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10 Things I Hate About Tickle Videos


TMF Expert
Oct 11, 2002
I’ve been buying tickle videos since 1989. I’ve got to tell you that I think some of the stuff being produced today really out perfroms what we had back in the day, but some of the new stuff is weak and lacking. So I just wanted to put my top 10 observations of what’s weak with some of today’s tickle videos in the hope that some new tickle video producer will read this and make better choices.

1. The guy keeps looking back into the camera

So if I’m really into seeing the ticklee react violently to her tickling and am inspired to experience a ’happy moment for one’, and some guys is looking back at me from the camera, let’s just say "I really don’t want to see some guys face when I’m having that kinda happy moment".

2. You only see her feet tickled with nylons on
When I see a great ticklee tickled only in nylons and never get to see her bare feet tickled, I actually feel like I’ve lost something. I am preoccupied with wondering what her bare soles look like and how they respond to tickling directly on her tasty bare flesh. I guess I will never understand why tickle video producers who shoot nylon tickling don’t take them off at the end and give a little bare sole tickling for the rest of us.

3. Bad (defective or lacking) bondage
This can be so distracting. When the bondage is so weak that the ticklee is so free to move about that tickling her for any extended period of time is impossible, it defeats the whole dam thing. I’ve seen some bondage in tickle videos that was so bad I was concerned that the model might get injured. Grrrr!

4. Fake ticklee reaction and response
This should just be outlawed and banned in the universal tickling constitution. This makes the producer look like an opportunist looking to snatch our cash without sharing our passion.

5. Very little reaction from the tickle model
Not every model is very ticklish, and that’s just reality. So not everything that’s shot really needs to be sold. If it’s free and she’s mildly ticklish, eh.

6. Very poor lighting
This can really leave the viewer wanting, but with no hope. This actually falls into three types of problems and they both relate to producers still learning the craft. (1) Not enough light - Buy a light kit dude! (2) Light position - Place the light BEHIND the camera and not in front. (3) Don’t shoot with the camera facing an open window. Shoot with the open window behind the camera.

7. Really weak tickling technique
In these cases, I often feel like flying on a plane and doing an intervention to protect the eyes and minds of ticklers around the world. I’m often amazed that people actually put such material out when there are such powerful examples of great work such as TickleAbuse.com, TickleCentral.com, FrenchTickling.com and others.

8. The tickler switches between 10 different tickling items rapidly
Talk about distracting! This type of tickle video totally ignores that many a male tickle may be engaged in knob polishing while experiencing World Wide Wood. This thing of switching for a different tickling implement every 10 seconds is probably better suited for tickle games on the elementary school playground.

9. Once the tickler finds a really ticklish spot, they move to another area
This is almost as bad as showing mercy.

10. Very little tickling in the video
If the video isn’t labeled as a tickle video, then very little tickling make the video a gem. If it is labeled as a tickle video, very little tickling makes it a turd.

So do these things bug you? Do you have your own top 10 things you hate about tickle videos? Don’t be shy. Tell us. We tickle but we don’t bite.

James Darke
Hey, It seems you nailed most of my issues as well. Also another thing that kinda anoys me is when the majority of the vid is just the guy groping a topless woman. If I wanted simple porn I wouldnt be on a "tickling" site now would I? Nice thread btw!
Couldn't agree more!

I agree. My most hated is your #4. Fake laughers! Either they don't laugh or laugh like a hyena
Looks about right. #4 and #7 are the most annoying (and common).

My top pick is #9. I'll never understand why they wouldn't focus on an especially ticklish area.
Ok, I will be the first to disagree somewhat. I like nylon alot and don't care if the bare feet are shown or not. I like bare feet but its not a prob at all not to see. I also like to see a model not restrained at first. A Little unrestrained tickling is a good thing for me. The rest I agree with and these are not really disagree probs just variations. I would like to add that there is not enough sock tickling in vids, Im not saying it has to be all sock tickling but some would be nice before they are taken off.
this is very interesting. the hollywood brother likes these top ten list and understands your pain. it would be nice to see more torturous tickling and vibrator action. also for the hollywood brother he would like to see more shots of the victims face so you can really get a idea of the stuff that they are going through
Agree with HWB on both counts. I love lists like this, they're always fun to read. But yeah, reaction shots are good. I love foot tickling, I love rib-tickling, armpits, tummy, even slightly rarer areas like arms, neck, shoulders, and occasionally even palms (not exactly torture material, but its funny to do [gig]). So when they focus only on the spot being tickling, sometimes for whole minutes at a time, it does get a little bit frustrating. Mix it up a little. 😛
I'll agree with what's being said here. And would add that, for me, there's too much nudity and sexual things in it. And they always seem to be so short
One of the things I hate about some videos: Some are advertised as F/F tickling, and that's fine. But a few minutes into the video, some dumbass guy has to start tickling, too.

