claire’s hips continued their lewd dance with the crisp night air through the confines of her tight lace panties with renewed vigor. The natural burning sensation of the devious brushes was intense enough to cause her soaking wet aching pussy to drip wonderfully with depraved excitement but the feeling of his mindless suckling and kissing of her hyper-sensitive bare toes was absolutely too much to bare. He was darting his teasing tongue between each dancing digit and sparing no flexing flange the merciless wrath of his sharp teeth as the torturous tingles consumed every nerve ending in he quivering form.

Mark’s sincere torment of her most sensitive vulnerability was so wonderfully impassioned. Never in her life had she seen her cute little conservative this uninhibited. Just the feeling of him sharing this dark part of himself with her was enough to take her heart as his personal possession for the rest of time but coupled with the sensual destruction of her every nerve ending Claire was sure that this glorious night of delicious barbarism would be burned into the forefront of her corrupt mind as long as their was coherent breath within her toned body.

“HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU…” Claire’s teasing little foot was enough to bring him close to the brink of his own ecstasy but her feverish ticklish cries of helpless abandon threatened to send him over the edge. She was so lovely when she shrieked in forced hysterical laughter. She was so free… so alive… so ‘CLAIRE!’ He could tell from that night on that the simple waft of her name through the night air would carry a clear concise mental picture of an alluring array of complimenting traits that he had completely entranced him for so long. “MMMMMMMMMMMM AHAHAAH I guess I win again… SWEETHEART HAHAHAHAH!”

“HUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUU NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN MPMHPPHMHPMPHM!” Claire violently grimaced in utter disgust. How could he assume a term of endearment after such a merciless ploy on her most ardent physical needs? Worse yet… how could she receive it so enthusiastically? Why was she smiling like a teenager at her first kiss with her big ‘crush’ just at the thought of being his sweetheart
and all the torturous implications?

“But you did try so hard Claire… Don’t worry. I have a consolation prize for you?” Mark let Claire hear every quick step over to his dresser. He wanted her to be fully aware as he pulled open the little dresser drawer where he kept his personal things. He wanted her entire body to writhe in glorious wonder behind her tight blindfold. He was absolutely giddy at the thought of delivering Claire’s little prize!

“MMMMMMMMMMMMM HUUUUU HUUUU HUUUUUUUU!” Claire’s furious anxiety was at its peak in response to Mark’s teasing words. Why oh why did she think that whatever he had up his sadistic sleeve had very little to do with CONSOLING her? Claire’s erotic sense of sheer unmitigated terror had never left since the tightening of the first leather cuff. It had only intensified at Mark’s every ruthless turn. For the most part it melded beautifully with the furious pulsating between her lewdly spread bare thighs but at moments like this she could feel a very real pure chill of absolute dread creeping up her tingling spine in horrid anticipation of Mark’s sick little plans.

“Sine you were such a Good Sport Claire I am going to perform a very special service for you young lady. I am going to shine your soles for you Claire… Isn’t that nice?” Mark gently kneeled at the foot of his massive bed starring hungrily at the beautiful bare soles that would soon-once again-be writhing madly at his tender mercy.

“Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!” Claire was absolutely bewildered… What did he mean shine her soles? Did he mean her shoes? Did he get up to get shoe polish? Did he mean spit shine? Was he going to gloriously worship her bound bare feet until she was screaming out in ecstasy? Claire could tell that her hopelessly romantic optimism was getting in the way of painful reality. Whatever Mark had up his sick little sleeve would be a part of her mindless destruction. In her reserved innocence she had never developed the powers of sadistic projection to compete with her demented lost friend. “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH NONONONONNPNPNPNNNOMNOMPNMONNPMNONONOPMPM!” The full gravity of the situation was made a little clearer as Claire felt the first gently kiss of the cool greasy moisturizer adorning her right quivering sole. The feel of Mark’s wet slippery fingertips massaging in the luxurious lather into her already buttery bare sole almost tickled but these teasing tingles served a much HIGHER purpose deep within the sweltering mound resting atop her wildly thrusting bare thighs. Was this it… Was he going to give her a massage?

“Now sit still Claire. I am going to have to make sure that there is plenty of lotion on these pretty little soles. I want to make sure that the sine is absolutely perfect when I am done with them! Hehehe!” Mark firmly rubbed every bare inch of Claire’s straining bare foot until it was absolutely dripping with the slithery lather. The white greasy concoction against the light contrast of her pink buttery soles and cherry tipped toes was absolutely delicious as it pinged back and forth deep within Mark’s straining loins.

“MMMMMMMMMMMMMM HUUUUUU HUUUUU HUUUUU HUUUUU MMMMMMMMMMMMMM!” Claire was becoming terribly impatient. It was a sick scenario to actually welcome the news of your impending torment, but she knew that the other consequence would be far too unbearable to contemplate. She could feel herself slipping again into the warm bath of sinful indulgence at the skillful touch of Mark’s firm massage. The strained muscles of her sensitive bare sole yielded deliciously as though his fingers simply melted into her soft wrinkly flesh as she lay there writhing in her tight bondage. She could see the little flashes of white light creeping behind her tight blindfold yet again and she knew that in only a matter of moments her guard would be completely lost.

“Just a little More Claire… Don’t worry. We will get started in just another second!” Mark firmly pressed both of his thumbs into Claire’s bare slick arch forcing her back to arc painfully in glorious fervent approval.

“HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU ---------------------------- HUUUU HUUUUUU OOHOHOHOHHOHOHOHPHPMHPMPHMHPMHPMHPHPMPMH!” Claire didn’t know how much more of the suggestive massage that she would be able to stand. It was taking on a dreadfully erotic flavor as her sensitive arch acted with full power of attorney over her aching clit delivering the delicious pressure to her smoldering loins that she craved so desperately. She hope it would end… she wanted it to end… but she needed him to coldly continue until the very end of time.

“There… I think that’s enough lubricant. Now… LET’S PUT A SHINE on this pretty little foot of yours YOUNG LADY! HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHHAAHAHA!” Mark once again pulled Claire’s wiggling bare toes back and was immediately lost in depraved sadistic glee at the first demented strokes of his ‘Shinning!’


“Don’t worry Claire. I won’t miss a spot, I PROMISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSE AHAHAHAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA… Tell me Claire… How many bristles do you think there are? I know you took accounting but I doubt either of us can count that high…. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAH!”

You see for people… like… me… Hmmm For people like me there comes a time. A time when you finally make the serious realization… When you realize that what other people call “SANITY” is just a boring way to keep you from having FUNNNNNNNNNNNNNN HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!

HAHAHAHAHAMHPAPAMHPMAPMAHAHAHAPPAMHPMAPMHPMAPHPMAPHMAPHPA MPHMAPPAMPHMAPMHPMAPPAMHPMAPHPAMHPMAPPMAHPMAPHMAPMPAMHPMAPP AMPHAPMHPAMPHMAPHMAPMAPHMH!!” MILLIONS… MILLIONS… MILLIONS… these three words rang through Claire’s burning ears. Spurred on by Mark’s own demented laughter Claire’s shrieking cackles of ticklish agony filled the night air as she screamed ferociously into her tight rubber gag. The stiff pointy bristles were absolutely murderous as the savagely rampaged every slick bare inch of her greasy soles. Despite her furious writhing Mark held her slender bare foot perfectly still between his strong icy fingers. Her taught foot bottom was absolutely defenseless as the sharp tickly points glided back and forth not slowed by friction mercy or sanity.

Mark just pressed the peccant brush deeper and deeper into Claire’s flexing ped as her toes twitched violently against his strong thumb to no avail. The searing tickles absolutely screamed between Claire bare legs and her most sweltering clit grew even larger in the face of Mark’s insidious torment. Claire dug her teeth deeply into her tight rubber halter trying to deal with the roaring mountain of unbearable sensations but the sadistic beaming giggles of her loving tormentor let her know all too well that it was a battle she would most certainly loose.

Claire had known that some day the time would come when her pretty bare feet would be helpless to endure the mindless torment that had fascinated her for so long but she never imagine in a million years that the full breath of her deep seeded fantasies would be so gloriously exceeded by their sweet menacing author. Though she had kept it a secret from him for far too long she was grateful beyond all measure that Mark was finally here to quench the undying thirst for his sheer villainous iniquity!

I just want him to make it worse. I have given up all hope for any form of mercy. I don’t even think I really wanted any to begin with. I just want to be left coldly in my bondage struggling for dear life while he torturously ravages the most intimate parts of me. My feet are so ticklish Mark. If I can barely tease myself with a hairbrush I can barely imagine what this will feel like. I can only hope and pray that it is horrid enough to drag all the illusions of my irrelevant control kicking and screaming from even the deepest parts of my mind so that I can be left to receive the pleasure of true vulnerability that I now crave so dearly.

“Come on Claire… No pain no gain… remember! Just like when I used to jog with you before basketball practice. Just focus on the goal. The end result… remember? Just like you taught me Claire. Just think… your pretty little sole is going to have such a wonderful SHINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNE When we’re done… HAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!”

Mark was delirious. Anything… anything to make her scream. That was the only thought that was crashing through his blank torturous mind as he held his best friends entire world between his chilled fingers. He loved the fiery red streaks left in the wake of the millions of ticklish bristles adorning Claire’s pink undulating sole. He loved the feeling of all her muscles futilely rebelling against his strong inescapable grasp signaling that the mindless tickle torture of her helpless bare foot was absolutely unbearable for his helpless little queen as she thrashed and squirmed wildly in her tight bridles. Mark relished the look of sheer unmitigated terror conveyed by Claire’s trapped ticklish toes as the trembled violently against his strong menacing thumb. He wanted to know that she couldn’t take it. He wanted to know she couldn’t FUCKING take it-just like he couldn’t take another word about “HIM!”

Where was HE now? When his beautiful little servant girl needed him most he was absolutely incapable of stopping her sadistic destruction at the hands of her true “MASTER”. All those years of standing by her side, being there, caring for her, listening to her, taking her to practice, hanging with her brothers, meeting her parents, loving her more than his very breath itself there was no force in the universe short of the almighty that would make him relinquish his long standing investment in his bound ticklish love that he had made with so much sweat tears and now even his own crimson blood. Who was “HE” to think that he could take her away from him? Did he really think that he would let that happen? Did he really think that he would go down without a fight? Mark honed all of his acquired skills forcing dire penance on Claire’s hyper-sensitive bare soles for even introducing the idea that an outsider could disrupt his life long plan for her sweet sensual seduction. Her every tortured shriek of helpless ticklish abandon made the twelve gentle scars adorning his left wrist pulse with blissful euphoria as all the pain of the last few months was washed away with the one good thing that had come from Claire’s sinful transgression: carnal knowledge of her greatest weakness and the finally link to their unbreakable bond.

AMHAMHAPHPAMHPMAPMHAHAHAHAPMPAMHPMAPPAMHPAMPMAHPMAPHP AMHPMAPHPMAHPMHAPMPHPMAPMHPMAPHPAMHAHAHAHPMAHPMAPMHPAMPH PAMHPMAPHPAMHPMAPH!!!” Claire’s mind was beyond repair beset by the sensory overload of the fiery tickles but her heart was reaching out with all its power to meat the loving torturous taunts of her sadistic lover with warm open arms. Mark was right. He had been there for her, for so long. They had done everything together since she was just a girl. He had given of himself in such asinine pass times like jogging, studying, patently failing to properly bake a cake for her eldest brothers 21st birthday. They were all silly in retrospect, but all done together. Claire felt horribly silly that she had kept her most desired activity from the one boy that always made her knees weak. How could she let the fear of loosing him overwhelm the single glorious trait that made her love him so much: his undying loyalty.

“You See Claire… nice and shiny. I think I can see myself in the reflection… HAAHHAA!” Mark gently bent down blowing softly on Claire’s gleaming soles delivering icy shivers through the glorious expanse of her entire bound form. It as a devilishly cruel way to rub in lathery moisturizer but he had to admit that it was dreadfully fun… His nostrils filled with the wonderful cherry almond scent covering Claire’s helpless bound souls as she shivered deliciously in her bonds…

“OHHHHHHOHHOHOHOHHOHO HAAAAAAAAAAAAA MMMMMM HUUUU HUUUU HOOOOOOOOOOO HUH HUUH HAAAAAA MMMMMMMMMM HAAAA!” Claire couldn’t seem to catch her breath in the wake of the warm wafting molecules caressing her dreadfully sensitized sole. The blazing sugary tingles crept to the top of her bare thighs with skillful precision brining her pulsing clit to even more fervent arousal. The cool crisp lotion seemed to save all of the fiery tingles on the bottom of her churning foot and they were deftly unlocked with even a gentle whisper of his warm breath against the taught bare skin of her helpless bare sole. If that’s what his breath could do to her in such a state she was petrified at the thought of his nimble wriggling fingers dancing across the ticklish expanse.

“Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm I know that feels good Sweetie… You’ve earned it. I’ll just blow gently on this sweet little sole while I get your left foot ready for its ‘Shinning’!” Mark was feeling generous. Why not let his ticklish little minx indulge herself just a little while he prepared the next course of her ticklish just deserts… He crooked his neck gentle with the delicious gleaming wrinkly sole just inches away from his teasing face as he poured gobs of the greasy moisturizer onto his sinister hands. He took Claire’s soft buttery left foot between his strong slippery hands rubbing firmly against every gentle contour of her lightly flexing bare sole. He closed his eyes consuming the glorious scene of Claire’s freshly groomed right sole letting his nostrils take their fill of the subtle inebriation. Years of fantasizing about Claire’s beautiful bare feet firmly within his grasp and here she was tied tightly to his massive bed absolutely helpless to stop him from taking his carnal indulgence. Wielding that destructive power to overwhelm her with fleshly pleasure made Mark feel a kind of strength that only the sensual yielding of the woman you truly love can produce deep within a man’s yearning heart. He gently caressed Claire’s sensitive bare sole with the warm gentle gushes of his teasing breath as he traced the wafting air across the full expanse of her glimmering sole and dancing toes….

“OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHOHHOHOHOOHHO MPMHPPHM HUUUU HUUUUUUUUUU MMMMMMMMMMM HUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUU MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM HAHAHAHAAHAH MMMMMMMMMM HAHHAHAAH MMMMMMMMMM MPHPP HUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUU!” Claire could feel herself wrapped in the white milky cloud of feverish ecstasy. How could something as simple as his breathing feel THIS good? The light gentle caress of the warm moist air against her wrinkly sensitive skin was absolutely exhilarating. It was almost as though the tip of her bare clit had a rather large mirror image as Mark’s gentle blowing was deviously received at the final hub of her every tingling nerve ending. The feel of the gentle breath caressing her naked wiggling toes was absolutely carnal forcing her to grunt lewdly in reckless abandon as her face contorted into a gloriously ecstatic grimace. Claire could feel herself lightly flowing with physical glee streaming along her bare inner thighs and she was utterly unashamed. Here… with “HIM” she was safe. She was safe to let down her guard and let him into every naughty crevice of her woefully debauched base mind.

As if the gentle tickly caress of the warm air between her helpless twitching toes wasn’t enough, Claire had to endure the erotic massage of her trapped flexing right sole and the slick greasy sensation of the lathery moisturizer being rubbed lovingly into every sensitive patch of skin adorning her bound bare foot. The gentle kneading was the perfect supplement to the teasing caress of Mark’s warm breath along her lightly cringing sole. Claire tried as she might to curl her toes blocking out the suggestive strokes of warm air but that only presented the tingling skin of her soft buttery wrinkles for Mark’s cruel seduction.

The combination of the two dizzying sensations warring in Claire’s hedonistic racked her nervous system with systemic desire. Every cell in her entire bare form yearned desperately for more sinful touch just to resolve the glorious battle being waged deep inside of her wet lace panties. Her entire torso strained against her tight binds just to rub her wonderfully bare back deliciously against the cool crisp comforter feeling every gentle massage of her libidinous needs. Claire violently slammed her quivering bottom into the mattress again and again just for jolt after jolt of fleeting pressure to her trembling pelvis. Claire’s nipples ached desperately for their own sensual maltreatment at the tender mercy of Mark’s sweet blowing caress as the gentle night air alone became woefully inadequate compared to the delightful wafting spa beleaguering her twitching bare toes.

“HEHEHE… What my Claire wants… huuuuuuuuu huuuuuuu My Claire GETS! HEHEHE HMMMMMMMMMM pshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” Mark looked up at Claire’s glorious undulating form reveling in his seductive power granted by the very mindless torment that made her scream in horrible ticklish discomfort only moments ago. He literally needed to know that he could please the beautiful woman of his dreams as “NO MAN” in the four corners of the earth could…

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevilllll…. Evil’s fun. Don’t get me wrong. That’s what makes me… ME! But you also need that something… you need to know… deep down that your helpless little playmate can’t reach that same little place of “vulnerability” with every degenerate psychopath with ruthlessly sadistic intentions… NOPE JUST YOU AHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAAHAHHAA

“UHHHHHHHHHH HUUUUUUUUUUUUUU MMMMMMMMMMMMM!” ‘My Claire…’ She was “HIS” Claire…. Not my friend Claire. Not my neighbor Claire. Not my class mate Claire. Not my room mate Claire. “HIS” Claire… Deep inside of her heaving chest she could feel the utter euphoria of her innocent virgin heart breaking into a million pieces and the gentle tear soaking into tight blindfold made he question if she EVER wanted it to be put back together again… “MMMMMMMMMMMMM HAHAH HAAAAAA MMMMMMMMMMMM AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHPAPAMPHPAHPMAPHMPAMHPMAPHMAPH MAPHPAMHPMAPHMAPHAPPAMHPMAHPMPMHPPPHMPHMHPMPHMMPHMHPM PMPHMHPMPHMPHMHPMHPPHMPMHPMHMP!”

“That’s enough lotion sweetheart… I assure you. I can see the glorious shine of this ticklish little sole already Claire… AHAHAHAAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA!” Mark quickly grabbed hold of Claire’s squirming left sole holding it perfectly still for its horrible mistreatment. He watched Claire panic. He watched her entire body stiffen like a board and then go limp in insane struggling spasms against her tight stringent bondage. He closed his eyes drinking in the sweet nefarious nectar of Claire’s shrieking cackles as the deadly brush scrapped violently against her bare sensitive arch forcing her to buck wildly in her tight bonds slamming up and down on the mattress like a yoyo on Mark’s tickly string.

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAMPHPMAHPMPAMHPMAPHAPMHMPAMHPMAPHP AMHPMAPPAMHPMPAMHPMAPHPAMHPMPAHPAMPHAPMHPAMHPMPAMPMAPHPAM HPMPHAHAHAPMHPAMPHMAPPAMPAMHPMAHPMAPMPMAPMHPMAPHMPHAPPAM HPMAPHMPAMPHAMHMAPMHPMAHPMAPMAAPOMAHAHAHAHAAMHPMAPHPMAP MHMAHPMAPMH!” Claire’s body was taking on a mind on its own thirstily drinking in every demented stroke of the feral scrub brush across the outstretched length of her vulnerable ticklish foot. The blistering fierce tickles shrieking through every cell of her tight staining body were absolutely dreadful and she could not help but revel in furious glee at the sheer hopelessness of her inescapable plight.

Mark had fully transformed into the merciless phantasm that haunted her sweetest day dreams and Claire could hardly believe her glorious misfortune to be so helplessly trapped in his merciless clutches. Armed with his insidious incubus between his icy fingers she felt him holding her hyper-perceptive bare sole straining against his strong cold-hearted grip perfectly in place so that more and more of her utterly depraved prize could be delivered to the helpless bare nerve of her writhing bare sole while she screamed at the top of her lungs in indulgent protest.

“You know Claire… I am actually kind of glad that you sent me all those letters now. If I didn’t know that this excited you so much I might actually feel bad for heartlessly scraping up and down your twitching little foot just to listen to your helpless hysterical laughter. That might actually feel kind of wrong… or sick. But not now. Now I know that I am just doing you a favor mercilessly tickle torturing your helpless little feet while you struggle so hard to get away. AHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHHAHHA Aren’t you SO GLAD that you went out and got a pedicure for ‘HIM’ today. Aren’t you relieved that your cute little feet are so Sensitive sweetheart. I wouldn’t want my cute little Claire getting short changed on her special day now would I DEAR? HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHHAHAHA!” Mark was sick with the fever of triumph. His entire existence had been consumed by the dark shadow looming over him every time that he looked in the mirror. The thought of his precious ticklish little kitten playing in “HIS” litter box absolutely made his skin crawl. Taking her back so forcefully… tying her so tightly torturing her to no end until she was “HIS” all his fueled every violent masculine urge born of the first gentle kiss of testosterone to his devious blood stream all those years ago.

HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUU HAHAHHMAHPMAPHMAPMHPAMHPMAPPAMHPMAPPAMHPMAPHMAPMHPAMHPMAHPPAMHPMAPPAMHPMAPMPAMHPAMHPA HUUUUUUUUU MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM HUUUUUUUUUUUUU AAHHAHAHAAHAHAHAHHAAHAHHAHHAHAHHAH AHHHHHH AHAHAAHHAHHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAHA HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!” As Mark’s insidious torment became more and more ruthless Claire’s earthy moans of carnal desire became more and more overwhelming to even her most demonic ticklish cackles as she shrieked in helpless abandon. Why did he have to do that? Why did he have to throw it back in her face like that? Why did he have to remind her of his oh so romantic larceny stealing her away from the enigmatic “MASTER” with a cat burglars precision? Why did she have to be reminded that in part her unbearable sensitivity was directly tied to the misguided affections that had placed her in this helpless predicament? Why did he have to remind her how sinfully seductive it was to be pushed off her feet onto the ominous bed tied tightly and ticklishly tormented within an inch of her very sanity as her impure self indulgent wet pussy looked on in raucous applause? Why did he have to be so…

Mark could see Claire’s growing sensual frustration with every passing second. He could see her face tightly laced in the grimace of helpless ticklishness and raging carnal desire. He could see the spilling dew drops of her blazing excitement glistening on her warm silky bare thighs inviting his sweet transgression against her helpless steaming moist clit making her scream out again and again in wild orgasmic bliss. The time of her orgiastic indulgence would come soon enough, but as he placed the finishing touches of Claire’s wonderful sole ‘SHINNING’ Mark wanted to push the envelop of her sensual torment just a little bit further by enraging her tortured sensual frustration just a little bit further…

“There you go sweetheart… ALL DONE. Two perfectly shiny bare soles.” Mark gently climbed onto the bed between Claire’s widely spread bound bare legs Claire’s breath caught in the back of her throat feeling his weight displaced on the mattress so close to her dripping wet mound. “Now… that they are nice and shiny I can truly give them their proper attention… Although…” Mark gently caressed the underside of Claire’s left firm breast with the stiff edge of the feather sending her reeling conscious mind into the tenth level of orbit… “I wouldn’t want to neglect certain OTHER locations… HAHHAAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH!”

“AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWMMMMMMMMMPMPMPPHMPHMPHMPMPHMHPMHPMPMPMHPMHPMHPHMHPMHMHPMHPMHPMHPHMP HMMMMMMMMMMMM HMMMMMMMMMM HUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUU MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!” Mark absolutely loved Claire’s grunting disapproval of his teasing affections. He could feel her entire body beset by the unbearable pressure of continued sensual denial and he wanted to ratchet up the power on her sexual pressure cooker as much as humanly possible. Seeing his bound ticklish beauty wallowing helplessly in anguish made him feel alive, feel strong… feel powerful. She could level his entire plain of existence with a single look of her eyes and manipulating her spinning universe with his nimble teasing fingers was a smile balancing consolation.

“MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM I’m So glad that we agree honey… I know that you are just going to love having your pert full breasts lovingly teased and fondled with my wicked little feather for ohhhhhh I don’t know, A few hours?” Mark gently began to trace around Claire’s violently swollen areolas on the very surface of her trapped left breast. She arched her back sinfully trying to force the devious crest onto her swollen turgid peak but Mark was too savvy for that. He just gentle withdrew the teasing tendrils bit by bit making sure that his every present contact with Claire’s yearning peak was always a maddening persistent itch and nothing more…

MPHMPHMPHMPMPMHPM MMMMMMMMMM HAAAAAAAA HAAAAAAAA AMAMAAMPMPAMAPMAPM HUUUUUUUUU HUUUUU HUUUUUUUU MMMMMMM MMM MMMMMMMM!” Mark took stock of every blood vessel protruding on Claire’s slender neck as she strained turbulently against her tight stringent bondage for even one single kiss of the feather against her firm pulsing nipple just to take away a little horrid pressure from the horrifying frustration that she was being forced to endure…

“Awwwwwwwwww Does someone want me to dip my evil little feather across their fleshy pulsing nipple…. Huh Claire?” Mark delicately allowed a few teasing tendrils of the feral feather to saw on the outer rim of her incredibly stiff peak causing her entire body to shutter in glorious abandon at even the simple intrusion. He knew that right now he held Claire’s entire world in the palm of his sick hands and he wanted to make her thoroughly regret taking so long to finally give him the keys to her greatest desire.

“YEEPMYEEYYPEMYPEMYEEEYPEYMYPEMPEEMPYPEMYPMEPYMEPMEMYPMEPYEMPYEPMYPMEYPMEYPYPEMPEY EMPMEPYPYPEMPMYPMEYPEMYPMEYMEPMYPMEPPEMPMYPEMYPMEPMEMYPMEPYMPEMPYMPEMPMEMPEMYPMEPMPYPeMPE!” Claire balled her slim fingers into tight meat fists once again as even the slightest touch to her aching bare breast was like a gentle ray of light in the sea of erotic darkness. She craved to have her sensitive erogenous zones over stimulated well past the point of all reason and this was just a drop in the bucket for the delicious sensations that she wanted… that she needed so desperately, but it was a start.

“Really… well if you want me to stroke these cute little nipples with my naughty little feather…” Mark quickly darted the sadistic quill to Claire’s pulsing twin at the top of her right heaving mound skillfully toying as her beautiful bare breasts rose and fell to fill her burning lungs with the glorious air that fueled her burning desire.

“MPMPPMPHPMPMPHMHPMPHMPHMPHMHPMPMPHMPHMHPMPHMHPMHPMPHMHPMHPMHHMHPMHPMHPMHMPHPMPHM!” He wanted her to beg. He always wanted her to beg. He needed the final ratification of his raging sensual spell that he had locked her in through her violent shrieks for release. He was so self indulgent, he was so terrifying. He was so romantic… he was so…. Why did she get off on fulfilling his malignant requests as best as she possibly could trapped wandering in darkness behind her tight blindfold.

“You are going to have to do a lot better than that Claire, and a hell of a lot better if you even want to THINK about me going anywhere near those wet little panties of yours young lady!” Mark lightly fluttered is hare teasing fingers across Claire’s damp lace covered pelvis feeling the greasy dew drops of the fervent raging desire that he created deep within his bound beauties sweltering loins. “Scream for me Claire…”

“PPLEEEPMEPMMPEPMEPMEMPEPMEMEPEMPEMEPLELEEMAPAMMPA!” Claire was past the point of pride… finally. She just needed him to... No, that was it. That was the point. She needed “HIM!” That’s what his sick little obsession with her raging sexual frustration was about. Right now with her hands tied so tight and her sinful womanhood rising to full bloom she needed him so desperately to grant her the gentle mercy of ecstatic rhapsody before she lost what little mind she had. He wanted to watch in sadistic awe as she walked around lost behind her dark sleeping mask in complete and utter need of “HIM” for the one thing that she desired most in the entire world (just as he had wandered around for five months desperately needing her.) He wanted to be needed. Why did he have to be so cute?

“I SAID SCREAM FOR ME CLAIRE!” Mark’s sternness startled Claire and he could see it. the gentle look of erotic terror as he continued his mindless teasing of her very puffy areolas made him pulse with reprobate indulgence as his stiff aching manhood pulsed between his sinister legs with every tortured moan of spiteful ecstasy forced from behind her tight rubber halter past her lovely pouting crimson lips.

“MPMPHPHMPMPHMHMPPMHHPMHPMPHMH PLEPPMPEPMEPEMEPLPMPEMEPMAPMPMAPEMPAMMEPAMEPM!” Claire emptied her lungs hoping against hope that Mark would take pity on her emptying her swollen loins of all the horrible pressure that he had been building up for so long.

“I SAID FUCKING SCREAM FOR ME CLAIRE!” Mark didn’t know where he go the inspiration for his new heights of depravity but he was most certainly enthralled by the glorious result of Claire’s straining bare thighs churning even more desperately to receive the slightest touch of delicious pressure against her moist lace covered blazing clit.

PLAEEEAEMAEPMPMEPMEPMAPMEPMAPEMPAMEPMAPMEPMAMEPMAPEMPAMPEMPAMEPMAPMEPMAPEMPAMEPMAPEMPAMEPMAPMEPMAPEMPAMEPMAPMEPMAPEMPAMEPMEAMP!” Mark’s stern domineering person did absolutely nothing to quiet the searing fires roaring deep within her swollen genitals. Just hearing his scolding commands made her long desperately to make up whatever transgression she may have caused to the principal in exchange for early release from detention. Claire could feel the back of her throat becoming raspy from her fervent screams of erotic abandon and she feared that even this might not satisfy the raging beast before her in his lustful rage of sinful envy.

“WOULD YOU DO ANYTHING CLAIRE… WOULD YOU DO ANYTHING TO FEEL THE FEATHER AGAINST THOSE ACHING PRETTY LITTLE NIPPLES OF YOURS?” Mark wanted submission. Her screams were a wonderful serenade to accompany his mindless torment, but he needed something more, something tangible, something real. He wanted her full submission to his reprobate desires before she could even think about receiving the glorious pleasure that she craved so much. The wonderful trip to quaking earthy indulgence that only “HE” could provide.

“YEPSPMSPMSPSMPSMPSMSPMSPMSPMSPSMPSMSPMSPMSPMSPMSPMSPMSPMSPSMSPMSPSMSPMSPMSPMPSMSPSMSP!” He had her. He knew he had her. Claire was full aware that the horrible fate of her ticklish bare breasts had already been sealed. He knew that she would do anything right now just for the slightest respite from the unbearable building in her bare midsection… He just wanted to make that painfully obvious before granting her even the tiniest slither of relief.

“ANYTHING?” Mark reached around himself stroking a single finger up the bare quivering bound sole of Claire’s ticklish left foot. He felt her entire body recoil sharply at the subtle caress and he wanted Claire to be fully aware of the self destructive decision laying on the table before her.

“YEMMPMPRPEPEPMPEMPEMPMEPMEPMYMPEYPEPPMPEMPEPMEYPEYPMYMP!” Claire couldn’t take it anymore. Having her feet mercilessly ravaged by Mark’s wicked fingers was bad enough. This horrible burning sensation between her bound bare legs was absolutely too good to be allowed to exist. It was so sensual, so irresistible, it had to come to earth shattering fruition before it consumed her conscious mind and she was only left with the fervent arousal created by Mark’s sadistic dementia. If that meant suffering in the wallows of utterly ticklish hysteria then so be it.

“ARE YOU SUREEEEEEEEEE CLAIRE?” Mark skittered all five of his teasing fingers along the bare squirming expanse of Claire’s helpless bound sole. She had already given in… Mark had just developed a new nasty habit of gloating lewdly in the face of his life’s great triumphs.

“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHMHPMAPHPAMHPMAHPPAHPAMPHAPMHPMAPHMPAMHPMAHPMHPMAPMAHMPHMAHM YEEEEPMEPEMEPEMEMPEMEMEPMPEMEPMPEM! HAHAHHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH!” Claire would have given anything to make him understand. Even if she had to suffer for all eternity burning in the sizzling ardent lust created by Mark’s cruel teasing he deserved to know, he had to know. He had to know how absolutely insane his callous taunts, cruel tickle torture and erotic teasing was making her right now. He had to know how much it turned her on to see him at his most base desires teasing and torturing her at every turn as she corruptly enjoyed the ride.

“Good…” Mark knew that his eerie calm in contrast to his domineering sadistic screams would be the perfect transition into Claire’s most articulated nightmare. “I am so glad that we agree Young Lady AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA” Even still, his demon possessed menacing laughter was beyond even his control watching the object of his life’s great affection tied to tightly to his bed gagged and blindfolded suffering so deliciously for his sick enjoyment.

HAHAHAHAHAMHPHPMAPAMHPHPMAPAHMAPHMPAHPMHAPMHPMAPMAPHPA MHPMAHPPMAPHPAMHPMAPMPMMPAMAPMHPAMPHPAMHAHAHAHAHAHPAMHPHPHMA HHUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUU HAPHAPMHMAPHPAMHPMAHAHAHAHAPHAPMHPAM MMMMMMMMMMM PAHPAMHPMAHPMAPMPAH HAUUUUUUUUUUUU AMHMPAMHPAHPMAPMHPMAPHPAMHPMAMPMAMAPHPAMHPMAPHM!!!!!!” The feeling of the knobby hairbrush scrapping up and down her helpless bare sole was absolutely dreadful and completely unexpected. Did he have a single shred of mercy in his entire sadistic being? (Did she really want him too?) Amidst the glorious decent of the cruel crest suggestively sawing her perfect right pulsing stiff nipple Claire’s Back arched painfully both in fervent erotic excitement and helpless ticklish abandon. The two sensations were quickly sparring with each other in the back of Claire’s deviant mind and the early decision was leaning towards the immodest truth that tragically her dripping wet clit would ultimately be the worse for wear.

Claire’s entire body literally became the delicate nerve endings that Mark so carelessly titillated at his leisure. Claire was in dreadfully over her head in the deep sea of electric amatory perceptions and the only twisted life jacked granted to her was Mark’s cruel pitiless taunts and his utterly demonic callous laughter assuring her that no matter how bad she thought this was at the moment that her ticklish plight would only get worse.

It was as though the devious knobs of the wicked brush were tethered to Claire’s writhing bare sole. No matter how tightly she clinched her toes, no matter how much she wiggled her helpless bare foot from side to side she could not seem to evade the horribly tickly knobs of Mark’s sinister device. The fiery tickles of the evil hairbrush were boiling right at the base of Claire’s desperately aching wet pussy as she thrust her hips desperately against her tight wet lace prison hoping desperately for the night air to grant her stiff pulsing clit the gentle mercy denied to her by her sadistic tormentor.

The feeling of her nipples being so capriciously tantalized was absolutely all consuming. Claire swore that she could count each individual tendril as the cruel merciless crest heartlessly sawed against each of her stiff pulsing nubbins forcing wave after wave of delicious euphoria to crash over her entire bound form with the incredibly intense chaser of the maddening ticklish sensations being forced at the base of her bound foot.

“MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM I think that SOMEONE likes to have their ticklish little feet and their naughty little nipples teased and tickled at the same time. Huuuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuu don’t they Claire? HAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAH Aren’t you glad that you told me this Claire. Huuuuuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuuuuuuAren’t you glad that I got every last one of your sick little letters telling me about all the naughty little fantasies that had been keeping you up at night. Huuuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuuuAren’t you glad that we are so compatable sweetheart? HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAA!” Mark could barely stand the sight of Claire’s furious bucking in the wake of sheer ticklish agony combined with the lewd display of carnal gyrations in response to the wonderful over stimulation of her bare twitching peaks. He loved forcing her deeper and deeper into the internal conflict of the warring sensations. He loved the look of sheer unmitigated terrified agony besetting her innocent angelic face in the wake of her mounting sensual futility. He knew that the pressure must be unbearable. The gentle pulsing of his own sensitive loins as the rubbed deliciously against his own undergarments gave him a quick gentle glance into the hellacious world of insatiable desire that must be enveloping Claire’s little world with the glorious blaze burning brightly between her bound bare thighs.

AHMAHPAHAHHAPMHPMAPHPAMHPMPAMHPMAM HUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUU MHAPMPAMHPMAPMAH HUUUUUUUUU AMHPAMHPAMPHPAHMAPMH UUUUUUUUUUUUUU AMPAMHPMAP!!!” Claire was trapped, she was finally trapped. She was locked into the indecipherable maze of her own crashing nervous system at the cruel subjugation of Mark’s evil feather and his demented hairbrush. How could he do this to her? How could she survive? How could she ever live without it?

The pressure between her legs was absolutely hideous. She needed release. She needed his mercy but was not sure if either would ever come. The teasing of her pert full breasts was absolutely unbearable. It tickled, yes it tickled but the violent mistreatment of her bare yearning nipples still tossed her again and again into the irresistible furnace of burning sensual desire. She arched her back wildly seeking even the slightest bit more delirious pressure from the tip of the feather as it carelessly danced and raked along her fleshy peak. She twisted her body from side to side trying desperately to make the wicked path of Mark’s feral feather even easier to tease tickle and torment her yielding bare flesh as she screamed lewdly into her tight rubber gag begging desperately for the feather to be placed much much lower on her heaving form.

The Hairbrush was just utter chaos. The furious tickles raged through every tortured nerve ending of her bare sensitive thighs forcing spasm after spasm of utter ticklish agony only increasing her need for desperate release with every passing second. Every violent contraction of her straining legs only increased the dreadful building inside her tight lace panties as they dripped with enraged sensual desire. Claire’s shrieking cackles could not conceal the earthy moans of raging libidinous desire being forced from her yielding form at the sinister hands of her abductor.

The two sensations taking complete hold of her bound bare form was absolutely hellacious and Claire sincerely hoped on some level in the back of her reprobate mind that it would never truly end. As much as she hated to admit it in the throes of sensual destruction Mark was right. A part of her was very glad that as it turns out they were a match made in the unimaginable depths of hellacious torturous indulgence… two sides of the same coin forged by a sadistic interpretation of torment from different sides of the black spectrum. Being there with him trapped as his sensual slave being forced to endure the merciless teasing of her anguished libido Claire could not help but be reminded just how much this reprobate scene of merciless debauchery was just like the very dreams she had written about…

I don’t know which is harder to fight, my desperate panting, the atrocious tickly sensations besetting my tightly curled toes, or the insatiable mounting arousal that threatens to rip all my nerve endings apart at the same time never to be put back together again. The real question that plagues me right now, Mark, is if I really want to fight any of them.

Now all I can do is lay there and writhe madly as the… sensations take me hostage. No matter how much I may want to, there is nothing that I can do to subdue the earthy moans of mounting ecstasy from sneaking past my quivering lips. Right now I am off in my own little world of erotic torment and for some disturbed reason my predicament is bringing me closer and closer to crashing home in a way I never imagined.

The wicked feather bringing me closer and closer to screaming climax as it ruthlessly teases and tickles my pert breasts and throbbing nipples is enough to drive me crazy. Now I have to deal with the conflicting sensation of his horrible… raking up and down alternating between each of my quaking ticklish feet while I am bound and helpless to stop it.

Now there would be no subtle struggling, there would only be violent thrashing. The two sensations are far too different to be allowed to exist at the same time. I would do anything; agree to anything to have some type of resolution. With the sharp electric sensations being forced on my wrinkling writhing soles and the merciless sawing of the feather on my delicate yearning nipples I fear that as the sensations rack all the muscles of my body in between the erogenous points of origin that my poor innocent smoldering womanhood will prove ultimately to be the worse for wear.

I have finally been pushed past the point of being able to respond. All that I can do is moan deeply… affirming his omnipotence as it washes over my entire body from the tips of my tingling toes to the very tips of my flowing main. It feels so good just to be lost in the little world that he has created for me Mark. No one has ever taken the time to strip me down and make me this emotionally bare before.

Since high school, just hearing the word tickle was enough to take my attention. Now being forced to endure the concept of having two of my most perceptive erogenous zones mercilessly tormented at the same time brings the sensation of desperate arousal breaking out of my corrupt subconscious and splashing violently into my now very damp panties as the physical manifestation of my intense excitement continues to drip from my now glistening lips.

“Oh come on now Claire… Cheer up. Just a few more HOURS to go… Maybe.. just maybe if you behave yourself then I MIGHT decide to play with that sensitive little clit of yours that I know is just screaming for ‘ATTENTION’ HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAH! And maybe a few hours after that, I might actually touch it in the way that you need instead of just the way that I want. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Mark was absolutely debauched. He held Claire’s entire world at the time of his cruel fingers and he knew it. He wanted to watch her suffering in furious erotic anguish just for his sick pleasure and her tormented look of pained frustration amused him as he pushed her closer and closer to raging insanity with his every icy taunt.

