I begin this post with a certain amount of trepidation. It’s going to be challenging reading this; be warned! Probably more than it was to research and write it. For anyone to agree with any single component of it, would fly in the face of fundamental “facts” that everyone knows are true; such as America being the freest country in the world and the fairest country in the world. I think for that reason that non-American readers will find it easier to swallow, even where criticism of their country is implied. Europeans, Brits, Australians etc tend to be not less patriotic, but far less positive about their inherent national righteousness. This is also going to be touted as a “conspiracy theory”, but what the hell! It’s just information at the end of the day. There are too many people in this world that say that you have to agree with their perception of reality, so I won’t be going down that route. I’ll certainly get passionate about this information, but hopefully not bombastic.
As a sort of disclaimer I’ll say right off the bat that I don’t support or agree with evil and disturbed people like Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein. Both of them are lunatics, robbers of human life and perpetuators of human misery. But there are also people who publicly demonise these two to hide their own crimes and misdeeds. So even though Osama and Saddam are head cases, there are those who are worse. And before anyone asks, yes I am talking about George W. Bush and Tony Blair. Not just about them, but they certainly feature prominently in this story.
Anyone who’s read any of my previous posts about politics or religion will be familiar with the theme I’m going to be taking. For a start, the “I-Word” will be featuring prominently in this story. (Illuminati) There have been several misconceptions of the meaning of this word in the context I use it though. Most people think of the “Illuminati” as some shadowy secret society that operates outside of the visible public arena and clandestinely controls events on the public stage. That is accurate to a certain extent, but not totally. To explain what I mean by the “Illuminati” I have to explain what me and my fellow equally derided conspiracy theorists call the Pyramid System. (No, it’s nothing to do with Amway.)
Each industry, profession and structure of society is built like a compartmentalised pyramid. Take banking for example. You’re a teller that works for Bollockhead & Squigley Bank PLC. You work on the desk, and have generally no idea what goes on inside the branch manager’s office. You’re just told the minimum you need to perform your job effectively and that’s it. Similarly the branch manager has little or no idea about what’s going on at regional level and they have no idea what’s going on at board level and they have no idea what goes on at international level. As you get higher in the organisation fewer and few people are involved and those in the lower levels have no idea about what is going on from the next level up. The same is true of the military, medical profession, politics, secret societies like the Freemasons and Skull and Bones Society at Yale University, everything. They are all the same. However, there is another pyramid that encloses the whole of society and goes to the point at the top. At the tope of this pyramid, the same people control every industry by delegating downline to their subordinates in each industry. These people control the banks, the newspapers and TV and radio stations, the armies and navies and the secret societies. These people are the ones I refer to when I use the term “Illuminati”. This means that the Illuminati are not “the Freemasons” or “the Shriners” or “the politicians”. They’re the ones at the top of the overall pyramid who control them all; in the vast majority of cases, unknowingly and probably unwillingly. These Illuminati are centred on some prominent families in the world who have been running things in all departments from time immemorial. If you find that hard to believe then consider that George W. Bush is a cousin of Britain’s Prince Charles and Queen Elizabeth the 2nd. Not only that but he’s the latest in a long line of cousins. George W. Bush is the 43rd man to be elected President of the United States of America. Out of those 43, 34 have been so closely related to European royalty that they can directly trace their heritage back to King Charlemagne, the monarch of medieval France. No wouldn’t it make sense that a country with close to a billion residents since it began and was a place where “anyone born tomorrow could grow up to be President”, would have a bit of genetic diversity in it’s leaders? It makes sense to me, but it’s not the way it’s ever been. President after President has been elected with close blood ties to European royalty and nobility. And they share with royalty and nobility the obsession about intermarrying and interbreeding with each other. The so-called “establishment” families of the north-eastern United States like the Kennedys; Melons, Bush’s etc are all related to each other by blood and are always rogering each other for mutual genetic benefit. Why? What is so bloody marvellous about perpetuating the DNA they inherited from their royal relatives in Europe? This is not even a very closely guarded secret, but simply a non-circulated one.
During the end phase of the 2000 presidential elections, Burke’s Peerage, the “Bible” of royal and aristocratic genealogy said exactly the same thing. In 1996 when Clinton was facing of against Bob Dole, Burke’s Peerage said that the candidate with the most royal genes had one every election since 1789 when George Washington was elected. On October 17th 2000, Burke’s Peerage stated unequivocally that Dubya and Al Gore were both of Royal descent with Dubya having the slightly bluer blood. Harold Brooks-Baker (publishing director of Burke’s Peerage) said in the Reuters report: “It is now clear that Mr. Gore and Mr. Bush have an unusually large number of royal and noble descents”. Not really, not if you know how the game has been played for centuries. He goes on to say: “In point of fact, never in the history of the Untied States have two presidential candidates been so well endowed with royal alliances.” He goes on to say even more. Indeed, he claims that there has always been a significant “royal factor” in those who set their sights on the White House. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Teddy and Franklin Roosevelt, Ronald Regan, George Bush (X2) and others all have significant blue blooded linkage. He mentioned that Al Gore, (a cousin of Richard Nixon incidentally) was a direct descendant of England’s Edward I and has direct genetic connection to the Holy Roman Empire via Emperors Louis II, Charles II and Louis I.
This does of course make Gore a descendant of Charlemagne, which in turn makes him yet another cousin of George W. Bush! Surprised? You ain’t seen nothing yet.
For those of you who feel offended that I’ve implicated Freemasons in this “conspiracy”, bear this in mind. If you know a Freemason, I would bet my pension that they’re no higher ranked than the 3rd Degree. Well there are 33 degrees in the Sacred Scottish Rite of Freemasonry and 10 in the York Rite. 3rd Degree (Master Mason) is roughly the equivalent of a platoon sergeant in the army. Such people have no say or knowledge of the agendas of the organisation as a whole. A book called The Deadly Deception, written by Jim Shaw, himself a former 33rd Degree Freemason reveals some interesting facts. A very prominent Mason was one Albert Pike, who died in 1891. He wrote a book called Morals and Dogma which were intended for people in the upper echelons of the organisation to know about, but Jim Shaw very bravely makes a passage public.
“The Blue Degrees (the first 3 in other words) are but the outer portico of the Temple. Part of the symbols are displayed there to the initiate, but he is intentionally mis-led by false interpretations. It is not intended that he understand them, but it is intended that he shall imagine he understands them.…. Their true implication is reserved for adepts, the Princes of Masonry.”
The reason I mention this is because I do not want an indignant earful from anyone who has relatives in Freemasonry who thinks I am accusing them of world corruption. People in the first three degrees of freemasonry are no more responsible for that organisation’s corruption, than tellers who work in a bank are responsible for that bank causing the death of millions of children through third world debt. Yanno?
