Chloe Chloe... Oh how I tickled her pretty toeys!
Where should I begin? Well, for starters her full name is Mistress Chloe. She's the blonde in the tickle clips at the top of this thread. And she runs an alternative activity spot called Chloe's Hideaway in San Diego.
I got the nerve up to attend one of her foot fetish parties a few months back. I arrived late and was reluctant to really participate like I had intended. Most of the girls were either busy or getting ready to leave. I'd see a totally awesome set of legs and feet stroll by, and before I could move some dude would jump up and monopolize her arches for the next half hour! Let's just say I was like a deer with headlights all around me...
However, this time I brought a bottle of red wine and left my inhibitions at the door. Within minutes I found Chloe prancing around in open toed pumps with a hellofa lot of arch cleavage showing! I downing my first glass of pinot noir and moved in for the kill. Trying not to blatantly gaze into those candy red toes I introduced myself and off to a more private area we went...
Is this boring... or should I continue???