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A World of When story Talyn: ”Dragonfly” Part 1 M/M, F/F


Tzar of the TMF
Apr 2, 2001
<center>A World of When Story.
Talyn: ”Dragonfly” Part 1</center>

You can find other chapters in my World of When Series here:

Click a number to see each of the earlier parts 1 to 13: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13.

All content, characters, and settings are ©2006 to Myriad Worlds Incorporated. All rights reserved.


Welcome back!

Thanks to the three year gap in my work, a small explanation is in order. This is a WoW chapter that can be read apart from any of the others linked above. It’s a closer look at one of the characters from the main series, Talyn, a professional thief, that fills in a little bit more about her, and one of her adventures. It will be basically self contained when finished (projected at two parts, three if things get silly) and you need not slog through the 13 previously published chapters to enjoy it. Though there are small things that readers of the regular series will find and enjoy in here also a bonuses to older readers.

I know I’ve not picked up with the long lost (and for some of you long awaited) chapter 14, but I’ve been away from the characters for 3+ years, and am not quite sure what I want to do. This piece has been mostly a toss off exercise to limber up my writing once again, and see if I’m still any good at this.

One thing I would like to hear is what each of you like about the series as a whole, meaning, what appeals to you in the way the characters are presented, the way the tickling is worked (or not worked) into the flow, and so on. Which characters do you like? Why? Writing these is often like tossing pebbles into a well. I’d like to catch a better idea of what worked, and what didn’t, and what sort of things people are seeking in their written tickling fiction these days. It’s appreciated.


Ross was having a very bad day.

He had snuck into the Adirondack Heritage Park in hopes of stealing something to impress Jennee with. The girl had totally been ignoring his attempts to get to know her better. But he knew she loved flowers, and if anything would get him into her pants, some rare bloom from the park would do the job.

He’d been inside the park for less then two hours when nanocams suddenly sparked all around him, and his implant chirped to life, informing him that he was in violation of some statute, and that he’d forfeited his citizens rights somehow for what he’d done.

So he ran for the park border like a scared little girl.

Over the past half hour, as he ran through furrowed fields, and light woodland, Ross realized that he was being shadowed by a man riding an honest to gods horse! The man was dressed in a light gray woolen outfit, with a over-tunic that had a small version of the park logo upon it’s left breast, a series of interlocked circles. The hunter had deftly ridden him to ground, and using a lasso, just a friggen lasso! Had caught him, and deftly tied his wrists together, his ankles to one another, then after tossing another rope over a large oak branch, the man tied it to his wrists and hauled him up to dangle, and spin in lazy circles.

The number of cams watching was increasing. More seemed to spark into life every minute.

“I know you can see me out there!” Ross screamed to the cams. “Help me! Send Help!”

The hunter smiled at him. He was a large man, fit and in his twenties, but unlike anyone Ross had ever seen in his life, he looked.. weathered. As if his life had a real lasting effect on his body. It didn’t make sense.

In a strong resonate voice, the man spoke. He had an odd accent, often some letters were stretched out, and his word choices were unusual. “You have violated the parks boundaries, trespassing. Your rights have been voided by your actions. You now belong to the park until you pay off your indenture. The show you are now part of will be a first step on ending that debt.” He then unsheathed a frighteningly sharp knife that had been at his hip, and began to cut Ross’ clothing off his body. The synthetics parted to the hand forged blade with ease, even the foot wear. In no time at all, the young man was fully nude. Ross spent the entire time alternating in cursing the man, and begging.

Having finished his work with the blade, the man gave Ross a lazy spin for the cameras. Like every citizen, Ross was in fine physical shape. Well muscled, shaggy russet hair, a thin beard highlighted his narrow and currently frightened face. He had a light tan, and enough body hair to give off a reddish cast when the light hit it correctly.

“I didn’t mean any harm.” Ross got out around tears. In his thirty years of life he had never been treated or spoken to like this man had. All he could think about what what his friends who saw him like this would think. How much they would tease him. Tears began to flow down his face in earnest now. This wasn’t fair!

