NJJen...this is such a good thread....thank u, if u hadn't started it I was thinking of starting one similar....there were so many valid points raised with the thread about my closing my groups but I just didn't have time to even organize them all to create a new one.....I have always loved hearing feedback from others because u learn so much about yourself through the way other people see u....and u learn so much about other people based on how objectively u can view yourself in response to their feedback.....I know that I made several points in my past posts that I wanted to elaborate on but didn't.....I have been so highly judgemental of myself as of late and have been in conflict so I fear I may have even portrayed my viewpoints as judging others, I hope I didn't, if I did it certainly wasn't my intention.....
I think what is sad is that when people are confronted by one another on a level as intimate as the likes of this forum , with the sharing of viewpoints , and though the individual dynamics of our passions range far, the overall interest of tickling is obviously something we all have in common or we wouldn't be here.....I find humans interesting in that we all use various means by which to compare our "normalcy"....our levels of "okayness"....etc....all of which we should probably care beans about.....who is society? who is the media comprised of? who are we all to one another ? We're all just people...imperfect human beings doing the best we can with what we have.....my goal though, is not to deliver a sermon but to make a point....as a woman smack in the middle of what I have self diagnosed as an "extreme" tickling fetish I have been in great conflict as of late and it is not the members here, yahoo or anywhere else on earth I am worried about judging me....it is the only one whose judgement really matters in the end.... I care more of what Gods word says about the way I am supposed to be living my life than what anyone else may think....and I am in conflict with what I want to do and what I feel I should be doing.....and the mixed messages any number of people have received from me are very real...I will validate that...I send conflicting messages because I am in conflict....I have so many thoughts and fantasies about being tickled during so many periods of every one of my days that I don't know how to handle it sometimes.....and as geeky as it sounds I am crying so hard at this moment because I have nowhere to talk about it....no one to talk about it with in a way that is safe......my boyfriend, whom I love to pieces has moved away and though we still love one another like mad we cannot be together right now....heck, we may not be able to be physically together again....(okay, crying much harder now...lol...and laughing....I think women are the only creatures on earth that can laugh and cry simultaneously...*sniffle*...lol)...anyway, based on my apparent vulnerability, I am even more protective of my conversations with men...not wanting to send the "wrong message"...I have tried to confide in male friends in the past and thru no fault of their own the wrong message was sent.....Jenn...as a woman I am sure u know this all too well...when a women admits she loves sex she is labeled harshly thanks to our ancestors and theirs before them....Like so many other women on this panel and in the world, I am a very sexual woman with many "strange" interests so I am as suseptible as one can be to judgement I suppose....so NJJenn.....in defense of us...women are sent such a mixed bag of signals of what men and society deem appropriate that it gets to the point where u have to rely upon how u judge yourself and then decide who we want to hold us accountable....I would never push religion or anything else on anyone but for me, I have found that Gods word provides me with the structure and boundaries that I have needed my whole life from a loving being...I never had that at home and when u rely upon other imperfect human beings to provide a boundary for u regardless of their level of selflessness , there is always an agenda involved....to summarize... as women and men we need to decide by what standard we will judge our own behavior and self worth and be loyal to it regardless of what other people think....people will always leave, by choice or death so I choose God...but whatever works for everyone, God Bless🙂
I think what is sad is that when people are confronted by one another on a level as intimate as the likes of this forum , with the sharing of viewpoints , and though the individual dynamics of our passions range far, the overall interest of tickling is obviously something we all have in common or we wouldn't be here.....I find humans interesting in that we all use various means by which to compare our "normalcy"....our levels of "okayness"....etc....all of which we should probably care beans about.....who is society? who is the media comprised of? who are we all to one another ? We're all just people...imperfect human beings doing the best we can with what we have.....my goal though, is not to deliver a sermon but to make a point....as a woman smack in the middle of what I have self diagnosed as an "extreme" tickling fetish I have been in great conflict as of late and it is not the members here, yahoo or anywhere else on earth I am worried about judging me....it is the only one whose judgement really matters in the end.... I care more of what Gods word says about the way I am supposed to be living my life than what anyone else may think....and I am in conflict with what I want to do and what I feel I should be doing.....and the mixed messages any number of people have received from me are very real...I will validate that...I send conflicting messages because I am in conflict....I have so many thoughts and fantasies about being tickled during so many periods of every one of my days that I don't know how to handle it sometimes.....and as geeky as it sounds I am crying so hard at this moment because I have nowhere to talk about it....no one to talk about it with in a way that is safe......my boyfriend, whom I love to pieces has moved away and though we still love one another like mad we cannot be together right now....heck, we may not be able to be physically together again....(okay, crying much harder now...lol...and laughing....I think women are the only creatures on earth that can laugh and cry simultaneously...*sniffle*...lol)...anyway, based on my apparent vulnerability, I am even more protective of my conversations with men...not wanting to send the "wrong message"...I have tried to confide in male friends in the past and thru no fault of their own the wrong message was sent.....Jenn...as a woman I am sure u know this all too well...when a women admits she loves sex she is labeled harshly thanks to our ancestors and theirs before them....Like so many other women on this panel and in the world, I am a very sexual woman with many "strange" interests so I am as suseptible as one can be to judgement I suppose....so NJJenn.....in defense of us...women are sent such a mixed bag of signals of what men and society deem appropriate that it gets to the point where u have to rely upon how u judge yourself and then decide who we want to hold us accountable....I would never push religion or anything else on anyone but for me, I have found that Gods word provides me with the structure and boundaries that I have needed my whole life from a loving being...I never had that at home and when u rely upon other imperfect human beings to provide a boundary for u regardless of their level of selflessness , there is always an agenda involved....to summarize... as women and men we need to decide by what standard we will judge our own behavior and self worth and be loyal to it regardless of what other people think....people will always leave, by choice or death so I choose God...but whatever works for everyone, God Bless🙂