Jim and Hal made this easy
First, Jim will have to explain the comparison he made about his grandmother,unless it was humor that I missed on.One would have to be awfully naive to believe that Hussein had no knowledge of a person of such "celebrity" in his country,especially with his level of security
and the coalition troops finding him so quickly.
I think you'll have to reread the post,Jim.I never mentioned bin Laden,nor any connection between him and Hussein.Terrorists was what I said,and I'm not specifying any one group.There is one thing the middle eastern terrorist groups DO have in common.....their hatred of the west,the US especially.In that particular regard,bin Laden and Hussein DO have something in common.
It only takes some observation to see that many Arab groups will switch from friend to foe in a moment's notice.It's not exactly a secret.
Thanks for the links,Hal.I'll get a translation program of some kind to check into the articles.
However,there is some problem with your post.The news of Abbas' capture was reported by several news sources,including msnbc.com, hardly a conservative or Bush-supporting site.Either way,it makes no difference.The unquestioned truth is that he was captured,no matter the source.All I said was that he was wanted for the Achille Lauro hijacking,which is something you just confirmed, as Italy still wants him extradicted.
As for his swearing off violence,that's up to the individual to assess his sincerity.It would be awfully nice to be able to pop off a few of one's enemies,who might have provoked a violent response,make some public "mea culpa" speech,and then walk away unencumbered with any legal consequence.Hell,I'll start tomorrow.
I am aware of several Arab/middle east relations like the one you just wrote about.The Saudis claim to be allies,yet have madrassahs teaching hatred for the west.Egyptian radio broadcasts anti-west messages despite being financed by the US for about$25,000,000.
Yemen has "outlaw" areas of their country,even as they assist the US against terrorists.Not only is the Qatari Interior Minister an Al-Queda supporter,the news agency Al Jazeera is based there.If you look at the thread you posted,you'll see that I had responded then,too.
My reply here is roughly the same as my reply in that thread.The middle east is a chaotic mess,always has been,might always be.Until the day you divorce yourself from the area,you have to deal with it.
Al-Queda supporters are all over the area,as are wahabbists,western supporters,and the ones who play any given role at any given time.
Lastly,this concerns US policy. You stated that Abbas traveled through Gaza several times, with the full knowledge of the US.What was not mentioned was that Clinton was president at the time,and middle east terrorists had little to fear from his administration.
This is one area where I'll concede that US foreign policy confuses the rest of the world.Our two party system is basically polarized,and policy will swing from one side to the other.In Abbas' case,the inaction of one administration does not condone or pardon his actions, it just ignores them.Fortunately,Italy is not seeing eye-to-eye with the Clinton administration on this topic.
And you are correct about there being more than one side to a coin.
Many news sources here call European sources biased,and can show their own examples.There's something else we'll have to deal with.