MPMPMPHMPHMHPMHPMHPMHMPHMHHAMHPAMHPAMHAHAHAHPMAPMHPAM PHMAPMHPMAPHPMAHPMAPAMPMHPMAHPMAMHPMAPHMAPHPAMPHPAMHPMAHPMH PMAPMMAPMHPMHPMPAHPHMPAHMHPMA!” ‘HOURS’… FUCKING HOURS? He couldn’t be serious. She couldn’t survive that. She couldn’t take that. How could he be so utterly cruel? Maybe she had gone too far? She had never conceived a deviant creature this utterly obsessed with her continued sensual frustration. She hated giving him the satisfaction of her violent responses of utter tortured anguish. The absolutely despised him for toying with her precious essence as though it were a simple toy for his degenerate amusement. She was absolutely disgusted at her warm bare clit reacting with such amorous enthusiasm as though its proliferated stay in sensual purgatory was what it REALLY wanted instead of a trip back to trembling ecstasy. What was happening to her?

“Come on Claire… It’s not all bad. Remember Your soles are nice and shiny today. That has to count for something doesn’t it? HHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!” She whimpered she cried out, she screamed for ticklish mercy, she cursed behind her tight rubber gag, she balled her fists into tight balls of bitter spite and she lunged feverishly at him writhing in her tight bondage between painful lustful arches of her right back seeking desperately for the sweet release that he was so mercilessly denying her. Her every reaction was taken right from the script of his most dizzying day dreams and the erotic fog surrounding Claire’s bound naked form fully consumed her loving tormentor as he was fully immersed in his sheer glorious profligacy. Claire was his ticklish little toy to play with at his leisure. He would tease and torment her poor little womanhood at his own discretion and there was absolutely no one in the entire world that could save her… (Not even this enigmatic “HIM!”)

HAHAHAHAHMPMPAMHPPAMPHPAMHPMAPHMPMAPHPAMHPMAMHPMAPHPMAHP MAHPMPAMHPAHAHAHAHAHPAMHPMAHPPAMHPMAPMHPMAHPMAPMHPMAHAHAHM PAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM HUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUAHMAPPAMHAPMPAMHPMAPMPAM!” Claire’s blindfold became lightly soaked with salty wet tears as she sobbed gently into her tight sleeping mask. She wasn’t sad… not really. In a way this was the most glorious moment of her life. She was finally where she had always envisioned herself with her dearest love. The painful tension welling up inside of her body had just become too much. It had to go somewhere. Her steaming aching loins were busy dispensing their own manifestation of her sensual anguish and her watery eyes began to follow suit.

She could hear it in his voice. He had no intentions of granting her mercy… not any time soon. At this rate it might be some time before the next election cycle before he granted her sweet release. She could sense his growing addiction to her sexual torment. After gaining the sick power to push her to the greatest heights of sensual ecstasy the only thing approaching her actual orgasmic shrieks of delight was dangling her sinful indulgence right before her swimming hazel eyes only to relish in her tortured whimpers as it was so cruelly taken away again and again. As much as she absolutely FUCKING hated him for playing this malignant little game at her terrible expense she couldn’t help but be seduced by his malevolence.

Yes… She was crazy. She had been crazy for a long time getting off at the idea of her own sensual destruction. With the icy tone in his voice, his dominant presence of unwavering control and the unique way that he ushered her to that special place of unmitigated helplessness and vulnerability Claire could not help but fall deeply in love with him all over again. It should have been shameful, it should have been embarrassing, it should have been an unbearable sign of weakness, but it wasn’t. Giving herself over fully to he truest desires no matter what anyone thought (not even herself) was the single greatest act of strength that she had ever mustered and she had her eternal loving protector to thank.

She could feel herself slipping. She could feel herself slipping completely into the warm bath of his dominance. She had fought it for so long. She always saw it off in the distance, he always had parts of it…. he was just never proud before. Listening to his quivering voice, is loud endearing intoxicating iniquitous laughter, and feeling-just feeling- him tremble in undying desire for her, just for her, was all that Claire needed to give freely away even the subconscious levels of opposition to her loving captor.

Her clit ached, her nipples pulsed, and the pressure mounting between her bare legs was absolutely unbearable. But it wasn’t hers. It was “HIS!” It’s very existence was a testament to his perfection. She knew that the glorious eruption whenever it may happen would be of like kind. Claire finally put her mind at ease relaxing once again into the dangerous web of her sinister spider as he toyed with his prey before mercilessly devouring her between his full lips.

Claire just let go. She let him have his way with her. The merciless foot tickling, the horrible sawing of her bare nipples, the pitiless verbal taunts. She would suffer for him as she had so desperately craved for far too long. No matter how long it took be it in a moment an hour or even days on end she would give him all the glorious anguish that he wished to partake no matter how unbearable it was for her. She would do that… she would do that for him. Her sweet innocent little crush that had started all those many years ago matured into her ultimate sacrifice of her full unconditional surrender to the violent torment of her bare form. Her entire body pulsed with desire and the knowledge of Mark’s lovingly cruel hand guiding her down the path to utter calamity gave her a quiet sense of calm that made her sensual destruction okay.

Claire focused intently on the merciless raking of her bare sole with the violent knobs of the hairbrush. She was afraid, she was still afraid. The fear would never be gone. That’s what made it so exciting. But she was safe here with Mark-never safe from him, but safe because of him. She could be brave. She could be brave for him. She focused on letting him hear all the glorious laughter that he was building deep within her heaving tummy. She wanted him to know how happy he always made her as her body became her loving heart beat for the man that she had always loved. Every stroke of the sinister brush was felt coursing through her entire body but feeling him there watching her-enjoying every second of her merciless torment-made it all the more bearable if it was pleasing “HIM”. Then as her nipples were completely devoured by the feral brushes, her feet burned with the furious tingles created by the path of the torturous brushes and her heart ached with every wonderfully seductive icy romantic taunt passing through his sweet lips Claire and her loving captor finally became one sewn with the sheer fabric of her mindless ticklish torment…


At first, Mark thought that Claire’s violent spasms were just another intense response to his cruel incessant tickles along the soles of her twitching bare feet. As such, Mark just raked the menacing hairbrush faster and faster along Claire’s straining wriggling nude arch to sadistically make her bout of ticklish panic as deep as inhumanly possible.

Mark looked up in utter disbelief to see jet stream after jet stream of lustful exhilaration flowing freely from Claire’s sweet innocent womanhood as she frantically erupted in pure immodest delight simply from the sheer intensity of her mindless torment. Mark had never known such a thing to be possible, let alone conceived that it would be the fate of his bridled ticklish beauty on their maiden lecherous voyage.

Just being there, forcing wave after wave of insatiable carnal delight pulsing feverishly through her protruding veins was worth a thousand lifetimes of mindless self hatred for our loving tormentor. It was a terrible burden for Mark to hide is inner darkness for so long. The intolerable loneliness was only ever soothed by his secret little friend or the gentle curl of Claire’s sweet lips-but even then it was only for an instance. Sharing his raging depravity with his most intensely desired play mate was the firs step to alleviating the years of horrible tension built up by his perfect lie, but feeling her entire form yield to him offering it’s most fervent earthly indulgence at just the sheer unmitigated ferocity of his libidinous sadistic villainy was the ultimate stamp of approval for the dark shinning light at the back of his wicked heart…

HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MPMPMHPMHPMHPHPMHPMHPMHPMHMMPHM EWWWWWWMWMWMM HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM-------- huuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuuuu hahaah huuuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuu hmmmmmm hehehe hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!” Claire was utterly shocked at her tight bound forms gluttonous indulgence. The feeling of the feather lightly stroking back and forth alternating between each turgid pulsing nipple was absolutely maddening. It made her entire body tingle and convulse in horrified glee. The merciless torment of her bound bare feet at the hands of the circle tipped hairbrush was beyond all comprehension. Claire’s undying phobia of even hearing the word Hairbrush made the horrid breach of her hyper-ticklish bound soles consume her entire conscious being with the think dark cloud of erotic fear… Mark’s teasing taunts were absolutely abhorrent: threatening to make her wait hours before being allowed to cum. That was absolutely degenerate. It was beyond even the mortal realms of evil.

It was some hellacious nightmare spawn from the sadistic underworld that gave genesis to the raging incubus looming over her bound bare form. By any objective measure it was the most atrocious experience that she had ever been subjected to since the first sweet kiss of air tapped her sweet lungs the day she was born. Still, somehow… The greedy mastermind between her throbbing bare legs just gathered in all the terrible data torturing every gentle hub of perception mixing it into a terribly inebriating concoction of horrifying sensual delight sending her crashing into spontaneous fit of orgiastic glee that was wholly different from normal physical stimulation.

This last earth shattering explosion wasn’t about friction against a patch of nerves. This was about Claire’s dark hearted soul finding its sadistic counterpoint in the form of the devious “Monster” holding her captive to the shared deviant desires that consumed both of their most intoxicating nightmares from their uniquely supplemental perspectives.

While tickling itself always brought Claire to a fevered pitch of arousal, even in its most innocent playful forms, Claire had always thought it was the carriage to the palace of greatest ecstasy-not the driver. But ever since her first blissful peak at the hands of Mark’s sinister vibrator each subtle stroke against her warm bare skin took on a gentle sensual aftertaste that had an obviously glorious side effect… Claire had always found neat little ways to put herself in ticklish little situations-that’s what she wanted. But now, knowing that the merciless unending fiery tingles cascading through her svelte bound form could in and of themselves drag her kicking and screaming past the dangerous threshold of critical mass, what was once a casual addiction has become an almost baneful obsession. Before she wanted to be tickled more than anything she could imagine-now she needed to be ruthlessly tickle tortured just as much as she needed the air that she breathed. After such a gratifying episode, there was no way that she could ever go back to the innocent little princess hiding her libidinous desires.

“Wow, Claire. I knew that you were impatient but this is new Hahaha!” Claire hadn’t even felt him climb onto the bed. When the deadly tuning fork began to ring deep within her loins her entire world had caved in on top of itself leaving only the furious tidal waves of irresistible pleasure ravaging every tight strand of muscle and every buzzing nerve ending while she screamed at the top of her lungs in reckless abandon. Still, feeling him gently cup the back of her head resting his cheek along side hers was the perfect compliment to her furious spasmodic eruption. Falling off the cliff of eternal bliss was something that she craved to no end, but it would just never be the same if “HE” wasn’t there to catch her.

“Hmmmmmmmm heheheheheh Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!” Claire giggled to herself relishing the unending closeness to her new teasing love. She had dreamed of this very moment since the first drip of estrogen had reached her young blood stream and the reality of her noble paladin escorting her to greatest ecstasy was even more intense than her most innocent fairy tales. He always knew the right things to say. Whenever she felt awkward of out of place his endearing since of humor would always give her the impregnable sense of calm that she had always associated with his smooth loving voice.

“You know Claire… You didn’t have to take matters into your own handsssssss like that…. Hahahaha!” Mark teasingly kissed Claire’s frontal lobe stroking his hands through her long mane letting her streaming girlish giggles wash away the last bits of tension from her sinful carnal indulgence. “I wasn’t Reallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly going to make you wait Hoursssssss before making you cum again… What kind of psychopath do you think I am? hehehehehe”

“Mmmmmmmmmmmmm hehehehehhe mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!” His lips teasing her warm naked skin, his teasing words of loving acceptance. It was almost too much or Claire to take. She was actually thankful for the dark silk mask adorning her hazel eyes for she feared that if it were removed that she would not be able to look at “HIM!” He was the manifestation of all that she ever dreamed of and looking into his menacing entrancing eyes would be like looking directly at the radiant sun that had illuminated her repressed peccant desires for as long as she could remember… She didn’t know if she was ready to do that so devoid of any guard around her innocent heart.

“*WHISPER-Just an hour and a half I swear… hehehe-WHISPER*” Mark felt Claire’s bubbly laughter filling her svelte tummy as he lay on top of her comforting her every moment in the wake of her latest euphoric train wreck.

“Hhahahhahaahahahah MPMHPMPHMHHPMPHMHPM Hhehehehheheh HmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmMMMMMMMMMMMM HUUUUUUU!” How truly sick can one person be? That would be like a bank robber telling the clerk that I am not going to take all your money, just 90% of it I swear. For reasons that had become plainly obvious Claire only found Mark’s unique humorous depravity horribly seductive. The thought of being held hostage to her carnal desires for 90 minutes of inhuman suffering was dreadfully appealing in her now fully reprobate mind and she was almost sorry that she had spoiled all the fun…

Claire finally let go of the single breath that she had been holding since her first late night meeting online with her “MASTER.” It had been so intense, so naughty, so fulfilling to have him as her interim guide but she always hated having to keep things from Mark. She hated having to discover things outside of their enduring relationship. Now, that time had come to a close much to her great relief. He could finally… exhale. Claire churned delicately in her tight bondage trying to get as close to her nobel black knight as possible. He had taken her so far and asked for so little. Even still he allowed her the sweet existence in his loving arms. Feeling his warm breath cascading over her warm bare skin Claire was utterly convinced that she could truly “lay like this forever…”

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/Y0EkWe44sIc&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/Y0EkWe44sIc&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

Plans are a good thing. Don’t ever let anyone tell you different. When it comes down to it you have to always keep a sense of direction. Clear steps to achieve the sinister goal the fuels your deviant little desires. You have to make a decision to do something and then map out the steps to do it…

But, you can’t be afraid to take the wonderful surprises that life has to offer either. Take it from me. Sometimes, the suffering, the anguish, the sheer unmitigated torment of your helpless precious love can be even more intense than you could have ever imagined. Maybe… just maybe you could get lucky. It’s one thing to be organized, but never look down on a gift from the heavens just because it didn’t go according to plan.

When it comes to matters of the heart… very few things ever do. But then again if they diiiiiiiiiid… then I wonder if the excitement of bending them to your preeminent will would still be so thrilling? Hmmmmmm I wonder… HAHAHAHAHAH

Mark just held Claire tight against his chest while she slowly regained her ragged breath and her feet at least became a little closer to solid ground. Claire could feel that her body was becoming drained for precious energy but somehow just feeling the thunderous beat of Mark’s strong heart (and maybe just a little taste of his still pulsing erection pressed against her warm bare thigh) kept her buzzing lungs working over time to keep her enthusiastically within the realm of the living just to be close to her loving tormentor for a little longer. She had never expected a night like this to transpire between the two hopelessly plutonic soul mates and if this proved to be an isolated incident for whatever reason she would never forgive herself for cherishing sleep over her once chance at true happiness.

“You know Claire… You are so beautiful when you have an orgasm…” Mark still lightly kissed Claire’s flushed cheeks lovingly bringing her slowly back to the fevered consciousness that he had grown to adore so much.

“Heheehehehehhehehheehhh hmmmmmmmmmmmm hheheheheheehehehhe!” Now Claire really knew that she wouldn’t be able to look at him. He needed to stop. He needed to stop these magical little tidbits that washed away even the slightest hint of shame or inhibition from her gloriously deviant little indulgences… Claire’s cheeks blushed furiously at Mark’s continued over flattering. This couldn’t be real… could it?

“You are… It’s true. I mean I can see the chaos written all over your face. Your impassioned sensual grimace is just… intoxicating. You look so innocent… so angelic. Even when your skin is bared you’re never really naked. You are bathed in this gentle radiant glow of utter perfection that only pulses faster and faster when you reach that little peak of happiness. I love making you happy Claire. I have wanted to make you happy for so long, Sweetheart. The best part of watching your entire body shiver and convulse in the ultimate expression of your pure delight is that I am making my cute little Claire happy… Really happy!” Mark closed his eyes lovingly holding Claire’s beautiful face against hers. He didn’t care about what his honest words off affection made him feel like. There was no way that he would ever perceive himself as weak ever again. Right now the only thing that mattered in the world was making the woman that he cared the most about in all of creation fully understand the strong beaming feelings that he had harbored for so long and the new radiant desires that her carnal indulgence had spurned deep within his aching heart.

“Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm huuuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuu!” He was so sweet, so passionate, so vulnerable. Claire had never seen him like this before. With every passing second she could feel him hand over a tiny part of his strong beating heart to its long since determined rightful owner. All those late nights trying to get him to open up in their previous futile attempts at romance could not compare to even a second of his purest pledges of undying true affection…

“It was so beautiful to watch you literally bursting from the seems just from my cruel little teasing… I never knew that could happen. I guess someone really DOES like to be tickle tortured… doesn’t she Claire?” Mark playfully skittered is fingertips along Claire’s bare heaving stomach bringing her fountain of girlish giggles to new life in response to his teasing tickles…

“HHHEEEHEHHEEHHEHH MMMMMMMMM huuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuu MMMMM HMMMM HEHEHEEHEEHEHEHE!” Did she just admit it? Dear word… didn’t she know what she was doing? Why did it feel so right, so safe with him? Maybe he had more than “one” magic wand? Hehe…

“There is just one problem sweetheart…” Mark tried his best to stifle his evil grin but the prospect of his growing insatiable malice was just too much to resist…


“Huuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuuuu!” ‘PROBLEM’… Claire didn’t like that word. Not one bit. She could feel icy beads of horrible anxiety forming across the expanse of her bare heaving torso at the implication that Mark had found something ‘wrong’ with her sinful bliss. If the past few hours were any indication that could be horribly taxing on Claire’s already conquered nervous system. As always, Claire’s rebellions steaming mound was the first to express fervent enthusiasm in the wake of Mark’s reprobate malignance. Four glorious eruptions that scrambled the very stars of her universe and at a single word her raging libido was brought screaming to new heights guided by Mark’s warm breath. Claire was absolutely horrified that this could become an absolutely terrible habit.

“*WHISPER-You didn’t ask Permission!-WHISPER*” Mark just let the warm wet air of her teasing breath slam home his deviant perception of Claire’s spontaneity!

MMMMMMMMHMMHMHMHMHHHM HHUUUUUU HUUUUUUUU MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!” In all honesty, she should have screamed. She should have cursed at him. She should have told him what a sick sadistic bastard he was for luring her into his sick little world and then torturing her along every step of her sensual journey. She should have shrieked fervent outrage through the tight rubber bridle shoved so tightly between her sharp teeth… Unfortunately, the last earth rattling climax had placed her profligate moist clit and throbbing swollen womanhood firmly in the driver seat of her conscious reactions to Mark’s sadistic teasing. The only thing that she could muster in response to his absolutely seductive audacity was deep earthy grunts of still raging desire hoping against hope that he would find it in all that was merciful to thoroughly punish her for her lewd transgression.

“But fear not… I know just what to do with naughty little angels who can’t seem to control what happens inside their wet little panties!” Mark rolled to his kneeling position between Claire’s widely spread bound legs inserting both of his probing thumbs into Claire’s supple pocket points grabbing her full hips and cruelly massaging wave after wave of ticklish delight screaming from the base of Claire’s desperately straining lungs.

“AHAHAHAHAHPAMHPAPHPAMH MMMMMMMMMMMM MAPHMPAMPAMAH MMMMMM AH MMMMMMM HAMHPAMHPMA HM MMMMMMMMMM AHPMAPMPAHMA HUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUU HMAPHAPM AMMMMMMM OHHH HOOOO PAHPMAHPAMPHPAMA MMMMMMMMMMMMM HAHAHA!” Claire’s ticklish hipbones were no match for Mark’s wandering fingers, nor did she wish them to be. These blazing fluttery tingles in the wake of his violent massage were even more indulgent than the scraping of her bare soles with the peccant brush or the sawing of her bare nipples with the edge of the feral feather. Her every violent muscle spasm could be felt right against her tight smoldering pussy rubbing suggestively against every moist stitch of sinful lace encasing her sweet essence from Mark’s sweet attention.

Feeling Mark’s hands grabbing her waists so forcefully filled her mind with horribly lewd images that even in her current predicament were far too impure to contemplate (at least not yet anyway… hehehe). While the image of her truly ULTIMATE seduction were beyond her grasp the prurient vision of her naughty little clit being severely corrected was a wonderful topping to the merciless mistreatment of her bound churning hips. The feeling of her quivering womanhood contracting and squeezing in time with her tormented pelvis was even more euphoric than she could have ever postulated between her safe crisp covers.

Oh no… my poor pocket points. I can feel his hands poised for attack on my hyper ticklish hipbones even under my wrinkled covers. My sleek lace panties will offer me absolutely no protection from his diabolical form of massage…

The feeling of his… hand mercilessly massaging my quivering hips has my legs violently jerking… held fast to my terrified delight in my sensual confinement.

“Now… Are you going to ask my permission next time before you cum for me, Sweetheart?” Mark brought his menacing hands to rest still holding Claire’s slender full hips between his icy fingertips. He could feel control of her entire bound form between his strong torturous digits and the look of pure raging desire plastered across every patch of warming flesh was absolutely breathtaking… Watching her wander behind her tight blindfold as she caught her breath was wonderfully endearing to his sweet innocent helpless love.

“Hheheehee Huuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuuuuuu…” Claire laid still in horrified disbelief of the sheer magnitude of Mark’s sinister tickles. It was as though her pulsing clitoris had grown exponentially taking control of her entire pelvis… In her hyper sensitized state there was only one logical answer in response to the torturous titillation. “MMMMM UHHHHHHHH UHHHHHHHHH HEHEHEHEHEHEEHHE AHAHHAAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHAHAHHAHHAAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHHAHAHA Even as the merciless tickling resumed, Claire still tossed her head from side to side as much as she could. It was almost too great a joy to indulge both her greatest needs and her prideful defiance all at the same time. She wanted it to be worse… much worse. She needed it to be torture. He needed to be pushed far enough past her limits insuring that her bound form had nothing to do but deliver another immodest carnal eruption to ring out every fiber of muscle like the naughty little rag-doll that she became at the mercy of Mark’s utterly torturous dancing fingers.

“MMMMMMMM I WAS HOPING YOU WOULD SAY THAT! HUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!” She was so special. Who but his beautiful Claire could invite his darkest pestilence with such a beautiful “SMILE” plastered across her face? He could feel himself becoming more and more feverish with every passing second. He expanded his merciless tickle torture to the beautiful dancing ribs that created the wonderful screams of ticklish anguish that have become his life’s great obsession.

AHAHHAPHPAMPHPAMPHMAPMHPMAPPAMHPPAMHHAHAAHAHPAMHPMAP HAPMHPMAHPMMPHAPHPMAPHMAHAHAHAHAHMAPHPAMHPMPMPAMHPAMHP MAHPMHPAMHPMAPHMPAMHPMPMHPMAPHMAHPAMPHMAHPMAPPAMPHMPM APMPAMHPMAPMPAMHPAMAPMHAHAHAHAPMH!” Mark was being even more despicable than Claire had hoped he would. He was so ruthless, so heartless, so cold, so loving. How could all of those conflicting traits co exist in one towering form of bound sensual torment resting behind Mark’s piercing blue eyes? Was she crazy? The mindless torment of her excruciatingly ticklish bare ribs only made her burning stiff nipples pulse with even greater desire. The continued hyper-stimulation of her sensitive hips was only pushing her closer and closer to another furious rhapsody. She never lost site of the magical defiance that spurred him to such great heights of depravity. Hearing his shallow fevered breathing watching her suffer in his cruel hands was all the added encouragement that she needed to continue tossing her head from side to side flirtatiously inviting further penalty from her sinister paladin.

“Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm… I have ways of teaching young lady’s the virtue of permission Claire!” Mark knew what he was doing. She had gotten the best of him once… not again (at least not tonight). He could see her roaring to another sensual overload at the hands of his torturous fingers. He just wanted her to be strapped firmly to the razors edge for his next horrifying act of peccant dominance.

“HUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUU HEHEHEHE!” Claire could not believe the wind roaring through her raging lungs. She was so alive, so engaged. Permission-Young Lady for some reason she loved the deviant “Lord and Master” connotation of Mark’s beleaguering vernacular. The thirsted desperately for more of the tormenting tickles that she so earnestly needed for her gluttonous indulgence. “MMMMMMMMMMMM HEHEHEHEHEHHEHEHHEH MMMMMMMMMMM *SCRUNCH*!” Claire’s flirtatious baiting was at an absolute level of utter profligacy as she teasingly shimmied in her tight stringent bondage inviting Mark’s sweet sinful tickles.

“Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm… That’s my girl. *KISS* That’s my defiant little slave girl.” Mark could see that Claire was enthusiastically trying to play along with his sinister torment but he was engulf in degenerate pride knowing that his ticklish little tough girl didn’t yet understand the game… “I know exactly… what you need!”

“Huuuuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuuuuu ummmmmmmmm huuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuuu!” Claire couldn’t help but pout a little tied so tightly in her strict bridles. Why wasn’t he tickling her? She had provoked him… hadn’t she? She knew how much he loved it when she defiantly scrunched her nose behind her tight blindfold and dark crimson ball gag in the face of his teasing little threats. What was he doing now?

Claire could feel Mark roll to the side of the bed for something. She had no idea what. It was times like this that made her greatly regret her honesty about her fondness for sensory deprivation. The buzzing tingles between her warm bare thighs reminded her the importance of enjoying surprises

Mark was silent. He had never thought this possible. The symmetry would be too perfect. The devilish things that he had in mind only happened in fairy tales… That only made his hand quiver with even more trepidation as he made his greatest reach for his dear friend that had comforted him so much.

He had told him everything: every horrible detail of Claire’s naughty little e-mails, the vengeful fantasies that he had never thought would come to fruition, the self loathing, the absolute disgust that he had developed toward his undying love for his beautiful neighbor, and every shred of pain created in the vacuum of her horrible absence. He had guided Mark by the wrist through every problem that had confronted him since the first menacing correspondence. He was as much a part of Mark as any of his limbs. It would be wrong for Mark to deny him a little slice of Claire’s wonderful plight that they had dreamed about so often… TOGETHER!

As usual… Mark wielded the artists knife in his right hand… He didn’t have the rubbing alcohol or his bandages but he didn’t need them. These shallow incisions would not be meant to close anyway… What use would he have for mending?

Mark had observed two kinds of dread from his bound beauty… The first was of sensual anticipation. It was like a little child waiting to go on her favorite roller coaster that still put butterflies in her stomach while she stood anxiously in line. He could see it written all over her innocent face when he just uttered the word HAIRBRUSH! The second was real dread… Fear in the absence of a sensual overtone. Like fear of the unknown. When he first told her of an inhuman torment outside of his sinister tickles he could see the look of true mortal fear smattered across her bound undulating form. Now, with the deafening silence thundering through the night air he could see the tiny hints of it again.

Mark slowly surveyed the top of Claire’s lace covered pelvis. After all, it was this part of her beautiful toned body responsible for her latest transgression. Mark wanted to choose the perfect place for his first real cut into all the pain that pinning for his deepest love had caused him since he first looked into those perfect hazel eyes so many years ago. Just under the navel? No… that would be too messy. One thing that truck manifests and schedules had taught Mark was the unending importance of efficiency. What about between her legs right below her thirsting little womanhood? No… too hard to reach. Mark was and always will be a man of precision.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh… her hips. Two gentle incisions and finally he would be free. He would finally be able to Make Claire feel exactly what those five months away from her had done to him. The twelve scars adorning Mark’s left wrist began aching with euphoric abandon craving their own form of release from the horrible anticipation over two gentle cuts right at Claire’s heart-the author of their agony.

Mark pulled the band of Claire’s wet black lace panties back as much as possible. He admired every subtle patch of warm olive skin exposed by his cruel ministrations. He could see her quiver. He could see her wondering behind her blindfold. He could feel her breathing becoming feverish. He could feel the silence weighing on her torture conscious. It was just seconds away. He wanted to make it last. He had waited so long for this. He had to do it right. He looked at the delicate skin of her left hipbone studying carefully. He would be precise… he had to be. Just when he thought the anticipation would crush Claire’s tiny heart he descended the sharp knife to it’s rightful destination along Claire’s undulating pelvis…


“MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM HMMMMMMMMMMMMM!” Claire moaned audibly feeling the gentle kiss of the blade somewhere over her writhing pelvis… Claire’s flimsy lace panties offered little resistance to his dearest friend as he sliced through the lace undergarment right above Claire’s hip. Mark looked in awe at the flawless olive skin that had been left perfectly untouched (just as he intended.) One down… just one more to go and he would finally have the canvas of his most demonic ticklish portrait poised and at his fingertips.

“Sshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh… This will only take a second…” Mark slowly repeated the slow calculating incision of Claire’s last line of defense rendering the previously singular garment into two symmetrical halves that could easily be removed with her legs still tied. His dearest friend had kept him literally alive to reach this glorious moment in time. It would have been criminal not to allow him to do his part to aid in their shared victory. Although it may seem small, as Mark pealed back the veil to Claire’s sweet glistening essence he was absolutely sure that he would never forget the gentle companion that had kept him company all these years.

“HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!” Claire was thrown completely off balance. As much as she had given herself over to the cruel man behind the mask she still had a subtle sheath of protection. Now, as the cool crisp night air shamelessly reminded her she was completely bared to the man that she had feared for so long… She couldn’t help but fidget slowly in her bonds in raging discomfort over her growing nakedness. She felt uneasy… but she didn’t feel awkard… How was he doing this?

“Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Huuuuuuuuuu…” Mark knew what had to be done. He had thought about this since the first leather cuff slipped over her wrists. But he couldn’t help but be utterly captivated by the glorious moist folds of warm sensitive skin freshly bared to his blessed site. He kissed his dearest friend a gentle fair well placing him safely in the drawer his life long task having been completed. He had taken Mark as far as he could and now it was up to Mark’s sinister hands to guide his gentle love the rest of the way. He retrieved his most prized implement from the bottom of his special drawer. If he ever had the chance he always knew that this would best articulate his demonic passions to the woman he loved better than any tool not a natural part of his sadistic form.

“MMMMMMMMMMMM HMMMMPHPMHPMHPMH HMMMMMMMMMM!” For Claire the thunderous silence was its own form of abject torment. She had to know. She had to know what was about to happen. She could hear Mark’s impassioned breath at the sight of her glistening essence. She could feel him reaching for yet another sinister implement of her glorious destruction. She hoped against hope that it was the electric massager but Claire already knew that was nothing but a fantasy. She was going to be punished for her naughty little eruption and if her current state of furious arousal was any indication she would most definitely not learn a THING!

“Hmmmmmmmmmm… I am going to help you remember Claire. I am going to help you remember that ‘I’ am the one who gets to decide whether you get to cum or not. And I have a special little friend to help me…” Mark just let his menacing words linger in the night air crashing into his trapped furious love. He could see her swaying from side to side in her bondage awaiting her intense correction… but he wanted to make her wait just a little longer. “But first… I have to make sure that a few things are in Good Order…. I’m sure you understand…” Mark quickly hoped off the bed to retrieve two very important items… unless he missed his guess each would be absolutely essential to the unique brand of torment that he wanted his sweet love to enjoy…

“Huh… MPHMHPMHPMHP MHPMPHMHPMHMP MPMHMHPMHPHMP!” Now Claire was lost in the enigma of Mark’s teasing taunts. Where was he going? She could feel that he had his teasing little tool in the palm of his hands. She already had a creeping suspicion that whatever teasing little game he had in mind would cause her inordinate sensual frustration (90 minutes can be a very long time in her condition)… The last thing she wanted was a delay before his sinister clock would even START!

It didn’t take Mark long. He simply darted into the bathroom closet for the two final pillars in the temple of Claire’s utter helplessness. He walked quickly over to his bound love taking in every anxious gyration of her beautiful bare form as he drew near to her. She was a wonderful sight to see. Every patch of beautiful tan skin was a sheer vision of unmitigated radiance. Mark stood at her left side admiring every subtle contour of her bound forum. He relished the feel of her soft warm yielding skin as he reached with his left arm across her slender waist raising her as far off of the bed as her tight bonds would allow. He slipped the rolled towel under the small of her back forcing her into a wonderfully erotic back arch. He could see every strand of skin tighten across her ribcage forced to hold the position of utter helplessness. He playfully fluttered two fingers across her helpless taught rib cage just to make sure he had her attention.

Mark his massive bed once again taking his position between Claire’s lewdly spread legs. He tucked two corners of the folded bath towel under Claire’s firm bare hamstrings right up to the cleft of her ample bottom. Mark knew that the next furious streams of Claire’s carnal indulgence would drip casually past her already greased bare thighs and he would hate to stain his great souvenir of their one eternal night… together!

“Just a warning… This is probably going to make you want to cum more than anything that you have ever experienced in your life… I don’t care. I don’t FUCKING care how bad it is Claire.” Mark was absolutely demented. Seeing Claire’s pulsing womanhood arched painfully forward and her sweet lips spread gently as her cute little nubbin was fully exposed from its fleshy cave. Removing the last sheath of her seductive apparel removed the last veil of his undying virulence.

“MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM HMHMHMMHHMHM HMHMHMHM HHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HEHEHEMMMMMMMMMMM HEHE!” Claire couldn’t believe herself. She was showing off. She was showing off for him. She knew that he meant every stern domineering word. She knew that his cold blooded affections would only become more callous with each passing second, but that excited her-dear god it excited her. Everyone deserves a little lesson in manners now and then… don’t they? Claire boldly presented her pert full breasts, aching nipples and now horribly bare pulsing dripping wet pussy to the one man who had always taken her breath away. She gripped her tight satin ropes tightly with her slim crimson tipped fingers preparing for her next sweet seduction at Mark’s deviant strong hands.

“And you know why I don’t care?” Mark gently caressed the bare patch of skin just above Claire’s shameless womanhood as her hips gently rocked as much as they could against the strain of the rolled towel to encourage them just a bit lower for her carnal bliss. “Because as bad as my little friend is going to make you want to cum…” Mark brought the teasing fluttery tip of his special long soft pointed feather to the burning Crease of Claire’s straining thigh and pelvis. “It won’t let you… HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA You’re going to have to scream for it… you’re going to FUCKING scream your naughty little lungs out if you even want to think about cumming Young lady… and I will decide when it is the right time before asking… HAHAAHAHHAAHAHAAHHAHAHHAHAH!” Mark gently feathered the outline of Claire’s undulating bald mound with the teasing tip of his new capricious crest. He could see Claire’s entire out stretched form gripped with horrible erotic panic. It felt sooooooooooooooooooo good. It felt too good. The light sugary itching tickles were so blissfully torturous.

Every light kiss against her most sensitive bare skin was a death warrant for her tormented sanity. He could hear the glorious earthy grunts between furious bouts of sweet salacious giggles as Claire’s every breath absolutely dripped with raging lust. Mark reached up teasing and tweaking Claire’s right pulsing nipple just to watch her shutter in reckless abandon. With this form of teasing ticklish torment he was in full control of every glorious tingle that coursed through her delicious pressure and no matter how much she whimpered in sensual discomfort “HE” wouldn’t grant her the necessary pressure for her fervent eruption until he was good and ready.
Chapter VII

To truly torture someone… you have to hold the keys to their very existence just at your fingertips. You have to know what they desire more than anything in the entire world so that you can take the precious time to deny them… over and over and over again. It seems cruel… but the payoff is very well worth it. Their reactions can be so… INTESNE HAHAAHAHAHHAHAHAHA! When someone sees something they want right in front of their eyes and they know deep down that they can’t have it unless you say so it tends to drive them even CRAZIER when you play the most innocent teasing little games with them… HAHAHAHAHA When they lash out in erotic abandon begging screaming for the release that only your warm voice can grant them the intensity of their glorious feedback can be so sinful… It might even be enough to overwhelm the senses of a truly ruthless sadistic deviant tormentor… LIKE ME HAHAAHHHAHAHHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHA

MMMMMMMMMMAHAHAMPAMHPAMHPMAHAHAHAHA AHMHPAMHPMAPHMAHAHAHMAAH MMMMMMMMM HUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUU MMMMMMMMM OHOHOHOHOHO MMMMMMMMM HOOOHOHM PMHPHPMHP HOOOHOH MMMMMMMM HUUUUUUUU HUUUUUU HAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!” The feeling of the gentle tip caressing her slender pelvis was an utter portrait of seductive disorder… The horrible tickly trails were cool, soothing, almost cleansing. It forced wave after wave of delicious air cascading through her lungs and she could feel her entire body being refreshed by the gentle intrusion.

On the other hand… It caused searing lustful abandon between the moist full lips being teased and tormented so cruelly. Her bound heaving pelvis was bad enough, but when the soft tickly tendrils of the long pointed feather teased the delicate folds of skin directly it was as though the raging flames of erotic desire began burning Claire at the steak for her deviant transgression. Her entire body became the beat of her thundering heart as her delicate little nub throbbed desperately for the release that she knew would only come and the pleasurable leisure of her jealous lover.

The feeling of his strong fingertips lightly teasing her bare dancing nipples was just plainly cruel. The feeling of her swollen genitals having to endure Mark’s torturous whispers was bad enough, but having her fleshy knobs so carelessly teased and fondled was an incorrect overload of demonic stimulation. She wanted the sensations to overwhelm her supple form but in jubilance, not frustration. The feeling of her nipple being tweaked deprived of the glorious pressure of direct contact or even exhilarating merciless tickle torture was besetting Claire’s entire bound form with undeniable raging pressure as her fifth roaring climax was already primed and ready in the base of her trebling tummy being built far past human limitations with every expert pass of Mark’s evil feather.

Mark was right. The itching glory of the deviant little crest teasing her delicate folds of skin did bring the urgent need for furious release splashing out in white light behind her tight blindfold with a wholly unique intensity. Claire was torn between the fervent need to bury her ample behind deep into the mattress evading the deviant feather and the fruitless pursuit of grinding her lewd hips as much as she could muster at the merciless pointed crest even with the knowledge that Mark’s adept callous hands would never allow her the delicious pressure she required until it was his conscious will to do so. Thankfully for Claire, her desperate confusion didn’t really matter at the moment with her back arched so wonderfully by her tight strict bondage and the rolled bath towel under the delicate small of her bare back. No matter what she may have wanted at the moment her horribly exposed bare clit was trapped in place at the deviant mercy of the heartless fluttery quill as it stroked ruthlessly against Claire’s throbbing womanhood.

“Doesn’t that feel good Claire? Huuuuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuuuu… Punishment can be fun! Can’t it sweetie?” Watching Claire’s ticklish pussy twitch back and forth in response to his every menacing caress was a terrible burden on the swollen loins buried inside of his boxers. Every gentle write of Claire’s utter perfection made his entire body ache for just a gentle taste from her bottomless fountain of blissful jubilance. Every stream of glistening honey that he forced from her full putting lips was a testament to their undying union together… at last after all this time. Mark could see Claire’s dreadfully engorged gluttonous clit begging with every gentle contraction for the slightest bit of attention from the sinister feather and he relished in her continued ardent DENIAL at his strong menacing hands.

“*MPHMHPMPMPMHPMPHMHPM* HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUU HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH HUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUU AHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHA MMMMMMMM *MPPMPHMHPMH*” Claire couldn’t help but curse at him behind her tight rubber gag. She had never imagined anything like this. The idea of having her bald delicate folds of skin so lightly teased and tickled had never occurred to her even in the darkest of her late night fantasies. This tickling demon poised between her wide spread legs was proving to be literally full of surprises. It was sheer torment. It was absolutely unbearable. She thought that she would be ripped to shreds with each new sinister pass of merciless plume. How could anything feel this glorious and this horrible all rolled into one? One thing was absolutely certain for Claire in her fevered state… Being subjected to depravity that exceeded even her own prurient desires was most definitely fun! The real question was if it was survivable…. HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA

“Now now Claire… We aren’t going to tolerate that kind of language. I wouldn’t want to have to incorporate improper vocabulary to our list of ticklish lessons today… but I WILL… HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHA!” Mark just carelessly feathered back and forth across the gentle opening to Claire’s deepest treasure. With her back arched so tightly her lips spread naturally inviting his gentle breach. He knew that the feeling of the twirling tip inside of her dangerously wet lips must have been absolutely dreadful and naturally, he had to spin just a little faster just so she got the point!

“EEEEEEEEEEEEEHPMHPMPMPMHMHPMHMPMPMPMPPMMHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU EEEEPMEPEMPEMEPMEPMEPMEEPMEPMEPMEEEEPMEPEMEEPEME MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!” Feeling the twirling point of Mark’s evil feather tracing the outline of her precious cave of unmitigated bliss Claire was forced into squeal after squeal of helpless abandon. How could her searing wet womanhood be this ticklish and she used that term loosely. It tickled fiercely, but differently from any patch of skin that had ever been tantalized before. The feeling was absolutely dreadful and it made every inch of her skin crawl with pulsing delight but it also made the aching desire raging deep within her tormented loins blaze with unmatched fury with each gentle stroke of her bare sizzling nerve endings.

And Mark’s verbal cruelty hit a dangerous nerve… So now he can hear what she says when it comes to contemplating further penalties for her unladylike behavior but he pretends not to hear here when she screams out the code letter to spare her shinning bare soles ruthless torment at the hand of merciless hairbrushes. In the midst of Claire helpless ticklish abandon she knew that Mark should thank all that was for the fact that the found his sadistic hypocrisy enticing, otherwise he would have hell to pay at her vengeful hands. As it stood now, she just fantasized in the back of her tortured mind about repaying the debt of Mark’s own frenzied indulgence as he pulsed between her slender fingers exploding again and again in over sensitized erotic anguish. But first she would have to survive the mindless sensual torment that was the fuel for her lascivious designs.

