Seems like this post has run its course and I am now sharing my opinion on Page 5 so I doubt anyone will read or react to it, but I am bored and in the mood to share my thoughts. Seems like there is a bit of flat-foot disinterest or resentment on this thread and some general thoughts/feelings of arches making you more ticklish.
For starters, my fiancee is flat footed, basically no arch at all. She takes really good care of her feet though. Soft skin, toes almost always done, they don't smell, and she's by far one of the most ticklish women I have ever tickled in my life.
I love her feet, but I do agree preference wise, I prefer an arch over a flat foot. I do think arches make someone's foot look sexier in a way, and also help one to avoid foot pain so there's that. My fiancee's feet are beautiful, but due to being flat and non-arched, they appear wider. With that being said, I think too much arch is bad as well. If a person's foot is too arched to the point where it looks like the big arch in St Louis, it's always kinda creeper me out. I'm probably in the extreme minority here, but I do think too much arch is silly. I think somewhere between a small to medium arch to a slightly high arch is perfection.
Now, in regard to a person with arches or high arches being more sensitive or ticklish, that's just not true at all. Arches have (to the best of my knowledge) no affect on a person's sensitivity on their feet. As I said, my fiancee has some of THE MOST TICKLISH feet I have ever tickled in my life. Meanwhile, I have run into countless women in life with medium to higher arches that had little to no sensitivity on their feet, or if they did it was around their toes and balls of the feet. My female best friend has really high arches and I have been trying to get a ticklish reaction from her feet for over a decade. SPOILER ALERT: She's not ticklish. I've had women with high arches go crazy from the lightest touches and I've had high arched women not react at all to tickling, pedicures, etc.
I've seen flat feet that are much nicer than arched feet and more sensitive. It's not about the arch, it's about the person. However in terms of attractiveness, yes, I think an arch is more attractive than a flat foot. But that's about it.