I save all my Clips that i like or whatever onto a Zip:100 Disk (so i can hold more) But i have some Clips on my Zip Disk that i would like to Post here in the Clip section. But almost every Clip that i downloaded from Kazaa Lite ++ so far are very big in there file size. so it takes...
I couldn't find anywhere other than here to put such a topic, but er, nevermind.
Basically I have a really crap computer, that doesn't play .wmv's very well. It plays mpegs just fine though, and basically I was wondering if anyone with spare time could either convert a few for me, or tell me...
I was wondering where I could go to get a ZIP program, or if somebody could email me on. I have the FREE Hot mail E-mail adress so it might not hol it, but I am willing to try. Reason Being that the third clip in the "Clips" section is Sue Longhurst in What the Sweedish Butler Saw...
Hi again, TRU. :)
Can you watch the clip at full length?
Is the clip greater than 2MB (maximum size limit of file to be posted)?
If the answers of this questions are respectively "yes" and "no", please repost the clip. ;)
If you have only that part of clip the download process was incomplete...