“There… Much better!” Mark delicately traced the razors edge of his torturous plume along the very tip of Claire’s aching stiff clit forcing a delicious spasm of tortured delight to course through every fiber of her being… “You see sweetie… Rewards can be wonderful if you behave yourself… HAHAHAHHAAHAHAAHAHHAHHHAHAAH!”

MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM HUUUUUU HUUUUU HHAAHAHHAHAAH HUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUU HAHAAHA HUUUUU!” Mark’s merciless tickling caress was absolutely incessant but that did nothing to prevent Claire’s turbulent fleshly grunts and horribly ragged breath from choking out her girlish giggles in lieu of the audible in-articulation of her base desires.

“And I do so hope that you enjoyed that little burst of pleasure because I assure you no matter how much you may entreat my reconsideration that is most definitely the last time that my sinister little feather touches that sweet little clit of yours.”


“------------------------------------------------------------!” Even in the wake of Marks merciless tickly torment Claire held her breath waiting for some twist of proclamation. As it stood he could NOT be serious. Could he? She would go insane. Another merciless pass of the feather across her bare quivering womanhood threatened to destroy her… The only thing that made it bearable was the fantasy of her building volcanic eruption. To be denied the very thought would be cruel beyond measure. To make matters worse the verbal denial of its further torment made Claire’s pulsing clit burn with furious desire for her to implore him to reconsider.

“But… the good news is that you can cum… If you can find a way to have an orgasm without me stroking of your precious little clit then you definitely have my permission! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHHHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH!” Mark’s cruel verbal game reached fever pitch at Claire’s terrified expense. She was still holding silent begging I silence for his mercy horrified at the prospect of eternal sensual damnation. He watched in rapturous glee as every nerve and muscle in her entire form protested the merciless teasing of her delicate folds of skin for her precious lips that remained silent behind her tight rubber gag….

“----------------------------------------------------------!” The emotional pain that she experienced was piercing. She was so… close. The sensation that she was experiencing was so dangerously close to the one she wanted… the one she needed. But it wasn’t quite enough. It would never be enough. She needed more. She needed him. And then it became painfully obvious. At that moment, right there beneath his sinister hands she was no longer at Mark’s mercy… she was Mark. She was a manifestation of the fervent erotic anguish that he had been put through night after night at his computer screen tortured by the sweet intoxicating confessions of Claire’s cherished sensuality that had eluded him for so long but utterly frustrated that as intoxicating as each syllable may have been he had to live with the terrible knowledge that he could not fully indulge in her peccant desires because of the hedge in the form of the enigmatic “HIM!”

“Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ----------------------------------------------------AHHHHHHHAAHAHAHAHHAHAHAMMMMMM PMPMPMMHPMHPMHPHPMHMHPPMHPMHPMPHMPHMHPMHPMPHMHMPAMAPMAPMAMAPM APMMAHPMAPMHPAMPHMAPMAMHPMHAPMPMHMPAHPMHPMAPPMAPPHAM!” Claire inhaled sharply letting out a piercing cry of all the horrible emotional anguish that she knew she had put him through. She understood. Dear god she understood. The horrible pressure raging through her every blood vessel was absolutely wretched. She needed relief. She thought that her entire body would explode from the inside out in complete antithesis to the glorious eruption that she craved so dearly if the horrible pressure wasn’t allowed to go somewhere, anywhere as long it was outside the confines of he slender form.

As she screamed mindlessly, her pelvis straining mightily against the tight bondage and the rolled towel forcing her into a vulnerable arch, she took comfort that for her the inside of her tight blindfold offered enough relief as it was stained with the watery manifestations of her raging emotional turmoil. She was absolutely terrified that Mark’s crimson tears were the only recourse that her lascivious letters had left him. How could she be so careless? That wasn’t like her.

Mark was ruthless. He kept his demonic promise in psychopathic literal detail. Her nipples were lovingly fondled and teased forcing wave after wave of horrific delight to slam menacingly into her raging loins. The torturous feather continued its slow erratic journey across every square millimeter of her naked womanhood. But no matter how much the wicked plume danced across the full expanse of her moist essence, Claire’s raging stiff clit went woefully neglected. Despite how much she strained her aching delta Claire could barely move her bald smoldering mound an inch in either direction in her vulnerable arch and tight stringent bondage. She couldn’t even force an inadvertent stroke against her stiff pulsing treasure as Mark’s cruel teasing forced scream after scream of anguished lustful desire past her straining sweet lips.

He took in the entire glory of Claire’s tortured form but his demon possessed eyes were pitilessly trained on the delicate rose garden that he had so lewdly exposed to his sinful caress. Every subtly gyration every flutter of her delicate nerve endings every violent spasm of aching lustful need Made his forehead warm with feverish indulgence. His own pulsing hardness was absolutely delighted at the horribly ticklish plight of his absolutely radiant countersign. Mark took great joy in tantalizing his pink little rose bud well past the point of full bloom. Sadly for our helpless heroine the harsh torturous winter of Mark’s depravity only served to make her sweet supple flower grow larger and larger with the ambient radiance of his dark sadistic heart shinning through the clouds of her greatest despair giving her unending torment enough of a sensual overtone to make it a nightmarish state of being that would haunt her late night fantasies as long as she should live.
“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HUUUUUUU HHAHHAHAHHAHAAHAH OHHHHHHHHHHH AAAAAHAAHAHAHAAH MMMMMMM HAAAAAAHHAHHAHA MMMMMMMMMMM HUUU HUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUU MMMMMM MMPPMPMPMMP!” Permission… The word sounded so sweet with it’s implication of disciplinary formality but with each passing second Claire realized that it was just a word. She had his permission, but not his mercy. There was no word that she could think of to describe the full breath of Mark’s sinister will that all had to line up to his own peccant accord to grant her the sweet elusive rhapsody dangling right before her haltered swimming eyes…

“Mmmmmm… It hurts doesn’t it? Seeing what you want right in front of you not being able to have it. Trust me Claire; I know what that feels like.” Mark could see that Claire was starting to come to grips with all the torturous emotions that welled up in the knot at the back of his throat day after day away from her. Her every anguished reaction made that knot a little smaller. If she kept up at this pace… one day-some day-Mark might actually be able to breathe again.

Mark relished Claire’s suffering, he really did. But just watching her there, undulating in her bondage, her head buried in her delicate bicep trying to deal with the sheer intensity of his ruthlessness, seeing her all consumed with the unending sensual anguish at the behest of her furious denial… Her honest reactions just nuzzled her bound form even tighter against his aching heart for his dearest love. As much as he loved teasing and tickling her twitching naked pussy driving her absolutely crazy with lust… even a Monster like him knew when the time was right to reward someone’s brave endurance…

“Ohhhhhhhhh come now Claire… I already gave you permission. If you don’t want to cum then I can gladly take it back… HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAAHAAHAH!” Mark’s idea of mercy was a little different than the text book definition.

“HAHAHAHAHNNNONONONNOMNMMMMMMMMMMM HUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUU MPMPMHPMHPMHPMHPMHM NONONONONON HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!” Even though it was woefully incomplete, Claire would never consciously relinquish the one piece to her erotic puzzle that she had been given. There was no amount of sinful pleasure in all the universe that could make her that delirious.

“Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww…” Mark leaned in sympathetically to Claire’s burning right ear as he continued the mindless mistreatment of her bare ticklish womanhood as her squirming moist lips danced back and forth in petrified delight. “Do you need my HELP Claire?”

“HEHEHEHEHE MMMMMMMMMMMMM HUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUU MMMMMM HMMMMMMM HAHAHAHAH MMMMMMM HUUUUUUUUUUUU MMMMMMM HMMMMMMMMMMM!” Permission… help… Claire knew that the true point was that right now she needed Mark by whatever term he wished to give. She needed him so desperately to close the torturous distance between their two souls once again as she creamed out in climactic ecstasy. It was a gentle truth that she had long since given up protesting as she shook her head up and down feverishly while she rubbed her bound out stretched torso into his crisp cool shirt as seductively as her tight bonds would allow. The more malicious his sensual attacks the more willingly she surrendered her tortured heart to him. What a pair they Make. AHAHAAHHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAH

“It’s going to costttttttttttttttttttt you… HAHAHAHHHAAHAA! Are you SURE?” Mark knew that he had his peccant little queen trapped in the dungeon of his eternal dominance, he just wanted to toy with her as his own personal reward for the torturous journey of her seduced capture.

MMMMMMM HMMMMMMMMM!” Claire felt the absolutely atrocious feather twirl deep within the depths of her pulsing lips just to make sure that she was left with only one obvious choice. (Truth be told, she was slightly disappointed to feel the peccant plume being withdrawn when she answered in the affirmative.) “OOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHH MMMMMMMM HUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!”

“Okay Claire… Okay… I will help you cum for me without any touch to that naughty little clit of yours. Just remember sweetheart, You asked for IT!” Mark could see Claire swoon gently in her bondage as he callously allocated her greatest peak of jubilance as another weapon in his arsenal for her unending sensual torment…

“AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHHAHAHAHHHAHAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHAAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAAHHAAHAHA NONONNONON AHAHAHHAHAHAHHHAHAHAHAAHAH NONONONONOONONON!” Help? How could he consider the sharp quill tracing along the expanse of her trapped bare hips help? Surely the delicate tingles beseeching her bare quivering pussy along with the horrid caress of the chilled night air were dreadfully pleasing as she screamed in ticklish anguish, but would it be enough to send her crashing over the edge? Maybe… if done long enough. It certainly wasn’t as intense as the insidious torment of the hairbrush but she could feel the flames of her ardent arousal flaming in the back of her smoldering essence… Maybe he would stroke her bare thigh with the sharp stiff point until she burst at the seems with glorious arousal. She would have thought hat Mark would have a much more direct path for her plunge into the abyss of sheer ecstasy, but maybe he had just developed an affection for teasing her bare steaming thighs to the point of critical mass as she had imagined for so long…

God…. I think he sees it as his own little game to take my breath away. Speaking of breathing, whenever he talks about lightly caressing my tender thighs it becomes very VERY hard to do. I am usually so guarded. You know that Mark. I try with all my might to keep that intimate part of me private and all to myself. But not with him, he won’t have any of that. He has my hands firmly secured far away from any chance to make trouble for the sensual gifts that I need his hands to give...

My entire body begins to shiver… his fairy tale trek up and down my smooth yearning legs. I can feel the greasy warmth beginning to stir gently in the base of my tummy as the burning little tingles pound harder and harder into the little rose bud that he always brings roaring to new life.

Mark starred gently at his bound quivering beauty. He could tell she had no idea… he guessed that’s what made the blindfold so appealing. He truly loved the idea of bringing his bound love to squealing joy at his merciless hands. It made him feel so fulfilled to make her happy.

He surveyed Claire’s straining lips with his evil eyes as his left hand still mercilessly teased her straining thighs with the quill end of the devilish plume. He knew it all along, but seeing her bound quivering womanhood so painfully exposed and helpless to his sensual transgressions brought hem to the glorious revelation: He was the first. Claire had never been comfortable enough to share this with anyone else. Even though she may have shared the thought with another, the enigmatic figure of her sick little letters was waiting someone in a coffee shop or a restaurant waiting for the beautiful woman strapped so tightly to Mark’s massive bed. As Mark fell gently in love with every precious patch of sensitive skin between Claire’s lewdly spread legs the carnal knowledge that his was the first set of hands besides her very own to touch and tease these delicate folds of skin at blazing wet attention. It brought a sincere smile of intense comfort creeping across his face as her brought a single finger to his greatest prize…

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HUUUUUUU HUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUU MMMMMMMMMMMM HUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUU MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM” A kiss… It was just a kiss. It was just a single kiss of his gentle fingertip along the gentle lips guarding Claire’s deepest essence. Just feeling his delicate finger teasing her most delicate folds of moist skin was enough to Make Claire scream out in hopeless abandon. The feeling of the sharp quill teasing and tormenting the crease of her svelte pelvis did nothing to quiet the raging thunderstorm between Claire’s spread legs… So this is what he had in mind. The vibrator wasn’t enough. She knew deep down that Mark would want a much more personal touch. Claire’s pulsing genitals were so swollen that Marks sinful caress was almost painful… the searing pleasure was that razor sharp slamming home deep within her loins.

“You see Claire… I have always been there to help you haven’t I? Why on earth would I abandon you now?” Claire inhaled deeply as she felt the two fingers slip deeply inside of her. It was absolutely magnificent. Every gentle nerve ending and every muscle in her tight twitching pussy yielding to the two pilgrims delivering wave after wave of carnal pleasure to her dripping wet mound. Claire furiously strained her hips trying desperately to help in the task of forcing her over the high cliff of roaring ecstasy but was held fast by the tight bondage and Mark’s wicked little towel. (How did he think these things up?) Claire was eternally grateful for the sinful relief of having her delicate womanhood lovingly fondled, but she feared that in the absence of direct clitoral stimulation that this would only prove another long tease as Mark’s teasing fingers swirled deep within her steaming pussy….

NONONONONONNMAHAAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHAHHAHHHH----------------------- huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH NONONONMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM HUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUU MMMMMMMMMMMM HMHMHMHMHMHMHMHM!” Claire thrashed violently in her bonds. The feeling of the terrible quill mercilessly tickling her hot bare thighs blazing trails of utterly ticklish agony was nothing… nothing in comparison to the horrible path of Mark’s dreadful fingers… Not swirling… SEARCHING. Well at least his teasing fingers were searching. Now they were pitilessly rubbing and massaging the secret delicate patch of nerves right at the top of her pelvic vaginal wall. Claire had never found her own delicate little spot so easily. Who was this man? And even when she teasingly caressed this delicate patch of skin her delicate womanhood had never been too sensitive. She had to get out. She had to get away. She wrapped her slender hands into tight fists around the tight satin rope holding her in place. To spite the firm rolled towel beneath the small of her bare back Claire tried desperately to bury her pelvis under the bed and as far away from Mark’s stroking fingers as possible. It was too much… it felt too good. Even for a budding young sybarite like her.

“Ahhhhhh Ahhhhh AHHHHH Claire… There is no where to run YOUNG LADY. Remember, YOU ASKED FOR THIS HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA…. You can thrash all you want sweetie I am going to keep rubbing this pretty little cleft of yours until you cum for me… HAHAHAHHAHHAAHHAHA And there’s nothing you can do about it Claire… But, I do have a little reminder for you to keep still!” Mark devilishly inserted a third finger into Claire’s tight straining pussy. He could feel that his three devilish digits filled her young essence rubbing deliciously against all sides as they pressed lovingly against his hand. He could feel the pre-contractions of another mounting eruption around his teasing hand and he wanted to make sure that with every stroke of his fingertips against her pulsing band of nerves that he made the next climax as lethal as possible.

“NONONOONNON HUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUU NOONONOON PLEEPAAAPAMPMPAMAAMAPAMPAMAMPA HUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!” The sensation was far too overwhelming for Claire to tolerate. It tickled… it actually tickled to have that delicate part of her stimulated by someone else. She couldn’t believe the sensation was so different from the journeys that she had taking deep inside of herself. It was a fiery fluttery tingle that rippled through every nerve in her entire body. It felt as though every fiber of muscle was being cruelly tantalized from the inside out. It made every stand of her being quiver and tremble close to its own critical mass.

To make matters worse every other nerve ending imaginable inside of her dripping wet innocence was being stimulated all at once as Mark’s strong fingers completely filled her. The feeling of having her delicate folds of skin out of her control for the first time in her life wasn’t enough; he had to do make his sensual assault while she was so furiously over stimulated from the rest of his sinister ministrations… How could he possibly be this wonderfully sadistic? She barely knew that such a thing existed outside of her dizzy fantasies and this torturous stitch in time made them look like family television in comparison.

“You can’t get away Claire… Fighting it is just silly. It’s fun to watch… but just silly. Let go Claire… Let go. No matter what you do I am going to keep giving you what you need Claire. That’s what I am here for. You can’t get away from me sweet heart… just let go. It’s okay. I’m still here… It’s okay…!” Mark brought the teasing quill along the sensitive expanses of Claire’s sensitive inner thighs. He could see that she couldn’t resist. He wanted the sensory over load of her raucous climax to be as intense as possible for her grunting descent.

NONONONNMNPMNPMNPMNPNNPMNPNPM HUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU …” He was lying. He had to be. She couldn’t. Not this. This would destroy her. Nothing could be this sweet. Nothing could be this magical. He was lying. He had to be. Wasn’t he? “AHHHHHHHHHHHHH HUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUU AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH” With her every violent grunt she could still feel him… With her every futile attempt at escape… she could still feel him. Before, when she reached the peak of her arousal she could at least imagine drifting back to the ground. Now his teasing hands, their new emotional intimacy, and her raging frustration had pushed her well past the stratosphere of lustful exuberance. Claire was orbiting deep in the headspace of complete erotic overload and she couldn’t contemplate reentry. She had no idea if she could survive it, but she knew that she needed it so badly. This was something that she couldn’t do with any of her conscious knowledge or influence. She was going to have to trust him. The one thing that had kept them apart for so long was the only thing that could grant her true redemption. She would have to trust him… Was that so bad?

MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM HAHAHHHAAHAHHAA MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM HUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUU OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MMMMMMMMMMMM HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUU MMMMMMMM PMPMHPMHP HPMPMHPMHPMHPH HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HAAAAAAAAAAAA HAAAAAAAAAA MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!” Claire’s devastating climax was all together new to her. She had never experienced anything quite like it before. Having her clit teased to the point of fracture was like a gentle electric shock to every nerve in her body that made her tingle with delight. She had teased this delicate patch of skin before but never with Mark’s callous disregard for her ability to endure it. She would always give in to herself when it became too intense withdrawing in discretion. NOT MARK. He loved knowing that she absolutely couldn’t stand every FUCKING stroke of his sinister fingers deep inside her dripping wet pussy while she screamed her pretty little lungs out in furious depraved lustful indulgence immodestly thrusting her full hips lewdly against his teasing hand. He pushed he well past any roadblock of over stimulation crashing into the most intense state of being that she had ever experienced.

“That’s it Claire… Cum for me. Cum for me Claire… Let go… Just let go. Cum for me Claire… Come on… Cum for me.” Mark never left her alone… He wanted to be right there with her. He knew that this latest eruption was absolutely life altering for his ticklish little minx… He knew that of all her life she needed him the most at this very moment…

HAAAA-------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------ HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM HUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM NNNNNNNNNNNNMMMMMMMMMM HUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUU!” Let go was actually a very applicable term right now. Claire had always felt tiny streams of lustful excitement pulse forth from her contracting womanhood when she climaxed, but right now her streaming essence gushed forth as though her pelvic delta truly was the origin of an ominous river of carnal delight. She could feel herself soaking Mark’s entire hand with her physical excitement as her delicate lips clenched tighter and tighter around his teasing fingers forcing wave after waved of sinful pleasure to course through her entire being as she shamelessly ground her hips into her loving tormentor. “HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU MMMMMMMMMMMMM HUUUU HUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUU MMMMMMMMmmmmmmm huuuuuu huuuuuuu! HAHAHAAAHa” Finally after what felt like several congruent eternities Claire’s tidal wave of pure unadulterated indulgence began to subside and she became painfully aware of the sharp teasing quill still mercilessly teasing the delicate bare skin of her straining inner thighs…

Mark knew that this was something special. He knew that she had never experienced anything like that on her own. He knew that she would never forget him for taking her to the highest peaks of blissful ecstasy that it had ever been her misfortune to experience. He knew that right now the thing she wanted the most was to rest in his strong arms drifting off to sleep in his tight embrace reminiscing in the glorious tidal waves of pleasure that he had so lovingly bestowed upon her. As her loving guide there was only one thing for him to do in the wake of Claire’s exhausting journey…

“Oh Come on now Claire… Is that what you call on ORGASM? I said that I want you to Cum for me Claire. Come on… For real this time!” He was so cold, so callous. He said it as tough he was asking her to pass the FUCKING salt. HAHAHAHHA

HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAH MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM AHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAAHAHA MMMMMM HUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUU MMMMMMMM HUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUH UUUUUUUU MMMMMMMMMM HEEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEE MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!” Claire couldn’t believe her ears; just seconds after her life’s greatest rhapsody he wanted more. Be it her ardent suffering or her greatest heights of jubilance Mark had become such an insatiable glutton for her most intense reactions. Claire was absolutely racked with erotic terror over his sinister command but she lashed out in delirious flirtatious defiance because with proof in hand of his unwavering hand by her side he couldn’t scare her anymore… Did that make any sense? The dread of another torturous climax was too much to deny but with her body tightly secured and at his mercy… with him so close to her… she knew that she would survive. She knew that he would never leave her.

“Maybe you need a little more help Claire. I think that you have earned it since you behaved yourself so well HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!” Mark was absolutely cruel as he applied his torturous thumb ruthlessly to Claire’s horribly engorged wet pulsating Clit making her entire pelvis burn with furious delight.

EEEEEEEEHEHEHEHEHEHEEEMMMMMMMMMAPMAPAMPAMPAMPAMAMPAMHHAHAHAHAMPHMAPMHPMAMHPAMHMAPMHAH MMMMMMMMMMMM HUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUU MAMAMAPAMPMPAMPAMPAMAPMPAMPAMA HAHAHAAHAAHHAHAHAPMHPMAPMAM HUUUUUUUU HMPHMPM HUHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUHUHHHHHHHHHHH MAPMAPMAPMAAMAPMAMPAPMAPMPAMPMAPMAPMAAM!” Claire was absolutely ecstatic. The new sensation of her clit and delicate secret spot being stimulated at the same time was absolutely atrocious. She was instantly hooked! Vibrators, teasing hands, feathers-Claire feared that she might never be able to achieve sexual rhapsody again without the sadistic aid of her loving neighbor. That would be bad… wouldn’t it? Claire couldn’t make up her mind at the moment. Her concentration was… elsewhere!

“Can you feel it Claire. Can you feel the pleasure… Is it so intense that you hate yourself for loving it? Does it feel wrong? Do you want it to stop but need it to continue? Is it chaos? Do you hate me for it. I want you to FUCKING despise me for making you feel this Claire. I need it. Can you feel it Claire… Can you feel it?” Mark knew that she understood… he just wanted to make sure that she would never forget.

“HPMHPM AAHAHAHAAAHAAHAHA AHHHHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHHHHH AMGPAMPMMAFMAPFMAPMFPAFMPFAFFAPMPMPM MAPMAPMAPMAPMPMAAAHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHHHHH AHUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUU MMMMMMM HMMMMMMMM HAAHAHAHAHA MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!” Claire thrashed her head up and down grunting in furious rebellious abandon. It just went into remission. The level of intensity for this new glorious peak started from the same demonic plateau that her last natural disaster had left off…Even in the wake of her very real terror being trapped in her loving arms mad her feel so… FREE! It was as though the first orgasm never stopped really.

I can even feel the sharp quill teasing my toned thighs forcing my muscles to dance in rapid fire succession amplifying the pool of raging lust at my very core that is quickly approaching the level of critical mass… He just kept whispering… “Can you feel it Claire… Can you feel it?” I know that he didn’t expect me to respond. He just wanted me to know that I was not alone. He wanted me to know that he would be there to catch me when I was finally able to utter the only thing that had any importance to me right now.

With every caress of the special band of nerves deep inside of me and every maddening stroke of my overly sensitive clit I was left with no choice but to give in…

-------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------MMMPMPHMHPMHPMHHHPMPM HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUU AHHHHHHHHH AHHHH HUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUU AHAHAHAHAH HUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU .” Claire’s second descent into guttural orgiastic abandon was much quicker than her first. It didn’t take much additional stimulation to send her crashing over the edge yet again….

“Oh Don’t you Stop Claire. You better not. You better not stop Cumming Young Lady. I want you to scream for me…” Mark used the soft flutter tendrils of the feather to further tease and mercilessly torture the exposed bare lips of Claire’s wildly contracting naked pussy. “I want you to FUCKING SCREAM FOR ME!”


Actually, she took it as a challenge. Scream is what he wanted and scream she did. She ground herself as hard as her tight bonds would allow into his stroking hand. She could feel that it was utterly soaked in the puddle of her raging ecstasy and she was completely unashamed. She didn’t even fight the horrifying tickles of her quivering bare womanhood (in the middle of her raging orgasm no less… he really was SICK) and she just let the terrible tingles keep her furious indulgence flowing at an absolutely feverish pace.

Claire pulled tightly against her bonds curling her toes in reckless abandon to feel every muscle in her body as strained as possible amplifying the terrible sensations crashing over the tiny shore of her writhing bare form. She wanted her every fervent shriek of unbearable delight to land right between his own sick legs. She wanted his arousal to be just as intense as her mountainous eruption. She wanted his boxers to be thoroughly soaked with his own dew drops of delicious pre-cum until she was finally free to give him the rather enthusiastic tongue lashing that he had so richly earned himself. As the tidal wave of her Life’s great desire splashed recklessly across her hyper-sensitive bow Claire wanted Mark to be able to experience every drop of pleasure that he had ripped kicking and screaming form every buzzing cell within her tortured form as testament for her undying affection even in the face of his most sinister malice.

Claire’s loud screaming indulgence was as long as it was intense, but like even the best things of this world it finally came to an end. Mark slowly withdrew his three teasing fingers and finally put down his merciless plume. He wiped his hand gently on the soft white towel between Claire’s still buzzing thighs watching in sheer joy taking in every wonderful image of Claire’s glorious after glow. She looked so peaceful… She was emotionally and physically bared, but in the warm gentle covering of his aching heart he knew that she would never be “naked” again….

“Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hahahahaa…. I didn’t REALLY think that you could cum harder than that Claire. HAHAHAHAAHHA… But that’s you always taking this so Literally Hahahahahahahahhaah *KISS*” Mark curled up next to his life’s great love as she rested gently after her inordinate exertion.

“Huuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuu hehehehehheehheeheheheh hmmmmmmmmmmmm!” He never passed up an opportunity to tease her. She was so lucky. How could she have been so blind? She just leaned over as much as her tight bonds would allow trying as hard as she could to rest her tired head on his strong shoulder and as always Mark lovingly aided her in her sincere endeavor. She could feel his warm strong hand caressing her bare left Flank as he nuzzled against her left side. She could feel him removing the damp towel from between her legs having served its purpose. She had never streamed out her essence like that before. She was glad that Mark thought of the towel. She would hate for his cool crisp comforter to be ruined on her account. She wondered what would have given him such a good idea and then it occurred to her-he did it on purpose. He knew what a terrible affect his wriggling fingertips would have inside of her and he came prepared… he could be so romantic when he tried to be. She knew it was evil depraved and a slew of other descriptors the fully articulate the depth of his sensual sadism but right now the one word roaring in her tattered mind was sleep!

“Hmhmhmhmhmhmhmh… Heehehehe… I think that SOMEONE has had an exciting day… Who do you think she might be Claire? Hahaahahahahahah *KISS*” Mark could feel Claire drifting off in his strong arms… In a way she deserved it. She had been through so much. She had been so brave. Maybe she did deserve a little rest.

“Hehheheeheheh hhhhhhhhhmmmmmmm!” Claire knew that she was developing a terrible habit of giving in so freely to his sweet kisses. She was like his personal minx preening for attention. She relished every gentle hint of approval from her life’s deepest love. Wrapped in his loving arms the image of a long over due sleep over waking up to his tight embrace didn’t sound all that disconcerting in the wake of his gentle flatteries.

“And you know Claire. I think you’re right. Father or not I really am a Bastard Hahahahahaahahhahaah!” Mark playfully drew a single fingertip from Claire’s left straining hip in a squiggly line across her bare trembling tummy just to make sure that she was still in the laughing mood.

“HAHAHAHAHHAHAH hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Huuuuuuuuuu MMMM HMMMM!” Claire couldn’t resist his tender teasing touch. Being so close to him it felt less and less like they were two separate people with his every warm teasing word. The sugary sweet tickles just made her feel so beautiful… loved… and appreciated squirming in his strong arms.

“Heyyyyyyyyy you didn’t have to agree with me?” Mark lightly skittered all five of his wiggling fingertips along Claire’s exposed left side making her jump even further into his arms.

“HHHEHEHEEHEEHHEHEEEHEHEHEEHEH EMMMMMMM AAAAAAA HHEHHEHHEEHEHEHHEEH MMMMMMMMMM huuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuu!” After half a dozen mind numbing orgasms Claire was still dreadfully sensitive. Every patch of skin was murderously ticklish in the wake of her raging journeys to ultimate bliss. Still, as terrible as his teasing fingers were she still loved her involuntary squirming deeper into his strong loving arms. After he was through with his incessant teasing Claire just resettled her head sheepishly against his strong shoulder taking in the cool night air and the sheer joy of being next to her sensual guide.

“You are so breath-taking. Do you know that Claire? *KISS*” Mark gently gave her another loving kiss to the forehead as he could feel her melting so preciously into him in the wake of his unending fountain of romance.

“MMMMMM HEHEHEHEHEHEEHEHE MMMMMMMMM!” Claire couldn’t believe herself. She was hiding from him. She was really hiding from him. He was so sweet. She just buried her head into the warm skin of her bare bicep not having to endure even the thought of his loving gaze. She couldn’t be nearly as wonderful as his loving words would indicate… could she? Like his proclamation that letting go of her resistance would only lead her into his loving arms past her bout with sensual rapture Claire could only begin to give herself over to the fervent desire for his encouraging words of her true radiant beauty-not just the adolescent visual she associated with so many boys-to be true. Maybe she was the wonderful young woman that Mark said she was. She had never had anyone take so much time to make her truly feel like a QUEEN before, but maybe just maybe it was time to stop fighting Mark’s loving affections.

“God you’re cute. *KISS*” Mark loved seeing his beautiful love squirming in the wake of his affection. She was shy. That was so sweet. Even amidst their lewd physical congress she was still shy standing in front of the one Man that always made her knees quiver. It was so precious. He looked at her so lovingly admiring her incorruptible innocence… He knew now at this very moment that she would never have meant to cause the terrible harm of her whispered confessions. She was just scared. She was seeking acceptance and validation from the one man that she had always craved both from and he was finally confident enough to see her cry for help for what it was.

Claire only longed to be trapped within his strong arms as she was now. She just wanted to be the sweet innocent “Claire” to relish in his teasing tickles whenever he saw fit to tease her. He felt bad for allowing her to go along so alone for so long but promised himself that she would never have to spend another day outside his bold attentions ever again. She deserves so much. She is so truly amazing. He only prayed to all there was that he would be up to the task.

Mark let Claire rest for a few long moments against his strong arm taking deep cleansing breaths into her lungs letting the cool swoosh deep within her heaving chest validate that her night of blissful magic was real and that her dreams had only just begun…

For all my self indulgence, for all my deep seeded mercilessness, for all the peccant desires to torment my deepest love into the deepest abyss of sheer helplessness, even I have to take pause at a moment like this. When you take someone’s fear… their self doubt… self pitty… self consciousness… When you take all of that away from them… When you tear them down to their base desires and rebuild your loving mate into the glorious confident form of their true angelic design then you have transcended mindless torment. When you help someone become… That is something that’s truly special. That’s what makes you…

“Claire…” Mark finally broke their shared silence stirring Claire from her exhausted little dream world.

“Mmmmmmmmmmmmm HMMM hmmmmmmmmm hehe mmmmmmm!” Claire was beyond simple happiness. It was as though joy was something tangible that she could wrap herself up in. Feeling herself resting in Mark’s strong arms she knew that wasn’t all that far from the truth.

“Are you going to be okay… I mean okay here for a while. I think it’s time for me to finally take off some of these cuffs don’t you?” Mark rubbed his hand gently across Claire’s flushed cheek with her dimple permanently etched as a testament to her unmitigated bliss.

“Hmmmmmmmmm HHEHEHEHE MMMMM HMMM EHEEHEHEEH!” Claire nodded slowly… She wanted to be close to him forever, but finally being free of her tight bonds could allow her a few seconds to herself.

“Okay… Shhhhhhhhhhh just rest. I’m not going anywhere sweetheart. Okay?” Mark began gently stirring preparing for his descent to the foot of the bed.

“MMMM HMMM heheheheh MMM huuuuuuu” Claire had to bite tightly into her crimson gag at the last gentle kiss to her frontal lobe. Every touch of his sweet lips to her glistening forehead just made her feel so special.

As Mark pushed himself off of the bed leaving his bound beauty to her own devices, Claire just rested her weary head on a fluffy pillow allowing her eyes to close sleepily behind her tight sleeping mask. The blood was still racing furiously through every vein of her slender being so she knew that full sleep was still several minutes on the horizon but a gentle sheepish half nap wasn’t out of the question. She had been through so much. It had all been so… terrible. She couldn’t believe that she was still breathing, let alone fervently relishing every torturous second of her corrupt ordeal.

She felt Mark scurry to the foot of the bed. She had always dreamed of being bound and helpless to sadistic ticklish desires. The glorious reality was more hellacious than she could imagine and she could not wait to be dragged back kicking and screaming to the bottomless pit of utter ticklish despair. Claire was almost sad to feel the tight buckle of her right ankle cuff being slowly loosened and her slender limb finally being given its natural range of motion.

Se slowly pulled her writhing bare foot from the confines of her tight bondage writhing her ankle in gentle circles trying to remember what it was like to have liberty with her lower extremity.

She didn’t feel Mark untie the cuff itself from the night stand. She knew that he could do that in the morning. She was sure that he was probably near exhaustion himself. She hoped to all creation that by now his nimble fingers were as tired as she was after subjecting her to such mindless torment. The thought of them still being energized was far too much to contemplate.

Claire felt her second ankle being quickly released and Mark standing to admire her now freed bare legs as both her ankles turned slightly regaining full circulation to her once trapped soles.

Instinctively, Claire closed her long toned legs once again shielding her glorious womanhood from full view, but Mark could still see her full moist lips peaking past her warm toned thighs. She was the perfect picture of modesty when she was in full control of her limbs. Once that sinful illusion was forcibly stripped from her was a completely different story as Mark had so lovingly discovered.

Claire stretched out her legs trying to alleviate all the wonderful tension of straining to ferociously against her tight bondage. She brought her knees up to her chest giving her horribly over strained thighs and hamstrings a long deserved rest from their furious battle for a freedom held coldly between Mark’s icy fingers in the midst of her mindless tickle torture on the hyper-perceptive bare soles of her ticklish bare feet. She rolled back pressing her knees even more firmly into her knees working out as many kinks from her straining bare legs as possible and actually felt the rolled towel roll from under the small of her naked back forward to the foot of the bed. Feeling Mark pick it up quickly placing it down somewhere brought the truth of her current position crashing home. She realized that mark was getting a free peak at her glorious bare bottom in all of its shinning glory. She quickly brought her legs back down to the mattress shutting the door on his naughty little vision. It wasn’t out of shame or modesty. She just remembered the feeling of Mark’s innumerable devilish plumes and the last thing that she wanted right now was to give him ANY ideas…

“Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Hheheheheh MMMMMMMMMMM!” The first drip of the cool greasy lotion at the tip of her left toe was almost startling, but feeling its liberal application along both of her bare legs keyed her in to Mark’s soothing intentions…

“I know that I caused all that… how should I say it? Tension in your beautiful legs Claire. The least I could do is try to rub it away a little right? Hehheeheh?” Mark took Claire’s lightly flexing right foot in his strong hands rubbing the greasy moisturizer deeply into her warm buttery soft skin.

“HUUUUUUUUUUUU MMMMMMMMMMMMM HMMMMMMMMMMMMM HEHEHEHE AHHHHHHHHHHHHH HEHEH MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!” Claire spared him nothing. She arched her foot inviting his loving caress as he massaged away any memory of the merciless tickles or his terrifying hair brushes with his strong fingers. She could feel him kneading at her bare arches pressing firm enough not to tickle one bit. He was taking care of her. As much as Claire always clung to her independence, the idea of being so lovingly cared for was greatly endearing at the hands of her loving tormentor.

“Just lay back… and let me Please you Claire. You don’t have to worry about a thing. Let me have you… Let me please you Claire.” Mark set to work washing away every trace of soreness from Claire’s strained lower body. He lovingly caressed every soft bare inch of Claire’s squirming bare foot as it presented itself so lovingly to him. “Huuuuuu huuuuuuuu Just let me please you… huuuuuu huuuuuuuuuu!”

Claire could hear Mark’s shallow breathing. She knew that his words were sincere but feeling his hands tremble at the very touch of her warm soft skin she wondered who exactly was pleasing who… She had taken so much, indulged herself so freely. She knew that more than a little payback was deeply in order. Claire wrinkled and flexed her bare sole in Mark’s strong hand. She relished every new gasp of sheer joy past his warm soft lips as she pleased his massaging hands with a perfect massage from her writhing bare foot. She fluttered her toes flirtatiously against his palm at every turn. She teasingly tried to pull her foot away giving him every chance to Catch her as she knew he needed to… over and over again. She just giggled and cooed in the fervent approval that she knew he craved.

“MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM HEHEHEH MMMMMMMMMMMM!” Claire let him hear every gratifying moan as his loving hands traveled higher and higher on her burning bare legs. They had fought so hard for the freedom to move once again and the only thing that she wanted to do was offer them over unconditionally to her sadist knight. This was definitely becoming a vicious cycle. HEHE.

Mark rubbed the greasy moisturizer deeply into Claire’s already deftly supple calve. He could feel her entire body indulging in the warm slippery sensations of his deeply kneading moist fingers. He couldn’t help but be trapped in the loving gaze of Claire’s still wonderfully exposed bare womanhood as her hips lightly undulated with his teasing massage. It was so svelte so trim so perfect. Each delicate fold of skin danced back and forth with even the slightest movement of Claire’s yielding bare legs. The more that she relaxed herself to his teasing touch the more her delicate essence swayed back and forth with his each gentle caress. Even in his loving mercy Mark still needed just a little bit more.

“Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!” Mark was absolutely feverish as he took his teasing fill of Claire’s full toned left tight. He could feel that her delicate muscle was so horribly over worked fighting against his hideous ministrations. He was the author of her unbearable agony… he would also be the author of her unmitigated relief from the horrible struggles against the tight stringent bondage that he knew she loved so much.

“MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM HMMMHHHHM HHMM HUUUU MMMMM OHHHHHHH HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!” Mark’s gentle caresses were so wonderful. Feeling her tense muscles yielding to his unique massaging love was an excellent counterpoint to the mindless chaos of struggling so mightily against his merciless torture. Together, they formed the perfect fine wine of total seduction as she drifted further and further off into the little dream world that “MARK” had painstakingly crafted for her. She could feel her hips still stirring at his every loving touch and she knew that the sight of her still very warm essence quivering with his every gentle caress must be having an absolutely horrible affect on the gentle rising that she knew was locked behind his flowing pants. She received yet another immodest thrill listening to his horribly ragged breath caught in the dangerous spell of the dancing folds of skin that he had so mercilessly teased just moments before.

“Mmmmmmmmmm huuuuuu huuuuuuu… you’re thighs are so silky Claire… I could just rub them and caress them for hours. Huuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuu!” Mark was lost in the wonderful smoothness of Claire’s toned thighs as he took her left quadriceps into his strong hands and she no longer made any effort to conceal her throbbing center from his beleaguered eyes. Mark’s loving gaze found no quarter adoring her ample peaks as she presented her full still wonderfully erect nipples for his tender inspection. Starring down at her wriggling crimson tipped toes was a backward step as his throbbing loins rubbed gently against the front of his undergarment leaving a tiny trail of pre-excitement.

“MMmmmmmmmmmm HEHEHEHEHE MMMMMM HMMMMM HAAAA HUUU MMMMMMMMMM!” Before today Claire had never really had anyone trapped in her erotic web before. There were stares of course. Even Mark’s occasional enraptured gaze but she had never trusted enough to play so freely to her gazing audience until aided sinisterly by Mark’s teasing fingers. Claire made sure to flex and strain her tight muscle as much as possible in Mark’s strong kneading hands insuring that there was more than enough stimulation against his warm palm to capture his midnight imagination if they were ever apart. She played as though she was raising her leg to make his gentle caress easier, but it was just an excuse to expose the entirety of her naked essence an Mark knew it. He just greatly appreciated the gesture…

“Huuuuuuuuuuuuu Huuuuuuu Huuuuuuuuuuu!” Claire knew that he was trying to stay focused, but she was thoroughly engaged in their little game of distraction. She became just as addicted to his feverish breaths of arousal as He was to her mindless screams of ticklish torment. It felt good knowing that she could get to him… really get to him. Knowing that the one person who loved her most for the complete person that she truly is was locked in enraptured gaze of her bound nudity made Claire feel shamelessly sexy.