Without warning, the gray clad man stepped behind Ross and placed his gloved hands into the hanging man’s armpits, and began vigorously tickling him.

“Why! Whaaait.. OH HA! AH!! HA HAH! HAH! HA! HA! HA! HO! NO! HA! OH-AH HAH HA!” With his full weight pulling his arms taught, there was no escape from the softly gloved hands the hunter was using to such good effect. “AGGHAHA! NOOOOO! Dooont!! AH! HAHAH! HHAHAH! HAHHAHA! HA! Nah! Nah! Plah! OH! HA! HEH! Ahhee!”

As the hunter tickled, he slowly rotated Ross so all the floating cams could get a good look at the howling trespasser. Never letting up with his wiggling fingers. Eventually Ross stopped laughing and just made a set of gasping choking sound as he thrashed his head back and forth in silent laughter and an attempt to get air into his oxygen starved lungs. He tried to kick backwards with his heels at his tormentor, even with his tied legs, but with a laugh, the hunter sidestepped, then simply placed the heel of his own booted foot on the rope that held the ankles together, and pressed down with his weight. Now Ross was stretched even tighter.

The focus shifted to his ribs. This got the laughing started once more. “NO NO NO HA! AHHA!! UH! HAH! HAH! HAH! HA! PLE...PLE..PLEASE STOOOP! Oh HAH HAH AH! WHY! WHY! AHAHA! CANT! OHUHAHA!” The silence of his tormentor bothered Ross deeply; He desperately tried to think of a way to make the torment stop. “What! Wait! AHAH! Nah! What? Waaa AH! doya! HEAHHAHA! Want! nononononon! AGHAHAHAHA!” Slowly the hunter methodically worked his fingers up and down his ribs, digging in with both hands as he found places that produced better responses. Ross was reduced to howling, crying laughter, sprinkled with the occasional words of pleading.

About a fifteen minutes into his torment, to his utter horror, Ross realized that the combination of his fear, the contact, and the laughing was making him hard. The Hunter noticed also, and actually gave him a break. “Oh Ho!” he laughed in that funny accent. “I bet there is a special woman out there whom enjoys that! Many women may enjoy it now! Look at what you might be able to have soon ladies! Perhaps men also? He will be a pleasure toy in our next auction!” Ross was humiliated to be so exposed to all the world, and he knew that everyone could see him. The head to toe blush of his skin betrayed his shame.

“You can’t!” wailed Ross. “You can’t do this to meeeee!” In response, the man suddenly reached down with one hand, and grabbed the rope about his ankles and hauled them up behind his body as he stepped back, making Ross look as if he was laying face down in a hammock.

“We can do as we like to you. This, what I do, is to make people see you without control. They who buy time like that. Later others will use you as they like, and pay well. Hope for hard things, then you will be free faster!” The gloves then descended upon the mans helpless feet. Strong fingers dived between his toes. NOOOOO! AHHA!! AH! NOT THERE! EYA! AHHA! EYHAH! EYHAH! EYHAH! HA!” Ross shrieked, his voice high and panicked. “NONO! Please! STOOPPIT!! AH AH HAH AHA HAHAH!”

Talyn ordered the wall display off. She’d bought access to the Parks feed when she saw it tagged with a tickling theme, in hopes of getting a few ideas she could torment her lover Don with, the next time she happened to come out on top in a tussle with him. And there were a few there, but she just couldn’t focus on the action. Her mind just kept drifting.

Talyn was in one of her moods. They came upon her every so often, and were very frustrating. The desire to HAVE would raise its head from the depths of her mind, and grab at her attention. Until she answered the call, she’d be distracted and unable to enjoy the other aspects of her life. Don, her lover being chief among them. She always hated not being able to totally focus upon him. In many ways he was her world, and her love for him was something she didn’t like to see clouded by her private manias. Her desire to ‘collect’ things was such a complication. One she struggled with. It was sweet that he didn’t mind it, even celebrated victories with her, but she wished she could master its hold on her. The oriental woman had put off acting on the desire to HAVE again for almost a month, but it’s itch had become too much to ignore. She had to act.