If I buy a video advertised as F/F tickling, I want it to have ONLY a woman tickling another woman, dammit! :angry:
So do these things bug you?
Oh yes they do. Guess why producers have to live without my support :laughing:

Somewhere in this forum's deep history there must be my opinion about videos and why I don't feel like buying them.
Most of them are simply ... too bad. Faked or missing reactions, stupid plots, stupid tickle-talk, boob and nude shows instead of tickling (for porn lovers but not tickling). Just to make quick money with dumb ticklefans.
Most of them are simply ... too bad. Faked or missing reactions, stupid plots, stupid tickle-talk, boob and nude shows instead of tickling (for porn lovers but not tickling). Just to make quick money with dumb ticklefans.

Im so glad to see there are more people out there who thinks the same!! :super_hap
I do have some things that bug me in videos too that I'll toss out there. Some agree with some of you. Some may not agree. This is just my opinion. Just how I roll.
One that bugs me is that a video may be advertised as sock tickling (Just for example. Nylon also works too for this. Just replace socks with nylons where appropriate.), but the actual tickling with socks on is thirty seconds to a minute, tops, then the socks get yanked off and the whole rest of the video is bare feet. If I wanted to see bare feet tickled through almost the whole thing, then I'd get a bare feet video.
Another that bugs me is when people feel the need to rip nylon stockings open just to get to bare feet. I understand the vast majority of people here prefer bare feet. I've got nothing against that. Whatever floats your boats. I don't really like the destructive aspect of it. If you must remove them, just pull them off.
I've got to agree on the gags too. If I tickle someone or see them being tickled, I'd want to hear their laughter. That's one of the big things for me. To me, "Hahahahaha" sounds a lot better than "Mphmphmphmphmph."
Next, I've seen videos where I'm watching, and there's no way that what the tickler is doing would really tickle. I'd say if you're making a tickle video, then actually try to tickle the woman. It kind of takes away from it when the tickler isn't even trying.
Of course, it's no fun when the ticklee isn't trying either. I have no problem with people acting like their ticklish if it's done right and the laughter sounds realistic. If it sounds forced or fake, then it just takes me out of it. I've seen videos where a girl acts like she's cracking up when the tickler barely even does anything, but when he looks like he's really tickling her, nothing. It's like watching WWE. You know it's staged, but if they do a good job, it's still worth watching. Tickling videos can be the same way. That being said, tickling a girl who's really ticklish is always preferable😉
Those are all the ones I can come up with right now. If I come up with more I'll type them here.
I like nudity in tickling videos, as long as they don't skimp on the tickling for the sake of nudity, that is. I don't need penetration in the video, but fully exposed skin getting probed like that? Oh my, yes. Anyway, I know I'm going to be in the minority here, but other beefs:

1. Unattractive lees. I know, I know, I'm shallow, but I can't help it. If the woman is not at least a 6, it detracts for me. And yeah, it's subjective, but there it stands.

2. Sloppy editing. Paradise Vision is notorious for this. The jumpy cuts instead of the progressive fades.

3. Not being allowed to see the lee's face. Part of the reason I love upperbody so much is that I can see the tickling AND the girl's facial reaction. That expression on her face is just pure gold if shot right.

4. No plot at all. A lot of people don't like plot. I do. For me, it builds up the tension and anticipation, making the payoff sweeter. Additionally, it gives context. Is this a tickling you'll enjoy because it's justice being doled out, or is this a tickling you'll enjoy because it's so unfair, or is it something else altogether?

5. Lers who think they're comedians. You know what I mean. The ones who try to crack wise while they're on the job. You need some dialogue from the ler, otherwise it goes flat, but don't be trying to make us laugh as much as your victim.
Im so glad to see there are more people out there who thinks the same!! :super_hap

Oh you are welcome to the club 😉 Nice to see you opinions.
There seem to be people out there who are just normal (well at least as "normal" as possible :laughing: ) tickle lovers that want to see seriously made ticklestuff instead of lovelessly made things for the lowbrow consumers. Let's hope to make a change on the market of tickling-related media.
Btw I'm waiting for your (-> Cavum) store to open. Looks like tickling for tickling and not basically for money.

