joseph soap
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Several months ago the Northern Province surprised many by electing the Matriarch Party with its strong emphasis on law and order overturning almost two decades of government by the Liberal Party. Central Province Times reporter Emily Brown took a trip up there and found much to admire.
When the Matriarch Party took power in early spring many thought it just another right wing protest group which would not last. In fact crime of all sorts has fallen by 70% and the economy has grown significantly. How has this been done?
Marion Kilbride head of the newly created Department of Punishment is in no doubt. "My first task was to reform the prison system which over the last twenty years and particularly under the Liberal administration led by Fudge Woolley had gone from bad to worse. Inmates could wear their own clothes, drugs were freely available and and the place was run by corrupt wardens and some of the tougher prisoners. Costs were high and nothing put back into the economy. The long established practice of weekly spankings was a thing of the past. Indeed there was talk of abolishing it altogether."
The party's solution was simple and comprehensive. If elected, prisoners would be spanked not once but at least twice per week with new and more subtle punishments such as tickling, facesitting, and the wearing of shame clothing introduced. Once properly "shamed and tamed" inmates would be turned into individual profit centers required not only to work on projects for the benefit of the community but also "hired out" to individuals and businesses.
Kilbride's first move was to appoint new prison governesses whose views were in line with her party's thinking and the entire staff was over a few weeks replaced by young eager female officers - generally in their early twenties with a sprinkling of more experienced ladies in their forties and early fifties. A similar shake out was applied to the police force. In addition, conscious that government rarely has all the answers individual parts of the program were put out to competitive tender
The private sector did not disappoint. Within two months the spanking contract was awarded to Perkins Inc whose founder, Sally Perkins, takes up the story. "I had become disillusioned with Fudge Woolley and the Liberal Party for some time and matters crystallized when my mother was robbed. The culprit was caught but received a light sentence and had no fear of prison. That's when I joined the Matriarchs and developed something which would give allow society to hit back." What she developed was the "Perkins Pocket Radiator" - a small lightweight slipper capable of fitting unobtrusively into a prison or police officer's tunic whilst packing a ferocious sting. "The secret is in the wide range of soles" she says "these go from the "bumble bee" used for first time parking offenders, women or those over the age of sixty to the "wasp" - a favorite for speeders and drunk drivers; "the horsefly" - the standard tool for prisoners and police interrogations and for serious cases the "serpent's tooth."
"In an example of poetic justice the pocket radiator was at my request "road tested"on the miscreant who had taken my mother's purse and I took great pleasure in watching his transformation from sneering lout to howling coward. Satisfied with its potential a couple of police ladies used it to interrogate him on other unsolved crimes. He will be inside for some considerable time and he's certainly not smirking now" said Perkins.
Clothing was Kilbride's next item on the agenda with locally based Wendy Adams CEO of Adams Advanced Apparel Solutions (AAAS.) receiving the contract. Whilst many had bid on the standard specification of brightly colored bonnet, frock, stockings and bootees, Adams had impressed the panel with her imaginative "Penitent Panties " which the prisoner would require to wear for at least a week at a time. The beauty of the design was the series of locking zips which could only be opened by a special key possessed by the officers. Every time the inmate wanted to perform a basic bodily function, as Kilbride gently puts it, he would have to politely request the wardress to unzip him thus putting him in a psychologically humbling position.
The effect was compounded at the end of the week when each inmate had to stand in line waiting for a group of female officers to unlock the zips; pull down the panties and inspect them. If the officer was satisfied - often after much conferring with smirking colleagues - the inmate was zipped into a fresh pair. If she was not the officer would take out her pocket radiator and pat her lap meaningfully, Once finished she would turn his panties inside out and zip them back on for a further week.
Some controversy surrounded the award of the lucrative tickling and facesitting concessions to locally based Smart Innovative Techniques ("SIT") Inc whose chairperson Sandra Smart was a significant contributor to the party. Although tickling and facesitting were tendered separately SIT bid for both in partnership with AAAS and Northern University - even although officials from that body were on the judging panel.
"It was an excellent, and well thought out bid which was streets ahead of the competition" says Kilbride. "Using theoretical research from the University's medical and anatomy departments; coupled with field work carried out on selected prisoners ; it was conclusively shown that whilst both tickling and face sitting were each highly effective forms of torture when used in isolation; they were in the order of 6.4 times more effective when used together in a process known as cooking."
It was also shown that unless the treatments were applied in a controlled and scientific manner the victim could suffer lasting damage either in the form of reduced mental capacity ( quite literally "tickled out of his wits") and/ or be subject to suffocation; both of which reduced the prisoner's usefulness and future earning capacity. In addition the majority of police and prison officers were young ladies in their early twenties and we needed to change the perception of punishment from stern and old fashioned to "cool," trendy and fun.