Claire could feel Mark shift teasingly to her bare supple left calf. He cupped her so gently. He kneaded so lovingly. He washed away all the horrible sensations still lingering from her horrible struggle. He made her feel so special. He made her feel so needed, so desired. She could barely stand having to exist in the wake of his sincere affections. She buried her face once again into her gentle bicep while she flirtatiously writhed her left ankle inviting his next gentle transgression.

“MMMMMMMMMMMMM HAHAHAAMAMMMMMM!” Claire was absolutely giddy as Mark took her flexing bare left foot into his strong hands once again. She could feel the greasy lotion being rubbed between her dancing toes and she tried teasingly to grip Mark’s loving fingers but the frictionless gel wouldn’t cooperate. She could feel him lightly petting and massaging she sensitive top of her beautiful flexing foot. She arched her delicate ped encouraging even more gentle attention. Mark pressed his thumbs firmly into the center of her delicate bare foot and kneaded outward in both directions. Claire’s sharp inhale of fervent pleasure was utter music to his tingling ears.

“You see Claire… Huuuuuu huuuuuu I’m not all bad… Hahahhahah… huuuuu huuuu!” Mark could feel Claire’s delicate bare foot straining and flexing against his warm strong hands putting on a lascivious show form him as his breath began to shorten. Her feet were so beautiful. He had wanted to care for them so earnestly his entire life. Feeling her warm wrinkly sole rubbing suggestively against his strong fingers as she curled her crimson toes seductively pointing at his heaving chest was absolutely intoxicating. She knew what her feet did to him. She was doing this on purpose. She was repaying his gift of pleasure with her own olive branch of seduction.

“MMMMMMMMMMMMMM HMMHHHMH MMMMMMMMMMMM!” Claire hated her tight rubber halter pressed between her teeth more than ever at that very moment. She wanted to tell him… She wanted to tell him so badly. She wanted to scream at the top of her lungs ‘YES!’ She wanted him to know that she would gladly take his stiff manhood between her warm wrinkly soles and properly thank him for all the glorious excitement that he had so freely given her. She wanted to let him know how absolutely glorious it has been to be his bound little captive. She wanted to let him know how much she desperately wanted to feel his dominance pressed against the soles of he bare feet while she rubbed so gingerly with her wrinkly naked soles until her erupted with furious desire. But her tight rubber ball gag robbed her of the last whispered confession to complete the perfect set coupled wit the previous twelve on Mark’s computer. The only option left to her was her playful actions to encourage his glorious indulgence.

“Hhmhmhmhm Hey… One at a time!” Mark was absolutely overjoyed to see that his exhausted little playmate still had clear command of her teasing spirit. Claire’s warm bare right foot pushed playfully against his left hand as he massaged it’s sensitive twin.

“Heheheheheeheh HMMMMMMM UHHH UHHH HEHEHEHEHEH!” Claire teasingly pushed both of Mark’s hands away with her free teasing sole only to have both of her ankles recaptured as they tried to scurry away…

“Come on now… Behave YOURSELF…” Mark returned to his gentle massage of Claire’s left foot encouraging her further transgression. She was so vivacious, so alive, and so flirtatious. How could he ever survive without her playful teasing?

“MMMMMMMMMMMMMM HEHEHEHEH MMMMMMMM!” God… she loves it when he is stern. Behave yourself… that’s such an open ended statement. Behave you see is a very relative term. It could have so many different meanings. Claire pondered what he could possibly mean by that? She came up with her own teasing hypothesis as she reached out with her twitching toes and the warm bare sole of her naked right foot to find the delicious erection hiding behind Mark’s smooth pants. That was behaving wasn’t it? Behaving badly… but he wasn’t very specific was he?

“Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu MMMMMMMMMMM HUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU AHHHHHHH!” Mark pulled Claire’s teasing sole away from his straining loins quickly. He knew that just a few more playful strokes of those absolutely sinful toes would… He couldn’t think about that right now. Nope…. Not one bit.

Do you remember what I said about having to lie to yourself? Well this was another great example. Haha…

“MMMMMMMMMM HEHHEEHEH MMMMMMMMMMM HHMMMHMHM!” Claire was dreadfully giddy. She was in trouble again… or at least she hoped. Maybe, just maybe Mark would deliver a penance that would finally allow her to witness his own sinful bliss. Claire retracted her ankles as Mark steadied himself. She tucked the backs of her pink heels against the bottom of her bare buttocks bringing her knees lightly into the air. She wanted to thoroughly tease her loving captor to no end giving him no choice but to let Claire hear his every loud grunt of blissful joy.

“HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!” Mark could feel the lust welling up in the back of his throat threatening to burn down every fiber of his existence. Claire’s teasing crimson toes were so deliciously naughty. Her perfect bare feet were so beautiful and intoxicating. Her confident teasing expression was absolutely seductive.

Mark knew she was well aware of how absolutely gorgeous she was right now still bound to his desires. She just curled and flexed her toes against the mattress. That was bad enough…. But then she gripped the stern satin ropes so tightly pulling against her bonds to arch her back painfully letting out a deep earthy moan relishing in the sheer bliss of the cool night air against her hot skin. Mark could take no more. He grabbed both of her ankles tightly in his strong bare hands pulling them back to the foot of the bed where they belonged.

“HAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAH MMMMMMMMM AHHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA HUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUU!” Claire loved the feeling of being so passionately manhandled. Mark wrapped his sweet lips around the twitching bare toes of her slender left foot leaving her warm right sole to take residence pressing firmly against his tight chest rubbing up and down encouraging his oral attention.

Claire was almost startled at the sheer intensity of Mark’s fevered kisses. He nibbled and suckled each of her squirming bare toes sending wave after wave of blissful delight cascading through her bound exposed form. Feeling her warm bare feet so lovingly worshiped still had the wonderful affect of making her feel like royalty in the wake of his oral devotion.

Mark kissed and nibbled down the full expanse of Claire’s flexing sole. Every warm savory square inch freshly softened by the gobs of moisturize he had lathered onto her squirming bare foot made Claire’s naturally creamy warm skin absolutely melt against his yearning sweet lips.

Mark fiendishly grabbed Claire’s teasing right foot from pressing into his tight chest pressing her tickly toes past his sweet lips to the lair of his rough teasing tongue. He mercilessly raked the bottom of Claire’s wiggling naked toes with every rough contour of his tickling serpent locked in the insidious depths of his warm moist mouth.

“EEEEEHEHEEHEHEHHEHEEHEH MMMMMMMMMMMM HUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUU!” Claire was absolutely taken back by how hard Mark sucked at the very tips of her sensitive toes. She could feel every cell of her quivering form yielding to the gentle pressure against her erogenous perceptive crimson tips. Claire could feel the delicious tingles consuming both of her long bare legs at the frenzied devour of her teasing bare feet at the hands of her loving tormentor.

“HHAHAHAAHAHHAHHAAHAH AHMMMMMMMMMMM HUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUU!” Mark showed Claire’s wiggling bare feet no quarter. As he held her tender right sole firmly by the ankle with his left hand with her wriggling bare toes deep inside his mouth Claire squealed in ticklish delight as she felt Mark’s teasing fingers skitter along her taught sole once again. The feeling was absolutely electric to augment his impassioned worship of her naked undulating sole.

Claire couldn’t help herself. It felt so good. She loved having her extra sensitive bare soles being so lovingly suckled teased and tickled by the man of her dreams. She wanted to repay him. She wanted to make “HIM” feel just how wonderful his teasing ministrations made her feel. She couldn’t help but snake her curious left sole between Mark’s quivering bare legs as she could feel his entire body reaching his fevered pitch of arousal. She pointed her toes pressing gently against his throbbing erection and she could feel the delicious pressure at the tips of her toes only increase ten fold as he was so lovingly stimulated in gratitude for his sincere efforts.

Claire wanted Mark to let her finish. She wanted him to just let her take him. She wanted to be able to give him all the delicious pressure that she had received and then some. She wanted desperately for his restrictive pants and delicate undergarment to be washed away leaving his bare throbbing manhood in the care of her flexing toes and warm bare soles. She wanted to tease the delicate skin of his trembling scrotum directly with her teasing toenails, but for right now she would just have to settle for wriggling her bare toes against his violently tingling balls through the slim sheaths keeping him from true rhapsody.

“MMMMMMMMMMMMM HMMMMMMMMMMMMM HUUUUUUU AHHHHH!” Mark could take no more. He relinquished his teasing tickles of Claire’s trapped bare sole reaching down to grab its teasing twin by the ankle. Mark brought both of Claire’s naughty bare feet together in front of his thirsting lips and watched in rapturous glee as Claire pointed her toes to the heavens wrinkling her perfect soft soles inviting Mark’s amorous attentions.

“MMMMMMMMMM HMPMHMMM HEHEH MMMMMMMMMMMMMM HUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!” Claire was more than a little disappointed that she wouldn’t get to hear Mark explode with his fervent indulgence in her sweet suffering but found the absolutely carnal kiss of his sweet lips against both of her helpless bare soles to be completely irresistible in her bound state. Feeling all ten of her ticklish toes receiving such a thorough tongue lashing forced her back to arch almost painfully as the sinful pleasure coursed up the slender length of her warm bare legs refilling her slender form with the glorious fleshly desire for her long lost love in celebration of their eternal union.

Mark was absolutely furious… Claire was lost in the sea of soothing bliss as her ten tingling toes twitched and wiggled in excited delight as they were so passionately kissed nibbled and suckled. He was so ruthless. Every twitching crimson tip was thoroughly licked with his rough tongue sending pulses of delicious indulgence dripping along the expanse of her warm bare thighs. The devilish nibbles forced Claire to jerk deliciously against Mark’s vice like grip of her slim ankles reminding her of the naughty leather cuffs that he had just removed. The gentle sucking at her delicate sensitive tips reminded Claire of the glorious mounting pressure that preceded each of her glorious eruptions.

He was so feverish… he was so passionate. You would think that he would never see her helpless bare soles again. It was almost as though he was kissing them… GOODBYE

“Huuuuuuuuuuuuuu huuuuuu… you have to excuse me Claire. I got a little… Carried away… HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHA!” Mark gave both of Claire’s ticklish bare feet a parting flutter with his nimble fingers before releasing her ankles and letting her beautiful bare feet return to the cleft of her buttocks inviting his next breaching retrieval…

“Huuuuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuuuuuuu…” Claire felt a very real tear of growing sadness behind her tight sleeping mask. She was no longer afraid of her desires, she was no longer of letting Mark know how she really felt, she wasn’t even afraid of hairbrushes (well… at least not as much as she was before they forced her into a mind numbing orgasm… but hey-that’s progress!) but she was absolutely petrified of tomorrow. This one blissful island in the sea of time had proven to be a true… paradise. But Claire could not be certain if it would prove to be an eternal oasis or just a mirage born of circumstance. After all… she was supposed to meet her “MASTER!” tonight. She knew that this long nights events would require honest explanation but feeling Mark place her ankles back on the cool comforter the first real thought of life after her tight stringent bondage began to beset her tortured mind.

Claire finally allowed herself to exhale as she felt Mark once again take a stern grip of her left ankle. The sun would rise tomorrow. Of that she could be certain. What lay beyond that was finally out of her… control. The mindless obsession over details sales proposals and how to deal with the board meeting between she and the man looming before her when they arose in the morning were all a terrible burden for the looming space between her ears… She eagerly welcomed the blissful distraction of Mark’s sweet lips to take her back to that warm place where the only thing that mattered was hearing his fevered breathing as testament to his genuine affection for the beautiful girl next door.

“EEEEEEEEEEEEEHEHEHEHEHE AHAHHAHAHAAHAHHAHA MMMMMMMMM HHEEHEHEHEHEH!” Claire was somewhat startled to feel the sharp spike of her own heel teasing along the full length of her wriggling sole. It tickled so… wonderfully. She hoped that it was a precursor to at least just a little more teasing fun before their evening of sharing came to a close.

“I think that these belong to you Claire if I am not mistaken… hahahahaha!” Much to her despair she felt the gentle rim of her tall black heel being slid from her twitching toes to the center of her creamy soles past her pink heel and snuggly back onto her lovely leather encased sole. The inside of her seductive shoe was a gently crisp cool having been away from her warm skin for so long. Feeling her toes flex against the icy leather was a wonderful consolation to Mark’s teasing touch.

Claire was surprised at the growing knot behind her tight rubber ball gag at the thought of their beautiful night coming to an end. It had been such a long journey from the wall of Mark’s foyer to being tickled into utter submission tied so tightly to his massive bed. In a way it had become its own special part of her. She actually hated to see it go, but like all things this too must come to an end.

“Hehehhehehehehe hmph Hehehehheeheh hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!” Claire choked back as many of the gentle tears of sorrow as she could. This had been so special. She couldn’t fathom the idea of ruining it with ingratitude. Whatever happened between them would happen. There was no point in being sad at what had already proved to be the happiest trail of moments in her young life. Maybe that’s what worried her. Now knowing the absolute bliss inside his strong loving arms how could she ever bare to be away from them….

All the same… her sadness would do nothing to help the situation. She just focused on all of the whispered confessions that she had longed to hear so long from Mark’s sweet lips as she prepared for the close of the evenings magic. Ever the tease, Claire aristocratically pointed her right bare set of toes awaiting delivery of her second sensual heel.

“Mmmmmmmmmmmm not getting too demanding are we Young Lady?” Mark grabbed Claire’s teasing right ankle bringing her sensitive bare sole to the merciless point of her intoxicating black heel. Seeing the shiny black tip teasing and stroking Claire’s squirming foot bottom was absolutely irresistible as once again his shallow breathing betrayed his excitement. Her feet were so beautiful, her heels so enticing, and her beautiful flowing laughter was so sweet. Was there anywhere else in all the world that he would rather be at this perfect moment?

“MAAHAHAHAHAAAHAHAHAHAHAHMHAMAMPAMPMHPAMHPMAPHPAMHPMAPHPMAPAMPMAPMHPMPHMAMHPMAHMAPHPAMHMPAM!” If this was to be his last act of sadistic tickling torment, Claire was going to take it for all it was worth. As hard as she could she pulled back on her slender ankle with her strong bare legs. She pressed firmly into the comforter with her left heel for as much leverage as possible. Even devoid of her leather bindings Claire loved the light tingling of her freshly rubbed legs reminding her that her trapped sole was utterly helpless to Mark’s sinister mercy.

“Huuuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuuuu… Just because I am giving you your sexy little shoes back is no reason to forget your Manners Claire… HAHAHAHA!” With that… the glorious tickle torture of Claire’s helpless soles came to a gentle end for the evening. Claire reluctantly allowed Mark to slip her quivering bare sole softly into the tight cool leather of her seductive black heel churning her ankle lightly to feel the wonderful weight of her sensual apparel once again.

“MMMMMMMMMMMMMM Hheeheheheh Hmmmmmmmmmm MMMMMMM!” What was it about a high pair of heels that could always Make Claire feel so sexy? Since she first discovered the sinister delight in their shared apartment in college, Claire could always make herself feel absolutely irresistible just at the gentle aided arch of her high shiny shoes. She pressed the wooden soles of her spike stilettos into the crisp cool comforter giving her legs their all too familiar posture of her greatest ecstasy. Every muscle in her lower body realigned as though she were in the throws of yet another bout of rapturous bliss as a glorious side effect of her fully arched soles. Knowing full well that seeing her sexy black heels against the cool comforter and seeing her bare legs so tightly coiled with her glorious womanhood dreadfully exposed gave Claire an even more intense thrill of undeniable desirability in the wake of what she knew was his lustful glare.

“Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm You… Huuuuu You…… Huuuuuuuuuu Claire…. You are… hhhhhhhhhhh mmmmmmmmmmmm!” Mark couldn’t find words. Images of just those risqué leather pumps had filled his night time fantasies for so long. Couple with the full radiance of Claire’s completely nude toned body was absolutely more than he wanted to resist. And how could he?

“MMMMMMMMMM HEHEHEHEHEH MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!” He was beyond words. The one boy that she always wanted to look at her like all the rest was beyond words. She couldn’t help but gently slither in her bondage presenting herself even more fully for his enraptured gaze. Mark’s impassioned verbal responses, to the very sight of, her made Claire feel so sensually alive. She needed to know that he couldn’t bear to look away from her. She needed to know that “HE” thought she was absolutely to die for. She needed it from his sweet lips in order for it to truly be real. She needed “HIM!” She had always needed him.

“Huuuuuuuuuu-----------…” Claire was surprised to feel the first gentle kiss of her left shoe. She had thought that their magical time together had come to a close. She thought the awkward time for discussion had finally come. The blissful feeling of Mark’s warm lips lightly caressing the tops of her warm feet just above the leather encasing her sensitive soft sole was a welcome replacement for THE TALK!

“You have been this way in my mind for so long Claire. I have wanted to feel you for so long… Huuuuuuuuu! Just like this Claire. Just feel you…. Huuuuuuuuuuu!” Claire felt Mark’s teasing lips make their ascent to her straining supple shin and Calf. He kissed her so intensely. He held her so passionately. His hands freely caressed each of her bare legs as his warm pleasing mouth Made it’s gentle trek along the length of Claire’s strong bare legs.

“Huuuuuuuuuuuuuu ohhhhhhhhhhhh huuuuuuuuuuuu mmmmmmmmmmmm huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!” Maybe he was just taking the long way to her wrist cuffs. That’s it. Maybe he was just as sad to see the night end as she was… Yes, that had to be it. He was just savoring the moment. That’s what she told herself… He couldn’t… He couldn’t really… Could he?

“Watching you tonight… seeing you so happy… *KISS KISS*” Claire began to worry at the first gently kiss along the inside of her sensitive knee. She was utterly frozen. What was he doing? Why was he taking so long to release her hands? Why was he teasing her like this before it all went away? “Watching you tremble… Watching you squirm… hearing you laugh… hearing you scream… Watching you CUMMMMMMM *KISS KISS*”

“AHHHHHHHHHH HUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUU MMMMMMMM HAAAAAAAAAA HHHHHHHHHMMMMMMM HUUUU HUUUUUUU MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!” He couldn’t be serious. Claire was deftly worried when she felt Mark’s warm breath cascading across the twitching expanse of her bare womanhood. What was he doing…? Feeling his lips so high on her supple bare left thy was horribly disconcerting in Claire’s still very vulnerable position.

“Then finally seeing your glistening precious lips with my own eyes. Touching them… teasing them… tickling them. And I just have to know Claire… I just have to know.” Mark gently blew a subtle waft of sinful air right across the still very moist lips of Claire’s glistening essence…

“NONONHOHNOHNONHONONHOHNHOHN UUUHHHHHHHHH UHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM HUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU OHHOHOHOH MMMMMMMMMM HUUUUUUUUUUU PMPMPMPMHPMHPMHPM!” Claire couldn’t believe the thunderous sensation against her sweet pouting lips… and that was just Air. Claire’s entire relaxed nervous system was brought screaming fully back to life as her deplorably immodest arousal came crashing home between her warm bare thighs with all the glorious tingles still left over from her six previous trips to rhapsodic bliss. She couldn’t survive another… could she? The one thing that Claire could count on as a certainty was that this magical night was most certainly not over. Any question about Mark’s sinister intentions was answered in lurid detail as he swung both of her strong legs across his back with the backs of her slender knees resting on his strong shoulders bringing her bare back to a delicious arch and her delicate pelvis at a vulnerable tilt…

“I just have to know Claire…” Mark continued his gentle teasing blows across Claire’s ripe cherry just to let her carnal libidinous panic grip every nerve of her slender form bringing her roaring back to the high level of peccant desire that he needed for his sick little innovation.

“HUUUUUUUUUUU MMMMMMMMMMMMM HUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUU!” Claire knew full well what was about to happen. She didn’t know if there would be a shred of her tattered sanity left after she was subjected to the cruel mistreatment of his gloriously indulgent warm mouth but there was no need for the continued build up. The only purpose it served was to drive her absolutely crazy with dizzy anticipation and she knew that’s exactly what Mark wanted…

“I just have to know what you taste like Claire!” Mark kissed gently along the delicate moist folds of Claire’s seductive skin taking in every possible drip of her essence. The wonderful taste of her musky perfection filled his nervous system with raging desire for the bound beauty squirming so helplessly in the wake of his torturous moist lips.

MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM HUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUU MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM HUUUUUU OOHOHOOHOH MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!” Claire came to the painful realization that she was still not fully recovered from her last volcanic eruption when it was far too late. Her delicate folds of skin were already far too sensitized to be touched let alone mercilessly suckled. When Claire thought of her eternal gratification at the end of her merciless tickling torment she either fantasized about her ULTIMATE seduction, naughty stiff feathers, or probing fingers. She was aware of the concept of cunnilingus but she never really understood what all the fuss was about. Feeling Mark’s sinful moist lips teasing the delicate folds of skin that she had kept hidden for so long was a wonderful revelation! “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HAAAAAAAAAAAAA HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU MMMMMMMMMMM!”

Feeling her delicate rose bud lovingly consumed by Mark’s sweet lips was absolutely the victorious closing argument. The feeling was so unique. It was like she could feel every single ridge of his soft teasing lips against the tight ball of nerves held hostage by his hot wet mouth. Claire’s entire body violently jolted at the intense searing pleasure of Mark’s rough tongue flicking once… just once across the very stiff tip of her yearning bare Clit.

Claire’s entire world caved in on itself at the slightest increase of pressure to her throbbing pink nubbin as Mark sucked gently against her sweet innocence. The vibrator and his teasing fingers had felt so wonderful but there was only one thing in the world that could ever be more intimate than his loving wet lips buried between her hot bare thighs nuzzling her sugary essence lapping up every gentle stream of her fervent indulgence with his skilled menacing tongue.

Claire’s breathing became horrible ragged in the midst of her violent earthy grunts of reckless delight. Claire tried as best she could to steady herself grappling dearly to the tight satin ropes holding her hands in their rightful place and biting down intensely against the tight crimson halter wedged between her teeth. She could feel every muscle in her toned bare legs tighten as she gripped Mark’s neck and the sides of his nuzzling face tightly with her strong bare thighs.

She squeezed him so tightly. She didn’t know if she was trying to invite his discretionary retreat of just increase the wonderful pressure against her pulsing desirous womanhood. She couldn’t be quite certain as the fiery tingles began to overwhelm her conscious mind but her shameless writhing of her full hips harder and harder into Mark’s strong face were a very good indication.

“MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMHPMPMPMAHPMAPHMAP HMMMMMMMMM HMMMMMMMMM HUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUU HUUUUUUU HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM OOOOOOH HUUUUUU HUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!” Claire was absolutely feverish in her raging indulgence. The feelings themselves were absolutely torturous. She had already been subject to half a dozen crashing eruptions, she wasn’t sure if she would be able to survive another one… hopefully just one. OH DEAR GOD… HAHAHAHHAAHHAHAH

The sheer intensity of her last raging climax had never really subsided. It was as though it was lurking there, just beneath the glistening surface of her pulsing womanhood waiting to be uncovered by Mark’s evil tongue and his soft wet lips. Claire’s entire body shuddered with each gentle flick of his tongue. It was like each gentle stroke of his rough serpent across her bare throbbing clit deep inside his arm moist mouth was a small climax in its own right pushing her entire bound form closer and closer to the mind numbing bliss that she knew was only moments away.

The gentle sucking of her moist throbbing Clit was the worst. It was absolutely unbearable. It made her every muscle fiber and nerve ending ache with the insatiable pressure that always preceded furious orgasmic bliss. Mark was so cruel. He would always give her just enough pressure to bring her quivering to the edge and then back off quickly just to let her know that she was his to play with.

Claire loved the feeling of her toes curling helplessly trapped inside her sexy heeled shoes. It made her feel so seductive to have her naughty little clit kissed and suckled with her shoes still on. It gave her mind altering torment a wonderful feeling of gentle VIOLATION as Mark nuzzled away at her burning clit as though the had just been abducted from some truly boring board meeting for his sadistic form of entertainment.

Claire didn’t have to ask for permission. When she felt Mark’s pointed sucking against her stiff yearning clit coupled with the delicate incessant caress of his teasing tongue across the very tip of her steaming clit she knew that it was time. She didn’t really have much choice in the matter, but she gave herself consciously over to the wonderful sensations all the same…

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUU MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUU MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!! !” For Claire, the number seven really did signify heaven… Her latest raucous climax picked right up where the even half dozen had left off. The feeling of Mark’s teasing lips caressing her warm moist clit. There was not an ounce of harshness to it. It wasn’t like the vibrator that became almost painful. It wasn’t like his teasing fingers that felt somewhat distant and impersonal. The gentle touch was so pointed so gentle and so intimate. There was absolutely nothing but pure unmitigated bliss being felt at the tip of her steaming clit and that made the blazing tingles of her latest eruption all the more euphoric.

HUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUU MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM huuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuu huuuuuu mmmmmmmmmmmmm NONON NONONONMMPMPMPM PMPMPMPM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU !” Also, just as Claire’s fifth trip to utter paradise her latest orgasm never really stopped… it just went into recession. The furious tidal waves quieted just to hide again deep within the surface of Claire’s pointing moist lips as the immodest caress of Mark’s long slithering tongue against the true depths of her throbbing essence threatened to Make his sinister search and rescue a very short journey.

Claire was absolutely horrified… not only did he not stop, he didn’t even slow down. He didn’t show one single sign of mercy or pity for her throbbing stiff clit trapped so helplessly between his moist lips. The feeling was absolutely sinful… It was too good, it was horribly too good. Mark’s lapping tongue, teasing lips, and warm mouth were still devoid of any rigid counterpoints as they lovingly suckled and fondled Claire’s most delicate folds of skin. That only left the sheer intensity of her helpless Clit’s merciless over stimulation to ring free in all of it’s burning Glory.

MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM HMMMMMMMMM HMMMMMMMM MPMMPMMPMPM HMMPMHMPHMPMHPMH MMMMMMMMMM PMPMPMPMP HMMMHPMHMHPMPHPMHPM!” (((((STOP… JUST STOP… PLEASE STOP. I CAN’T TAKE THIS. IT’S TOO INTENSE!))))) Those were the earnest thoughts cascading through Claire’s mind in the wake of Mark’s tormenting serpent. Being pushed so far past the point of orgasmic bliss with his incessant slurping of her most delicate perfection was absolutely deplorable. It had to stop it just had to. Claire cursed the tight rubber halter for stripping her desperate pleas away from her-forcing them to ping back and forth only in the recesses of her tortured mind. She knew full well that feeling the absolutely terrifying humiliation of having her desperate pleas for sensual mercy callously ignored would have been such an added thrill, but with the horribly passionate kisses against her naked essence Claire allowed herself the sinful hope that maybe, just maybe there would be a next time.

Claire tried as much as she could to pull her aching pelvis away from Mark’s demonic lips. Her hips had plans of their own. As they feverishly thrust themselves back and forth across the very tip of Mark’s sinister tongue and buried his slurping face deeper and deeper between her spread thighs she was resigned to the fact that her straining midsection had gone completely off the reservation to indulge in its salacious grinding against the warm wet mouth of her utterly sadistic lover. With as much conscious will as she could muster in the face of his irresistible sensual onslaught Claire pulled desperately at her seductive delta to free herself from Mark’s sinful grasp. Much to her carnal anguish…. the feeling of Mark’s strong hands pressing her firm ample behind tightly against the mattress trapping her overly sensitive naked pussy within the cross hairs of he merciless lips only made her shriek out in even greater sensual frenzy at the not so subtle hint of utter helplessness.

“Now Now *MMMMMMMMMMMM* Claire… I’ve told you before *MMMMMMMMMMMMMM* About sitting STILL! HAHAAHAHAH *MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM*!” Mark synched down on Claire’s writhing midsection with his strong left for arm. As penance for trying even passively to move her sensual cup away from him Mark ever so gently caressed Claire’s heaving lower tummy with the very tips of his teasing fingers stroking lightly from the top of her helpless nuzzled womanhood to Claire’s twitching navel. He could feel every cell of warm bare skin flutter and dance in rhythmic accord with each lightly tickling breach of her sensitive form.

HEHMEHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMM HUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM HAHAHA MMMMMMMMMM AHHAAHAHAHA MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM HUUUUUUUUUU MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMUHUHHHHH UHHHHH!!” The light suggestive fluttering tickles across her mid section were absolutely enchanting. The soft tingly whispers gave Claire just enough of the wonderful ticklish discomfort that filled her most deviant nightmares and fueled the base of her carnal desires.

Mark felt Claire’s entire body sinuate in time with his teasing fingers overwhelmed by the sheer intensity of his moist lips taking hers as his personal possession. He could feel her pulling earnestly against the tight leather cuffs that still held her arms perfectly out of place and with no hope of ruining his fun. Her gentle coos and flowing giggles between earthy moans and violent grunts of prurient desire were purely operatic crashing turbulently into Mark’s quivering scrotum. She was so beautiful… so free… so perfect.

Feeling his life’s lost love cringing stiffening and spasming so uncontrollably in his strong arms drove Mark absolutely crazy wit raging lust. His stiff yearning head literally ached with insatiable desire feeling Claire’s unbridled reckless abandon in every fiber of her being. Seeing Claire sweetly indulging in her own sensual frenzy made Mark’s raging need for sweet release almost intolerable.

For Mark… the most gratifying part of gently stealing the sugary nectar of Claire’s precious innocence was feeling her strong toned silky bare thighs rubbing and squeezing against the sides of his intruding head. He always loved to feel her struggle. He loved to feel her most intense external reactions to his cruel teasing and sinful caress. Feeling Claire’s strong legs pressing rubbing and straining against him while he made his sensual breach of her glistening walls gave him surge after surge of deviant carnal power knowing that he had fully conquered the high Queen of his life long fantasies.

HHAHHAHA HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM HUUUUUUUUU AMMAMHMAMAMHMMHMMH MPAMPHMAPMPAMMPMA MHUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUU MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM HUUUUUUUUUUUUUHHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!” Claire was far past the point of sanity and exhaustion. The only thing left to her was her most animalistic base instincts in the face of Mark’s erotic onslaught. She screwed her eyes tightly shut behind her blindfold as the violent thrusting of her hips into her sweet lover coupled with his absolutely delicious light tickly caress f her trembling stomach began to take sole possession of her entire being yet again.

Claire could feel the slick greasy smoldering at the base of her tummy being build rapidly by Mark’s teasing of her bare smoldering mound and shaped delicately by his teasing fingers. Claire focused on the horribly confining sensation of her arms burning wildly against the pull of the tight ropes and the immodest thrill of having her mid section held down so tightly for her absolutely inhuman torment. The irresistible dose of sensual vulnerability only made Claire’s next trip to unmitigated bliss more gloriously unbearable as her tight searing pelvis exploded yet again with unending rapture….

Claire could feel the fiery electric tingles buzzing in every nerve ending of her slender form. It felt as though each of her desperately curling toes each received their own blissful climax as they burned with their own trickles of sensual excitement in the wake of her turbulent earth Quake… Claire could no longer keep away from the horrible self indulgence of encouraging Mark’s most impassioned form of torment. She shamelessly ground her hips into his penetrating tongue as much as her tight bonds would allow. With every muscle of her tight bare back arching and spasming as much as humanly possible to slam her trim behind up and down on the cool crisp comforter the pressure against her thirsting mound in the midst of her earth shattering climax wasn’t enough. She still needed more leverage. Claire pressed the soles and SPIKES of her sexy black heels firmly into Mark’s strong back digging her heels inadvertently into his crisp shirt and smooth skin.

“MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!” Every muscle in Claire’s lower body was absolutely alive with carnal indulgent pushing from Mark’s tight back to milk every drop of sinful pleasure that she could possibly imagine from his sinful tongue. She hadn’t had time to think what the feeling of her sharp spiked heels would have felt like but Mark’s loud fevered grunt let her know that the sharp pain had most definitely registered in his sick mind….

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHOHOHOHOHHOH HHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM PMMPPMMPMPM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!! !” Just when she thought her eighth blissful eruption might subside into the dark night Claire could feel Mark bear down even tighter on her stiff bare clit with his sweet lips sucking wildly and flicking ruthlessly with his rough tongue. Her stiff blooming rose bud was screaming for mercy trapped in the golden prison of Mark’s sweet indulgent lips, but found absolutely no quarter. It was only met with the more fervent slurping and suckling of Mark’s gloriously sadistic wet mouth.

As the tidal waves crashed over her rocky shores Claire knew that she could feel Mark’s deviant little smile of sinful pride pressed against the moist lips of her sweet twitching pussy. That’s where that extra burst of energy to devour her clit came from. That’s why he untied her legs… He wasn’t freeing her. He just wanted to feel her legs squeezing against him while her mercilessly suckled her essence. He didn’t give her back the sexy black heels for protection from his merciless tickles. He wanted to feel them digging feverishly into his stern back giving him wave after wave of the carnal erotic pain that she had only now discovered as a massive trigger for her loving captor. If it would always cause such severe mistreatment of her budding rose garden then she would be more than happy to oblige him.

Claire felt her own wicked smile creeping across her tightly bound hips in the middle of her torturous sexual congress. He still wouldn’t stop. Claire didn’t know exactly what he wanted but the thirsting strokes of his rogue probing tongue let her know that he was still desperately searching! Claire loved the sensation of causing him even the slightest sexual euphoria even if he insisted on torturing her swollen clit so ruthlessly as she screamed out in impassioned carnal lust.

Now, instead of just random acts of sensual abandon, Claire dug her sharp high heels sternly into Mark’s back just to feel him cry out in raging arousal. She even pressed the sharp point of her sexy shoes into his strong sides just to let him know how absolutely evil he was for pushing her so far past any sane measure of unbearable ecstasy. She pressed her bare thighs tightly around his head encouraging further transgression into her sweet perfection and letting him feel every violent contraction of her muscles that she knew he needed to feel as validation for his sensual omnipotence over the woman he truly loved. And she screamed for him. Dear God she screamed for him. She could feel him pulsing between her legs with furious desire with her every violent shriek of insatiable lust. They weren’t her shrieks. They were “HIS!” She was just returning them to her rightful owner when she inhaled deeply filling the night are with her violent outcries of impassioned desire.

With all within her power Claire gave Mark the delicious feedback that he knew was the cornerstone of his sinister obsession. If “HE” was going to force her to endure bliss beyond all conceivable imagination then with her strong silky legs and firm leather she would definitely make sure that “HE” absolutely Loved every FUCKING second of it!

“AHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHHH MMMMMMMMMMM AHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” Claire’s sinful smile grew wider and wider with every violent outcry of desire. With every loud grunt she just dug her sexy heels deeper and deeper into his yielding flesh forcing wave after wave of sensual pain to give her what she truly wanted… HIM! “HAHHAAHAHAAHA AHHHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” Claire was almost startled to hear his terrifying demonic laughter as she used her sharp heels and firm shoe tips to dig her way to Mark’s deepest ecstasy. He really did enjoy it when she teasingly hurt him… just a little.

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHH HUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM HAHAHAHAHAHAAAHHAAHAHA MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!” Mark’s unending virulent malice finally made Claire absolutely dizzy with delirium. He wouldn’t be undone… He wouldn’t be OUTDONE. He had to win. He had to conquer his writhing little Queen. Just as she began her naughty toying with his mounting desire he took one faithful step to remind her for all time who would always be in control.

His mouth was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bad. It didn’t just devour her clit… It devoured her. With every kiss to her sweet moist lips, with every gentle suckle of her sweet nubbin with every stroke of his tongue along her treasured opening, with every gentle flick of his teasing serpent against the tip of her sweet rose bud Mark devoured “HER”… all of her. She was helpless to keep her innocent heart form streaming slowly into him through the sweet sugary essence that he lapped up so greedily. But that wasn’t enough, not for him. Nor for Mark. Not for HIM! He had to… he just had to. That’s who he is. That’s who he had become. He had to slip those three probing fingers back inside of her. He just couldn’t resist. He had to tease that secret slippery spot again… He had to have all of her. He had to feel her exploding into him with absolutely nothing left. He had to know that she was his and his alone. He had to know that there was no one on the face of the planet that could make her feel a pleasure quite like this.

Who was Claire to deny him? She pressed as hard as she could into his thick back. She could feel his sick demented laughter as the pain coursed through his entire being in gentle waves of blissful euphoria. Even more than his hands and mouth suckling between her lewdly spread legs Claire relished the sensation of Mark’s loving fury more than anything. The passion…. The passion. Just feeling him so unbridled in his loving zealous affections would be worth a thousand lifetimes of unbearable torture just to live in that one moment… with “HIM!”

UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH AMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMM HUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!! !” What would satisfy him? How hard did she have to cum to let him know that she understood. How much of her violent screaming would it take for him to be confident that she had absolutely nothing left? Claire promised herself that whatever it took she would take him there… together. No matter how unbearable it was… no matter how overly sensitive her bare quivering pussy was under the curse of his feral tongue she would be there… right there with him. He deserved it…

“HHHAHAHAAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAHA HUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU *MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM* HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!” Even as she thrust out stream after stream of her delicious flowing sensuality Claire relished the fevered cries of her sadistic lover. She knew that this is what he always wanted. She knew this is what truly got him off. She knew that he wanted to see her as helpless as possible. She knew that he wouldn’t stop… not until she was left completely spent in the wake of his sensual dominance. She would be left a puddle of sensual indulgence incapable of speech… let alone leaving him… not tonight.

HAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAHAAHHAHAHAHAHHHAHAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAAH MMMMMMMMMM HHAAHHAHHAHHAHAHHAHHHAHAHHAHA AHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHHAHA MMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMM AAHHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHHAHAAHHAHAHAHHAHHAHA !” With the violent rush of endorphins and her ninth all encompassing climax Claire had finally reached an amicable separation with her sanity. As her latest tidal wave subsided and the horrible pressure between her firm bare legs began anew Claire couldn’t bridle her demented Cackles of sheer sensual hysteria anymore. He wanted to torture her? He wanted to FUCKING torture her? She wished with all she was that the rubber ball between her teeth was gone so that he could hear her sick twisted challenge with her own sweet lips… but she was left with lewd lascivious action instead of words…

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUU *MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM* HAAAAAAAAA!” Mark could feel the fury raging in his sweet sensual lioness. He was almost startled at Claire’s horribly immodest behavior. He could feel her delicate sweet pussy quivering and squirming at his every sinful kiss. He could feel her entire pelvis revolt as the three strong nimble fingers danced mercilessly over the special slippery patch of sensitive nerves deep inside of her. He knew that she was still horribly over-sensitive. He knew that this was torture for her. But he was utterly enthralled to feel her strong legs wrap tightly around his wildly exploring head crossing her ankles behind his back. She pulled herself into him with as much strength as she could muster no matter how much his teasing mouth and probing fingers forced unbearable waves of euphoric discomfort crashing over her slender bound form.

AHHAHAAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHA HHAHAHHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!” Mark thought that he had reached the true depths of evil, but he was even more thoroughly debauched with each of Claire’s shrieking lustful cackles… She was challenging him. She was giving him a FUCKING challenge. She wanted to see. She wanted to see if her really could destroy her. She wanted to see if he really could use the sensitive nerves between her bare legs to annihilate her conscious will and make her his little slave girl. He knew that if she could speak right now she would have dared him. That’s who she is. That’s why she’s CLAIRE! [/U]HAHAHAHAHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAA HHAHHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHHAHHAAHAHHHAAHAHAHAHAHHHAHAHAHHHAHHHAHAH AHHAHAHAHHHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHHAHAHAAHHAAHAHAHHHAHAA[/U]!”

…I can feel… his ruthless hand exploding onto my vulnerable ticklish form. The feeling of my ribs being pitilessly titillated causes my entire upper body to cave in on itself as I violently jerk against my stringent bonds to no avail.

“I just thought that I would REALLY give you something to laugh about! HAHAHAHAHHAHHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHHAHAH! *MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM*” Mark playfully alternated between merciless rib tickling and playfully tweaking Claire’s stiff turgid nipples with his left set of wiggling fingertips as his right hand mercilessly teased the endless depths of Claire’s womanhood. What knight doesn’t relish the chance to conquer the gauntlet laid down before the heart of such a beautiful QUEEN?

HAHAHAHAHAHHHAHA HMMMMMMMMMMMMM AHAAAAHAHAHAHAHAAHA MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MAMAPMAPMAPMPMAAMPAMAPMAAMPAMPAMA MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM *PMPMPM* !” Claire cursed at him savagely behind her tight rubber bridle…. Why did he have to be so competitive? HAHAHA! Didn’t he know what that did to her? Didn’t he know how much his ragged masculinity turned her on? Didn’t she know that his merciless domineering only made her want to grind her bare twitching pussy into his teasing face as hard as she could riding his rough tongue and teasing fingers to as many raucous climaxes as her ravaged little body could handle? Of course he did! That’s why he was goooooooooooooooooood at it.

