Sanjai is an exotic young lady from Trinidad who has no idea what to expect! Attached is her audition footage. It's not very long, however, I think there's enough footage for you all to draw your own conclusions. Enjoy!
Sanjai's Audition - SD
Sanjai's Audition - HD
This young lady is an upbeat 19-year old college student who loves to run and has size 8.5 feet that are very silky with mid arches. She's nicknamed Mrs. Officer because she's, and I quote, "the bomb"! She's so confident in herself that she thinks she can handle tickling in the stocks with no...
Fashion week in New York is a big event! It is there that we met Olga, a fashion model originally from Russia but now in the US. We pitched our tickle video concept to Olga and she was very curious, so we had her come in to see how she would hold up. Olga doesn't know what to expect and is a...
This is the long-awaited sequel that many of you have asked for and tonight, you've got it! Petra from Feline Vengeance can't wait to make kitty pay for all her mischevious deeds and wastes no time extracting her revenge. She methodically and sadistically tickles Kitty. Mid-way through, she...
Veronica is NOT happy with the grade her teacher, Autumn has given her on her latest assignment. Veronica has become very skilled at tickle torture and knows just how to extract her revenge against her critical teacher. Veronica starts off slowly teasing Autumn, then inensifies her attack...
For those of you who remember Blair's last appearance with us...she definately has a potty mouth, but it's not so obvious from her look. Throw some tickling into the mix and the F` bombs just drop as if it were WW3! After being tickled out of her mind, Shana wants payback...and when Blair walks...
Marise is actually a young lady that I just started dating recently. She's got an amazing upbeat personality and is a lot of fun! Our chemistry will be very evident in the clip and is sure to make you laugh! We had plans to go out dancing at a nightclub. As we're getting ready, she sees the...
Shana is a jewelery saleswoman at a high end jewelery store in town. Since Brittany and Shana know each other, Brittany's aware that Shana recently sold her fiance the ring he gave her. However, she feels that she shortchanged the deal some and should have encouraged her man to either buy a...
Veronica wants a raise and Sophie, her boss, doesn't give raises for anything! Veronica's tired of it and coax's Sophie out to lunch where she springs her trap of persuasion. Sophie is an extremely mature and strong-willed professional who's too proud to break...or will she? This clip...
At nearly 6' tall, Miss J considers herself a strong and powerful young lady. Frost thinks she can break the tall Miss J with her aggressive, sensual yet sadistic tickle torture prowless. She secures Miss J in the stocks and wastes no time going to work. Will Miss J break? Only one way to...
Joline enjoys having control of situations, hence her FBI monicer. However, Kitty is just dying to see what Jolines feet look like and manages to get her in the stocks. Kitty likes what she sees and opts to indulge on Joline's soft soles. As much as Joline hates to admit it, her facial...
Meghan and Jaz Colon are attending a cocktail party for the evening. Jaz enjoys a few glasses of wine and while she's not blaitantly drunk by any standard, she's a little tipsy and Meghan sees this as the perfect opportunity to have some fun with her. She convinces Jaz to have a seat in the...
G'day Folks! :D
Nope, you're not seeing things, that tag definitely says F/m!
In the last year or two I've been trying to expand my horizons writing-wise through things like more graphic detail and even stories about 'lees who like being tickled (can you imagine?!). In that broadening spirit...
Veronica and Nikki are full blooded italian sisters who also have another thing in common - they both have been flirting heavily with Patricia's boyfriend, Ryan. Patricia finds this out through cell phone text messages. Rather than flip out immediately, she decides to bide her time and since...
It's been a long time since I've posted some audition footage and I know several members of the community really enjoyed them. So with that, I give you two new ones to check out. I invite everyone to check them out and give your honest feedback on what you think of each one. Enjoy!!!
After Veronica's humbling initiation, she had a chance to regroup and decided she needed to let out a more vicious streak of hers. The opportunity presented itself quickly, too, as her girlfriend Vivian was somewhat flirtatious with her boyfriend. Rather than be violent about the situation...
Veronica has been coming along well as an apprentice and is increasing in her confidence to break all those who sit before her in the stocks. Miss J and Marise take exception to this and are willing to put their differences aside in order to teach Veronica a valueable...
Remember the blonde young lady from the street last year? Guess what....a year later she's back! For those of you who do not recall, she was featured in Off The Street. Instead of Miss J tormenting her, this year, she has to deal with our latest apprentice, Veronica!
Veronica has a very sly...
This is the much-requested sequel to the hit clip, Off The Street, which came out in late 2010. Miss J is back, only this time she is on the receiving end. This blonde was very much traumatized by the sadistic way in which Miss J tickled her and she's had a whole year to think about the...
Tan lives a double life - to most of the world she is an international, sophisticated businesswoman specializing in marketing, but that is just a cover. Her true profession is a government spy. She's been able to keep her cover in tact for years - never being made by any threatening...