Because she is our ( Sadira and I ) friend.
Because we miss talking to her on the phone.
Because she is one of the nicest people we have ever met.
Because she helped get Sadira and I together. ( at least that is what she says. )
Mercy, good thing I am not a math major, or an accountant, the numbers here are qetting kind of creative-----but who cares, goddess Steph is rather creative herself. hehehe
But back to business
169 (approx) Because of her, I met the lovely Sadira and TicklingFeet4Fun and through them, met Natural, etc etc
170. Because of Steph, I have met quite a few others.
OMG my sweethearts!
I don't know how to say thank you enough to everyone who posted on this thread~and thanks a lot for making me cry as I prepare myself mentally for WORK tomorrow, you darling knuckleheads~I love you with all my heart!
185 Because i got to see my favorite picture again (steph knows which one)
186 the weasel stole the gold
187 greek nite was delish
188 the bellydancers will be at the party
189 orange chicken is still considered "chinese"
190 she loves figure eights and slow death
191 she still wants to know my new game
192 she is a closet Lakers fan
193 slingblade wants biscuits with mustard and some french fried taters mmmm mmm