So cross legged, her lean body at ease, long dark hair with it’s silver strand casually pony tailed, Talyn sat logged into the infornet with a useone neural mask on. The mask was the best she had on hand to hide her true self on the net, and unless someone was specifically looking for her as she was mentally in a ‘place’, she was fairly comfortable that no one would detect her searches, and curious poking. And today that was important, for she was looking for something extremely rare, something she would steal if she could locate it. She searched for art.
Talyn had a weakness for works that represented animals. Over the years, she had stolen dozens of pieces of art, and had earned a well deserved reputation as the Onyx Shadow. A few fictional vid-casts had even been made about her exploits. That it had even become a status symbol to have had something stolen from you, by her, in some circles, puzzled the young woman. She took a lot of pride in her ability to get into places she should not, and was indeed quite skilled. She only stole animal works. Her collection was impressive. But she didn’t see anything special about her victims other then that they had something she’d wanted.
Recently she’d come to learn about something special. While on a job, she found a piece that was... different. A small cat, curled in sleep, carved from marble. Or something like marble. When she’d picked it up, she got the distinct feeling of a real cat purring contentedly nearby. Of course she took it. Research into the tiny work had stunned her, and made her long for more of them, unlike any desire that had driven her before. For almost a month she was manic with WANT. She had dived into research. What she was able to find out was sketchy. About half a millennium back, not long after the Thinker wars ended, and people were rebuilding that which had been lost to the corporate AI’s, there had been a young artist who had created a series of these small statues. Totems to be more precise. He’d created animal themed pieces, that when held, or kept in close proximity, would induce gentle feelings of that animals presence, using some then-new technology. They had always been popular, and like any handcrafted item, each was unique, and quantum tagged to insure that copies were easily discernible. Over the last year she had managed to gather two more of the works. She was looking for number four.

She had been looking on and off for over a week now. Her frustration was a wire nervousness in her body. The oriental thief hated this aspect of herself. She had even begun to speak with Bree a bit on the topic, but they were just starting to dig in, so progress would take more time. Relief would have to come with acquisition.

Finding the things was always the difficult first step. Small, easy to hide, protected. But people were vain, and they liked to show off their homes and living spaces for others to see and envy. So she wandered through the personal vanity zones of the stupid, looking at the homes they left virtually open for others to see and admire. On occasion she would strike gold. And today, the gods had indeed smiled upon her. In a sprawling ranch, just on the edge of the Sonora Desert Heritage Preserve, in what once long long ago had been something called the ‘State of Arizona’, sitting in a nook among other statues, was a small stone dragonfly. Talyn caught her breath, and got a grip on the rush of excitement that bubbled up in her. She was so jazzed that her fingers curled in desire to hold it, and she actually jiggled in place, shaking with extra energy. She virtually walked over to it, and peered at the work. There was no question in her mind, excluding the possibility of a copy, it was one of THE works. The detail, the way the stone glistened, the color. Even more exciting; it was the first one she had ever seen that was not a mammal! “What would it feel like to hold?” Talyn wondered. She needed to close her eyes and breath deeply for a few minutes to calm down. Once focused again, she did a careful examination of the rest of the home, and even the grounds that surrounded it. The foolish owner had provided entirely too much detail in the desire to show it off. She was able to wander into almost all areas of the estate. This job looked to be a simple one. HAVE would soon be sated. She logged, destroyed the mask by having the maker in her room unmake it, and then lay back on the bed, and began to plan.