The proposals solved both problems. The consortium produced a patented design for facesitting trousers which were lightweight, tight fitting and stylish but at the same time sufficiently durable to comfortably withstand the stresses and strains of many hours holding in place male faces writhing frantically beneath them . In fact so popular were they that both police and prison departments decided to adopt them as part of their uniform.
The perennial facesitting problems of having to let the victim up for air, accidental suffocation, and biting was also resolved through another invention called the "oxidiser." This was a patented plastic material which fitted over the inmate's teeth and was then connected to a thin flexible tube . With the oxidiser in place the victim could be safely cooked without let up for over three hours at a time.
The trousers were also marketed with great success to the general public under the trade name "Girl Power" which, as readers will know, are currently the must have fashion item for young ladies throughout the country.
As part of the tender the consortium organized training courses for prison and police officers. These took place in a specially adapted training block where, in addition to various spanking techniques, students were taught how to swiftly locate an inmate's most sensitive areas or "agony points", and how each reacted when subjected to different tickling techniques. Lessons were also given on which methods produced the best results in different circumstances. As Dr June Wilson of the University's anatomy department explained "cooking a suspect to obtain information on a crime about to happen requires a quite different approach to that used in extracting a confession or breasing a rebellious spirit." Detailed instruction was also provided on the use of special oils, powders and other techniques to keep the skin and nerve endings at maximum sensitivity for prolonged periods.
Safety was given high priority with much attention paid to proper fitting of the oxidiser; how, when and for how long to "boil" the victim ( i.e. bringing him to and keeping him at the point of maximum agony); and the subtle art of prolonged "simmering".
As part of their contribution SIT produced a range of musky perfumes which the officer applied to her trousers for added effect.
"We initially recommended that this be done at least two hours before cooking took place in order to allow the subtle aromas to mature" said Smart. "That however was not always practical - especially with police officers who may be called upon to cook suspects at short notice whether to to obtain information; to administer summary justice on the beat; or in accordance with the new "on the spot" penalties for litter and motoring offenses. Prison officers also found themselves in a similar position- especially with new inmates trying to avoid putting on their shame clothing.
Perfumes are now effective for at least eighteen hours and officers are now required to lightly spray their trousers before retiring for the night. The range is ever growing and as part of the contract each police and prison officer is professionally "smelt" on a regular basis by a small team of older and highly experienced ladies from our product development department who provide the brand most suited to her individual characteristics. We also keep a small number of upgrades on the premises to assist from a users point of view.
The most popular training, however, are on techniques for breaking the male spirit through humiliation - including those taken by Jenny Adams on the use of shame clothing generally and the imaginative use of penitent panties in particular; and by Sandra Smart on the use of placarding ( ie having to wear a sign with a short simple but telling message such as "Freshly Cooked " or "To Be Spanked ") Also well received is the lecture by Professor Audrey Smith of the applied psychology department on her thirty two point test for checking whether an inmate's spirit has been completely and irretrievably broken or as itis known "upgraded"
Although crime has fallen by over 70% and 90% of inmates upgraded Kilbride is looking for even greater improvements as the deterrence effect of her policies are felt. Surprisingly perhaps business for both police and prisons is booming. There is a high demand for upgraded prisoners, or upgrades as they are known, from individuals, businesses and other groups and they are charged out with premium rates. By law their treatment must be supervised by at least two trained officers whose time is charged at a standard rate with additioanl charges for extras such as practical demonstrations and advice. Indeed recent research suggests upgrades are a key underlying factor in making Northern Province a number one destination for hen parties. Most importantly however in a major coup Kilbride recently signed a number of highly profitable rendition treaties with other provinces and neighboring countries. " We have more inmates than ever " she notes "They may come to us as lions but are sent back as shorn lambs.
Indeed so successful are the policies that many question who will stand against the Matriarch Party when elections fall due in three years time. Whoever it is it will not be the former Liberal leader Fudge Woolley. Following his defeat Kilbride had him taken into custody where he quickly confessed to a range of crimes during his previous period of office and is currently serving a ten year sentence. When last seen in public he was being escorted by two pretty young prison officers with photogenic smiles in the direction of the training block. Those present quietly noted that he was dressed in clothing which no image consultant would advise; and had a placard round his neck which said "85% Upgraded"
Keener observers noticed that he was wearing his penitent panties inside out.
