Re: ah, i have you now jim!
areenactor said:
the constitution guarantes rights, and freedoms, without interference from the government! nothing about our fellow americans!
without fear of reprisal and persecution.
that's governmental. the rest of the citizenry are free to heckle, or ignore, or not buy their product!
You'll notice Steve, that I italiscised the word 'spirit'. (For emphasis sake.) In other words I think it's beholden on anyone in a free society to honour the same pledges that their government makes. That doesn't mean disagreement is forbidden, just that tolerance and free speech should be afforded to everyone BY everyone. If it's supposed to be moral for a government to act tolerant and allow freedom of speech without reprisal and public demonisation, do you have any idea just how evil it sounds for a citizen to say they're of exactly the opposite persuasion?
areenactor said:
so jim i'll ask you again, why should entertainers get a free ride? why shouldn't their actions, and the things they say be held against them? why is it we're just suposed to blindly go along and accept their shinanigans?
I didn't say they should get a free ride. I said they should be afforded exactly the same rights as 'ordinary' citizens. I think entertainers of whatever description, should be judged on their abilities as artists, nothing more. You disagree. You obviously think that having the opposite view to yours is justification for a mass public hate campaign with scenes that havn't been witnessed since 17th century Salem.
You remember the time we had an even more serious disagreement than this, over a subject that is particularly unmentionable? Well how would you have felt if as a result of my strenuous disagreement of your views, I'd have paraded an effigy of you through the streets of your home neighbourhood and shouted through a bullhorn about how everyone should send you to Coventry,(English slang for not speaking to you) refuse to serve you in shops, ignore you in the street and generally treat you and your close family like shit? That is pretty much the behaviour you're condoning and even, dare I say it, encouraging, when it comes to people who have spoken out in America against the war. (And buddy, it pains me to say this because we agree on a LOT of things, but you of all people, in light of our past conversations, should know the dangers of various sorts of intolerance.)
And as for "blindly going along", well you are managing to do that with the government despite it's blatant lies, admitted false media statements (Although we sho believed them ourselves at the time folks, and it don't matter no-how because it was all in a good cause, getting rid of Saddam and all that!)and massive human rights crimes inflicted on civillians in Afghanistan and Iraq. (Go here... if you're interested in finding out exactly what I'm talking about.)
areenactor said:
soory, but your view is the communits one, mine is the one that is in-tune with our system.
I think it speaks volumes about America that you consider me communist, when I'm aligned with the right of British politics. Since when does a communist (as you postulate me as being) support talking about a controversial point of view in public? Since when does being a communist involve searching your conscience and speaking out against the actions of your government? (As I am surely doing; the British are always alongside our allies, for good or bad, better or worse.) If I wasn't a concientious abstainer (my little protest against the inherant corruption of all politicians), my vote would go for to the Conservative Party. This is the party of Margaret Thatcher and Winston Churchill, currently lead by Ian Duncan-Smith, a former commissioned officer in a Guards regiment of the British Army. The party of (allegedly anyway) zero tolerance on crime, kicking arse whenever some arsehole sticks their head up and invades someone that's a mate of ours, and the party of sceptisism in the face of an increasingly Marxist, European Union. (An organisation that I get as close to truly hating as I'm emotionally capable of.)
Steve, your view is completely outside and beyond anything I've ever heard Americans speak about their country with pride. There is no difference in my mind, between a government stopping someone expressing their views with snatch squads and false imprisonment, and the people of a country acting as unpaid thought-police and encouraging the sort of public vilification that has been taking place in the states against people who dare to be so foolish as to express an opinion that falls outside of
BOMB EM ALL AND DESTROY ANY PINKO BASTARD WHO DOESN'T THINK WE SHOULD BOMB EM ALL!!! In fact, I think the people doing it makes it even more abhorrent. It makes me want to weep.
areenactor said:
i am free to speak my mine via my wallet!
Sure you are and so am I. But that isn't what we've been talking about, is it? You're supporting speaking your mind through the ruination of people's liveliehoods and personal lives through your own intolerant actions and waging vendettas. Yeah, that really belongs in the land of the free doesn't it? You're supporting burning effigies in the street and having piles of CD's being burned. You're supporting mass-hysteria for no good reason other than pure intolerance. You're basically saying that America isn't a place that people should live in, unless they they have the same views you and George W. Bush do. Well sorry, but that doesn't sound like the U.S.A. publicity campaign to me. It sounds like you believe in a one party state, with one voice and one opinion. When people first went to America it was largely because they found the rest of the world too intolerant of their views and people like yourself who are as extreme in your politics as you are, should remember that. Will you be campainging for people like Sean Penn and Danny Glover to be imprisoned in the event of the next war, so they can't be subversive and commit the crime of expressing a contrary opinion? Will you be saying that people who are so obviously anti-American shouldn't be allowed the privellege of walking the streets freely of your country, so they should be locked in a prison cell? That isn't such a huge stretch from the opinion you're currently evincing. It just seems to me that you radiate hatred and close-mindedness and attempt to dress it up as world-weariness and knowledge. And like a lot of hard-liners, you rip a leaf out of the Joe McCarthy text book and brand anything you don't like as being "communist", because it's from one extreme to the other. You're either black or white, for us or against us, tall or short. There's never any shades of grey and it's waaaaaaaaaaay to simplistic.
Okay, now the political commercial is over, let's get on to the happy-go-lucky part. Thus far Steve we've refrained from personal
name-calling and insults. We've expressed how much we disagree with each other and we've said why we do. I'm sure we'll continue to do that, but let's make sure we do it in the spirit it's been thus far. We'll never agree on politics, not even close. But let's always make sure we disagree in a way that doesn't get us wasting those beers by throwing them in each others faces. Feel free to tell me you think my philosophy is only good for having a world full of limp-wristed liberals, poncing around and taking all the shit the bad-guys of the world like Saddam throw at them and that I'd make an utterly fucking terrible politician, (I'd happily tell you the same) but let's not waste good glasses of Carlsberg on it, eh?