The gritty desert sand whipped back and around Talyn, as the young woman sped overland on a turbobike. The machine generated a highly focused air cushion that kept it a few inches over the ground, while it’s duel turbine scoop engines sucked in raw air, which was disassembled into component atoms and the hydrogen, oxygen and some other custom made organics were burned to provide power and thus astonishingly fast forward motion. She’d almost wiped the stolen toy more then once as she got used to it. It was impressive. It was also quite fun. Talyn was enjoying the speed and the risk of the bike more then she wished to admit to herself. That feeling of excitement that grew in her when she took risks was slowly rising in her stomach, and a bit lower... She smiled thinking about the the workout of a fucking she would give Don when this job was done.
She had tubed, wearing a disguise, into Vegas, that thrice risen city, now home to the Western NA Beanstalk, an elevator to orbit, and the cities current claim to fame. Vegas was one of the globes major transportation hubs, so it was well served, and easy to get into without much specific notice if one was careful. The underground tube trip through the maze had taken less then thirty minutes from the east coast. Once she arrived, she changed her appearance once more, and quickly picked up the Sandboy who had owned the bike now between her legs. “He’d thought he would be in that position himself right about now.” she chuckled to herself. Instead he was sleeping off a drugged kiss that induced enough nanos into his body to overwhelm his onboards and shut down his higher nuro-functions for a half day or so. His systems would burn the invaders off in time, but by then, she would be done and gone, and her need for his bike would be over. She’d even decided to turn the homer on, so he could find it easily, before she left too. “He was cute”, she thought. If she was not on a schedule, she’d very well might have had more fun with him. “Ah well. Cost of my business.”

The bike ate the several hundred mile trip with no problems. Talyn reached the target right on her planned schedule. She stashed the bike about two miles from the home, and suited up. The Milgrade camo body covering smartsuit slicked itself to her form once woken. She always had a moment of claustrophobia as it closed over her face, but it passed quickly as the suits outside nanocams quickly made is seem as if she was not wearing any hood at all. In fact, in passive mode, the suit transmitted all stimuli, sight, sound, sent, and tactile at 100% base, and could augment them many fold if asked. She enjoyed the feeling of the cool desert night breeze against her body. The sheen of sweat the ride had generated, quickly vented through the suits micro pore structure, as it adjusted her body temp to optimum levels. With a sub vocalization, she activated the smartsuits camouflage feature fully, and simply faded from view. The suit captured images of whatever was behind her and projected it onto the front side. It compensated for depth and light, and as long as she did not move in an overly choppy fashion, she would not be seen. Talyn did a check of all the suits pockets, verifying everything that she needed was with her. All was good. She called up a navigation map that the cowl projected directly onto her retinas, and began to jog at a slow ground covering lope towards the house.

Something was wrong. A few things provided Talyn with clues to this fact. The first was that there was a huge hole where the house’s front door once stood. Various defense systems lay scattered about the yard smoking in various stages of sparking and exploding. The pieces ranged from tiny to quite large. There was even a small fire.
However, the real clue to wrongness was the pair of jet bikes that came blasting out of the hole in the house almost running her down. The pair of clearly female riders had rocketed past the invisible thief totally unaware of her even being there. Before she sprawled flat, Talyn had just enough time to issue a command which told her suit to exude a puff of atom sized trackers into the air which the riders passed through. “Hopefully enough will stick.” she thought. The women raced off into the desert in a cloud of noise and dust.
Tal knew that the local militia would arrive soon. A ham handed grab like this would have to be fast in and out. Hell, she could see local nanocams sparking to life as security routines accessed the ambient units that drifted everyplace. The suit would keep her stealthed from them. She knew that she should go now, but she HAD to check. Talyn quickly entered the house, and raced to the Dragonflys last known location. It, and all the other art from the room was gone. Growling to herself in anger, she pushed down her urge to smash something. She turned on her heels, got out, and made for her bike at a full run. Even as she arrived there, sensors she had deployed on her jog to the house were relaying the arrival of the local authorities. She eased the bike to life, and quietly made her way from the area. She’d remembered to switch the suit to a garish swirled color, so she looked like any other sandgirl out for a wild ride in the desert. No one would suspect her. As the miles passed, the cranky thief calmed herself, and began to plan her next actions. Boosted by the bikes power, the suit was now projecting two pulsing dots onto her navigation map. She had the bitches who took her Dragonfly. And she would get it from them.

After about half an hour the women being tracked had separated, and annoyingly, she lost one of their signals. A problem, but Talyn comforted herself with the fact that she still had a firm lock on the other. After a several hundred mile ride into what had once been old Mexico, this amateur had gone to ground in a bunker like building that seemed to have had no clear purpose other then looking tough and ugly. For one like herself, it posed no problems for Talyn to enter it undetected. Security was a joke.

