NO comparison,....
...To liking to tickle women, compared to being a queer. -For instance, tell someone you like to tickle people, ok, cute, boring, whatever, next subject. ....Tell someone you're a queer, and that's an entire lifestyle to deal with. -There is no comparison to the 2.
...A guy that likes to tickle a girl is pretty much still normally socially acceptable, even cute to most. -A guy who likes being with other guys, etc. just isn't in a vast majority of situations, like it or not. I'm sorry, but that's the way it is. I, personally, think it's gross, too. ...-If you see 2 men kissing, that doesn't make y'all cringe? I was in a movie a while back, packed full (no pun intended) with people, of all races, men, women, adults, kids. Well, there was a scene in it where 2 men kissed, the audience was gagging and "ewww"ing, ...that is a pretty good indication as to what bothers most people. -But I guess the majority opinion doesn't matter, huh?
...Not to mention, it's not biologically normal, re: can't have kids together naturally, etc., etc. etc.
...Anyway, I refer back to my first post on this subject now.
...P.S., God bless our troops fighting for us.