I think soon as the floors dry, I am going to go for a short two-wheel ride! When are you taking your dog for a walk?
Nothing wrong with your Puppy showing you off my dear, not a thing.
Does your puppy make you dress with shorts and tank top?![]()
How awesome did you feel when Jo used Janice Bear for this past weeks TMI Tuesday?![]()
I walked into the wall earlier. Why do we do these things?
But why do I have no idea where my body is in space?
1. What's better of these three options:
Cherry Coke
Cherry Pepsi
Or a coke mixed with grenadine
I'll go with Cherry Pepsi right now but I love a good ol' fashioned Cherry Coke (with the cherry syrup) from a diner from time to time. Never had Coke with grenadine but now I'm intrigued and I want one. 😛
2. When you buy chicken nuggets at McDonalds, do you get bbq sauce or hot mustard sauce to dip them in? Even if you get a different kind, those are now your only two options. 😉
What??? No honey??? Rats.
Ok, ok. BBQ. And it's great on fries too!
3. If you needed to look a word up, do you run for the dictionary or the internet?
4. What's one of the nicest things someone has ever done for you?
Last year on Mother's Day (the first after my mom passed away), a few friends came over while I was at the Race For The Cure (for breast cancer) downtown. I had been in a funk that whole week, hearing all of those Mother's Day commercials and all that - it was hitting me hard.
The one friend had a key so they were able to get in and when they did, they made this awesome lunch of all of my favorite foods and had it all ready for me whenever I got home. The best part is, none of them would consider themselves cooks but they looked up the recipes online and decided to give it a go. Everything turned out great and needless to say, I was moved to tears when I walked in. We each drank a Bellini (one of my favorite drinks and my mom's all time fave drink) and made a toast in her honor. I felt very loved that day. 🙂
5. Do you like Family Guy or Futurama more?
Family Guy but I think I've had my fill on that for a while.
6. Colbert or Stewart?
Stewart but only by a teeny tiny bit. Love them both!
7. Would you prefer no nipples, or nipples the size of dinner plates?
Haha!!! I'm going with the dinner plate nips. Perhaps a good conversation piece???
8. Why do bad ideas always seem so great at the time?
Bad ideas for me are usually impulsive and I do like that instant gratification soooo.....yeah, I end up going "WTF???" afterwards.
A lot.
I think we tend to justify bad decisions to make them seem beneficial at the time. Then reality hits lol.
9. How would you describe the style of clothing you wear?
Casual for the most part, except when I was at work. We had to do the business dress for the most part (exept for those crazy Fridays). But as soon as I came home, off went the work clothes and on went the jeans or PJ's.
10. How often should one water an aloe plant?
Ooh. Um. Well, being that I kill plants easily (but not on purpose), I can only guess here. When the soil is dry? I'm thinking that these bad boys don't need a lot of water.
Good answers, good answers...round 2!
Woo hoo!
1. What fast food place is better for burger taste:
Burger King or Wendy's?
Burger King. I love their Whoppers with cheese. It's the whole flame-broiled thing.
2. What are you sure of in your life?
That I have a purpose. Not sure what that is exactly but I'm sure I'm here for a reason.
3. How often do you do something only for yourself because it makes you happy? When was the last time you did it? What did you do?
Gosh, let's see here. (Holy shit, I just said "gosh").
I actually get really happy when I can make others happy. It's awesome to see someone smile or laugh and know that you had a role in helping that happen.
But I did have a nice "just for me" moment this weekend actually. I had a nice full body massage. And it was faaaaaaaaaantastic!
4. White chocolate or dark chocolate?
5. What's the highest inch heel you're willing to wear?
I'll go with six since it's the highest I've ever worn. I'd try higher just for laughs though lol. Why not?
6. Who was your least favorite teacher and why?
Calculus teacher my senior year. He was so boring and his tone was so monotonous. Not the kind of class to teach if that's your nature, just saying.
7. What does it mean to you to be 'generous'?
To me, it means giving what you have, whether it's material things or not, to someone that would benefit more from them than you would or to simply make them happy. Giving time to someone who really needs you, telling them if they need anything, they can call you even if it's at 4am (and really meaning that).
8. Would you describe yourself as more shy, or more open to people?
I'll go with open here. I'm an outgoing kind of person and can feel comfortable pretty much in any situation.
I can be kind of shy if I have a crush though. 😛
9. Who do you want people to remember you as?
Kind and a person who loved to make others happy. Someone who loved to love. Trustworthy and fun. Simple things really. 🙂 I wouldn't mind to be remembered as a "good person." Works for me.
10. SNL vs Mad tv, what would win today in terms of funny?
I love both but I'll go with SNL at the moment. It's kind of making a teeny little comeback in my eyes, at least from the few recent episodes that I watched. I hope it'll last.........
1. How long is your hair?
- short (down to the tops of your shoulders)
- medium (down below shoulder blades)
- long (mid back or longer)
Between medium and long (long definitely when I straighten it).
2. Do you usually wear your hair up or down?
Depends on the time of year. I find myself wearing a lot of ponytails these days. It's been so hot.
3. I know a girl who has 100 different pairs of shoes. How many pairs to you own?
I'd estimate somewhere between 30-40.
4. Of those shoes, how many are high heeled?
Probably around 10 pair or so.
5. How would you discribe your relationship with your parents?
My mother passed away two years ago but she was my best friend - we were extremely close. My father and I are really close as well. I can go to him about anything.
6. What genre of music do you mainly listen to?
80's, classic rock, oldies - and everything in between but those are my main ones.
7. Of that genre of music, who is your favorite solo artist? Favorite band?
Can't pick only one. Beatles, Doors, Duran Duran, etc. Yeah, can't pick only one.
8. Have you seen any (or all) of the "Saw" movies?
I've seen them all so far.
9. What is your favorite genre of movie?
Again, depends on my mood but I'll go with comedy here. I love to laugh.
10. Of that genre of movies, which one is your current favorite? All-time favorite?
Can't pick just one although I do love me some John Hughes films.. 😛
11. If you could travel back in time, which era would you most likely want to visit?
60's. Woodstock baby!
12. If you had won a sweepstakes where you'd earn a million dollars every year for the rest of your life, what would you do with it?
Make sure that my loved ones and I were all set, quit my job so I'd have time to volunteer and actually do things that would make a difference. Oh and I'd travel a lot.
13. Have you ever gone skydiving?
Not yet.
14. Have you ever gone skinny dipping on a dare?
Yes and also just for the hell of it.
15. Have you ever gone deep sea diving?
No but I'd love to.
16. Have you ever gone up in a hot air balloon?
Yes I have. It was awesome!
17. Would you ever wanna take a ride in a spaceship to see the rest of the galaxy?
If I knew that I could return home safely, yes.
18. Do you believe that there is intelligent life on other planets?
19. Have you ever gotten arrested? If so, what for?
No but I've run from them a few times during my college years lol.
20. If you could gain one superpower, which one would you choose?
Flight. I'd want to fly.
How are the old mush and the toe coming along? Healing up?
What's your favorite song of the moment?