I’ve heard it said a lot that it couldn’t be possible for an “Illuminati organisation” to control the world, because it would take too much organisation and they are far too disorganised to do it. Well not only is it possible, it’s a piece of smegging cake. For a few interbreeding “Illuminati” families to run the game without a ripple, all you need is for certain key institutions of “information” to be securely placed. There are not enough of them (the manipulators) to control us physically, so they have to mind-bugger us into controlling ourselves and each other. You want to rule the world, you create the mediums of media, you create the picture of what is considered “normal” and then you sit back and watch the masses fall over themselves to give control of their minds away. If you don’t conform to the idea of normalcy that is presented in the newspapers and on the TV, you are quickly branded a “freak”, a “nutter”, “weird”, or a “conspiracy theorist”. Not only do they control us, but they’ve created a system in which we control EACH OTHER! As soon as someone steps out of line, as soon as someone makes it obvious they don’t swallow the official version of “normal” their career prospects and street cred are shot to ribbons. If you’re a doctor who knows that the crap Eli Lily and Glaxo-Welcome pump out is poisoning patients more effectively than curing them (a prime example being AZT, the drug used for treatment of AIDS) then you either shut up and peddle the official line, or you get fired. Plain and simple. Same for the teaching profession, one of the most sacred professions on the face of the planet, if not the MOST sacred. You actually encourage students to think for themselves instead of swallowing blatant lies, and your career is over. If you don’t believe me, watch The Dead Poets Society with Robin Williams. It’s a classic example and it’s a true story as well.
Once you’ve established the norms in society, you create divisions in it. You create different religions, different political parties, different isms and ianities across the board and then you set the poor bastards in each one to war with each other. You give Muslims a reason to fear and hate the Christians and vice versa. While they’re busy knocking nine shades of shite out of each other, you sit back and smile happily, secure in the knowledge that they’re too busy fighting each other to concentrate on their real enemies. And shock! Horror! At the thought that people might wake up, realise they’ve got nothing against the other people they’ve allowed themselves to be manipulated into slaughtering and turn their attention to the people who’ve really been causing the misery. What makes this situation even more absurd is that the people fighting each other think their opponents are opposites of them. As I’ve catalogues in God knows how many posts about religion, religions aren’t only different, they’re stunningly similar, with different names for the leading characters and a different dress for the priest/vicar/rabbi/disciple to wear. These religions tell the same stories about the same characters with different names, but millions of people have never cottoned to the con and have fought bloody wars against anyone who didn’t share their vision of reality, purely because they allowed themselves to give control of their thinking process away.
So the primary methods of manipulation are as follows:
*You create a mind-prison doctrine with a fundamentally shortsighted vision of possibility and reality. Doesn’t matter what you call it. Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Republicanism, Democratism, Conservatism, Liberalism, patriotism…they’re all the same. They all create human servitude from the same basic script, while claiming to tell the only real “truth”.
*You encourage those who follow these rigid, dogmatic systems to impose them on others and make life very unpleasant and in some cases, unsafe for anyone who doe not conform to it.
You bring these different dogmas into conflict with each other, so making sure you create a “divide and rule” situation. Without that “D&R” you can’t control the masses, because HEAVEN FORBID!!!!!!! They might wake up and unite. So….. while the masses are busy fighting each other and trying to impose their belief systems on each other, they don’t see that the “Illuminati” have created and are pulling the strings of all of them. People with perfectly functioning minds will become like moths entranced by a light bulb; so mesmerised and taken up by their religious belief, the sports scores, the price of beer and who’s shagging who’s f***ing wife on the soap opera, that they don’t notice the preparations being made behind them to smash them across the back of the bloody head with a fly swatter.
Before I get into the specifics of the lies we have been told about 9/11 and The War Against Terrorism (TWAT for short--- Thanks Grippedchimp. J ) I need to explain about two of the biggest and most effective methods of manipulation that have been used against us. The first of these has been called by “conspiracy theorists”, Problem-Reaction-Solution. (Apparently it was formerly known as the Hegelian Dialectic, but I’ve never heard of that before yesterday.) The other is called the “stepping stones approach”.
P-R-S is the key to really understanding all the machinations behind 9/11. The way it goes, is like this………
You know that if you stand up in congress or parliament and propose removal of civil rights, start a needless war or centralise power behind an un-elected and unaccountable body, that people will be up in arms complaining that you’re screwing them. So you don’t openly and honestly say anything about it, instead you set Problem-Reaction-Solution into play. You create a problem; a country attacking another country, a governmental or economical collapse, a run on a currency (are you listening up there in Canada?) or a “terrorist attack”. Anything in short, that will create a massive public reaction and get them to demand a solution. At stage 2 you report the problems (that you’ve created) in the manner you so desire and in the way you wish the people to perceive them. Very importantly, you find someone to pin the blame on. You need someone like Lee Harvey Oswald, Timothy McVeigh or Osama bin-Laden. (No, I’m not denying that McVeigh was involved in Oklahoma, but simply that he was the public “fall guy” for the situation.) You get your spin-doctors to go into action and make sure a public frenzy of “something must be done about this” is created. These words are drops of honey for the ears of the manipulators because they open the gates to stage number 3. Stage 3 is the sting, the scam, the con, the proverbial shafting up the arse. You propose the very things you wanted to implement in the first place, but couldn’t because you knew the public would not stand for it. The thing is, by now the public are openly demanding you screw them and they think it was THEIR idea! These “solution” you offer are of course, centralisation of power, firing officials or politicians that are too honest for your agenda and are getting in your way and the removal of basic human freedoms.
April 19th 1995 was a classic and heart-breaking example of P-R-S. The bomb at the Alfred P. Murrah building was alleged to have been a fuel-fertiliser device in the back of a Ryder Truck. Independent bomb experts who have served for 20 years in the US army have sworn blind that the pattern of damage done to the building (which was specifically designed to withstand a bomb blast) could only have been done by sophisticated explosives like Semtex or C4, placed hard against the load-bearing pillars in the corners of the building. Yet ask anyone from anywhere in the world what happened there and they will trot out the official explanation, even though it has been logically demolished countless times. Why? Because within 24 hours of something like this happening, the official explanation is battered into the human consciousness through saturation of newsheets and news programs. So where are these more logical explanations circulated? In low circulation newsletters and privately run underground newspapers. Why isn’t it reported in the media if it’s so obvious? I mean, doesn’t America have a free press? Because the owners of newspaper groups like the Mirror Group, Hollinger Group and son on, are members of the same secret society networks that control the politicians. I’m sure you’ve heard me mention them before; the Bilderberg Group, the Council On Foreign Relations, The Committee Of 300, The round Table, The Trilateral Commission, The Royal Institute Of International Affairs etc. All the people in media power like Rupert Murdoch, Conrad Black and so on are members of at least two or three of these groups. The SAME groups that supposed political opponents like George Bush (X2), Bill Clinton, Tony Blair and Edward Heath are members of. It’s the overall pyramid again; the same people control all the organisations. Not only possible, but simple.
