Did you like my surprises?
Favorite place to be tickled?
Favorite place to tickle?
I really hope you're getting a good sleep... *covers you up in your warm blankie*
Well, you know we miss you in the thread right?
How are you darlin'? Are you having a good week?
Hiya Tom!
I'm doing alright, can't complain!
How's you?
I am stylin' and PROfilin'! Had a great day!
Is it the weekend yet????
What's gonna happen when your Steelers play my Patriots?
How happy were you to see your Pens take down the Wings tonight?
Did you know that i just now realized you are a steelers fan?
Want that pink and white Steelers Jersey?
Aren't pink and white the natural colors for the steelers? I mean they are girly-men. 😀
How about a banana split and root beer with a bendy straw? 🙂
Did you know that there is a fart fetish?
Sorry i don't watch football. 😀 What made you a steelers fan?
How in the hell did i lose 8lbs in a week without changing any of my habits?
Stressed out at all?
That does it to me. Every. Single. Time.
What's one dessert that you wish you could eat all the time without worrying about gaining weight? 😀
Stressed out would be putting it mildly.
What would your ideal breakfast be?