jameslee said:She got a sexy feet.
Sexy doesn't have to be nakedKylrad said:Who... me 😉? How can you tell that if you only see me sitting, fully dressed and with my face covered 😀 ? Or have you mistaken the girls tickling her for a man 😉? Thanks anyway. And I totally agree with you about Anna's body 🙂
Sorry to anyone who feels disappointed seeing another post of mine without Anna's non-fetish picture 😉 My promise is still up to date, it will probably appear in the members pictures section 🙂
Oh now i get itKylrad said:No, a pic of her with her face visible but without any tickling/fetish settings, just a real-life photo.
And as for sexiness, I know one doesn't have to be naked to be sexy but you could see neither my face nor my body in the pics as my face is blurred and I am mostly hidden behind bed or sitting bowed over Anna's armpits so it's hard to rate my figure lol. But thanks anyway.
Kylrad said:If she were underage I wouldn't post these pics 🙂 but indeed she looks like a 15 year old if she wants to 😀 but actually the last week of her teenage years starts tomorrow. She's turning 20 this month 😀!
What clip do you mean exactly solletiocosoffro?
That sounds reasonable, I don't mindKylrad said:Yeah it's alright for anyone except for me and Anna herself 😀 sorry, her precious facial expression during tickle-session is only for us 😉
No, thanks, I'm compliment-avid😉 I was just surprised at your ability to rate one's sexiness by so few visible features 🙂
and what's wrong with the style I'm dressed 😉 ? It's no problem I'm just curious 🙂
not sure how to interprete this...just_tickle said:and well i don't uhm like the style you're dressed
sorry!!! I meant I do like it!!Kylrad said:not sure how to interprete this...