The “stepping stones approach” can best be exemplified by the European Union. You have an agenda you want to introduce, namely centralised control of money, politics and the military. You first use P-R-S to get the public to demand that something must be done to stop horrendous wars in Europe. After WW2 came the United Nations, the successor to the League of Nations. And hot on it’s heels comes the common market. “Nothing to worry about, it’s just a free trade area. There is no question of any member nation giving up any of their own sovereignty.” The common market becomes the EEC……a few years later with the treaty of Maastricht in 1992 it becomes the European Union. From a free trade area in which all were independent, it has evolved into an unelected quango, run by bureaucrats with no accountability to the people they fine if they weigh their bananas in pounds and ounces instead of kilograms. If you’d proposed the EU after the war, there would have been an outcry of “We’re not having that! I just fought for 6 yeas to stop that happening! No chance sonny Jim!” So the free trade area was brought in and by a series of apparently unconnected steps, it evolves into an unelected dictatorship, in which individual governments have only too happily given away their independence. The people get screwed by the “stepping stones approach”. The same will happen through NAFTA and APEC eventually. They will go from trading, to mutually sharing laws and finally they’ll be leaping into political bed with each other too.
Within 24 hours of the bombing at Oklahoma, Bill Clinton passed laws through congress that removed basic civil rights from American people, by giving the military more powers in the event of civil disturbance. This legislation went through without so much as a murmur of dissent? Why? Because any suicidally brave senator or congressman who dared to stand up and speak against it, would have been accused of being everything from un-patriotic to wanting to help criminals and terrorists. Classic manipulation. So what is the easiest way to get people to demand that the government take away their rights like Bill Clinton did after Oklahoma? The easiest way would be for a “terrorist group” to stage the most audacious attack in living memory and get the entire nation frothing at the collective mouth to go to war. Now you see where this is going? Thought you might. After seeing “9/11” in the title of this post, you must have been wondering when I’d get round to talking about it. Well very soon is the answer. But first, I need to explain something that you will find even harder to believe than a “conspiracy theory” about the WTC tragedy.
One of the biggest cons ever played on the people of the USA, is the notion of their “independence”. Ask any schoolchild about the War of Independence and they’ll trot out the official line about how wonderful heroes like George Washington, Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson secured liberty for their country and ensured that fair democracy reigned. Watch any cartoon that is supposedly just there for entertainment and you’ll hear cartoon characters talking about how Washington and Franklin were champions of freedom and two of the greatest Presidents the country’s ever had. Nothing about either owning hundreds of slaves of course or anything about Washington being a Colonel in the British Army or a Knight of the Garter in the English court. Strange that isn’t it?
When you take an objective look at history, it is staggering just how many hoops the British had to jump through to make sure they “lost” the war. Some of the staggering acts of incompetence that were required defy belief. And this is the army that produced generals and soldiers capable of destroying the best that Napoleon Bonaparte could throw at them. Uh? Confused? So was I.
When “independence” was allegedly gained, the British overtly withdrew from the country. They left behind them men like George Washington and Benjamin Franklin; men who were both 33rd degree Freemasons and very closely connected with English aristocracy. During the war, Benjamin Franklin was fighting or a fugitive. He parked his enormously well fed bum in a place called 28 Craven Street, which is1 in London, just adjacent to Trafalgar Square. It was from here that all his writings about the American war effort emanated and while he was busy with them, he hang around with friends like England’s Prince Regent at the Hellfire Club in London. Strange for a bloke who was supposedly masterminding political freedom for colonial Americans isn’t it? Yeah, I thought so too.
So independence is won, America is a free and independent country, right? Nah, you should know me better than that by now. Before the war broke out, the 13 colonies were controlled by an entity called the Virginia Company, which was the American equivalent of the British South Africa Company of Cecil Rhodes, which controlled South Africa for decades. This Virginia Company controlled colonial government, trade, licensing and everything else. This company was a private company and its major shareholder to the tune of about 80% was whoever happened to be the reigning British monarch at the time. The rest of the shares were in the hands of whoever was in favour enough at the time to be offered them. Following the war, this Virginia Company changed its name by the corporate equivalent of deed poll. (The method by which British people can change their name if they wish.) This company changed it’s name to…………… The United States of America. Prior to the war, America had been a private territory, owned and administered by a private company. After the war, nothing had changed except the name of the company. This hasn’t'’ changed between then and now. The United States of America is a private company and the idea of it being an “independent” nation is an illusion. The real sting is that the reigning British monarch is still the 80% major shareholder in this company. No, you didn’t read that wrongly. The most powerful “nation” on the face of the planet is a privately owned company, with the Queen of England as it’s major shareholder. Now you’re not going to take this crap off some loud-mouthed limey are you? Where’s the proof and what the f*** has this got to do with 9/11? Follow me…….. (If you’re still awake.)
Not only is the USA a private company, but it’s an insolvent one. I don’t think this legal state of affairs is solely confined to the US either, but at the moment I haven’t had the time or resources to research into this with any other “country”. Here however are some things that I consider proof to support what I’ve just said.
The bankruptcy apparently occurred between the years of the Geneva Conventions of 1928-1932. However it doesn’t appear that any volume containing the bankruptcy declarations was ever published. It is however entered in the United States Congressional Record on the date of March the 17th, 1993. (If you want to look for yourself, you can find it in Volume 33, page H-1303.) James Trafficant Jr. of Ohio told the house:
“Members of Congress are official trustees presiding over the greatest reorganisation of any bankrupt entity in world history, the US Government. We are setting forth hopefully, a blueprint for the future. There are some who say it is a coroner’s report that will lead to our demise.
It is an established fact that the Untied States Federal Government has been dissolved by the emergency Banking Act, March 9,1933, 48 Stat. 1, Public Law 89-719; declared by President Roosevelt, being bankrupt and insolvent. H.J.R. 192, 73rd Congress m session June 5, 1933- Joint Resolution To Suspend The Gold Standard and Abrogate The Gold clause dissolved by the Sovereign Authority of the United States and the official capacities of all United States Governmental Offices, Officers, and departments and is further evidence that the United States Federal Government exists today in name only. “
“The receivers of the United States bankruptcy are the international bankers, via the United Nations, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. All Untied States Offices, Officials, and departments are now operating within a de facto status in name only under Emergency War Powers. With the Constitutional Republican form of Government now dissolved, the receivers of the bankruptcy have adopted a new form of government for the United States. This new form of government is known as a Democracy, being an established Socialist/Communist order under a new governor for America. This act was instituted and established by transferring and/or placing the Office of the Secretary of Treasury to that of the Governor of the International Monetary Fund. Public Law 94-564, page 8, section H.R. 13955 reads in part; ‘The US Secretary of Treasury receives no compensation for representing the United states’……. (blah blah blah)”
….. “Why are 90% of Americans mortgaged to the hilt and have little or no assets after all debts and liabilities have been paid? Why does it feel like you are working harder and harder and getting less and less? We are reaping what has been sown, and the results of our harvest is a painful bankruptcy, and a foreclosure on American property,precious liberties and a way of life. Few of our elected representatives in Washington DC have dared to tell the truth. The federal United States is bankrupt. Our children will inherit this un-payable debt, and the tyranny to enforce paying it”.