And that’s all it took really. Just hearing his demonic laughter and feeling him rise to her naughty little challenge was all it took to send Claire into her own pretty little headspace. It was so chaotic, but it was so gentle. It was so unbearable… but so warm and comforting. It was a place of sincere conflict cupped in the warm blanket of blissful sensual indulgence. She cried… Not tears of sorrow anguish or even tension. She didn’t feel any of that now. She wept gently into her dark blindfold as she was taken so forcefully by the man she loved because she had to. She was just that happy being trapped in his arms. He was right. He really had become a Monster… He was torturing her endlessly with the sinful pleasure that she had craved so intensely for so long.

The sheer intensity of her sweet suffering might even be enough to absolve the unthinkable transgression of all the horrible pain that she had caused with her teasing letters. Right now, blinded by the white light of Mark’s furious dominance Claire was incapable of thinking of any scenario devoid of the glorious sunlight that he had shined upon her in the sheer radiance of his dark heart. She was walking blissfully through the wonderful land of fantasy built slowly with his strong torturous hands and cruel menacing taunts held tightly by the unbreakable mortar of his genuine undying love for his long lost friend.

I let him hear everything. I let him hear what he is doing to me. I let him hear how much he is destroying me. I let him here the turbulent struggle that he causing in my now maligned cerebellum. I want him to hear how much I desperately wish that he will never stop the insidious cruelty that I am beginning to truly crave. I let him hear every violent fleshly grunt as my hips take on a life of their own thirsty for as much stimulation and pressure on my stiff moistening clit as can be found… He just laughs maniacally deepening my feeling of sheer unmitigated helplessness to whatever inauspicious whims befall his sadistic mind. He has forced me to tremble before him in fervent exhalation that I had never imagined in my wildest daydreams.

Needless to say, the explosions were catastrophic. I felt like every molecule in my body ascended to this higher plain of existence where there was nothing but intense pleasure circulated by my rapidly beating heart as it pounded deeply in my heaving chest. It was something… special. Something no one had ever helped me experience,

“Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Heheheheheheh *SNIFFLE* Ohhhhhhhhhhh huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!” Claire desperately thirsted for air. She had never had her burning lungs pushed his far before. The tenth and eleventh roaring eruptions let her know full well that: YES… Mark would destroy her. He would do whatever he could to make her his. He would do whatever he could in this world of the next to win. He would do all that he could to beat “HIM!”

“Huuuuuuuuuuuu Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Are you okay…. Haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm!” Even as he reluctantly withdrew his moist lips from Claire’s sweltering loins Mark could not resist the light trail of his fingertips along the smooth bare thighs that had given him so much comfort during his wild torment. Feeling them flex spasm and stiffen so uncontrollable by Claire locked her ankles behind him was absolutely intoxicating. It gave him a small glimpse into the hellacious unbearable rapture that he was causing deep within her. Claire’s sweet undulating hips actually streamed forth with even more delicious nectar than they had into the now very damp towel, but Mark’s lapping tongue proved to be truly equal to the task.

“HHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAH UHHHH UHHHHH HAHAAHAHHAHA huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu hehehehehheheeh mmmmmmm!” Claire playfully tossed her head from side to side signaling that the world she thought she knew was spinning away under her sleek seductive heels… She feared that she might never be OKAY again…

“Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm… I can understand that… *KISS*…” Mark planted a gentle kiss along the crease of Claire’s right thigh and pelvis and he could feel her shiver deliciously as the gentle touch of his lips coursed through her entire being. “Let me see if I can help you with that…! *KISS*” Mark lightly kissed and nibbled his way up Claire’s undulating flank as she took in deep sighs of glorious confusion….

“OOOHHHOHOHOHOHOHHOHOHHOHOHOOOH HUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUU MMMMMMMMMMMM EHEHHEEHEHE MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!” Claire was terribly conflicted over Mark’s dangerous ascent. Just feeling his sugary soft lips against her delicate exposed ribcage was so inviting. She could feel her delicate womanhood still softening for more attention but she didn’t know if she could take it. How much pleasure could her svelte little tummy be able to endure? The gentle pass of Mark’s sweet lips against her stiff aching right nipple completely reaffirmed her reluctant curiosity. She firmly dug the wooden soles and sharp seductive heels of her alluring leather shoes into the cool crisp comforter bracing herself for the next sensual assault…

“I think… that this will be a good start!” Once again Mark just let his teasing promise linger dangerously on the night air letting his bound beauty sink into even more delicious helplessness.

Claire was absolutely terrified. She knew that he was with her. She knew that he would never live, but she had an almost inordinate respect for the sensual terrors that he could so casually impart on her helpless bound form. What was he up to? How terrible would the next few moments be on her tortured psyche?

“Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ahhh ahhhhh mmmmmmmmm ahhhh ahhhhh!” Claire was gloriously relieved to feel Mark’s hands at the tight bands of her black silk sleeping mask. Finally, at long last he pealed back her tear soaked blindfold. The room was dim, the lights were still turned out save for the lamp at the tableside. Claire blinked desperately as her previously haltered vision slowly returned to her. It took her a while to fully regain her sight but after a few fleeting moments she once again found the sweet piercing eyes of her loving friend that she had lost so long ago.

“Hey… *KISS* There you are. Welcome back, Claire. I missed those pretty hazel eyes of yours. *KISS*” Mark gently wiped away the gentle crystals at either corner of Claire’s deep warm pools of comforting affection.

“Hheheheheehe Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm hmmmmmmmmmm heheheeeheeh!” Claire still felt little butterflies trimming wildly at the base of her tummy whenever he called her pretty. So many boys had given half hearted compliments of a similar nature, but none eve meant as much to her as the sincere affections of the man that she loved.

Claire became painfully aware of the gentle tears still streaming down her face with the gentle touch of Mark’s warm hand against her cheek. Just seeing his warm loving expression brought her aching heart firmly into the driver seat of her conscious mind. She was flooded with wonderful emotions from their epic journey into the true depths of their shared desires. Claire was utterly unashamed in their star crossed visual embrace as she stared at her loving captor while he gently wiped away each streaming tear lost. He was so tender, so caring. She deserved to be treated this way… didn’t she?

“Your skin is so soft Claire… I could just keep kissing you forever… I know that I have touched you before, but tonight. I don’t know. Everything just feels so much More…. Not more of anything specific just more…” Mark stroked Claire’s long strands of hair gently as her eyes were locked with his. It occurred to him that in reality even though they had spent the last few passionate hours together that this was actually the first time that she had the chance to see him… Really see him-without the fear of the intense feelings that he had for her.

“Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm… Hheheheheeeh mmmmmmmmm!” Mark’s gentle caress and whispered loving confessions were doing absolutely nothing to stop the gentle streams of emotion flowing down her rosy cheeks. What wouldn’t someone go through to feel this way? To feel like they were someone’s most prized possession-even if only for a moment. She loved the caring feel of his strong fingers caressing every dark strand of hair. She tilted her neck gently to rub the side of her blushing angelic radiance against his warm soft palm hungrily consuming every morsel of intimate touch that she could find…

“There is just one more thing Claire. Just one… *KISS*” Mark gently adorned Claire’s tingling frontal lobe with his sweet lips before reaching across her slender torso to the far night stand…

“MMMMMMMM HMPMH MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!” Claire was more than a little uneasy feeling Mark reach across her quivering bare form. Every time that he had reached in that direction there was a terrible price to pay for her helpless sanity. She could feel every molecule of his crisp cool shirt rubbing suggestively against her hot naked skin…

“You have something I want…!” Now Claire could feel the horrid nervousness coursing through each of her pulsing veins. Every nerve in her body was still buzzing from her last glorious eruption and the thought of further teasing tickles was quite horrifying. And to make things worse even with her tight silk mask removed Mark’s massive form still blocked her line of sight to whatever he might be taking between his icy fingertips…

“MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM HPMHPHPMHPMHPMHPM!” The only thing more terrifying than the thought of another trudge through the depths of nightmarish ticklish agony was the looming reality of the coming sunrise. As the gentle anxiety began to gently tremor through her trapped form Claire tried to find comfort knowing that whatever sinister plot Mark might still have in store for her-however horrible-would still be a fem more minutes… a few more moments… or even a few more seconds in the warm tight grasp of her sadistic love.

“And I think that THIS will help me take it Claire… What about you…. HAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Mark relished the wonderful element of surprise that the blindfold offered. Feeling Claire’s entire body trembling in dreadful anticipation completely unable to anticipate the next torturous stroke of her hyper-sensitive bare skin was extremely valuable. But to see the look of abject mortal terror grip her innocent eyes and contort her angelic face into a grimace of sheer agony was absolutely PRICELESS!

“NNONONOMPNNPPNMNPMNPPMNPMNPMNPMPPMNPNPMNPNMNPMNM NONNPPMNPMNPMNPMNPPMPNPMNPMNPMNPMP!” Claire had been blinded for so long that she had forgotten what Mark’s utterly demonic smile looked like. Even when she had slapped him so sternly in the foyer inspiring the depths of pernicious villainy Mark’s sinister demonic gleam had never been this cold blooded. Seeing his lips so tightly curled almost to the base of his eyes relishing in her growing inescapable fear only increased the icy depths of Claire’s most sincere dread. She struggled against the tight wrists cuffs pulling mightily with her hands tightly wrapped around the strong satin ropes for leverage. She knew that seeing her fervent struggles for a freedom that only he could grant her were just fuel for the sick sadistic beast looming over her… She had to get away. She had to get away from that thing that he had in his hand. She wanted so badly to be anywhere else in the world than bound unable to defend herself from his obscene malignant little plans and miles away from ITDIDN’T SHE?

“What’s wrong Claire?” Mark leaned in gently kissing Claire on the cheek as her entire body began to fidget in anxious discomfort. He knew that her demon possessed cackles frightened her… He also knew that alternating between the psychopathic enthusiasm and cold sociopathic calm would keep his bound blushing beauty completely off balance and utterly vulnerable to his incessant psychological torment. “*KISS*… Come on now Claire… Cheer up…. *KISS* It’s only a MAKE UP BRUSH… *KISS*” Claire’s eyes had tried as they might to avoid the very sight of the devious device held tightly between Mark’s cold fingers, but she couldn’t escape the cold hearted whisper of his warm breath deep into her tingling ears. She was thrashing so exquisitely. Her slender fingers gripped the satin ropes pulling so hard just like the true sensual dread gripped every fiber of her being pulling at the last shrouds of her withering psyche. The glorious artistic balance was absolutely beautiful to behold with his dear loves very existence dancing between his fingers.

You know, I bet your still wondering (just a little) why I do the things I DO… Why they excite me so much.... You want to know what makes the dragon TICK! You know what I am? I’m a reaction junkie. No no… here me out. All the sickness, the planning, the hatred, the almost sickening malice-you see it’s all about reactions. It’s all about that feeling that I get deep inside of me when I see the ripened fruits of my labor… HAHAHAHHAAHAAHHAH

Do you have ANY Idea what fear does to people. I mean… when you torture someone their natural reactions to whatever thing you are doing to them but the FEAR mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm… The things it makes people do. Do you know what it’s like to watch someone completely lost in utter desperation because they are afraid? HUH? Better yet… Do you know what it’s like to TERRIFY someone. For the very sight of you to remind them of the anguished torment that you can place them in with a single fingertip, a sinister laugh or even just a smile? HMMMMMMMMMMMM! It makes you feel as though in that moment the entire universe should bow at your feet and bend to your sadistic will. The most delicious form of power is the ability to create FEAR.

I think that you know exactly what I am talking about. Come on… you can tell me. I’m not going to judge you like one of those people…. Unless I’m very mistaken I think that you and I are actually more alike than you’re ready to admit. That’s okay. I remember what it was like the first time too… It’s not always easy to realize that you’re not like everyone else but it’s okay… This is where the healing begins… HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHA

“Huuuuuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuuuuu mmmmmmmmmpmpppmpmppm *MPMPMM* hhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” Claire couldn’t believe that he would continually subject her to such utter madness. What could he possibly still want from her? She had given him everything that she had… She had given in to his cruelty… He had given into the torment… She had given into the debauching pleasure that he forced between her spread legs much to her fervent indulgence…. What could she possibly have left…?

“Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww… What’s the matter Claire? You don’t like Makeup Brushes[/U]? HAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAH!” Mark gently twirled the delicate brush across Claire’s bare undulating tight stomach feeling each skin cell crawling in ticklish discuss as the millions of tiny bristles played havoc with her quivering navel.

“HEHEHEHEHEHHEHEHEHE MMMMMMMMM HMMMMM HAHAHAHAHAAH UHHHHHHH UHHHHHHHH HAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!” Mark’s touch was so light. It tickled, dear god it tickled. The slow fluttery tingles were absolutely maddening but he knew her so well. How did he learn so much so fast? The teasing strokes were tormenting enough to make her twist and writhe from side to side as satisfaction to his insatiable sadistic urge to make her squirm but dreadfully light enough on her vivacious bare skin to be damningly duplicitous. Claire just shook her head sternly from side to side screwing her eyes tightly shut hoping that her negative response would just make the unbearable sugary tickles go away.

“REALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLY… Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm…. Are you SURE? HAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAHAHHHAHHAHA!” Mark knew that he had won. He won the second that he mustered to tell Claire not to go. The past few hours had just been a victory lap in his conquest with self doubt. He confidently stroked the teasing brush across Claire’s dancing pelvis twisting lightly across her glistening lips making her entire body shake in violent spasm at his gentle transgression…

OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Huuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuuuuu OOOOOOHOHOHOHOHHOHOHOHOHOHOHO Huuuuu huuuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuuuuuuu HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HHHHHHHHHHH mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm huuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu *MPHMHPM*!” (((((WHY… WHY DOES THAT HAVE TO FEEL SO GOOD?))))) Claire’s mind was a shambles. Each anguishing stroke of the millions of tiny bristles dancing over her horribly sensitized ticklish bare pussy were absolutely maddening. She knew that it would only take a few torturous strokes for the entire world that she knew to come tumbling down once again and as much as she tried to fight it she….

“MMMMMMMMMMMMM That’s a tad bit of a different tune than just a second ago Claire. I think that you’re confused again… Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm? Does Claire really like my makeup brush? However can I get to the bottom this… Oh I KNOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!” Mark had long since realized the power that his merciless taunts had over his bound beauty. Watching her entire body come to reluctant fervid attention at the very sound of his evil voice was the subtle gift of sensual power that she had denied him so long.

UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHH HUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!! !” Some test… Claire made a point that in the morning she would file suit for malpractice. The single teasing finger that he slid so deep inside of her was so maddening. Every ridge, every crinkle, every crease of his delving digit stimulated every fiber of her being deep within her but no matter how much her hips betrayed her no amount of pressure on just his one probing finger would allow her the glorious rhapsody that was once again bubbling just at the base of her tummy. She knew hat he was doing this on purpose… she just found it strangely alluring that he cared enough to give her so much sinister consideration.

“Claiirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre. HUH!” Mark feigned shock at Claire’s frenzied devouring of his teasing finger between her undulating thighs. He could see Claire’s pained expression being teased for her carnal indulgence, but he could also see the fight against the wicked smile over being caught red handed. Her pelvis was absolutely indecent, grinding lewdly trying desperately to find his warm bare palm as the final destination for her pulsing moist clit…. “*WHISPER-Claire… You’re soooooo wet. I think that’s a very big I like this HEHHEHEEHEHEEHEEHEH!-WHISPER*”

MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM HMMMMMMMMM HUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUU !” Claire hated his gloating. It was the absolute bane of her existence in that moment. It made her so warm, made her feel so conquered, so vulnerable, it made her feel so naughty, and it made her clit ache so much. Hearing his sick little taunts thrilled her to no end and she despised him for exciting her so much in the wake of his merciless TEASING He knew that one finger wasn’t enough… He FUCKING knew it.

“AHHH AHHH AHHH…. I wouldn’t want to reward bad behavior now would I Claire? HAHAHHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHHAHAAHAHAH! I just needed to collect the evidence HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAAH” Mark cruelly withdrew his probing finger from Claire’s swollen essence. Her gentle whimpers of even further frustration were absolutely melodic ringing in his ears…

MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM HMPH HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!” Claire was absolutely furious. At least the frustration of the teasing finger was synonymous with at least some level of building gratification. Feeling her dripping bare womanhood now completely devoid of any titillation in her latest hour of building need was absolutely unacceptable. Why was he undressing her like this? Wasn’t she already bared to him? Wasn’t she already within his grasp? Claire’s only source of calm was digging her sharp heels sternly into the crisp cool comforter beneath him. She imagined that it was the bare firm skin of Mark’s strong back. If he insisted on teasing her so mercilessly with what she desired so much she would kindly repay him by exploring just how much he would enjoy the sharp leather heel digging into his sensitive skin delivering the vengeful waves of euphoric pain that he thinks he craves so much!

“Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh *KISS*!” Mark soothingly kissed Claire on the forehead and she coldly pulled away. She didn’t want his comfort right now. She wanted to be mad at him. She was so cute… HEHE. “Shhhhhhhhhhh don’t worry Claire. Since you were so tough for me earlier I am not going to punish you for lying to me. I know that you may only have the strength for this last little test and I just have to have this…!”

“Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm huuuuuuuuu huuuuu AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH huuuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuu HUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUU MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!” Who did he think he was? She had been through so much… It was only natural to try and preserve what sanity she had left wasn’t it? Why did he have to push her? And why did he keep stroking her sporadically with the brush… It was hideous… It was terrifying… It was such a terrible tease!

“You see Claire… I know you like this… That’s why I am going to give you this one last gentle kiss to your sweet bare essence; thanking you for our first long night together. I know that’s what you want sweetie…!” Mark could feel Claire’s mind growing weary. She didn’t trust him. He knew that. He knew that even in her altered state of being that she was still full aware that his loving promises usually had a price…

“HMMMMMMMMMMMM HMMMMMMMMMMM HMMMMMMMMM HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!” Reward… How much of a reward could this bee. Millions of tiny bristles stroking up and down her bare moist clit teasing and stroking every supple nerve ending violently making her entire body quiver in tormented delight until she had the bone chilling orgasm that would most surely send her kicking and screaming into unconsciousness? How could he think that was a reward…? “HEHEHEEHEHEHEHEHEHEH HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!” Claire’s sensual anger was interrupted by her horrible realization. She was definitely going to have to stop sending him such naughty letters.

“All I want from you is a little something in return…!” Mark lovingly stroked Claire’s long mane as she fully contemplated what he could possibly mean at this point of her greatest vulnerability.

“MHPHPMHMHPMPHMHPMMHPMHPMHPPMHPMHPHPHPMHPPMHPMHPMHPMPHMHPMHPHPMHPMMP!” A “CATCH!” There was always a catch. Claire was horribly conflicted… what could he possibly mean? If he was simply talking about reciprocation of his sensual attention between her warm thighs then that would actually be a relief instead of a burden. She still wanted to see the full breadth of his carnal indulgence in her sweetest craving. She had a sneaking suspicion however that he had something more sinister in mind. She knew that he was truly disciplined in his work, she never knew that it would carry over so efficiently to his play.

“I want you to look at me Claire… I want you to look at me. I want you to look me in the eyes while I make you cum for me!” Mark gently caressed Claire’s straining bare tummy with the rounded handle of the teasing brush letting his most humble request land deeply between her ears.


“Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuuuuuu!” It was so basic. It was the one thing that he couldn’t take and the one thing that she knew he needed more than anything else in the world. Claire realized that ever since he had shown her the devilish hairbrush that she had kept her eyes tightly shut even free from her blindfold. She had been keeping all of her emotions deep inside as best she could. She wanted to give herself over… yes-she knew that now. But she was still learning how! Even in the miles she had traveled down the path to full sensual awakening in the past few hours with her gentle guide she knew that there was still a long road ahead of her.

Behind her tightly closed eyes Claire could still see. She could see the twelve long scars along Mark’s strong wrist. She could see the pain her distance created. When his brother left him, when his father scolded him, and when his mother passed away she was there. She had always been there. She had always been the one to take the pain away. The thought of someone else filling her delicate niche with the man she loved was almost as unbearable as Mark’s horrid realization that she was in love with another man. He was so brave, he fought for her. He tried with all he was to take her back. What kind of friend would she be if she didn’t return the favor?

Claire knew that she didn’t need to offer an audible response. She knew that all she had to do was allow their eyes to meet again. Could she do it? At that moment she realized what a glorious comfort the tight silk sleeping Mask had been. Could she stare at him while he gave her pleasure? Could she truly accept his affections? Could she finally admit that she really was strong, feminine and beautiful? Could she finally accept the idea that an awkward tomboy like her really deserved “HIM!” She knew that she could never do it alone. But she also knew that right now that would NOT be an issue.

“MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM That’s my tough Girl Claire! *KISS*” Mark greeted Claire’s watery eyes with loving affection. He reached out with his third hand cradling her warm heart with his warm loving fingers helping her along the path to her truest submission. He could feel her trembling. This was so different for her. So intrusive so intimate. He wanted her to make it through this so that her glorious transformation would finally be complete.

“MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM HMPMH MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!” Claire’s body shook furiously. She certainly didn’t feel tough right now. She had enjoyed the tight stringent bondage so much because it kept her from having to make these kinds of concessions. It was all decided for her by the man she loved. Now being trapped in his seductive spell Claire learned the meaning of true helplessness as she spread her churning thighs inviting his kind torment with the forcibly arched soles of her sexy leather shoes pressing firmly against the crisp comforter beneath her. She wasn’t helpless because of rope, leather, or restraint. She was helpless because of her furious desire to be accepted by her dearest love and at that point in their glorious night she realized more then ever that it was not weak to just give in to what she knew she desired.

“Mmmmmmmmmmmmm… You’re so brave sweetheart… I will never forget this!” Mark rested his head against the pillow inches away from Claire’s. He tucked his left arm underneath him bent at the elbow cupping Claire’s right cheek with his left hand and stroking the base of her quivering tummy with the twirling brush. He could still see the tears streaming down Claire’s face. He knew that meant that she was close. She was close to being his. He was going to make this as hard as possible for his sweetest love… It had to be!

“Huuuuuuuuuuuuu hahahahahahhaha huuuuuuuuuuuuu hahahahah huuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!” Claire had to look, she had to look into his eyes while the wonderful tingling sensations started to build at the base of her tummy and her sweet moistening clit throbbed to new life with furious arousal. This wasn’t like most things in her life. She didn’t get extra credit for bouncing a ball or changing a tire. She had to lay their bound to her own desires by the man that she loved enduring her own maturing feminine glory at the hands of Mark’s sinful pleasure. Could she hold his gaze while being forced to indulge the desires that she had kept from him for so long? Only time would tell.

“I know this isn’t easy… It can’t be. It wasn’t easy for me… so I understand.” Mark could feel Claire’s warm cheek seeking out each laceration of his left wrist comforting him as best she could in her torn state of mind just as his soothing words comforted her… “You can close your legs whenever you want Claire… And if you do… then I’ll stop. But if you do…. Then I will STOP… Understand?”

“UHHHHHHH HUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUU MMMMMMMMMMMM HUUUUU!” Claire shook her head up and down as she was locked with Mark’s loving gaze. He was so calm, so warm so loving. He wasn’t judging her. He was just there with her. He was helping her. He was taking care of her. It felt so wonderful. It made her feel so… “OOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHOHHOHHHHHHHH HUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU MMMMMMMMM HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM !” The incessant strokes of the make up brush against her pulsing wet mound were absolutely irresistible. It felt so intense. The sensation itself was all consuming but having to look at the warm smile of gentle satisfaction creeping across Mark’s lips made the ferocity of her raging arousal shriek forth through her sweet lips with reckless abandon.

“It’s okay Claire… I am here. I am right here with you…!” Mark lovingly caressed the side of Claire’s trembling face as she endured for him. She screamed so wonderfully. He knew that the teasing bristles of the thick fluffy brush would be truly maddening on the delicate patches of moist skin encasing her gentle innocence. This wasn’t about torture… not entirely. This was about redemption.

HHAHAHAHA HHHHHHHHHHHHHUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUU HHHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMHMMMMMMM HAHAHAAHAHA MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM !” The millions of bristles stroking along her wonderfully engorged sweet clit was dreadfully ticklish. Claire’s entire pelvis was on fiery with tingly butterflies as all of her skin trembled violently in the wake of Mark’s teasing mistreatment. Even though the dreadful tickles were absolutely unbearable, Claire’s wickedly indulgent clit greedily consumed all of the horrible sensations for its own sick delight as her hips ground fervently into the teasing brush aided by the delicate push of her sexy shoes against the mattress. With her feet arched so highly in her tight leather shoes, every muscle in Claire’s bare naked legs took on the delicious strain of sensual abandon as she worked her way closer and closer to her ultimate ecstatic summit.

“*WHISPER-Claire… I remember the first time that I saw you…-WHISPER*” Mark’s greatest conquest would walk hand in hand with his greatest confession…

HUUUUUUUUUUU HAAAHHAHAAH HUUUUUUUUUU MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMM !” Claire couldn’t take it… It was too much… not now. Not like this. Not while she was so horribly vulnerable…

“*WHISPER-You were… and still are the most beautiful thing that I have ever seen. I was scared to talk around you. I still am sometimes. You have this glow about you. It makes me feel so small… But it makes me feel so strong Claire. I have needed to be around you ever since…-WHISPER*” Mark could see the tears beginning to stream so freely down Claire’s face. She was weeping. In the midst of her raging ecstasy the deep seeded emotion that she had for the man of her dreams couldn’t help but leak delicately onto her sweet blushing cheeks.

*SNIFFLE*HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM *SNIFFLE* MMMMMMMMMM HMMMMMMMMM HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!! !” Claire had always hated crying. Growing up in a house with four older brothers and a football loving father it more or less came with the turf. It was always a sign of weakness that hindered her acceptance. She had to be strong. She had to be tough, but looking deeply into the deep blue pools of her purest joy all she could feel was the glorious vulnerability of her most intense feminine validation.

“*WHISPER-I remember… the first time that you spoke to me… Just hearing your voice Claire, that’s all it took. It was like my heart finally found the right note in the warmth of your gentle tone to sing the final song of dotting adoration… It was like an angel was speaking to me… My angel! You are my Angel Claire. You are-WHISPER!”

HUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUU *SNIFFLE* HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUU MMMMM HAHAHAHAHA MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM AHAHHAHAHA MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMM *SNIFFLE*!!! !” Claire could feel her nipples pulsing furiously, Claire could feel her sweltering loins greatly approaching the razors edge in the wake of Mark’s demented tickles. Claire knew that her hips were violently grinding her sweet innocent bare pussy into the thick fluffy bristles taking her deeper and deeper into the cavern of sheer bliss, but that’s not what concerned her. Claire’s thundering heart was dangerously close to its own form of earth shattering climax. She knew that there would be nothing separating the two of them after that gentle fracture….

“*WHISPER-And the first time that you smiled at me… Really smiled at me. I remember when you were trying to teach me how to play basketball. I remember you telling me that football season ended in February and that I needed to find something else to do with my time. Do you remember that Claire. You were so sweet… *SNIFFLE*… you are so sweet! I knew than… that whenever I was…. HURT that all I had to do was think of your smile… and then it would all be okay. All the pain would just wash away thinking about those sweet tender lips and knowing that you were… HAPPY *SNIFFLE*-WHISPER!” Mark was so thankful that Claire had finally stopped trying to hide her tears from him… In that moment of their great shared closeness… how could he hide his own?

*SNIFFLE SNIFFLE* HMMMMMMMMM HUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUU *SNIFFLE SNIFFLE SNIFFLE* HUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!! !” Claire couldn’t take it. She had dreamed her whole life to see Mark this way… so open… so honest… so NAKED. The reality of his watery blue pools of joy and the wonderful sensations of bliss tingling throughout her entire delicate bare form were too much… She fell… She looked away… She had to!


Claire was absolutely horrified to feel Mark’s strong hands take her long flowing locks between his strong loving fingers pulling her head back sternly FORCING her to look him right in the eye as he made his fading declaration. No matter how far she fell… He would always be there to CATCH her!

“*WHISPER-And the first time that I heard you laugh. It was so sweet. You remember that day at my father’s pool. You remember when I snuck up behind you and kneaded you in the side. You squealed. It was so cute. *SNIFFLE* And your bubbly giggles, they were so precious Claire. I knew then Claire that I would have to hear it again. I would have to hear it all the time. *SNIFFLE* It’s like your happiness becomes mine. It’s like the radiant joy of our two souls kiss through the tingling air. It’s like you are in so much tangible joy that your tummy just has to share with the rest of us. I knew then Claire that I had to have it always. *SNIFFLE* I had to have your sweet laughter as my very own… I guess that’s why I like to tickle you so much Claire. I just want you to be… Happy! *SNIFFLE*” Mark had learned so much about himself in the course of their magical night together. It was be terribly selfish on his part to keep them to himself.

NNNONONONMMMMMMMMMMMMMM HMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMM HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM *SNIFFLE* NNNNNNNNNN MMMMMMMMMMMMM *SNIFFLE* MMMMMMMM HUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUU MMMMMMMMM *SNIFFLE* MMMMMMMMMMMMM HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!! !” He had to stop. He had to stop. Claire knew that if he didn’t stop with his whispered confessions that she would burst. It was too much. She didn’t deserve this. She wanted to look away. His teary eyes were so inviting… They made her feel so vulnerably… so needed… so…. She had to look away but she couldn’t. Every tug to pull her eyes away from his loving gaze was met with a tight pull of her flowing jet black hair. She was trapped in his loving arms and helpless under his loving spell. There was no where in all the ends of the earth that she could run from that moment. Feeling his strong consuming eyes locked with hers never breaking contact was like the last gentle fusion that she needed to reach final critical mass….

“*WHISPER-And the first time you touched me… the first time you really touched me. In the lobby… at the hospital. *SNIFFLE* The worst hour of my life. *SNIFFLE* Loosing my mother while I was still just a boy… *SNIFFLE* No one should ever have to go through that. *SNIFFLE* It hurt so much Claire *SNIFFLE* I wish I could make you understand. *SNIFFLE* I thought the world was going to end *SNIFFLE* I couldn’t think of a reason to keep going. *SNIFFLE* It all seemed so pointless. *SNIFFLE* Living with my father was bad enough, but now without her to pick me up after his ranting *SNIFFLE* How could I take it? *SNIFFLE* If she wasn’t going to be here anymore… *SNIFFLE* then why should I have to be? *SNIFFLE* but then… *SNIFFLE SNIFFLE* you HUGGED ME! You hugged me so tight Claire *WHISPER* and I could feel your arms around me… and I felt safe. *SNIFFLE* I felt safe Claire *SNIFFLE* the entire world as I knew it was coming to an end and you made me feel safe. *SNIFFLE* your skin was so warm... Your cheek was so supple *SNIFFLE* I could feel you pressed so tightly into me *SNIFFLE* It’s like we were one person. And then you kissed me *SNIFFLE*… your lips were so sweet… just feeling them against my burning forehead brought me back Claire *SNIFFLE* It brought me back from the hell of loosing her.. *SNIFFLE* And then you told me it wuld be okay *SNIFFLE*! You told me that you would always be there… *SNIFFLE* you told me that it would all be alright Claire. *SNIFFLE. I didn’t have any real reason to believe you… *SNIFFLE* Nothing could bring her back. Nothing really changed… *SNIFFLE* but I did… I still remember what it felt like when you lifted that weight off my shoulders Claire… *SNIFFLE* I still remember. *SNIFFLE* and whenever I fell alone…. Or whenever I feel like life gets to be too much. *SNIFFLE*… I just think about that warm smile you had that day. *SNIFFLE* and the caring look that you had in your eye *SNIFFLE* and the way you held my hand until the next morning… *SNIFFLE* because that’s when I first knew Claire… *SNIFFLE* that’s when I knew. *SNIFFLE* That’s when I first knew that I LOVE YOU Claire… *SNIFFLE* I Love You!” those three words had been tormenting the tip of Mark’s tongue for as long as he could remember… finally being able to say them with a full heart lifted a terrible burden from his tortured soul….

!” With her eyes still locked in mark’s loving gaze Claire’s heart burst wildly in her chest. It was torn into a million different pieces and put back together at the precise behest of Mark’s horribly gratifying whispers. With the lewd twirling of the sensual brush pushing gently into her sweet moist rose bud Claire’s aching pelvis could not help but follow suit.

The worst five months of their shared lives had been the quiet before a romantic thunderstorm the likes of which neither of them could have ever imagined. Mark’s eyes splayed out she sheer joy of final honesty with his dearest Claire… Claire’s deep hazel pools streamed forth with the romantic honey of her deepest loving essence as her most prized possession was laid gently at her warm feet truly signifying that she was… a QUEEN

Claire’s violent eruption lasted longer than she could ever remember. The feeling of her sizzling loins and her aching heart exploding in simultaneous glee was far too overpowering for precise temporal measurement. As the waves of carnal euphoria and the new foundation of Mark’s loving affection rebuilt the temple that was her utterly destroyed bare form Clare’s last crashing orgasm finally drew to a close. Ever true to his word, her gently guiding wise King held her proverbial hand the entire time, never letting her fall too far away from his warm loving embrace.

Mark held her, more tightly than she could ever remember. He quieted all of the raging flutters of tense ecstasy that had ravaged every strand of fiber throughout her naked form. His gentle breath cascading through her delicate ear drums brought her heaving body gently back to the stable ground that she could not see in the starry orbit of her life’s great rhapsody.

“Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh… We’re done sweetie. We’re done. I promise this time…. Hahah.” Mark gently tamed Claire’s flowing mane with his strong hands neatly behind her swimming head as she swayed back and forth still lost in the majestic glory of his loving arms.

“MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM HMHMMHMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!” Finally… Claire knew that their sweet blissful indulgence had come to a close. With sheepish unconsciousness looming on the horizon, the thought of the coming sun no longer caused her any discomfort as her loving royal paladin proved himself completely equal to the task of enduring the full breadth of her essence.

“*WHISPER-I guess we will just have to work on this asking permission thing another time HEHEHE!-WHISPER*” Mark gave Claire’s gentle bare ribs one last parting caress reminding her that even in her current glory that there were still so many things that they could explore.

“HHAHAHHEEHEHEHEHHEHEEEHEHEEHEH MMMMMMMM *SCRUNCH* HEHEHEHE! Aahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hmmmmmm!” Claire couldn’t help but swoon indulgently at Mark’s parting teasing tickles. For the first time she looked him lovingly in the eye and defiantly challenged her loving tormentor to a furious duel of their shared carnal desires. He was so evil… he was so sinister… he was so calculating… he was so… Claire’s final bout of teasing flirtation represented the last gasp of conscious action before the warm veil of cleansing rest came over her…

“Mmmmmmmmmmmm *KISS* you’re such a GOOD GIRL!” Mark placed his final seal of approval on Claire’s perspiring forehead as he finally pulled himself from her side to release his gentle love from her tight bridles. “Mmmmmmmmmm now get some sleep. I know that you have to be exhausted. I wonder whose fault that is… HAHAHAH!” Mark stood off to the side of the bed playing gently with the buckle of Claire’s right wrist cuff watching her descend into the resting sleep that she had so richly earned.

“Hhehehehehehh hmmmmmmmmmmm!” GOOD GIRL… After a night of sinful debauchery the likes of which dwarfed even her most intense nighttime fantasies… After being tied tightly to the bed of her enraged jealous best friend while he teased tickled and tortured her to serve his SADISTIC carnal whims… After being forced into a full dozen of the most ferociously torturous orgasms that she had ever experienced in even her naughtiest fondling of her sweet bare essence…. After all that, she was still Mark’s good girl? Claire carried the wonderful smile of sheer contentment into her light sleep. The ultimate ratification of her safety in his arms was the timely death of her inexperience without a single shred of harm to her precious virtue. Claire knew that even if she started to dream that she could never imagine a romancing wizard capable of more impressive magic!

Mark finally removed the tight leather cuff of Claire’s right hand. He could feel every muscle in his body ache. He was exhausted. Restraining teasing and torturing his blushing bound beauty had taken far more out of him than he could imagine. Still, a few sore muscles and a hot shower in the morning were a small price to pay for his life’s great triumph. He had one. The lovely maiden was gently asleep in his bed chamber… not “HIS!” Whoever this enigmatic “MASTER” was Mark knew that unfortunately “HE” was going to have to learn to live with disappointment because after the past few hours the wild love affair with his beautiful best friend had taken a glorious turn down a path to no return.

Mark removed the tight leather cuff of Claire’s left hand reaching across her slender form. He could feel his crisp cool shirt rubbing against her gentle bare breasts, but he was very quick. He didn’t wish to stir her. He had has his fun for the evening. After all, the poor girl did need some rest.

Mark just let Claire lay in the full glory of her blissful sleep as he walked down to the foot of the bed. He could still see his reflection in her shinny leather shoes. They had been the subject of so many late night fantasies and tonight at long last he finally had the opportunity to hold them in his strong grasp, along with the wiggling bare toes trapped inside. Now, he took Claire’s slender ankles in his hands removing each shoe very carefully as not to wake her. He wanted her to be able to fully relax in the midst of her deep sleep so that she would be fully rested for the morning. He knew that they would have to discuss what happened, but he didn’t worry. He had become VERY good at closing.

The truth of his love for her had been let out into the cool night air and there was nothing in the world that could get him to put it back in the bottle. Judging from the way she enthusiastically indulged in his sick little plan there wouldn’t be much resistance from his prospective client at the thought of commandeering his services Mark picked up all the little toys that he had placed at the foot of the bed to ensure Claire’s bound bare feet were thoroughly entertained and took them with her two high heeled shoes to the right nightstand. He buried his special friend deep underneath all of the wonderful play things that he had collected just in cast Claire went exploring in the middle of the night. He would have an interesting enough time articulating clear feelings devoid of lustful passion. That explanation could certainly wait for another time.

Mark placed her sexy heels atop the night stand replacing all of the naughty items that he shoved back into his drawer. He made sure to put his magic wand in a place where he could find it. Judging from Claire’s violent spasming reaction Mark would definitely need to keep that on hand for any and ALL occasions. He wanted her heels to be as easy to find as possible in the morning… God knows that he finds enough ways to loose things; he couldn’t bear having to go without her teasing heels dancing through his mind.

Mark gently placed his arms under his sweetest love at the middle of her bare back and underneath her sensitive knees. He took his time. He didn’t want to disturb her. She felt so light in his strong arms. The poor girl was limp. Truth be told, he couldn’t really blame her. He had put her though so much over the past few hours. Feeling her bare skin so helpless against him was yet another surge of delicious power but this time of CARING rather than torment. Mark pulled back the covers gently before slipping Claire’s bare cherry tipped toes underneath the covers slowly guiding her black hair and sleeping head to the pillow.

Mark took one last look at Claire’s exposed glory reveling in his mighty feet. In all his delirious fantasies of sensual vengeance for sharing her heart with another he never thought that he could do it. For the past few weeks it was the only thing that helped him sleep at night, but he never thought it could ever really happen, maybe it wasn’t even possible. TWELVE…. Twelve screaming orgasms; each under beleaguering circumstances just as torturous as his own frenzied climaxes were reading about his sweet seduction in the evil arms of another. Creating one sweet climax as gentle penance for each of Claire’s each menacing messages. Forcing her to endure a full dozen reaffirmations of his perfection capped by his own sincere confession of how he truly felt about her. The one confession that would have spared him the torture of the last five months and the one that he was far too terrified to make until just a moment ago.

Mark reached out with his left hand pulling back the covers onto Claire’s delicate body and over the wonderful inauguration of their first real attempt at romance. Mark reached out taking the tight leather strap from around the back of her throat. He finally released the tight rubber bridle that robbed him of Claire’s verbal reciprocity. He knew the way she felt. He could see it in here eyes… he was sure that had she not been robbed of her precious speech that she would have said it right after her last eruption. That wasn’t a question. Mark’s heart was fully at ease… but still-it would be wonderful to hear that gentle confession from the sweet lips falling back to rest in the wake of her tight rubber halter.

Mark pulled out the drawer with is right hand placing the delicate rubber bridle inside with is left, and then he felt it. The pain was gone. There was no book on how to cut yourself… it’s kind of something you just do. He always thought that he had just gone too deep for the wounds to heal correctly. At that moment he realized that all along the twelve wounds adorning his left wrist were far deeper than his SKIN. They were now manifestations of his intolerable heart ache pinning for the woman he loved and now with her securely in his arms, Mark was free from the pain. FINALY!

