Well, I've never thought that this day would come. But here I am to say that... Yeah, I'm leaving TMF...
The reason I'm posting it here is because I won't leave without posting some material I still have and also for more people to read it. Because I'll talk about something that is a huge problem for me, a fear that's consuming me inside out. I'll post it also on "Tickling Discussion"...
So, I'll start saying what happens with me. I'm 27 and I'm into tickling since my early childhood. My first memories are from the time when I was 4 or so. And I grew up thinking that tickling women was an awesome thing. I've always been attracted by women and, as soon as I found out that a woman was ticklish, she became so much more attractive...
I took it easy during all my life. When I was a teenager, my friends started masturbating with pornography and naked women photos. Well, at the time, I hadn't understood the way I'd sexualized tickling yet. I tried to masturbate with this type of material, it was impossible for me. But I didn't think there was something wrong with me, I just thought that I needed something closer. I always had strong love connections with women. Love bonds were special and invariably I always got connected with a girl...
When I was 14, I first kissed. It was a horrible experience, it was forced by the group and both me and her didn't want it. I just kissed again when I was 17. And, with this girl, I stablished a wonderful bond. But she was for another city, the relationship didn't happen in the way I wanted. I went into depression for two months. That was when I met the woman of my life...
We started dating quickly. And my dick was so hard next to her that it was throbbing. One day I got a cramp in my scrotal sac. I decided I must do something. Then, I thought I could try with tickling...
Yeah, I did it...
And I'll continue in the post below. But I'll post a video attached here also. A girl has a great sides reaction:
At some point, I'm going to have to face this head on with her. And I'm very, very afraid of not being able to. Because I can't even jerk off anymore. Not even thinking on her being tickled by me...
I was a tickle video junkie for 10 years. Deciding to abandon this overnight is difficult, but I don't have the mental health to continue. I know that the issue must be much more psychological and traumatic than physiological, but I can't be here comfortably anymore...
And I would really like to know if anyone goes through or went through this problem too. Because, as I said, the idea of not being able to please the woman I love so much is absolutely frustrating. And honestly, if she leaves in the future because of something related to this, I don't know if I'll have the strength to deal with it...
If you've read everything up to this point, thank you so much. Because it's been a while since I wanted to blurt out. And now I would like to read some of your opinions...
I will continue to post some farewell materials on this thread now. But the decision to leave is, unfortunately, final...
Good night...
Brazilian /F:
You're not alone man. Even some women admit they are grossed out by dicks lol but they either get over it or just learn to deal with it while they pleasure the man they care about it. Some guys who are just into sexual penetration will also say they aren't fond of doing certain stuff to make their woman get off but will do it anyway. Love is both giving and taking and no relationship is perfect. It takes work, even with having a good sex life many will say. Especially since some women usually take longer than men to get sexually satisfied. Both have to evolve, adapt and condition each other to meet each other's needs whether they have fetishes or not. I sometimes think people like us take a while to develop sexually because our brains are so focused on tickling when most people get tired of it and want to move on to other ways of being intimate after like middle school lol. It's okay to enjoy tickling though, many adult couples still do it even without the fetish, everyone has different tastes. Like with food though, we just have to learn to appreciate other foods to get the full nutrition our body needs even though one type may always be our favorite lol. Tickling is an early form of flirting and there's a reason. A lot goes on during tickling besides the tickling itself and laughter. What helped me was realizing that and how I enjoyed other things going on during the act of tickling besides tickling. Pleasuring a girl is actually pretty close to tickling and certain tickling can even enhance pleasure during sex. Touching/caressing a woman to make her moan or breath heavily is kind of like getting the reaction of laughter. Sometimes you'll even get the exact same reactions during sexual activity that you do with tickling, especially smiling. If you like it when she smiles, encourage her to do it more and find ways to do it other than tickling her. Communication is a big key to great sex. You can also tease and dominate your partner in other ways without the tickling if that part of the tickling turns you on. Just like you can make a girl laugh without tickling her when you don't touch her but want to hear her laugh. If you put your mind to it I know you'll figure out other ways to get similar enjoyment tickling causes you as you wean yourself off it. I'm not saying give up tickling all together, but learn to appreciate other things like kissing and cuddling to show your affection whether in real life or fantasizing if you revert back to masturbation and/or porn. Again, if vaginal sex still grosses you out maybe focus on the woman's reactions instead of the actual penetration part. Over time you'll get use to it. You might have to sneak in some tickles here and there or think about it to get excited when having sex but over time you won't have to. Jumping into sex can be overwhelming so maybe set a boundary and put off sex for a while until you feel ready and just learn to appreciate other things that lead up to it in a relationship, such as just kissing and grinding. I learned to get off grinding and kissing first fully clothed before having sex which helped me and over time evolved into other sexual activity. And when it comes to sex a lot of guys struggle with ED and there's a lot of reasons you might besides your fetish. Some examples are stress, being tired, drinking too much, medication ect. Some guys without fetishes even take time to get use to vaginal sex with a new partner and would rather just get oral sex or hand jobs but have to learn to get use to it. I have a friend like that. Vaginal sex is natural though and part of our instinct to survive. I believe everyone can adapt to it. I mean even gay people can do it and have kids although they might not enjoy it. If someone can find a way to make love normally with someone they aren't attracted to I know you can without your kink. It just might take some time to get to that point. It took me a while but over time I ended up conditioning myself to get excited over mainstream sex scenes like I do with tickling scenes. I'll admit I still get more pleasure from tickling, but I also enjoy sex and I bet you will too. Hope some of my advice helps. Sometimes I wonder if we do a form of conversion therapy on ourselves to appreciate sex, not that I know a lot about that controversial topic. I know I did a lot of praying though to help myself lol. I don't think you can pray the fetish away but you can learn to control it and enjoy other things. But if you don't want the fetish anymore who knows, maybe you can get over it. But like others mentioned, you can still learn to enjoy normal sex with it.