Hit a beach this winter maybe? 🙂
How about right now? Why wait?
Agreed 😎
Take the day off... please???
Are you going to be WELL for the weekend?
Glad you got lots of sleep today!
What's on the menu for din din?
How's Angel tonight?
Do you think Carl and I should start bombing you?
How old were you when you had your first taste of alcohol? 😛
Isn't Angel answering tonight?🙁
Have you ever met anyone that is so incredibly amazing, that you automatically fallen head over heels in love with that person?
Give me a heads up next time?
Did you have a good weekend? 😀
Where's Angel??????????
Amazing! And you?
Could've been better to say the least.
Have you ever had a panic attack?
And yeah, I think I had one of those for the first time not that long ago. Actually, about a week ago. Still kind of freaks me out.
Sure wasn't fun.......if that's what it was???
What caused it? I mean if you don't mind my asking.
Aww crap! Well let's hope next weekend kick's this weekend's ass for you? I'll help!
And yeah, I think I had one of those for the first time not that long ago. Actually, about a week ago. Still kind of freaks me out.
Sure wasn't fun.......if that's what it was???
It was weird. I think it was a mix of everything. I just felt like I was going to crumble from everything I was/is going through and then I had a really shitty weekend which well, didn't help so I kind of lost it.
I'm hoping next weekend will be better since my birthday's Friday. I'm going to try to see if I can go out and just have dinner with a couple of friends.
Panic attacks are definitely NOT fun. I'm pretty sure I was on the verge of one last night. OMG.
Did you enjoy the extra hour of sleep last night because of Daylight Saving Time ended? 😛
No bueno! 🙁
Are things better now?
How is my sweet Angel tonight?
I'm doing wonderful! And yourself Sir? 😛