(Even though it's not techincally anime, the character design is still very anime like. Also, it may sound like I'm just rattling on on this, but this is actually a review of this material as well.)
While browsing through The Soletaker's favoriates on Youtube, I somehow came across a video featuring a computer game where you play as a giantess in a city smashing people to bits. Thats right, with her feet. Bare feet. I'm not exactly into the whole giantess thing, (I'd rather see feet in a natural setting in all it's glory) but this game is slowly arousing my interest in it, if only because of all the different way's you can move the girl's feet. The game is called "Big and Small." You can download it here:
Oddly enough, this is actually someone's giantess and foot fetish website, only their "games" section. (Don't download the others, judging from the screenshots and graphics, they suck.)
Theres just a few MAJOR problems with this game.
First, and this is probably the most obvious, is, well, all 3 girls (one is unlockable apparently, I dunno how to do it yet) are barefoot. Most of their attacks involve their feet, and since you are smashing things on the ground it means you are concentrating on their feet to kill things, which needless to say, is VERY DISTRACTING! 8) 8) 8) You can pause the game, to take a look at her feet, but, well read on:
If your any kind of real gamer like me, chances are you got a monitor with a somewhat high screen resolution. For some damned reason you cannot increase the window size of this game. My native res is 1440x900 and the damn pedestrians and even the cars are just mer pixels in size. (You can only attack the things on the ground, this isn't Rampage.) Your attack animations are fluid for the sex appeal, but it also means you have to time your attacks as well. I have to go down as low as 800x600 to make the game fill up most of the screen, but then it also messes up my desktop icons, which is a pain in the ass to reset everytime you change your resolution.
Last, and the worst, is that whoever designed this game must have two combs with only 5 teeth on each for hands. Apparently they forgot that the layout of game controllers, keyboards, or that matter, THE FINGERS ON YOUR HANDS go SIDEWAYS! Not vertically! The only thing this is decent control wise is that the arrow keys move the girl around. Other than that, is your attacks, which is....Spacebar, CTRL, SHIFT, ENTER, \ or "backslash", and Backspace! In that order, is the order of usefulness and "power" from weakest to strongest, like the designer just figured it makes more sense to think that "higher is better" than what naturally fits your fingers instead. WTF! I"ve played old schol DOS games on the keyboard that had better controls than this. Don't make me spew a few common James Rolfe terms here...(true fans will no who I'm talking about =D ) Unless you got the room to turn your keyboard 90 degrees, no wait, that means your arrow keys are all messed up. And no, there is no way to change these controls, I've looked everywhere in the options, and game files. (Theres only one file) The only options are to turn the SFX and music off, which, do yourself a favor and turn the music off. All they put where Final Fantasy midis which really don't suit the game. Even though I personally like Final Fantasy, I can' tell you how many games that were made from game maker programs (and this is one) that I"ve downloaded, and all the music is Final Fantasy 7, like it's the only game out there. (i know i know, well, maybe cause it's a game? and Final Fantasy music is easy to find? well go to vgmusic.com and don't tell me thats all they can find.)
Coupled with the fact that the game only starts you off with one life, and this game is quite hard. It makes the fact the controls are bad even worse. You can gain lives quickly, but your girl can't take much abuse (even the one with the most defense) and there is no death animation if and when you die. All you hear is a a girl moaning, and, if you have another life, you come back to life, instantaneously. No brief pause (which would of been just fine, and them make you spawn somewhere else) to make you REALIZE you died, no brief invulernability, nothing. Not even a flicker. (And as far as I know, this is the full version. I'm sure he can't sell it, cause he's selling it with extremely out of place copyrighted music as I mentioned above, just listen to the game's main menu music. Seriously, how does Celes relate to this?)
Anyway, bad things aside (I know all I 've said were bad things) if you can get used to the controls, this game is pretty fun, cause your having fun with her feet, but don't expect Final Fantasy or anything. (Hah!) It's just a shame you can't stay alive for more than a few seconds without defending yourself so you can admire the girl's feet, which is kinda half the point of this.