Hai T!
I misses you.
🙁 How's life?
I miss you too
🙁 I hope you and Sweed are having an awesome time. I'm trying really hard to be in for tonight, but it's still up in the air!
I havva question for a Canadian. How come the Montreal Canadiens are commonly referred to as "Habs?" Never could figure that out...
That's a good question, I'm not even sure myself. I don't think I ever had an explination passed "That's what they used to be called" When you're a kid you just don't question these things
Did you know that you have your own personalised emoticon here in the forum?! --->
Hey look, they have one for you too!!
o hai.
didjoo know that I like seriously missing talking to you?
and everyone on skype for that matter?
WE MISS YOU TOOOOOOOOOOOOO, You know where to find me if you need a friend, or a shoulder, or just plain
HELLO!!! HELLo HELlo HEllo Hello hellooooooooooo.
CAN YOU HEAR ME? ME ME Me Me me meeeeeeeeeeeee
Would you be shocked or offended if I showed up at your door unannounced?
When we meet, what is the first thing you would say to me after Hi?
Have you played lotteries? If so, what's the most u've won from it?
New York Striploin or Filet Mignon?
Bring back someone from the dead! Who is it, why that person, where would you do it, what reason for bringing person back and when would you do it?
Do you know that I miss you very much and that I want to talk to you soon?
Do you understand this phrase: heart, diamond, club, spade?
Do you have a favourite author?
Do you like mythology of any type?
What's a good name for a dog?
A red pen explodes in your hand, on your shirt and on your face - what is your first reaction?
Post a picture and/or icon directed at anyone random. (No names) Why said picture/icon?
Did you know I have a new Logitech webcam?
Other than hockey, beer and poutine - name something Canadian that you absolutely could not do without?
Why was 6 afraid of 7?
In exactly 10 words - tell us what you're feeling.
Have you ELIMINATED your six-legged buggers?
Blackest Lily once posted a thread about a many-legged bastard falling down from her ceiling - what is an insect that, if it fell on you, you would go into a fearful craze or rage?
You have the ability to do any one thing in the world, any one thing conceivable and ONLY one thing, however once you have done that thing you will pass away. What would you choose to do for your one thing and it can be absolutely anything?
This doggy misses you very much. 🙁
I definately wouldn't be offended, just shocked.
Probably something along the lines of "It's about time"
Yes, we have played, we've won $20 so far..
New York Striploin
My grandma, cause I wish more than anything in the world that she could have been at my wedding -RIP!
I miss you too
Cards? - That's all I got...
I don't have a favourite author atm ... I've been too busy to read anything lately.
I like Greek mythology!
When we get a dog, i'm thinking about the Chloey, What do you think?
Oh %&@*!*!%!!!!!!!

- Friendship!
I did know that!
I'll have to get back to you on this one - AND IT'S NOT POUTINE!
I would definately scream, so I guess that would be a fearful rage.
Be extremely successful in everything I set out to do!!
I miss you too!!
How is it we're not friends on here yet?
I have no idea, but this problem should be rectified immediately!