James Trafficant was later imprisoned for alleged bribery and corruption. The Us corporation was created behind the screen of “Federal Government” when after the manufactured victory in the war of independence, the Britsh governments unknowingly exchanged overt control from London, for the 200% more effective covert control that has governed it ever since. What happened in efect, was that The Virginia Company, the company that controlled the 13 colonies and was owned by the British crown, changed it’s name to the United States and other related pseudonyms. Today, these include the United States, US, USA, United States of America, Washington DC, District of Columbia, Federal Government and “Feds”. The United States Corporation is based in the District of Columbia (a highly significant name if you go back into the Babylonian origins of the Illuminati) and the current CEO is George W. Bush. He is not the President of the people or the country as you are led to believe that’s smoke and mirrors. This means that Bush launched project TWAT ( thanks Chimp J ) on behalf of the private corporation to further the goals of the corporation, nothing more. It had nothing to do with “America” or “Americans” because these are very different legal entities. It is the United States Corporation that owns the US military and everything else that comes under the term of “Federal”. This includes the Federal Reserve which is not, as most Americans believe a government owned central bank, but a cartel of privately owned banks. The major stock controllers and shareholders of the FR are not even American for smeg’s sake! The FR was artificially created in 1913 and is the sole dictator of the US interest rate, which has a colossal knock-on effect with the rest of the world’s finances. As the saying goes, “when America sneezes, the rest of the world catches cold”. The current head of the Federal Reserve is one Alan Greenspan who is a member of guess what?…… The Bilderberg Group, Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission. Somebody tell me why this news doesn’t come as a shock? Greenspan’s predecessor was Paul W. Volker of……… the Bilderberg Group, Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission. Catch me before I keel over someone! All of the above can be double-checked by someone with an ounce of legal noggin, you don’t have to take my word for it. If you live near enough to DC, then take yourself into the Library of Congress. Failing that, hire a lawyer or navigate their web-site. But whatever you do, don’t take this lying down! Find out about it, question public figures about it! DO NOT let these conning bastards walk all over your freedom!
Here’s more proof of covert control from outside the US, before we get on to the anomalies of 9/11.
The US Corporation is the “holding company” if you will; which makes the 50 states its legal subsidiaries. This means that each individual state also declared bankruptcy, or had it done for them by the holding company. But the people of America were never publicly told this, were they? Other details that they weren’t/aren’t told is that when you register in any way, shape or form with the “Federal Government” by accepting a Social Security number, driving license, or any other official federal document, you are unknowingly agreeing to become a legal asset-employee of the US Corporation. From that moment on you become legally responsible for financing the corporation’s state of bankruptcy. When you pay a tax, court fine or parking ticket you are servicing the bankruptcy by sending that money to “government agencies” that are nothing more than debt-collectors for the creditor banks. The US court system operates officially under corporate law or the Uniform Commercial Code. Another name for this law is……… British Maritime (military) Law! Whenever you go into a US courtroom you will see gold fringes around the courtroom’s flags. You will also see the same in government building and federally funded schools. This isn’t just for decorative purposes; it’s a legally binding symbol that the court is sitting under British Maritime Law and the Uniform Commercial Code. (Military and merchant law, not common or constitutional law.) Under the Admiralty Law Of Flags the flag so displayed gives notice of the law under which the ship (or in this case, the court) is regulated. Anyone who enters that ship (court) accepts by doing so, that they are submitting to that law indicated by the flag. Judges refuse to replace the flag with one without a fringe when asked to do so by people who know the rules, because that legally changes the status under which the court is sitting. If you appear in a court with a flag fringed with gold, your constitutional rights are automatically and legally suspended and you are being tried under British Maritime Law. All of this shite was approved by the American Bar Association, which is legally a franchise or a subordinate branch of the British legal system and it’s hierarchy, based from Temple Bar in the City of London. (The square mile, not the Metropolitan area.) If the armchair legal-eagle in you is wondering just how the hell a court on land could be controlled by maritime law, then have a look at US Code, Title 18 B 7. It says that Admiralty Jurisdiction is applicable in the following locations. 1/ The high seas. 2/ Any American Ship. 3/ Any lands reserved or required for the use of the United States, and under the exclusive or concurrent jurisdiction thereof, or any place purchased or otherwise acquired by the United States by consent of the legislature of the state. In layman’s terms, mainland America. All of this is founded on law that originated in the Holy Roman Empire, because the “Illuminati” have been scamming things like this for centuries, wherever they have based themselves.
People who realise this and ask their courts for the name of the true creditor or recipients of the fines imposed by the “legal system” are ALWAYS refused this information by the judge. The reason for that is as heartbreaking as it is simple. The recipients are the creditor banks to which the US Corporation went bankrupt. It is because of this that more and more people in the US are refusing to register with the “Federal Government” in any way as news of this state of affairs circulated to wider and wider audiences. If the authorities were capable of keeping this secret of the Corporation since 1789 and the secret of the bankruptcy since the 1930’s, then you can appreciate just why they would be so confident about deceiving you about the mass of lies behind the official explanation of 9/11.
This is a problem. A large problem. In fact if you’ve got a moment, it’s a 12 storey problem, with a magnificent entrance hall, 24 hour porterage and a large neon sign on the roof saying “THIS IS A LARGE PROBLEM!!!” There are two positive ways I can see out of it. 1/ We can look for a solution within the existing framework. 2/ (Far more effective in my opinion) we remove the cause. I’ve gone into detail about that before, so please no-one bother saying that I’m suggesting we go for armed revolution or an uprising. The means are just as important as the ends, so anyone who tries to change something with a gun or violence is a simple-minded goit, who can’t see that they’d replace the old with a mirror image. I hear a lot of people say that the 2nd amendment is vital, because it’s “the way” to stop any government from taking too many liberties with them and that the government wouldn’t stoop to wiping out such people with special forces because the people of America wouldn’t stand for it. Oh really? And what do you think the white reaction would have been if the movement under Martin Luther King had decided they were going to use guns to stop the liberties the government were taking with them? The National Guard would have mown them down in their thousands and the public would have reluctantly applauded the government for acting. Luckily, Martin Luther King was a very intelligent man who knew that unarmed action was far more decisive and had longer lasting and further reaching results. A similarly motivated movement is the only way to make the “Illuminati” crumble away. No violence, no criminal acts, no undermining law and order and overthrowing the “oppressors”. Such action is dangerous and badly thought out. The most vital thing we have to do to address our problems is to stop allowing the Illuminati to divide us into different camps and faction of black/white, Christian/Jew/Muslim/Hindu/Buddhist, right wing/left wing etc. For God’s sake let’s stop fighting amongst ourselves in a global, arrogant bid for tribal superiority we will continue to be divided and therefore, ruled. And we’ll be ruled in a global version of Nazi Germany/Communist Russia. It doesn’t matter what your religion, race, creed or nationality is. So long as you stop trying to impose your beliefs forcibly on anyone else, it’s okay. God, wouldn’t the world be boring if we were all the same? But for everyone to be free, we ALL have to be free. Free to choose or not to choose. The murder of a child in Afghanistan or Iraq is no more or less important than the murder of a child in America or England and we have GOT to start seeing that. The power of the pyramid is at the bottom, not the top and those that seek to manipulate are only up there because we’re holding them up, by giving our minds away and allowing ourselves to be manipulated. But what we fight, we turn into and it’s vital that we don’t fight against the Illuminati agenda. We have to just walk away from it and cease to co-operate. Peaceful, united non-co-operation with the system of fascist/communist global control, is the only way we can dissolve it and actually live in the world we thought we did. Don’t fight the pyramids of control walk away from them and watch them collapse like a house of cards once we stop holding them together. Okay, now that’s over with….let’s move onto the Bush family, because they and their relatives (including the British royal family) are behind the biggest scams that have hit us. I’m going to post this now and then start a new post about the Bush’s and that will run naturally into the events of 9/11.
