Do you know that you're my sweet Angel and I love you?
can u say this 10 times fast - Paracoccidioidomicosisproctitissarcomucosis
Did you have a nice weekend?
You know its okay, don't you?
How do you like my new Carso-quote?
How've you been? 😀
Are you still nervous?
Did you miss me?
Do you know you have absolutely nothing to be nervous about?
Did you have fun with me making up fetishes tonight?
Wonderful! 🙂
Did you know that Bella is still so vewwwwwwwwy nervous?
Well, I was talking about my precious one then but okay. xD
That one was about Ola dreaming that he learned his cat how to play hokcey.
and how is the sweetest angel I know doing today??
how's your little project coming along? 🙂
How much snow do have out Pittsburgh way?
Have I been a good boy?
Wanna go on a date?
We on for New Year's?