Oddjob0226 said:
All I can say is, when you feel right, and with a person you trust, give it a try. The 1st time WILL be difficult. But it won't hurt, and you won't die. And the high afterward is amazing (if it's done right). Make sure to use a safe word. Make sure to communicate before and during the tickling. Make sure you have a 'Ler who will show you supportive affection eve as you are deing tickled to death, and during any breaks. AFTER that 1st time, it will stillbe difficult to take, you'll still feel fear, but it won'tbe nearly as intense as that one time. You'll grow to like the loss of control as a catharsis.
It just happened... I'm stuck now....
DAMNIT.... er...
Oh boy! Oh yes!
Oh no...
I just got some rather disturbing news. Someone sent me an email with an invitation to tickle hell. I mean... a REAL tickle hell.
As I mentioned earlier, I'm *very* powerless to not accept. Especially from this woman. She's brunette, and of course as pretty as an Atchafalya swamp before the mosquitos come out. (Yes, I'm a country boy.)
I have never... ever... been so scared in my life. Well, except for right before I went skydiving for the 1st time (I was horridly afraid of heights before that). After that I was only afraid of crashing jetliners. If you ever want to be able to fly again, don't let me tell you the story of the air disasters I've worked.
I'm changing the subject of course. And supportive affection during the tickling would NOT help make the tickling less intense. It would help me mentally to succomb to it.
I'm reminded of what a friend told me once. I had told her about some of my b/d fantasies (the tk one was still a bit repressed at the time since I hadn't found a.s.f.t or a.m.t. I thought I was alone in the world with the desire to be tickled. I was about to enter a b/d relationship with someone and I asked my friend, "What the hell am I going to do about this? I am scared to death - I get butterflies in my stomach just thinking about what is to come." She told me, "Well, Lee, the best advice I can give you is to sit back, <sarcasm> TRY </sarcasm> to relax, and enjoy yourself."
Now what in the hell am I gonna do? I've got an email I'm 3/4 finished composing to send back to her (with my pics of course). I'm an attractive guy so I know that won't be a problem. It's all over now... she MAY even have a friend that will help gang tickle me... AND I've got 2 other (f) friends that I may invite to come witness this. THEY may decide to take their hands to me once this gets started. Yet, I've GOT to accept because my body will not allow the rationale of the brain to come in and say, "No."
This is REALLY going to be an interesting event. Scared to death, I'll probably be shaking in fear just when I meet this woman. Her being incredibly attractive doesn't help matters in the least. I could handle being tickled by someone who I didn't find attractive but I suspect that a more beautiful tickler would make me all the more ticklish.
Here's what's going to happen. At least I hope... or I hope not... I haven't decided if I hope or hope not. Bear with me here... my stomach has knotted up again because I'm having to put down on paper what's going to transpire. She'll be wearing ordinary clothes... nothing fancy, no fanciful leather, etc. Just plain jane comfortable jeans and a t-shirt or shorts and a t-shirt. I'm going to be wearing a simple pair of shorts... or briefs... (that's up to her, and I don't wanna know which until the day of the tickling). And then I'll be tied face up (the back just isn't that ticklish, is it?) to a bed, arms straight up, not to the sides, and legs out and to the side. Sort of a half spread eagle. It puts the armpits up and available directly. Then, I've no clue what will happen...
Chances are I'll freak out and really start the begging before the hand ever comes near my ribs.
<pant> Ok.. .that's all I can really relate at the moment without freaking out.
Can *anyone* give me some advice? Is it really going to be as frightening as I think it's going to be? Has anyone else been through a 1st tickling that promises to be ruthless? I've heard of this lady's past tickles... <shiver>. I'll die if she holds down an arm or sits on my hips to assault the upper body... Ever heard a ticklee in a video give out that pitiful, almost crying laugh?
What have I gotten myself into....
Oh, this will be my 1st tickling as an adult. I had one at 16 that was pretty bad but I wasn't ever restrained to where I couldn't get away. And I was never tickled badly enough so that I wanted to get away. So, in many ways that was the heavy petting and this is the real thing.
*squeaking* help?