Note. Since time of writing Matriarch parties have sprung up in a number of provinces including Central Province and as readers may know Emily Brown is standing as a candidate. The Central Province Times is wishes her every success
When the Matriarch Party took power in early spring many thought it just another right wing protest group which would not last. In fact crime of all sorts has fallen by 70% and the economy has grown significantly. How has this been done?
Marion Kilbride head of the newly created Department of Punishment is in no doubt. "My first task was to reform the prison system which over the last twenty years and particularly under the Liberal administration led by Fudge Woolley had gone from bad to worse. Inmates could wear their own clothes, drugs were freely available and and the place was run by corrupt wardens and some of the tougher prisoners. Costs were high and nothing put back into the economy. The long established practice of weekly spankings was a thing of the past. Indeed there was talk of abolishing it altogether."
The party's solution was simple and comprehensive. If elected, prisoners would be spanked not once but at least twice per week with new and more subtle punishments such as tickling, facesitting, and the wearing of shame clothing introduced. Once properly "shamed and tamed" inmates would be turned into individual profit centers required not only to work on projects for the benefit of the community but also "hired out" to individuals and businesses.
Kilbride's first move was to appoint new prison governesses whose views were in line with her party's thinking and the entire staff was over a few weeks replaced by young eager female officers - generally in their early twenties with a sprinkling of more experienced ladies in their forties and early fifties. A similar shake out was applied to the police force. In addition, conscious that government rarely has all the answers individual parts of the program were put out to competitive tender
The private sector did not disappoint. Within two months the spanking contract was awarded to Perkins Inc whose founder, Sally Perkins, takes up the story. "I had become disillusioned with Fudge Woolley and the Liberal Party for some time and matters crystallized when my mother was robbed. The culprit was caught but received a light sentence and had no fear of prison. That's when I joined the Matriarchs and developed something which would give allow society to hit back." What she developed was the "Perkins Pocket Radiator" - a small lightweight slipper capable of fitting unobtrusively into a prison or police officer's tunic whilst packing a ferocious sting. "The secret is in the wide range of soles" she says "these go from the "bumble bee" used for first time parking offenders, women or those over the age of sixty to the "wasp" - a favorite for speeders and drunk drivers; "the horsefly" - the standard tool for prisoners and police interrogations and for serious cases the "serpent's tooth."
"In an example of poetic justice the pocket radiator was at my request "road tested"on the miscreant who had taken my mother's purse and I took great pleasure in watching his transformation from sneering lout to howling coward. Satisfied with its potential a couple of police ladies used it to interrogate him on other unsolved crimes. He will be inside for some considerable time and he's certainly not smirking now" said Perkins.
Clothing was Kilbride's next item on the agenda with locally based Wendy Adams CEO of Adams Advanced Apparel Solutions (AAAS.) receiving the contract. Whilst many had bid on the standard specification of brightly colored bonnet, frock, stockings and bootees, Adams had impressed the panel with her imaginative "Penitent Panties " which the prisoner would require to wear for at least a week at a time. The beauty of the design was the series of locking zips which could only be opened by a special key possessed by the officers. Every time the inmate wanted to perform a basic bodily function, as Kilbride gently puts it, he would have to politely request the wardress to unzip him thus putting him in a psychologically humbling position.
The effect was compounded at the end of the week when each inmate had to stand in line waiting for a group of female officers to unlock the zips; pull down the panties and inspect them. If the officer was satisfied - often after much conferring with smirking colleagues - the inmate was zipped into a fresh pair. If she was not the officer would take out her pocket radiator and pat her lap meaningfully, Once finished she would turn his panties inside out and zip them back on for a further week.
Some controversy surrounded the award of the lucrative tickling and facesitting concessions to locally based Smart Innovative Techniques ("SIT") Inc whose chairperson Sandra Smart was a significant contributor to the party. Although tickling and facesitting were tendered separately SIT bid for both in partnership with AAAS and Northern University - even although officials from that body were on the judging panel.
"It was an excellent, and well thought out bid which was streets ahead of the competition" says Kilbride. "Using theoretical research from the University's medical and anatomy departments; coupled with field work carried out on selected prisoners ; it was conclusively shown that whilst both tickling and face sitting were each highly effective forms of torture when used in isolation; they were in the order of 6.4 times more effective when used together in a process known as cooking."
It was also shown that unless the treatments were applied in a controlled and scientific manner the victim could suffer lasting damage either in the form of reduced mental capacity ( quite literally "tickled out of his wits") and/ or be subject to suffocation; both of which reduced the prisoner's usefulness and future earning capacity. In addition the majority of police and prison officers were young ladies in their early twenties and we needed to change the perception of punishment from stern and old fashioned to "cool," trendy and fun.