In the lower entry ‘dock’ area, she found the woman’s bike, and took the time to crack it’s control system so she would have a new ride when she left here. Her bike had been loyal, and a hell of a lot of fun, but by her guess, it would be a very hot one in about an hour, when a cranky boy woke back in Vegas. So this new toy would suffice. The Aron built cracker she carried with her, made short work of the bikes security, which was like the buildings, at best pathetic. The new bike would now answer to her voice.

Escape secured, the once again fully cloaked thief, crept into the living area of the building, and got her bearings on where her prey was. She did this by tapping into the cams that her suit could detect in the area. Carefully sparking only one at a time, Talyn surveyed the building room by room.
The woman was busy in a living room like area, starting to carefully dissolve foam off several objects of art with a little sonic tool. Obviously they had coated all they grabbed with a expanding foam for protection, before tossing the objects into a back pack. Now it needed to be cleaned off. The woman was still wearing her biking outfit, set to a pale yellow, hood thrown back. She was a striking example of the Hispanic genotype. Rich dark hair, burnished skin, dark brown eyes, full lips. The suit did little to conceal her lush curves. Talyn thought to herself, “I prefer boys, but she IS quite yummy.” She had quickly decided how she wanted to play this, but wondered what enhancements the woman might have, if any. Surprise counted for a lot, but if the woman was significantly augmented in strength, there could be a serious problem.

Quietly Talyn crept into the room where the woman was busy cleaning off her loot. The thief smiled to herself, the IR feedback she was now seeing off the woman, thanks to her suits visual abilities, showed that her targets body temperature was at human norm, no hot spots. Strength or mech upgrades tended to cause a person to read a bit hot, like her lover Don did. Talyn pushed fun thoughts of how nice it was to cuddle against him for that warmth from her mind, and refocused.
No sign of that here. Reaching into one of the smartsuits many pockets, Tal pulled out another small container, and quietly misted the air with a healthy dose of computer viri. The tiny machines were molecular sized basic system invaders. Not useful for anything of significance. But they could easily get into, say, a cheep smartsuit’s command system and take it over. Slowly items in the room lit up on Talyn’s cowl display as they were infected and came under her control. She got a green “You got it” glow from the carpet, a photograph frame on the desk, and assorted pieces of discarded clothing on the floor as the virus spread out. To her surprise she even got one of the walls. “This place IS a dump” she thought. After a few minutes, the Hispanic woman’s body suit gained a green glow on the thief’s visual display.

Smiling to herself, Talyn accessed the woman clothing with quiet sub vocalizations, and eye tracking commands on the menus that came up inside her hood. She quickly ran through what she had to work with. The currently yellow jumpsuit was basic protective gear for riding fast things. It was designed to limit damage to the wearer, should they happen to wipe out upon a toy at several hundred miles per hour. Should such a crash happen, the suit would instantly snap into steel like hardness on its outside, vent a smart fog cushion around it, and fill with jell to damp the projected impacts within. The crashsuit, and the fog around it, would shed the kinetic energy they took in from impacts in flashes of light and heat discharge. This effect is why one slang for crashing was known as ‘strobing’ in the speed lovers culture. One would end up bruised, but nothing you couldn’t walk away from feeling little more then embarrassed.
Talyn was only interested in the suits ability to harden. She located the routine, and keyed it’s activation to her voice. She then slipped a small black cone, about two inches high, from another pouch, and set it for it’s widest area, also keyed to activate on her voice command. The cone would, when activated, produce an area of silence that anyone, or thing, outside the effect would not be able to hear sounds from within through. In this case, the thief did not want any house AI to be called upon by the Hispanic woman.

Taking a series of deep breaths to tamp her excitement back, Talyn focused, then walked, still invisible, into the room where the woman was still busy with her stolen goods.

“You are so fucked.” said Talyn at full volume. Her chosen command phrase.

The woman looked up in surprise, which quickly turned to utter shock as her body suit went from supple to iron in an instant. She became a statue standing locked in a half turn toward the voice she had heard. Only her head free to move.