As a sort of disclaimer I’ll say right off the bat that I don’t support or agree with evil and disturbed people like Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein. Both of them are lunatics, robbers of human life and perpetuators of human misery. But there are also people who publicly demonise these two to hide their own crimes and misdeeds. So even though Osama and Saddam are head cases, there are those who are worse. And before anyone asks, yes I am talking about George W. Bush and Tony Blair. Not just about them, but they certainly feature prominently in this story.
Anyone who’s read any of my previous posts about politics or religion will be familiar with the theme I’m going to be taking. For a start, the “I-Word” will be featuring prominently in this story. (Illuminati) There have been several misconceptions of the meaning of this word in the context I use it though. Most people think of the “Illuminati” as some shadowy secret society that operates outside of the visible public arena and clandestinely controls events on the public stage. That is accurate to a certain extent, but not totally. To explain what I mean by the “Illuminati” I have to explain what me and my fellow equally derided conspiracy theorists call the Pyramid System. (No, it’s nothing to do with Amway.)
Each industry, profession and structure of society is built like a compartmentalised pyramid. Take banking for example. You’re a teller that works for Bollockhead & Squigley Bank PLC. You work on the desk, and have generally no idea what goes on inside the branch manager’s office. You’re just told the minimum you need to perform your job effectively and that’s it. Similarly the branch manager has little or no idea about what’s going on at regional level and they have no idea what’s going on at board level and they have no idea what goes on at international level. As you get higher in the organisation fewer and few people are involved and those in the lower levels have no idea about what is going on from the next level up. The same is true of the military, medical profession, politics, secret societies like the Freemasons and Skull and Bones Society at Yale University, everything. They are all the same. However, there is another pyramid that encloses the whole of society and goes to the point at the top. At the tope of this pyramid, the same people control every industry by delegating downline to their subordinates in each industry. These people control the banks, the newspapers and TV and radio stations, the armies and navies and the secret societies. These people are the ones I refer to when I use the term “Illuminati”. This means that the Illuminati are not “the Freemasons” or “the Shriners” or “the politicians”. They’re the ones at the top of the overall pyramid who control them all; in the vast majority of cases, unknowingly and probably unwillingly. These Illuminati are centred on some prominent families in the world who have been running things in all departments from time immemorial. If you find that hard to believe then consider that George W. Bush is a cousin of Britain’s Prince Charles and Queen Elizabeth the 2nd. Not only that but he’s the latest in a long line of cousins. George W. Bush is the 43rd man to be elected President of the United States of America. Out of those 43, 34 have been so closely related to European royalty that they can directly trace their heritage back to King Charlemagne, the monarch of medieval France. No wouldn’t it make sense that a country with close to a billion residents since it began and was a place where “anyone born tomorrow could grow up to be President”, would have a bit of genetic diversity in it’s leaders? It makes sense to me, but it’s not the way it’s ever been. President after President has been elected with close blood ties to European royalty and nobility. And they share with royalty and nobility the obsession about intermarrying and interbreeding with each other. The so-called “establishment” families of the north-eastern United States like the Kennedys; Melons, Bush’s etc are all related to each other by blood and are always rogering each other for mutual genetic benefit. Why? What is so bloody marvellous about perpetuating the DNA they inherited from their royal relatives in Europe? This is not even a very closely guarded secret, but simply a non-circulated one.
During the end phase of the 2000 presidential elections, Burke’s Peerage, the “Bible” of royal and aristocratic genealogy said exactly the same thing. In 1996 when Clinton was facing of against Bob Dole, Burke’s Peerage said that the candidate with the most royal genes had one every election since 1789 when George Washington was elected. On October 17th 2000, Burke’s Peerage stated unequivocally that Dubya and Al Gore were both of Royal descent with Dubya having the slightly bluer blood. Harold Brooks-Baker (publishing director of Burke’s Peerage) said in the Reuters report: “It is now clear that Mr. Gore and Mr. Bush have an unusually large number of royal and noble descents”. Not really, not if you know how the game has been played for centuries. He goes on to say: “In point of fact, never in the history of the Untied States have two presidential candidates been so well endowed with royal alliances.” He goes on to say even more. Indeed, he claims that there has always been a significant “royal factor” in those who set their sights on the White House. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Teddy and Franklin Roosevelt, Ronald Regan, George Bush (X2) and others all have significant blue blooded linkage. He mentioned that Al Gore, (a cousin of Richard Nixon incidentally) was a direct descendant of England’s Edward I and has direct genetic connection to the Holy Roman Empire via Emperors Louis II, Charles II and Louis I.
This does of course make Gore a descendant of Charlemagne, which in turn makes him yet another cousin of George W. Bush! Surprised? You ain’t seen nothing yet.
For those of you who feel offended that I’ve implicated Freemasons in this “conspiracy”, bear this in mind. If you know a Freemason, I would bet my pension that they’re no higher ranked than the 3rd Degree. Well there are 33 degrees in the Sacred Scottish Rite of Freemasonry and 10 in the York Rite. 3rd Degree (Master Mason) is roughly the equivalent of a platoon sergeant in the army. Such people have no say or knowledge of the agendas of the organisation as a whole. A book called The Deadly Deception, written by Jim Shaw, himself a former 33rd Degree Freemason reveals some interesting facts. A very prominent Mason was one Albert Pike, who died in 1891. He wrote a book called Morals and Dogma which were intended for people in the upper echelons of the organisation to know about, but Jim Shaw very bravely makes a passage public.
“The Blue Degrees (the first 3 in other words) are but the outer portico of the Temple. Part of the symbols are displayed there to the initiate, but he is intentionally mis-led by false interpretations. It is not intended that he understand them, but it is intended that he shall imagine he understands them.…. Their true implication is reserved for adepts, the Princes of Masonry.”
The reason I mention this is because I do not want an indignant earful from anyone who has relatives in Freemasonry who thinks I am accusing them of world corruption. People in the first three degrees of freemasonry are no more responsible for that organisation’s corruption, than tellers who work in a bank are responsible for that bank causing the death of millions of children through third world debt. Yanno?
