I feel your pain, hon. I suffer from the same affliction: sensitive neckitis.
Someone who understands! My people!!!!!
I've found my people!!!!
I feel your pain, hon. I suffer from the same affliction: sensitive neckitis.
Hey, a dollar is worth more in Canada damn it!
Oh and I said at LEAST $10. Could be more!
Someone who understands! My people!!!!!
I've found my people!!!!
lmao!!! We're pretty much on par now!! But I likey... you no haz to spend anything 🙂
Favourite cream soda?
Group hug!
Congrats on your grape feather, hon! 😀
Oh crap! I got a new feather!
Didn't know that until just now. 😛
Yep, I started a congrats thread for ya.
Oh I KNOW he does 😉
I'd be at least a teeny bit scared. He's a great mind-fucker!
Nicely done!
Um, no. We're not scared of boys.
Don't gloat
Know what? I just posted in your thread. Does that shock you? 😉
He does NOT! 😉
Nah, I don't believe ya. 😉
Thanks! xD
Excactly, we're not! 😉
Why outta here? Don't be scared of leafy! 😀
Tonight? I'm frightened Auntie Em, I'm frightened!
Oh nuttin.'
Lol, you're crazy.
I have a bad headache right now. 🙁 Any idea on how to get rid of it? 🙂
Aww that's no good!
Well, what helps me, even with my migraines?
Ice. Ice packs or like, a bag of froze veggies? Hope you feel better soon! 🙁
I'll try to sleep away it, and then if it's not better I'll try ice. 🙂
I mean, I've only slept for 4 hours xD
Are you listening to the show too? 🙂
Yeah, sometimes I get "tired" headaches, like if I don't get enough rest?
And yes, I have the show on. It's minimized though cause I'm posting in the forum but I can hear it. 🙂
Yeah, might be that. 🙂
I see. 🙂 Same here. Plus I'm on Skype with Carso. xD
What are your plans for tomorrow (sunday)? 🙂
Awww! I'm kinda sorta on Skype wth Leaf but he's uh, busy in the chatroom.
So I'm posting the night away.
Yeah, we're not talking though for obvious reasons. xD I mean, it's 6.30 in the morning and our parents would wonder.
Aww, poor you. 🙁 Dumb leaf!
Haha that's nice though. 🙂
Yeah, it would be hard at that time of the morning! 😛
Ah he's ok. He's having fun! 😛
Yeah 😛 Especially when your family asked you about your talking in the middle of the night the day before. 😱
That's nice 🙂
Ooh oops!
Yeah, but I manage to talk it off 😉
What are you doing right now? 🙂