“What the fuck!” she exclaimed. “Who are you? What did you do? Let me go!” she asked and demanded, looking about in a growing panic, not seeing anyone.

“I’m someone who wants something you have.” said the invisible thief, her voice distorted into a whisper by her suits systems. “Someone who is far better at getting what they want, and keeping it, then you are, I think.” Talyn added, feeling a bit amused at the panic in the woman’s eyes. It felt good to be scary. As she spoke, she sorted through the objects that the woman has unpacked and cleaned up. The Dragonfly was not there. “Fuck the other one had it.” she thought to herself.

“What do you want?” asked the captive woman. She seemed to be getting control of her fear.

“Something that is not here. The question is, did you hide anything, or does your partner have it?” Talyn knew the woman had no time to hide anything, as she was just starting to unpack when she’d arrived. But did not let on to that fact.

“That’s everything I got.” the woman replied. “That’s my half. Everything!” she added.

Talyn walked up to the woman and bushed a curl of hair from her captives face. ”Ah!” yelped the woman flinching back from the unexpected touch. Her eyes growing wider in fear. Realization setting in that whoever was here was not an amateur if they could be THAT invisible this close.

“Who is, and were is your partner?” asked Talyn. “Answer me, and I’ll go. And I’ll be sure you are found in a reasonable amount of time also.”

The trapped woman shook her head. “I don’t know, we met on an underweb site, planed to do this for kicks, I never even saw her face.”

“Liar.” said Talyn flatly. She had full access to the woman’s vitals via the hacked suit. And several of them had spiked in ways that indicated untruth.
“Naughty naughty liar.” She gave the woman a shove with the flat of her palm. Off balance, the helpless woman fell backwards with a shriek of surprise. Talyn had made the carpet extra thick and squishy before she had pushed, thanks to another hack, so her captive got a much softer landing then she expected. “Tell me the truth!” she snarled.

“Please! I don’t know! I don’t know! Don’t hurt me!” begged the woman, once again clearly frightened.

“Two more lies.” answered Talyn. “You really suck at this game.” She ran down the menu for the woman’s suit, and dialed the opacity to zero. Instantly the yellow color faded to transparent, and her captive suddenly was fully exposed, nude. On her back, with her legs and arms in the poses they had been when standing. She looked funny. Talyn giggled despite her attempt to be a scary bitch. She’d been right in that the woman was yummy. The woman blushed, which of course ran down her body from head to toe. That caused the thief to chuckle again, and then mutter. “You’ve nothing to be blushing over. I know some folks who’d love your tits.”

“Let’s try this again.” Talyn asked quietly. “I can tell when you lie, What is your name anyhow?”

“Kanda” replied the woman sullenly.

Under her hood Talyn smiled. “Well there is some progress Kanda, that was true. Now tell me about your partner.”

“I won’t!” snapped Kanda, “You can’t keep me like this forever, and then you’ll be the one in trouble! A bunch of people are coming, and they will deal with you!”

Giggling again at the show of bravado, Talyn spoke quietly as she manipulated the captured smartsuit’s system to retract the woman’s boots. “Kanda, you are right that I don’t have all that much time to spend with you, but I do have enough to make you tell me what I need to know.”

The sudden feel of cool air on her feet got Kanda’s attention. “What are you doing? Don’t hurt me!”

Talyn looked at the pair of feet which were trapped, toes pointing ceiling ward, both feet in mid air, thanks to Kanda’s locked leg positions. The woman had nice feet, thin overall, long toes, a few pleasing wrinkles on the arches, and a nice bronze colored dye on the nails that accented her skin tone nicely. Talyn wondered what its brand was. “This wouldn’t look bad on me with my skin tone either.” she thought. A subvox caused her suits fingertips to ripple into a bumpy texture, from the smooth one it had been set for.

Talyn hoped that the girl was ticklish. If she was not, then she would be in a tough place. “I’m just not the right sort of person for confrontations.” she thought, “I’m good at beating security, I’m just not set up for this sort of people thing.”