Never think it an act of weakness to grant someone release. It’s fun to watch them suffer in frustrated anguish. I know. Watching them closely while they beg for you, knowing that beyond all human reason they need you at this very moment for their world to keep spinning-it’s fun I know. But there is also a great sense of omnipotence in the glorious relief a person feels when you grant them sweet mercy. And when you do it RIGHT in a way that you can never understand until you experience it yourself, you will experience your own form of release watching their greatest rapture.
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Chapter VIII

Mark walked slowly into the bathroom. He wanted to savor every moment of the waning night as much as possible. His mind was still filled with so many burning questions, but of this much he could be certain: this was one hell of a lot more interesting than a “DARK HUNTER!” novel! Mark stalked into his bathroom walk in closet a new man. His every step took on the sheer confidence of freshly anointed royalty in the wake of his great triumph. He had been in the confines of his restrictive clothes far too long. His crisp starched shirt and smooth cache pants were a great source of confidence with transportation officials, but for bed with his dearest love they far too formal. He slowly stripped down to his bare feet, black boxers and smooth cool full cotton t-shirt. Mark let the cool night air wash over every fiber of his being as his stifling ensemble rested gently at the bottom of his walk in.

Mark was normally neat to the point of near compulsion, but right now in his mounting exhaustion both his clothes and the cuffs still tied to the bed could most definitely wait until the morning.

He walked out slowly to his large mirror and sink. His body was still near feverish from all the long nights exertion and he wanted to cool down just a bit before taking his well earned place at the side of his noble Queen! Mark let the cool water run freely over his strong hands refreshing his tired muscles from imparting Claire’s sinister torment.

The gentle splash of the cool liquid as he brought his wet hands lightly to his face was absolutely euphoric. Mark could feel the ardent salacious arousal from Claire’s ticklish ordeal dissipate and the scars upon his left wrist pulse with aching euphoria from the splash of the cold water. Mark’s entire body was filled with warm soothing tingles as the cool water proved to be the final resting place of all his glorious tension.

Five months ago, when Mark first sat in utter horror staring at the glow of his damning computer screen fully appalled at Claire’s new love affair, Mark first developed his dreadful affliction. Ever since that day no matter how hard he came thinking about his beautiful best friend suffering the ticklish fate that he knew she deserved he could never experience the emotional release of the horrid mounting tension draining out with his flowing streams of ecstasy. That’s why he had been forced to call on his life long friend to provide the sweet blissful release that he craved so much.

Now standing in the full wake of his diabolical masterpiece Mark didn’t even need the physical gratification of climax for all the emotional turmoil welling up inside of his blackened soul to flow warmly out of his pulsing being into the cold water as it dripped gently from his gleaming face.

Mark felt absolutely invincible. He had finally reached the plateau of utter perfection that he always knew was synonymous with having her royal highness lovingly by his side and not just in his dizzy daydreams. Mark let the wonderful grin of sadistic fulfillment creep across his sweet lips yet again… And then he saw it…

Just as Claire had been trapped behind her blindfold, Mark’s fervent carnal indulgence of Claire’s sweet suffering did not afford him the ability to see the gleaming sinister expression that almost startled him looking back at him in the mirror. It was true. It was done… Seeing the malignant look of thirsting depravity swimming behind his swimming eyes through the Crystal clear reflection Mark realized that he had been right… HE IS A MONSTER!, but in this sordid tale, the Monster and the queen might actually get a chance to live happily ever after, after all!

Of all my life’s greatest triumphs, I value this single moment in time the most. Transforming… Becoming that which I was meant to be…. Finally conquering my self doubt, my fear, my lack of intimacy with my dearest love, finally possessing that which I had longed for so dearly since I was truly a child…. It was truly intense. BUT…. It would have been just another meaningless high of baneful vengeance if I didn’t take my sweet innocent lover along for the gentle ride along My long road to perfection!

As Mark glared down at his conquered beauty even as she slept she was still a radiant vision. He could see the humble peace stretching across the full expanse of her sweet lips resting so gently like the delicate spring flower that she truly is. No matter how many times he saw her sweet face either in real life or dancing behind his drifting eyes, Mark never tired of starring lovingly at her heavenly form.

Mark stepped over to the night stand to turn out the gentle glowing lamp and prepare for bed. He could see Claire curled up facing the gentle light snuggled very close to the edge of the bed. She had been through so much. So many things had changed at once. He could imagine that the idea of sleeping arrangements with her delicate skin so horribly bare might still be a little unnerving as their new physical intimacy became more common. There was no need to push her. He knew that after pinning for her for so long that right now with her safely under his loving spell that he had all the TIME in the world… Her trust was the most important thing in the world to him. Taking one more look at her gentle face before embracing the gentle darkness of impending slumber Mark could not help but remember it was that very trust that had let to the glimmering rays of hope from the pit of utter raging despair…

Thank you so much for listening to me Mark. I really needed to get this off my chest. This is so personal, so intimate. I couldn’t tell this to anyone else. It’s so nice to have someone I can trust that is always willing to listen to me no matter what new obstacles or pleasures life has in store for me.
Thank you for always being there for me Mark. It’s hard to find people that loyal in a world like this. No matter what, I know that we will always be there when I need you… I know that we will always be friends…

Hope to see you this weekend, have a great night. XOXO

As Mark walked to the other side of the massive bed he could not help but agree with her. They would always be friends, and right now for the first time in such a long time he allowed himself to dare to dream that they could finally be so much more.

Mark slowly pealed back the cool crisp comforter on his side of the bed. The last thing that he wanted to do was rouse her from her restful sleep. She was so peaceful. He just slid gently under the covers very slowly as not to disturb his slumbering love. Feeling the delicate warmth of the comforter and sheets against his skin finally allowed Mark to relax after his very long day. He knew that he would have stop back to tell his mother all about the wonderful things that had happened since they last spoke. Mark didn’t know how this day could possibly be any better…

“Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!” Mark was absolutely frozen. Her hand felt so good just brushing against his left arm. His entire body shuddered. Earlier, Claire’s slim wrists had been tied tightly above her head after her gentle seduction. He had never felt the suggestive caress of her supple warm hands like this before. Much to his great surprise, her hand didn’t stop at his arm. Claire draped her entire left arm across Mark’s warm full chest turning her entire body to snuggle as close as humanly possible to her knight in shinning armor.

He could feel her warm bare legs intertwined with his and her silky smooth skin pressing into his own was absolutely sinful. The feeling of her teasing crimson toes seeking the warmth of his bare feet was something out of a fairy tale. He couldn’t believe how sensually she rubbed her full breasts and slender torso into him as she rested her head delicately against his strong shoulder… Mark was already so delighted at the wonderful events of the past few hours, but this gentle embrace was horribly unexpected.

Always remember, the harder that you work to take someone to the absolute heights of their most devious desires, the more wonderful surprises life has in store for you!

“*KISS* Thank you Mark… *KISS* Thank You… Hehehe! Hmmmmmmmmmmm” Just feeling the ardent passion of Claire’s sweet lips against his tingling ear let him know all too well that she had been forced to hold that gentle kiss deep inside her with the tight rubber bridle between her teeth.

Mark’s heart melted gently in his chest at Claire’s impassioned gratitude. He wrapped his left arm gently around the top of her bare back taking the entirety of her naked form into him as much as he could. She did it… He hadn’t asked her to, he hadn’t even thought she could. She had done it over her own free will. She not only full enjoyment but utter enthusiasm in the face of his cruel ministrations. Feeling her rest back into his firm chest Mark could feel his entire body being washed in the warm waves of Claire’s innocence. He felt as free as a bird even in the face of the mounting evil lurking behind his piercing blue eyes. She was so wonderful, she was so selfless. There was only one thing he could to repay her gentle kindness as they lay there so peacefully with their bodies entwined…

“Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm Thank you WHO Young Lady?” Mark didn’t exactly know where that thought had come from but it felt so right as he wiggled his fingers gently in Claire’s bare left hollow with her arm stretched out hugging his chest so tight…

Oh god… he has to make me say it. He always makes me say it. For him it’s not enough just to have me. He always wants me to verbally affirm that I am his.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Hhehehehehehehheehheheh!” Claire screamed playfully as she squealed sweetly in utter ticklish delight. He was so cute when he was being naughty… “Thank you… SIRRRRRRR hehehheehehehh *KISS* hehehehe hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!” Claire kissed Mark’s chest gently as she grasped him tight. His gentle teasing was just the loving lullaby that she needed to drift off into the deep peaceful sleep that was the perfect end to her perfect day.

“Huuuuuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!” Mark had always hoped against all rational hope that one day far off in the horizon that “HE” would be able to make Claire feel everything that her “MASTER” had. He wished that one day he would finally be strong enough to bridle her wildest desires. Hearing her submissive address and feeling her clinging so tightly to his firm chest was the final piece to the delicate puzzle of his Perfect triumph over his nemesis as his heavy eye lids finally took their gentle victory over him.

You have to know… I am a bears fan. I always have been. So you will know how much it pains me to keep saying this, but hey: you have to give credit where it’s due right?

Vince Lombardi once said, “A man’s finest hours the moment when he has reached life’s great summit is when after having spent all of his available resources by the sweat of his brow he lies in the field of battle utterly exhausted… VICTORIOUS! I believe that. At that glorious moment, the one tiny grain in the endless sands of time, I could truly say that as I embraced the most restoring peaceful deep sleep and wonderful vivid dreams of my young life I was a physical manifestation of this eternal code of honor…. No matter how much I hate the fucking Packers.

Of all his life’s many slumbers, Mark had never experienced a night of rest this deep and fulfilling. As he finally began to stir… his eyes blinked slowly to life gazing about the dark room that had been the wonderful stage for his life’s great masterpiece. Mark awakened to find a delicate void where his sleeping beauty had once rested her pretty head. Mark reached out slowly with his left hand to gently take in at least the imprint of his gentle Queen left by her delicate bare form. Feeling her sleeping so softly against him made his nights slumber absolutely Perfect. Even in the wake of this glorious transformation, Mark’s heart cried out that he didn’t get to wake up to the beautiful hazel eyes that had given him so much comfort just hours before.

Then he heard it. Mark’s ears finally followed the path of his blurry eyes to the gentle sound of crashing water. She was still here… she was still here. She was just in the shower. Mark’s still blinking eyes could make out the gentle glowing outline of the bathroom door as Claire began her tediously beautiful preparations for the coming day. Mark snickered to himself, reminded that Claire didn’t have the same luxury of her last name on the sign outside her office. While it came with many heavy burdens, the occasional privilege of sleeping in did come in quite handy at times like this… Mark decided that the best thing for all concerned was to wait for his gentle beauty while thoroughly inspecting the backs of his eye lids for the next few minutes until Claire emerged from the shower. He didn’t want to disturb her after all.

Several sheepish minutes later Mark was once again taken from his restful sleep, but this time by the violent in-pouring of brilliant amber sunlight through the wide bedroom window completely unabated by his dark drapes that had been mysteriously drawn back. He never left them open… Did he? Mark quickly examined the four tall posters of his ominous bed and the four tied wrist cuffs were gone. He hadn’t put them up… had he? He was still tired; he knew that he might not yet have the capacity for truly rational thought. He just rubbed his sleepy eyes gently trying to remember just how much he had decided to clean up the night before. The idea of returning to the warm soft pillow had crossed his mind more than once, but he would first have to do something about the ambient sunlight pouring into his usually dim bedroom. He never opened the drapes… did he?

“Good Morning Sleepy Head…” Mark looked through the now wide open bathroom door to see the vision of his precious goddess glorified in the radiance of the infant morn. He could see that her intoxicating heels were missing from the top of the night stand and that they now took their rightful place upon her delicate soles accentuating every gentle feminine curve with the suggestive arching of her beautiful feet. She was so angelic even in the wake of the new morning. She had slipped back into the tight seductive black dress that had captured his attention so wonderfully the night before. She was absolutely alluring as she rubbed the gentle cherry almond moisturizer that Mark was so fond of into her tanned arms preparing for the coming day. “I didn’t want to wake you. I just opened the drapes so that you and the sun could work out an appropriate time for a young aspiring businessman to get out of bed… HAHAHAAHA hmmmmm! I would ask how you slept, but I think that’s litttttttle obvious…”

“Ahhhhhh yehhhh… You have to excuse me, Claire. For the rest of the world there is this little thing called being tired. You see… I stopped playing football in high school. I don’t run ten miles every week like some people… Hahahhaa… Excuse me if I can’t keep up with superwoman. HAHAAHA! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh huhmmmmmm and a very good morning to you Younh Lady!” Mark took in the titillating vision of Claire’s statuesque form as though it was the first time he indulged in the majestic feast of her unearthly radiance. And in some strange way it was a first of sorts. Mark had waited his entire life for Claire to be “HIS!” This morning, this day was the first time that he was finally granted the gentle mercy from an eternity of pinning to take in her rapturous beauty in the full glowing light of their freshly born shared affections.

“SHUUUT UPPP HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAH!” Claire’s laughter was still so beautiful. After rummaging through her purse she was fastening a new pair of glistening pearl earrings into her delicate lobes as she stepped out of the bathroom and back into Mark’s sinister bedchamber. “You’re really sick, Mark! Do you know that?” Claire’s tone was flirtatiously firm. Mark could only imagine that he had more than a little ticklish indignation coming his way and he was more than willing to oblige.

“Why Claire… Whatever do you mean? Hahahahahahhaha!” Mark just placed his hand under the side of his cheek propping his head up lazily watching his beautiful best friend draw ever closer to him sauntering back and forth with every seductive step…

There’s a look… It’s hard to explain really. A stare, a nod, a nervous smile, a confident teasing gaze, nervous bliss and reassured chaos all mixed into one. It’s the look. That look from the person you really love when they finally stop hiding their true affections. Some people spend their entire lives looking hoping praying for just a glimpse of such wonderful shared indulgence and pass away from this unforgiving plain never realizing life’s greatest validation. Few, what many precious few ever take in the glorious radiance of truly shared love. It is a sight to see. The physical manifestation of all your strengths and the covering of all your weaknesses lost in the cheeks of the object of your true affections given of their own free will. Lost in such a glorious moment of new birth there is only one question that resonates when all else in life finally feels so clear… “Is this what HEAVEN feels like?”

“What do I mean? HAHAHAHAHADo you know that the bottoms of my feet really were ‘SHINNY!’ I mean I got out of the shower, I was toweling off and it was still like I had five layers of lotion on them! How do you come up with some of this stuff? HAHAHAAHA OH OH… And thank you for leaving me at least SOME underwear Mark! HAHAHAHAHA Thank God my apartment is right next door. Imagine if this was a hotel somewhere or something! That would be a board meeting to remember! HAHAHAHAHA MEN… You’re so destructive! Testosterone should be outlawed or something! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA” Claire sat down opposite Mark on her side of the bed with her legs dangling freely off the side. She was content to just look at him. She had never seen his eyes so bold in their indulgence of her before. It felt… nice.

“Awwwww Claire… But what would you do for fun? HAHAHAAHAHHAH!” Mark could see Claire’s playfully angered expression. The: I can’t believe he’s this funny but I hate that he knows it look.

“Mark SADDLER! If you think that gives you an excuse to cut off my panties, well… then you’re right of course… But you should feel really BAD about it! HAHHAHAHAHAHAH!” Claire was so cute… she always knew how to put a smile on his face. Mark could sense that with the veil pulled back to their feelings their shared chemistry blossomed devoid the stifling weight of conscious reservation.

“Yehhhhhhhh, Good Luck with that one… HAHHAHHAAH Mmmmmmmmm HEHEHE So… What time do you have to be in to work today, Claire?” Mark finally pulled himself to sitting upright while he still gazed adoringly at his life’s great obsession. He remembered that in the back of his mind he had a company to run or something, but nothing in the world felt important enough to tear him away from those beautiful hazel eyes.

“Ohhhhhhhhhh HAHAHAHAHAA noooooo. I don’t have to go in today, Mark. I have the next few days off!” Claire casually flipped her hair back over her shoulder sitting like a gentle vision opposite her loving tormentor. Didn’t she realize what she was saying?

“Hmmm!” (((((I guess that means I’ll be calling in too… HAHAHA…. WAIT!))))) Mark’s adolescent fantasies of holding Claire hostage for the next few days were put on If she… “Hey… IF you don’t have to go to work then what are you getting all dolled up for this early in the morning?”

“Because… I am going out to breakfast silly!” Claire said it as though it was supposed to register with him…

“Really? Potential Client? Out of office prospecting right? That’s my Claire. Always filling the pipeline… And hey, thanks for that book Claire… It really helped!” It was true. Mark had been so apprehensive when his father gave him the call to switch divisions. She was always giving him books on developing leads winning friends and “influencing people” and when the time finally came to put them to use Claire’s sales resources had been a big part of his transformation.

“No Mark… God no. Nothing that boring. I am going to breakfast with HIM!” She said it so casually…

“Him who honey?” Mark thought that maybe Mr. Johnson was in town. He hadn’t seen him in so long. They always had long drawn out conversations about who the Bears were going to draft every April. It had been far too long since their last discussion about player acquisition.... Maybe he could tag along and say hello?

“Him who… HAHAHHAHA Come on Mark… Remember? I was going to meet him yesterday… my ‘MASTER!’” Mark was absolutely stunned. He felt like a helpless dear greeted only by the impact… there weren’t even any headlights to soften the blow with a warning. How could she say that… how could she say that out loud? “I mean, think about what happened last night Mark. I was supposed to meet the guy from all those letters I sent you and then… all this. I mean… I think that I have some explaining to do. I mean he came so far. I can’t just leave him alone. How would that look?” Was she actually expecting him to feel sorry for this guy? He had spent the last 12 hours trying as hard as he could to push him out of both of their lives through depths of torturous evil that he could never have imagined. Now she wants him to UNDERSTAND?

“But what about… what about last night what about… US?” Mark was so lost. Was it all a dream? Didn’t it happen? Did it really happen? How could she go through all that and then still go running off to him?

“I mean… That was… special. It was so… unique. I could have never imagined anything like it. Really Mark, I will never forget last night as long as I live. It means more to me than you will EVER realize… It was like a dream… LIKE a dream. WE are still in the world. We are still two people. That-last night doesn’t really change anything. I still had to meet him… I still have to talk to him. I’m sorry, Mark. That’s just the way it is!” She was so calm. How could she be so calm at a time like this?

“What? Didn’t you… How could you… I…. WE… Didn’t you feel it Claire? I thought you… huuuuuuu huuuuuuuuu how could you do this Claire? How could you go through all that and still go running off with ‘HIM’” Mark could feel it all come crashing back. All the pain, all the tension, all the hate-all the horrible feelings of this terrible ordeal began to pulse within his constricting veins at the horrid realization that despite all of his torturous efforts that It was still not over. He had just delayed the inevitable. Last night or this morning Claire was still going to meet the enigmatic figure from her tawdry e-mails. His scarred left wrist began to ache terribly as the familiar physical anguish over Claire’s little revelations began to creep back into every tingling fiber of his tortured being.

“What do you mean ‘how could I’ Mark? I mean last night was great… but I have to talk to him. I don’t think you understand Mark. I’M IN LOVE WITH HIM… I thought you knew that. Maybe you just don’t understand how long I have loved him Mark.” Claire’s damning words felt as though they were spawn in the icy glaciers of hellacious worlds long since past. She spoke as though she expected Mark to just go along with her rude little rendezvous. It was as though she didn’t even expect him to put up a fight; like it was something that he had already signed off on and he just didn’t get the memo.

“Huuu------------------------------------------------------- huuuu!” Mark couldn’t find words… the only thing that he was left with was the horrible feeling of utter wretchedness that had beset him so terribly reading those letters… Those sick fucking letters. How could he be so stupid? She was using him. That’s all it was. Mark felt totally violated. She had taken everything from him and left him with absolutely nothing. How could he ever have envisioned a world where “She” could love him? The great hour of his supposed triumph only proved to be the final verdict of his eternal inadequacy. He starred at her, that’s all that he could muster. That’s all that he had left… He peered right into those glassy hazel pools of horrifying detachment. There wasn’t even a hint of sorrow. How could she… How could she?

“Oh My God Mark are you Jealous? Hehehe!” Claire tried to cover her mouth. She didn’t want to appear rude, but she had to admit that this was terribly amusing. She found that so cute… He was jealous.

“I don’t think this is very FUCKING funny Claire? Don’t you… I thought you understood… I thought you understood. I guess I was wrong.” Mark just shook his head back and forth in utter disgust. He told her he loved her… How could he have done that? How could he have given her that? It was his ultimate surrender. Nothing in the world could bring those words back into the safety of his pursing lips.

“Oh My God… Mark Saddler is Jealous HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHH! Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww that’s so *sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet*! HAHAHAHHAAHHAAHAHHAHAAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!” She was laughing. Mark’s heart was laying in a million different pieces across the bed and she was FUCKING laughing. What was wrong with her? Was she enjoying this? She sounded so demented. Mark hated her laughter. For as long as he could remember it was the anthem of his greatest jubilance, but right now it was the utter bane of his existence. Her silly grin of triumph made him absolutely furious…
“Ughhhhhhhhhhh!” Claire teasingly reached out to hug him… She wanted to comfort him about the fact that she was going to breakfast this morning with another man. “DON’T TOUCH ME CLAIRE!”

“HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAHHA SOMEONE’S in a grumpy mood today… HAHAHAHAHA Maybe I should have let you sleep a little longer after all... HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA Here, Mark. Get some more rest. HAHAHAHHAAHAHAHHHAHAH” Claire playfully threw a pillow at her dejected lover as if he was in any mood for flirtation. She was acting as though nothing was wrong, or at least that nothing should be wrong with her morning plans. Mark couldn’t believe that he allowed her to use him like this. He was just a sick thrill to her for one night to keep her warm for “HIM!” He proved to be nothing more than a human version of the magic wand that he kept tightly in his drawer. She even removed all the evidence of their shared passions from the previous night when she took down the cuffs hiding them from sight… Mark personally knew of PARK BENCHES that received more loving consideration when they were used by strangers, let alone life long friends.

“Do you think this is a Game Claire…” Claire’s child like behavior in the face of his life’s great tragedy was wildly infuriating. He had tried to focus it at “HIM” since it all began, but he couldn’t hide it anymore. He hated her. He hated everything about her. It was hard to admit… but the truth usually is. “Do you think this is a FUCKING GAME?”

“NO…. HEHE…” Claire tried to hold it in… She clasped both of her warm hands over the expanse of her full grinning lips. “HEHEHEHHEHH!” She fought as hard as the could but she couldn’t resist. “HHEHEHEHHEHEHEEHEHHEHEHEHEHHEEHEHEH OH COME ON EHHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHHEEH DO YOU REALIZE HOW SILLY THIS IS?”

SILLY. I TELL YOU I LOVE YOU… YOU TELL ME THAT YOU ARE GOING OUT WITH SOMEONE ELSE THE NEXT MORNING AND I AM BEING SILLY…?” Mark couldn’t stand to be next to her right now. She tried to grab his arm as he stood but he just violently pulled away. He couldn’t stand her silly giggling. It was bad enough that he had to relive this tragic nightmare; it was a new brand of torment all together having to stare into the seductive eyes of the merciless incubus that constantly haunted his tortured mind. Seeing how much sinful pleasure she took relishing in his deep sorrow was far too much to bear.

“Hehehehe…. Yes… you’re being silly. Come on Mark. Last night was so wonderful! Don’t ruin it… Please!” Mark almost expected her to leave money on the table for his services. That’s all he was to here… apparently.

“Hmph… I’m not the one who ruined it Claire!” Mark just gazed off gently into the blissful morning sky. His heart was breaking irrevocably in the deep cavity of his paining chest… He at least wanted an external visual of what perfection used to look like.

“Come on now Mark…” Mark could hear her rise from the bed to meet him. He had to block her out. He had to. “You know that’s not fair!” Mark could hear her heels pressing into the carpet as she strode toward him. Her gate was still so confident. She was unwavering. Was she doing this on purpose? Were the letters just a sick part of “HIS” game? Did this “MASTER” instruct her to torture him like this or worse yet was it her idea? Mark’s anguished mind filled with thousands of burning questions to accompany the deathly searing lacerations about his left tingling wrist.

“Well Claire, Life’s not fair… I learned that this morning. So I guess you can get in line with the rest of us…” Everything that he had cherished for all these years… she was going to give to him… She was going to give it all to “HIM” If it couldn’t be his then it was the fly in the ointment to his perfect lie. It couldn’t be allowed to exist in his sphere of influence.

“Come on Mark don’t be like that… No matter what it was, we could always talk toeach other… HAHHHAHHAHAHAHHAHAH remember!” Mark closed his eyes so tight. She wasn’t there. That’s the only thing that gave him comfort. He just had to believe it strong enough… She wasn’t there…

“Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!” Why did she have to touch him? Why did she have to rub those sweet fingertips along the very scares that pained him so much? Why did the pain go away? Why did it feel like his hand had just been touched by an Angel? Why couldn’t he ignore her? How could she do this to him? How could she always do this to him? Why did she make him feel so weak? “Okay… you want to talk… Let’s talk. I want you to say it. I want you to say that ‘HE’ is better than me. I want you to sit here after last night, after all the pleasure that I know I made you feel and tell me that ‘HE’ is better at making you feel the way you need to… Say it Claire. Say it and I will let you go!”

It was simple to the point of absurdity. This was Mark’s last stand. This was his last chance. He knew what he had done. He knew what she had felt. He knew the mountains that he had helped her climb. Those wonderful hours with her true feminine essence locked tightly in his hands were his testament to life. They were the sum total of all the time that he had experienced on this very planet and right now they were the last appeal to the fallen angel gently pawing the weakest point of his very being.

“Mark you don’t want me to….”

SAY IT!” Enough of her stalling, enough of her games, and enough of her cryptic confessions-he just wanted an answer. He just wanted to live in peace with the truth, whatever that might be.

“Well… What can I say? You are unique. You came up with things that I would have never dreamed of. I mean that’s really commendable…” (((((BUT))))) “But Mark, I have been so enthralled by him for so long. I mean the things that you thought of were so naughty and they were great and everything but does that mean you win because you came up with a few new tickle games to play? I mean he has been making me feel that way for so long Mark. One night can’t change the way that I feel about him. It was special okay, It is definitely the start of something… NEW but it’s impossible for you to be better than the man of my dreams in one night. You’re not being fair to yourself Mark!” She spoke as though she was reading the back of a matchbox. It was like she was off in another world where she wasn’t supposed to be held accountable for a thing that she did. It was like she was utterly detached from the intolerable heart ache that her cruel words inspired…

‘SOMETHING NEW?’ Mark had already learned the cardinal rule of sales, treat maybes as NO’S! Mark truly feared that this might be the last time that he and Claire would ever speak again. There was no way that he could survive talking to her past this last unforgivable transgression. She had crossed a line. Before he removed the cankerous soar from his wounded being there was just one thing that he had to know…. “Who?” Who would be enjoying the fruits of his life’s endless labor that he had so richly earned fro himself. Who had stolen his dashing damsel even from the tightest clutches of his infant ruthlessness… Who would act as undertaker etching the tale of his utter destruction on the tombstone of the love that he had cherished for so long… “WHO?”… After all this, was that too much to ask?

“Who what… What are you talking about Mark?” Claire pressed her gentle fingertips into the small of his back rubbing gently all the way to the top of his strong shoulders and back down over and over again. Mark utterly hated the soothing affect that her warm hands had through the slim material of his t-shirt. Why did that feel SOOOOO GOOOOD?

“Who is it unfair for me to compare myself to? Who is this guy that you are walking out on me for? Who is this ‘MASTER’ of yours Claire? Tell me… I want to know!” Mark would never think of actually hurting the man. It wasn’t his fault. He had never met him. They just had the great misfortune of loving the same woman. Claire was beautiful… Could he really blame “HIM” for sharing in his affection for his blushing best friend? In a way he could understand… as much as it hurt he could understand. He just needed closure. He wanted to hear that he was a congressman, a senator, an astronaut, the butcher from down the street who cut a good steak. ANYTHING! He just needed to put some kind of face to the antithesis of his very meaning. It felt far too humiliating… to loose the woman of his dreams to a man with no name.

“Now Mark… you know I can’t tell you that…” Claire just rubbed a little deeper. She could feel Mark’s tired muscles yielding sweetly to her gentle caress… no matter how much he tried to fight it.

“Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu You mean you won’t tell me?” Mark hated himself for giving in. Why did her hands feel so glorious? Why couldn’t he be strong? Why couldn’t he EVER be strong around her? Why did his wrist hurt so much? Why would a single touch of her fingers take the pain away? None of it mattered. After she walked out the door he would have all the time in the world to heal of his own accord. There was just one last thing that she had to give him… The last thing he would ever ask of her… “WHO?”

“No Mark… I mean I can’t. It would hurt you too Much. And you know that I could never bring myself to Hurt you! Hehe! *WHISPER-Don’t you, Mark? HEHEHEH-WHISPER*” Claire was sick. His fallen little angel proved to be just a beautiful demon locked in what proved to be a VERY thin shell of innocence… . She was getting off on this. His world was coming crashing down around him and she was getting off on it!

“Thank you Claire… That’s all I needed to hear.” Claire tried to wrap her arms around him but he pushed her away… Mark just pushed her hands down to his side and turned to walk towards the bathroom. “Feel free to let yourself out… I hope you have a nice breakfast.” He was ice cold. The pure unmitigated hate flowing through his veins was more concentrated than he had ever experienced. He couldn’t stand to look at her. Her every breath insulted him. Her every coy smile was another slap in the face. Her devious smile was a portrait of pure deception that would fuel his capitalist rage as he laid siege to the tri state area.

“So that’s it?” Claire darted in front of him cutting off his path to the long hot shower that Mark would use to wash away all the horrible tension of his wretched morning. “You’re just willing to throw away our friendship? All the years that we have spent together?” Mark looked at her sternly. How could she dare bring those words past her dishonest lips?

“Me throw it away? I’m not the one running off with some guy I met off the internet Claire… You are! You threw it away… Not me!” Mark tried to push past her. He just wanted to take a shower and watch the first remnants of his dying affection swirl down the drain like the hot water dripping from his enraged form. He had wasted too much of his life thinking that she… or anyone for that matter could truly stand beside him through all of life’s turmoil and still look at him with stars in their eyes. He would have plenty of time to analyze all of his wrong turns after she had gone. Right now he just wanted to feel the scorching hot water cascading over his bare back and make his appointment with his life long friend before going in late to work. Who knows…? In the wake of this mornings most depraved little tidbit, maybe thirteen would prove to be his lucky number.

“No…. I’m not letting you go!” Claire wouldn’t let him past her. She could see the anger welling up inside of him and she wouldn’t grant him the peaceful mercy of solitude. She reached out grabbing his arm trying to keep him from pushing by her…

“What… What are you talking about?” Mark just pulled his arm away and stormed off closer to the shower only to have his life’s sinful nightmare stand directly in his way yet again.

“We have to talk about this Mark. We can’t end because of this. We can’t end because of ‘HIM’… This is silly. Just sit down on the bed and let’s talk about this okay?” She said it as though he shouldn’t have a choice. He said it as though by some magic he was just supposed to comply. Who did she think she was?

Talk… there’s nothing to Talk about Claire. We had a wonderful night together… I made you cum your brains out… several time I might add…. I told you I love you…. Now you are going out to breakfast with someone else. There’s nothing to Talk about…” Mark pushed her forcefully down onto the bed as he looked down upon her. “There’s nothing to discuss…I] I’m taking a shower and you’re leaving… END OF TALK!” Mark turned walking towards the cleansing hot bath that he knew had his name on it. It would all be better soon. It would take years for it to be over, but at least it would be better under the searing heat of the steaming water.

HAAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAAHAHAHHAH!” Claire’s laughter was absolutely demonic. She had a horribly indulgent smile on her face from feasting greedily on his raging aggression. It’s as though she fed on his deep seeded anger like a parasite thirsting for his most base emotions… “You Get Back here Mark… Do you HEAR ME?”

“….Have a Good Morning Claire!” Claire’s sinister laughter had taken Mark by horrified surprise. It had given him a brief moment of pause in his gentle trek towards sweet relief. Once the shock wore off he just said his final goodbye to his tragic infatuation and took his next step towards the warm cleansing spa of his searing shower…



“I said… Get Back here Mark…. Huuuuuu huuuuu…. Didn’t you hear me?” Claire whispered seductively into his ear. Mark could barely remember what just happened. It wall happened so fast. One minute he was walking away from his life’s great tragedy and now he was sitting on the edge of the bed trapped between her warm bare thighs. How did she do this? The only thing he remembered was being grabbed by her surprisingly strong arms and being pulled furiously. How could one woman be that Strong?

“You’re sick you know that! I’m taking a shower Claire… Goodbey!” Mark pushed firmly against the mattress to rise to his feet again, but he felt himself held fast by Claire’s strong toned thighs and strong arms as she held his elbows firmlydown to his side…

“Ahhhh ahhhh ahhh…. Now did I sayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy you could go anywhere, Mark? Huh? Did I?” What was happening to her? Was this the same sweet girl that he had tied to so tightly his bed the night before? Was there some alien abduction that Mark wasn’t aware of? Could this possibly be his “CLAIRE?”

“I don’t have to ask your Fucking permission to take a Shower Claire now take your hands off me…” Mark made another futile attempt straining for freedom but Claire held him tightly in place. Finally it began to sink in, he wasn’t going anywhere. Claire wouldn’t LET him!

“Awwwwwwwwwwwww….” Claire held Mark’s thick waist tightly in place with her strong toned bare thighs, but she now began to gently glide her silky flesh suggestively along his sides just to make sure he fully understood who’s boss! “HEHEHEHHE YOU THINK YOU’RE MAD AT ME DON’T YOU, MARK? HAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH! That’s soooooooo……. CUTE… HHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHHAAH *WHISPER-You’re such a cute little boy Mark… huuuuuuuuuuu mmmmmmmm Did I ever tell you that? Huuuuuuuuuuuuu huhhhhhhhhhhhhh HUH? Heheheeheheh mmmmmmmm-WHSIPER*”

“Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!” Why did she have to call him cute? Worse yet… Why did he have to fall for it? Mark had felt this before. He had felt exactly this way before. This was just like the feeling of that first night. That first letter-this was just like the day that he started to die! The fury raged in his eyes. The pain… the pain coursed through every fiber of his being. His heart was broken. It could never be put back together. He was plunged deeper and deeper into the bitter pit of anguished despair with every passing second. Still he couldn’t resist… he couldn’t resist “HER!” He could never resist her. Even at the horrifying news that Claire was moments away from teasing, flirting, and being tickled by someone else he couldn’t help but be aroused by her roaring sensuality. Only this time, Mark couldn’t hide behind a computer screen. He had to hear the feverish lust dripping lewdly from her every sweet menacing whisper. He had to feel her warm thighs pressed so tightly against his side. He had to feel her enticing firm breasts rubbing so suggestively against his yearning back. He had to endure the full gauntlet of her torturous femininity knowing now all too well that no matter what he did he could never have her. The frustration built behind his fervent arousal in the form of mounting physical pressure that threatened to rob him of his very breath at any moment.

“But you’re not mad at me… *WHISPER-I didn’t give you permission to be mad at me Mark! HAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm-WHISPER*” Mark found Claire’s incessant teasing to be absolutely nefarious. Who was she to give him permission… Worse yet, would she deny him the very right to feel? “Your anger is Mine Mark… your pain is mine. Your fear is mine… I decide when you get to use them… *WHISPER-DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?-WHISPER* *KISS*”

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh huuuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Oh my God… huuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuu!” It was just a kiss… just one kiss. It was just one kiss to his strong bare neck. But with that one kiss the keys to his entire conscious mind were suckled through the yielding surface resting right between Claire’s wicked lips…

“Don’t worry Mark… *WHISPER-He can’t help you now… HAHAHAH I promise! Nothing can save you from ME Mark. Nothing! Not any more… MMMMMMMMMMMMM-WHISPER*” Claire snuck her fingers inside the hem of Mark’s white tee shirt bringing it past his rippled stomach. She could feel his sensitive skin crawling appalled at the merciless soothing pleasure that she wielding with her devious fingertips…

“Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!” Why couldn’t he speak? Why didn’t he do something? Why was he giving in?... AGAIN? And to add insult to injury… Why did he raise his arms high over his head so that Claire could take off his shirt? Why was he HELPING her? Exactly whose side was he on?

“MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM That’s my boy…. *WHISPER-THAT’S MY GOOD BOY… MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM-WHISPER*” Feeling Claire’s raging carnal desire just through the gently roaring immodesty of her sadistic moans was absolutely earth shattering for poor little Mark. Why did this excite him so much? Why was he getting so soooooooooooooo hard listening intently as eh DESTROYED him? “MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM *WHISPER-Something you should remember Mark… When you are in bed with a naked woman-never leave your shirt on HEHHEEHHEHEEHEHEEH. It’s so… frustrating HHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA-WHISPER*”

“HOOOOOOOOO HAAAAAA AHAAAAAAAAAAAAA MMMMMMMMMM HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!” Mark felt like a piece of meat as Claire’s hands greedily probed his entire bare torso with deadly precision. It felt so wrong. It felt so good. She had to stop. She had to STOP Mark had never felt Claire’s warm soft wicked hands freely explore his midsection in such an impassioned manner. He could hear her ardent desirous fire building rapidly with each passing second and she shamelessly groped and probed every bare inch of his tight bare abs and full naked Chest.

“Now… Put your hands on your knees for me Mark… *WHISPER-Hands on your knees… like a good boy-WHISPER*!” Why did she have to give him commands like he was some love sick puppy or some casual play toy? Worse yet, why did he want so badly to cement himself for all eternity as her “GOOD BOY?”

“Bu….” Claire didn’t even let him respond.

I SAID PUT YOUR FUCKING HANDS ON YOUR KNEES MARK… I DIDN’T STUTTER. PUT YOUR HANDS ON YOUR KNEES!!!” Claire ran her slender fingers through Mark’s long blond hair pulling tightly against his scalp to make sure that he got the message… In the wake of her impassioned dominance, how could he help but comply? “Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww *KISS* *WHISPER-that’s my GOOD BOY… MMMMMMMMMMMMM-WHISPER* *KISS*”

“Huuuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Oh God… Oh God… Huuuuuu huuuuuuuuuuuu Oh God… Oh god…..huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!” Mark couldn’t resist her passionate scolding. It was so free. So intimate. So intense. Just being so close to her in the face of her lustful abandon was truly intoxicating. He hated himself for giving in to the woman from the depths of his nightmarish hell, but right now he had so little choice…

“You see Mark… That wasn’t so HARD now was it?” Claire quickly snaked her right hand inside the hem of Mark’s black boxers taking his raging dominance between her warm soft fingers…. “MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM *WHISPER-Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm, But this is… HAAHAHAHHAHAAHHA… I think that SOMEONE likes it when I am BITCHY… STUBBORN… AND DEFIANT… Don’t you Mark?-WHISPER*”

“No……. huuuuuuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuuuuu uuuuuuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuuuuu no…. huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!” Mark could never admit that. It was horribly true… but he couldn’t admit it.

REALLY….!” Claire started her light stroking of Mark’s aching manhood with her warm soft hand teasing him with her fluttering fingers and hot naked palm. She could feel him pulsing lost in her firm seductive grasp and it made her feel powerful to no end. “*KISSS* *KISS* *WHISPER-Are you sure Mark? Are you sure you don’t like it when I’m a BITCH… like right now! HAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAHH Don’t lie to me Mark… Don’t you lie to me… If you don’t like it I can STOP HHAHAAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!-WHISPER*” She knew she had him… Why did she have to gloat like this?

“NONONONON HUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUU NONONONONONONOONON!” Mark was utterly disgusted with himself. How could he let her have him like this? How could he be so thoroughly owned like this? How could he let the woman that had broken his heart so carelessly… so many times have his deepest carnal pleasure so freely?

OH so you don’t want me to keep STROKING?” Claire knew full well what he meant. She just wanted to break him… It made her feel strong to watch him crumble. It was… fun.

NONON… HUUUUUU HUUUUU I MEAN YES HUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUU I MEAN HUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUU!” Mark couldn’t think. His tingling balls ached so much at the thought of delicious release that he couldn’t even articulate his depraved submission in the wake of his new found depths of self loathing.... He had fallen that far!

“AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW That’s so cute… *WHISPER-You’re confused… HHEHEHEHEEHEHHEE Just tell me you like it Mark… TELL ME-WHISPER*” Claire wanted to hear it. She wanted to hear him concede his eternal defeat. She wanted to revel in the anthem of her life’s great victoryShe wanted to watch all of his walls tear apart at the seem right in the palm of her teasing hand.

“I… HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU I CAN’T HHHHHHHHH HUUUUUUUUUUU!” Mark couldn’t… how many pieces of himself could he keep giving away before he was left with utterly nothing?

“Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh yes you CANNNNNNNNN!” Claire put her gentle teasing aside gripping Mark’s firm staff with very lewd intentions. She used her nimble thump to tease his pulsing tip while her palm stroked violently up and down his throbbing erection forcing his entire body to tremble with unbridled lust. “*WHISPER-Yes you can Mark… Yes You CAN-WHISPER*” Claire was absolutely ruthless. She knew how much emotional anguish Mark was experiencing. She could feel him writhing against her in tortured fury. She just didn’t particularly care that much at the moment. He had something she wanted. He tried to hide it from her his entire life… and he was going to pay for it. So help her… He was going to pay for it. She was going take it. Whether he survived or not was completely up to him, but it didn’t really matter. She was going to get it either way!

HUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!” That was too much… Mark thought that surely he would burst at the seems with furious desire if she kept this up much longer… he reached for her probing right hand with both of his icy palms… he had to put an end to this once and for all!

“AHHHHH AHHHHHA HHHHHHHH PUT THEM BACK… *WHISPER If you move them…. Then I will stop Mark. But if you move them… then I will STOP HAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAAAHAHAH You remember that… Don’t you Mark…” Claire could feel his entire body shiver against her. She knew how much it turned him on to have his sick little game thrown right back in his face. She knew that deep down he couldn’t get enough of her spiteful affections. She had her trapped fly dancing helplessly in the infinite matrix of her deadly web of seduction and she was going to play with her cute little morsel as much as she could before devouring all that he used to be.... “GOOD BOY *KISS KISS KISS*!” Claire rewarded him ardently for returning his hands to their rightful place at his knees helpless to save his poor tormented manhood. “… now… don’t make me have to REMIND you again… HAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAH-WHISPER*!” Claire dug the nails of her left hand deeply into Mark’s left thigh. She could feel him howl out in painful delight and it thrilled her to no end. This time she was much less concerned with breaking or not breaking his delicate skin. Instead, she just searched for the right pressure to dreadfully maximize fevered pitch of his frenzied arousal. After all, what are a few scratch marks between friends? “NOW TELL ME! HUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUU!”


I SAID FUCKING TELL ME MARK… TELL ME OR I’LL STOP…. *WHISPER- TELL ME OR I’LL FUCKING STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-WHISPER*” Claire sensed the slightest bit of trepidation in his voice and she wouldn’t have any of it. Over these many years she had grown QUITE tired of his incessant stalling. Didn’t he know that it was futile? Didn’t he know that she had already won the first moment he starred down at her sexy high heels? Why was he even trying?

“I LIKE IT…” Every dig of Claire’s sharp nails into his yielding flesh and every passionate domineering scold dripping with lustful desire increased the horribly sensitivity of her helpless loins as Claire mercilessly fondled them to no end. He had no choice but to give in. “I LIKE IT CLAIRE… I LIKE IT HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU OHHHHHHHHHHHH HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOO HAAAAAA HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!” Claire rewarded him by Clawing her sharp nails all over his bare chest leaving dark red lines of ferocious arousal in her wake.

“MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM It took you long enough… Making me wait, Making me so impatient. Making me want to hear you admit it so bad Mark… You’re such a naughty boy Mark *WHISPER-Look what you made me do-WHISPER*” Claire immodestly pulled her aching pelvis to the base of Mark’s now bare back pressing her dripping wet pussy right into his tight skin at the small of his back grinding herself shamelessly into him just so he could understand what his gentle acts of defiance created deep within her domineering form.

“OOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SHIT SHIT SHIT HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM HAAAAAAAAA HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM HUUUUUU HUUUU!” Mark couldn’t resist the combination of Claire’s surprising dominance, her sharp nails and the furious stroking. He knew that in only moments “HE” would end. He would die into her sweet sinister arms never to return. The person that he had been for long would simply cease to be… But it would feel soooooooooooooooooo good.

“Now… your were asking me a question, Mark! I think that you deserve an answer! I don’t think that you will like it very much, but you still deserve one… Sine you were so kind to me Last night HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHA mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm heheh. The real question is… Do you still want to know who ‘HE’ is? Hmmmmmm *WHISPER-Tell Me, Do you want to know Mark?-WHISPER*” Claire was positively predatory. She knew that she had her prey firmly trapped in her malevolent grasp. She just wanted to toy with him a little bit more before finally taking him….

“HAAAAAAAAAAAA HAAAAA HUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUU YES HUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU YES HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!” Mark didn’t know if he would ever be able to see another sunrise with the life altering massage of his unbearably hard loins. If this was his last taste of sweet air then he had to be put to rest with his mind in some form of peace over the man that had stolen Claire’s sensual desires.

“*WHISPER-Do you want to know who I REALLYwant to TICKLE me Mark. Do you want to know who I fantasize about tickling me until I can’t stop screaming for ‘HIM’? Is that what you want to know Mark?-WHISPER* *KISS KISS*” Claire was the absolute diva of duality. She was going to blend his deepest emotional anguish with the most unimaginable physical pleasure that she could give. She was going to make him face it. The last five months of living on hot coals was going to be screaming in the front of his mind if he wanted even the very hint of release. He was going to suffer… He had to suffer! He had to suffer for “HER!” Turn about IS fair play… isn’t it?

YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS HHUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUU YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS CLAIRE YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS !” It wasn’t enough. He wasn’t afraid enough. Claire wanted his utter shame if he wanted her sweet pleasure….

“*WHISPER-REALLYMark… You want to know who kept me up so many night without being able to talk to you. Do you want to know who has been keeping me company these past five months while you were moping? Do you? Do you want to know who I think about Mark… All the time. Do you want to know who I was thinking about last night… MARK while you were torturing me? Do you want to know who I kept imagining you were? Do you want to know who you reminded me of Mark DO YOU?-WHISPER*” Claire was going to tear him down. She knew it would hurt. It had to hurt. It wouldn’t be special otherwise would it? He’s a big boy… He can take it. Can’t he?

*SNIFFLE*YESSSSSSSSSSS HUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUU *SNIFFLE* HUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUU MMMMMMMMMMMMM HUUUUUUUUU HUUUU *SNIFFLE* HUUUUU HUUUUUUUU YESSSSSSSSS CLAIRE HUUUUUU *SNIFFLE* HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!” At least he had that night… or at lest he thought he did. But with Claire’s merciless taunts he realized that even that night was “HIS!” What more could he loose, he had lost his great love, his one night of fevered passion, and his dignity. What more could she ask of him?

“AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW *WHISPER-What’s wrong Mark… Are you cryyyyyyyyyyyyyyying HAHAHHAHAAHAHHAAHAHAHAha that’s so Cute HHAHHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA…-WHISPER*” Mark had never hated anything in his entire life with the fire and intensity that he despised the demonic creature sitting behind him. “I thought you wanted to know who told me all those sick little fantasies that I told you about! *WHISPER-Psssssssssssst and I know that you jerked off while you read them Mark… HAHAHHAAHAHA… I can tell by the way you look at me… I can see it in your eyes… but shhhhhhhhhh I won’t tell HAHAHAHHAHAHA-WHISPER* Do you want to know who really wrote them for you Mark? Do you want to know who kept me up so many sleepless nights telling me how tightly he was going to tie me up…. How badly he was going to tickle me… how much he was going to TORTURE ME… That no matter how much I BEGGED HIM TO STOP that he would ignore my pleas for mercy. Do you want to know who made me promise to SCREAM for him… and only him? *WHISPER-Do you want to know who makes me so WET Mark? Even right now thinking about what he is going to do to me for last night. Do you want to know who always told me to TOUCH MYSELF? Do you want to know who taught me to tease my clit and my naughty little spot at the same time? Do you want to know who makes me CUM SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HARDMark? Do you want to know who forced me to touch myself… even after he had made me cum so many times Mark? Do you want to know who made me cum harder than I ever have before? Do you want to know who can Make me cum without even touching Me Mark? Do you really want to know who ‘HE’ Is?-WHISPER*” Claire could feel him wilting. She knew that her Time had finally come.

“I… I”

DON’T PLAY GAMES WITH ME LITTLE BOY… DO YOU WANT TO FUCKING KNOW OR NOT?” Claire knew that he had to be absolutely out of control for this to work. She couldn’t waste this. He had to suffer. He had to fucking suffer.

*SNIFFLE SNIFFLE SNIFFLE* HUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUU *SNIFFLE SNIFFLE SNIFFLE* YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS HUUUUUUUUUU YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS PLEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASE YESSSSSSSSSSSSS HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU GUUUUUUUU *SNIFFLE SNIFFLE SNIFFLE* !” For Claire… Games were so much more fun when she didn’t tell people the rules. So this is what it felt like for his hope to die. He knew that it was a lost cause. He couldn’t keep up the illusion of control anymore. His one enduring delusion of omnipotence had gone up in flames only fueling the beleaguering beast trapping him between her warm thighs rubbing her dripping wet pussy into the small of his back just to make him ache with pulsing desire. She was so sadistic… she was so FUCKING SADISTIC! Claire had reached a point of such sheer wretchedness that she mercilessly seduced her helpless best friend with him the lurid details of her tawdry exploits with another man. He would never forgive himself for deriving such turbulent pleasure at the very thought of Claire’s further torturous seduction even if it was at the hands of another. Right now anything having to do with her inhuman suffering was of great appeal in the wakes of Mark’s growing scorn. He only wished with all that he was that he had been endowed with the great domineering strength to truly force her submission, but tragically that TIME had passed.

“Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww… *WHISPER-That’s all you had to say sweetie… *KISS KISS KISSS*” Claire could feel every crawl of Mark’s bare skin as he trembled in the wake of his utter destruction. She knew that he found this tender affection in the midst of her sheer unadulterated cruelty to be wretchedly delightful. He knew that she was the wicked sorceress seducing him only unto greater depths of inhuman torment, but he needed to believe that she was still the gentle QUEEN of his lost fairy tales… “I’ll tell you Mark… I’ll tell you. You’re going to hate me for the rest of your life for this… But I am going to tell you. Promise me Mark… Promise me that you are going to hate me FOREVER for this Mark… I want you to hate me! HUUUUUUUUUUUU MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM-WHISPER* *KISS KISS*” Claire knew that she was absolutely killing him… but it had to be done. He couldn’t keep pretending to be the innocent little prince if he was to follow where she was leading him.

*SNIFFLE SNIFFLE* HUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUU HUUUU *SNIFFLE SNIFFLE* I ALREADY HATE YOU CLAIRE *SNIFFLE SNIFFLE SNIFFLE* HUUU HUUUUUUUU OHHHHHHHHH OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !” It was true. He did hate her…He hated how sinful her bare thighs felt holding him tightly in place. He hated how much her sick demented laughter excited him to no end. He hated how the pain of her scraping nails only made him ache in raging desire. He was disgusted by the way that her stroking hand was pushing him closer and closer to fevered rhapsody. He hated himself for indulging so fully in Claire’s sadistic devices…. But the thing that he hated most-the greatest source of his life’s sweet torment-was that he couldn’t Hate her…. not a little… not one bit… not even at all…

“Awwwwwwwwwww Mark… You say the sweetest things heheheheheheheheheh *WHISPER-I HATE YOU TOO… HAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHA Why do you think that I started seeing ‘HIM’ in the first place. HAHAHAHAHAHHAAH!” Claire was ruthless. She snuck her left hand deep inside his black boxers to toy menacingly with his aching balls. She could feel his steamy hot cum stirring in the base of his sensitive scrotum and she would not be denied. Not now. Not again! “I Hate it when you used to tickle me but never hold me down. I Hate it when I know you’re looking at me and then you look away. I Hate it when we’re alone and all you can talk about is the fucking sports section. I Hate the you lied to me your entire life about how you felt. I Hate that you never used to touch me…*WHISPER-REALLY TOUCH ME-WHISPER* before last night. I Hate that you made me feel like I wasn’t beautiful because you were afraid. I’ve Hated you since the first day you looked me in the eyes Mark. I couldn’t stand you for making me feel… That’s why I found someone better than you.. Yes he’s better than you Mark. He’s always been BETTER than you. He’s better than you in every way. He has always told me how beautiful I am, how sexy I am, how strong I am and how much stronger I can be. He never forgets to touch me…. He’s never ashamed of the way that he feels about me. He makes me feel safe. He makes me feel vulnerable. All the things that you were always afraid to do Mark. All the things I wanted you to do for so long but you never answered me. You never saved me Mark. I was alone. I was all alone… I Hate you for leaving me alone like THAT… I Hate you for making me find someone else… But I am so glad that you want to know who ‘HE’ is. I am glad because I have been fantasizing about him for SOOOOOOOOOOOO LONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNG Mark!EVERY time I see you now I think about him. I’ve wanted to tell you who ‘HE’ is so many times Mark… I didn’t because I knew you couldn’t handle the truth. But I have always wanted to tell you who ‘HE’ is Mark… Do you know why?” Claire wrapped her strong bare calves inside Mark’s knees. She locked him tightly between her bare thighs lewdly her hot naked pussy all over the small of his bare back taking him to the absolute edge of ecstasy. She held him so tight. She knew that this would destroy him… She knew that he wouldn’t survive but he was going to have to sit there and take it all the same. He would endure this just as she had endured is gross inadequacy for so long… If it pulled every muscle in her tight body she would hold him in place for her final victory.

*SNIFFLE SNIFFLE* HUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUU NO CLAIRE I DON’T HUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUU I DON’T KNOW HUUU HUUUUUUUUU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU !” Mark felt as though he was about half an inch above the floor in the wake of Claire’s utterly damning soliloquy. This was his fault… it was all his fault. There was nothing that he could do to change it. he had pushed her away through his own fear and there was nothing that he could do to save her from the man behind the mask. He knew that now… Mark’s twelve gentle reminders of Claire’s secret love affair ached with a searing pain the likes of which dwarfed even their virginal laceration. Mark almost swore that he could still feel the warm thick crimson tears trickling into the palm of his hand as his soul’s final hour of reckoning quickly approached. He knew that there would be no reprieve, no stay of execution, and that he was fresh out of sales pitches. His last most desperate attempt at winning his greatest love had failed and he was left to suffer the eternal penalty for his inadequacy… He just had to have the final piece to his utter helpless demise so that he could at least rest in piece…

“Of course you don’t know… You’ve never known. If you knew then I wouldn’t have to tell you now would I Mark…. HEHEEHEHEHE. And don’t worry SWEETHEART HAHAHAHAHAHAHA MMMMMM *WHISPER-It’s SOOOOOOOOOOO much worse than you think... BECAUSE……….….. Hhehehehehee-WHISPER*” Claire could feel him sobbing openly on the razors edge of sinful indulgence. She knew that Mark’s brave heart was broken into millions of tiny pieces deep inside his heaving chest. She knew that the boy that she had known all those many years ago was gone FOREVER-never to be seen again… She knew that it would take a true miracle to put the tattered shell before her back together. She could not think of any force in the civilized world hat would be able to repair the irrevocable damage to Mark’s tortured soul at her sinister hands in the wake of the full depths of her utterly burtalhonesty. She could feel his open sobs… She could feel him wallowing in all the horrible misdeeds of valuing his own indulgence of fear over his true affections… It made her feel absolutely omnipotent being able to completely end him beyond all hope with the gentle teasing of her tongue and the fervid stroking of his throbbing erection to the point of earth shattering climax between her warm thighs. She wished that she could have kept poor Mark swimming in the unspeakable torment of her hanging silence for all eternity just to feel his entire body quivering in horrid anxious discomfort, but he had to know… He had to know why she had ached for so long to throw the identity of her secret enigmatic lover right in his face pitilessly just to feel his strong imposing spirit brake in her warm merciless arms beyond all human repair…


You know… William Shakespeare often wrote: to have a sexual orgasm was to Tasssssssssssste small part of DEATH! In a case where neither congregant developed a coronary condition, HAHA I don’t think that I have ever heard of an instance more illustrative of this simple metaphor than my noble prince literally fading away in my soft loving RUTHLESS arms… And so too by the sheer intensity of his transformation my own mortal end to the last little flickers of reservation from my dearest love… HHEHEHEHEEHEHEHEHEEH HMMMMMM

Oh come on… Don’t look so surprised. I mean honestly, did you REALLY think that I was going to let Mark walk away from me? Did you really think that I was going to let him keep HIDING from me forever? No no… I’ll never go back to living like That again… After a while such intense erotic frustration becomes so TRITE! Loosing yourself over and over in the corrupt excitement of the most exquisitely immodest bedtime stories and then have to face the absolutely boring reality of the next sunrise… Having to see the absolutely Villainous man of your deviant dreams lurking behind the piercing blue eyes of the innocent little boy standing in front of you DAY after DAY after DAY?… Laying awake countless lonely nights in the midst of lurid little fantasies searching desperately for some way to bring “HIM” screaming to vibrant breathing furious iniquity! To see the glorious light of your sadistic loving tormentor just over the horizon only to be trapped in the unending abyss of self doubt and the fruitless pursuit of “SANITY”! Hmph. Being more afraid of loosing him than never really having “HIM”… That’s the cowards way out… That used to be me… I used to be a Coward… I used to be AFRAID…. HAHAHHAHAHA But not anyyyyyyyyyyyy MORRRRRRRRRRRREE HHAHHHAHAHHAHHAAHAHA

So shed a tear for MY sweet innocent little princess-the cute little girl that I used to be-for she is NO MORE… HAHAHHAHAHAHAH But don’t worry though. The OLD CLAIRE isn’t completely gone... She’s still around… in a way! She has just blossomed into THIS radiant flower of her life’s eternal spring… There is no need to mourn the gentle innocence so long since past, just take a bow before Merciless Sadistic Seductive QUEEN standing before you… HAHAHA MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

I know I know…. I know what you are thinking. I know what you are going to say… “How could you DO that to him? How could you deceive that you LOVE so much so callously? How could you write all those e-mails knowing full well what your ruthless cold-hearted lies would do to him? How could you sit there so deviously while you make him rip his aching heart out day after day in a near suicidal jealous rage just for your sick twisted voyeuristic pleasure? You liar!... You Bitch!… You… MONSTER!!!!”

HAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH AHAHAHAAHAH HAHAHAHAHAHA HHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAHA! Well, you’re right of course. I can’t deny it. I stopped denying that a long time ago. That’s what made this all possible. That’s what made this all so special. That’s what makes this all so… MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM HAHHAAHHAHA… But you have to give me this. The one thing you can’t say about me is that I didn’t WARN you… AHHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHH

But the answer to your questions is simple to the point of absurdity. Beyond the obvious licentiously repercussive reasons there is one very honest very simple explanation:

BECAUSE IT WAS FUN!” HAHAHAHAAHAHHHAAHAHAHAHAHA! MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM! It felt absolutely sinful writing those deviant little letters. I knew what they would do to him… I first met my MASTER poolside all those years ago. I always had an idea that Mark liked to tease and tickle me a little bit more than all the other boys... Just how much was a wonderful surprise that I plan on THOROUGHLY taking advantage of… HAHAHAA. I have fantasized about him throwing me to the ground and mercilessly torturing me to screaming hysteria ever since I truly realized that naughty tickling fingers teasing even the most innocent parts of my profligate form causes such warm moist ripening between these warm sensual thighs. It was easy coming up with lecherous little tales to tell… The only real hard part was picking which ones to type out… HHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAAAHHAHAH

I got to watch my dearest love every day for almost half a year walking through hot searing coals burning with intensity the likes of which even Dante could never fully articulate. I got to watch him die a little every time that we would pass each other in the hall way. I used to rush home in the middle of work just so I could see his shadow. Just to see him stop somberly in front of my door racked by all the delicious wretchedness that my sheer unmitigated cruelty birthed into his darkening heart. I saw him walking through the greatest depths of emotional hell day after day-for me… ALL FOR ME… HAHAHAHAHHAA

I mean I know I know… We could have sat down at some stupid restaurant somewhere and spent god knows how many Long hours talking about our “FEELINGS” but come on… Let’s be honessssssssst. That would have just beeeeeen soooooo BORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRING. This way was so much more… Entertaining hahahahahahahaa! (Don’t look at me like that hehheehe… No matter how much you try to hide it I knooooooooow that you agree with me.. HAHHAHAA… but shhhhhhhhhhhh, I won’t tell anyone. HEHEHE!)

Just think about it… Do you have any idea what that felt like. Can you imagine the sheer sense of power that courses through your veins to feel someone DIE in your arms. To know that it was your warm soft feminine hand that pushed “HIM” so far over the cliff of unbridled carnal ecstasy. To feel his entire body turbulently coursing with painfully euphoric helplessness in the face of your every SADISTIC word? Can you imagine? Literally years of planning… watching… waiting… teasing… taunting and utterly torturing your innocent Handsome young FRIEND all coming screaming to fruition in the eternity of a single throbbing instance?

I wish you could have seen his tears… I had never seen Mark cry like that… not since his mother passed away. That’s when I knew. That’s when I knew that once and for all the crystal flowing rivers streaming down his anguished face had finally washed away the scarred little boy that I had known so long ago. The one that had frustrated me to no end since he captured my heart all these many years past with his teasing tickles and loving eyes. It was my most cherished triumph and the timely death to even the slightest flicker of candle light between our two kindred souls…

It wasn’t Hard… Every time that I see him… those broad shoulders, the way he towers over me, those firm arms, quick hands and menacing eyes I can’t help but concoct a new little bedtime story to keep me very VERY warm at night… MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM! And then picking the words. Oh my god. I felt so FILTHY. I wanted to make sure that each word made him absolutely beg for me. I wanted him to be so hard hanging helplessly on every ruthless syllable. I wanted it to be absolutely unbearable for him-just like all the tortured waiting was for me. I wanted him to hate himself for not being able to touch me, tease me… tie me up and Tickle Torture me at that very moment. I wanted him to HATE me for SHARRRRRRRRRRRRRING my naughty little secrets with someone else. I wanted him to be whipped into the murderous jealous rage that I knew it would take to get over his little hurdle

You see Mark’s problem was simple… He “loved me!” Not REAL love… not what we have now. It was the “HONEY I JUST READ THE SAPPIEST MOST GENEREIC BULL SHIT HALL MARK CARD AND I WANT TO READ IT TO YOU WHILE WE WATCH SNOW WHITE AND ALL THOSE STUPID FUCKING DWARFS” love. That’s okay… It was cute in a way. But it just made me a little light headed in all the WRONG ways. I knew that wouldn’t be the case for long. I knew that wasn’t who he really was. That’s why I never gave up on him. I guess I was guilty too. I should have done this a LONG time ago. Do you know how many torturous nights tightly tied to my soft bed screaming to the high heavens in unending ticklish agony that I missed because I was too AFRAID to be honest?… huh. I guess we are two peas in a pod after all…. HAHAHHAAHAHHHAHAHAHH AHHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

You see real LOVE for people like ME[/U] is different. And as it turns out… people like Mark as well. Neither of us were bad people you understand… We were just surrounded by too many NORMAL people. When you have two paranoid control freaks like us… love is kind of like a weakness. You spend your whole life trying to prove that you are independent, that you can beat your brothers in basketball or that you can live up to your Father’s capitalist expectations and then all of a sudden there is this other person who cuddles up to the only real vulnerability that you have… “LOVE!” No matter how much you try to hide it… You need someone!

It creates this little hint of… Well? How do I say this… resentment. As good as it feels… you resent them for MAKING you feel! It makes you want them to pay for it in a way. For me… I have this sadistic urge to Tease… Taunt. I love nothing more than to see the man I Love with all my heart SUFFER in unending agony just at the sound of my voice, the touch of my hand, the caress of my cheek, and of course my merciless teasing. I truly feel like a goddess every time that I catch him looking at my sexy heels. I absolutely adore seeing the unbridled lust burning in his eyes just by the way I flip my hair. I don’t think I can really explain the sinful joy of watching him so helpless trapped in the tormenting web of my deviant seductive spell. HEHE… But hey, that’s what he gets for making me feel like such a giggly little schoolgirl whenever I am around him right? HEHE That’s what he gets for making me need him. That’s what he gets for making me so addicted to his APPROVAL! And if I have anything to say about it he will keep paying for it for a very VERY long time… HAHAHA.

That’s why it excited me so much to force him to torture me… Laying there, my hands bound high above my head, eyes covered with his naughty little sleeping mask… may mouth invaded by that stupid fucking ball gag that he uses far too often if you ask me… HAHAHAHAHHA! With nothing but the sound of my helpless laughter… the sound of my ecstatic breathing… the furious carnal grunts of sinful rhapsody… or even something as simple as crinkling my nose to spite him I can weave a sadistic mist entrancing my star crossed lover truly MAKING HIM destroy me.

I knew full well that he would never forgive me for writing those things… I knew what that dress would make him think. I knew that was his favorite shade of nail polish… I knew EXACTLY what those heels would make him do to my helpless little bare feet when he had them allllllllllllllll to himself… I knew all that… and I did it anyway… What does that say about ME? HAHAHAHAHAH And as I took so much time to illustrate… HAHAHA MMMMMM Aside from a few subtle inventions of his, my well deserved merciless torment for all my lascivious deeds went Perfectly according to plan… HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAHAH! It’ almost not fait really… I mean I had four older brothers for crying out loud. Being daddy’s little princes and the baby of the family may have spoiled me just a litttttttttttttttle HAHAAHHAHAHAAH. I mean I ALWAYSSSSSSSSSSSS get what I want!… It’s just a matter of [U[TIME[/U]! HAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAH

And Mark… MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Mark. He was trying to ‘HIDE’ all that. He wanted to be like one of THEM… SILLY BOY. HAHAHAHAHAHHHAAHHHA. He needs me. That scares him. His brother left him… his father never really did the whole “SON I’M PROUD OF YOU” thing. His undying love for me is synonymous with an intense mortal fear of me. He doesn’t want me to leave... It’s like a phobia… (so of course I had to poke at it for a while… Don’t look so surprised… What can I say it’s who I am… HAHAHAHAHAAH HAHAHAHAHAAH!) He will do anything that he can to keep me here with him… even if it means strapping me tightly to the bed making me helpless to his blossoming erotic sadism…. MMMMMMMMMM! HHAHHAHAAHA I swear… every time he makes me laugh it’s like a bubbly flowing river of my APPROVAL! When he makes me squirm… mmmmmmmmm when he makes me squirm it lets him know that he can make me FEEL… When he makes me THRASH violently against my tight stringent bondage it just reminds him that no matter how hard I try to fight it… I am here for him. ALL FOR HIM… MMMMMMM and when he makes me SCREAM Oh my god when he makes me scream… It makes him feel POWERFUL-like the sinister tormenting KING of my girlhood fantasies. No matter how out of control my world is while I am being dragged kicking and shrieking across the endless depths of unmitigated ticklish agony I love hearing his ecstatic breathing as he looses himself in lustful omnipotence gluttonously feasting on my utter helplessness. And when he makes me CUM… when he sees me completely out of control grinding shamelessly and grunting so furiously in reckless abandon he takes it as a personal testament to his MANHOOD that he can please me… the woman he loves. The woman he has always loved.

I’ve never held onto anything as tightly as I held him that day; in the moment that we finally ratified our frenzied union with a truly loving embrace. I had spent so much time imagining that very moment… in a way I couldn’t believe that it was finally happening. I had wanted to be that close to him for so long. As wonderful as I imagined it to be there was still absolutely nothing that could have prepared me for the sheer rush of warm flowing emotions that enveloped all that I was as I held my dearest love so tightly in my arms… He had gone through so much for me… for us. Just to get here. Just so that we could both arrive at the one place of true happiness that had alluded us for so long.

Sometimes… it is only when you find the center to life’s interminable maze that you realize how truly lost you once were. I had been hiding this thing-this wonderful truth about the majestic creature I was meant to be-for so long… Even in the midst of my stealthy seduction the thought of being so lovingly accepted by the man of my most precious dreams still felt like a distant wonderland just beyond the stars. I had allowed myself to be blinded by all the obstacles between us and taken away from the one thing that I truly wanted. And even in the hour of his greatest despair, trekking aimlessly through the perfect hell that I created for him My brave gentle night found a way to rescue me from the fearful shell that I had become. As far as I had drifted off into the doubtful wilderness, my gentle persuasion helped my royal paladin bring me back from the brink of utter hopelessness. No matter how much I tried to hide myself wrapped in the dark enigma of detached correspondence… “He Found Me!”

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/w4ZrutF66bY&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/w4ZrutF66bY&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

It’s a strange sensation really-wrapping yourself so sweetly in the love of another. I had held back so much from him… for so long. I never knew if he was ready, if he would accept me… It had always been dangling on the tip of my tongue but I could never say it… Not until this. With his deepest emotions on full display manifest in the deep soulful sobs through his heaving chest it was as though his freedom became mine. All those many things that I had wanted to tell him for all these years came pouring out with the same liberty as his many tears…

For months, my life’s greatest degenerate thrills were derived using my malicious words to rack and torment my dearest love with envious rage-fertilizing the childlike darkness burning deeply within his strong chest. Now, in the wake of our shared gestation, it is my life’s great honor to freely articulate the true radiance of my undying affections. I rested my warm soft cheek against his nibbling and kissing gently against his burning ear as I made my most treasured confession. I told him about what I really felt the first time that we met… I told him the sad story of a scared little girl and her huge crush on the boy next door. I told him about the truly countless fantasies that I had had about him… only “HIM” since I was just a girl. I told him that I had never felt this way about another person as long as cool breath had occupied this earthly form. I told him how hard it was to be away from him these path few months… I told him how “PROUD” I am that he waited for me… so patiently-so strongly. With so many words I had torn down my life’s great love… built I built the high walls of our new shared kingdom with just “THREE.” As if the oath of our shared love carried with it the wondrous magic of ages since past I could feel the deep rivers of sorrow shift to streams of such rapturous joy as I shouted out in feverish whispers that he was is and always shall be my “Only One!”

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/Rojm9G9u9Zg&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/Rojm9G9u9Zg&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

It took a while… I knew it would. His entire world must have been spinning so fast. I let him take his time. When the gentle rivers of his sweet tears finally began to subside I could feel his gaze stirring from that wonderful spot on the floor that he had been starring at. HAHA. I just rubbed his strong arms and caressed his full chest with my soft hands blowing sweet whispers in his ear letting him know that I was there… right there with him. No matter what and no matter how hard it was. I will always be with him. He finally began to turn towards me… He is so handsome. The evidence of his burning affections still stained his sweet cheeks. It’s funny…. I didn’t even realize that my own eyes had begun to water until I saw that smile… His smile. The great oasis of my most treasured bliss. We didn’t speak… we didn’t really need to. After what we had just been through, I don’t know if even I could find words to truly give it justice. We just sat there freely. Not having to hide our feelings or desires anymore. The nervous giggles and loving expression were drenched in the warm adoration filling our majestic bedchamber. We so tenderly wiped away each other’s tears-only to see two more moist crystals drizzle into place in the wake of our shared affections.

There was only one thing left to show him… I had never thought that anyone would ever see it, but after such a miraculous journey I could no longer deny my sweet King from walking through every nook of his captured garden. Just looking at his warm flushed cheeks, starring eyes, and the nervous tremble of his strong form I could not help but turn my attention to the many years of suffering at his sadistic hands. I couldn’t help but fantasize about all the ruthless beleaguering and sinister teasing that awaited my royal knight at the hands of his gentle Queen. My sweet joyous smile had brought Mark so much comfort throughout our friendship, but just the thought of sincerely “EARNING” every second of ticklish torment through my absolutely reprobate misbehavior brought for the truly demonic grin of dreadfully cruel intentions. I could see it in his eyes… I could see how much it EXCITED him to know that he had only scratched the surface to the true depths of my masochistic evil.


Lost in my sinister leer I tried sheepishly to peel back the dark locks adorning my face but just as I touched the slightest wisp of my long black hair… Mark Stole Me! He took forceful possession of my sweet lips as though her were a loving thief in the night. He didn’t ask my permission, he didn’t check to see if it was okay, he wasn’t tentative, he didn’t care what anyone thought-he just wanted… needed to touch his precious essence to mine letting lips do as hands do in the sacred prayer of our new found love. It was so romantic… It’s the sort of thing that only happens in fairy tales. But in our case… the ending is a little UNIQUE: two ruthless monsters beset by eternal depravity both indulging wildly in such a glorious ever after.

I was still adorned in the suggestive covering of my tight black dress, but in reality I was more wonderfully naked than I had ever thought possible trapped on this earth. He was so strong, so unyielding and yet so gentle. He guided me so skillfully to lie beside him with out lips still intertwined. With his every passionate kiss and tight loving embrace Mark truly made me feel as though I was his most precious treasure in all of earth’s creation. His lips were so tender, his arms so warm, his embrace to enveloping. He never denied… but he would sporadically tease me. It was such a gratifying frustration chasing his sweet lips to and fro as the searing warmth of our impassioned breath brought us each to newly frenzied heights of sensual desire. It was a glorious mix of masculine dominance and loving affection to be lost so wonderfully in his tight embrace held hostage to his talented sweet lips. I never knew that Mark was capable of such intoxicating romantic exploits… but I always “BELIEVED!”

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/7_xBIoPe5PM&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/7_xBIoPe5PM&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

Half an hour passed as though it was half a second. I could have stayed there trapped under the spell of his gentle kisses for all this world’s eternity. The only thing that could pry me away from the true place of my life’s precious destiny was my first true act of sincere repentance. He had given me so much… so selflessly. As we both shared in our first true day together… how could I not return the favor?

I gently rolled him onto his back. He was so weary from out great journey. I could feel his entire body aching for just one more brush… on more touch… one more caress from his noble queen. I just pressed my finger to his wandering lips assuring him that his our of great indulgence was most greatly at hand. Slowly… ever so slowly I made my rightful decent settling between his strong legs. I starred down at him with my piercing hazel eyes savoring his wondered anticipation of all the things to come. I kissed slowly… beginning at his neck worshiping freely the royal skin of my loving captor. With each loving peck I freely accepted my eternal place by his side. Lower… lower… lower still. I let my hair cascade along the trail of my gentle kisses teasing him as only I know how. I felt such a depraved rush of excitement as I could see the manifest of my sensitive destination registered deep within his sick mind as my merciless lion roared in feverish approval arching in lustful abandon. My eyes never left his… I wanted him to see how absolutely unashamed I was even as I felt his renewed throbbing erection pressing to forcefully into my full breasts. I wish you could have seen the look of unmitigated lust as I slowly pulled down his boxers…

Gently… ever so gently, I took his strong dominance between my fingers. I let the soft supple skin of my left cheek rub gently across the tip of his painful erection and the sharp wicked claws of my merciless right hand dig violently into his left inner thigh. His entire body tensed and throbbed as my nails callously raked back and forth. I giggled malignantly feeling his hard stiff manhood pulse with every painful pass along his thigh. I truly couldn’t tell if he loved the sharp scraping… or if he NEEDED IT! His fervent indulgence was just that strong. I could tell that my girlish streams of laughter at wielding his sinful pleasure only enraged the erotic beast even further… so much to my delight. In a way… I think that he expected the pain. The light flutter of my other five nails on the underside of his quivering balls was another story all together… HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM HEHEHEHE

So many nights I had used my merciless words to offer unthinkable torment to the wonderful man lying before me. Now, with his delicate essence trapped under my wicked spell I would use these sweet lips to THOROUGHLY apologize! (Several times I might add! HAHAHAHA….) It was so magical. Feeling him explode in my mouth… OVER… and OVER. Forcing stream after stream of frenzied indulgence from his sensitive scrotum as I teased and stroked it so mercilessly. Hearing his loud earthy roars of carnal rapture as his entire body tensed in the wave of my loving ministrations. A child can give pain… it takes a real woman to give a man true pleasure! And feeling him crash over and over again into the deep sea of orgasmic rhapsody my long journey to womanhood came to a GLORIOUS end…

Needless to say… Mark was exhausted. After all, I had put him through SO MUCH over the past few months. I had dragged him through the most wretched searing depths of hellacious torment and taken him to the highest summit of orgasmic rhapsody. After such an epic journey I knew that he needed a little more sleep. After all, he’s only human. HAHAHA! I could still feel my entire body coursing with lustful excitement, but there would be a lifetime for him to reciprocate after his little nap. I just curled up right next to him pulling the covers tightly over us. I left my heels on just so he would have a glimpse of all that awaited him once he finally did awake from his gentle sleep.

You know, the term sleeping with someone is so over used. The act itself of sharing rest with someone else is so intimate. It is the point of greatest vulnerability for even the greatest titans of this world or the next. Just watching him drift off into the wonderful slumber that I had prepared for him was an unexpected gratification more intense than I could have imagined.

I just laid there next to him. He was so peaceful so warm… I found restful comfort but not sleep of my own. I was honestly amazed. Curled up against my life’s great love I was beset with loving wonder… I liked preparing things for him. It gave me such pride to take care of him… just as he cares for me. It made me feel so… whole. So needed so valued. It was something that I had never really thought of before… It was so-wonderful.

Then I saw it-again. Turned toward me as his arm came to rest against the soft pillow I could see the twelve stinging lacerations of my carelessness. Overwhelmed with the furious emotion of caring for my deepest love I was shocked by the eternal evidence to my first miss-step in that endeavor. I never meant to hurt him… That’s okay. I realize that now. All young serpents take time learning to control their venom… I am not different. HAHAHA. I just wish sometimes that my first lesson wouldn’t have been so lasting. Just laying there starring at my one great failure I couldn’t help but squirm in the face of the lasting consequences. As much as they would heal they would always be there. And that was something that I could not except. I couldn’t live under that cloud. I couldn’t take seeing those twelve reminders every hour of every day. I had to get out.

I took the time to set a few of Mark’s business affairs in order. After all, I can’t let the state of Illinois stop delivering shipments just because of my little FUN can I? I made sure that all would be well until my darling arose, but I couldn’t just lay there and do nothing as the knowledge my sweetheart’s enduring pain gnawed at my brain. In a way, it was like I could feel all twelve deep searing cuts against the sensitive nerves “inside” my heaving chest… I made sure that as I left the apartment I did not wake him… I didn’t want him to suffer-or even loose an ounce of sleep-for any more of MY mistakes. I knew that one day he would understand.

I can only imagine what he thought when he first woke up when I wasn’t lying next to him. I never asked. I know that one day he will tell me, but I thought that I could at least let him have that moment to himself for just a little while longer. I just remember the look of furious relief when he saw me sitting on the sofa when he finally walked out of his bedroom-the same place I was sitting reading his precious novel that started our magical day. As wonderful as it was for him to see that I was still with him, I could see the joy wash away when he saw what I was holding tightly in my hands.

Mark couldn’t speak. I could see his entire body captivated by the black box that I held tightly between my slim fingers… the box I never knew existed… the box that he had hidden from me for so long. He had shown me the scars himself, but he never told me about his little friend! As it turns out, for all the wonder and all the notes that I sent him “HE” was the only one actually seeing someone else-the sharp knife that stole so much of his sorrow from me.

I could see that he was apprehensive about sharing this part of his life with me. I could understand… but now-after all this-he didn’t really have much choice. Now it was my life too. I could see him fidgeting slightly as he stood in his doorway. I knew this would be hard for him. I just let him follow the beacon of my comforting smile as I guided him to my side.

He didn’t want to look at me as he sat beside me, but he couldn’t look away. He could see that I wasn’t mad. I know that surprised him. But I wasn’t mad. I was just concerned about the man that I loved and all the pain that I had caused him in my youthful zeal for his anguish! He tried to explain… I know that he wanted to make it all seem less than it really was, but I just put my hand over his mouth with a gentle “shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.”

I told him that I was sorry that I hurt him that much… I let him know that I would never dream of causing him THAT kind of pain. I knew that he just needed comfort… and that I wasn’t there for him. It’s not that I meant to scar him, I just forgot to protect him. I assured him that it would never happen again. Just as I had promised I would always be by his side no matter what happened… no matter what obstacles lay between us in the eternal course of life’s enumerable trials. But I also told him that the only way that “WE” would work, the only way that I could be there for with him was for us to face all life’s challenges… TOGETHER!

I handed him the kit… The terrible collection of tools for his most self destructive habit. He knew what I meant. I wanted him to open it. I wanted him to open last veil between us letting me into the darkest parts of him… just as I had done hours before. I knew that I wouldn’t be easy, nothing truly great ever is. But he had to. He had to for me. He had to for himself. He had to for US!

