Can you believe its February?![]()
How're you doing?![]()
Did you watch Jim Cantore's video on The Weather Channel where is was lightning during the snowstorm?
How you holding together, sweetheart? Need some extra hugs?![]()
Would you ever wrestle three midgets; in a three on one, mud wrestling match?
^I'd pay to see thatI'd bet on her too, lol
Ready for a lil bombing raid? You better be![]()
Sooooooo.... any thoughts on that bet?![]()
Still haven't decided on what jersey to wear Sunday, huh?
How was the tailgate party? 😀
Should we have our own tailgate party on Sunday?![]()
Will you attend the victory parade if there (hopefully) is one? 😀
Favourite Steeler at present?
Which Steeler will have the greatest impact on the outcome of Sunday's big game? 😱
Does the end of football season make you sad?![]()
My terrible towel never arrivedI'll have to improvise 😀
Did you know I'm rooting for the Pens tonight? 😛
Know why?![]()
How's Dad?![]()
You know a lot of folks are behind you, right? 🙂
Do you know I've grown a playoff beard for Sunday?![]()
Favourite Chinese dish?![]()
What's one dish you've always wanted to prepare but haven't?
Sushi or sashimi?![]()
Favourite exotic dish?
Favourite recipe that you prepare yourself? 🙂
What's the ultimate spread for Superbowl Sunday?![]()
What Leafs jersey should I get you?![]()
Do you know that break is coming soon?![]()
Who is your favourite hockey player of all time? 😀
How many hugs would you like right now?![]()
How many redo's do we have going now?![]()
I know you sing, lol 😛 What's your favourite song to belt out in the car?![]()
Think I can see you in what you showed me the other day soon?![]()
Do you know how often you make me go like this?![]()
Can you help me kick the border's ass?![]()
I've heard you play the piano... when was the last time you played? 🙂
Still planning on taking those guitar lessons?![]()
Will you teach me to polka with you?![]()
What dance would you like to learn?![]()
Do you know how amazing I think you are?![]()
How are the flowers? 🙂
Any special requests for Valentine's Day?![]()
Who will win the tickle fight when it happens?![]()
Think you can handle what I'm gonna dish out?![]()
Do you know I'll do it out of love?![]()
Favourite piece of bondage furniture you'd like to try?![]()
Wanna bet I can make you tap out first?![]()
Ever driven a boat?
Are you a strong swimmer?![]()
Will you let me take you tubing?![]()
Your idea of a relaxing, romantic evening? 🙂
Made any snow angels yet? 😛
Did you know I find it cute when you find it hard to say the "T" word?![]()
Favourite colour lightsabre? 😛
What's your favourite "Canadianism" you've learned so far?![]()
Think I'm gettin' Pittsburguese down n' nat?![]()
What was your initial reaction to your surprise on Monday? 🙂
Think this is enough for now? 😛
Take care of yourself, okay? Love ya![]()
Guess who? *snort* 😀
How ya doing, sweetheart?
Philly has the cheesesteak: what is Pittsburgh's dish of choice?
What's one type of food you would really like to learn how to make?
What's your ideal breakfast?
What's your ideal dessert?
Food in the bedroom: yay or nay?
1. Have you seen the Man vs. Food with Primanti's on it?
2. Are you a chocolate fan?
3. If someone brought a pastrami sandwich into the bedroom, would that be too much?
4. What about a side of steamed broccoli?
5. What's one food you will never, under any circumstances, eat?
6. What's one food you could eat for every meal and never complain?
7. Do you have trouble saying the "T" word, too?
How are you today my friend?![]()
Hi Buddy! I'm hanging in there. Kind of dazed at the moment. 🙂
Hope you're well!![]()
I am well thank you. Are you going to watch the game tomorrow?
Do you have trouble when other people say the "T" word, even out of context?
Great answers, hon!![]()
Can you believe Snout dropped by?![]()
Where are you watching the game tomorrow?
For every touchdown, would you allow yourself be tickle assaulted by any of the fine people that posts here?
Egg Salad?
All things considered, having a nice weekend so far? 🙂
How's your day going so far?
I'm gonna answer my bomb now... cover me? 😀
Love you![]()
What's the most times you've used the word FUCK in one sentence?
Awesome bomb, babe!!![]()
Great questions 🙂
Do you know how much fun I had joining you in Steeler Nation this season?![]()