thanks for the new photo, hadn't seen it before! here's some info on amy from an article on foxnews:
[LOS ANGELES — It's not hard to "Enchant" beautiful new mega-star Amy Adams — just tickle her toes.
“Romance isn’t dead — I think it is very much alive even today. But I don’t know that it will last forever after,” Adams told Pop Tarts at the Hollywood premiere of "Enchanted," which hit No. 1 at the box office last weekend. “For me, the most romantic thing a man can do is give me foot rubs. I will take a really intense foot rub over a romantic dinner any day.”]
there is video of the brief interview while she was on the red carpet, and she never says "tickle her toes" so the writer just threw that in, but during the interview she is very quick to respond with the "give me foot rubs" comment.