Ohh boy... this is a great thread....
To give an example of what njjen3953 may be thinking, I always found it unbelievably hypocritical and idiotic that, lets say in high school, if a guy and a girl have sex, they will be thought of as cool. BUT, if the girl gets pregnant, people will talk as if she did something wrong. People may even look down on the guy, too. The exact same action, but the attitude of others depends on the consequences. Or, the guy will look cool, but the girl will be considered a slut, even though they BOTH engaged in the same act.
I think this is more on intelligence and being able to understand reality and being able to put yourself in others shoes, and being an understanding person. There are an awful lot of idiots out there. Close minded, stupid bigots, blithering fools, and just plain retards. They will look at a group and label them one way, because they are too stupid and hateful to bother learning any more. ForeverRio and Dave talked about how some people can separate tickling and sex easily, and can tickle someone one day and it will be playful, and the next day tickle their partner and it be sexual. I understand that, because I can do that. To many people "out there," in the wide world, could care less. They will assume it's all sexual to us, and that's that. Sadly, there are even some here who think along these same lines. If you are able to seperate the playful aspect and the sexual aspect of tickling, there shouldn't even be a debate. But, these people think they're right, everyone else is wrong, and that's why we have these debates in the first place.
Now, I used the word "bigot" for a reason. Does anyone care what a bigot thinks? No. They're an idiot, they hold a pathetically ignorant view on the world, they're a bully, or a piece of crap, and that's that. It's not like you can debate them, or reason with them. Just go talk to someone who hates blacks, or whites, or gays. Talk to them for a few minutes. You will quickly find out any attempt at reason is utterly hopeless. I have talked to people who hate blacks, and whites, and gays, and anyone of a different religion. Believe me, any attempt at reason or thought is wasted, and the more facts and reason you give them, the more pissed off they get. Go talk to a bunch of people who think that women who have sex are sluts, but guys who do it are cool. You will get nowhere and if you make a good point, they will just try to hit you to prove their "superior intellect."
It is extremely important, njjen3953, that you ignore these people and get on with it. Just ignore them. Don't try to talk to them, reason with them, don't even acknowledge their existence. You will get nowhere. They're fools. You would have better luck arguing with a concrete slab. Once they are ignored, they will wander off and bother someone else. You and everyone else here who doesn't think like them will always be above those people. Never forget that.