There are different opinions on what makes a good clip. But the basics are the same:
Don't mix every fetish (feet, feet sucking, nylons, nudity, gags, no gags, feathers, socks, ...) into every clip, hoping to make everyone buy. The opposite could happen. Who buys a clip that only covers one's interest in let's say 30% of the time? Better make 2 clips for the half price, one for the sock-fans and one for the others and people can choose the part they like.

Plot or not ... if you choose a plot, please keep it free from stupid and childish aspects. If they can't play a role well, let it be. Please please noooo bulls**t!

I'd say if you're making a tickle video, then actually try to tickle the woman.
Hell, yes who would like to try that? Lots of previes look like "hey good porn and big t*ts and she even was tickled for some seconds".

You know it's staged, but if they do a good job, it's still worth watching. Tickling videos can be the same way.
Maybe just don't try to tickle the best looking (do they really?) models but ask the girl next door. They are pretty too, not that expensive (I guess) and maybe really ticklish. Better than the best fake :happy:
Btw boobs all over the body are not really attractive to me.

Or to keep it short: Only label it ticklevideo if it is a ticklevideo.
Btw I'm waiting for your (-> Cavum) store to open. Looks like tickling for tickling and not basically for money.

Thats exactly what Im trying to do. Im so fed up with the fake and "over produced" stuff. I want something simple, but effective. I have 2 videos ready now. One video for 20min where Lanthi is tickled untied and a 30min video where she is totaly tied down to the rack with all ticklish spots open for the tickling.

I have no budget for making videos. I will only use girls I know personal and that want to be in the videos.

Just need to get the damn thing formated (wich I REALLY have problems with) and I will upload em.
I agree with the list here bit time! one thing i hate is the way some girls act in these vids. Some girls treat it more like a porno =/. Maybe not the 'lee but sometimes the 'ler is making these facial expressions that make me laugh. And i understand they aren't actors but overacting isn't needed too. Not sure if anyone else feels this way but i sometimes do.
I agree with some of the comments already posted.

What always bugs me is painfully bad dialogue from the 'Ler. Now i'm not expecting Oscar winning material here, but if you are gonna put a bit of a plot here ( and i know people who like it, personally, i'm more of a costume guy myself ), we don't need the 'Ler coming up with corny one liners that have me laughing so much, i lose interest in the video. Y'know when you hear "Now you will pay, here come the fingers of doom", It's all over. They should just set the scene, then get to the tickling.

Of course, it could just be me.
Anyway I am not sure how a scene with defined phrases and action cans be combined with the real and unpredictable reactions on tickling.
they had tickle videos in 1989 and I was never informed? o_o;

but all joking aside, that list is basically everything of what not to do in a tickle video...the main thing when it comes to a playful fetish like tickling is to have fun while doing so and just do what you enjoy rather than to try to appeal to the audience as much as you can with a broad arrange of tickle spots and tools.

Though poor lighting and such shows a lack of professionalism on the cameraman's part, and its always best to have a ticklish girl told to try to not laugh and watch her struggle to keep that promise. And for the love of God, if a girl is'nt ticklish, don't even try to tickle her and sell a video of it.
they had tickle videos in 1989 and I was never informed? o_o;

gawd... I hate to think that's almost 20 years ago. But yes, the old crappy VHS had some amusing stuff back then. I think the issues jmsdarke identified have changed over the years... I can't recall a ler ever looking into the camera, fwiw. But the old ones tended to be a side product from more general bondage vids, and so had production values similar to those (think: real photography!) In the age of digital, the video gear can produce a passable image without much additional light, and so some producers don't bother to add any. Closeups seem to be lacking too... I'd love to see more closeups, instead of doing the Kevin Smith "set up a camera and film the same scene for 10 minutes" method.

I agree with the peeves that center around the ler's shortcomings... not covering a lot of potential spots, working over a spot too briefly, and as mentioned, getting gadget fever instead of sticking with what works.

all just my opinion... it's all (mostly?) good in the end...
If I can ever manage to free up some time, I've been wanting to start a thread in the video-review section about videos that DON'T work. There's thousands of vid-reviews out there of the ones we love, but very few devoted to the ones that are poorly done, for one or several reasons. Of course, this is keeping in mind that it's all rather subjective. For instance, I'm one of those who positively ADORES seeing tickling with ballgags...
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