Seeing as I'm a newbie to this event, and just recently stopped lurking on these forums after 6 years and started posting, I thought I would give some background on myself. Most of this is likely in my profile, but meh. 🙂
I'm a 24 year old male living in northwest Ohio, in a small little village called Ada. I graduated from college in 2006 and currently work as a computer programmer, or software developer as we like to say. It makes us sound more important. 😀
I actually discovered the TMF and a few other tickling sites, such as the old and while browsing for pictures of women's feet. I quickly found that tickling sites had plenty of good pictures of women's feet, and soon found myself looking exclusively at tickling sites. That is when it dawned on me that while I liked looking at pictures of nice feet, what I really liked was tickling, and not just on the feet. I've been coming to this site regularly since then, but just now finally worked up the nerve to come to one of the MTP gatherings.
Blah blah blah... anything else? Oh yes, I'm a fan of the Cincinnati Bengals, the Columbus Crew, and the Ohio State Buckeyes. I personally find baseball to be the most boring sport ever invented, but have a passing interest in cricket, which seems far more entertaining and interesting to me. I love to cook, play video games (World of Warcraft!), and watch bad sci-fi movies.
Whew, that is out of the way. Feel free to PM me or send me an IM at the AIM screen name in my profile if you would like to talk and get to know me/let me get to know you better before the gathering.