That is "Love Hina." It's a a romantic comedy (my favoriate kind of anime) about a some lucky S.O.B. (or unlucky?) ends up being the dorm manager of an all girl dorm. Hilarity and romance insues, and lots and lots of "guy walks in on girl naked, and girl punches guy to the heavens, the kind of punch that negates the laws of physics."
A very good anime worth getting, if not just for the foot scenes. I will say there is one girl in the episode named Kaola, or however you spell her name, that is barefoot for nearly 95% of the entire series, mostly cause of her origin, but she falls upon the "young teen" age if thats not your thing.
Both posts you linked for some reason link to the same page. Though I didn't download the movies that came with the link, the images you see there are not hentai, so I don't know what it's doing there. In fact thats kind of a big spoiler, as it's the last episode right there.
If you do plan to get it, bear in mind that there are two special episodes: a spring episode, and a chirstmas special, with (I just looked on Wiki now, I was mistaken) the Chirstmas happening first, and the Spring second. (IMO the Chirstmas should of happened second, storyline wise) Usually holiday specials in a series don't continue the storyline much and just concentrate on the holiday itself, but these actually continue the storyline. The special episodes ends with what looks like the series finale and doesn't give any hints or upcoming preview unlike the previous episodes, when in fact it's not the ending at all, it's very misleading. There is a second box set you called "Love Hina Again" This season actually continues the storyline, however the episodes are longer to like a mini movie, but theres only 3 of them. I don't know why they made an entire new season just for 3 episodes to make a finale.
Go pick it up, you'll enjoy it.