He thumbed the hinge hesitantly. I wrapped my right arm around his strong neck drawing myself closer and closer to him kissing him on the cheek letting him know that I was right there with him as hard as it was to let me in. I could feel the conflict within him anguishing over the unthinkable disclosure and relishing in the comfort of my loving embrace. There were not words of merciless teasing only guiding musing of sincere encouragement. He could do this… WE could do this…

He slowly opened the dark box of his storied past utterly shocked by it’s new contents. Even before his first full sigh I brought my sweet lips to his taking in every ounce of his startled relief knowing that I had already thrown out the only things that had ever really come between us! With that one passionate kiss I let him know that I loved him… ALL OF HIM… no matter what hardships that might mean. Marks glowing eyes filled with watery joy having finally put the darkest chapter of his young life behind him with my loving assistance. Even amidst all the evil desires and carnal designs I have for him, how could I not save the man I love from the frigid cold of his life’s winter?

Like two giddy school children sacking the tree on winter morn Mark an I feverishly shared in the new contents of his secret box and I helped him try on OUR WATCH. The immortal symbol of my covering for the unthinkable pain that adorned his left wrist. I slid it so eagerly past his fingers marveling in the golden shine knowing that now he would always have a piece of my protection wherever he went instead of a reminder of my regrettable absence. I was so happy… It almost felt….

He pulled me so close to him. I can tell that he really developed a unique taste for my blend of loving evil. The only pain that I ever want him to suffer is the horrid frustration from my merciless teasing and the carnal digging of my sharp fingernails in wild ecstasy. All other discomfort would be held by back my loving protection symbolized by my watch, the watch that covers my one great mistake with an immortal act of kindness.

And ironically enough, the same watch that gave us this little opportunity to chat! It’s amazing how life works isn’t it. HEHEHE. And don’t worry, for that day and so many sense I was well rewarded for my deviant duality… HAHAHA MMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

SHIT, I am going to be late. I still have to go get a pedicure before I leave… I cannot believe how long it takes these people to put in a simple battery. I think that I am going to have to learn to do it myself one of these days. I am already meeting Mark for dinner, now I guess he will have my tardiness as an excuse to have my freshly pampered soles as a ticklish desert. HEHE… HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM I really hope he accepts these new high black strappy sandals as a peace offering (what am I saying, that will just make him tickle me worse hehe!) I don’t know why I KEEP coming here…. HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHHA

And you know it’s funny, as much it fulfilled me to cover the physical scars of Mark’s ardent suffering I never really thought it would be possible for him to cover the deep scars across my aching heart knowing that I REALLY hurt him. Needless to say even my concept of reality changed when he gifted me with this Ring. A diamond… just as unbreakable as the growing bond between two kindred souls. What choice did I really have but to say “Yes?”

So maybe past all the hallmark cards and Disney films life really does have happy endings, not just the ones we see on T.V. I know that there may be some people out there… somewhere… that don’t think I deserve him. The may think me too perverse, too malicious, too calculating, too callous, too immodest, too sadistic, too hedonistic, too villainous, too wicked, too sensual, too carnal, too indulgent, too nefarious, too DANEOUS, too monstrous. HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHA But that’s what Mark loves about me…. HAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Oh… And I know that there are a lot of people who might think that the SIN of my reprobate deceit is just too UNFORGIVABLE. And in a way they’re right. And I’m sure that they will be pleased to know that I am constantly reassured by my RUTHLESS KING that I will spend every day for the rest of my life LAUGHING SCREAMING THRASHING AND SUFFERING IN UNENDING TICKLISH AGONY at his sadistic mercy (or more often than not lack there of… HEHEHE) begging for the carnal relief that only he can give as eternal penance for my unthinkable transgression… HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM HEHEHEHEHEH I hope that makes them feel better. I know it helps me sleep so PEACEFULLY at night… HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!

I really hope that our little talk has answered some questions for you. I still remember what it felt like when was still coming to grips with who I am. The first time that I started to really see the little MONSTER starring back at me in the mirror. I remember feeling like I was alone. I hope that hearing my little tale helped you in your quest with that special someone. I almost feel sorry for them… HAHAHAHAHAHHA ALMOST. You know, I think that they should really thank us for all the pleasure that we give them, no matter how much it hurts at the time. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Like I said, it won’t be easy. But it’s not impossible. Take it from me. I would have never thought in a million years that someone like me… someone like us would get to life happily ever after. I thought I was crazy for my enduring hope. Now, I am just a few weeks away from truly taking my place by his side forever-well at least until death do us part. HAHAHAHAHAHA. And don’t worry about poor Mark. He is in very VERY good hands. The horrible things that I did to him have long since past… because they are nothing compared to what I am DOING to him now. HAHAHAHAHAHAH! My gentle teasing via-email is nothing compared to the lascivious villainy that I subject him to every day in the living breathing TEASING flesh.

Take tonight’s dinner for instance… I love sitting next to him letting my sexy shoes slide just enough against his strong calves for him to get “the hint!” I can’t resist flipping my long hair showing him enough of my bare neck for him to think of his own appetizer while I order. I feel almost FILTHY digging my nails into his toned thigh under the table feeling his entire body whence in pain and his naughty little dominance come roaring to life against my slim teasing fingers while he tries futilely to keep his composure in front of the waitress. HAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAAHAHHAHAHAHAHA! MMMMMMMMMMMM I really am a Monster huh… HEHEHEHHEEHHE. And you know what, even with all that… Mark knows how ruthless, evil, indulgent and immodest that I can be… he still loves me. With one simple honest act even in the wake of my most licentious depravity I can feel the undying comfort his monstrous lustful rapture “ALL AROUND ME” locked tightly in his loving arms… And that’s what makes me: PERFECT!

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My dear sweet Mark,

Huh… I can’t believe this is happening. It seems like just yesterday we still felt awkward being around each other, and the thought of ever really being together was like some far off dream world. I can still remember what it felt like thinking that I might never truly have you and now I know that we are going to be together for the rest of their lives… It seems like every time I look down at this beautiful ring that you have given me it takes all that I have to fight back the wonderful tears that always fill me… The joy is that intense. You make me that happy.

Your mother knew. She always knew this would happen. I don’t know how or why, but she knew. She never really looked at me like normal people do. She always looked at me the same way that she looked at you and James. I never really understood until that day. I’ll never forget it. You had to go downstairs with your father… James was down the hall getting us something to drink. She told me to sit on the bed.

God Mark, were so young. We still think that we are going to be here forever… I can’t imagine what it must have been like having to face the reality that your next moment could be your last. Your mother was always so strong, I knew that. But it was amazing that in the face of her own mortality that she was still that point of calm for us while we were all crumbling in the wake of her adversity…

She just took me by the hand. I remember seeing the tears in her eyes… those deep hazel pools of strength, virtue, and perfection. I thought that she needed me for comfort, but I was wrong…

“You two are going to be so… Happy together!” Walking through the valley of what should have been her greatest sorrow the gentle tears streaming down her face were not of grief but joy… elated joy… for us! At the time I knew exactly what she meant, but I tried to deny it, to deflect it. I tried to do anything to hide from the truth… I mean I had feelings… I’ve always had feelings for you, Mark. But I always thought they were my secret. Not from her…

“Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh… I know that it all seems so confusing right now. I know that so much is uncertain… But that’s the way it’s supposed to be. It won’t be easy… nothing worth having ever is… Believe me… that’s the best part. That’s what will make this… That’s what will make the two of you so special…” She sounded so sure, so calm, so encouraging. This wasn’t just someone hoping that their son marries that cute girl from across the street. She looked me right in the eye… she held my hand so tight. I could tell that it wasn’t her wishful thinking. In our final moments together she was just letting me know that the millions of questions that race through my mind every time that you used to walk into a room would one day be answered. In her final moments, when I was supposed to be offering her comfort and solace over the life that she lived, instead she took the time to reach out in her final gift of kindness to comfort me in the changing of my life’s great seasons…

“When Mark’s father and I decided not to have any more children, I didn’t have any regrets… *SNIFFLE* I love my two boys… They have been my entire world for so long. I was always happy, always content. They are so precious. *SNIFFLE*I didn’t think that there could ever be anything more precious than the two of them. *SNIFFLE* After James was born I never thought that I would have a daughter *SNIFFLE* until I met you… And ever since Mark first introduced us… *SNIFFLE* I knew that you are just as much a part of me as he is.

“He’s so… sweet, and kind. *SNIFFLE* Just like you are. *SNIFFLE* My first born son… The Crown Prince of my fading heart. He is so strong Claire… stronger than he can imagine. That’s why his father is so tough on him… *SNIFFLE* He loves him so much… *SNIFFLE* He sees so much of what he can be…. *SNIFFLE* But he still needs al little looking after… *SNIFFLE* caring… *SNIFFLE* affection *SNIFFLE* encouragement… Don is a good man. He has been the light of my life for as long as I can remember… but Mark needs something more *SNIFFLE* I have known for a long time now that I probably wouldn’t get to see him become the man he is yet to be… *SNIFFLE* I am his mother… The same body that gave him life carries the burden of his mortality… *SNIFFLE* I feared for so long Claire that I would leave him alone… *SNIFFLE* Just when he needed me the most… *SNIFFLE* But now, as I look back on my life and forward to his to come… *SNIFFLE* I know that as sure as you hold my hand now Claire… *SNIFFLE* that Mark will never be alone… *SNIFFLE* That’s why even though I know what the doctors say… *SNIFFLE* Even though I am in this much pain… *SNIFFLE* Even though I might not see another sunrise… *SNIFFLE* I can smile…!” I don’t know if I have ever cried that much before Mark. I mean, I love my mom. Don’t get me wrong. But she was always working… going to the gym, helping my brothers with sports. We were never really all that close. We never had a moment that intimate… sitting there, hugging her so tight. Our hands closed tightly around each others… She was my mother, and I was her loving child. Not apart from my own parents… but in addition to…

She made me promise her… that I would take care of you. She told me that she knew I would… She just wanted to hear me say it. She just wanted to hear that you would always have a soft hand to reach for when times were hard. That you would always have a warm smile to greet you at the end of life’s long days… I have never meant anything as much as I did when I told her that I would always be beside you… That is until that one special day by your father’s pool with one… eternal “YES!”

I know you remember when I went down stairs. Right after she passed. And I hugged you so tight. I wasn’t just comforting you… It really felt like I had lost a parent. I knew then that we would always need each other… I just didn’t know if I would be able to keep up my end. I spent so much time wondering if I was strong enough, brave enough or even good enough to keep my word and stand in the wake of her gentle prince for so long… She and your father were so PERFECT. I didn’t know if someone like me… someone so different could fit into that world of near nobility… Now, lost in your strong loving arms I know that her blessing was not in vein…

Next week still seams like something out of a story book. I guess in life sometimes Fairy Tales do come true… I just wish that your mother was here to see the wonderful bedtime story that she helped author… I wish that she had the pleasure as I do of seeing her sweet prince blossom into the gentle King of my life’s sweet spring. I wish that she could see her adopted princess grow into your loyal queen always at your side. I wish that she could her life, even beyond our own in the form of the beautiful children that our love can so richly create.

I have dreamt about this moment since I was a little girl Mark. You have given me more than I ever thought possible and made me feel as though I deserve all that your loving heart can give. It will be the pinnacle of my sheer existence to pledge my life to you offering my hand in mortal union. I just hope against hope that your… Our mother will be looking down on us as we fulfill her eternal vision on that “Sweet Day!”

I Have Do and will Always love you more than any mere words Can express,

Your eternal: Claire XOXO

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My precious Claire…

Wow… I know exactly what you mean. Whenever she referred to me and James you were always in the conversation. When dad was only worried about what IVY league school I was planning on attending, Mom would always ask where my polite little friend was or about the last time that I talked about you. She always said your name with a reverence, as though the syllables themselves had a higher meaning that she was trying to get me to understand.

I never knew how right she was until that one day… when I finally put my fear aside and saw such utter perfection in your own hazel pools. You have always been there for me, sweetheart. You have more than kept your word. She was right… I don’t know what I would have done if you weren’t there to look after me. You have no idea how many times that faithful hand and comforting smile of yours has brought me back from the brink of utter destruction… I would say that you have been a wonderful influence on my life, but that is no longer the case Claire. You have been my life for so long I cannot imagine taking another breath without you by my side. It is my life’s great honor to take your hand in the sight of the entire world announcing our fierce bond to all creation and bringing the flame of our eternal love into new light…

My mother was an extraordinary woman… When I was a child, she was a deity unto herself in the eyes of her eldest child. I will miss her always. I never thought that I would be able to find someone that could make me feel so complete, so loved, and as cherished as she made me feel. I never thought that I would meet anyone that put me at ease, comforted me, and drove me to my highest points of achievement as she used to. I never thought that I could love anyone as much as I loved her… until I met you.

And you’re right; I wish that she could be there on our great day. She deserves it… She would always tell me how wonderful she thought you were. As if I needed any reminder-LOL. She always went out of her way to let me know you were unconditionally welcome in our home… She always wanted you there for family gatherings. And without ever really telling me, she always let me know that I deserve to be truly happy with the girl that I have always loved… For all her gentle encouragement, I wish that she could be there as an angel over our shoulder one more time when we finally end any space between us becoming the one being that we always kind of knew that we were meant to be…

But, there is one thing I have to disagree with… She DID see it. She saw everything. She saw the beautiful woman that you now are. She saw the interesting young man that you helped me become. She saw us together… finally together the way that she always knew was inevitable. She saw our wedding, our beautiful wedding. She saw your gorgeous white gown. She saw your father taking you down the isle. She saw the beautiful bouquet of twelve roses atoning for all the time that we took to finally get this one thing right. She saw our tears, the crystal streams of joy over our ultimate connection. She saw our children, our beautiful children: the gentle fruit of your delicate womb and the glorious extension of her own. She saw our family, the one that she helped craft all those years ago with her gentle nurturing. And she saw our love. The bond that will hold us and our new nuclear unit together across the sands of time as we grow older… and our children experience the wonderful rollercoaster of life and love that we have been so fortunate to tame… She saw all that Claire, while she yet lived. I know she did. I know that she could see your virtuous perfection, the growing daughter that she never thought possible… the countersign to my life’s greatest desires, her successor as my life’s great covering the wife of her sweet crown prince, the innocent queen to her unborn king, and the mother of her adorable grandchildren!

My Mother was able to see all these things Claire every time that she looked you’re your beautiful hazel eyes-just as I always have…

Your eternal provider, protector, lover and friend,


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Bonus Scene:

“Calling in Love Sick!”

The hardest thing in the world for a father is to loose a son. In a way, having your male offspring consciously choose to distance themselves from you across 5 states is almost worse than a mortal loss. There can almost be a comfort in the randomness of fate. No one can control when someone else drinks and drives. It is not a choice to be in the wrong place at the wrong time… Only a higher power controls who’s heart stops and when. Loosing his wife all the many years before had taught him that all too well…

There is a certain harshness when a child chooses to walk out the door. You spend your entire life, providing, protecting, caring as best you know how. There is never really a guide book to being a father is there? You try to teach them all the lessons that you can… You try your best to prepare them for the world that you know lies in front of them… You try to make them understand… You try as hard as you can for longer than you could have ever imagined only thinking of them… and then one day-they are just gone. No explanation, no note, no letter of departure. Just an empty bed built out of the blood sweat and tears that only a parent can quantify.

You’re left with nothing but questions… Could I have said I love you more? Could I have hugged him more? Could I have been less hard on him? Was it my fault? Will I ever see them again? Are they okay? Do they need me? Did they ever need me? Do they hate me? Do they love me? Did they ever love me? Do they know how much I love them? The worst part is the silence: the quiet monologue of a man who still has to lead his eldest son and prepare him to run the family business. The heaviest burdens are the ones that you know you have to carry alone. No matter how harsh you may have seemed, no matter how much of a monster you may have appeared to a small boy the only thing that you feel is the heart ache of a great love being torn away from you with every sunrise while they are away…

There’s anger sure. There’s fear… But never really hatred, not of your child anyway. It is a much more inward process. It becomes really hard to keep looking in the mirror day after day… especially when it reminds you that the other side of the bathroom will never be filled again. Not by her. Not by your lost love. The question that haunts you the most is “maybe this all wouldn’t have happened if she was still around…” Every time that you look at the hall he used to occupy. Every time that you see that despondent look on your eldest sons face there is only one thing in the world that you desire in all the world to make the searing pain of loss go away: A second chance. But day after day of no word and as hope slowly dies a little bit-day after day. The thought of such an ominous mercy begins to slip between your tired fingers and you resign yourself to the fate of your life’s greatest failures. You just thank God that your eldest son was able to find an angel to comfort him in the wake of your inexcusable weakness. You actually begin to tell yourself that he deserves more than the lot that you have left him with the crushing overbearing of his lost brother. No matter how cavalier you thought that you might be in the beginning, you begin to accept the fact that you may never see your lost little boy EVER again…

That all changed for Don Saddler today… What felt like a lifetime yearning to see his lost son one more time came to a glorious end with just one phone call from Marcy, his old secretary when his prodigal son walked right into his departed office. His entire life was a testament to the preservation of strength. His own father driving trucks for his grandfather during the great depression was all the inspiration that he needed to make him a strong believer in “The Strong Silent Type!” That all faded away, if only for an instant when he heard the young enthusiastic voice when his assistant handed his young son the phone uttering the one word that washed all of his prolonged suffering away… “DAD!”

Breakfast was an absolute blur. How can you concentrate on food when the last decade of your life is sitting in front of you for the first time? He didn’t talk much. He listened. For the first time in his life, he listened! It wasn’t easy. With Jim it never was really. They were so different. He was so much like his mother, such a free spirit. It was one thing for her to compliment him but he had always thought his two sons would be cast in his stern mold. He finally realized how frivolous his personal vanity was just listening to the sheer jubilance in his young son’s face having fully engaged his life long dream. He realized now that his boy’s happiness and their time together were far more important than “toughening” him up.

And even still was strong. Don’s greatest fear was that James would somehow be weakened outside the strengthening sands of commerce. Don couldn’t help but think that growing up so far away from his family and making it on his own had probably been a large factor in his glowing confidence. Through the course of his wondrous meal Don didn’t know if he could ever forgive himself for pushing his son away like that, rejecting his truest ambitions. His simple question was answered with their final embrace and James loving whisper as his loving son did it for him.

James had to go; he was making preparations for the first art exhibition in Chicago. Don couldn’t help but marvel. Less than 24 hours in the city and already planning to show the world that the last few years hadn’t been in vein. No matter what life had thrown at him he was still there… still confident… still a Saddler. Don had been guilty of emotional neglect for so long, it almost comes with the office title, but today-this day-he didn’t forget to tell his loving son how “Proud” he was of him…

He couldn’t bring himself to leave the booth. He was still trying to cope with the reality of life’s great redemption. As he ordered another cup of coffee peering out of the bright window he knew that a day like today would not be complete with stopping off to tell the woman he loved more than life itself that her beautiful son had found his way home-and that he wished to god she was still alive to see it!

“Don! Good Morning… How are things?” Phil extended his hand heartily with a grateful smile to the namesake of his new service provider. They had played golf on more than one occasion. It felt good to finally shake Don’s hand as part of their new business relationship.

“Hey Phil…. Long time!” Don was still a little off guard after his morning sit down with his youngest son. He was honestly glad to see Phil… he was just a little preoccupied at the moment.

“Yes it has been hasn’t it? Not since last year at the annual skins game down at the club. I can’t believe that you pulled off that wedge shot on 18…” How many people actually hole out form the bunker? Phil swore that Don was hiding a tour card SOMEWHERE!

“Hey, what can I say? Sometimes you’re just born with it… I’m sure you’ll take it next year…” What’s a little white lie between friends?

“And that reminds me… They tell me that now a’ days with the wiz kid running things you’re usually taking in the first round of golf about now. What brings you down?” Phil was well aware of the Saddler tradition once the mantle was passed to the next generation. He fully expected Don to be off perfecting his iron shots.

“Oh… That’s a long story. To tell you the truth I just finished breakfast with my son. So forgive me if I seem a little preoccupied…” Don didn’t want to seem rude, Phil was a good guy. He was just off in the headspace of his wonderful morning.

“Oh you did… Is he still here? Maybe he double booked us?”

“Oh no… I don’t mean Mark. I actually have another son named Jim. He lived with family out on the west coast going to school. I don’t get to see him that much. He just sort of came into town to surprise me…”

“Oh Don, that’s wonderful. I’m not disturbing anything am I… because you know if you’re in the middle of something…”

“No no… We’re done. He’s off putting together an exhibition. He’s an artist as a matter of fact. He’s moving into town to be close to me and the boy. He’s just getting his stuff out there. Trying to create ‘BUZZ’, whatever that means…” Don couldn’t necessarily follow everything that James had said, but he listened intently to every single word all the same.

“Oh oh… wow Don… A budding CEO and an accomplished artist… you must be really proud…”

“Yes I am… I’m very proud… Of both my boys. Thank’s Phil. Thanks a lot. I just wish their mother was here to see this…” Truer words may never have been spoken. At times like this, Don could never help but think how much better things would have been had Deb still been around to take care of her boys… How could he ever make up for her?

“Yeh Don, I don’t know what I would do without Regina… but the Job you did with those boys… I don’t know if I could have held it together like that…”

“Thanks Phil… I mean that…” Don couldn’t help but be taken back. Hold it together…. He had accused himself of so much over the last few years-never holding anything together. Above anything else, he thanked all that there was that despite all his short comings, he would finally receive his second chance… “Hey Phil… did you say that you were supposed to be meeting Mark here today?”

“Yeh… It’s the strangest thing. I don’t know if you heard but he closed me yesterday…”

“You old turncoat. I hunt you down for fifteen years and you turn around to give the account to my oldest boy. I know I’m not going to here the end of this anytime soon. HHAHAAH… but that’s great…” WOW… Phil Blackburn. Even for an aging veteran like Don Saddler he couldn’t help but be impressed. How many accounts was that this month? He couldn’t believe that he had lost track.

“Yeh, I was supposed to get an e-mail from him last night and then meet him here. I never received one from him, I got one from his office though. I came here this morning and… well I didn’t see him. I mean, I know life happens. God knows what I would give to be in my mid twenties again… HAHAHA. Really nothing to go over really, just glad handing and ceremony I guess. But I called Marcy, and she said that she hadn’t seen him. I was just going to walk over to the office and sign the contract. Like I said, no real questions… Just want to get it done you know… Then I saw you and I wanted to say hello… Maybe see if you knew where the man of the hour was…”

“Oh… well I’m sure that something must have come up. Even when he was running errands he was nothing if not punctual. I’m all done here. Why don’t I walk you over to the office and I’ll take you over to Jim Thornton’s office and take you through everything…” It had actually been a while since he had been in the office. Even under these circumstances the thought of going back in for a day felt really good in a very temporary way. The tee box is great, but it never really talks back you know?

“That’s great Don. And listen, one breakfast is small potatoes. That boy of yours really did a good job reeling us in. I hope you don’t think less of him because I had to eat a bagel by myself…”

“Don’t worry Phil… Think nothing of it. I’ll give him a call when we are done. Maybe this weekend we can all catch up. You might even get to pay me back for holing that wedge shot last year…” Don had been financially set for quite some time, but for some reason that crisp 50 from Phil at the end of a round always made his day that much sweeter.

“That sounds terrific. Let me just go get my blackberry. I can’t believe I left it in the car. Just give me a few seconds and then meet me outside; great to see you…”

“Great… I’ll meet you outside… Alright.” Mark was never late… let alone miss appointments. Don was more concerned about his safety than his punctuality. As he tipped the waitress and paid for his morning meal he couldn’t help but wonder what had happened to his Sales Manager… He walked outside pondering what time would be appropriate to give his eldest son a courtesy call. He wasn’t a boy anymore. He was a growing young man. The last thing that he wanted was to invade his space because of short sleep or bad pizza. He found himself content calling if he hadn’t heard from him when he finished with Phil’s new contract. That is until…


Don’s heart stopped when he looked down at his cell. Since his wife had passed there were very few people that he felt comfortable talking to… He was so glad that he had kept in touch with an old family friend that was always able to put him at such ease the way that she always did. He cherished her every phone call or visit as though it was his dearly beloved’s angel watching over him in her stead… “Well Good Morning Claire… how are you on today?”

“Unbelievable, Mr. Saddler. Just… Huuuuuuuuu Unbelievable. HEHEHE!” How are you?” Don could sense a wonderful joy in Claire’s voice. It was as though she already knew that this had already been one of the most memorable mornings of his long life…

“FANTASTIC… Claire… Absolutely fantastic. You’ll never believe it, but I just got finished having breakfast with James… JAMES Claire. After all this time… Oh my gosh. I thought this day would never come. I love him so much, Claire. I am so glad he’s here… I’m so Glad he’s home!” Don guarded the vast majority of his emotions from the rest of the world, but for some reason he always felt so comfortable talking to his son’s very polite best friend.

“I thought you sounded in good spirits this morning… HEHE. Mark actually told me that James was in town yesterday after they had spent some time together. I am so happy for you guys. I know how tough it has been for you since he left. I’m so glad he’s back. I can’t wait to see him…” Claire didn’t realize that James would be so quick to meet up with his father. After their split she thought that it would take much more time. She was horribly relieved to see that they had already taken the first step to rebuilding their lost time apart.

“Yeh… he asked about you. I told him that you were still here in town and that you were keeping an eye on Barbra’s boys for her. And that’s great that Mark told you. I’m glad he’s talking to at least one of us again… I think that our budding superstar is starting to let his ‘island’ status slip over into his work I’m afraid. I just saw Phil Blackburn. He was supposed to meet Mark here, but he didn’t show up. I hope everything’s okay. I don’t suppose you have any idea what’s gotten into him this morning…. HAHAHA. I guess no one does…” It’s a tough thing to watch a son grow… You want to help them as much as you can, but you know that they have to do some things on their own. It’s an interesting balance between tough love and looking after…


“Well What Claire…” Since Mark went stealth Claire had portrayed ignorance of his plight to his father. The idea of actually sharing the truth was far too terrible to contemplate. Don was strangely intrigued that maybe after all this time She had some real insight into the life and trials of his eldest son…

“HEHEHE, Well that’s kind of why I’m calling.” Claire tried as best she could to choose here words carefully. How exactly was she supposed to tell him the real excuse for Mark’s absence….

“Oh… I hope that everything is alright. He’s not ill is he…” When you loose a loved one, your sensitivity to illness in the family becomes quite keen. Don could feel every hair on his body rise to attention inquiring to the physical well being of his precious boy.

“Oh don’t worry, Mr. Saddler. Mark’s okay. He just won’t be able to make it in today.” It was true. The more truth that Claire could offer in the absence of the whole truth was a feather in her cap at this point.

“Oh well that’s good to here. I don’t blame him. After working as hard as he has I’d feel a little burnout myself!” There was a time… maybe 3 hours ago before Don had reconnected with that lost part of him when he would have gone into his “no pain no gain” spiel, but on a morning like this compassion was definitely the better part of valor.

“Yeh, HEHEHE. Trust me, I know what you mean. Mark just had a REALLY rough night and he just needed a little bit more sleep. I’m sure he’ll be right as rain tomorrow. He’s just so tired. I think a day off would do him some good…” Claire couldn’t help but feel almost maternal interceding for her exhausted friend to his father…

“Awwwwwwww… there you go taking care of us again. HEHE. I don’t know what we would have done without you ever since Barb passed… You’re an angel Claire… you really are…” On today… of all days… Don actually began to feel as though he might just be in the clouds with her.

“HEHEHE, Thank you Mr. Saddler. I do what I can… I’ll tell Mark that you said hello! Have a great day…” Claire knew that she had to get going. She knew that it would be a long day ahead of her getting acquainted with the mysterious man next door that she had so forcefully awakened.

“You too… oh and Claire. Just one more thing. If Mark’s still asleep how did you know to call?” It seemed like a simple enough question…


“Claire…” It was amazing. They both had that tone… that I know you are hiding the cookie behind your back tone. What could she say… Like father… like son.

“Because I kind of tucked him back in… You know… rough night and all…” That made sense… Didn’t it?

“Uhh huh… And this ROUGH NIGH… I take it you didn’t exactly just HEAR about it did you…?” Don was no detective, but you didn’t exactly have to be a CSI to connect these dots…

“Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Not exactly…” It’s amazing. The one man she could never lie to fathered the one man she loves to teasingly deceive. At least fate has kept its sense of humor.

“Uhhhhh Huuuuuh. So let me see if I have this right. So my son and his lovely best friend don’t really talk to each other all that much for what… a good five months. And then when they finally see each other they have a ROUGH NIGHT TOGETHER that leaves my son too tired to make his 10:00 and you miraculously there to tuck him in and call his father for him… Is that about right?” Don’s tone was positively inquisitive. She knew that she was exposed… but how would he take it. It was all so sudden…

“HEHEHEHEEH… Yes Mr. Saddler… HEHEHEHE… Something like that…” Claire couldn’t believe that she had said it… She felt like she was a school girl caught making out in the hallway closet… How could she possibly face this…

“Uhhhhhhhhh Huuuuuuuuuuu… I thought as much. Claire… I have known you since you were a girl. I just have one thing to say… IT’S ABOUT TIME!

“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HEEE thank you… HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEEEH!” Claire was almost shocked at Mr. Saddler’s enthusiastic approval. The tension of potential embarrassment was washed away in the river of glowing acceptance. Complete with his father’s blessing… could this possibly be more PERFECT?

“I would say welcome to the family… but you know that you have been a part of us as long as we can all remember. You know, Barbra and I always thought of you as a daughter… this just makes it official… Oh, and you can tell Romeo that I don’t want to see him near my office for the next few days. I spent his entire adult life afraid he might let you get away… I can miss a few holes of Golf to hold down the fort for a while. You kids take some time… enjoy each other. You never really know how much TIME you are going to have…” Don could barely believe his ears. He had hoped for so long that Mark would finally just grow up and tell Claire how he felt about her. It was so painfully obvious. He could see it in the way he looked at her, or the way his entire world paused at the very mention of her name. He really began to doubt if he would ever really have the grandchildren that he had thought to be a certainty… maybe he really is becoming a MAN?

“Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww… That really means a lot to me Mr. Saddler. Really it does. I’ll relay the message that he has earned a little time off. I’ll make sure he doesn’t get into too much trouble…”

“HEHE… HE BETTER… HAHAHAHAHA! If only Barbra could see this… She talked about it all the time, but I think you know that… Huuuuuuuuuuh. Man. Listen, Phil finally found his silly blackberry so I am headed into the office. When he wakes up would you please tell my son that it’s customary to call in love sick before you pass out on your girlfriend. SHEESH. HAHHAAH. Anyway… you guys have a great morning and oh Claire. Thanks for pushing me to promote Mark to Sales… I didn’t really think he was ready, but now he’s almost better than I am. But don’t tell him that…”

“Oh don’t worry, Mr. Saddler… You’re secrets safe with me… I won’t tell… HAHAHAHHAAH” Of all the things Claire had learned in the events o the past few months, she definitely knows how to keep a secret.

“And Claire… It’s been ten years… you can call me Don!”

“Mmmmmmmmm, I don’t know. It feels kind of… out of place. I was thinking more along the lines of… ‘Dad?’” She had wanted to say it for so long… Now just felt as though it was finally the right time.

“You read my mind… Have a great day… BYE!”


Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, that really was a great day. Always remember this: few great things are ever accomplished alone. Most successful people achieved their place in life by making friends not enemies. That’s a lesson that I learned all too well building such a good relationship with Mark’s father. It’s really fun to carry your diabolical scheming all the way to the little puppet strings behind the scenes. The poor person that you have your designs on can’t even see the full reach of your sadistic claws before they are lost so helplessly in your loving arms… It’s almost not fair really… HAHAHAHAHAHAHA *WHISPER-ALMOST-WHISPER* HEHE.

I think you can tell that I am a rather CONFIDENT person, but even still knowing that our faithful union was good in his father’s sight made everything all the more worth while. I took on the task of telling his mother personally. I kind of owed it to her. I was given the gift of her first born child… the least I could do was stop in from time to time to let her know how she was doing. And a moment like this would definitely warrant a full report. As a matter of fact the watch I picked out for him is the male companion to the one that she always wore… I thought that it would be a very nice loving touch.

For a while I didn’t really think that I deserved to wear “HER” engagement ring. Everyone assured me that she would have wanted me to take the honor, but there was just something about it that caught me a little off guard. She was like the mother that I never had really; I mean she was larger than life while she was with us. Fulfilling the destiny that she had laid out for us was heady enough; being placed on her mantle with the sacred ring of her loving union was a little too much to take.

But then, one day a few weeks after the engagement all that went away. Mark and I were stopping by on our way to meet James at the art Gallery. We always like to stop in for a few minutes just to say hi… I didn’t really know where it came from, but there was this pink flower growing right underneath her headstone. It was funny, no flower had ever really grown right there before… or at least I hadn’t noticed. It might have been nature, it might have been coincidence, it might have been bird seed gone astray but it didn’t matter. I knew what it really was. It was her hand. It was her hand once again reaching out to me letting me know that it was okay… that I was okay. That I could be the great woman that she was… and that she was so happy to see me marry her loving boy. He didn’t know why I was tearing… I could tell that when I kissed him it took him by surprise. But I was just so sure of myself… everything fell so perfectly into place. The most unmitigated joy just filled me with that gentle taste of his sweet lips…

It was then that I knew Mark was right… She had seen us together while she yet lived, she would be looking down on us when we finally wed… And above all she wanted nothing more than for me to follow in her footsteps caring for all her loving boys… especially the strong man of my sweetest dreams.

From that day on, I knew-really knew-that just because of “WHAT” I am that doesn’t suppress “WHO” I am… As cruel and merciless as I can be to Mark sometimes… I can still be his devoted wife, mother to our beautiful children, counsel to his father and friend to his brother. I can be all the things that Barbra Saddler laid out for me in her last wish. I knew that no matter what she would always be with me… and that I would always have TIME on my side…

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Thank you again...

I would just like to take the time to go ahead and thank EVERYONE who takes the time to read this particular tale. It is my life's great pleasure to have a support network like all of you to share my gentle musings with...
As promised, a more in-depth look at this.

Honestly, dude? I'm horrified and shocked. Which is exactly why this works. And works beautifully. I'm gonna be honest here and say, having been there more times than I care to count, that there's a little part of me that's hoping you're really ok with this. I know exactly where stuff like this takes you.

It's very easy to say things like "pulled from your soul" or "excersizing your demons". But to truly understand that is something else altogether. There's so much more to it than that. We all have our dark places, we all have things we need to...blah, blah, blah.

But to not just face it, but blow it open...to actually dig in and allow yourself to be consumed by it...that's a line very few dare walk. I't sone thing to write about deep, dark places and hidden traits and desires....but to use them, justify and condemn them in the same piece, absorb it all and make it work for you...that's a rarity, and rightfully so.

To have seen where you've come from, and where you are now, is the highest compliment I've ever had in having some level of influence on someone. So often, people want to write with others, or converse with writers they like, to either attach themselves to a "name" or to just take a few things here and there. Pick up a couple quirks and such. Basically, it's often for the wrong reasons or just doesn't work.

You, on the other hand, have amazed me in so many ways other tha just what you write. You and I have shared a lot of our insights and ideas on writing. I've seen you take parts of those conversations and such...and not just absorb it, but make it something truly unique and yours. You're one of those few writers with a true hunger to grow and expand. To explore that which is often just out of reach. And who actually pulls it off, too.

You already know what I think about the story. It goes without repeating again. It's the author that continues to impress me and in turn, challenge me. Me and everyone else here. Actually, the hell with that...material like this is a challenge to writers in all genres.

But please, for your own sake, try something a little more lighthearted to break it up between stories like this. Not sure if my brain can take more at the moment. :triangle:
As promised, a more in-depth look at this.

Honestly, dude? I'm horrified and shocked. Which is exactly why this works. And works beautifully. I'm gonna be honest here and say, having been there more times than I care to count, that there's a little part of me that's hoping you're really ok with this. I know exactly where stuff like this takes you.

It's very easy to say things like "pulled from your soul" or "excersizing your demons". But to truly understand that is something else altogether. There's so much more to it than that. We all have our dark places, we all have things we need to...blah, blah, blah.

But to not just face it, but blow it open...to actually dig in and allow yourself to be consumed by it...that's a line very few dare walk. I't sone thing to write about deep, dark places and hidden traits and desires....but to use them, justify and condemn them in the same piece, absorb it all and make it work for you...that's a rarity, and rightfully so.

To have seen where you've come from, and where you are now, is the highest compliment I've ever had in having some level of influence on someone. So often, people want to write with others, or converse with writers they like, to either attach themselves to a "name" or to just take a few things here and there. Pick up a couple quirks and such. Basically, it's often for the wrong reasons or just doesn't work.

You, on the other hand, have amazed me in so many ways other tha just what you write. You and I have shared a lot of our insights and ideas on writing. I've seen you take parts of those conversations and such...and not just absorb it, but make it something truly unique and yours. You're one of those few writers with a true hunger to grow and expand. To explore that which is often just out of reach. And who actually pulls it off, too.

You already know what I think about the story. It goes without repeating again. It's the author that continues to impress me and in turn, challenge me. Me and everyone else here. Actually, the hell with that...material like this is a challenge to writers in all genres.

But please, for your own sake, try something a little more lighthearted to break it up between stories like this. Not sure if my brain can take more at the moment. :triangle:

Wow... I am completely and utterly humbled by your kind words jin... i am also completely in awe of the time and energy that you have invested in me... I still think back to your wonderful story that i read as a startingpoint for my own writing style. it's amazing that you would offer such a wonderful response to my most ellaborate offering... perhaps its fate that my most sincere thank you coincides with my latest ascension...

next project...

Father Knows Best

Written By: JJ82284

Hey Guys its James, or you probably know me a little better as TBK09. I know that I haven’t posted in a while, been busy with school and all, but I have just got to tell you what happened yesterday. I am still a little in shock so bear with me while I type this… LOL. Just goes to show that life is just full of surprises.

It all started yesterday during lunch.
Dude...for fuck sake! Take a breather!

No seriously...if it's rolling, it's rolling. Reminds of my first year here. Enjoy it, but make sure to keep your perspective.

Can't wait to see what comes out next, my dear friend.

don't worry i am... I call it the bounce. whenever i get finished with a really long project like this i almost always at least start something else... you get so used to typing and building plot that its kind of hard to stop.... I have a few pages written but i am just trying to RECOVER at the moment... don't worry. i am not going to burn out on you d... lol.

you know... i wonder how many people have actually finished at this point... lol.
Well, over the past few days I've been reading it. And I've now finished.

And I must say - wow. Really, wow. I'm impressed. Writing something this detailed (and hot 😛) is far beyond what I'm currently capable of; I'll likely end up reading it again at some point. It was easy to get into either character's position (would say shoes, but... 😉 haha) and the suggested twist at the end was really unexpected (that the red text throughout it was not, in fact, Mark...)

Really, really, well done. Congrats. Great read, just wish it was easier to read things in several different sittings online.

Well, over the past few days I've been reading it. And I've now finished.

And I must say - wow. Really, wow. I'm impressed. Writing something this detailed (and hot 😛) is far beyond what I'm currently capable of; I'll likely end up reading it again at some point. It was easy to get into either character's position (would say shoes, but... 😉 haha) and the suggested twist at the end was really unexpected (that the red text throughout it was not, in fact, Mark...)

Really, really, well done. Congrats. Great read, just wish it was easier to read things in several different sittings online.

When i first posted this thread, i really didn't know if anyone would take the time to read it. I am so humbled that you have made such an investment. thank you so much for reading my gentle work, it means more to me than you will ever know. you gracious comments make the entire process worth while. i amm so glad taht you found something of meaning in my writing and i am glad that i did not dissapoint.

John. '
Such a good story! It is my favourite on this forum so far, I think. You write so nicely and it is very long. Makes me...I think I need a cold shower... :faint:
Such a good story! It is my favourite on this forum so far, I think. You write so nicely and it is very long. Makes me...I think I need a cold shower... :faint:

ahhhh another satisfied customer. lol. thank you so much for your comment dove. i hope to hear from you soon...

wow, I dont know what to say.. I see you as a sweet young man through our many phone conversations and see you as my son then you go and write something like this. I knew you have been working on this forever as we have talked about it. It makes me proud of you and a bit scared at the same time. To see you as our Son then to also see the dark side of you that is so evil and sensual but, we all have many sides to us to make the whole pie.
I love how you captivate your audience with the emails and songs and looking in to the main characters mind. wow

ok, I so need a cold shower now. Stay in touch and dont forget Dad expect you to get the lawn mowed by this weekend.. lol

Loves ya bunches/Mom
Good grief this is epic. To tell the truth I haven't even finished the first part yet but I had to write and give you huge kudos for your creation. I found some text I wanted to quote back to you in my reply but as I read on there were more and more passages that stuck out, I would have just ended up quoting the entire story at you. Heh.

I know you are a good writer and IMHO one of the very best on this forum and this is a meisterwerk.

I will keep reading.

Thank you.
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