I’ve heard it said a lot that it couldn’t be possible for an “Illuminati organisation” to control the world, because it would take too much organisation and they are far too disorganised to do it. Well not only is it possible, it’s a piece of smegging cake. For a few interbreeding “Illuminati” families to run the game without a ripple, all you need is for certain key institutions of “information” to be securely placed. There are not enough of them (the manipulators) to control us physically, so they have to mind-bugger us into controlling ourselves and each other. You want to rule the world, you create the mediums of media, you create the picture of what is considered “normal” and then you sit back and watch the masses fall over themselves to give control of their minds away. If you don’t conform to the idea of normalcy that is presented in the newspapers and on the TV, you are quickly branded a “freak”, a “nutter”, “weird”, or a “conspiracy theorist”. Not only do they control us, but they’ve created a system in which we control EACH OTHER! As soon as someone steps out of line, as soon as someone makes it obvious they don’t swallow the official version of “normal” their career prospects and street cred are shot to ribbons. If you’re a doctor who knows that the crap Eli Lily and Glaxo-Welcome pump out is poisoning patients more effectively than curing them (a prime example being AZT, the drug used for treatment of AIDS) then you either shut up and peddle the official line, or you get fired. Plain and simple. Same for the teaching profession, one of the most sacred professions on the face of the planet, if not the MOST sacred. You actually encourage students to think for themselves instead of swallowing blatant lies, and your career is over. If you don’t believe me, watch The Dead Poets Society with Robin Williams. It’s a classic example and it’s a true story as well.
Once you’ve established the norms in society, you create divisions in it. You create different religions, different political parties, different isms and ianities across the board and then you set the poor bastards in each one to war with each other. You give Muslims a reason to fear and hate the Christians and vice versa. While they’re busy knocking nine shades of shite out of each other, you sit back and smile happily, secure in the knowledge that they’re too busy fighting each other to concentrate on their real enemies. And shock! Horror! At the thought that people might wake up, realise they’ve got nothing against the other people they’ve allowed themselves to be manipulated into slaughtering and turn their attention to the people who’ve really been causing the misery. What makes this situation even more absurd is that the people fighting each other think their opponents are opposites of them. As I’ve catalogues in God knows how many posts about religion, religions aren’t only different, they’re stunningly similar, with different names for the leading characters and a different dress for the priest/vicar/rabbi/disciple to wear. These religions tell the same stories about the same characters with different names, but millions of people have never cottoned to the con and have fought bloody wars against anyone who didn’t share their vision of reality, purely because they allowed themselves to give control of their thinking process away.
So the primary methods of manipulation are as follows:
*You create a mind-prison doctrine with a fundamentally shortsighted vision of possibility and reality. Doesn’t matter what you call it. Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Republicanism, Democratism, Conservatism, Liberalism, patriotism…they’re all the same. They all create human servitude from the same basic script, while claiming to tell the only real “truth”.
*You encourage those who follow these rigid, dogmatic systems to impose them on others and make life very unpleasant and in some cases, unsafe for anyone who doe not conform to it.
You bring these different dogmas into conflict with each other, so making sure you create a “divide and rule” situation. Without that “D&R” you can’t control the masses, because HEAVEN FORBID!!!!!!! They might wake up and unite. So….. while the masses are busy fighting each other and trying to impose their belief systems on each other, they don’t see that the “Illuminati” have created and are pulling the strings of all of them. People with perfectly functioning minds will become like moths entranced by a light bulb; so mesmerised and taken up by their religious belief, the sports scores, the price of beer and who’s shagging who’s f***ing wife on the soap opera, that they don’t notice the preparations being made behind them to smash them across the back of the bloody head with a fly swatter.
Before I get into the specifics of the lies we have been told about 9/11 and The War Against Terrorism (TWAT for short--- Thanks Grippedchimp. J ) I need to explain about two of the biggest and most effective methods of manipulation that have been used against us. The first of these has been called by “conspiracy theorists”, Problem-Reaction-Solution. (Apparently it was formerly known as the Hegelian Dialectic, but I’ve never heard of that before yesterday.) The other is called the “stepping stones approach”.
P-R-S is the key to really understanding all the machinations behind 9/11. The way it goes, is like this………
You know that if you stand up in congress or parliament and propose removal of civil rights, start a needless war or centralise power behind an un-elected and unaccountable body, that people will be up in arms complaining that you’re screwing them. So you don’t openly and honestly say anything about it, instead you set Problem-Reaction-Solution into play. You create a problem; a country attacking another country, a governmental or economical collapse, a run on a currency (are you listening up there in Canada?) or a “terrorist attack”. Anything in short, that will create a massive public reaction and get them to demand a solution. At stage 2 you report the problems (that you’ve created) in the manner you so desire and in the way you wish the people to perceive them. Very importantly, you find someone to pin the blame on. You need someone like Lee Harvey Oswald, Timothy McVeigh or Osama bin-Laden. (No, I’m not denying that McVeigh was involved in Oklahoma, but simply that he was the public “fall guy” for the situation.) You get your spin-doctors to go into action and make sure a public frenzy of “something must be done about this” is created. These words are drops of honey for the ears of the manipulators because they open the gates to stage number 3. Stage 3 is the sting, the scam, the con, the proverbial shafting up the arse. You propose the very things you wanted to implement in the first place, but couldn’t because you knew the public would not stand for it. The thing is, by now the public are openly demanding you screw them and they think it was THEIR idea! These “solution” you offer are of course, centralisation of power, firing officials or politicians that are too honest for your agenda and are getting in your way and the removal of basic human freedoms.
April 19th 1995 was a classic and heart-breaking example of P-R-S. The bomb at the Alfred P. Murrah building was alleged to have been a fuel-fertiliser device in the back of a Ryder Truck. Independent bomb experts who have served for 20 years in the US army have sworn blind that the pattern of damage done to the building (which was specifically designed to withstand a bomb blast) could only have been done by sophisticated explosives like Semtex or C4, placed hard against the load-bearing pillars in the corners of the building. Yet ask anyone from anywhere in the world what happened there and they will trot out the official explanation, even though it has been logically demolished countless times. Why? Because within 24 hours of something like this happening, the official explanation is battered into the human consciousness through saturation of newsheets and news programs. So where are these more logical explanations circulated? In low circulation newsletters and privately run underground newspapers. Why isn’t it reported in the media if it’s so obvious? I mean, doesn’t America have a free press? Because the owners of newspaper groups like the Mirror Group, Hollinger Group and son on, are members of the same secret society networks that control the politicians. I’m sure you’ve heard me mention them before; the Bilderberg Group, the Council On Foreign Relations, The Committee Of 300, The round Table, The Trilateral Commission, The Royal Institute Of International Affairs etc. All the people in media power like Rupert Murdoch, Conrad Black and so on are members of at least two or three of these groups. The SAME groups that supposed political opponents like George Bush (X2), Bill Clinton, Tony Blair and Edward Heath are members of. It’s the overall pyramid again; the same people control all the organisations. Not only possible, but simple.
The “stepping stones approach” can best be exemplified by the European Union. You have an agenda you want to introduce, namely centralised control of money, politics and the military. You first use P-R-S to get the public to demand that something must be done to stop horrendous wars in Europe. After WW2 came the United Nations, the successor to the League of Nations. And hot on it’s heels comes the common market. “Nothing to worry about, it’s just a free trade area. There is no question of any member nation giving up any of their own sovereignty.” The common market becomes the EEC……a few years later with the treaty of Maastricht in 1992 it becomes the European Union. From a free trade area in which all were independent, it has evolved into an unelected quango, run by bureaucrats with no accountability to the people they fine if they weigh their bananas in pounds and ounces instead of kilograms. If you’d proposed the EU after the war, there would have been an outcry of “We’re not having that! I just fought for 6 yeas to stop that happening! No chance sonny Jim!” So the free trade area was brought in and by a series of apparently unconnected steps, it evolves into an unelected dictatorship, in which individual governments have only too happily given away their independence. The people get screwed by the “stepping stones approach”. The same will happen through NAFTA and APEC eventually. They will go from trading, to mutually sharing laws and finally they’ll be leaping into political bed with each other too.
