You said in a thread that you were nervous why is that?
I start my new job tomorrow.
Just nervous lol.
You said in a thread that you were nervous why is that?
I start my new job tomorrow.
Just nervous lol.
Round 1 billion and 2 coming up!
1. When do you want to retire?
2. Describe what you consider work, and what you consider play. What are the differences?
Work is what I do to pay bills or to gain some pride (like working hard on a garden and enjoying the bounty later on, well, if I even had a green thumb lol). Play is everything else. 😛
3. How would you describe your sense of humor? What jokes are off limits to you?
I have a very weird sense of humor lol. I find most things amusing actually. 😛
Not too many jokes are off limits because people tend to find humor in almost anything but I really don't find that making fun of someone with cancer or a disability funny. I've heard those jokes actually.
4. What do you find thrilling?
Airplane rides, holding a new baby for the first time, finding out you got the job, caramel, banana splits with extra pineapple, hearing that someone's been cured, an awesome sunset, fitting into jeans that you weren't able to for a few years, my pets, being the first person to use a new jar of peanut butter, knowing that you've made someone's, I can go on and on lol.
5. What would you want to pass on to your children?
Self-acceptance and knowing they were loved for who they are, no matter what they become in life. Just be happy future baby Angels. 😛
I'd also want to pass on my love for learning new things and about new cultures and people. People fascinate me.
6. Do you think you can be completely satisfied living where you do right now?
It's ok lol. It works for me now but eventually, I'd like to find something just a bit bigger one day.
7. How comfortable are you in your home?
Very. It's home.
8. What political affiliation do you lean towards the most? And no cop out answers like "none". 😉
No worries........not ashamed of my political views.
Oh totally more a Democrat than anything. I'm pretty liberal and I believe that everyone deserves a chance to be happy (such as gay marriage - all for it). Not a fan of most conservative views as they seem to never want to fix anything and place the blame on others instead of actually coming up with solutions (or at least trying). Take a look in the P & R forum sometimes and see if you can find any thread that isn't a "Bash a Liberal" thread lol. Same ol' story.......*yawns*
9. Grab the book closest to you, turn to page 23 and find line 5. Will you type what it says?
"Don't forget that I have a doctor's appointment in the morning Mike. You said that you'd come with me, no?"
10. Would you give your life to save another?
Absolutely there are people that I'd do that for.
Do you think Purry has a crush on you?
and how is my sweet angel doing today??
How would you describe your laughter when you're being tickled?
Are you a thunderstorm fan?
Have you ever ever cried from laughing so much due to being tickled?
By golly...
1. Would you have Purr on Angel action with me?
Yes. Yes I would. 😀😉
2. Do you prefer fresh or cooked veggies more?
Depends on the veggie.
3. How did the first day at the new job go? Likes? Dislikes?
It was good! Crazy, but good. Likes - great people, great vibe, tons of work to be learned/done. Dislikes - the traffic getting to and fro.
4. How often do you do housecleaning?
Whenever the mood strikes me. I try to touch up at least once a week or so, like on weekend mornings.
5. Have you ever been with someone and felt as though 'they were the one', even if it was for a short period of time?
Yes I have.
6. What's the difference between settling for things and accepting them the way they are?
Settling for something doesn't necessarily mean you've dealt with an issue but accepting something generally means that you have. It doesn't have to be that you're happy with the situation but if you've accepted it, it's likely that you have probably have dealt with the negativity by then and realized it's better to move on.
7. Can you describe yourself in one sentence?
8. How have you change in the last 5 years?
I'm stronger. Definitely more of a realist but still stronger. I've realized that I can pretty much get through anything life throws my way.
9. What do you wish you had right at this moment that money can't buy?
A hug from my mama. I really miss her on days like this, when she would have been the first person I would have called to tell her all about my day.
10. What have you read online recently that's inspired you?
This man right here. The first time I saw this, I cried my eyes out. What an amazing outlook he has on life. I think a lot of people could really learn from him.
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How did your job go today??
That's friggin awesome. Now the first day is over, the rest come a little easier, no?
lol, you wouldn't be the only one then. 😛 one day I'll send you a pic of my stunned look.
whats yet plans this weekend? (I know its only monday, but I'm trying to keep the question thing going, lol)
Noice. very noice.
I'm hoping to get my drink on this weekend too.
Whatcha gonna drink?