Thought about the question. Thought about the subjectivity of the question. Who's included in "we"? What's "the word" in question?
Determined that, whether or not we agree, there's mainstream tickling now. Wasn't long ago there wasn't anything. Now there's a touch of it here and there.
If "we" means those of us on the TMF, then I don't know the answer to the question. I don't have a clear picture of the whole of the TMF.
If "we" means the whole of the online tickling community, then it only gets more confused. There's folks online doin' things I don't think are good, or even bright. Who's to say I'm the one to decide, though?
I don't know what "the word" even IS to this community, in fraction or whole. Gatherings, and the hosting of them, taught me that there are many, many definitions of what folks find cool about tickling. Some are narrower, and others more open, but the variation is wide, and doesn't always agree, end to end.
That tickling is showing more commonly in public entertainments is a positive, in my view.
That tickling has an aspect in the genre of sexually stimulating videos is a positive, in my view.
Do I think it should be mentioned in sexual education? Sure. Right along with ALL the other sexual deviancies. My pity to the poor instructor. Those classes are already a rough deal for the teacher. I think that it's good to mention that there's a norm and myriad deviancies in human sexuality. I'm still waitin' for a better definition of how things work. I've known WAY too many who didn't know how they functioned, sexually, right into this century. Second millenium, and we, as a species, can't figure out the clitoris? *sigh* I think we have a greater task, personally, in sex. ed.
I think that sexually restrictive thinking is destructive, and that it stands in the way of all deviancies. It's in the way of everything that ain't hetero-missionary procreation in things sexual.
It's a good question, Drew70, 'cause it's a thinker, and anyone doin' the thinkin' on this has a LOT of info t'chew through.
If "we" is the TMF, then yeah, I think we're doin' really well with showin' this subculture as civilized and positive.
Huh? Oh, this ain't so long. There's a lot more where it came from. Just deleted it 'cause it's too easy to go in too many directions at once. Good complicated questions are oft like that. Good question, Drew!
My overlarge $0.02,