The proposals solved both problems. The consortium produced a patented design for facesitting trousers which were lightweight, tight fitting and stylish but at the same time sufficiently durable to comfortably withstand the stresses and strains of many hours holding in place male faces writhing frantically beneath them . In fact so popular were they that both police and prison departments decided to adopt them as part of their uniform.
The perennial facesitting problems of having to let the victim up for air, accidental suffocation, and biting was also resolved through another invention called the "oxidiser." This was a patented plastic material which fitted over the inmate's teeth and was then connected to a thin flexible tube . With the oxidiser in place the victim could be safely cooked without let up for over three hours at a time.
The trousers were also marketed with great success to the general public under the trade name "Girl Power" which, as readers will know, are currently the must have fashion item for young ladies throughout the country.
As part of the tender the consortium organized training courses for prison and police officers. These took place in a specially adapted training block where, in addition to various spanking techniques, students were taught how to swiftly locate an inmate's most sensitive areas or "agony points", and how each reacted when subjected to different tickling techniques. Lessons were also given on which methods produced the best results in different circumstances. As Dr June Wilson of the University's anatomy department explained "cooking a suspect to obtain information on a crime about to happen requires a quite different approach to that used in extracting a confession or breasing a rebellious spirit." Detailed instruction was also provided on the use of special oils, powders and other techniques to keep the skin and nerve endings at maximum sensitivity for prolonged periods.
Safety was given high priority with much attention paid to proper fitting of the oxidiser; how, when and for how long to "boil" the victim ( i.e. bringing him to and keeping him at the point of maximum agony); and the subtle art of prolonged "simmering".
As part of their contribution SIT produced a range of musky perfumes which the officer applied to her trousers for added effect.
"We initially recommended that this be done at least two hours before cooking took place in order to allow the subtle aromas to mature" said Smart. "That however was not always practical - especially with police officers who may be called upon to cook suspects at short notice whether to to obtain information; to administer summary justice on the beat; or in accordance with the new "on the spot" penalties for litter and motoring offenses. Prison officers also found themselves in a similar position- especially with new inmates trying to avoid putting on their shame clothing.
Perfumes are now effective for at least eighteen hours and officers are now required to lightly spray their trousers before retiring for the night. The range is ever growing and as part of the contract each police and prison officer is professionally "smelt" on a regular basis by a small team of older and highly experienced ladies from our product development department who provide the brand most suited to her individual characteristics. We also keep a small number of upgrades on the premises to assist from a users point of view.
The most popular training, however, are on techniques for breaking the male spirit through humiliation - including those taken by Jenny Adams on the use of shame clothing generally and the imaginative use of penitent panties in particular; and by Sandra Smart on the use of placarding ( ie having to wear a sign with a short simple but telling message such as "Freshly Cooked " or "To Be Spanked ") Also well received is the lecture by Professor Audrey Smith of the applied psychology department on her thirty two point test for checking whether an inmate's spirit has been completely and irretrievably broken or as itis known "upgraded"
Although crime has fallen by over 70% and 90% of inmates upgraded Kilbride is looking for even greater improvements as the deterrence effect of her policies are felt. Surprisingly perhaps business for both police and prisons is booming. There is a high demand for upgraded prisoners, or upgrades as they are known, from individuals, businesses and other groups and they are charged out with premium rates. By law their treatment must be supervised by at least two trained officers whose time is charged at a standard rate with additioanl charges for extras such as practical demonstrations and advice. Indeed recent research suggests upgrades are a key underlying factor in making Northern Province a number one destination for hen parties. Most importantly however in a major coup Kilbride recently signed a number of highly profitable rendition treaties with other provinces and neighboring countries. " We have more inmates than ever " she notes "They may come to us as lions but are sent back as shorn lambs.
Indeed so successful are the policies that many question who will stand against the Matriarch Party when elections fall due in three years time. Whoever it is it will not be the former Liberal leader Fudge Woolley. Following his defeat Kilbride had him taken into custody where he quickly confessed to a range of crimes during his previous period of office and is currently serving a ten year sentence. When last seen in public he was being escorted by two pretty young prison officers with photogenic smiles in the direction of the training block. Those present quietly noted that he was dressed in clothing which no image consultant would advise; and had a placard round his neck which said "85% Upgraded"
Keener observers noticed that he was wearing his penitent panties inside out.
Note. Since time of writing Matriarch parties have sprung up in a number of provinces including Central Province and as readers may know Emily Brown is standing as a candidate. The Central Province Times is wishes her every success