She took a breath and dove in. “Kanda, when you are ready to answer my simple question feel free to speak up.” stated the thief frankly. With no other preamble, she began to lightly trace lines up and down the feet before her.

Happily for Talyn, the woman began to giggle in response to her stroking. “gehehe! Stop that! It tickles!” were the best threats Kenda could open with. She twisted her feet left and right to try and escape the touches on her soles.

“Kenda, I’ll keep this up until you tell me what I want. Who is your partner, and where will I find her?” asked the thief again. She decided to concentrate all her attention on one foot at a time. When Don did that to her it always was more effective she remembered. So holding a foot firmly with one hand, she began to to draw small semicircles with the fingertips of the other along the foots long arch, from heel to ball. Suddenly inspired, Talyn called up the captured suits med displays and linked them into her suits evaluation system. It immediately started to note where her fingers were when she got the best responses from her captive. On her hoods visual overlay, green bands began to shade in where Kenda’s foot was most ticklish. The worst spots were rich forest green, while lesser ones shaded toward lime.

“Nahahahah! Nahahahaah! Nahahahaha!” laughed/shrieked Kenda over and over. Once past light giggles she seemed to drop into a up and down pattern of the same sounds that she couldn’t stop making. “Nahahahah! Nahahahaah! Nahahahaha! Nahahahah! Nahahahaah! Nahahahaha!” Kanda had her head thrown back and eyes tightly shut as the tickling wrenched sounds from her. It was so so bad. It seemed as if the woman working on her foot knew exactly how to make it tickle the worst. “Nahahahah! Nahahahaah! Nahahahaha!”.

Confident in her skill to break her captive, Talyn began to tease. “I can do this longer then you can stand it. Lets work under these toes.”

Kanda COULD clamp her toes shut. And did so, managing it even while the attack on her arch continued. “Nahahahah! Nahahahaah! Nahahahaha!” Even with that horrid tickling she could keep them shut! Suddenly the tickling stopped. Kanda gasped in a few well needed deep breaths. Expecting a trick, she kept her toes locked down.

“So dedicated to protecting under your toes! It must be bad in there!” taunted Talyn. She had an idea, once again drawing on her own personal weaknesses, which Don had exploited so many times. Lightly she began to tickle the TOPS of the toes. Stroking as far between them from that side as she could. Once more she admired the nail dye color also. It was really nice.

The Hispanic woman’s response was more then could be hoped for. “Dios! Neeeheehehehea! Nonono! Oh! Please! Neeeheehehehea! Neeeheehehehea!” and involuntarily her locked toes splayed open wildly. Talyn of course, was ready, and got her fingers under them before Kanda could, and did, clamp down again.

Once more the repetitive pattern of sounds that a tickled Kenda made restarted, only this time it was edged with shrieks of true hysteria. AHHHHHHH! HEHAAAAAAAAAA! NOOOOOAHHHHHHA! GEHAHAH! GEHAHAH! STHAHAHAHAHAH!”. Tears ran from her eyes, her dark hair wildly swung about her tossing head. Talyn would occasionally stroke the toe tops to cause Kanda to unclench for brief moments and add to the woman's torment. IHEHAHAH! AHHHHHHH! HEHAAAAAAAAAA! NOAHHA! HAHAHAHAHAH! GEHAHAH! GEHAHAH! GEHAHAH! GEHAHAH! GEHAHAH! GEHAHAH!”.

The woman's under toe areas blazed a green so deep on Talyn's heads up display that it was almost black. The oriental woman almost felt sorry for her prisoner.

“Just a name and place and it will all stop.” Talyn reminded. “GEHAHAH! GEHAHAH! GEHAHAH! GEHAHAH! GEHAHAH! GEHAHAH!” was her only response, as Kenda seemed to hiccup out her laughter endlessly. The tickler decided to ease back a bit. “Come on Kenda... You know you can’t take this. Just tell me and I’ll stop.” offered Talyn.

