Could someone please make a fake of Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie tickling each other or being tickled together on there feet. A good sole fakes of both would be great. Please post any pics you have of the girls.
si des chatouilleuses de la région parisiennes aimeraient que leurs pieds soient chatouillés par mes petits doigts,(lol, et peut-être plus si affinité) ou juste pour discuter, mon adresse msn est [email protected]
a bientôt...
Hi. I'm 34M and I live in Paris, France, where tickling appears to be a taboo subject. Beautiful as Paris is this makes life here quite lacking in excitement. I'd be very happy to get in contact with any female ticklees or ticklephiles here. Don't hesitate to contact me. I speak Spanish, French...
Hi! I'm a 33-year old guy desperately seeking female ticklees in Paris or the Paris region. I speak French and Spanish fluently. I'm learning Italian.
A vos plumes!:D