Within 24 hours of the bombing at Oklahoma, Bill Clinton passed laws through congress that removed basic civil rights from American people, by giving the military more powers in the event of civil disturbance. This legislation went through without so much as a murmur of dissent? Why? Because any suicidally brave senator or congressman who dared to stand up and speak against it, would have been accused of being everything from un-patriotic to wanting to help criminals and terrorists. Classic manipulation. So what is the easiest way to get people to demand that the government take away their rights like Bill Clinton did after Oklahoma? The easiest way would be for a “terrorist group” to stage the most audacious attack in living memory and get the entire nation frothing at the collective mouth to go to war. Now you see where this is going? Thought you might. After seeing “9/11” in the title of this post, you must have been wondering when I’d get round to talking about it. Well very soon is the answer. But first, I need to explain something that you will find even harder to believe than a “conspiracy theory” about the WTC tragedy.
One of the biggest cons ever played on the people of the USA, is the notion of their “independence”. Ask any schoolchild about the War of Independence and they’ll trot out the official line about how wonderful heroes like George Washington, Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson secured liberty for their country and ensured that fair democracy reigned. Watch any cartoon that is supposedly just there for entertainment and you’ll hear cartoon characters talking about how Washington and Franklin were champions of freedom and two of the greatest Presidents the country’s ever had. Nothing about either owning hundreds of slaves of course or anything about Washington being a Colonel in the British Army or a Knight of the Garter in the English court. Strange that isn’t it?
When you take an objective look at history, it is staggering just how many hoops the British had to jump through to make sure they “lost” the war. Some of the staggering acts of incompetence that were required defy belief. And this is the army that produced generals and soldiers capable of destroying the best that Napoleon Bonaparte could throw at them. Uh? Confused? So was I.
When “independence” was allegedly gained, the British overtly withdrew from the country. They left behind them men like George Washington and Benjamin Franklin; men who were both 33rd degree Freemasons and very closely connected with English aristocracy. During the war, Benjamin Franklin was fighting or a fugitive. He parked his enormously well fed bum in a place called 28 Craven Street, which is1 in London, just adjacent to Trafalgar Square. It was from here that all his writings about the American war effort emanated and while he was busy with them, he hang around with friends like England’s Prince Regent at the Hellfire Club in London. Strange for a bloke who was supposedly masterminding political freedom for colonial Americans isn’t it? Yeah, I thought so too.
So independence is won, America is a free and independent country, right? Nah, you should know me better than that by now. Before the war broke out, the 13 colonies were controlled by an entity called the Virginia Company, which was the American equivalent of the British South Africa Company of Cecil Rhodes, which controlled South Africa for decades. This Virginia Company controlled colonial government, trade, licensing and everything else. This company was a private company and its major shareholder to the tune of about 80% was whoever happened to be the reigning British monarch at the time. The rest of the shares were in the hands of whoever was in favour enough at the time to be offered them. Following the war, this Virginia Company changed its name by the corporate equivalent of deed poll. (The method by which British people can change their name if they wish.) This company changed it’s name to…………… The United States of America. Prior to the war, America had been a private territory, owned and administered by a private company. After the war, nothing had changed except the name of the company. This hasn’t'’ changed between then and now. The United States of America is a private company and the idea of it being an “independent” nation is an illusion. The real sting is that the reigning British monarch is still the 80% major shareholder in this company. No, you didn’t read that wrongly. The most powerful “nation” on the face of the planet is a privately owned company, with the Queen of England as it’s major shareholder. Now you’re not going to take this crap off some loud-mouthed limey are you? Where’s the proof and what the f*** has this got to do with 9/11? Follow me…….. (If you’re still awake.)
Not only is the USA a private company, but it’s an insolvent one. I don’t think this legal state of affairs is solely confined to the US either, but at the moment I haven’t had the time or resources to research into this with any other “country”. Here however are some things that I consider proof to support what I’ve just said.
The bankruptcy apparently occurred between the years of the Geneva Conventions of 1928-1932. However it doesn’t appear that any volume containing the bankruptcy declarations was ever published. It is however entered in the United States Congressional Record on the date of March the 17th, 1993. (If you want to look for yourself, you can find it in Volume 33, page H-1303.) James Trafficant Jr. of Ohio told the house:
“Members of Congress are official trustees presiding over the greatest reorganisation of any bankrupt entity in world history, the US Government. We are setting forth hopefully, a blueprint for the future. There are some who say it is a coroner’s report that will lead to our demise.
It is an established fact that the Untied States Federal Government has been dissolved by the emergency Banking Act, March 9,1933, 48 Stat. 1, Public Law 89-719; declared by President Roosevelt, being bankrupt and insolvent. H.J.R. 192, 73rd Congress m session June 5, 1933- Joint Resolution To Suspend The Gold Standard and Abrogate The Gold clause dissolved by the Sovereign Authority of the United States and the official capacities of all United States Governmental Offices, Officers, and departments and is further evidence that the United States Federal Government exists today in name only. “
“The receivers of the United States bankruptcy are the international bankers, via the United Nations, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. All Untied States Offices, Officials, and departments are now operating within a de facto status in name only under Emergency War Powers. With the Constitutional Republican form of Government now dissolved, the receivers of the bankruptcy have adopted a new form of government for the United States. This new form of government is known as a Democracy, being an established Socialist/Communist order under a new governor for America. This act was instituted and established by transferring and/or placing the Office of the Secretary of Treasury to that of the Governor of the International Monetary Fund. Public Law 94-564, page 8, section H.R. 13955 reads in part; ‘The US Secretary of Treasury receives no compensation for representing the United states’……. (blah blah blah)”
….. “Why are 90% of Americans mortgaged to the hilt and have little or no assets after all debts and liabilities have been paid? Why does it feel like you are working harder and harder and getting less and less? We are reaping what has been sown, and the results of our harvest is a painful bankruptcy, and a foreclosure on American property,precious liberties and a way of life. Few of our elected representatives in Washington DC have dared to tell the truth. The federal United States is bankrupt. Our children will inherit this un-payable debt, and the tyranny to enforce paying it”.
