are we born with it??
hmmmmm,,, this has always been interesting to me...i can only speak for myself and from my own personal experiances,,looking back on my life now, i can say that i was definately born with it as probably were my sisters as well,, my older sister, she would have boyfriends over to the house and would always wind up on the couch massaging and tickling her boyfriends feet,, ive even spoken with her lately about this since she and most of my family already knows that i have a foot fetish ( tickling is still a bit secret ) my sister did admit she has a liking for feet,, and theres my lil sister, who has a fetish for her own feet,, and has since she was just a few years old,, i remember her laying on the couch with her blanket, she was always playing with and tickling her own feet lol! she is still the same way now,, always playing with her feet and putting them up on the dash board when driving with someone,,even after i told her that there are certain guys who are definately watching lol! she seemed to like hearing that,,and as for myself, i cant remember a time when tickling and feet diddnt give me that warm fuzzy excited feeling,,and as i look back on my childhood i remember my father always playing with my mothers feet as well as my sisters,, ( not in a sexual way idiots),, now i have a 10 year old son of my own,,and he definately has a major foot fetish,, when i go shopping at the mall and bring him with his eyes pop out of his head when he sees cute girls wearing flip flops,, he actually stares at there feet! which embarasses me big time cause the girls do notice him doing it lol! at that age i guess you dont worry about hiding things like that,,i did read in a science journal that fetishes are a genetic thing,,even at my present age this fetish is always amazing me,,