We've been trying to set up meetings and munches in Michigan for like 5 years now. We've had LOTS of maybes, lots of cancellations, lots of flakes and no shows. One year in Lansing we had 4, one year in Grand Rapids for my birthday we had 5, and this past year in October we had 5.
Despite numerous people contacting me and asking for details, and being given such, most will say things like "oh I forgot" or "oh that was THIS weekend?" Though I make several posts both here and FetLife and status updates as well as personally messaging people the details so nobody who actually wants to go/be there can legitimately forget. They can write it down, set reminders, etc.
The honest truth seems to be that people just don't want to commit to such a thing without guaranteed playtime set up and as it is, myself and one other girl out towards Detroit are the only (seemingly) active females in the scene and neither of us will just play with complete strangers without initial meetings first. As most sane people would understand. And so most would rather sit at home and complain that there's no scene in Michigan but what they're really complaining about is the fact that nobody will just come to their house and let them do things to them or have things done to them without first knowing who they are.
Most seem unwilling or unable to put themselves out there. And it's a shame as I've talked to the people who used to run the Motown parties and there used to be a fairly active tickle scene here but since they stopped hosting, nobody is willing to put in any effort towards meetings on a larger scale, though some have had success with one on one meetups.
Along with my boyfriend (we both are switches) I have met 10 others in and around Michigan at these few things we've had and they've all been delightful to meet. Great people who I think more should meet. And though they've been lovely and these tiny meetups have been swell, I'd love to see them more active.
I'm going to keep trying. I added up names. Between here, FetLife, and Kik messenger, I have over 30 contacts in Michigan that share our kink but the most we can ever get out to a gathering has been 5. I'd love ideas, thoughts about how to get people more active? Words of encouragement to keep going, keep trying. Anything really. I'm open to suggestions. As of right now, we're going to try again for a meetup in October , maybe even this summer sometime?