James Trafficant was later imprisoned for alleged bribery and corruption. The Us corporation was created behind the screen of “Federal Government” when after the manufactured victory in the war of independence, the Britsh governments unknowingly exchanged overt control from London, for the 200% more effective covert control that has governed it ever since. What happened in efect, was that The Virginia Company, the company that controlled the 13 colonies and was owned by the British crown, changed it’s name to the United States and other related pseudonyms. Today, these include the United States, US, USA, United States of America, Washington DC, District of Columbia, Federal Government and “Feds”. The United States Corporation is based in the District of Columbia (a highly significant name if you go back into the Babylonian origins of the Illuminati) and the current CEO is George W. Bush. He is not the President of the people or the country as you are led to believe that’s smoke and mirrors. This means that Bush launched project TWAT ( thanks Chimp J ) on behalf of the private corporation to further the goals of the corporation, nothing more. It had nothing to do with “America” or “Americans” because these are very different legal entities. It is the United States Corporation that owns the US military and everything else that comes under the term of “Federal”. This includes the Federal Reserve which is not, as most Americans believe a government owned central bank, but a cartel of privately owned banks. The major stock controllers and shareholders of the FR are not even American for smeg’s sake! The FR was artificially created in 1913 and is the sole dictator of the US interest rate, which has a colossal knock-on effect with the rest of the world’s finances. As the saying goes, “when America sneezes, the rest of the world catches cold”. The current head of the Federal Reserve is one Alan Greenspan who is a member of guess what?…… The Bilderberg Group, Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission. Somebody tell me why this news doesn’t come as a shock? Greenspan’s predecessor was Paul W. Volker of……… the Bilderberg Group, Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission. Catch me before I keel over someone! All of the above can be double-checked by someone with an ounce of legal noggin, you don’t have to take my word for it. If you live near enough to DC, then take yourself into the Library of Congress. Failing that, hire a lawyer or navigate their web-site. But whatever you do, don’t take this lying down! Find out about it, question public figures about it! DO NOT let these conning bastards walk all over your freedom!
Here’s more proof of covert control from outside the US, before we get on to the anomalies of 9/11.
The US Corporation is the “holding company” if you will; which makes the 50 states its legal subsidiaries. This means that each individual state also declared bankruptcy, or had it done for them by the holding company. But the people of America were never publicly told this, were they? Other details that they weren’t/aren’t told is that when you register in any way, shape or form with the “Federal Government” by accepting a Social Security number, driving license, or any other official federal document, you are unknowingly agreeing to become a legal asset-employee of the US Corporation. From that moment on you become legally responsible for financing the corporation’s state of bankruptcy. When you pay a tax, court fine or parking ticket you are servicing the bankruptcy by sending that money to “government agencies” that are nothing more than debt-collectors for the creditor banks. The US court system operates officially under corporate law or the Uniform Commercial Code. Another name for this law is……… British Maritime (military) Law! Whenever you go into a US courtroom you will see gold fringes around the courtroom’s flags. You will also see the same in government building and federally funded schools. This isn’t just for decorative purposes; it’s a legally binding symbol that the court is sitting under British Maritime Law and the Uniform Commercial Code. (Military and merchant law, not common or constitutional law.) Under the Admiralty Law Of Flags the flag so displayed gives notice of the law under which the ship (or in this case, the court) is regulated. Anyone who enters that ship (court) accepts by doing so, that they are submitting to that law indicated by the flag. Judges refuse to replace the flag with one without a fringe when asked to do so by people who know the rules, because that legally changes the status under which the court is sitting. If you appear in a court with a flag fringed with gold, your constitutional rights are automatically and legally suspended and you are being tried under British Maritime Law. All of this shite was approved by the American Bar Association, which is legally a franchise or a subordinate branch of the British legal system and it’s hierarchy, based from Temple Bar in the City of London. (The square mile, not the Metropolitan area.) If the armchair legal-eagle in you is wondering just how the hell a court on land could be controlled by maritime law, then have a look at US Code, Title 18 B 7. It says that Admiralty Jurisdiction is applicable in the following locations. 1/ The high seas. 2/ Any American Ship. 3/ Any lands reserved or required for the use of the United States, and under the exclusive or concurrent jurisdiction thereof, or any place purchased or otherwise acquired by the United States by consent of the legislature of the state. In layman’s terms, mainland America. All of this is founded on law that originated in the Holy Roman Empire, because the “Illuminati” have been scamming things like this for centuries, wherever they have based themselves.
People who realise this and ask their courts for the name of the true creditor or recipients of the fines imposed by the “legal system” are ALWAYS refused this information by the judge. The reason for that is as heartbreaking as it is simple. The recipients are the creditor banks to which the US Corporation went bankrupt. It is because of this that more and more people in the US are refusing to register with the “Federal Government” in any way as news of this state of affairs circulated to wider and wider audiences. If the authorities were capable of keeping this secret of the Corporation since 1789 and the secret of the bankruptcy since the 1930’s, then you can appreciate just why they would be so confident about deceiving you about the mass of lies behind the official explanation of 9/11.
This is a problem. A large problem. In fact if you’ve got a moment, it’s a 12 storey problem, with a magnificent entrance hall, 24 hour porterage and a large neon sign on the roof saying “THIS IS A LARGE PROBLEM!!!” There are two positive ways I can see out of it. 1/ We can look for a solution within the existing framework. 2/ (Far more effective in my opinion) we remove the cause. I’ve gone into detail about that before, so please no-one bother saying that I’m suggesting we go for armed revolution or an uprising. The means are just as important as the ends, so anyone who tries to change something with a gun or violence is a simple-minded goit, who can’t see that they’d replace the old with a mirror image. I hear a lot of people say that the 2nd amendment is vital, because it’s “the way” to stop any government from taking too many liberties with them and that the government wouldn’t stoop to wiping out such people with special forces because the people of America wouldn’t stand for it. Oh really? And what do you think the white reaction would have been if the movement under Martin Luther King had decided they were going to use guns to stop the liberties the government were taking with them? The National Guard would have mown them down in their thousands and the public would have reluctantly applauded the government for acting. Luckily, Martin Luther King was a very intelligent man who knew that unarmed action was far more decisive and had longer lasting and further reaching results. A similarly motivated movement is the only way to make the “Illuminati” crumble away. No violence, no criminal acts, no undermining law and order and overthrowing the “oppressors”. Such action is dangerous and badly thought out. The most vital thing we have to do to address our problems is to stop allowing the Illuminati to divide us into different camps and faction of black/white, Christian/Jew/Muslim/Hindu/Buddhist, right wing/left wing etc. For God’s sake let’s stop fighting amongst ourselves in a global, arrogant bid for tribal superiority we will continue to be divided and therefore, ruled. And we’ll be ruled in a global version of Nazi Germany/Communist Russia. It doesn’t matter what your religion, race, creed or nationality is. So long as you stop trying to impose your beliefs forcibly on anyone else, it’s okay. God, wouldn’t the world be boring if we were all the same? But for everyone to be free, we ALL have to be free. Free to choose or not to choose. The murder of a child in Afghanistan or Iraq is no more or less important than the murder of a child in America or England and we have GOT to start seeing that. The power of the pyramid is at the bottom, not the top and those that seek to manipulate are only up there because we’re holding them up, by giving our minds away and allowing ourselves to be manipulated. But what we fight, we turn into and it’s vital that we don’t fight against the Illuminati agenda. We have to just walk away from it and cease to co-operate. Peaceful, united non-co-operation with the system of fascist/communist global control, is the only way we can dissolve it and actually live in the world we thought we did. Don’t fight the pyramids of control walk away from them and watch them collapse like a house of cards once we stop holding them together. Okay, now that’s over with….let’s move onto the Bush family, because they and their relatives (including the British royal family) are behind the biggest scams that have hit us. I’m going to post this now and then start a new post about the Bush’s and that will run naturally into the events of 9/11.