Kanda laughed and babbled. “Gehehe! no! Gehehe! no! Gehehe! stop! Gehehe! no! Gehehe! Please! I can’t! Gehehe! no! GEHAHAH! GEHAHAH! not there! Gehehe! no! She’s my.. Gehehe! please! GEHAHAH! GEHAHAH! She’s my... GEHAHAH! GEHAHAH! GEHAHAH! GEHAHAH! oh oh! Gehehe! no! get out of there! Gehehe! no! Gehehe! no! She’s, gehah, my gehah mother! Gehehe! no! Trina! Trina! Gehehe! no! I told you! My mom Trina! Gehehe! no! Gehehe! stop! Please stop! geheheh.”

“Your mother?” repeated Talyn surprised. All of the suits monitors indicated that Kanda was telling the truth. she eased back a bit. “Where can I find her?”

“Gehehe! no! Gehehe! no! Gehehe! Oh please! I can’t, I can’t, I geheheh. can’t. Gehehe! Gehehe! oh stop! Gehehe!” gasped Kanda. Her hair was now plastered to her head with sweat, and one could see beads of it running along her body through the transparent suit. “Gehehe! I can’t. I can’t tell “Gehehe! you.” I “Gehehe! no! no! don’t know. I don’t know!!! Gehehehe!”

The suits feedback told Talyn that was a lie. “Oh Kanda, I thought we were past the lying point in our relationship.” said the thief with mock sadness in her voice. A quick spoken command to her own smartsuit caused the area covering her lower face to retract. Talyn suspected that Kanda was enough like her that she knew exactly what to do to finish things. A few quick strokes on Kenda’s toe tops forced her to splay them just long enough for Talyn to bob her head down and catch the woman's big, and next two toes in her mouth. She started to lazily swirl her tongue in figure eights about the toes. It’s strength and slipperiness was more then enough to make its way where she wanted it.


Talyn had a solid grip upon the foot she was working on. And though Kanda struggled mightily there was nothing she could do to escape.


That was truth. Talyn quickly consulted her onboard systems with eye tracking commands. Yavaros was a resort town on the interior Baja gulf coast. She released the toes from her mouth and returned to a light stroking of the arch. “Where in Yavaros?” she asked, as her hood resealed over her full face.

“Nahahahah! oh please! Nahahahaah! a gallery! Nahahahaha! hehe! We sell “Nahahahah! art!! We sell black market there heeh. also. Nahahahaah! Nahahahaha! Nahahahah! oh please! no more! Nahahahaah! Nahahahaha!” admitted Kanda.

That was a truth also. Talyn stopped tickling.

“See that was not so bad, was it?” chirped Talyn as she stood. “I’ll make sure that someone comes to find you after I take care of your mother. It shouldn’t be more then a day or so. And your suit will keep you hydrated and amused until then.”

“What do you mean amused?” asked Kanda, having regained her composure enough to focus on her captors words fully again.

With a final giggle Talyn said, “When I first walked in, I told you that you were so fucked. I’m good to my word.” The thief sent a final series of commands to the hacked body suit, causing it to start in a gentle massage mode, if it could be seen, there would have been patterns of tiny ripples, as its interior surfaces gently moved. Talyn had directed it to pay specific attention to Kanda’s neck, breasts, nipples and entire pussy. Having amused herself with her own body suit in such ways before, she know how good it could feel. “Enjoy!” she called back as she left.

“Oh! Hye! Uhhhh! don’t... mmmm, no! go!” managed Kanda between other surprised sounds. “Oh god! mmmmm!” That, and the image of Kanda’s two feet flexing back and forth in helpless frustration, as the suit pleasured the trapped woman, was the last thing Talyn saw as she left. The cone she left behind would transmit all that happened within it to an underweb site where she could get it later. She figured her friends would be amused. The cone itself would self-disassemble once anyone touched it.

Rocketing overland on her new bike, across the deserts of old Mexico, headed towards the resort town of Yavaros, Talyn began to figure out the best way to deal with Kanda’s mother, Trina. She also took personal offense at these sloppy thieves. No style. None at all. It all would come out well she knew. It felt right. Grinning wildly as she goosed the bike faster, she let out a wild whoop of excitement. The Onyx Shadow was on the prowl. “Look out!”

To be concluded.
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