It gets worse and worse
Ohhhh boy. Just when we thought it couldn't get any worse...
The woman I've spoken with has a friend.... I suspect that said friend saw my pics and decided that she wanted in on this as well.
I'm REALLY doomed. But at this point, I've accepted my fate. I have gone through the stages at this point. At first, I denied that it was happening. I simply didn't believe it. I sent out my tk fantasy in response to the email. She comes back with a friend that she'd like to get involved and another really good reference.
Then, I started with the fear bit... I'm STILL scared but this fear was the begining of accepting my coming fate.
Then came the bargaining. I mentally was trying to find a compromise that would appease both my mind and my body (or id and ego if you will). None could be found. In fact, I'm not sure who is rooting for the tickling that's coming. It varies between my id, ego, mind, and body.
Then came depression. I was worried that it wouldn't happen.
I'm begining to go into acceptance at this point. I know I'm going to be REALLY frightened once this starts. I'm going to be scared once I simply put on the wrist cuffs and ankle cuffs. I have this horrid vision in my mind of someone (there's up to 3 people now that are going to be gang-tking I think) getting my skin energized and then simply putting her hands on the sides of my ribs. She won't even have to scratch. I'll climb the walls with just hands TOUCHING my ribs at that point. The woman I'm going to be a victim to is a master of psychological nastiness as well.
The moment someone sits on my legs or arms (or both...) is going to be intense. I have these nasty visions of my arms going up over my head while on the bed... I also am having some rather sweet dreams about this upcoming tking.
Although I'm starting to accept my fate, my body and mind are still at odds with each other over it. I'm going to be told to do something... like, "put your arms over your head". And I'm going to be in reluctant compliance.
As far as someone taking the 1st hour (of two) for me... NO WAY. HEHE. I'm hopeless. I could get out of this now, but I know I won't.
BUT. I'm SOOOOOOOOO happy to have had the chance to correspond with other male ticklees. We're quite more numerous than I thought. Most of the guys are actually very nice as well. It's been refreshing.
I won't really have much more information on this for about a week. I'll post the new info in a new thread here.
I've decided that we're going to take some pictures and bring a tape recorder. I can't get my hands on a video recorder, but the tapes should be enough.
Oh, and the RL romance bit is moving along... slowly. There's one major obstacle. I'm _not_ having sex with anyone w/o a ring. I know it sounds overtly effeminate, but it's the way I am. There's been a LOT fewer broken hearts for me since I vowed to quit the sex thing until I put a ring on someone's finger. But the girl in my RL romance has a pretty bad track record with fidelity. So... we'll see about that. I strongly suspect that she's going to be a lot closer to me after the tking. SHE was the one who said that there may be 3 people tickling me (meaning she was going to join in).
Oh, and finally I've re-posted my story (My Worst Nightmare) to the TMF story forum. Note that this is about to become nonfiction and part II is probably going to BE non fiction after I meet with fate.
I still squeak, "help????"
Why squeak? Cuz I'm still spooked. ;-)